Riverbend Realty St Jean Farm Days

Serving the Areas of:
Emerson, Morris, Dominion
City, Lowe Farm, Rosenort,
Ginew, St. Joseph, St.
Jean Baptiste, Tolstoi,
Letellier, Ridgeville,
Woodmore, Sperling,
Aubigny, Dufrost,Carlowrie,
Greenridge, Arnaud,
Halbstadt, Rosa, Roseau River
January 10, 2015
Riverbend Realty
St Jean Farm Days Celebrates 30 Years
by Don Piett
Gilbert Sabourin presents Monique Papineau-Lafond and Ingrid Kristjanson flowers and "a token of recognition" for their work for St. Jean Farm Days
St. Jean Baptiste is a small town another eight on a waiting list.
presenters at the front of the hall.
The Farm Days committee is only
just south of Morris, sandwiched
In the thirty years it has been This format did not work well, as it four people, but it works because
between Highway 75 and the Red operating, the Farm Days has shown was hard to keep things quiet so the of support from the community
River. It is a quiet place as a rule, but 0% inflation for those attending. Cost presenters could be heard. As the individuals and groups like the
early in January every year, all roads of admittance is still $6 for one or $10 number of exhibitors increased, the Knights of Columbus and St. Jean
lead to St. Jean Farm Days.
for a couple, same as it was in 1987. present format of exhibitors in the Volunteer Fire Department.
This year the Farm Days is This includes breakfast and lunch.
South hall and presenters in the North
Congratulations to St. Jean on 30
celebrating its 30th Anniversary. The
When the event started, everything hall. This allows visiting in one hall years of Farm Days
event continues to grow and this year was centered in the north hall with while the presentations go on in the
featured fifty four exhibitions with exhibitors around the edge and the other.
City News
By Shirley Berrington
Well we sure have
started the New Year off
with cold weather. Wind
chills are making it that
much worse, and some
events have had to be
cancelled because of it.
Make sure to bundle up
if you’re going outdoors
for any length of time.
Our cat wants to go
outside these days, but
sticks her nose out the
door and wants back in.
She must have a short
memory because she
does this several times
a day. I must say the
Sun Dogs sure did look
beautiful the other day
though! The cold is also
good for killing germs,
and this should help
the flu and colds from
spreading somewhat.
Wasn’t that a great
hockey game the other
night between the
Canadians and Russians,
in the World Junior
Hockey Tournament? I was on the edge of
my seat for most the
night but thrilled with
the outcome when we
finally won the Gold.
It was a very proud and
well-deserved moment
for our Canadian boys.
It was a disappointing
loss for the Jets against
the Sharks that same
night though, losing in
the dying seconds of the
Riverside Rosenort News
January 10, 2015 Pg.2
Look for hockey
news on the sign
downtown by the RM
Office as local games
are always posted.
The Dominion
City Snowmobile
Poker Derby will be
on Saturday, January
31 st, with registration
at the Kyle Memorial
Golf Course starting
at 10:00am. Winning
hands will be drawn at
The Franklin Food
Bank has moved to
the United Church
Basement at 2
Centennial Drive, in
Dominion City. They
will now be open
on Mondays, starting
Jan. 5 & 26, Feb. 9 & 23,
Mar. 9 & 23, other dates
will be posted later. A
big bouquet to everyone
who has donated to
the food bank since it
opened in May. Your
generosity is greatly
appreciated. They
would like to thank the
Chubey’s for letting
them use their building
for the food bank up till
now. This was so kind of
you and we can’t thank
you enough! Kudos
to the Dominion City
United Church for your
support and letting us
move into the basement! The curling bonspiel
schedule for 2015 is as
follows: Men’s - January
30th – Feb 1 (notice the
change of date), Ladies
– February 13, 14, &
join the family as well!! The funeral for
Mrs. Gertie Friesen
was held on December
30th, she passed away
on December 20th after
a short illness. The
Rosenort EMC church
was well filled with
many relatives and
friends. The family
gave tributes and had
special music. Pastor
Nick Klassen had a
short meditation. Mrs.
Friesen is survived by
5 daughters and 2 sons,
she was predeceased by
her husband Peter L and
one daughter. Members
of the Friesen family just
recently gathered at the
Chapel Lawn Funeral
Home for a memorial
service for Janice, (nee
Snyder) wife of Garry
Friesen who passed
away at the age of 56.
Condolences to all!
The school doors
have once again opened,
it was almost the coldest
day so far, it has to be
minus 45 with the wind
chill factored before
school is cancelled, I
think today it was minus
41!! So the holidays are
over!!I must mention the
sad news of one of the
former staff at Rosenort,
Colleen Kachur- Reico
passed away while on a
vacation in Mexico.
Garry and Deb
Kroeker and family
returned from a trip to
California, they enjoyed
a day at Disneyland
and drove down to San
Diego to get a touch
of the ocean!!!They
travelled 5000 miles,
some of those on icy
roads and as usual the
last part in the winter
storm over the weekend!
It always seems to storm
coming home from
Grand Forks!!!!
This week I
am cooking at the
Davidson center!! It
is always good to be
able to connect with the
residents there!!!
A note of appreciation for all the lovely cards
and beautiful family
pictures as well as the
many wishes for a
wonderful Christmas
and Happy New Year!! Best wishes for 2015!!!
15th, Mixed – March 13,
14, 15th, and the Stick
Bonspiel on March 21st.
Please enter teams with
Tracey French (ladies)
427-3573 or Dennis
(men’s) 427-2862 or
Dave Kirkpatrick (stick
curling) 427-2035.
If anyone hasn’t
had a chance to look at
the renovations at the
curling rink, you’ll be
pleasantly surprised. It
really is an excellent
improvement to the
facility and a very
welcome addition. It
has slowed the curling
season down quite a
bit as the ladies league
just got underway this
Wednesday. We are
pleased to have a ladies
team from Ridgeville
joining us this year, so
we have a round number
draw of 6. The men’s
and the stick-curling
league got a couple of
games in during the
Christmas season. The
men are down to 6 rinks
but the stick curling has
been well attended so
far. Spectators as well
as players are always
by Lorraine Loewen
What cold weather
to begin a new year!
Hopefully this is not
an indication of what
we will have for the
rest of the winter! The
Christmas socials and
programmes were great,
the family gatherings
wonderful, it just
seemed to go by too fast
after all the planning,
shopping, practicing,
and cooking!! Wishing
all of you a blessed
Congratulations go
out to Julene Reimer
and Jorge Carmona
of Winnipeg on their
recent engagement!
A summer wedding is
planned! Julene grew up
in our area, the daughter
of the late Menno and
Marion Reimer formerly
of Rosenort!
Best wishes to Parker
and Stephanie Stevenson
on their marriage on
December 28 th at the
Pleasant Valley EMC
church. Best wishes
also go out to Margaret
and Murray Brandt
who were married at
the Dorothy Lake resort
on January 4th. Pastor
Darren Plett officiated
at both weddings.
Congratulations to
Steve Dueck, son of
Lawrence and Naomi
of Riverside and Emily
Schellenberg on their
recent engagement!
A June wedding is
What a shocking
experience for Andrew
and Sherri Pauls and
their daughters of
Sunburst Crescent, near
Rosenort when their
house burned on Sunday
Dec.28th!! According to
the reports all was lost,
now a fund has been
set up at the Rosenort
Credit Union for any
Amos and Wendi
Fehr were pleased to
have their sons Justin
and Andrew come
from Hague Sk. for
the Christmas break.
The Dueck side of the
family enjoyed a fun
filled weekend, which
included an outdoor
skating rink and bowling
as well as Peppi‘s Pizza!
It was good to have
Frank and Val and
family come from SK to
The Southeast
108 Church St, Emerson, Manitoba
Ph: (204) 373-2493, Emerson
Fax: (204) 272-3492, E-mail: sej@mts.net
Publisher: Brenda Piett Editor: Don Piett
Advertising: Don Piett, Brenda Piett
Box 95, Morris,MB, R0G 1K0 Box 68, Emerson,
MB, R0A 0L0
The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any or all advertising for
any reason, stated or unstated. Advertisers requesting publication
of either display or classified advertisements agree that should
the advertisement be omitted from the issue ordered for whatever
reason, The Southeast Journal shall not be held liable. It is also
agreed that in the vent of an error appearing in the published
advertisement, The Southeast Journal accepts no liability beyond
the amount paid for that portion of the advertisement in which the
error appears or affects. Claims for adjustment are limited to errors
appearing in the first insertion only. Advertising copy deviating in
any way from the regular classified style will be considered display
and charged on that rate scale.
Printed in USA
Thank You
Ron Ramsey and family
would like to thank all customers, past and
present, friends, family and Sun Valley Coop for all the kind wishes, gifts, hugs and
memories shared during my recent retirement
day. 38 years in the fuel business has made
for many good friendships and business
Avis Riach 1926- 2000
Alvin Riach 1927- 2014
Think of them as living
In the hearts of those they touched
For nothing loved is ever lost
And they were loved so much
Precious memories last forever
Carolyn, Greg, and Families
Emerson Seniors
By Diana Breckon
Happy New Year to
you all. Not too happy
about the cold weather,
but we are fortunate to be
able to enjoy the warmth
of our homes, unlike
the homeless people; it
would be wonderful if
by a miracle they would
all find a warm home
Birthday greetings
for the month of January
go to Lillian Gibson and
Eva Nichol (belated),
Blaine Bruce, Frances
Pamula, Katherine
Bergen, Nola Brown,
Bunny Sadler, Leslie
Forrester, and to all
those not mentioned.
May you all have a
wonderful year!
Because of the
Christmas Holidays,
there were no results
of the Cribbage games
so, to bring you all up to
date if you are keeping
track of winners:
December 22nd Men’s
high Art Klan (828),
getting to be a habit as he
had a perfect score (848)
on December 15th, Men’s
low- Ron Kostelniuk
(689), Ladies highDarlene Klapka (826),
Ladies low- Mildred
Weiss (758)
December 29th Men’s
high- Sam Sadler (835),
Men’s low- a tie- Gordie
Breckon & Lorne Wood
(781), Ladies highMildred Weiss (815) and
Ladies low- Anneliese
Ziegler (767)
For the first game in
2015 there were 5 tables
of cribbage players at the
New Horizon Centre.
M e n ’s h i g h - R o n
Kostelniuk (833), Men’s
January 10, 2015 Pg. 3
low- Robyn Copeland,
Ladies high- Anneliese
Ziegler (847), perfect
score, and Ladies low
Bunny Sadler (744).
Thanks Barbara Singbiel
for the tasty cupcakes.
Good News to hear
Joyce Grier is back
home after spending
some time in Morris
Hospital. We all wish
you continued good
health and back with us
playing cribbage soon.
Florence Remus is
spending some time in
the Morris Hospital.
We wish her well while
recovering from the flu.
There seems to be
a lot of flu and coughs
going around, every
where you go. The
Doctors say if you are
sick, stay home, wash
your hands a lot, drink
lots of fluids and get
lots of rest. If only
one could do that. And
stay away from visiting
in Hospitals and Care
Homes. Take Care
January 15th there is
a Soup and Sandwich
and Dessert Luncheon
at the New Horizon
Centre. It starts at
11:30 and runs till 1:30.
Remember the storm
last year, we had a full
house. What wonderful
support. Posters are up.
The Handi-Van will be
available. Call 204373-2709.
Words of Wisdon
“Kindness in words
creates confidence,
Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness,
Kindness in giving
creates love.” By Lao
Recipe of the Week
Sugar Free Raisin Bars
From Taste of Home
This is a diabetic bar, keeps moist. I served them
over the holidays and gave them away as gifts to
special people.
1 cup raisins
½ cup water
¼ cup margarine
1 tsp ground cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
Cook in a saucepan over medium heat until
margarine is melted, continue cooking for 3
Add: 1 cup all purpose flour
1 egg, slightly beaten
¾ cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tbsp sugar substitute
1 tsp baking soda
¼ tsp vanilla extract
Spread into an 8 inch square baking dish that has
been coated with non-stick cooking spray. Bake
at 3500F for 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly
browned. Yield 16 servings.
Nutritional Analysis; One serving equals 92
calories, 97 mg of sodium, 13 mg cholesterol,
15 gm carbohydrates, 2 gm protein, 3 gm fat.
Diabetic exchange- 1 starch, ½ fat.
I cut this in 16 pieces and wrapped each piece
in saran wrap, then froze, so there would be less
cheating. Enjoy!
“To the Point”
By Jeremy Bradley
This better not be an
It’s been a long time
since I’ve commented
about Justin Bieber
in this column. (I do,
however, talk about
him frequently on my
entertainment radio
show.) This time it’s
not about his arrogance,
though almost any sort
of commentary one
makes will have an
audience feel strongly
one way or the other
on that.
This time it is about
his crazed fans. In short:
they are psychotic. And
that’s not normally a
word you should use in
a newspaper to describe
people but I will prove
my point with quotes
from his crazed fans.
Bieber is seen halfnaked in a new Calvin
Klein ad. You might
recall, anytime Bieber
is rumoured to be in a
new relationship, his
flavour of the month
often gets harassing and
threatening messages on
social media. This time,
the girl in question is
a model pictured with
Bieber in the ads –
not even romantically
linked to the Canadian
wannabe thug. And as
gossip website TMZ
noted, the mob is out
for blood.
Posted by TMZ:
“One girl was direct,
tweeting, “I’ll kill that
girl.” In case it was
too subtle, the chick
followed the threat
up with emojis of 3
guns and a knife, and
a collage, featuring a
girl brandishing a gun.
Another girl was just as
crazy, saying, “hi bitch
i hate u. touch justins
d*** again and ill kill
u im not joking.”And
there’s this ... “back
off or i’ll kill you,
please and thanks. no
pressure :)”(Can we
agree that “psychotic”
is an appropriate word
So while teenage
Bieber might have loved
the attention from crazed
fans I can only imagine
how the grownup
Bieber is dealing with it.
Granted, he’s probably
too busy with his booze,
drugs and hookers to
pay much attention so
he probably just rolls his
eyes now.
Bieber has in the past
-- and now would be a
good time to continue
-- stuck up for the girls
in question through
playful posts on social
media. And maybe the
hate happens so often
that he just brushes off
the drama.
But all it takes is one
sad and desperate girl to
act on such threats and
this will turn into one of
those situations where
we can’t say, “Wow,
never saw this coming.”
That’s my point.
What’s yours? Tell me at
Your ad could be read in 45 Community
Newspapers in Manitoba.
Advertise in the
Manitoba Classifieds
For more information contact us at the Southeast
Journal @ 204-373-2493
Delivering Long-Term Jobs for
Our Government
remains focused on what
matters to Canadians:
creating jobs, economic
growth and long-term
p r o s p e r i t y. M a n y
employers and job
seekers agree that there
are too many people
without jobs and too
many jobs without
people. The goal of
our Jobs Agenda is to
fix this problem.
We h a v e b e e n
working with the
provinces and
territories to deliver the
Canada Job Grant, an
innovative, employerdriven approach to help
Canadians gain the skills
and training they need to
fill available jobs.
The new Canada
Apprentice Loan, for
instance, offers up to
$4,000 interest-free
per period of Red Seal
technical training.
We will continue to
provide further support
to youth by offering
tax credits, such as the
tuition, education and
textbook tax credits,
t h e t r a d e s p e r s o n ’s
tools deduction and
the Apprenticeship Job
Creation Tax Credit.
September 2014 marked
500,000 apprenticeship
grants issued to help
young Canadians
pursue careers in
the skilled trades, a
significant milestone in
our Government’s Jobs
In the coming
months, two new
innovative online tools
will be launched: the
Career Choice Tool
and an enhanced Job
Match service. The
Career Choice tool will
provide more and better
information on the
benefits of working in
various occupations and
promote good careers in
such high-demand fields
as science, technology,
e n g i n e e r i n g ,
mathematics and the
skilled trades. The Job
Match service will
connect unemployed
Canadians with
employers in their
region who are seeking
workers with their skill
We a r e a l s o
introducing a new
generation of Labour
Market Agreement for
Persons with Disabilities
Nichols Family has Over 100 Years
Combined History in Frankslin
Volunteer Fire Department
This picture represents over 100 combined years of volunteer fire fighting
by the Nichols family in The RM of Franklin. This is a three generation
picture of the Bryan Nichols family. Bryan retired from the Department
in 2014 after serving for 50 years. Todd has been on the department for
30 plus years. Dean retired this year with 25 years service. Todd, Trevor,
Thomas and Cory remain active members of the Franklin Volunteer Fire
Department. From Left to Right Cory, Dean, Bryan, Todd, Thomas and
to improve employment
prospects for Canadians
with disabilities which
also meets the needs of
Canadian businesses.
By renewing and
expanding the Targeted
Initiative for Older
Wor ke r s initia tiv e ,
we are helping older
workers in communities
with tighter labour
markets develop the
skills needed to fill
vacant jobs.
Additionally, our
Government also
launched a new Panel on
Employment Challenges
of New Canadians as
part of the action plan
to improve foreign
credential recognition
for internationally
trained professionals.
As of 2014, we continue
to provide financial
support to improve
credential recognition
in 24 target occupations
that represent over 80
percent of newcomers.
This financial support
includes a microloans
pilot project to help
internationally trained
workers cover the cost of
having their credentials
recognized, benefiting
more than 1,400 skilled
Canada needs strong
economic leadership,
a n d t h a t ’s e x a c t l y
what our Conservative
Government is
delivering. We will
continue to work hard
on behalf of Canadian
families and our Jobs
Agenda will help ensure
that Canadians have
the skills and training
needed in the labour
market of today and in
the years ahead.
You may contact my
office toll free at 1-866333-1933 or at 204326-9889. You may
also write my office
at 8-227 Main Street,
Steinbach, MB R5G
1Y7, e-mail me at ted.
or visit my website at
January 10, 2015 Pg. 4
By Sonja Grier
What am icy cold
welcome that the New
Year brought us! Just
think, we only have
about three more months
of this.
Congratulations go
out to our doctor at Vita,
Trish Penner, and her
husband Dennis who
are proud parents of
a bouncing baby boy,
Alexander Penner
Krahn, who was born
on December 31 st at
the Bethesda Hospital
weighting 9 pounds 2
ounces. Also eagerly
waiting his arrival were
sister Lilly and brother
Birthday greetings
go out to a special lady
Alice Batten who was
ninety-two years young
on January 6th. Marcella
Towle also celebrates
in January. She will be
seventy-six on January
12th. Have a great day
Spending Christmas
with their mom
Mary Pott were her
Saskatchewan kids
Doris and Robert and
I spent the holidays
with my kids, first a
few days in Matlock
with son-in-law Jim and
family, then on the 24th
we all headed to Bev and
Dave’s home in Portage
where we were joined
by daughter Donna from
Calgary and grandkids
from Brandon and the
At the home of
Marcella and Jim Towle
were family members
including Jim’s daughter
Karen and Al and kids
Kelsey and Ryan from
I don’t usually watch
daytime talk shows, but
I caught the tail end of
one today. It peaked
my interest because
they were talking
about a product that
makes musty clothes
smell better. They were
talking about Vodka, but
I didn’t catch what you
do with it. Apparently
vodka and water will
bring cut flowers back
life when they start
to wilt and also it is
excellent to clean your
lenses in your glasses,
just put some on the
cloth. Who would have
All the best in 2015
from my family to
Call 204-373-2493
Manitoba RCMP Respond To Fewer Fatal Collisions
In 2014
One death on
Manitoba roadways
is one too many, but
2014 saw a significantly
lower number of fatal
collisions than average.
In 2014, there were
68 fatal collisions on
Manitoba roadways
resulting in 73 deaths.
In 2013, there were 81
fatal collisions resulting
in 95 deaths. The fiveyear average (20092013) for fatal collisions
is 82.8 with 92 deaths.
In the eastern part
of the province, there
were 27 fatal collisions
resulting in 30 deaths.
There were 29 fatal
collisions resulting in
30 deaths in the western
part of Manitoba, and
the northern part of the
province saw 12 fatal
collisions resulting in
13 deaths. Of the 68
fatal collisions, 59 were
roadway crashes (69
in 2013) and 9 were
off-road vehicle (ORV)
crashes (12 in 2013).
Many of the fatal
collisions RCMP
responded to in 2014
were preventable. In
56% of the collisions,
speed or driving too
fast for road conditions
It Occurs to Me
What’s for dinner?
By Joanne Graydon
I must have over
thirty cookbooks.
Some are old and
tattered but some have
barely cracked spines.
I probably spend more
time dusting them off
and re-stacking them
than actually reading
them. But I always think
one day I might just look
for a recipe, find the
savoury ingredients and
prepare a delicious meal
for my family. There are
titles like, “Grandma’s
Home Cooking” and “A
Taste of Home”. I have
“The Joy of Cooking”
(printed in 1964) and
the Better Homes and
Gardens “New Cook
Book” seventh edition
from 1974. Some of
the pages are spotted
with crusty fingerprints
and some are dog-eared
for future reference but
to be honest, I haven’t
opened one of those
cookbooks in years.
“It Occurs to Me”
cooking is a chore I’d
like to ignore. But,
we have to eat... so I
have learned to prepare
simple basics with
reasonable skill. When
I make the trip to the
grocery store, with a
list in hand, the cart fills
up with the same foods
time after time. I stick
to the four food groups
choosing foods that will
be nutritious but I rarely
ever reach for anything
that might require
was cited. Impairment
by alcohol or drugs
was involved in 43% of
the collisions, with the
average blood alcohol
content of tested drivers
being two and a half
times the legal limit and
the highest being almost
four and a half times
the legal limit. In many
of the collisions, more
than one of these factors
played a role.
In seatbeltapplicable crashes, 48%
of the deceased were
not wearing seatbelts.
In ORV/motorcycle
crashes, 58% of the
deceased were not
effort. I can boil, fry
and bake. I know how
to chop, dice and shred.
But when it comes to
combining different
foods, making hearty
sauces or applying
appetizing seasonings
I’m about as successful
as someone nailing jello
to a tree.
During the holidays
I hauled out my blank
book which holds handcopied recipes I’ve used
for years. At the back
there is a list of foods
I’ve prepared over
and over for the last
twenty holidays. Most
of the recipes are for
baking but there are a
few others that have
become my signature
dishes. I don’t stray too
far from success and the
family can rely on my
“usual” contribution to
the festive table. But
being comfortable with
a few chosen recipes
doesn’t make a good
cook. It just shows how
my interest in cooking
has become scrambled,
curdled and lumpy.
I remember an old
Weightwatchers saying,
“We should eat to live,
not live to eat”. And
my non-complaining
husband rarely utters a
wearing helmets.
One fatal collision is
presumed caused by a
driver using a hand-held
electronic device while
While the overall
number of fatal
collisions in Manitoba
was lower in 2014, the
fact remains that 73
Manitobans lost their
lives on our roadways.
The RCMP asks all
motorists to slow down,
buckle up, and drive
sober. Stay safe out
there so everyone can
get home safely to their
word when I place his
plate of unremarkable
food on the table.
He might say, “What
is this?” or “Hmmm
this looks interesting”
but he finishes every
bite without objection.
Maybe I need to watch
a few cooking shows?
Or dust off one of those
cookbooks and open it?
The problem is, I really
am not very confident
in the kitchen and that‘s
my biggest hurdle!
I’ve been hearing
about new and unusual
ways of cooking but
have no idea what
they mean. “Molecular
gastronomy” seems to
be on the cutting edge of
food preparation lately
including experimental
cuisine as well as
emotional cuisine. If
experimenting means
substituting taco sauce
for chilli peppers then
I’m right on track. And
if I’m feeling blue or
overwhelmed with
kitchen duties then I’m
certainly an emotional
chef. “Haute Cuisine”
is far from arriving
anywhere close to this
kitchen with its lavish
plating and unique
cooking styles. My
comfort cuisine relies
January 10, 2015 Pg. 5
Southeast Billboard
Sponsored by
Southeast Journal
Whats happening in your community.
Meetings, Fundraisers, School, Church and
Recreational events or happenings in Seniors
Centrers or day cares. Bring us your poster and
if it meets our criteria we’ll print it in the
Southeast Billboard....FREE.
Dominion City TOPS chapter meets every
Thursday at 4:15 pm at the New Horizon
Centre, 106 Church Street Emerson. Join
us for encouragement and education to help
you to Take Off Pounds Sensibly. For more
information call Brenda @ 373-2580
Regular Curling Mens and Ladies Leagues
Starting December 1st, Bonspiels: Mens January
9-11, Ladies Feb 13-15,Mixed March 13-15
Stick Bonspiel March 21,Call Tracey 427-3573
or email: shawnandtraceyfrench@mymts.net
Or Troy 427-3323 or email: troy_kirkpatrick@
hotmail.com, Or Visit Dominion City Curling
Club Facebook Page
on meat and potatoes
with a few green things
on the side!
I guess the only way
I’ll see beyond making
creamy casseroles,
stewed meat and
potatoes and a few pots
of simmering soup is
to crack open one of
those cookbooks and
find something I can
successfully create. In
the meantime, on a daily
basis, I hear the age old
question, “What’s for
January 10, 2015 Pg 6
Manitoba’s Set Date
Election Moves To April
2016 Submitted by Elections Manitoba
Manitoba’s set date
provincial election is
now officially moved to
April 19, 2016. Under
section 49.1(3) of The
Elections Amendment
Act, the provincial
election date moves
from October 6, 2015
to the third Tuesday
of April 2016 if, by
January 1, 2015, the
federal election date has
not been changed. The
change to Manitoba’s
set election date was
adopted to eliminate
overlap between the
timing of provincial and
federal elections.
As a result of this
change, the calendar
year for determining
advertising limits in
the year of a fixed date
election will now be
2016. The Election
Financing Act (EFA)
imposes limits on
advertising by registered
parties and candidates in
the year of a fixed date
election. Under section
58(1) of the EFA, the
advertising limit is set at
$268,000 for registered
parties outside the
election period and
under section 58(2) of
the EFA for registered
parties and under section
58(2) the advertising
limit is set at $6,500
outside the election
period for candidates.
These limits are subject
to inflation adjustment
as per section 59 of the
The advertising
limit for the fixed date
election year is separate
and in addition to the
limit for the election
period (writ day to
election day). There is
no limit for advertising
in a non-election year
or in the year of a nonfixed date election (e.g.
a by-election).
For Rent
Spacious 2-bdrm. Heated parking. Wheelchair
accessible with entry assist and elevator. Water,
power, heat and A/C included.
Call 608.203.6673
Morris Manor
Non Smoking 55 plus Senior Residence
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Call 204-746-6893
recycle this newspaper
The Disability
Tax Credit
$1,500 Yearly Tax
$15,000 Lump Sum
Refund (on avg)
Nuvision Commodities Inc. is growing and
we’re currently seeking a Class 1 driver to fill
a permanent full-time position. The successful
candidate will be available to perform short
and long hauls within southern Manitoba and
Saskatchewan. We offer competitive hourly
wages, benefits and we are seeking a team
player to join our family business.
Experience hauling with Super B trailers
considered an asset. Please send your resume via email to ken@nuvisioncommodities.ca or call 204-712-0250.
Back conditions and
Restrictions in
walking and dressing
Advertise your job
title and location in 49
newspapers throughout
(400,000 circulation)
and have the position
referred to
for the full job
description. Ad stays
online for 35 days
For more information
Emerson Milling Inc. is a fully automated oat milling
facility in Emerson, MB. We are currently accepting
applications for:
Full time position available immediately. We are
looking for an energetic, reliable, team player to
join our team.
Duties include: loading and unloading trucks,
fork lift operation, bagging, and operating plant
Full training will be provided. Plant experience is an
We offer a competitive salary and a great benefit
If you are interested in applying for this position,
send your resume to:
Emerson Milling Inc.
Box 424
Emerson, MB
FAX: 204-373-2537,
Email: jarrod@emersonmilling.com
We thank all of those who apply however only
those selected for an interview will be contacted
Logging contractor with
mechanical equipment
needed to harvest app.
20,000m3 or more of
softwood & possibly some
hardwood. Stump to
dump contract. 204-6892261 (pokrant@mts.net)
Wabowden. MB.
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For Sale
E V E R Y T H I N G .
Automotive, farm,
c o n s t r u c t i o n , A T V,
marine, cycle, golf carts,
s o l a r, p h o n e s , t o o l s ,
radios, computers etc.
Reconditioned, obsolete
and hard-to-find batteries.
SOLAR equipment. The
Battery Man. Winnipeg.
1.877.775.8271 www.
• aluminum
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• e-waste
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72 Rothwell Road
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requires O/O 3/4 tons,
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Semis and drivers for our
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direct deposit, benefits
steel building models and
sizes. Plus extra savings.
Buy now and we will store
until spring. Pioneer Steel
1-800-668-5422 www.
OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62,
45x90, 50x120, 60x150,
80x100 sell for balance
owed! Call 1-800-457-2206
FIREARMS. All types
wanted, estates,
collections, single items,
m i l i t a r y. W e h a n d l e
all paperwork and
transportation. Licensed
Dealer. 1.866.960.0045
Red River
serving The Town of Emerson
and the R.M. of Franklin
Delayne Gibbs 373-2026 or 746-5847
Email: director@redriverrec.com
January 10, 2015 Pg 7
Southeast Journal Business Directory
For all your business/personal accounting,
bookkeeping, and income tax preparation
needs. Specializing “with over 25 yrs” in
the transprort indutry.
Call Sue @ PH 204 373 2953
Fax 204- 373- 2969
Email: borderbookkeeping@hotmail.com
Red River Recreation Report
Serving Municipality of Emerson
Please contact Delayné Gibbs if you
Canadian Ink Supplies
have any questions, concerns or if you
Remanufactured Ink Cartridges & Toners
would like toregister for a program.
Save 40 % – 60%
Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30Off Originals
4:30 in Emerson
Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30-4:30 in
Call/Text Joyce @ 204-921-0061
Dominion City
or 746-6984 Morris (Free Quotes)
Saturday, Sunday: CLOSED
204.373.2026 or 204.746.5847
Cliff Graydon
Don’t forget to join us on Facebook!
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Community Programs
Constituency of Emerson
Figure Skating ProgramConstituency Office
Emerson Skating Club
Box 2099
When: Starting December 15 , 2014
Altona Manitoba
Where: Emerson Arena
Time: 6:00PM
Phone (204) 324-9901
Cost: 60$
Fax (204) 324-9902
Cell (204) 712-5482
Registration forms available at Rec
office in Emerson. More details to
come. For more information, please
contact Delayne Gibbs.
After School Curling Program
When: January 7, 14, 21, 28
Where: Emerson Community
Time: 4:00-5:00PM
Cost: FREE
Registration forms available at Rec
Office in Emerson
Sliders and brooms are available if
Photography Class-CHRISTINE
Where: Roseau Valley School,
Dominion City
When: January 18th, 2015
Time: 9:00AM-2:00PM (20 min
Cost: 50$
Minimum of 4 people
Cost: 125$ or 12$ drop in fee
Learning about camera settings, Time to get back into shape after the
gear, backing up files, editing/style Christmas holidays!!
& printing.
Contact Delayne to register ASAP!!
DSLR camera highly recommended St-Vital Shopping Trip-New Year
for this class
Where: St-Vital Shopping Centre,
Year Session
When: January 28th, 2015
Where: Emerson Elementary School Time: Pick up starts at 9:00AM
When: Starting January 26 th @ Cost: 10.00$
Contact Red River Recreation to
Mondays & Wednesdays-6 week register
Your gift to
will benefit our
communities for
generations to
For more information on our foundation
and how to donate please contact Shelley
Johnston (204)746-6666 or 712-7321
Please visit our website www.meahf.ca
Charitable Receipts Available
Heated Indoor Facility
This space could
be yours
Only $50 per
Funeral Home Altona Ltd.
Kindness and Compassion
Altona, MB
Doug Derewianchuk
McPhail Travel
221 Victoria Avenue West
Morris, Manitoba Canada
R0G 1K0
Tel: (204) 746-2272
Cell (204) 226-4999
Email dougdechuk@mymts.net
Quilting Workshop
Where: New Horizons, Emerson
When: Saturday February 7th, 2015
Time: 9:00AM-4:30PM
Cost: 50$
Make your own Quilt-As-You-Go
Tote Bag!! One day project. Must
purchase own fabrics/notions. List of
materials needed will be given upon
registration. Some sewing experience
necessary. Contact Delayne to register.
Join our Business
Directory-$50 per
February 6, 7 & 8 2015
February 27, 28 & March 1, 2015
-In service school days programming
-Learn to crochet program
-gluten free baking workshop
-healthy cooking for one
January is Crime
Stoppers Month
By Janis Nickel
I hope everyone had
Jan 24 - Poker Derby.
Manitoba Crime Stoppers invites you to be part
a good holiday season Come to The Club to
of the solution in your area.
RCMP were provided program managed by with family and friends. register, starting at 10
with a tip concerning a volunteer board of I know I certainly did. am. There will be stops
Now the parties are in Ridgeville, St Jean,
a grow operation in directors.
I f y o u k n o w over, guests have gone St Malo and Emerson.
a small rural town in
southern Manitoba, the s o m e t h i n g a b o u t home, decorations are Volunteers interested in
suspect was unknown criminal activity in back in boxes and the sitting at any of these
to police and their y o u r c o m m u n i t y, deep-freeze has set in. stops should contact
activities had not been contact Crime Stoppers. I am giving serious Denise.
Jan 27 - The Club’s
heard of previous to M a n i t o b a C r i m e thought to embarking
nual General
the information being Stoppers provides you
starting at 7:00
r e c e i v e d . A s e a r c h with an avenue to safely
come with
warrant was prepared, and anonymously share
2 persons were arrested, valuable information
6 charges laid,$20,000 with police agencies
dollars in cash along about crime in your rural
with $600,000 in stolen Manitoba community.
CALL: Manitoba
property and 1,209
Jan 10 - Karaoke membership for 2015
marihuana plants were C r i m e S t o p p e r s
with Karaoke please get it soon.
toll free at 1-80 0seized.
at 7 pm.
Feb 7 - Exotic Bingo
Every time a Crime 2 2 2 - 8 4 7 7 ( T I P S )
information to
is committed, it affects S U B M I T: a s e c u r e
us all. Crime Stoppers tip online at www.
Cribbage Night is based on the simple manitobacrimestoppers. fun, requiring more
Monday, starting
principle that for every com
crime committed,
someone other than the
criminal has information
about it. Crime Stoppers
continues to be effective
because of concerned
community members
throughout Manitoba
who are doing their part
to keep their streets safe.
The Manitoba Board
of directors would like
to take this opportunity
to acknowledge the
substantial support of
the many volunteers,
community sponsors
and businesses, local
media outlets and law
enforcement agencies
throughout Manitoba,
that have contributed
to the success and
achievements of the
Manitoba Crime
Stoppers program.
The Manitoba
Ask for Jesse or Carl
Association Inc. was
established in July
o f 1 9 8 5 . Ma n i toba
Crime Stoppers serves
the citizens of rural
Manitoba, outside
(Toll Free 1-866-746-8441)
the cities of Brandon
and Winnipeg. We are
a community service
January 10, 2015 Pg 8
at 7:30. New players are
always welcome. It is
good to bring a cribbage
partner but if you don’t
have one, come anyway;
chances are good you
can be paired up with
someone. This week
7 teams gathered to
play. Aimie and Hazel
took first place, being 7
points off a perfect score
and beating Patty and
Duaine by 9 points. It
was good to see Sherry
as she has been down
with the flue for the past
2 weeks. Hope you feel
better Sherry.
Condolences to the
friends and family of
Gerhard Brueggerman
who passed away during
the holiday season. His
robust presence will be
missed at The Club’s
coffee group.
Our thoughts and
well wishes go out to
Rick Rettaler who is
still recovering from
his second surgery at
Boundary Trails Health
Centre. Best wishes also
to Judy who is left with
the care and up-keep of
- everything. It is times
like this when we are
again reminded how
critical it can be to have
helpful neighbours.
That’s all for today.
Please feel free to
contact me with stories
about your special
events or holidays. Keep