The Sunday Steward The weekly parish bulletin for The Church of Saint Ann 1253 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 and the Saint Michael Church, Trenton, NJ FEBRUARY 15, 2015 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N ARY T I M E GET READY FOR OUR JOURNEY TO LENT 2015 #562 St. Ann - P.1 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E D AI LY LITURG Y f or t he Week of February 15, 2015 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM ST. MICHAEL 8:45 AM 10:00 AM MON., February 16 8:00 AM TUE., February 17 7:00 AM WED., February 18 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:15 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 PM THU., February 19 7:00 AM FRI., February 20 8:00 AM SAT., February 21 8:00 AM SUN., February 22 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM ST. MICHAEL 8:45 AM 10:00 AM Dr. Leo A. Fabbro by Sister, Lydia Fabbro Keephart People of the Parish The Parents of Jennie and Joe Martillotti by Jennie Martilotti Donato and Elisabette Rossi by Antonio Marie and Family Bruce Bennett by St. Ann Rosary Altar Society Nicola Armenti by Vincenzo and Ida Coccone Arthur Nitti by Grandchildren Bernadette Norton by Helen Carroll Tony Bucca by Divo and Veronica Brun John L. Shaffer by Lorraine Colavita Theodore Trust by Don and Bea Smith Estelle and Joseph Toomey by Kathryn Yaros Robert Anthony Guadagnino by People of the Parish Antonietta Armenti by Husband Virginia Dietrich by S. Marc Flannery Joe Martillotti by Loving Wife and Family Gloria M. Carroll by Bob and Rita Devine Wilma Zudnak by Kate and Bob John Kane by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cermele Doris Morrison by Margaret and John Smith Michelina and Paris Ciccone by Vincenzo and Ida Ciccone Joseph Martillotti by The Rogacki Family Francisco Gregorio by Gregorio and Manila Families John A. Simon by Joseph X. Infantini Stan Blazewswki by Son Patricia Loper by Peggy O'Neill Ann Commisso by E. Dana Morgan Antonio Cesaro by Lucille Mirando Catherine "Kitty" Romeo by Lucille Mirando Sr. Margaret Mary Mackey, OSF by Franciscan Sisters of Allegany Harold Fuhro by Agnes Briscoe Sebastiano Elpidia Tamasi by Esterina Toto and Children Winfred Siber by Wife and Children People of the Parish Bruce Bennett by The Clark Family Daniel DeCotiis by Vivian and Michael Kenyon Marion Connell by Helen Carroll Katarzyna Watras by Daughter, Maria Lawrence Callaghan by Blanche Forker A Message From Kelly Wolf LOVE is … LOVE is in the air this Valentine’s weekend. LOVE is more than just words. It’s action ! And nothing is more powerful than 1Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. The LOVE we share between spouses, between parent and child are lifelong commitments bigger than any Valentine’s flowers or chocolates, and sanctified by God. When we truly love someone we are willing to give of ourselves for that person’s benefit. LOVE happens in service of others. So go and celebrate LOVE: the LOVE of God, LOVE of each other, LOVE in the community and LOVE of the Church. ATTENTION MEN! CATHOLIC MEN for JESUS CHRIST will host their 18th Annual Men’s Conference on Saturday, February 28, at St. Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton. The theme of this year’s Conference is “Dare to Be a Disciple.” The day offers an excellent opportunity to hear inspirational speakers and interact with other men who are looking to grow in their walk with Jesus and to live out their Catholic Faith. Cost is $25 per person in advance ($30 at the door); $10 for students. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. For more information or to register online go to Baptism Congratulations This weekend, we welcome into our church through Baptism: Lydia Campbell Ciccimaro Lucy Aster DiBartolo Margaret Elizabeth Handschur We regret any misspellings in the Mass intentions. #562 St. Ann - P.2 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E SUNDAY, F e b r u a r y 1 5 , 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Solicitation - All Masses ● Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:30 AM - Church ● RCIA 9:30 AM - Church ● Baptisms 2:00 PM - Church ● Living Marriage Retreat 7:00 PM - American Martyrs and Pope John Paul Community Room MONDAY, F e b r u a r y 1 6 , 2015 ● ● ● ● ● SAS - Closed Parish Office - Closed Miraculous Medal Novena following 8:00 AM Mass Living the Eucharist 10:00 AM - American Martyrs Room Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:15 PM - Msgr. McCorristin Room TUESDAY, F e b r u a r y 1 7 , 2015 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Living the Eucharist 9:00 AM - Chapel Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 12 :00 PM to 6:00 PM - Daily Chapel Divine Mercy Holy Hour 3:00 PM - Daily Chapel Youth Band Rehearsal 5:00 PM - Sister Thea Bowman Music Room Adult Formation: Lent with Mary 7:00 PM - Pope John Paul Community Room Liturgy Committee Meeting 7:00 PM - Pope John XXIII Room Living the Eucharist 7:30 PM - Msgr. Michael McCorristin Room WEDNESDAY, F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2015 Ash Wednesday Mass and Distribution of Ashes - 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 AM; 12:15, 5:00 and 8:00 PM St. Michael Campus: 6:00 PM - English; 7:00 PM Slovak ● Living the Eucharist 1:00 PM - American Martyrs Room ● Adult Formation: Lent with Mary 1:30 PM - Pope John Paul Community Room ● Cantate Domino Rehearsal 6:30 PM - Dorothy Day Room ● Soup and Psalms 6:30 PM - Center for FaithJustice ● Bible Study: Gospel of Saint John 7:00 PM - Pope John Paul Community Room ● Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM - Sister Thea Bowman Music Room THURSDAY, F e b r u a r y 1 9 , 2015 ● ● ● ● ● ● Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:30 AM - Pope John XXIII Room Junior Legion of Mary 2:30 PM - Pope John Paul Community Room Saint Ann School Board 7:00 PM - Pope John XXIII Room 12:30 Band Rehearsal 7:00 PM - Sister Thea Bowman Music Room Saint Ann Novena 7:30 PM - (Saint Michael Church) Saint Jude Novena 8:00 PM - (Saint Michael Church) FRIDAY, F e b r u a r y 2 0 , 2015 ● ● ● ● ● Stations of the Cross 3:00 PM - Church Youth Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM - Sister Thea Bowman Music Room Men’s Evening of Reflection: Preparing for the Lenten Journey 7:00 PM - American Martyrs Room Stations of the Cross 7:30 PM - Church TaizéPrayer 8:00 PM - Chapel SATURDAY, F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2015 ● ● ● ● Pastoral Council following 8:00 AM Mass - Pope John Paul Community Room Cantate Domino Rehearsal 3:30 PM - Sister Thea Bowman Music Room Reconciliation 4:00 - 4:30 PM - Daily Chapel Vigil Mass 5:00 PM SUNDAY, F e b r u a r y 2 2 , 2015 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:30 AM - Church RCIA 9:30 AM - Church Adult Confirmation Preparation 9:45 AM American Martyrs Room Religious Education - Kindergarten 11:00 AM - Art Room Generations of Faith 5:00 PM - FDC Religious Education: 1st to 6th Grade 6:30 PM Saint Ann School Confirmation Prep 7th Grade 6:30 PM - Saint Ann School #562 St. Ann - P.3 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E We encourage all parish groups and committees to read and reflect the Sunday Gospel aloud before beginning a meeting, connecting your meeting to our Sunday Worship. NEXT WEEK’S GOSPEL ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE February 21/22, 2015 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM K. McQuarrie R. Daniel G. Kavulich M. Gordon C. Iucolino M. Sander G. Daniel S. Marut J. Gordon R. Abelowitz J. Logan B. Macellis M. Stivala D. Rowcotsky M. Abelowitz J. Sander M. Ortiz J. Featherton E. Sowa D. Delongaig S. Rulkiewicz S. Hoffman L. Koslowske J. Wolf D. Montez February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent MARK 1:12-15 The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” REFLECTION QUESTION What “wild beasts” do I find myself among in these opening days of Lent? Who are some “ministering angels” who bless my life? MOMs Club The MOMs Club of Lawrenceville-East is hosting a Preschool & Children’s Activities Fair on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Lawrence Senior Center, 30 Darrah Lane East, Lawrenceville, NJ, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The event is a one-stop shopping for information about area preschools and activities for young children in the Lawrenceville area. Free and open to the public. Please call (609) 851-0828 or email Parish Mission Statement The Church of Saint Ann in Lawrenceville is a Roman Catholic family of faith, built on the inspiration of past generations, to serve the community by loving God and our neighbor. Remembrance in Your Will A remembrance for your parish in your will is a wonderful way to provide for the future well-being of your parish community. Thank you for considering this very special way of sharing with your parish family. We strengthen faith, celebrate the sacraments, provide for the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, educate across the lifespan, heal the spiritually broken, and respect the dignity of human life. We live the Gospel and seek Christ in all people. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SAINT ANN SANCTUARY CANDLE JOHN KANE Requested by Dr. Andrea Cermele SAINT ANN ICON CANDLE VINCENT BOSSIO Requested by Giulio and Elvira DiZio #562 St. Ann - P.4 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E Please Take Note . . . Adult Faith Formation 2014 END OF THE YEAR LENT WITH MARY CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you would like a copy of your 2014 Contribution Statement, please contact Sister Joan at (609) 882-6491, ext. 105. COUNSELING SERVICES Our Parish Counselor, Charlotte Grodzki, is available to work with individuals, couples and families at the Faith Development Center. A New Jersey Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Ms. Grodzki is a credentialed in-network provider for Aetna, Value Options, United Behavioral Health, Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Medicare. Charlotte can be reached at (609) 426-0321. LIVING MARRIAGE MINISTRY We hope you will join us for these upcoming events, meet other parish couples, and have a bit of fun, too! Babysitting is free. RSVP to the FDC Welcome Desk, just so that we know how much food to get. When in doubt, JOIN US! February 15, 5:00-9:00 PM Annual Retreat starting with Mass! Yes, there WILL be a 5:00 PM Sunday Mass for those of us attending the retreat, so come at 5:00 PM and stay for dinner and the retreat, 'LOVE IS OUR MISSION'--Deanna & Tim Sass will be looking at the 'mission' of married couples, from launching pad to splash down and everything in between. There will be brief talks, couples' activities, music, and a good dose of fun, too, so this is a retreat not to miss! Oh, and did we mention yummy food? March 13, 7:00 PM Video Night. We will do another session of '10 Great Dates.' We will cue up two videos that cover important marriage issues and then discuss, laugh, and eat, as usual. These are always fun nights, so we hope you will join us! April 24 Parenting, with Barbara Cincilla. We are so excited to have a night on parenting, so if you would like to listen and/or discuss this important topic, please join us! More info will follow.... Previous attendance at LMM events is NOT required. We hope to see you! OFFERED TUESDAY EVENINGS, FEBRUARY 17 - MARCH 24, 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, FEBRUARY 18 - MARCH 25, 1:30 - 3:00 P.M. Dr. Laura Dunham In this six-week class participants will journey through Lent with Mary and with artists, poets, and musicians who have sought to experience the Paschal Mystery through her eyes. Using journaling, Lectio Divina and other forms of prayer and meditation, we will accompany Mary, sharing in the sorrow of the Crucifixion and the joy of the Resurrection. Instructor: Laura Dunham teaches and writes about Christian spirituality. Author of Path of the Purified Heart: The Spiritual Journey as Transformation, she is at work on a book on Mary. Laura is a Benedictine oblate, guides the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, and is a member of Saint Ann Parish. PREPARING OUR LENTEN JOURNEY (MEN’S EVENING OF REFLECTION) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 — 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. Facilitated by Father Vince Gartland In preparation for the Lenten Season, this evening of reflection will provide the men of the parish with an opportunity to reflect on their lives within the context of Christian faith. OFFERINGS AT FRANCIS HOUSE OF PRAYER Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center Box 392 • Rancocas, NJ 08073 SELF-EMPTYING LOVE THE MAXIMS OF FATHER MEDAILLE Sunday, March 8 1:00 – 4:00 PM Father Jean Pierre Medaille, SJ, founded the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1650 and handed down to us 100 Maxims to encourage and instruct us. This wonderful afternoon Lenten retreat will enhance your call to follow Jesus closely and embrace the Paschal Mystery in your life. Presenter: Sister Julie Fertsch, SSJ. Donation: Love Offering. PERSONAL RETREAT DAY Wednesday, March 11 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Take a day away from the busyness of your life to rest a while in the Lord and experience God’s presence. Come to Francis House for silence, personal prayer and optional spiritual direction. The day begins and ends with a brief prayer together. Donation: $10; $40 with Spiritual Direction. Please bring your lunch. #562 St. Ann - P.5 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E ANNOUNCEMENTS Knights of Columbus Atlantic City Bus Trip Lawrence Council, No. 7000, Knights of Columbus, is sponsoring an Atlantic City bus trip on Sunday afternoon, February 22, 2015, to Resorts Casino. The bus will leave 11:00 AM from the FIRST CHOICE BANK parking lot located 669 WHITEHEAD ROAD, and it will return at approximately 9:00 PM. The cost for the trip will be $25.00, BUT each attendee will receive back $25.00 in "slot" cash. For reservations and further details, call Pat Adesso at (609) 882-6721. The Annual Catholic Appeal's, formerly the Bishop’s Appeal, will kick off here in our parish at all masses on today. The mission of the appeal remains the same as it was when it began, to financially empower the Church to serve all the people of God, regardless of belief. What is different today is that the needs are greater than ever before. Please be generous. Where will the appeal money go? Proceeds from these trips are used to help fund many Liturgy and Sacraments: Your Appeal gift supports the effort of the charitable activities of the Lawrence Knights of to ensure that there will be priests and deacons to sustain and Columbus. nurture the sacramental life of our parishes. Catechesis, Lay Formation and Evangelization: Your support makes it possible for the Diocese to prepare leaders at the parish level who teach over 50,000 students each year and bring over 300 men and women annually into full initiation with the Catholic faith. This daily pursuit of holiness occurs as a result of. Catholic School Support: In what you return to the Lord Any baptized adult Catholic (16 years of age and older) through the ACA, you make possible, for nearly 17,000 who, for whatever reason, has not yet received the students, a broad range of services and resources which Sacrament of Confirmation should contact Gary ensure that our Catholic schools are better able to meet the Maccaroni at the parish office, (609) 882-6491, ext. 116, challenges before them so as to fulfill their essential mission or at for the Church by. Outreach to the Poor, Vulnerable: Through your support of Our next meeting is Sunday, February 22, 2015 at the ACA, you partner with the Diocese and your parish in the 9:45 AM in the Faith Development Center. daily efforts to provide programs and services for people who need them most. Ministry to Families, Youth and Young Adults: Due to the generosity of donors like you, an expansive array of ministry programs are made available from Sunday to Sunday, for families – at all stages of life – in the parishes and on a diocesan level. Offertory envelopes ARE available for pick up in the Gallery of Light in the Faith Development IS GOD CALLING YOU? Center. Envelopes will be in numerical order, Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men so please make a mental note of your number. who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. The group meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone that the A woman, who is a parishioner and teacher, is in need of a priesthood is their vocation. ride on Thursdays to Rutgers Campus in Newark, NJ. She If you are a faithful, single Roman Catholic man, between the needs to leave Lawrenceville about 3 PM in order to be on ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is time for her class. Because of medical issues, she is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend unable to drive or take public transportation. this month’s discernment meeting on February 22nd from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Saint James Parish, 115 E. If we could get a number of people who would be willing to Delaware Avenue, Pennington. Join Rev. Msgr. Michael J. take her and bring her home, it would make the trip Walsh, as he shares his experience of the priest hood, relatively easy. If you can help, please call Sister Beth followed by prayer, conversation and a meal. (609) 882-6491 ext. 115. Sacrament of Confirmation For Adults 2015 Attention Baptized Catholic But Not Confirmed! OFFERTORY ENVELOPES We Encourage You To “Wrap Your Gift” Help Needed #562 St. Ann - P.6 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E Journeying in Lent . . . Our journey of Lent can be likened to our whole parish being on retreat. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. A cross is made on our forehead and we commit ourselves to turning from sin and being faithful to the Gospel. Ashes will be distributed as part of our services at 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 AM and at 12:15, 5:00 and 8:00 PM. EACH SERVICE WILL HAVE 3 PARTS: LITURGY OF THE WORD, BLESSING AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES, AND LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST. SAINT MICHAEL CHURCH: 6:00 PM (ENGLISH) AND 7:00 PM (SLOVAK) AND 8:30 PM (KOREAN). Please encourage your friends, neighbors, and family to join in one of these services. Fasting to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by everyone 18 years of age and older who have not yet reached their 59th birthday. On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, enough to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but consuming liquids, including milk and juices, is allowed. Abstinence is observed by everyone 14 years of age and older. On days of abstinence no meat is allowed. Ash Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday are days of abstinence. If a person is unable to observe the above regulations because of health or other serious reasons, other suitable forms of self-denial are encouraged STATIONS OFTHE CROSS One of our traditional Lenten practices is the praying the footsteps of Jesus to Calvary. of the Stations of the Cross. It is our way of walking in At 3:00 and 7:30 PM each Friday, during Lent, we will gather in the church to pray and reflect together on Jesus’ Passion. We are in need of people who would be willing to lead the Stations of the Cross at 3 pm and at 7:30. If you can assist us, please call Sister Beth 882-6491. Saint Ann School will pray the Stations of the Cross Thursdays at 1:30 PM Lent makes little sense unless it is seen and celebrated with a vision of Easter. Lent is a final preparation of our catechumen and candidates for the Sacraments of Initiation and for all Christians to prepare for renewing our baptismal commitment. During Lent we are called to strengthen our purpose and clarify our vision – to live in a new way, leading to a right relationship with God, the earth, and all people. Our traditional practices of almsgiving, prayer, and fasting are the ways that can help us prepare for the new life promised by the Risen Jesus on Easter Sunday. ● Almsgiving helps us to become more detached from things in order to focus our attention on God and makes us more aware of the poverty of others. ● Fasting helps us to realize our dependence, it helps us become aware of the needs of others, it empties us so that we can be filled with God’s gifts. ● Prayer is aimed at restoring and deepening our communion with God. These three components of Lent are a gift that we give to God so that we can enter more deeply into the mystery of our redemption. #562 St. Ann - P.7 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E Journeying in Lent . . . continued RCIA Information As a parish family, we will be praying, fasting, and giving alms, which prepares us to renew our Baptismal commitment. In fact, some of the younger members of the parish will be preparing for the reception of their First Communion and others will be preparing for Confirmation, both Sacraments of Initiation. Chris Mauro, Erika Berger, and Jason Bannon join us as they begin their final preparation for their reception of the Easter Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. At our Easter Vigil, April 4, Chris will be baptized for the first time, and Erika and Jason will be received into the Catholic Church. All of them will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Next Sunday at the 9:30 mass, we will celebrate the Rite of Sending and the Calling of the Candidates for Continuing Conversion. In this Rite this parish community will be sending Chris Mauro to Saint Mary’s Cathedral for the Rite of Election. During this Rite, Bishop David O’Connell will call Chris to receive the Easter sacraments. For Erika and Jason, this Rite calls them to seriously prepare for their reception into the Catholic Church and receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. Erika Berger is a resident of Lawrenceville. She is engaged to Matthew Knob and plans to marry on May 2, 2015. She works for Colgate-Palmolive as a Trade Development Coordinator. She was baptized in the Lutheran Church. Jason Bannon lives with his wife, Julia and their two children, Jeb and Annabell in Ewing. Jason is the Director of Marketing and Communication at Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southwestern Pennsylvania. He was baptized in the Episcopalian Church. Chris Mauro lives in Levittown, Pennsylvania and will be married to Sabina Glab in August, 2015. Chris has a daughter, Julia. Chris works in the field of accounting. Chris was never baptized. You’ll want to save the date, SUNDAY, MARCH 29 - 3:00 P.M. for : THE SAINT ANN ADULT CHOIR PRESENTATION of THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS — A CONTEMPORARY TENEBRAE SERVICE BY LLOYD LARSON Tenebrae (Latin for shadows or darkness) follows the final hours of Jesus' life and crucifixion. Continue your Lenten journey with a contemplative afternoon of songs and readings. #562 St. Ann - P.8 . F E B R U AR Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N AR Y T I M E 2015 FISH FRY FEBRUARY 18, 2015 at the SAINT ANN SCHOOL CAFETERIA Proceeds will go to our partner parish in Guatemala, San Andres Parish. LAST CHANCE TO BUY FISH FRY TICKETS THIS WEEKEND! Did you get home from church last weekend, open the bulletin and say “shoot, I meant to buy the fish fry tickets”? Well, fear not, for you may purchase them this weekend. This weekend is the last opportunity to buy your tickets for this year’s fish fry! Remember, you can write a check to “The Church of Saint Ann” for the tickets. Stop by the Fish Fry table in the Gallery of Light today after Mass. We have your tickets! This year’s fish fry is dedicated to the memory of Joann Scofield, a loyal fish fry volunteer for years and a wonderful person who we were fortunate to know. Please note the take out time and the seating times below. The caterer will only be on site for a limited time period. Take out dinner: 4:30pm - 5:30pm Sit-down dinner: 5:30pm - 6:15pm Sit-down dinner: 6:15pm - 7:00pm Dinner will include Scottish style deep fried batter dipped fish & chips (french fries) from The Thistle Fish & Chips, coleslaw, tartar sauce, roll & butter. ADULTS - $13 CHILDREN (1/2 portion) $7 ADVANCE SALES & PRE-ORDERS ONLY!! The caterer needs a fish count before the event, so please purchase your tickets TODAY! Tickets will be on sale after all Masses February 14 and 15 in the Gallery of Light. You can also sign up to volunteer at that time or call Stan Karuzis at 936-0755. IMPORTANT NOTES: Please do not arrive until the starting time for the tickets you purchase. Times are designated to help the flow of people. ● If you purchase tickets for the last seating, please try to arrive by 6:30 at the latest. Make your one full meal memorable on Ash Wednesday! Help our partner parish and join us for a great sociable dinner or take home a delicious meal. Either way, you will not be disappointed. Ask any of our repeat participants, they will tell you how good it is! #562 St. Ann - P.9 . FEBRUARY 15, 2015 - S I X T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N ARY T I M E Rev. Gerard F. Lynch, O.SS.T., Pastor Rev. Msgr. Casimir Ladzinski, Weekend Assistant Rev. Vladimir Chripko, Weekend Assistant Sister Beth Dempsey, RSM, Pastoral Associate Mr. Gary Maccaroni, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Christine Barranco, Pastoral Associate Mr. James Scott, Deacon Mrs. Maryann Tsougas, Administrative Assistant /Parish Secretary Miss Christine Meagher, Receptionist Sr. Joan Carter, RSM, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lori Dunn, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Kelly Wolf, Religious Education Coordinator Mr. Brett Johnson, FDC Caretaker Ms. Carol Southard, Music Coordinator Parish Office: 609-882-6491 Fax: 609-882-4366 Parish Website: 882-6491 ext 112 882-6491 ext 115 359-9966 359-9977 359-9954 882-6491 ext 101 882-6491 ext 105 882-6491 ext 106 882-1212 ext 234 882-6491 ext 110 882-6491 ext 118 Ms. Rachel Lavery, Director, Adult Choir Ms. Jean DiMarco, Director, Youth Choir Mr. Michael McCormick, Organist, Adult Choir Mrs. Diane Hurley, Accompanist, Youth Choir Mrs. MaryAnn Raccosta, Youth Ministry Coordinator Mr. John McKenna, Principal, Saint Ann School Mr. & Mrs. George Krisak, Sextons (Saint Michael) Mr. Christopher Sikorski, Sexton (Saint Ann) Mr. Bob Seaman, Maintenance Supervisor Ms. Charlotte Grodzki, LCSW, Counselor Church of Saint Ann Legacy Society Helping Hands Ministry Prayer Groups Prayer Shawl Ministry ...and Many Faithful Volunteers Saint Ann School 609-882-8077 School Fax: 609-882-0327 School Website: 882-6491 ext 135 882-6491 ext 122 882-6491 ext 107 882-8077 882-6491 ext 109 426-0321 882-6491 ext 108 882-6491 ext 120 882-6491 ext 166 882-6491 ext 167 Religious Education Office: 609-882-1212 THE SACRAMENTS Sunday Eucharist: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM; Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, and 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM Saint Michael Church: 8:45 AM (English); 10:00 AM (Slovak); 12:30 PM (Korean) Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:00 AM; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:00 AM Holy Days: As listed in the bulletin. Liturgy of the Hours and Communion Service: Monday and Friday at 7:00 AM Baptisms: First and third Sundays at 2:00 PM and at Baptism Sundays scheduled throughout the year. Baptism Preparation: Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the FDC. Parents are encouraged to attend this session early in the pregnancy. Baptisms are scheduled after participating in the session. Marriage: Ideally, couples planning to marry at Saint Ann should contact the Parish Office one year in advance so that they may complete the necessary marriage preparation process. Please set date with Church before making other plans. Penance/Reconciliation: Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 PM in the Daily Chapel or anytime by appointment. Anointing of the Sick/Communion to the Homebound: Please notify the Parish Office when serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are confined to home for an extended period. Arrangements can be made to bring communion to those unable to get to church. In an emergency, call the Parish Office anytime. Nighttime emergency phone number is (609) 882-6491 (press 1). RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) RCIA is the process by which adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church. This includes receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please call the parish office for information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Parish Religious Education Program for children (CCD) meets Sundays (kindergarten and special education) from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon and Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:45 PM Phone (609) 882-1212. Religious Education Office: Located on the second floor of Saint Ann School. Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM. SAINT ANN SCHOOL, 34 Rossa Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648: Saint Ann School has provided quality elementary school education for over forty years. It also sponsors extended day and afterschool programs. The preschool program serves children aged three to four years. Phone (609) 882-8077 Fax (609) 882-0327 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Located in the Faith Development Center. (Entrance behind Church/opposite Saint Ann School.) Parish Office Hours: Monday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM; Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 AM until 8:00 PM; Sunday 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM; and by appointment. Call anytime in the case of an emergency. PARISH BULLETIN Information for the bulletin needs to be received at the Parish Office by 3:00 PM on Friday of the preceding week. E-mailing items for consideration to is preferred. Thank you! #562 St. Ann - P.10 . GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 ett Barr Fuel Oil PAV I N G C O M PA N Y 400 Prospect Street • Trenton, NJ (609) 882-2236 Bernard L. Hoffman, III DDS • Ana Paula Hoffman, DDS, MS, PhD Free cleaning w/ad ACCEPTING EMERGENCIES (New Patients) 117 Washington Crossing-Pennington Rd., Pennington 609-737-0006 GUTTER DOCTOR X Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 RICHARD T. BARRETT PENNINGTON FAMILY DENTISTRY 400 Prospect Street Trenton, NJ 08618-2630 Office 609-883-7749 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 FREE INSPECTION RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. Sweat is Calories Crying BACKES & HILL Attorneys at Law PERSONAL TRAINING Colin Hartmann Harry R. Hill, Jr., Parishioner Personal Injury • Real Estate Business & Employment Law Estate Planning & Administration 215-450-7588 Representing the Diocese for over 100 years ACSM Certified • Crossfit Level 1 Certified Mr. Plumber 396-8257 (609) 585-0545 NJ Lic. #8271B Plumbing • Heating Sewer Cleaning Licensed & Insured Lic. NJ 5243 609-392-6680 Commercial • Industrial • Residential Lic. NJ 162 ROBERT CANDELORI, MEMBER OF DIOCESE BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 609-386-6969 Vinyl & Aluminum Siding • Replacement Windows • Doors Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates Member of the Parish 126 ELDRIDGE AVENUE, LAWRENCEVILLE 882-6709 Colavita Jewelers, Inc. 209 Scotch Rd., Ewing, NJ 08628 • Phone: 609-883-1090 WANTED: Buying All Gold Jewelry • Also Buying Dental Gold, Coins, Diamonds & Silver • New, Used, Old, Broken, Damaged 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning LARGE SELECTION 2630 Business Rt. 1 North Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609) 375-1000 Heavenly Design Florist Flowers for all Occasions 1249 Brunswick Ave. Phone: 609-394-3004 • Fax: 609-394-3005 Email: New Owners BRIAN BENNETT $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. • Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) • Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) • Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair • Tile & Grout Cleaning, Sealing & Coloring, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Countertops & Much More! • Power/Pressure Washing S ENIOR C ITIZEN D ISCOUNT Licensed & Insured • Chimney Cleaning 1.866.264.8444 C HURCH M EMBER D ISCOUNT General Manager The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection PARKSIDE BRENNA-CELLINI FUNERAL HOME LAWRENCEVILLE PODIATRY 1584 Parkside Ave., Ewing, NJ 08638 (609) 882-4454 2601 Princton Pike JOHN FRANCESCHINI, DPM Maria E. Brenna, Owner/Manager NJ Lic. No. 4879 Joseph A. D’Errico, Owner/Director NJ Lic. No. 3651 Stephen J. Sabo, Jr., Director NJ Lic. No. 3705 883-7600 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call Brenna-Cellini Funeral Home where you’ll be treated with care and compassion Competitive pricing while being treated like family Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 When You’re Too Healthy For A Hospital And Too Hurt To Go Home, GARVEY PEST CONTROL, INC. An Intelligent Approach to Pest Control General Household Pest Control - Bees, Carpenter Ants Small Animal & Bird Control • Termite Baiting Commercial/Residential Tom Garvey, Member of Diocese 448-0900 Licensed & Insured Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 112 Franklin Corner Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Call To Have Your Hearing Checked Free Of Charge 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 TINY CUSTOM CANAL HEARING AID Starkey DX ITC $1300 6 months Interest Free (To Qualified Buyers--Call for Details) Starkey Destiny 1200 (Open Fit) $1900 Model 2011 Kathleen Evans M.S., CCC-A, Audiologist, NJ License YA70600 562 St. Ann, Lawrenceville, NJ (Rt. T) (I) Most Insurance Plans Accepted - General Motors - Medicaid 2657 Nottingham Way • Mercerville, NJ 08619 609-586-3350 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Al’s Service Center Member of the Diocese THE McGRATH PHARMACY 1251 Lawrence Road,Lawrenceville, NJ • Phone 882-7777 Fax 530-1475 ROAD SVC. & TOWING Spec. in Foreign & Domestic Repairs Albert Mattera, Owner/Operator Family Owned for over 35 Years 135 Lawrenceville Rd. Parishioner Disc. w/ ad 609-392-8328 Servicing the Community Since 1957 • Open 365 Days a Year A UNIQUE WINE & PAINT STUDIO Director - N.J. Lic. No. 4570 609-883-5066 30 Yrs In Bus. • Parishioner Destribats Campbell, LLC personal injury/workers compensation/litigation criminal/municipal court • real estate wills and estates • family law 247 white horse ave., hamilton, nj 08610 609-585-2443 Parishioner 609-771-8000 Farrell & Marino LLC Monuments and Vaults Granite • Barre Guild Seal • Bronze Douglas Sutphen, President 609-921-6420 La Piccola Cucina CEMETERY MONUMENTS 29 Greenview Avenue, Princeton, NJ 08542 Senior Special 65+ 609-392-0331 9 Tues-Wed-Thurs & Sun 4-6pm - Starting at $ 99 1906 Princeton Ave., Lawrenceville St. Ann’s Parishioners 1603 N. Olden Ave., Ewing, NJ 08638 Located in South Lawrence Twp. Just Seconds from Notre Dame H.S. M WILLIAM MURPHY, INC. 935 PARKWAY AVENUE EWING, NJ 08618 TIMOTHY W. EVERETT, MANAGER NJ LIC. NO. 3506 FUNERAL HOMES • EST. 1870 609-882-3800 JOHN M. (MARK) ARNOLD, NJ LIC. NO. 4236, OWNER Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Auto • Home • Business Insurance 20 Denow Rd. Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-3pm or By Appt. 609-896-1021 Dennis G. Regan Richard A. Regan Knights of Columbus INSURANCE YOUR SHIELD FOR LIFE Life Insurance • Long Term Care • IRAs Disability • Wealth & Estate Preservation FOR PRODUCT & MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION, CALL HENRY ANGELUCCI, FIELD AGENT (609) 558-9491 HENRY.ANGELUCCI@KOFC.ORG WWW.ANGELUCCIPRACTICE.COM 562 St. Ann, Lawrenceville, NJ (Rt. T) (B) The Original St. Ann Parishioner & Knights of Columbus Member 22 Lawn Park Avenue Lawrenceville, NJ 609.882.9119 BYOB $1.50 OFF Large Pizza w/ coupon BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK 609-585-8104 COLONIAL VALLEY COINS of Lawrenceville Stan Hines ~ Owner Jeff Bowens ~ Manager Your Station For 877-401-4777 Complete Auto Service SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: “Proud to serve Parishioners” DINE IN • PICKUP • DELIVERY (near Rider Univ.) • M-Sat 11am-10:30pm; Sun 12pm-10pm Monday 8 am-6 pm • Tuesday 7:30 am-5 pm Wednesday 8 am-5:30 pm • Friday 8 am-4 pm Saturday - Open One Per Month Serving PA, NJ & DE 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 Office Hours: 82 Franklin Corner Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Joseph R. DeLorenzo Your Real Estate Connection 609-895-0500 x107 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ General Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Visit WWW.KOSZTYU.COM RE/MAX IN TOWN “JOE D” PETER J. RUSSO AGENCY Coins - American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Estates • Collections Lorraine Kosztyu, DMD, PA Call (609) 896-1050 to schedule an appointment. 1863 HAMILTON AVENUE HAMILTON, NJ 08619 CARMEN C. HUBER, DIRECTOR NJ LIC. NO. 3983 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DESIGN/BUILD Phone: 609-895-1100 Fax: 609-895-1126 Follow us on: Director N.J. Lic. No. 4447 1215 Lawrenceville Rd. 609-396-9868 Fourth St. & Columbia • Ewing, NJ Scott C. Larkin Sarah A. Sunda SUTPHEN MEMORIALS, INC. Italian Fine Dining REPAIRS • OIL & LUBE • TUNE-UP SEASONAL MAINTENANCE Owner-Manager N.J. Lic. No. 3529 BOSSIO’S DELI & CATERERS RESERVE A SEAT FOR A FUN NIGHT OUT OR BOOK YOUR NEXT PARTY 8 Gordon Ave., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-895-0340 • TONY’S AUTO SERVICE Joseph C. Parell, III 2417 Main Street - Route 206 (609) 896-1520 THE FLOWER & COUNTRY STORE Your Florist for Any Occasion Flowers Unique Gifts Fruit & Gift Baskets 609-434-1144 Immigration • Wills & Estates Bankruptcy Located at: 134 Franklin Corner Rd. Suite 107 Lawrenceville NJ 08648 Accessible via NJTransit Bus No. 603 E-mail: Se Habla Español 609.924.8500 Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion Tuesday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday & Monday Appts. Only • 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 Want to know how much your home is worth? Call me today for a FREE Market Analysis. Christina Winka, Realtor, ABR Direct: 609-213-6427 Parishioner Princeton Real Estate Search for homes at Design & Renovation by Rémi Home Improvement & Mobile Showroom Specializing in Kitchens, Bathrooms, Home Offices, Libraries, Entertainment Centers, Fireplace Mantels, Tile and Fine Carpentry Remi Hocquaux, CKD, CBD • St. Ann’s Parishioner Certified Kitchen & Bathroom Designer 10 Holly Lane Cell: (609) 218-4387 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Fax: (609) 228-4040 NJ Lic #13VH04575600 PA Lic # PA067260 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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