THE CROSS AND COMPASS Volume 18 10 Issue 1 “The Hardest Working Council in the Carolinas” Official Publication of St. Matthew Council 10852 Knights of Columbus 9009 Bryant Farms Road January 2015 The Grand Knight’s Note: My Brothers, Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year! Inside this issue: The Grand Knight’s Notes …... Page 1 The Grand Knight’s 2 Notes (Cont.) ……… The Chaplain’s Notepad…….. 3 Culture of Life Update…….. 4 The Fear Factor…..….. 5 The Fear Factor (Cont.)…..….. 6 I recommended subscribing to Internet software to block or send alerts to hold us accountable; focus on starting or improving our daily prayer life; join a small group such as our group on Friday mornings; I would encourage all of us to plan to attend a Spiritual Retreat in 2015 and The Catholic Men of the Carolinas Conference April 25th in 2015. Come on; let’s make it happen! WHY??? As Knights we are all about service, but if we are not healthy, how can we serve others? We can’t! Service begins with you first! Happy Birthday …. LAMB Update ……. 7 Council News ……. 8 Council News (Cont.) 9 …….……. For the Good of the Order …….. 10 Our Principles ------ 11 Recruiting Former Members ……….. In my last email of 2014 wishing all my Brother Knights a Merry Christmas, I urged you to focus in 2015 on protecting your “heart”, the heart of your friends, the heart of your wife, the heart of your children and grandchildren. 1. Serving our Lord! Only we can change ourselves. Only we can develop a more personal relationship with Jesus. Only we can set and implement our priorities. 2. Service begins at home! Subscribe to the Christian model of Patriarchal Hierarchy. We are to serve our wife and children first and not to be served, not as glamorous as being written up in the paper. Struggling, read Ephesians 5:25-30. 3. Serve the Church! As Knights we serve in many capacities. Rome, Diocese of Charlotte, St. Matthew and our Community. (Continued) Page 2 The Cross and Compass The Grand Knight’s Note (Continued) We have over 500 Knights in our St Matthew Council 10852, the largest and most active Council in the state. We have over 250 Knights that pay dues and participate in Knights related programs. We have almost 200 Knights who may only pay dues and think you are not “active” in the Council because you do not come to council meetings or work in one of our service projects. However, we know the majority of you are First Degree members with our focus on “Charity” in our words and deeds and are “active” in service to the church. We believe because you are a Knight, you have a desire and serve the Church, so if you serve in our Diocese or in a St. Matthews Ministry, you are considered an active Knight. Thank you! We hope in 2015, you will consider serving one LAMB date and we encourage all Knights to participate in future Degrees, Second “Unity”, Third “Fraternity” and Fourth Degree “Patriotism.” Please go to our website or contact me at for any additional information. My Brothers, we are a successful Council and I especially want to thank all of my Officers, Directors and members who donate so much of your time to our valuable programs. However, I ask that we make a renewed commitment in 2015 to our spiritual walk and family. Finally, I would like to congratulate: December Knight of the Month — Joe Hughes December Family of the Month — Jim, Anne, Max, Maggie, Keelia & Ashley Robb Wishing you many blessings in 2015! Vivat Jesus! Richard O.J. Caron Grand Knight St. Matthew Council #10852 Cell 770-335-1822 Richard “Rick” Caron, Grand Knight Page 3 January 2015 The Chaplain’s Note Pad: “The Word Made Flesh” We thank God for the celebration of the coming of Christ the prince of peace who through the power of His love dispels the darkness of sin from the world. Let us not be intimidated by the massive power of evil deeply entrenched in the political and social structure of our immediate society and of the whole world. The implication of the mystery of the Word made Flesh is that the Eternal Word of God has come to penetrate every aspect of the corrupt and decaying humanity/creation in order to transform and restore all things to their original innocence and beauty and to raise us to the dignity of the children of God. “The light shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” [John 1:5]. Even those apparently overwhelming forces of darkness that constantly strive to eclipse the light of God will be taken care of by God’s Wisdom and justice in His own time. This is possible since God assured us that “where sin increased, grace increased all the more” [Romans 5:20]. This is a miracle which only the Almighty before whom nothing is impossible can do through His Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God made visible. As for you and me, let the part we play in the daily unfolding of events around us demonstrate to others that despite the intimidating influence of evil around us, the Word of God who took flesh is through us, dwelling among them. I pray that the year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2015 may be for you, a year of hope, of blessings and of grace since “from his fullness we have received, grace in place of grace”. May the Virgin Mary, the Sweet Mother who gave us Christ who is our hope, our life and our peace keep you always in her loving embrace. God Bless my Brothers in Christ! Reverend Ambrose A. Akinwande Page 4 The Cross and Compass Pro-Life Corner Council 10852 Pro-Life Committee - Mission Statement “To reinforce the commitment of the Knights of Columbus to the sanctity of life, by promoting a greater awareness of current Pro-Life issues and encouraging increased participation by the Knights of Council 10852 in local Pro-Life activities.” Join the March for Life - Charlotte Friday, January 9, 2015 9:00am Mass for the Unborn St. Vincent de Paul Church Fr. Denis G. Wilde of Priests for Life - guest homilist. 6828 Old Reid Road Charlotte, NC 28210. (the Church faces Park Road). March for Life Start to gather at 11.00am at the parking lot on the corner of W. Palmer and S. Church St. (across from the Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Center). There may be some parking available at the parking lot but please expect to find parking on your own uptown if necessary. At 12:00pm we will march to Trade and Tryon where Fr. Denis G. Wilde will preach. Then march to the court house at 401 W. Trade St. where we will pray a Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Please join others to march and pray for an end to abortion and save babies lives! If you bring a sign, it must meet picketing law regulations. If you work uptown, join us on your lunch hour for part of the march! See schedule details at 2014 Baby Bottle Campaign The 2014 Baby Bottle returns are continuing to find their way home and to date we have received just over $12,500 – with a slight increase in the number of bottles returned. If you would like to join the Council 10852 Pro-life committee or learn more about our current and planned activities, please contact Norm Stephen ( or 704 -243-1152) Page 5 January 2015 The Fear Factor “The Open Door Policy” When I was a youngster you could count on someone giving a knock on the front door and walking in unannounced. (There were not many homes with doorbells in those days). The one knock on weekends was usually from a band of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In those days, my mother used to leave the front door unlocked. She also left the side door and back door unlocked too. I guess this was mostly a function of sloppiness, but after all, she had four kids, a husband, two dogs, a canary, and a whole lot else, I suppose on her mind. When pressed about it she said, if she had anything that someone else needed more than she did they were welcome to it and she reasoned that anyone bent on intrusion would find a way and that it was all a matter of chance in the end. She missed her calling. She would have been great as a director of the Secret Service. (See intruder scales White House fence undetected and enters unlocked front door). Back then, you did not have to be concerned if you let a stranger or two in your home. You had no fear of being robbed and/or assaulted. My father who was not Catholic and most times courteous to a fault would always invite them in, though he was not in the least bit interested in what they were “selling”. In those days, this band of “missionaries” traveled with as portable Victrola, played a recorded message and handed out copies of their newspaper, “The Watchtower”. My mother a devoted Irish Catholic would leave the room and sometimes the house in anger and disgust. As for me, just 8 or nine years old stood around to watch and listen. Fast forward now to 80 plus years later as I stand around still watching and listening. The doorbell rings ( we all have them these days) and a man is standing there, noticeably dressed down with a stubbly beard who at first I thought he might be on his way to audition for Oliver Twist, but no he was a new edition of the Watchtower Brigade. These days they are still looked upon by some as somewhat strange. Sort of like a three –legged kitten. I admired his zeal. (Continued) Page 6 The Cross and Compass The Fear Factor (Continued) The pitch hasn’t changed much in 80 years, but this self-proclaimed representative of Jehovah was hell bent on accusing me of believing in three Gods, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. We parted amicably, but afterward I was struck by the difficulty I had in explaining the mystery of the Trinity to him. Father Richard Lamoureaux, of Living With Christ Magazine said in a recent article that The Trinity is an affirmation that at the heart of reality resides, not one solitary, isolated, all powerful deity, whose primary interest is in imposing absolute unquestioning, even fanatic loyalty on inferior beings, but a God who is love and knows about love and shows it not just by loving all of creation but by being a divine community of love. Please do not question me how that works, but somehow I am happy to believe in a God who knows about love first hand. To me, my Brother Knights doesn’t that mean we all need to take very seriously as we settle in to 2015 our own relationships? The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, show us the way. Vivat Jesus Sir Knight Harry E. Fear Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to the following Brother Knights who have a January birthday: Jean Albuquerque Doug Archer Mark Babyak Brian Baker Brian Becker Joseph Brennan Bob Britton Brady Buckley Anthony Carbuto Richard Caron Rob Dahlke Vince Dattolo Tom Dury Stephen Ehele John Eichler Gary Elchorn Chuck Elgin Derek Ellis Joseph Falsone William Fox Justin Francis Darrell Glankler Brian Gomiz John Gove Dec. Bill Griffin Keith Henderson Brian Jirak Richard Jodoin Dennis Kuharski John McGrath Gene McLaughlin Brian Misiak Paul Montagnet Stephen Nogy Ken Ostendarp Marcus Panzitta Walter Patrick Kenneth Pernak John Rubinich Zelton Steed Norm Stephen Ralph Sullivan Hien Tran Tom Van Sistine Tony Visser Daniel Wendover David Whitman Robert Wilbur Robert Wilcocks Page 7 January 2015 As we write this article we are seven days from December 31, the last day to record deposits for 2014. For each of the past ten years (2004 thru 2013), through your efforts, our Council has raised $50,000 or more on behalf of those who have intellectual disabilities. That’s a half a million dollars! Whether or not we accomplish that milestone for the eleventh year is not known at this moment. We certainly hope that it will be. For everyone who participated in any of the LAMB fundraising events in any manner, we sincerely thank you on behalf of the beneficiaries of your efforts, those whom Jesus calls the Least Among My Brothers. As we have said before, the needs of those entities which serve those with intellectual disabilities continue and are ever increasing. For example, government funding for Holy Angels in Belmont was reduced by $400,000 in 2014. Whatever we can do to help, we need to do. As to our LAMB fundraising efforts in 2015, we will need everyone’s help to achieve the maximum results possible. We ask for your full support in our Council’s charitable efforts. May God bless all Knights and their families. If you are among those who have not yet participated in any way for LAMB, please prayerfully consider doing so now. Those who Jesus called the Least Among My Brothers need all of our help. If you would like to donate by check, please make your check payable to: LAMB Foundation of NC, Inc. Mail the check to: LAMB Foundation of NC, Inc., 6420A1 Rea Rd, Suite 312, Charlotte, NC 28277. Also if you would like to make a donation to LAMB by credit card, you can do so by going to the LAMB Foundation website at , and clicking on the Donate Tab. You will also be able to get even more information on the LAMB program. Let’s not forget that Charity is the first principle of the Knights and in North Carolina, LAMB is the number one Charity for Knights. Our thanks to all of you who have participated and to those who will be responding now. Bob Desch, LAMB Director & Past Grand Knight Page 8 The Cross and Compass Council News Your Service is needed – Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016: Volunteering within Counsel 10852 offers a wonderful leadership opportunity. For next year, we would like to mentor someone for the Treasurer position. It is our hope that a Brother Knight will come forward who is interested in volunteering for this position so Council 10852 can continue the level of excellence that our Brothers have come to expect and definitely deserve. Requirements - balance a checkbook, basic Excel worksheet know-how, and willing to attend the Council’s business meetings once a month; to learn more, e-mail Earl Hartenstine at or call (704) 962-0898. Missionaries Of The Poor Need Our Help: We will be painting a number of rooms for the Brothers at the Missions of the Poor over the next few months. We will schedule work days on Monday, Thursday or Fridays. We will take on a room at a time when we have 4 or more to volunteer. The location of the MOP is 1403 Griffith Rd, Monroe, NC 28112. We had a great time painting the chapel at the Mission of the Poor for the brothers on Monday December 8. The job was completed in 4 hours which included lunch and prayer time with the MOP Brothers. The painters were Tom Larkin, Norm Gemignani, Kevin Curry, Eddie Doohan and Bob Wilcocks. The next rooms to be painted will be the front hall and the dining room. The brothers would like to have it done on January 14 Wednesday from 8:30 AM –4 PM. Please let Bob Wilcocks ( or 704-542-1541) know if you can help. Operation Exodus is a 501c(3) charity. Over the past 15 years the Operation Exodus Ministry of the St. Matthew Knights of Columbus Council #10852 has built over 150 Handicap Access Ramps for the needy. Brother Knights donate 100% of the labor to build the Ramps and conduct fund raisers to raise money to purchase materials. If interested in helping with or donating money to this worthy cause, please contact Bob Wilcocks at or 704-542-0541. Tax Deductible Donations made payable to “Operation Exodus” should be mailed to: Operation Exodus, C/O Robert Desch, 8929 Challis Hill Lane, Charlotte, NC 28226 Page 9 January 2015 Council News (Continued) Breakfast Update: December’s Breakfast with St Nick was a great success thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to ensure it! A special thanks to Brother Knights Michael Hankins who served as St Nicholas and Ed Craig fore taking pictures of the families/children with St. Nicholas. Once again, Michael Huiss filled in for Tom Larkin (Breakfast Coordinator) while he was on vacation. This was the first breakfast in the gym and all went well Our next breakfast is January 11th. We are asking every Brother to help with food procurement or preparation; set-up or clean-up; money collection or serving. Look for a separate email with a link to Sign-Up Genius where you can select how you would like to help! PLEASE sign-up today!! Nametags: If you need a Knights of Columbus nametag, please send an email to Community Director Ed Craig at Please include the name as you’d like it displayed on the nametag as well as the Degree you’ve attained in the Knights of Columbus (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th) as well as your hometown. Ed will have your new nametag ready for you at the next scheduled St Matthew Knights of Columbus Business/Social Meeting. Page 10 The Cross & Compass For the Good of the Order Please pray for the repose of the soul of: Brother Knight Allan Peccatiello Brother Knight Leo Ells Brother Knight Declan Turner Anna Gilsdorf, mother of Jim Gilsdorf Mark Hankins, brother of Mike Hankins Jordan Bonilla, grandson of Bob Wilbur Please pray for the following Brother Knights: Bob Wilcocks Ed Switzer Simon Gutierrez Nick Bonamo Ken Ostendarp Please pray for the following friends of Brother Knights: Jack Roth - grandson of Raymond Roth, friend of Norm Gemignani Lisa Bradle, friend of Council 10852 Vivian Chaffey, friend of Vic Proccacini Please pray for Deployed Military: Tim Schumacher, nephew of Ron Schumacher Ryan Curry, son of Kevin Curry Edward Hogan Max Robb, son of Jim & Anne Robb Craig Thompson Please pray for the following relatives of Brother Knights: Patricia Bair, mother-in-law of Chuck Elgin Linda Nichols, wife of Bill LoPresti Dennis Pfiffner, brother-in-law of Nick Cimmento Kevina Koval, niece of Nick Cimmento Pat Switzer, wife of Ed Switzer Paul Donovan father of David Donovan Ariel Hobbs, granddaughter of Steve Nogy Danny Wilbur, nephew of Bob Wilbur Robin Schumacher, wife of Ron Schumacher Ryan Beckett, son of Thomas Beckett Sylvia Hughes, wife of Joe Hughes NOTE: After 3 Months, names will be dropped from the Good of the Order List. If you have a relative that you would like to add/continue on the Council 10852 For the Good of the Order List, please contact Newsletter Editor & Past Grand Knight Chuck Elgin at or 704-243-3365 Page 11 January 2015 Our Principles All the good works we do are informed by our four core principles: First Degree: Charity - Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day. The next 1st Degree Exemplification is scheduled for January 7th prior to the Council 10852 Business Meeting at the South Charlotte Banquet Center If you know of a Catholic Gentlemen worthy of joining our order, we encourage you to invite him to attend this 1st Degree Exemplification. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEETO OFFERS TIPS ON HOW TO RECRUIT FORMER MEMBERS In conducting our ongoing campaign to recruit new members into the Order, we may be overlooking former Knights who have dropped by the wayside for any number of different reasons. Former Knights are familiar with the ideals of Columbianism, they know what it is to participate in meaningful activities with Brother Knights. We must not continue to overlook these former members in our recruiting efforts. Your Membership committee consisting of Brothers Harry Fear, Norm Gemignani, Randy Vaca, Tom Larkin and Grand Knight Rick Caron have developed a Welcome Back Brother program, specifically to recruit former members. If you are in contact with a relative, friend or neighbor who is a former Knight, perhaps you can help in getting him to return to the ranks. If you need assistance or are in need of more specific details on this program, contact any of their members listed above. Page 12 The Cross & Compass January 2015 4 5 6 7 1 2 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 8 9 10 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 8:00 AM Donated Goods 16 17 Bingo Men’s Shelter: 7:00 PM: Knights Business Men’s Shelter: Serving Meeting Cooking 11 12 Parish Breakfast Bingo 18 19 13 15 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration CCSC 6:00 pm 20 Bingo 25 14 26 Bingo 21 22 28 Assembly 780 Business Meeting 6:00 PM: Officer Meeting 23 24 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 7:30 PM: Knights Mass At Day Chapel 27 3 29 30 31 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Council Business Meeting: Wednesday, January 7th. Dinner at 6:00 PM. First Degree at 7:00 PM followed by Council Business Meeting at the Knights Hall. Columbus Club House Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 PM at SCBC. Knights Mass: Wednesday, January 21st. Mass at 7:30 PM at the Day Chapel Officer Meeting: Monday, Jan. 5th & Wednesday, Jan. 28th at 6:00 PM at the SCBC. Bingo: Every Monday night. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Bingo starts at 7:00 PM sharp. Donated Goods Ministry: Saturday, January 10th, 8:00 AM under the Day Chapel. Parish Breakfast: Sunday, January 11th after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Men’s Shelter: Cooking Monday January 5th. Serving Tuesday, January 6th. Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly 780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, January 27th at 8:00 PM. Page 13 January 2015 February 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Bingo 9 10 11 12 Bingo Parish Breakfast 15 CCSC 6:00 pm 16 17 Bingo 22 23 Bingo 24 Assembly 780 Business Meeting 18 19 13 14 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 8:00 AM Donated Goods 20 21 ASH WEDNESDAY 4 - 7:00 PM Lenten Dinner 7:30 PM: Knights Mass At Day Chapel 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration 25 7 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Men’s Shelter: 7:00 PM: Knights Business Men’s Shelter: Serving Meeting Cooking 8 6 26 6:00 PM: Officer Meeting 27 28 4 - 7:00 PM Lenten Dinner 11pm-Midnight: Eucharistic Adoration Council Business Meeting: Wednesday, February 4th. Dinner at 6:00 PM followed at 7:00 PM by Council Business Meeting at the Knights Hall. Columbus Club House Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 6:00 PM at SCBC. Knights Mass: Wednesday, February 18th. Mass at 7:30 PM at the Day Chapel Officer Meeting: Wednesday, February 25th at 6:00 PM at the SCBC. Bingo: Every Monday night. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Bingo starts at 7:00 PM sharp. Donated Goods Ministry: Saturday, February 14th, 8:00 AM under the Day Chapel. Parish Breakfast: Sunday, February 8th after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 AM Masses. Men’s Shelter: Cooking Monday February 2nd. Serving Tuesday, February 3rd. Assembly 780 Business Meeting: All Sir Knights are encouraged to attend the Assembly 780 4th Degree Business Meeting on Tuesday, February 24th at 8:00 PM. 2014-2015 COUNCIL OFFICERS CHAPLAIN EMERITUS Reverend Eugene Schellberg 704-821-8026 CHAPLAIN Reverend Ambrose Akinwande 704-543-7677 GRAND KNIGHT Rick Caron 770-335-1822 DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT Ron Schumacher 704-618-2442 CHANCELLOR Bill LoPresti 704-540-1263 RECORDER Norm Smith 704-542-3107 FINANCIAL SECRETARY John Coudriet 704-543-9621 TREASURER Earl Hartenstine 803-547-6157 LECTURER Open ADVOCATE Norm Stephen 704-243-1152 WARDEN Bob Wilbur 704-246--8658 INSIDE GUARD Leo Tosto 704-846-4848 OUTSIDE GUARD John Gove 704-341-7164 3 YR TRUSTEE Norm Gemignani, PGK 205-547-7919 2 YR TRUSTEE Chuck Elgin, PGK 704-243-3365 1 YR TRUSTEE Luis Colon, PGK, PFN 704-290-2188 COLUMBUS CLUB PRESIDENT Bill LoPresti 704-540-1263 COLUMBUS CLUB VICE-PRESIDENT Ed Craig 704--661-8184 COLUMBUS CLUB TREASURER Larry Perez 980-819-5744 COLUMBUS CLUB SECTETARY Bob Wilbur 704-246--8658 PROGRAM DIRECTOR Ron Schumacher 704-618-2442 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Harry Fear 704-849-0074 FRATERNAL RELATIONS DIRECTOR Justin Ezennubia 704-771-2436 CHURCH DIRECTOR Chuck Elgin, PGK 704-243-3365 COMMUNITY DIRECTOR Ed Craig 704--661-8184 COUNCIL DIRECTOR Norm Gemignani, PGK 205-547-7919 FAMILY DIRECTOR Sean McGuire 980-333-3730 YOUTH DIRECTOR OPEN PRO-LIFE DIRECTOR Norm Stephen 704-243-1152 LAMB DIRECTOR Bob Desch , PGK 704-543-8212 COLUMBIAN SQUIRESCHIEF COUNSELOR OPEN CHURCH BREAKFAST Tom Larkin 803-762-8989 OPERATION EXODUS Bob Wilcocks, PFN 704-542-1541 SCRAPBOOK EDITOR OPEN K. OF C. INSURANCE Michael Boykin 704-960-4644 DISTRICT DEPUTY # 26 David Spinks 980-263-4570 STATE DEPUTY Jack Murray SUPREME KNIGHT Carl Anderson 203-752-4000
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