St. Paul's Epistle 218 E. 19th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-632-9212 Pastor Ron Powers January 2015 Using WiFi at St. Paul’s Submitted by St. Paul’s Technology Team Grace and Peace, Saints of St. Paul’s— St. Paul's has three Wifi signals broadcasting in the building. While searching for wireless networks, depending on your location and your personal device, any one signal may be stronger than another and you may use any of the three. The three networks are named: StPauls12, StPaulsGuest_2G, and StPaulsGuest_5G. For simplicity, all three of these networks use the same "key phrase" which is: Feeed12000. Yes, there are three "e"s in Feeed. You will find signage around the church referencing these networks and the "key phrase". The "key phrase" is a moderate form of security so watch for it to change from time to time to prevent outsiders from abusing access. Again, signage will be posted. Enjoy, please be considerate of others within the church, and use responsibly. Happy 2015. There’s something about a new year, starting fresh, maybe making resolutions realistic enough keep beyond January 4. Newness and change are appropriate topics upon which to reflect as a new year beckons, and they are certainly appropriate topics for us here at St. Paul’s. These past nine months have seen much newness and change. New staff, new spirit, new vision for the future. 2015 promises further change and excitement, as we move together to the day of calling a new permanent pastor. We still have a bit more work to do, but we can anticipate that 2015 will bring exciting, positive, God-led, Spiritfilled times, and it’s been a privilege to be a part of this transition process. Blessings as we forge into the unknown, confident our faithful God walks with us with guidance and encouragement. –Pastor Ron Don’t Forget! Plywood and 2 x 4s are available in the storage garage across the alley from the Church. Contact one of the Property Committee members for access if your group has a use for them. CHILI SUPPER PLUS! Plan to spend the evening with us January 24, 2015. St. Paul’s Youth Group will be hosting a chili supper at 5 pm in the fellowship hall. Enjoy yummy food, bid on silent auction items and be entertained by our youth. Proceeds will help eleven youth attend the National Youth Gathering in Detroit next summer. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Committee Updates Announcements Council Corner/Birthdays Thank you letters World Hunger letter January Calendar Synod Assembly Announcement St. Paul's Epistle 1 SHARING GOD’S LOVE Submitted by the Social Ministry Committee As the New Year begins, there may be a furry friend in your church pew on Sunday morning! Those of you who have donated stuffed bears for this Social Ministry project may recognize one during worship service, as we will begin placing a few bears at a time in the sanctuary for anyone who feels the need of a bear to hug or know of someone who does. The hope is that each of these stuffed bears will bring comfort to someone who is hurting in some way & who may benefit from having a special bear in his/her life at a tough time. Each bear will have a tag attached & must attend a church service prior to leaving St. Paul’s, but at the conclusion of the service, if you feel the need, you are invited to take a bear into your own home or take one to share with someone in the community you know who may be needing a visual reminder of God’s love. We welcome your feedback. Quilters Update Submitted by Marilyn Repshire Pam Schafer, Marti Nelson, Helen Samuelson, Connie Bastian, Connie Graese, and 2 employees from the Family Wellness Center, Lynn & Bob. Last month the St. Paul's quilters delivered warmth to those less fortunate. We gave 7 quilts to families who stay right here at our church (IFSS), 8 quilts to "Futures Family Wellness Center” on Old Faithful road, and 8 to the Coalition for the Homeless on Logan Ave. Every organization was very grateful for the donations and we hope to spread of God's love into our community. See the pictures on the green poster down in the fellowship hall. After delivering our handiwork, we went to lunch together. Anyone is welcome to join us the 2nd & 3rd Monday of the month at noon to start all over again for the new year. St. Paul's Epistle 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Announcements 2014 COMMITTEE REPORTS DUE SUNDAY, JANUARY 11TH Fellowship committee schedules teams to bring treats and to serve and clean up for coffee hour. Anytime you would like to provide a special treat, like a cake, please call Marilyn Repshire so she is aware of your intentions. You may tell Rochel in the office if you cannot get a hold of Marilyn, and then she can tell the cookie bakers we are having cake. We do enjoy a change now and then. Thanks! If you, or someone you know, would like to be added or removed from the monthly Epistle mailing list please let the church office know. If you do not wish to receive The Lutheran monthly magazine, please let the church office know so that we can remove you from the paid subscription list. Please have all bulletin items to office by Wednesday of each week. All Committee reports for 2014 need to be submitted to the office by this day for inclusion in the annual report. MOVIES AND SPIRITUALITY FRIDAY, JANUARY 16TH 6:00 P.M. Potluck and viewing of “Stolen Summer,” (PG), a touching story of a young Catholic boy who’s on a quest to help a young Jewish friend get into heaven. Discussion to follow. FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 18TH 11:00 A.M. Fellowship committee will have a meeting to plan the congregational dinner on Feb 8th. We will meet at the table in the kitchen area. Anyone is welcome to join us with your ideas. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH Parish Secretary: Rochel Kirkbride Hours: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, M-F Phone: 632-9212 Easter Sunday Services SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH For those of you working on volunteer schedules and looking ahead, the Easter Sunday services have been set at 8:30 am and 11 am. Many thanks to Paul Carlson for volunteering to serve as Counters’ chair! St. Paul's Epistle 3 Council Corner Notes from the December 9th meeting Finance: The church as a whole is currently ahead of budget. The draft budget for 2015 was approved for presentation to the congregation at the annual meeting. Christmas bonuses were approved for parish staff. Council needs nominations for six seats on council to be elected at the annual meeting. Council tabled discussion on establishing a policy for same-sex weddings at St. Paul’s to be resolved at the January meeting. Janet Adams resigned from Council. Her faithful service was appreciated. Members who have not communed and made a record of donation in the last two years will be removed from the membership roster in accordance with the congregations’ by-laws. The Worship & Music Committee reported that announcements made before worship need to be shorter. Next Council meeting will be January 13th. Full Council meeting minutes are always posted on the bulletin board in the Church hallway. January Birthdays St. Paul's Epistle 4 Make a resolution to serve the church in a new way this year! We are especially in need of altar ministers, communion assistants and counters. There are people willing to train in all areas. Youth and adults are welcome to volunteer. Please contact the office if you are interested! The following notes were received in the church office in Dec.: From Pastor Ron: Many thanks for your generosity with cards, gifts, thoughts and prayers during the Christmas season. I truly appreciate them all. From ATR Landscaping: Our sincere thanks for your valued business. We appreciate having you as our customer and look forward to serving you in the New Year. From Ashley, Clerk at Anderson’s Other Corner: Your kindness on Thanksgiving was very much appreciated. Have a happy and safe holiday season. From Jim Liske, President and CEO of the Angel Tree Prison Ministries Program: This past Angel Tree season was a wonderful one! You and your church brought so much joy to prisoners’ children in your community. Nationwide, Angel Tree was able to share gifrts and the Gospel with hundreds of thousands of children who were missing their parents this Christmas. Angel Tree recently heard from a prisoner named Douglas in North Carolina. His children, Zaya and Durant, have received Angel Tree presents on his behalf over the past several years, and Douglas knows it’s making a difference in his relationships with his kids. “It gives my children the chance to see I still do care,” says Douglas. “It’s that hand in between, it’s like someone hugging them for you.” Thank you for being the “hand in between” this year. – helping so many prisoner-parents remind their children that they love them despite the distance between them. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in sharing Christ’s love with prisoners and their children in the future! St. Paul's Epistle 5 St. Paul's Epistle 6 ~ January 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 16 17 St. Paul’s Mission Statement: “Mindful of a need to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, to worship Him, and to better serve Him, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church commits this congregation to revitalizing and nurturing its faith through worship, education, fellowship, and prayer and to continue Christ’s loving work through outreach and evangelism in service to our Lord.” 4 5 6 7 9am – Property Cmte 9:30 – Worship 10:30 – Coffee Hour 10:45 - Sunday school 5:30 Transition Cmte. 7 pm – Cantate Choir 11 12 13 14 . 5:30 pm Evangelism 9:30 Contemporary Worship Noon - Quilters 6:30 pm Exec. Cmte. 10:30 – Coffee Hour 7:00 pm Congregation 10:45 - Confirmation Council Mtg. Adult Forum Sunday school 6:00 pm Finance Cmte. 6 pm – Movies & Spirituality “Stolen Summer” 7 pm – Cantate Choir COMMITTEE REPORTS DUE TO OFFICE! 18 19 8 am – Accessibility and Social Ministry Cmte. 9:30 – Worship 10:30 – Coffee Hour 10:45 – Adult Forum Confirmation Sunday school 11:00 - Fellowship Cmte. Mtg. Epistle Announcements Due in Office 25 26 8:15 Worship & Music Committee mtg. 9:30 – Worship 10:30 – Coffee Hour 10:45 – Adult Forum Sunday school Confirmation 20 15 21 Noon - Quilters 22 23 24 30 31 5:30 – Transition Cmte. 7 pm – Cantate Choir 27 28 29 9:30 am Naomi Circle 6:00 - Mary’s Circle 7 pm – Cantate Choir St. Paul's Epistle 7 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church th 218 E. 19 St. Cheyenne, WY 82001 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID CHEYENNE, WY PERMIT NO. 05 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Synod Assembly St. Paul’s will need two representatives for the 2015 Synod Assembly. If you are interested, please let Pastor Ron or Bob Fecht know. The Synod Assembly will be in Salt Lake, May 1-3. The two representatives will be appointed at the annual meeting in February. . 2015 CONGREGATION COUNCIL Pastor Ron Powers Bob Fecht, President 635-9090 Roger Jacobsen, Vice-President 638-0682 Dave Delicath, Secretary 775-9264 Nancy Coffin, Treasurer 634-3503 Joan Stout 632-5027 Maren Felde 778-2865 Audrey Brunner 630-3730 Rebecca Brunner 630-3730 Cheri Lovas 631-0132 Judd Eifealdt 307-320-5685 Gail Young 634-2428 Loretta Pyle 634-3292 St. Paul's Epistle 8
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