CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. Rank/Position 06.01.2015 Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks New seafarers and offshore personnel added within the last week: Master, Chief Officer 358 Offshore Coordination Manager Chief Officer / 435 2nd Officer / Junior DPO STCW license Master unlimited, DP induction/basic course, German mid Jan 2015 jack up installation vessel/DP2, OSV, Guard Vessel, HSC, CTV, Tug, experience in operation of jacking systems, coordination of Passenger helicopter operations, coordination of barge manoeuvres Ukrainian mid Jan 2015 PSV, Car Carrier, General Cargo in possession of DP Induction and HUET. Since mid 2014 Chief Officer but willing to start with new employer as 2nd Officer first, preferably DP Vessel. Belgian end Jan 2015 various ROV equipment Experience as ROV Pilot/ROV Technician, Diver Inspector, Shift Supervisor, ACFM operator in worldwide offshore sectors for major offshore contractors Polish immediately OSV/DP2, DSV/DP2, Cable Layer/DP2, Pipelayer, FPSO, MPSV, AHTS, , PSV, Seismic Survey national Master license unlimited, DP unlimited, offshore exp since 2001, well experienced in SDPO duties, ROV support, worked for projects in offshore Oil, Gas and Wind 176 ROV Supervisor/ Pilot/Tec British immediately survey and inspection of Platforms/pipelines/seabed, Drill support, installation of cables, platform/rig maintenance, wreck survey, spudcan survey >40 years experience with work class and eye ball vehicles, diving operations, operation and service of any kind of ROV and survey equipment, exp in electronics 270 Chief Officer German immediately Jack up Installation vessel/DP2, Container, Ro-Ro, well experienced Chief Officer in Container Trade, Master endorsement unlimited 350 2nd Officer /DPO Latvian immediately PSV /DP2, AHTS, jack up installation vessel/DP2 DP advanced course 355 Chief Officer/SDPO Polish immediately Jack Up installation vessel/DP2, MPSV-DSV/DP2, PSV/DP1, OSV/DP1 DP unlimited license, well experienced as SDPO in wind turbine installationm dive support and Oil field maintenance works, experienced in take over and DP trial of newbuilt jack up wind far installation vessel 374 Chief Engineer Lithuanian immediately Chemical Tanker, Oil Tanker, Product Tanker, CTV, Engines: MANB&W, MaK, MTU long service experience on Chemical II-III Tankers up to 7000kw 381 Able Seaman German immediately Coastal Passenger Vessels, Coastal Rescue Vessel (German Resident) immediately CTV, Container, Bulkcarrier, General Cargo experience in Crew Transfer vessels wind farm sector Polish immediately OSV/DP2, AHTS/DP2, FPSO full DP unlimited license German immediately Coastal Fishing vessel, Coastal Passenger vessel also CoC Ship's Engineer 750kw 436 ROV Pilot Tech / Inspection Engineer Available Personnel: 117 Chief Officer/SDPO 382 Able Seaman 407 Chief Officer/SDPO 412 2nd Officer/500 GT, Master (Fishing Vessel) Indian Page 1 of 3 CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. Rank/Position 06.01.2015 Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks HLO certificate, Offshore Crane Op Stage II+III, all offshore safety courses, Able Seaman Certificate, crane exp up to 140 tons SWL. 413 Crane Operator /HLO Polish immediately Oil Rig, DSV, MPSV, Survey vessel, Tanker, Ro-Ro 424 2nd Engineer German immediately Ro/Ro Ferry, Container, Multipurpose Carrier, Eng Exp: Sulzer, MaK, MAN-B&W 425 3rd Engineer German immediately Container, Tanker, Bulker, Eng Exp: MAN-B&W Camp Boss/ 426 Administration Officer/ Catering Manager Polish immediately Oile rig, OSV, Offshore accommodation unit 427 3rd Engineer Polish immediately Tanker, Pipelayer, Reefer, RoRo, Eng Exp: Cummins, MAN-B&W, MaK, Caterpillar 428 ROV Pilot/Technician British immediately various ROV equipment like Seaeye Falcon and Sub-Atlantic many years of experience with various ROV types and ROV Comanche, various electric and hydraulic deck machines and cranes operations worldwide for major offshore oil/gas contractors Polish immediately Accommodation Vessel, Diving Support Vessel, Cablelayer, MPSV, Seismic Research Vessel professional with many years of experience within the Hotel / Catering at Offshore sector, worked as Cook, Chief Cook, 1st Day Cook/Camp Boss and Catering Manager from 60 – 200 POB. worked with different nationalities Polish immediately Container, MPC, split hopper barges many years experience as Chief Officer and Master on Containerships (up to 2500 TEU) with German shipowners, German language skills immediately Vehicle work class Mill36, Mill37, MAG160, MAG32, MAG 119, MAG120 . ROV experience since 2006, worldwide work experience with various ROV equipment for major offshore contractors 429 Camp Boss / Catering Manager 430 Master 431 ROV Pilot/Senior ROV Pilot British Tech / Sub Eng qualified in HACAP/ ISO / QHSE /COSHH, experienced in fields of catering administration and logistics as well as offshore catering and supplying procedures 432 Helicopter Pilot Spanish immediately Eurocopter, Bell, Sikorsky, experienced as Helicopter pilot in firefighting & emergency medical missions, 433 ROV Pilot Tech Spanish immediately various ROV equipment well trained ROV Pilot 434 Chief Steward / Cook Polish immediately PSV, DSV, construction vessel, MPSV, Seismic vessel, pipe layer, cable layer, Ro-Ro/Pax Chief Steward for up to 80 crew+offshore staff in worldwide oil an gas fields 145 Master/SDPO Polish mid Jan 2015 DP2 AHTS, MPSV, DP2 DSV, Construction Barge DP Unlimited, long experience on DP2 vessels, very experienced on AHTS, also large 6000GT Newbuilding AHTS 398 Chief Officer/DPO Romanian end Jan 2015 OSV/subsea vessel DP2, AHTS, Produict Tanker Master endorsement unlimited, full DP unlimited license, experienced in trenching ops, ROV, SAT diving support, anchorhandling, towing 349 2nd Officer /SDPO Romanian beg Feb 2015 AHTS, Fall Pipe Vessel DP2, jack up installation vessel/DP2 DP unlimited license Page 2 of 3 CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. 06.01.2015 Rank/Position Electrician Team 254 leader/wind turbine installation Installation Electrician Team+Team Leader (5 to 264 10+1) wind turbine installation 360 Chief Officer/DPO Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks Lithuanian to be agreed Wind Farm installation service, Wind turbine manufacturer experienced in Wind turbine installation and maintence North Sea offshore wind farms Latvian to be agreed Wind turbine installation offshore/onshore full team consisting in up to 10 experienced Electricians/Mechanics + Team leader, experienced in installation of offshore wind turbines North Sea/Germany German to be agreed Jack up Wind farm installation vessel, Jack Up Barge, Oil Drilling Rig, Suction Dredger, Cruise vessels, Container Master License unlimited, DP Advanced Course, expereince in jacking systms and jacking operations If you are interested in recruitment of personnel for one of the listed positions or if you wish to place any other requirement then please contact us. Tel.: +49-4154-5954071 Mob.: +49-176-30702620 Email: Page 3 of 3
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