CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. Rank/Position 03.03.2015 Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks New seafarers and offshore personnel added within the last week: OSV/DP2, DSV/DP2, Cable Layer/DP2, Pipelayer, FPSO, MPSV, AHTS, , PSV, Seismic Survey national Master license unlimited, DP unlimited, BOSIET, HUET, offshore exp since 2001, well experienced in SDPO duties, ROV support, worked for projects in offshore Oil, Gas and Wind 117 Chief Officer/SDPO Polish immediately 215 Chief Officer/SDPO Lithuanian immediately 352 2nd Officer/DPO Polish immediately Master, Chief Officer 358 Offshore Coordination Manager German immediately jack up installation vessel/DP2, OSV, Guard Vessel, HSC, CTV, Tug, experience in operation of jacking systems, coordination of Passenger helicopter operations, coordination of barge manoeuvres 407 Chief Officer/SDPO Polish immediately OSV/DP2, AHTS/DP2, FPSO full DP unlimited license, HUET Belgian immediately various ROV equipment Experience as ROV Pilot/ROV Technician, Diver Inspector, Shift Supervisor, ACFM operator in worldwide offshore sectors for major offshore contractors 458 Master Croatian immediately VLCC, Oil/Chemical Tanker, FPSO many years experince on Tankers 459 2nd Officer / SDPO German immediately AHTS /DP2, Container DP unlimited license, BOSIET, HUET Master 500GT/ 455 Chief Officer unlimited/ 2nd Officer/ JDPO German end Feb 2015 Container, Tug, Offshore supply tug Multipurpose carrier, Research vessel DP induction course, STCW endorsement Chief Officer unlimited, Master 500GT. 456 2nd Officer / 3rd Officer German end Feb 2015 Container, Coaster Romanian end Feb 2015 PSV DP2, AHTS DP2, Container DP Advancned Training (residing abroad) to be agreed Container, General Cargo, DP induction course, long seaservice record as Master on Container ships with same company, served also as Sea and Harbour Pilot within last years German immediately AHTS, Container, engine exp: MAN, Caterpillar, MaK, Deutz many years of experience on AHTS, also take over from shipyard to operation base 335 Able Seaman German immediately Crew transfer/Wind farm supply vessel, General Cargo, Bulk carrier 374 Chief Engineer Lithuanian immediately Chemical Tanker, Oil Tanker, Product Tanker, CTV, Engines: MANB&W, MaK, MTU 436 457 ROV Pilot Tech / Inspection Engineer Chief Officer/2nd Officer/JDPO 386 Master DP2 Heavy Lift Vessel, DP2 Fallpipe vessel, THSD Dredger, AHTS/DP2 Shuttle Tanker/DP2, Research vessel/DP1, Chemical Tanker, Oil Tanker DP unlimited, well experienced in DP 2 operation (Kongsberg K-POS, SDP-21), Rockdumping, survey DP unlimited license STCW license Master unlimited, DP induction/basic course, German Available Personnel: 265 Chief Engineer, Single Engineer Page 1 of 3 long service experience on Chemical II-III Tankers up to 7000kw CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. Rank/Position 03.03.2015 Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks 398 Chief Officer/DPO Romanian immediately OSV/subsea vessel DP2, AHTS, Produict Tanker Master endorsement unlimited, full DP unlimited license, experienced in trenching ops, ROV, SAT diving support, anchorhandling, towing 403 2nd Officer/SDPO Ukrainian immediately drilling vessel DP1, DSV DP2, MPSV DP2 , ROV, Cable lay vessel DP2, PSV, AHTS DP1 DP unlimited license, well experienced on various types of vessels with DP Multipurpose rating/ 437 Ship's mechanic, Able B. Seaman, Deckhand German immediately Pilot Tender, Pilot boat, RoRo-Pax Ferry, Research vessel German "Schiffsmechaniker" qualification (Multi purpose rating Deck/Engine) Canadian immediately various subsea and ROV equipment on board offshore vessels, platforms and shore side project supervision 24 years of experience in subsea industry globally. Experience in Diving/ROV, Submersible/ADS Operations. Projects completed include Construction, IRM, Salvage, Field Installation, Inspection, Military and Scientific Works. Polish immediately Drilling Rig, Research and Survey vessel, Guard Vessel, RoRo-Pax ferry, container, tall ship graduated from maritime academy, served as Cadet and OS in Offshore industry, ready to be employed as AB or Deck Officer Trainee for familiarzation and probation period 440 Master/Chief Officer Bulgarian immediately AHTS, Tug, General Cargo, RoRo-Pax ferry 1 year experience as Master on AHTS 441 Chief Engineer Ukrainian immediately AHTS, OSV, Bulk Carrier, Container, Eng exp: Caterpillar, Sulzer, Pielstick DP Maintenance certifcate, 2 years exp on AHTS, Offsh. Project Manager/ 438 Offsh. Constr. Manager/ ROV-Dive Supervisor 439 Able B. Seaman/Deck Officer/Safety Officer 442 Electrical Engineer / Electr.-Technical Officer Romanian immediately Container, Engine exp: MAN B&W, Sulzer RT-flex in possession of DP maintenace certificate. Willing to work o/b offshore vessels and familiarize with DP systems 443 Able B. Seaman/ Deckhand/ Roustabout Croatian immediately Oil Rig, DSV, Ro-Ro, commercial yacht BOSIET, HUET, MIST on hand 444 2nd Officer/3rd Officer/ JDPO Polish immediately OSV, Oil/Chemical Tanker, General Cargo DP induction course, BOSIET and HUET 445 3rd Engineer Polish immediately OSV, Research vessel, Container BOSIET on hand 446 Chief Engineer Estonian immediately Oil/Chemical Tanker many years of experience as Chief Engineer on tankers of reputable ship owners and with major tanker charterers Oceanographer (Physical) German and Deck Officer/JDPO immediately research vessel, Academic degree in physical oceanography (University of Kiel), scientific experience on various research vessels, lso study in nautical science, in possession of STCW Deck Officer endorsement and DP induction immediately MPSV, AHTS, PSV, DSV, construction barge, jack up barge, ocean going tug, passenger vessel, container, tanker long experience in catering of small and large crew Oil/Chemical Tanker, LPG Tanker, many years in rank on tankers, large list of different chemical, oil products an LPG cargo, Ship-to-Ship, 0dry docks, shipyards, - taking over new ship and new management, Tank's coating type experience, Ice Navigation 447 448 Chief Cook/ Chief Steward Polish 449 Chief Officer Romanian immediately Page 2 of 3 CONSULTING JANSSEN GmbH -Maritime ServicesList of crew and offshore personnel available on short notice and within the next few weeks (sorted by availability date) Last update: No. 03.03.2015 Rank/Position Nationality Date available Vessel/Unit/Engine type Experience Remarks DP unlimited license, BOSIET, HUET, good expereince on modern DP2 jack up installation vessels, experience in wind farm construction and Oil/Gas installations and support vessel operations many years of experience on dredgers with a major European dredger operator 451 Chief Officer/SDPO Polish end Feb 2015 J/up wind farm installation vessel/DP2, J/up construction self prop platform/DP1, MPSV/DP2-3, OSV, J/up drilling rig, DSV 452 Chief Officer Ukrainian end Feb 2015 TSHD dredger, OSV 453 2nd Officer/JDPO Polish end Feb 2015 Container, Bulker, Research vessel DP Induction course, BOSIET and HUET 454 Chief Officer Latvian end Feb 2015 Container, Ro-Ro, Ro-Ro/PAX; Windfarm accommodation vessel worked as Chief Officer on offshore accommodation vessel witihn wind farm projects in the Northse 381 Able Seaman German beg Mar 2015 Coastal Passenger Vessels, Coastal Rescue Vessel Senior Mechanic/ 450 Mechanical technician/ Coach Assessor British beg Mar 2015 Oil platform, drilling rig many years of experince as mechanical engineer in different supervisor positions in various offshore oil/gas projects with major companies, 377 Chief Officer German mid April 2015 Jack up construction vessel, AHTS, Harbour Tug, Research Vessel, Container, RoRo-Pax experience in Oil/Gas sector Westafrica 270 Chief Officer German beg May 2015 Jack up Installation vessel/DP2, Container, Ro-Ro, well experienced Chief Officer in Container Trade, Master endorsement unlimited 364 Master German beg May 2015 Crew transfer/Wind farm supply vessel, Container 365 Master German beg May 2015 Crew transfer/Wind farm supply vessel, HSC Passenger-ferry Electrician Team 254 leader/wind turbine installation Lithuanian to be agreed Wind Farm installation service, Wind turbine manufacturer experienced in Wind turbine installation and maintence North Sea offshore wind farms Installation Electrician Team+Team Leader (5 to 264 10+1) wind turbine installation Latvian to be agreed Wind turbine installation offshore/onshore full team consisting in up to 10 experienced Electricians/Mechanics + Team leader, experienced in installation of offshore wind turbines North Sea/Germany 360 Chief Officer/DPO German to be agreed Jack up Wind farm installation vessel, Jack Up Barge, Oil Drilling Rig, Suction Dredger, Cruise vessels, Container Master License unlimited, DP Advanced Course, expereince in jacking systms and jacking operations If you are interested to apply for one of the listed positions, then please contact us by phone or send us and E-mail with your personal details and C.V. Tel.: +49-4154-5954071 Mob.: +49-176-30702620 Email: Page 3 of 3
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