Messenger FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH [ MANITOWOC WI USA With the New Year comes new opportunities as the New Year beginnings it is as if the board has been wiped clean and the window opened to allow the fresh wind to blow. (But not if its below freezing) As you make resolutions for this new beginning be sure to make some regarding your faith in the Child of Bethlehem and your community of faith, First Lutheran Church. Be willing to express the JOY & HAPPINESS that is yours as you experience Godʼs Love and Forgiveness. Make it a practice to worship regularly and to share in our ministry by participating in one/several of our opportunities to serve (remember the great number of ministry possibilities shared with you during the Stewardship Emphasis). The New Year brings the opportunities; its up to you to make use of them! Have a healthy & Happy New Year! Pastor H. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING JAN. 25 If you haven't done so yet please use your 2015 commitment card to make your pledge of giving (regular & First for God) at this time. The proposed budget will be voted on at the congregational Meeting. Sunday January 25th 10:15am (following worship ) A ‘town hall ’ style meeting is scheduled to discuss the budget on Sunday Jan. 18 during fellowship time in the Fireside room. If all goes according, copies of the budget will be available on Sunday Jan. 18. **Should the congregational meeting be postponed due to winter weather, it will be held the following Sunday Feb. 1st. Our GodGod - given mission at F irst Lutheran is to… Gather in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Grow in faith & love, and Go out to serve and invite others to faith in Christ. Audrey Koch 5TH GRADE STUDENTS (AND PARENTS). . . SAVE THESE MONDAYS IN MARCH! First Communion instruction classes with Pastor Harswick, will start in March for students in 5th grade, and older youth who have not yet participated in this class. If your child wishes to begin participating in the sacrament of Holy Communion they must attend these classes. A parent or another adult is expected to attend with the student. Classes begin March 2,9,16,23 at 6:30pm. Fir st Comm union wi ll be on Sun day April 12 . Any questions please call Pastor Harswick @ 682-7742 Your Dinner is Served . . A New Year lies before us, Lord – We wonder what it holds; We place our future in your hands, We’ll watch while it unfolds. ~~~ Lord, we pray that all your children Would say a prayer for peace; Would love their neighbors as themselves, Then maybe wars would cease. ~~~ If we would start and end each day With words of prayer to you; There’d be a feeling of good will In everything we’d do. ~~~ Lord, fill our hearts with peace and love, Help us this love to share; It feels so good to pass it on, Like answering a prayer. ~~~ We pray the New Year brings good things To those both near and far; Dear gracious God, we humbly pray, Please love us as we are. Happy New Year! Elaine Kestly January/2015 First Lutheran will be serving the Sunday Supper at Lakeshore United Methodist Church (formerly Wesley U. M.) located at 1130 S. 9th St. Manitowoc. The community offers a free supper every last Sunday of the month. Everyone is invited! Good will offering accepted, but not required. The dinner is served at 5pm. If anyone would like to volunteer to help with food prep, baking cupcakes, serving or clean up, please call Sue Oxton @920-905-1150. Thank you! See more on page 6 Messenger ...all things designed in a spiritual manner to grow closer to God, and therefore, closer to Serenity ... “Jack" - Golly, could I ever use a pick-meup...these short winter days and long cold nights are really hard to get used to...and winter can seem like it lasts forever! I sure miss running up and down the hill, "fetching our pails of water", don't you Jill? “Jill" - Yes Jack, I miss that too...and I even struggle at this time of year with the blues. Winter can make me feel so isolated. I really miss being with people and being outside, "tumbling after". But, I did hear of this opportunity through Church. It's a group called SOS. Have you heard about it? “Jack" - No, Jill...I haven't. Fill me in... sorts of different things ...they talk, pray, learn about great things like meditation, have book studies, yoga lessons, watch movies, laugh, etc...all things designed in a spiritual manner to grow closer to God, and therefore, closer to Serenity ...Serenity of Soul...get the idea? Oh, and they often have snacks, desserts and coffee, tea and hot chocolate and...the list goes on and on. It sounds so peaceful, relaxing and fun; I can't think of a single reason why we shouldn't go! “Jack" - Well, I can't either Jill. How do we sign up? Does it cost anything? “Jill" - I heard we don't even need to sign up. We just come whenever we are able, completely at our own option! And very rarely do they ever do a project that has a cost associated with it. If they do, it is made known in advance. “Jill" - Well, I heard that SOS stands for Serenity of Soul. It is a non denominational group for men and women that meet twice a month, typically on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of the month at First Luther- “Jack" - Sounds Great! But, how do we an Church from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. They do all know for sure the sessions will be taking Sunday school News Thank you for everyone who contributed to all the special activities during the Advent and Christmas season: The Advent Festival, Christmas caroling, the Christmas program and Jesus’ Birthday Party. We pray these events helped to make for a very special celebration of Jesus’ birth for all families. Regular classes resume on January 4. In chapel time we will begin preparing for our 3-5K students to sing in church on March 8 & May 10. Students in grades 1-6 will have the opportunity to lead much of the worship service on April 19. We are grateful for our teachers who continue to guide our students every week. There is a strong sense of community forming in the classes this year and we pray that would continue! Kristine Jacobson, SS Coordinator January 2015 * First Lutheran Church place, or that something hasn't changed? “Jill" - We can watch the Church bulletin for dates and times, as well as the Church Messenger. The gal who organizes the sessions is Shannon Weber. She doesn't even mind if you call her at home, 683-8477, to ask her questions about the meetings. That's really nice, huh? “Jack" - Well, thank you Jill. I am really glad you told me about this. We should go together to the next session and invite our neighbor to come too. Humpty Dumpty has had a rough time of it lately...fallen heart they say. Maybe he could really benefit from a group like this. “Jill" - That's great thinking Jack...I think you're on to something. Let's go find out for ourselves what this is all about, then we can share the news far and wide. I think that is something Jesus would want us to do. In fact, knowing that makes me feel better already and not so blue. Serenity of Soul ...sounds like the journey for me! By Shannon Weber 4 FIRST LUTHERAN’S WINTER WIN TER WEATHER POLICY FIRST LUTHERAN FOLLOWS THE MTWC CO. PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTʼS POLICY ON DECISIONS REGARDING CLOSINGS & CANCELLATIONS (DUE TO IMMEDIATE/ APPROACHING WEATHER). So...If schools are closed/closing or canceling evening activities; FIRST LUTHERAN is closed/closing as well(church & office). No need to wonder, no need to get all bundled up. Simply put- stay put! Please listen to WOMT 1240am for all cancelations. What about Sundays? If the worship service needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather, it will be announced on WOMT1240am ASAP. When in doubt itʼs best to use your judgment- it may look nice on your side of the tracks, but the other side may have heaps of that white stuff. FIRST PSALM SECOND GOSPEL Jer 31:7-14 147:12-20 Eph 1:3-14 John 1:[1-9] 10-18 11 FIRST: PSALM SECOND GOSPEL Gen 1:1-5 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 18 FIRST PSALM SECOND GOSPEL 25 FIRST: PSALM SECOND GOSPEL 1 Sam 3:1-10[11-20] 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Cor 6:12-20 John 1:43-41 Jonah 3;1-5,10 62:5-12 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 NEW & OLD There is One Name—Jesus Name Jesus Max Lucado Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Resurrection and the Life, Alpha and Omega. Phrases that stretch the boundaries of human language in an effort to capture the un-capturable, the grandeur of God. They always fall short. Hearing them is somewhat like hearing a Salvation Army Christmas band on the street corner playing Handelʼs Messiah. No names do God justice! But there is one name. Jesus. A name so typical, if He were here today, his name might be John or Bob or Jim. He was touchable, approachable, reachable. “Just call me Jesus,” you can almost hear Him say. Those who walked with Him remembered Him not with a title or designation, but with a name—Jesus! Itʼs a beautiful name and a powerful name. The day is coming when at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord! From ʻIn the Mangerʼ By Max Lucado M e m o r i a l R ep o r tt:: Memorial Gifts 11/1/2014 – 11/30/2014 ALTAR GUILD In Memory of Betty Alecksen From: Elizabeth Foster UNDESIGNATED In Memory of Betty Alecksen From: Gundersen Lutheran ORGAN FUND In Memory of Betty Alecksen From: Michael & Simone Dorcas, Mary Meser In Memory of Jill Harris From: James & Annette Brown, Roberta Klaeser, Robert & Deanne Vollendorf, Offering$ According to historians, the celebration of the New Year is the oldest holiday. Ancient Babylonians first observed it in the spring about 4,000 years ago. In 153 B.C., the Roman Senate declared January 1 as New Yearʼs Day. The early church started to hold religious observances that coincided with pagan celebrations. Some denominations still mark Christʼs circumcision on New Yearʼs. The tradition of making resolutions dates back to the Babylonians, who often promised to return borrowed farm equipment. Using a baby to symbolize rebirth and the new year dates back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Reg Giving Modern-day New Yearʼs customs often focus on prosperity. In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight, hoping to have 12 happy months to come. The Dutch eat donuts because another year has come full circle. Expenses One of the best ways to start off the New Year is by spending time in prayer. Look back on Godʼs many blessings during the completed year and ask for his guidance in the one to come. Also consider starting the tradition of praying for people around the world on New GIFT SPONSORSHIPS Help support these ministries for First Lutheran church that continue to be uplifted, supported, and/or sponsored; our weekly Sunday Radio Broadcast on Your gift sponsorships can be acknowledged in our weekly ʻLife at Firstʼ insertDeadline for announcements: is 3:30pm Tuesday prior to the Sunday of choice. Any questions please call the church WOMT, & Altar Flowers, for the Sackʼs office 682-7742 for assistance. daily Missionary work in Japan, and our *If mailing your form, please mark Prayer Shawl ministryʼs yarn. These are the suggested donated cost of each of the sponsorships; however we accept any desired donation amount for these missions. 2014 - $326,103.78 2013 - $321,720.19 2014 - $460,007.34 2013 - $419,279.77 Many thanks for your ongoing offerings to FLC FYI: Youth fundraising Formula created! The Board of Youth has created a fundraising formula. For all the money we raise each year through our various fundraisers, 50% will go towards our summer trips, 40% will go into the general youth fund for our events and activities throughout the year, and 10% will be given as benevolence to different causes and ministries. Youth group students will be given a chance to help decide where this special offering money will be going. it Attn: Rebecca & Jean . This is to insure we have it in time for the announcements-as most mail is directed to bookkeeping (which may defer your Sunday of choice.) Sack’s Mission Fund $20. Altar Flowers $22. Radio Broadcast (full) $420. Prayer Shawl Ministry $18. Rebecca & Jean, FLChurch Administrative Assistants 2015 offering envelopes are available now. You can pick yours up in the Fireside room. MESSENGER FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 521 N. 8th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 920-682-7742 WED. Mornin’ Mornin 9:309:3011am CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-4:30pm Friday: 8:30am-12 noon THE STAFF ROALD HARSWICK PASTOR STEPHANIE BOWMAN, FAMILY LIFE, YOUTH & CONTEMP. MUSIC COOR. ANN UNERTL, PARISH RN KRISTINE JACOBSON SUNDAY SCHOOL, VBS/DAY CAMP DIR./COOR. CAROLINE SONNENBURG BOOKKEEPER JEAN OLSON, CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. REBECCA KONIK, CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. SHELLI MAIGATTER CUSTODIAN THE CHURCH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: HARRY O’CONNELL V.P.: ANN STEINMETZ TREASURER: JOHN TAYLOR SECRETARY: CATHY HYDE Our study of ʻʼThe Apocryphaʼ continues, also discussion on the two scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Everyone is welcome! Join us anytime your able! Learn something new this year! Bring a pal, a Bible, and grab a cup of coffee. We even have a small break. Pastor Harswick leads our flock. Wed. Nite -Adult Discussion Held every Wednesday evening after worship at 6:50. Come for worship, stay for discussion. Check w/ Stephanie for details. Womenʼs Intergenerational Fellowship aka: ʻWIFʼ This womenʼs Bible study & fellowship group meets on Thursdayʼs bi-monthly. 9:30am on the 1st Thurs. & 1:00pm on the 3rd Thurs. Child care provided. Kristine Jacobson at 652-9222 Alison Taylor 732-3523 BOARD REPRESENTATIVES: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION~ JESS STRYZEWSKI CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP~ LYNN PAIDER Life With Baby— Creating Circles of Support *Thursdays 6:00–7:30pm Life with CHRISTIAN SERVANTHOOD~ CATHY HYDE Baby is a weekly free support group that CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP~ ANNETTE BROWN, GREG UNERTL port each other through the challenges of CONGREGATIONAL CARE~ DEB PAASCH FINANCE~ JOHN TAYLOR, JASON KOHLER MUSIC & WORSHIP~ JASON LEICK ,HARRY O’CONNELL OUTREACH~ SHANNON WEBER PERSONNEL ~ ANN STEINMETZ, RON SEIZERT PROPERTY~JAY JENS YOUTH MINISTRIES~ SHEILA HANSEN, STEVE MIKKELSEN MISSIONARY IN JAPAN James & Carol Sack connects like-minded women who suppregnancy & early motherhood. Call Kim Smith 920-860-6815 This Busy Day Today is a gift From God above With time for our work And time for love. When work pushes hard And haste wants to shove, Thatʼs just when we need To share more Love. —Peggy Ferrell JANUARY 2015 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH F irst Lutheran continues to donate to Salvation Armyʼs Food Pantry on the First Sunday every month with non-perishable food related items, personal hygiene products, and paper goods, etc. The offering for Salvation Armyʼs Food Pantry is one of our ʻFirst for Godʼ outreach ministries. Let us continue to help Salvation Armyʼs Food Pantry by donating monetary or groceries supplies . Thank you! crafts yummy food Advent chains Messenger Save the Date! JYG (Junior High Youth Gathering) is coming up February 21-22. This event will be open to 7 &8th graders. More information will be coming out soon, but for now, Save this date!! Ignite Game Night 7th and 8th graders are invited to come for a night of games, snacks, and other fun on Friday, January 23rd, from 6:30-8:30pm. Friends are welcome! The Sand Dollar These pretty shells in shades of white, brown or purple are from sea urchins related to starfish and sea cucumbers. The shell's unique characteristics call to mind Christ's birth and death: the poinsettia- and lily-like images, holes representing the four nails and spear that pierced Jesus, small bones inside the shell resembling doves and thus symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Following is a poem telling this story. The legend of the sand dollar Thereʼs a pretty little legend that I would like to tell Of the birth and death of Jesus found in this lowly shell. If you examine closely, youʼll see that you find here Four nail holes and a fifth hole, made by a Romanʼs spear. On one side the Easter lily, its center is the star That appeared unto the shepherds and led them from afar. The Christmas poinsettia etched on the other side Reminds us of his birthday, our happy Christmastide. Now break the center open, and here you will release The five white doves awaiting to spread good will and peace. This simple little symbol, Christ left for you and me To help us spread his Gospel, through all eternity. —Author unknown January 2015 * First Lutheran Church Epiphanies “The word epiphany means to show forth. Epiphanies, both large and small, tend to be private events — yet events with great significance for the public. bridge the gap between description and what is was like being there. Most of us keep our personal experiences of the Holy to ourselves. Who would believe it? And who would really understand? Trying to share the details with another of an epiphany is The irony is that epiphanies are made for sharing, even fraught with complications. as they are impossible to The words are never quite right, and even the most sym- communicate fully.” — Father Thomas Rosica pathetic listener cannot fully Sharing Jesus The true story is told of two men sitting together on a train. When one shared with the other, a committed Christian, that he was heading home to donate a kidney to his father, the Christian listened intently. Sensing his seatmateʼs genuine interest, the speaker confided that he didnʼt know his lifeʼs purpose. Sensing an openness in his new friend, the Christian told him about Jesus and the purpose Jesus had given to his life. The Christian man said later that heʼd never met someone so appreciative of hearing the Good News. A key Epiphany theme is sharing the news of Jesus. “Ordinary” Christians can do that best by listening for an opening when visiting with someone and sharing part of their faith story in relation to something the other has said. Thereʼs no need to accost strangers on street corners. Just be yourself, let the Holy Spirit guide you and invite your listener to follow Jesus, too. Pray without ceasing The more we pray, the more we shall want to pray. The more we pray, the more we can pray. The more we pray, the more we shall pray. He who prays little will pray less, but he who prays much will pray more. And he who prays more will desire to pray more abundantly. —C.H. Spurgeon MESSENGER ACCURATE MOISTURE ANEMOMETER NATIONAL AREA OUTLOOK BAROMETER PRECIPITATION BLIZZARD PREDICT CITIES PRESSURE CLIMATE RADAR CLOUDY RAIN COLD SLEET COMPUTER SLIPPERY DOPPLER SNOW DRY STORM FORECAST SUNNY FREEZING SUNSHINE HEAT INDEX TELEVISION HIGH THERMOMETER HOT THIS WEEK HUMIDITY THUNDER HYGROMETER TODAY ICY TOMORROW LIGHTNING TORNADO LOCAL VISIBILITY LOW WARNING MAP WATCH METEOROLOGIST WINDCHILL MILD WINDY To answer the trivia question, look for a word or phrase that is hidden in the puzzle, but not in the word list. MODEL JANUARY 2015 * FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Dltbbb! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu I Fri Sat 3 2 Open-8:3-12nOffice only Closed 4 TRADITIONAL 9AM- WORSHIP (WOMT) FIRST FOR GOD & FOOD OFFERING 10:10 S.SCHOOL FAITH LENS COFFEE FELLOWSHIP 5 1PM SNIP N SEW 6PM HANDBELLS 6 EPIPHANY 8AM SNIP N SEW-BP 2:3 PARISH RN IN 5P- BD M & W 6P. BD CH. STHOOD 6:3P. BD CH. ED. 7 9:30 BIBLE STUDY 8 6PM WORSHIP –CONTEMP CROSS CURRENT 6PM—7:30 LIFE 6-7:45 CHOIRS WITH BABY 6:50 CONFIRM. CLASSES – 6:50 ADULT DISCUSSION 6:50 FUSION 9 14 15 16 1.P WIG 12N –OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSE 12N –OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSE 10 DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES FOR MESSENGER 7:30. NFF/NA 11 CONTEMPORARY CROSS CURRENT 9AM WORSHIP (WOMT)10:10 S.SCHOOL FAITH LENS COFFELLOWSHIP 11AM-ENDOWMENT MTG 18 TRADITIONAL 9AM WORSHIP (WOMT)BAPTISM 12 13 11A STAFF MTG 8AM SNIP N SEW 2:3 PARISH RN IN 5P. BDFINANCE 6P. BDPERSONNEL 6:3p COUNCIL –bdgt 6:3P. BD PROPERTY 7P. BD YOUTH 7:3p NFF/NA 1PM SNIP N SEW 6PM HANDBELLS 6:3 S.O.S 19 1PM SNIP N SEW 6PM HANDBELLS 10:10 S.SCHOOL - FAITH LENS -ALTAR GUILD COFFELLOWSHIP TOWN HALL MTG RE;BUDGET 20 8AM SNIP N SEW 2:3 PARISH RN . 7.30 NFF/NA 9:30 BIBLE STUDY 4PM SPARK! 6PM WORSHIP TRAD. 6-7:45 CHOIRS 6:50. CONFIRM. CLASSES 6:50 ADULT DISCUSSION 6:50-8:30 FUSION 17 6PM—7:30 LIFE WITH BABY Fusion shs blast retreat –18th 21 9:30 BIBLE STUDY 6PM WORSHIP CONTEMPORARY—H.C. CROSS CURRENT 6-7:45 CHOIRS 6:50. CONFIRM. CLASSES 6:50 ADULT DISCUSSION 6:50-8:30 FUSION 22 6PM—7:30 LIFE WITH BABY 23 12N –OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSE 24 6:30-8:30 Ignite game nite H22BDJDK 25 26 TRADITIONAL 9AM WORSHIP WOMT- 1PM SNIP N SEW 10:10 S.SCHOOL 6PM HANDBELLS COFFELLOWSHIP 6:3 S.O.S CONGREGATIONAL MEETING –BUDGET 27 8AM SNIP N SEW 2:3 PM. PARISH RN 7.30 NFF/NA 28 9:30 BIBLE STUDY 6PM WORSHIP TRADITIONAL - H.C. 6-7:45 CHOIRS 6:50. CONFIRM. CLASSES 6:50 ADULT DISCUSSION 6:50-8:30 FUSION 29 30 31 12N –OFFICE & CHURCH CLOSE 6PM—7:30 LIFE WITH BABY Please note: Changes may occur aer prinng, always double check the weekly ‘Life at First’ announcement sheet– for updates, cancelaons, etc. or the Church office. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE January Messenger 2015 PAID Manitowoc, WI 54220 Permit No. 93 First Lutheran Church 521 N. 8th Street Manitowoc WI 54220 Phone: 920-682-7742 E-mail: RETURN ADDRESS REQUESTED Worship with US ! Sunday: 9:00 am Open Holy Communion every Sunday (Worship broadcasted on WOMT 1240am radio) Sunday school @10:10 am Wednesday Midweek Worship @ 6:00 pm INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A NEW YEARS PRAYER 2 SERENITY OF SOUL 3 Alternating Traditional & Contemporary ʻstyleʼ with Holy Communion once a month at each service FINANCIAL NEWS 4 REMINDERS 5 First Lutheran is Handicap accessible ADVENT FESTIVAL 6 A SAND DOLLAR 7 EPIPHANY 6 CALENDAR 10 Nursery Available on Sunday & Wednesdayʼs Contemporary worship
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