Press calendar - Health & Social Care Information Centre

The Health and Social Care
Information Centre
Forthcoming publications: media information
January and February 2015
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All publications released
at 09:30 unless otherwise
Headline Information
Wed 07 January
NHS Safety Thermometer Report for England, December
2013 to December 2014
Report based on data from the NHS Safety Thermometer tool
covering instances of avoidable patient harm (bedsores, falls,
urinary catheter infections and VTEs).
Organisation level information available.
Thu 08 January
Provisional Monthly Patient Reported Outcomes Measures
(PROMs) in England, April 2013 to March 2014 and April to
August 2014
Provisional information about the pre and post-operative health
status of patients undergoing common elective procedures (hip and
knee replacements, varicose vein and groin hernia).
National, provider and commissioner based analyses available.
Wed 14 January
General Ophthalmic Services activity statistics. Selected
statistics for England, April to September 2014
Information on NHS Ophthalmic activity for the first half of 2014/15.
Regional level information available.
Thu 15 January
Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice, January
Report showing numbers of patients registered at a GP practice in 5
year age bands and split by gender.
Information is presented at GP practice level and also aggregated to
Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS England Area Team and NHS
England region.
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Thu 15 January
Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services in England, April to
September 2014
Results from monitoring stop smoking services in England for April
to September 2014.
Regional level information available.
Fri 16 January
Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia
Diagnoses, April to December 2014
Report on counts of patients with a recorded diagnosis of dementia
and registered patient list size from QOF.
CCG level information available.
Tue 20 January
NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England
(Innovation Scorecard), June 2014. Experimental Statistics
Compliance with selected NICE appraisals.
Trust and CCG level information available.
Thu 22 January
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Statistics Monthly
Report. Final September and October 2014 and Provisional
November 2014
First release from a new version of the Mental Health Minimum
Dataset, now called the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
Dataset (MHLDDS) to reflect the expansion in scope to cover adults
aged 18 and over who receive specialist secondary learning
disabilities or autism spectrum disorder services and are thought to
have a learning disability or autism spectrum disorder. Includes a
special feature on distance from home for people using these
services who are in hospital.
Mental Health Trust and CCG level information available.
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Thu 22 January
Monthly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data
Quality Reports, Final October 2014
Analysis based on information from providers of IAPT services in
England. IAPT supports the frontline NHS in implementing National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for
adults suffering from depression and anxiety disorders.
Mental Health Trust and Independent Sector Healthcare Provider
level information available.
Thu 22 January
HES-MHLD Data Linkage Report Summary Statistics,
September 2014
Summary statistics based on the linkage between HES (Hospital
Episode Statistics) and MHLDDS (Mental Health and Learning
Disabilities dataset) at England level, showing the overall number of
mental health patients accessing Inpatient, Outpatient and A&E
services compared to the remaining service user population.
Provider level information available.
Fri 23 January
NHS Staff Earnings Estimates, October 2014. Provisional
Information on the average earnings of high level staff groups across
the English NHS.
Information presented for non-medical occupational groups,
medical staff bands, Pay Review Body staff groups and Agenda for
Change bands.
Fri 23 January
NHS Workforce Statistics, October 2014. Provisional
High level NHS monthly HCHS workforce information on hospital
doctors and non-medical staff.
Trust level information available.
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Fri 23 January
NHS Sickness Absence Rates, September 2014. Provisional
Report on NHS sickness absence rates.
Trust level information available.
Tue 27 January
Thu 29 January
Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) Deaths
Associated with Hospitalisation in England, July 2013 to
June 2014
Summary of deaths associated with hospitalisation.
National Diabetes Audit, 2012/13. Report 2: Complications
and Mortality
The second of a series of subject-based reports from the National
Diabetes Audit for England and Wales, this publication focuses on
complications and mortality rates.
Information presented at trust level.
Regional level data available.
Thu 29 January
Quarterly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
Dataset Reports. Final Q2 2014/15 summary statistics and
related information in England. Experimental Statistics
Quarterly report from the new national IAPT dataset, including basic
counts and data quality measures.
Information available at organisation level.
Thu 29 January
Learning Disabilities Census Report, 2014
Headline information from the Learning Disabilities Census intended
to provide a snapshot of care provision for people with a learning
disability and help identify any quality issues.
Provider level information available.
Fri 30 January
Female Genital Mutilation, December 2014. Experimental
Reports on the number of identified cases of female genital
mutilation (FGM), following initial release on 16 October 2014.
National level data available.
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Fri 30 January
HES-MHLD Data Linkage Report Summary Statistics,
October 2014
Summary statistics based on the linkage between HES (Hospital
Episode Statistics) and MHLDDS (Mental Health and Learning
Disabilities dataset) at England level, showing the overall number of
mental health patients accessing Inpatient, Outpatient and A&E
services compared to the remaining service user population.
Provider level information available.
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All publications released
at 09:30 unless otherwise
Headline Information
Tue 03 February
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) – Monthly
Summary Statistics, Q3 2014/15
Publication showing the number of DoLS applications received by
local authorities for the period October to December 2014.
Local Authority level data available.
Wed 04 February
Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for
Admitted Patient Care, Outpatient and Accident and
Emergency data, April to October 2014
Monthly release of HES data covering admitted patients, outpatients
and Accident and Emergency (experimental) data in England.
Special Topic: Eating disorders
Wed 04 February
Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for
England, October 2014
Statistics on Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England.
Provider level information available.
Fri 06 February
HES-DID Data Linkage Report, Provisional Summary
Statistics, April to September 2014. Experimental Statistics
Brief summary statistics based on the linkage between HES (Hospital
Episode Statistics) and DID (Diagnostic Imaging Dataset) to help
identify trends and variation in patient outcomes following
diagnostic imaging tests such as MRI scans and x-rays.
Provider level information available.
Tue 10 February
Workforce, Social Care Staffing for England, September
Report on adult social care staffing levels for England.
Regional level information available.
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Wed 11 February
NHS Safety Thermometer Report for England, January 2014
to January 2015
Report based on data from the NHS Safety Thermometer tool
covering instances of avoidable patient harm (bedsores, falls,
urinary catheter infections and VTEs).
Organisation level information available.
Wed 11 February
Personal Social Services: Staff of Social Services
Departments in England, 2014
Detailed information on all staff, whether full or part-time, directly
employed by social services departments as at September 2014.
Information presented at Local Authority (LA) level.
Thu 12 February
NHS Dental Statistics for England, 2014/15. Second
quarterly report
Dental activity statistics for England covering April to
September 2014 with patients seen data for the 24 month period up
to 31 December 2014.
Regional level information available.
Thu 12 February
NHS Payments to General Practice in England, 2013/14.
Experimental Statistics
Experimental figures of NHS payments extracted from the HSCIC GP
payments system and covering the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March
Information available by individual provider of general practice
Fri 13 February
Provisional Monthly Patient Reported Outcomes Measures
(PROMs) in England, April 2013 to March 2014 and April to
September 2014
Provisional information about the pre and post-operative health
status of patients undergoing common elective procedures (hip and
knee replacements, varicose vein and groin hernia).
National, provider and commissioner based analyses available.
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Tue 17 February
Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia
Diagnoses, April 2014 to January 2015
Report on counts of patients with a recorded diagnosis of dementia
and registered patient list size from QOF.
CCG level information available.
Wed 18 February
Breast Screening Programme in England, 2013/14
Information on the number of women invited for screening,
numbers screened and the outcomes of the screening (including the
diagnosis of cancer).
Information presented by Upper Tier Local Authority, reporting
region and Breast Screening Unit.
Thu 19 February
NHS Outcomes Framework Indicators, February 2015
Information from these indicators will be used to hold the NHS
Commissioning Board to account for the outcomes it delivers
through commissioning health services from 2012/13.
National level data with time series will be reported (where
Fri 20 February
Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Statistics Monthly
Report: Final November 2014 and Provisional December
Release from a new version of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset,
now called the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Dataset
(MHLDDS) to reflect the expansion in scope to cover adults aged 18
and over who receive specialist secondary learning disabilities or
autism spectrum disorder services and are thought to have a
learning disability or autism spectrum disorder. Includes a special
feature on distance from home for people using these services who
are in hospital.
Mental Health Trust and CCG level information available.
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Fri 20 February
Monthly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data
Quality Reports, Final November 2014
Analysis based on information from providers of IAPT services in
England. IAPT supports the frontline NHS in implementing National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for
adults suffering from depression and anxiety disorders.
Mental Health Trust and Independent Sector Healthcare Provider
level information available.
Tue 24 February
NHS Staff Earnings Estimates, November 2014. Provisional
Information on the average earnings of high level staff groups across
the English NHS.
Information presented for non-medical occupational groups,
medical staff bands, Pay Review Body staff groups and Agenda for
Change bands.
Tue 24 February
NHS Workforce Statistics, November 2014. Provisional
High level NHS monthly HCHS workforce information on hospital
doctors and non-medical staff.
Trust level information available.
Tue 24 February
NHS Sickness Absence Rates, October 2014. Provisional
Report on NHS sickness absence rates.
Trust level information available.
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Tue 24 February
Children’s Dental Health Survey for England, Wales and
Northern Ireland, 2013
Conducted every ten years, this survey is carried out by the Office
for National Statistics on behalf of the Health and Social Care
Information Centre and collects information about the condition of
children’s teeth, dental hygiene, oral health attitudes and
behaviours and dental care received. Its purpose is to provide
information to underpin and help plan dental health care for
children and help the NHS understand how the dental health of each
generation of children is changing.
Information presented for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Wed 25 February
Hospital Episode Statistics: Admitted patient care, 2013/14.
Detailed Analysis
Information about admitted patients cared for by the NHS in
England covering procedures and diagnosis.
Trust level information available.
Wed 25 February
NHS Maternity Statistics in England, 2013/14. Detailed
Information on all NHS hospital births in England, excluding home
births and births in independent sector hospitals. Includes method
of delivery, complications, birth weight and gestation.
Regional level information available.
Wed 25 February
Final Seniority Figures for GMS GPs in England and Wales,
The Seniority Figure is an earnings benchmark used to determine
the level of seniority payment that individual GPs are entitled to
each year. This report describes the Seniority Figures for GMS
contractor GPs in England and Wales.
Information available at country level.
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Thu 26 February
Hospital Outpatient Activity, 2013/14. Detailed Analysis
Summary data on outpatient appointments in English NHS hospitals
and English NHS commissioned outpatient appointments in
independent sector hospitals.
Regional level information available.
Thu 26 February
Accident and Emergency Attendances in England, 2013/14.
Detailed Analysis
Number of attendances to A&E by gender, age, time, month and
arrival method.
Regional level information available.
Fri 27 February
Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for
England, November 2014
Statistics on Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England.
Provider level information available.
Fri 27 February
Female Genital Mutilation, January 2015. Experimental
Reports on the number of identified cases of female genital
mutilation (FGM), following initial release on 16 October 2014.
National level data available.
Fri 27 February
Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for
Admitted Patient Care, Outpatient and Accident and
Emergency data, April to November 2014
Monthly release of HES data covering admitted patients, outpatients
and Accident and Emergency (experimental) data in England.
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