United Methodist Man of the Year: Bruce Jobe (photo credit: Frank Daugthrey) Chestnut Street United Methodist Church 200 East 8th Street Lumberton, NC 28359 NUTSHELL (PUBLICATION NO. 103-120) is published monthly by the Chestnut Street United Methodist Church, 200 E. 8 th Street, Lumberton, NC 28358. Periodical postage is paid at Lumberton, NC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Nutshell, PO Box 1464, Lumberton, NC 28358 The Nutshell CHESTNUT STREET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 East 8th Street Lumberton, NC 28358 January, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT: Church Staff PASTOR Rev. Steve Little DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Jan Kennedy ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Kyle Donaldson FINANCIAL PROCESSOR Debra Lewis YOUTH DIRECTOR Kyle Donaldson MUSIC DIRECTOR Harriette Lovin ORGANIST Angie Carter CUSTODIAN Dennis McBayne 910-739-3304 www.chestnut.org csumc@ncrrbiz.com Worship, Welcome and Nurture as We Serve Christ in Love. Greetings in the Name of Our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Recently I was spending some time in a patch of woods when a woodpecker landed in a tree near me. As I watched, the woodpecker made his way up and down a large branch of the tree trunk looking for his next meal. It would peck a while and then stop, peck a while and then stop. Now a woodpeckerologist would tell us that it stopped pecking and listened for some insect under the bark to move and if the bird detected the movement then it would drill in and get the bug. What fascinated me was how the woodpecker could hammer away at the tree and not rattle its brain. Trees are hard and the birds beak is hard. Well, that same woodpeckerologist would probably tell us that the woodpecker has a built in shock absorber that cushions the beating the bird’s head takes. Now I ask you, is that not brilliant...to design a bird in such a way that it can fill its role in nature and accomplish, what seems to be, its purpose in life in spite of the challenges it faces? Does that sound like the makings of a sermon or what? Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year. If the past is any indication of what is to come this next year will bring us some surprises. It will bring us some disappointments and challenges as well. The good news is that in our relationship with Jesus our Christ we have been given everything we will need to face what comes. God has uniquely prepared us to face the unknown, to deal with the surprises and to be “more than conquerors” as the Bible says. For years we have been studying the scriptures, participating in Sunday School and Sunday Worship and tending to our private devotions. All this has the cumulative effect of building our spiritual endurance and strength which prepares us for what is to come. The same God that designed and built a hammering machine like a woodpecker built and designed us to accomplish our tasks. Is God smart or what? May our Lord bless and keep you in this coming year. May the Lord make His face shine upon you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you. And may the Lord give you His peace. In His Service, Steve Prayer Concerns Prison Ministry /Jon Everson & Eddie Smith (Leaders) ♦ Vernie Smith / (Member) Betsy H. Williams / Harriette Lovin (Cousin) ♦ Hanna Markham / (Lunch N Fun child) W. Graham McBryde / Cavin Clapp (Friend) ♦ Juanita Sinclair / Jean Crouch (Sister) Denise Britt / Vicky Talton (Sister) ♦ Julia Burns / (Family) ♦ Alice Storms / (Friend) Gibson Gray/(Member) ♦ Leighton McGinn/(Member) ♦ Joan Beard / (Member) Pamela Dundas / (Meta Wood’s Daughter) ♦ Robert McClintock / (Kristen Stone’s father) Lisa Gray/ (friend of Libby Welsh) ♦ Michael Masters / (Keira Donaldson’s brother) Mark Falls / (Jo Ann Falls’ nephew) ♦ Molly French / Bill & Sheila French (Daughter-in-law) Steve Harris / (Henry & Jean Harris’s son) ♦ Ray McKinnins / (Mark Moses’ friend) Andrew Denish / (Freeman Denish’s brother) ♦ Pat Odom / (Linda Wade’s cousin) Bill and Ilene Israel / Vicky Talton(Father & step-mother) ♦ Ray Shaw/ (Brenda McLean’s father) Roger Walker / (Linda Wade’s friend) ♦ Lee Ledwell / (Julia Ledwell’s brother) Terri Kinlaw / (Ann Neese’s friend) ♦ Betty Glover / (Kyle Donaldson’ grandmother) J.P. Powers / (Angela Sumner’s cousin) ♦ Ginny Crews / (Frank Daughtrey’s cousin) Earline Cranfill / (Jo Ann Falls & Bess Harrington’s Neighbor) ♦ Vicky Talton / (Member) Charles Sumner / (David Sumner’s father) ♦ Thelma Doares / (Bill & Phiena Doares’ sister in law) Mac Starke / (Former Member) ♦ Lena Falls / (Jo Ann Falls sister in law) ♦ Martha McKinnon / (Member) Keith Taylor / (Member) ♦ Hazel McPhatter / (Member) Golden Living: Virginia Martin, Carlene Burns Glenflora: Buck Stubbs Woodhaven: Jean Decker, Peggy Morgan Missionaries: Rev. Virgil (Butch) Huffman, Missionary, UMVIM, 226 George Wilton Dr., Clayton, N.C. 27520 Wesley Pines Retirement Center: Ellenor Lorman, Eva Cooper, Lois Huggins, Mary Stephenson Townsend, Margaret Folger, Dorothy Ruddle, Helen Wehunt, Rose Byrd, J.B. Helms, Agnes Ray (mother of Sybil Davis), Jesse & Mary Lamm, Martha McKinnon. ****If you have a prayer request or wish to add someone to our prayer concerns, please call Jane West at cell phone number 734-2848. Please note that we will keep a prayer request on the prayer concerns list for three (3) weeks unless otherwise requested. **** PAT PAT will meet for a buffet lunch on Tuesday, Jan. 6th at 11:30 a.m. at Candy Sue’s. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The United Methodist Women will have a general meeting on Jan. 12th at 3pm in Asbury Hall to make plans for the New Year. PERSON OF THE MONTH Virginia Martin 1555 Willis Ave. Lumberton, NC Send a card, letter, or other remembrance to our special person of the month. WEDNESDAY NITE L.I.V.E. (Live in Victory Everyday) Join the Chestnut Street UMC family for a midweek time of fellowship and a delicious meal in Asbury Hall. Meal Cost: $6 for 7th graders-adults $3 for K-6th graders. Preschoolers eat free. Our meals are catered by Abigail’s Tearoom of Lumberton. Meals are served at 5:30 p.m. and following the meal we enjoy a time of fun, games, and a meditation. This is a wonderful time to get to know each other as a Christian family. Please make dinner reservations by noon on Tuesdays by calling the church at 739-3304. Our menus are posted on the church website: www.Chestnutst.org. January Birthdays NEED HELP! We need help on Monday, January 12th at 10am to dismantle and remove and store all Christmas decorations from the sanctuary. - Kathryn Calvert Children’s Birthdays Jan. 11. Gavin Miller 17. Liam Miller 30. Ben Ervin Youth/Young Adults’ Birthdays Jan. 3. Ilaina Rupnick 10. Randal McLean 11. Caleb Edkins 12. Nick Collins 15. Richie Hydell 27. Matt White Mission Team Update Robeson County Church and Community Center Food Pantry The Church and Community Center Food Pantry needs our help to restock their shelves. The food is used for those who cannot provide enough food for their families. The Food for the Month of January: Sweet peas & cereal & dry milk but the cabinets are very bare so if you want to bring any extra food, it will be welcomed. Please leave food items in the baskets in the Education Building. THANK YOU! Chestnut St. United Methodist Church, Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts that everyone brought me for my new baby boy Colin. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful church filled with loving Christians. Thank you, Lauren Sutton ANSWERS FOR DECEMBER RIDDLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite What Christmas Carol is a favorite of parents? Silent night Who told Mary that she would give birth to God's Son? Gabriel In the cartoon special "A Charlie Brown Christmas", who is the director of the Christmas Play? Charlie Brown What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit? Crisp Cringle What were the three gifts that the three Wise Men brought to the Baby Jesus? gold, frankincense and myrrh What traditional Christmas plant is NOT poisonous? Poinsettia Riddles of the Month 1. What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agreed is between heaven and earth? 2. What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything? 3. When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don't have me. What am I? 4. What has a mouth but doesn’t eat, a bank with no money, a bed but doesn’t sleep, and waves but has no hands? UMYF SPAGHETTI DINNER The youth will hold their Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 7th from 5:30pm till 7:15pm. Tickets can be bought for $7 from any of the youth or in the office. Memorials In memory of Jack Deason In memory of Patty Sullivan Designated to General Fund Designated to General Fund Given by: Eva Cooper Given by: Beth & Mitch Mitchell Given by: Beth & Mitch Mitchell Designated to building Fund Designated to building Fund Given by: Gary & Elaine Davis Given by: Eric & Amy Dent In honor of Will, Karen & Hanna Designated to Nets Fund Given by: Joy McGugan Given by: Judy & Jerry Seals Given by: Gary & Elaine davis Given by: Eric & Amy Dent Given By: Morning Glories Sunday School Class BUILDING FUND PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE NOVEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS WERE $12,199.41. Thank you! Thank you! MEMORIALS/HONOR In memory of Jack Deason (Angela Sumner’s father) Given by: Jackie Utz In memory of Joan Lassiter Given by: Edie Duncan Gertrude Chason In memory of Richard Morgan Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares In memory of Joe Parker (friend of Dot Watts) Given by: Wesley Friendship Class Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares In memory of Douglas Smith Given by: Mr. & Mrs. V.E. Smith In memory of Patty Sullivan (Amby Taylor’s sister) Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares In honor of parents and grandchildren Given by: Julie Dowless In honor of Norm Morton, teacher Given by: Wesley Friendship Class In honor of Beth Ray, teacher Given by: Manna Class Elizabeth Jobe Mary Anna Gray Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1. Office Closed 2. Office Closed 3. January 4. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 4:30 Emmaus 5. 12:00 Emmaus 6. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 11:30 PAT – Candy Sue’s 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 7. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 6:00 Finance Committee Meeting 6:30 UMC Committee Meeting 6:30 Praise Team 8. 9 Emmaus Gathering 10. 11. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 12:00 Staff Lunch 4:30 Emmaus 12. 12:00 Emmaus 3:00 UMW 13. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 10:30 Wesley Pines Worship 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 14. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 15. 16. 17. 18. 8:30 UMM 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 3:00 Trustees Committee Meeting 4:30 Emmaus 19. 12:00 Emmaus 20. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 21. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 22. Nutshell Deadline 23. 24. Hope’s Table 25. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 WorshipMission Saturation Sunday 4:30 Emmaus 6:00 UMYF 26. 12:00 Emmaus 27. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 28. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 6:30 UMC Committee Meeting 29. 30. 31. ATTENDANCE December 2014 December 7, 2014 December 14, 2014 December 21, 2014 Sunday School 90 Sunday School 96 Sunday School 80 Worship 151 Worship 191 Worship 192 December 28, 2014 Sunday School 61 Worship 136 January ACOLYTES 4. Zoe & Emily Hall 11. Alec & Dominic Dent 18. Caleb & Hunter Edkins 25. Payne & Grace Stone USHERS The Eric Dent Family ALTAR GUILD Frances Britt Ann Neese STEPHEN MINISTERS 4. Frances Scott 11. Bob Scott 18. Monroe Williams 25. Marilyn Duncan LECTOR Mark Moses MONTHLY NURSES Joyce Musselwhite Pat Horne Jean Harris Jo Ann Falls NURSERY HELPER Brittany Wade FLOWER CHART 4. Frank Daughtrey 11. Available 18. Available 25. Available If you choose a florist other than Flowers By Billy please let Billy know so the church will not be charged. \ TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH Ken Windley OFFERING VERIFICATION 4. Heyward Calvert & Sharon Bell 11. Buddy Bodiford & Debra Lewis 18. Deborah Groves & Jon Everson 25. David Sumner & Greg Price P.A.T. – JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 5. Agnes Stanton, Ed Bengtson 6. Janice Fisher, Henry Davis 8. Gayle Windley, Nick McKeithan 11. Helen Sharpe 12. Henry Harris 14. Ann Chaney 16. Phiena Doares 29. Marilyn Duncan
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