Chestnut Street United Methodist Church 200 East 8th Street Lumberton, NC 28359 NUTSHELL (PUBLICATION NO. 103-120) is published monthly by the Chestnut Street United Methodist Church, 200 E. 8 th Street, Lumberton, NC 28358. Periodical postage is paid at Lumberton, NC POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Nutshell, PO Box 1464, Lumberton, NC 28358 The Nutshell CHESTNUT STREET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 East 8th Street Lumberton, NC 28358 April, 2015 MISSION STATEMENT: Church Staff PASTOR Rev. Steve Little DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Jan Kennedy ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Kyle Donaldson FINANCIAL PROCESSOR Debra Lewis YOUTH DIRECTOR Kyle Donaldson MUSIC DIRECTOR Harriette Lovin ORGANIST Angie Carter CUSTODIAN Dennis McBayne 910-739-3304 Worship, Welcome and Nurture as We Serve Christ in Love. Greetings in the Name of Our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, As April arrives we are caught up in the last minute preparation for the celebration of Easter. We will gather on April fifth early in the morning to celebrate the sunrise and the word that the tomb is empty. Later on that day we will gather as a church family to celebrate the real presence of our living Lord Jesus Christ, raised from the dead. What an exciting day Easter is. What a wonderful reminder that death, the grave and evil in general has been conquered. Through Jesus’ victory we also have victory. Make sure you plan to be in church on Easter Sunday. Following Easter there is another exciting event coming. Sometime during the week after Easter our Staff Parish Relations Committee will be notified of the name of the next pastor of this church. The Committee will then be given a date when the new pastor will meet with them for a time of introduction. If all this goes well than we will continue with the transition from my ministry here to the ministry of the next pastor. There’s much to be done for that person to wind up their current ministry somewhere else, pack up their belongings and prepare to move to Lumberton at the end of June. While this is going on I will continue to get ready to move on into my future. For both myself and the coming pastor this is a time of sadness...leaving behind the familiar and friends...and moving on to a new and unknown future. If it weren’t for the fact that the Lord is in this whole process we all would be terrified. But we have faith and confidence that our God is in control. Now is the time for us to pray that the Lord’s will is done and His preferred future becomes a reality for us all. Churches everywhere in Methodism are caught up in this process and so this feeling of sadness and expectation is spreading across the land. As hard as change is for us to take it’s necessary if God’s will is to be accomplished. Make sure you do your part to pray for God’s will to be done. Make sure you prepare yourself to be supportive of our process. Make sure you welcome your next pastor with the same generous spirit you welcomed me. To God be the glory...great things he has done. In Him, Steve Prayer Concerns Prison Ministry /Jon Everson & Eddie Smith (Leaders) ♦ Vernie & Bobbie Smith / (Members) ♦ Juanita Sinclair / (Jean Crouch’s sister) ♦ Molly French / Bill & Sheila French (Daughter-in-law) ♦ Denise Britt / (Vicky Talton’s sister) ♦ Gibson Gray/(Member) ♦ Ray Shaw/ (Brenda McLean’s father) ♦ Robert McClintock / (Kristen Stone’s father) ♦ John O’ Day / (Tom & Lou Ann Cleveland’s friend) ♦ Michael Masters / (Keira Donaldson’s brother) ♦ Bill Israel / (Vicky Talton’s father) ♦ Mark Falls / (Jo Ann Falls’ nephew) ♦ Roger Walker / (Linda Wade’s friend) ♦ Jimmy McKee/(Member) ♦ Pat Odom / (Linda Wade’s cousin) ♦ J.P. Powers / (Angela Sumner’s cousin) ♦ Keith Taylor / (Member) ♦ Angie Carter / (Staff) ♦ Albert Falls / (Jo Ann Falls’ brother) ♦ Mac Starke / (Former Member) ♦ John Stansel / (Ronnie Stansel’s brother) ♦ Gene Barr/(Jay White’s friend) ♦ Jesse Lamm / (Member) ♦ Regan Rozier/(friend of member) ♦ Gladys Gullate / (Member) ♦ Belinda Revels / (Sharon Pittman’s friend) ♦ Jackie Ruddock / (Jo Ann Falls’ sister) ♦ Gayle Freeman / (Mona Smith’s mother) ♦ Jerry Wesiner / (Bobby & Danny Pittman’s brother in law) ♦ Lester Hardin / (Mike Hardin’s father) ♦ Joyce & Pete Gammon/(Members) ♦ Lessie Stephens / (Ann Pittman’s cousin) Golden Living: Virginia Martin, Carlene Burns Glenflora: Buck Stubbs, Cleo Beasley (Jerry Jordan’s mother) Woodhaven: Jean Decker, Peggy Morgan Missionaries: Rev. Virgil (Butch) Huffman, Missionary, UMVIM, 226 George Wilton Dr., Clayton, N.C. 27520 Wesley Pines Retirement Center: Ellenor Lorman, Eva Cooper, Lois Huggins, Mary Stephenson Townsend, Margaret Folger, Dorothy Ruddle, Helen Wehunt, Rose Byrd, J.B. Helms, Catherine Black, Agnes Ray (mother of Sybil Davis), Jesse & Mary Lamm. ****If you have a prayer request or wish to add someone to our prayer concerns, please call Jane West at cell phone number 734-2848. Please note that we will keep a prayer request on the prayer concerns list for three (3) weeks unless otherwise requested. **** PAT (Senior Adult Fellowship) PAT will meet for a buffet lunch on Tuesday, April 7th at 11:30 a.m. at Candy Sue’s. UMW Readers Circle Readers Circle will be on April 13th at 10am in the library. UMW Service Seekers Circle Service Seekers Circle will meet April 13th at 7pm in the home of Jean Crouch. UMW Visionaries Circle The Visionaries Circle will meet Monday, April 13th at 3pm. THANK YOU Dear UMC Family, Thank you is not adequate for all the love and prayers received in so many ways! I appreciate your concern for me and my health as well as the death of my mom. God is good!! -Angie B. Carter PERSON OF THE MONTH Dorothy Ruddle 1000 Wesley Pines Rd. Lumberton, NC 28385 Send a card, letter, or other remembrance to our special person of the month. WEDNESDAY NITE L.I.V.E. (Live in Victory Everyday) Join the Chestnut Street UMC family for a midweek time of fellowship and a delicious meal in Asbury Hall. Meal Cost: $6 for 7th graders-adults $3 for K-6th graders. Preschoolers eat free. Our meals are catered by Abigail’s Tearoom of Lumberton. Meals are served at 5:30 p.m. and following the meal we enjoy a time of fun, games, and a meditation. This is a wonderful time to get to know each other as a Christian family. Please make dinner reservations by noon on Tuesdays by calling the church at 739-3304. Our menus are posted on the church website: April Birthdays Children’s Birthdays April 13. Madeline Wade 15. Sam Ervin David Ervin All children thru tweens please join in a fun-filled VBS June 22-25 9:30am-12:00 noon each day! Theme: G-FORCE . . .God’s Love in Action Youth/Young Adults’ Birthdays April 1. Mary Grace Norton 5. Andrew Patterson 13. Bradley Patterson 17. Hunter Edkins 18. Katye Jobe 26. Jordan Smith 30. Lance Burleson Jesse Oliver 2015 CANDLEBURNING CEREMONY SUNDAY, MAY 10th - Morning Worship The reach of the United Methodist Women extends throughout the world through mission work. Candle burning is one of seven avenues of undesignated giving to mission. The amount is determined by the cost to the Women’s Division to fund the mission work of UMW around the world. This year everyone in our congregation is invited to participate in this event. The cost is 60¢ per second or $36 per minute. You may choose any increment. On Mother’s Day, May 10th, a candle will burn near the altar to honor someone or the memory of someone. A printed tribute will be enclosed in the bulletin that Sunday. Please return this form with a check payable to CSUMW to the UMW’s mailbox in the church office by May 4th. $0.60 for one second $36.00 for one minute $180.00 for five minutes Contributor Recipient Honor/Memory Time Amount Person/group making contribution Person being honored/ memorialized Indicated in honor/ in memory of Seconds/ minutes Amount of contribution _______________________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING FUND PRINCIPAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE We are fast approaching the finish line. THANK YOU for your continued support. MEMORIALS In memory of Chris Winberry In memory of Sandy and Martha Given by: Jean Crouch McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Davis Given by Frances Gold Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jobe In memory of Martha McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. Garry Kennedy Given by Jackie Utz Mr. & Mrs. Bob Scott Jackie Utz In memory of R. Casper Stephens (Martha Tatum’s father) Given by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares In memory of Charles Sumner( David’s father) Given by: Jean Crouch In memory of Otis Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Bob Scott Given by Jean Crouch Carolyn McNeill HONOR Mr. & Mrs. Bill Doares In honor of Keith and Amby Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jobe Given by Mr. & Mrs. Bob Scott Elizabeth Jobe Mary Anna Gray Mission Committee Update Robeson County Church and Community Center Food Pantry The Church and Community Center Food Pantry needs our help to restock their shelves. The food is used for those who cannot provide enough food for their families. The Food for the Month of April: Canned meat & dry beans but the cabinets are very bare so if you want to bring any extra food, it will be welcomed. Please leave food items in the baskets in the Education Building. GATEWAY DISTRICT MISSION U Here at our church April 18th, 2015 9:30am – 2:00pm Mission Studies: How Is It With Your Soul? – Ann Porter The Church And People With Disabilities – Lynn Clewis The Roma Of Europe – Esther Acker Lunch will be served for $3.00 per person. Applications are in the church office. Deadline is April 10th to register. Living Last Supper On April 2nd, Maundy Thursday. the UMYF will perform the 25th performance of the Living Last Supper. The Chancel Choir will provide the music. TRUSTEE’S UPDATE PAINT DAY The church trustees are planning to do some painting at the parsonage and the church, possibly the first or second Saturday in June. There are two projects that, with enough help, should be completed in less than a day. 1. The living room and dining room have not been painted in over 10 years and are showing it. 2. The outdoor ceiling of the walkway between the sanctuary and education building needs power washing, scraping and painting. If you are interested in helping please contact me at 734-5243. We can do it together. -Ken Windley NEW SCREEN FOR THE SANCTUARY The trustees have been evaluating a new screen and projector for the sanctuary for many months. At the time buying both items plus related wiring will be very expensive. Therefore, the trustees have received permission to tackle one part of the project – the screen. Since we have a new projector that we can use from the pulpit, a screen is the item most needed. As you know, the existing screen is in very poor condition and does not fit well in the chancel area. Once in place, it stays there for the duration of the service. The best alternative appears to be a screen that fits in the walkway behind the altar. When needed, it rises up where everyone in the sanctuary can see it. When we finish, it drops down to its original location where no one can see it. The beauty of the sanctuary is maintained. The best bid we received for the purchase and installation is $9,800. Therefore, the trustees would like to raise $10,000 to complete this project and improve on the effectiveness of our sanctuary. Your help is needed. We do not want to take away from the final few months of payments of our building debt. However, if you are interested, please join me in making a commitment to equipment that will help the church for years to come. -Ken Winley SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS It’s time again for applications for scholarships. All graduating seniors are asked to pick up an application from the church office. When the application is completed, please return it to the church office to the attention of Ken Windley, Chairman, Chestnut Street United Methodist Church Trustees. This is very important so please take your time and fill out the application. Due Date: May 1, 2015. - Ken Windley COMMUNITY HOLY WEEK SERVICES Monday, March 30 Chestnut Street UMC Speaker: Gene Wayman, Rector, Trinity Episcopal Tuesday, March 31 1st Presbyterian Church Speaker: Rev. Volley Hanson, Pastor, St. Mark’s Lutheran Wednesday, April 1 First Baptist Church Speaker: Rev. Steve Little, Pastor, Chestnut St. United Methodist Thursday, April 2 Godwin Heights Baptist Church Speaker: Rev. Chip Bass, Pastor, Asbury United Methodist Friday, April 3 Trinity Episcopal Church Speaker: Rev. Dave Hawes, Pastor, Godwin Heights Baptist Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday. Sunrise Service in the courtyard. Breakfast prepared by United Methodist Men in Asbury Fellowship Hall following the sunrise service. The Flower Cross will be erected in the courtyard. Please feel free to bring live flowers to decorate. April Sunday Monday 5. 6:30 Sunrise Service 7:00 Breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1. 5:30 WNL 6:30 Mission Committee Meeting 7:00 LLS Rehearsal 2. 7:00 LLS Program 3. 4. 11:00 Easter Eggstravaganza And Hot Dog Lunch 6. 12:00 Emmaus 7. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 11:30 PAT – Candy Sue’s 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 8. 5:30 WNL 6:30 Finance Committee Meeting 9. 10 Sandhills Emmaus Gathering in Laurinburg 11. 12. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 3:00 Trustees Committee 4:30 Emmaus 6:00 UMYF 13. 10:00 Readers Circle 12:00 Emmaus 3:00 Visionaries Circle 7:00 Service Seekers 14. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 10:30 Wesley Pines Worship 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 15. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 6:31 Youth Bible Study 16. Emmaus Men’s Walk 17. 18. UMW – Mission Studies 19. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 4:30 Emmaus 6:00 UMYF 20. 12:00 Emmaus 21. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 22. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 6:30 UMC Meeting 6:31 Youth Bible Study 23. Nutshell Deadline 24. 25. Hope’s Table 26. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 4:30 Emmaus 27. 12:00 Emmaus 28. 9:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 6:00 Weight Watchers Meeting 6:30 Chancel Choir 29. 12:00 Lunch N Fun 5:30 WNL 6:31 Youth Bible Study 30. Emmaus Women’s Walk EASTER! ATTENDANCE March 2015 March 1, 2015 March 8, 2015 March 15, 2015 Sunday School 80 Sunday School 83 Sunday School 112 Worship 99 Worship 143 Worship 166 March 22, 2015 Sunday School 97 Worship 180 April ACOLYTES 5. Caleb & Hunter Edkins 12. David & Sam Ervin 19. Jessica Townsend & Lexi Stone 26. Mary Grace Norton & Anna Smith USHERS Ryan Nance Jerry Jordan Jon Everson Cherry Hilburn ALTAR GUILD Frances Britt Ann Neese TRUSTEE OF THE MONTH Ryan Nance LECTOR Angela Sumner MONTHLY NURSES Joyce Musselwhite Pat Horne Jean Harris Jo Ann Falls NURSERY HELPER Brittany Wade FLOWER CHART 5. Eva & Sylvia & Lee Harris 12. Available 19. Phiena Doares 26. Available If you choose a florist other than Flowers By Billy please let Billy know so the church will not be charged. STEPHEN MINISTERS 5. Monroe Williams 12. Marilyn Duncan 19. Herma Jordan 26. Kathryn Calvert OFFERING VERIFICATION 5. David Sumner & Mike Hardin 12. Sharon Bell & Debra Lewis 19. Jon Everson & Greg Price 26. Tom Cleveland & Jay White P.A.T. – APRIL BIRTHDAYS 12. Frances Page 18. Norm Morton 22. Vada Dowless 25. Sharon Pittman
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