Sam Ramseur, V-1569 Chef de Gare Angie Anderson, V-86 Chef de Train Jim Rovinski, V-977 Chef de Train (West) George Jeter, V-86 Chef de Train (East) Ann Robins, V-3 Conducteur A. R. Dick George, V-1569 Commissaire Intendant John Schenk, V-86 Correspondant C. Chuck Medeiros, V-1530 Garde de la Porte Jay Wilson, V-1569 Garde de la Porte Jim Burden, V-976 Grand Advocat George A. Jeter, V-86 Commis Voyageur Mike Bukowski, V-86 Cheminot National Jim Brock, V-380 Alternate Cheminot National Victor Graulau, V-1569 Aumonier Vacant Lampiste Robert Randall, V-86 Historien Send articles to John Schenk, V-86 L’Editeur 406 E. Randall Ave. Norfolk, VA. 23503 Email: Prom. Nationale: Phoenix, AZ. Sept 10-14, 2013 Fall Cheminot: Winter Cheminot: Spring Cheminot: Dixie: Memorial Day: Grand Prom: Mark You r Calendar 11 Oct, 2014 30 Jan 2015 22 Mar 2015 TBA May 24-26, 2015 Jul xx-xx, 2015 Prom. Nationale 2014: VA. Beach, VA The Loco-Motion News is published by the Grande Voiture du Virginie and mailed three times a year in the months of September, January and May. If you write articles for publication, please send them to the Grand L’ Editeur or email them to him so articles arrive no later than the 15th of the month prior to the publishing month. Photographs will be returned only upon request. From the Grande Chef de Train January 2015 I hope all the Voyageurs & Dames of the Grande du Virginia had a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. I can tell all of you are working hard for Grande du Virginia, in a month we have gone from 63% to 73%. AWESOME, but don’t stop there. Food for thought. Leaders work smarter. According to William Arthur Ward, “God gives us the ingredients for our daily bread, but he expects us to do the baking.” Working twice as hard is hardly ever the solution to a problem. It usually gets you nowhere twice as fast. Leaders look for ways to improve the process, rather than simply increasing the effort. They understand the negative impact of fatigue on their bodies, minds, and spirits. So they discern ways to beat the demonsways to work smarter, not harder. They ask the two most important questions in any enterprise: “Why?” and “what if?” LEADERS ARE THINKERS. So think about “Why” you haven’t made 100% yet and “What If” I read all my emails and don’t just hit DELETE. Take a step back and think if you have explored all options to increase membership and renewal rates. Have YOU invited in a new member this year? Now take all the correspondence that the Grande Correspondant sent out and apply the above to it and you should see where the leaders are and who they are. I understand no one likes a soap box letter, keep in mind our organization is only as strong as the memberships numbers reflect! We need 10 to make 75% by the Winter Grande Cheminot 1/31/2015! March on and take the Hill! I look forward to seeing all of you at the Grande Winter Cheminot and Grande Chef Sam’s homecoming in January in Lorton, VA. Angie Anderson V.A.V.S. January 2015 The “Keep the Wheel Chairs Rolling” Contest is an annual contest by which the facilities and our Veterans you serve may benefit. It’s really simple to enter. Write a short letter of 200 words or less stating what it is our veteran patients need most. Please include the unit cost, how many, total amount requested and intended use of the project or equipment in your letter. March 31, 2015 is the cut-off date. 1 Top Prize $1,000, 2 Prize $500, 8 Prizes $250, 8 Prizes $250, 20 Prizes $100. I ask that you contact your VAVS/SVH Representatives and Deputies ASAP in order for them to get their contest letters (“needs list”) on time. All letters need to be mailed to the following address: Ron Rolfes, Nationale Dir. VAVS/SVH, 5450 Tropic Dr., New Port Richey, FL 34653 Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me @ (727) 267-0371 or e-mail <<<V/L 1312 has established 3 nursing scholarships at Southside Virginia Community College. Each $300 scholarship is for 2nd year RN students. Pictured at the official presentation are: Paul Doucette, Nurses Training Director, Mary Elkins, SVCC, Leonard Smith, Chef de Gare and Tom Queck, Chef de Train. >>>Grande Chef Passe Bobby Lyles had so much fun with the big gavel the year he was Grande Chef, that he tried to get it away from Grande Chef du Alabama Mark Moots. Who said “NO WAY will this leave my hands and you know why.” Michael S. Wood Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer 200809 ONE NATION UNDER GOD Sandra K. Wood 2015/04 Sous La Presidente National 2009-09 Grande La Presidente Passe La Presidente Cabane 977 2 GRANDE DU VIRGINIE 2015 ROLL CALL OF VOITURE EVERLASTING 20 Apr 2014 5 May 2014 16 Aug 2014 02 Sept 2014 05 Sept 2014 06 Sept 2014 17 Sept 2014 24 Sept 2014 26 Sept 2014 30 Sept 2014 4 Oct 2014 7 Nov 2014 977 977 449 86 934 380 977 449 380 1530 1114 1114 George Machado Donald A. Helsel Warren W. Smith John P. Hilton Daniel B. Marafino Jim Kampanos William E. Glass, Jr. Donald S. Ikenberry Walter Podolny James A. Spivey Ronald W. Meadows Clarence A. Bailey 28 years 31 years 7 years 33 years 19 years 10 years 25 years 12 Years 9 Years 23 Years 20 Years 49 Years January 2015 Greetings Grande du Virginie: here's hoping that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and are beginning to enjoy a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. The holidays provide us an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends, and I trust that you carved out some time to share in the many festivities! Now let's talk about a subject dear to my heart. You got it "Membership." You have heard me say this before, but it is true, "Membership" is our organization's life blood, So once again, I am asking each of you to make a concentrated effort to assist us in obtaining 100% membership for the Grande. Together we can do this if, at a minimum, we do these two things: Reach out to those Voiture members you know who always renew but wait until the last minute. Encourage them to renew now. Step up our recruiting efforts and bring in new members. I would realistically like to see all of the remaining Voitures at 50% by the end of January. Remember: our 2014 Membership Cards were no longer valid as of January 1, 2015. You know we have a great Grande, but as I am always reminded that the Grande is made up of individuals, like you and I. We are a family and like families, we have had our disagreements, concerns, disappointments, and sorrows but we have also had joy, happiness, and we have a great history. Let's move forward from here. Please keep all of our Veterans and their families in your prayers. Merci, Grande Chef de Gare, Sam Ramseur 3 Merci Voyageurs — 2015 5 Years Lauren P. Bands, Sr., V-1530 Willie C. Barr, V-380 Donald W. Bowen, V-1114 Charles Buettner, V-380 Richard Buster, V-1569 James L. Carter, V-829 Jim Clarke, V-53 Daniel J. Condon, V-1569 Ellwood L. Franchey, V-53 W. R. “Bull” Franklin, V-86 Richard J. Groenier, V-1530 Norma D. Halley, V-449 Cecil R. Hodges, V-1312 Wendell F. Hodges, V-1312 Walter Roy Johnson, V-976 Charles L. Kump, V-1530 Mary Lee Lupejkis, V-86 William H. McKaig, Jr., V-977 Brian C. Orlando, V-1569 Ann M. Robins, V-53 Gary K. Schuller, V-977 Alonzo M. Scott, V-86 Gloria E. Sutton, V-977 Peter J. Thomas, V-1312 Leslie E. Timms, V1569 F. “Will” Willis, V-53 10 Years Alan C. Amos, V-1569 Ronald C. Bantom, V-380 James H. Brock, V-380 Larry G. Carpenter, V-1133 Frank H. Carr, V-1114 Joseph H. Gray, V-977 Frank J. Fritz, V-449 Craig O. Gilkison, V-977 Willie T. Harris, V-1530 George W. Hutton, Jr., V-977 Frank Leonard, V-1133 Samuel Ramseur, V-1569 R. M. “Frog” Randall, V-86 Billie G. Ser, V-976 Arsenius W. Terrill, V-1104 James K. Wright, V-380 15 Years H. C. Barnum, Jr., V-976 Harold E. Englert, V-449 A.R. “Dick” George, Jr., V-1569 Thomas Guthrie, V-1184 Frederick E. Hendrick, V-977 Gordon W. Holsinger, V-380 Lowell W. Kilby, V-977 Kenneth M. Loomer, V-86 Sam McPherson, V-976 Edwin S. Parrish, V-53 Robert Rightmyer, V-977 J. “Joe” Ser, III, V-976 Douglas W. Stradford, V-977 Charles E. Timms, V-934 Darrell Worthen, V-1530 Michael S. Wood, V-977 30 Years Tony Cerella, V-976 George G. Honts, V-1530 35 Years Joseph O. Dazzo, V-380 Robert F. Dry, V-977 Ronald L. Madden, V-829 Gary D. Martin, V-829 Edward F. Smith, Jr., V-1569 40 Years 45 Years James W. Burden, V-976 Lawrence E. Tudor, V-1530 Basil P. Walker, V-977 60 Years 20 Years Stephen A. Carr, V-977 Edwin F. DePolo, V-934 Kirk Y. Jefferies, V-86 Edward C. Layton, V-380 Phillip Martin, V-1133 David P. McMaster, V-1569 W. Frank Perkinson, V-1530 John C. Prosch, Jr., V-976 George D. Terry, Jr., V-53 Clifford N. Welling, V-1133 25 Years Waynard E. Caldwell, V-1104 William E. Glass, Jr., V-977 B. Paul Leidy, V-380 Paul W. Majors, V-829 Roland E. Williams, V-829 A.R. “Dick” George, Jr. President 40 & 8 Memorial Day Committee (703) 403-1972- Cell 3384 Monarch Lane E-Mail: Annandale, VA. 22003 2015/03 4 2017/09 GRANDE de VIRGINIE CHEF PASSE CLUB “The LOCOMOTION NEWS is our timetable” Robert C. Mathews (‘60) Harry P. Graul (‘90) Arthur LeMire (‘00) Joe Ser III (‘05) Dick George (‘08) Doug Stradford (’11) Michael R. Bukowski (‘14) 201411 James W. Burden (‘81) James R. Jones (‘96) Michael Wood (‘03) Rupert Lyles (‘06) F. Tony Morgan (‘09) William Englert (’12) Asa Sawyer (‘86) W. T. Jones (‘97) John M. Schenk (‘04) Otha Newton (‘07) Crawford Braswell (‘10) Jim Brock (‘13) V/M Big Chef Mike Wood goes to Veterans day in Birmingham, AL and rides in a Bentley and meets Miss ALABAMA COMPLIMENTS OF VOITURE 976 NEWPORT NEWS, VA Chef de Chemin de Fer 1990 Home Voiture of Chef de Chemon de Passe Compliments of Jim Burden Jim Burden a.k.a. “Junk Yard Dog” 5 2014/12 JIM PITTMAN CHEF de GARE 2014/03 W. “BILL” ENGLERT CORRESPONDANT Grande Directeur of Americanism January 2015 Salut Mon Ami; Salut and Happy New Year from the Grande Directeur Americanism! We are now well into the Winter season. Now is the time to gather around the fireplace and enjoy the warm beverage of your choice. It seems like I was just composing my Fall article for the Loco Motion News. I guess time does fly when you’re having fun. Speaking of fun, I certainly enjoyed meeting many of my fellow Voyageurs during Promenade Nationale. If you missed it, you missed a great time. I’m making my plans to attend Green Bay next year. The New Year is now here. I hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season with your friends and family. As the years pass, I know I look forward to these times with my adult children and their significant others (read Boyfriends). Americanism Pins I am very glad to announce that Grande Du Virginia has committed all of our Americanism Pins. I even had to scrounge an additional 50 pins. I send to you all a big Merci Beaucoup. If you owe for pins, you can mail me a check at 8028 Rocky Run Road, Gainesville, VA 20155 Flags for First Graders Flags for First Graders is the 40&8s premier Americanism program. The school year is half over. Hopefully your Locale is well into your Flags for First Graders program/presentation. If your Locale does not currently have a Flags for First Graders program and would like to get one started, please contact me. Upcoming Americanism Events The biggest upcoming Americanism Event is Memorial Day. If you have not participated in the Grande Memorial Day event, I can highly recommend that you attend. It is an event like no other for a 40&8’er. In the 40&8 oath, you swear to hold Memorial Day sacred. Visiting D.C. on Memorial Day gives you the opportunity to be faithful to your oath and demonstrate to the world how 40&8 pays its respect to this very special day. January 19 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day February 19 – Washington’s Birthday/President's Day A day originally set aside to honor George Washington. Now, other presidents are also honored on this day March 3 - Navy Reserve Birthday March 14 - K 9 Veterans Day March 13, 1942 is the official birthday of the United States K9 Corps, and so it seems only right to annually honor their service on that date. They served to save, and they deserve to be remembered. (continued) Por La Societe, Jay Wilson, 703-505-6764 (cell), 703-808-6209 (work) Email: NPCC = NATIONAL PASSE CHEFS CLUB Each year there are at least 17 Locale Chefs and one Grande Chef in Grande du Virginia. How many are members of the NPCC ? Would you believe only 60 Chef Passe from Virginia belong. The object of the organization of the club are as follows; To honor, thru membership, those voyagers who have served their Voiture Locale and/or Grand Voiture as Chef de Gare; To directly support the Forty & Eighter Magazine with a $25,000.00 per year donation derived from membership dues, memorial donations, gifts and other special fund raising projects that the club may undertake; To increase comradery between club members who have common bonds, and who are "Etiam Servans". (Still Serving). Interested, talk to the Grande Correspondant. 6 Grand Cours’pondant January 2015 Salut: I bring you greetings from the Grande Staff. The agenda items have not changed, just some of the comments. So, short and sweet – or not so sweet. The hardest part of my job is keeping the Ads in the Loco Motion News. Please read the paragraph below on the Loco Motion News. There are still over 400 recipients (too many) receiving the Loco Motion News in the mail. In this day and age of computers I would think that number would not be more than 125-175 or less. If you can help the Grande save some money by reading the Loco Motion News on-line, please send me your email address. It’s a new year with new Officers and Directeurs and hopefully some new ideas. 95th Promenade Nationale: Short and sweet, Promenade Nationale was a success. I believe there were more attendees here than the last five Promenade Nationales. The Corporation thanks all the volunteers for their time, effort and camaraderie. Grand Prom Book: Requests for support will be sent out in the month of April. Membership: Did you meet the membership team in your area? At Promenade Nationale, it was decided that anyone who has not renewed by 31 December 2014 is now delinquent. This means that YOU, the membership team, has to work harder to get your renewals from July thru December. LOCOMOTION News: The Loco Motion News is starting to suffer! As you look through the News, please note the number of blank spaces at the bottom of the pages. At one time there were two business card ads per page. Voyaguers are NOT renewing their ad. The News cannot survive on just the boosters. Are you a new member to the Grande du Virginia? Would you like to help the Grande save some money? Are you listed in the booster page? If you are, I want to offer many thanks for enabling the Grande to continue to provide a worthwhile paper to the membership. If not listed, please consider the comments at the bottom of the BOOSTER page. Invalid email addresses ARE COSTING THE GRANDE MONEY. IT MEANS THAT THE LOCOMOTION NEWS HAS TO HAVE MORE COPIES PRINTED AND MAILED. HELP! Cheminots: The Committee on Committee recommended: Fall Cheminot Richmond 53 11 Oct 2014 Completed Winter Cheminot Lorton 1569 30 Jan 2015 Homecoming Registration included. Spring Cheminot Richmond 449 22 March 2015 Registration included.1 p.m. Memorial Day Lorton 1569 23-25 May 2015 Included Grand Prom Norfolk 86 31 Jul-1 Aug 2015 The Fall and Spring Cheminot will be a one day Cheminot. The Cheminot will start at 1 p.m.. Those that want to stay in a motel Friday night should read the registration form. I have asked the hosting Locales to get the hotels to agree that the rates quoted should be good for both Friday and Saturday nights if you imbibe and decide you do not want to drive home. There will NOT be a Cheminot banquet, but the host Locale will put out a horses ovaries spread. We will still have our Winter Cheminot as a Homecoming and the Grand Promenade. VOYAGEURS, the hotels are requiring us to have 20 room rents per night to get the hospitality room/meeting rooms free. If we cannot do this, then it will cost the hosting Locale extra money. Is this what we want? LA SOCIETE DES 40 HOMMES et 8 CHEVAUX Compliments Of Rupert “little bee” Lyles Julius J. “Joe" Ser III Sous Chef de Chemin de Fer 2006-2007 Grand Chef de Gare du Virginia 2004-2005 Voiture Locale 976 Newport News, VA 2013/10 7 Garde de la Porte National 2006-2007 Grand Chef de Gare Passe 2005-2006 Grande du Virginie and Dolly Lyles La Cabane 934 2014/11 VOITURE 86 TIDEWATER LA SOCIETE DES 40 HOMMES ET 8 CHEVAUX CLAY AARON PHILLIP M. ASKEW BRIAN BELL BOB GRAMPS BRANYAN MIKE BUKOWSKI JIM CAUDLE DAVID L. DAVIS RODNEY DRUMMOND JOE EVANS H. E. GUENTHER KIRK JEFFERIES GEORGE JOHNSON KEN LOOMER W. G. JERRY MASON ROGER T. MORROW, SR EUGENE NIEDHOLDT JIM PULLEN ASA SAWYER ALONZO SCOTT CLYDE R. STEPHENSON MIKE TOOLE DARYL VAN HORN WILLIAM T. WALKER TOM WILSON ANGIE L. ANDERSON MARLON C. BAKER RALEIGH BENTHALL CRAWFORD L. BRASWELL CARL CARNEY JIM CEVORA JOHN W. DEVER, III JAMES V. DUNNING M. D. FALKNER ROGER HARNER JEROME JENKINS W. T. JONES MARY LEE LUPEJKIS GARY A MOON OTHA NEWTON JIM PEARSON R. BOB RANDALL JOHN M. SCHENK, SR. MARVIN R. SMITH AL STEWARD JAMES P. TUCKER THEODORE VAN HORN E. BLAINE WEBSTER MIKE WOODS 2014/12 Voyageur Militaire Jim Brock accepting an award from the Manassas City School Board for his work with the Flags for 1st Graders program. Pictured L to R: V/M Jim Brock, School Superintendent Catherine B. Magouyrk, and Tim Demeria, School Board Chairman. 8 GUS ANDERSON KEN BARNARD DAVE BIRCH CURRY J. BROOKS EDWIN T. CASEY, JR BILL CRAIG MIKE DORSEY DAVID L. EVANS WM BULL FRANKLIN DAVID E. HILL GEORGE JETER EUGENE KLEINFELTER JAPHETH B. MAROTE TONY T. MOORE DAVID NIEDHOLDT CHARLIE PERDUE JEFFREY RYAN JOSEPH A. SCHENK STEVE SOKOLOWSKI JIM F. TAYLOR LARRY R. TURNER JOHN CHAS W. VINCENT, SR JOHN J. WILLIS V/M Jerry Martin, V/L-380, donating a check to the House of Mercy for children in need at Christmas. This is what Voyageurs do - Help children! Grande Cabane Reporting January 2015 Dear Dames and Voyageurs, I wish you each a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Safe New Year! Sincerely, Beth Smith, Grande Presidente Bill Judson Senior Hall of Fame Nominee Award 2014 Chesterfield County <<<Steve Elswick presenting. <<Chef Ann congratulating. >>Post 186 Randy Lofland congratulating. >>>Proud son Kevin with Dad. Grande Chef de Train (West) January 2015 Salut Voyageurs Well by now everyone has had there fill of Turkey and Stuffing. And now most of you have gotten your X-Mass shopping done. Now!!! The most important for all of us to do is to get our Membership in shape of the End of 2014 year. I know that their are several reasons that one can come up with they haven't renewed yet. Please note that everyone is a membership person for their Local and should be trying their hardest to renew everyone. Then and only then should we go out and get New members. This is very important for us organization, so that we can support the very important Programs that we support with our dues. At this time I would like to send my best wishes for a Merry X-Mass and a very Happy New Year. For La Societe, Jim Rovinki, La Grande Cabane de Virginie Beth Smith, President Linda Edwards, Correspondant Sandy Wood, Commissaire Intendant 9 2014/11 We do it ALL for YOU Compliments of; SOUTHSIDE VOITURE LOCALE 977 Norbert Arlt Robert Becker Stephen Carr John C. Day Craig Gilkison Joseph Gray Fred Hendrick George W. Hutton, Jr. Art LeMire Art Long William H. McKaig, Jr. Manuel Pinel Gary K. Schuller Doug Stradford Pat Walker Mark W. Winecoff Oscar Bailey Daniel Benka Newton L. Clements Robert Dry William Glass, Jr. Franklin R. Harrison Dennis Hubbes Ike Kelley Chris LeMire Lundy Lowe Phillip Morini Robert Rightmyer Frank Sifuentes Gloria E. Sutton Curtis White Michael S. Wood James E. Rovinski Chef de Gare Leslie Barsby John Bowers Jerry Day J. Ray Edmundson, Jr. John L. Gray Betty Hendrick Patsy Ann Hudson Lowell Kilby Jessie Lockhart George Machado Norma Jean Newman James E. Rovinski Ronnie Stinecipher James Wakefield Jimmy E. Wilcox Norbert M. Arlt Correspondant 2015/07 Newsfund Patrons & Ad Contributors The Loco-Motion News is supported through the generous contributions of Newsfund Patrons and the sale of individual Ads. A $2.50 contribution is recognized by having the contributor’s names listed in the newsletter for one year. Pay in advance ($10.00) for four years, receive credit for five. $25.00 buys business card size Ad appearing quarterly for one year in the newsletter. Longer or larger Ads are negotiable. Please make your checks payable to ‘Grande Voiture du Virginia” and mail to: The Grand Correspondent. ! NOTE ! The date at the bottom of your ad or to the right of your name is the last printing and the ad is due for renewal. If the date has passed, this is the last issue where your ad will appear! 2013/11 10 Grande Directeur POW/MIA Jan 2015 Salute Voyageurs Militaire Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday, we were hosting the Promenade Nationale in Virginia Beach. Then came Halloween, then Veterans Day and Thanksgiving with Christmas coming with the speed of a charging locomotive. I hope everyone has had a great start of the new year? Looking at a recap of the end of year reports, I noticed that nine (9) Voiture Locale turned in a POW/MIA report and (7) Voiture Locales did not. I have a couple questions to ask. Of the none reporting, did any of you hold a Locale Promenade during the year? Who in your Locales prepares and submits the end of year reports to the Grande Correspondant? If you are holding your promenades the person who prepares the POW-MIA report can report time and mileage from their home to the Promenade and return to home, if any expenses are incurred that is also reportable. To the Voiture Locales that did submit a report last year, THANK YOU and keep up the good work. This year I have available the following POW-MIA merchandise for sale for the Scholarship Program. 2015 POW-MIA Eagle pins for $3.00 each, POW-MIA 25th Anniversary Coins for $10.00 ea, and black POW-MIA ball caps with all lettering and emblems embroidered directly on the cap (no patches), these caps are made in the U.S.A. and sell for $18.00. This merchandise can be purchased from me, providing the item name, quantity, unit price and total price. Payments can be made by check or money order, made out to the POW-MIA Scholarship Fund. Orders and money can be mailed to me at Bill Englert, 40 Rexford Dr., Newport News, VA. 23608. My email is, tel 757-753-0186 For the La Societe Bill Englert, Grande Directeur POW-MIA du Virginia Grande Directeur Youth Sports January 2015 Salut, Voiture Locales. The Holiday season is upon us, and I’d like to wish everyone a Joyous and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! It would be great to report that the emails and phone calls are coming in non-stop for Youth Sports assistance. However, that is not the case. I feel like the Maytag repairman. I still encourage you to actively seek out local sports teams where there is a need to fulfill financial shortages that would allow children to participate in an organized sport. Merci, For La Societe, John Ronkartz “STILL SERVING YOU’ John M. SCHENK Conducteur Nationale 2014 Virginia Grand Chef Passe 2004 & Nancy G. Schenk Cabane 86 2014/12 11 COLONIAL HEIGHTS VOITURE LOCALE 1530 Supports the “Locomotion News” George F. Ahrend Charles F. Birdsong Lester Brewer Thomas Colletti William A. Davis William S. Feasenmyer, Jr. Thomas Goudrealt Richard Heckel Richard L. Jordan Craig A. Marsch, Jr. Charles E. Medeiros, Sr. Richard C. Oertel C. David Pinelli, Jr. Charles E. Puckett John Ronkartz James A. Spivey Robert W. Tatum John E. Wills Laurence Amiss, Jr. Milton S. Bolton Ronald D. Brooks Jeffrey Constantine Donald W. Duncan Charles T. Ferguson Sammy Granderson George G. Honts Kenneth S. Knight Jack Mayer Nicholas J. Milano, Sr. W. Frank Perkinson C. David Pinelli, III Roger A. Puckett Andrew H. Sheffield Lloyd M.Strasser Larry Tudor Darrell F. Worthen Lauren P Bands, Sr. Robert C. Barrett John C. Bowden III Terry K. Brentlinger Hugh P. Cahill Jerry A. Chenault Sterling L. Cummins Edward F. Currier Donald W. Dobrick David N. Fleet Felix Gonzalez Richard J. Groenier Willie T. Harris, Jr. Robert W. Huffman Edmond W. Jones Charles L. Kump Francis J. Lucas C. Keith Mc Murdo Michael R. McCann F.H. “Tony” Morgan James E. Nestor Howard L. Perross, Jr. Charles D. Pruett, Jr. Donald W. Purcell Royice Rasnake William B. Shill M. Gail Smallwood David C. Stephens Lloyd M. Strasser Louis M. Vallette Herbert G. Williams Johnnie M. Wright James C. Yule JOHN RONKARTZ Chef de Gare R. C. “RICK” Oertel Correspondant 2015/01 Louisville High School inducts V/M Jim Burden into the Male Hall of Fame. COMPLIMENTS OF Howard Perross, Jr. Courtesy of Fairfax County Voiture Locale 1569 Voiture Locale Chef 1530 Passe “Caboose Chateau” 2018/07 12 Alan Amos Sam Ramseur Chef de Gare Correspondant 2013/11 GRANDE DIRECTEUR OF CHILD WELFARE Ann Robins (804) 639-7388 or email: Jan 2015 As we come upon the holidays, it brings out the kid in all of us. What better way to revisit your Children & Youth programs. Here is a list of items that come directly from the reports we do each year. It may help you think of ways you can or may already be supporting this program in your area: 1. Direct money assistance to children and families. 2. Food, Clothing, Rent, and/or Fuel. 3. Health care (medical, dental, surgical, hospital, etc.) 4. Parties, toys, gifts, etc. 5. Participation in Boys State, Girls State, other Programs involving children. 6. Donations - Salvation Army, health care & other charities with services for children. 7. Flags for First Graders. 8. Sports organizations (AAU, Little League, etc.). 9. Activities in state training schools. 10. School Lunches or other Feeding Services. 11. For Services for Children in Facilities including Hospitals, State Training Schools, Nursing Homes, Probation Placement, etc. 12. Transportation (Children to and from Clinics, Immunization Centers, Hospitals, etc.) Please also remember to send me your Pin consignment money. I would like to get this done and over with, since there are no more pins available, we just need to pay for the ones we received. Mail your payment to Ann Robins, V53 PO Box 186, Midlothian, VA 23113-0186 I wish all of you a blessed holiday with your family and friends and look forward to bringing in the New Year with a strong Grande Du Virginie Children & Youth program. Remember, I am available if you need help with your program and I appreciate all you do. Merry Christmas and a truly Blessed New Year Ann Robins ((Americanism continued)) March 29 - Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day A day set aside to show honor and respect to our Vietnam Veterans and to say "Welcome home." April Month of the Military Child An opportunity to recognize military children and youth for their heroism, character, courage, sacrifices and continued resilience. April 5 - Gold Star Wives Day—A day set aside to recognize the sacrifices of Gold Star wives. April 14 - Air Force Reserve Birthday April 23 - Army Reserve Birthday Compliments of Compliments of Richard Rooney Commissaire Intendant Jim Brock Ruth Rooney Past President Voiture and Cabane 934 2015/05 Grand Chef de Gare Passe’ 13 2014/09 Grande Voiture du Virginie, Winter Cheminot & Home Coming Registration Theme: Southwestern - January 30th & 31st, 2015 Voiture Locale 1569, Lorton, Virginia Name(s):______________________________________Voiture:_____Cabane:_______ Street or P.O. Box___________________City:________________State:____Zip:______ Phone: Home (______)_____________Work(______)_____________ Reg. Fee (Voyageurs) @$10.00 ea $__________ Nr. Banquet Tkts ______@$30.00 ea $__________ Total Amt Enclosed: $__________ Make your check for Registration and Banquet Tickets payable to: Voiture Locale 1569 and mail nlt January 15, 2015 to: Dick George, 3384 Monarch Ln., Annandale, VA. 22003, 703-403-1972 Hotel Information: Make your own reservations directly with the Hotel. Room rates are $89.00 plus tax. Room includes breakfast buffet. Deadline for hotel reservations is JANUARY 1 2015. Comfort Inn- Gunston Corner 8180 Silverbrook Rd., Lorton, VA 22079, Call 1-703-643-3100; Mention 40&8/ American Legion for special rate. <<<Promenade Nationale President Jim Burden presenting Presidents Awards to Secretary John Schenk, who also accepted an award for Raffles Chairman Angie Anderson. >>>Corporation President Jim Burden presenting a check to Committeeman Mike Bukowski. Grande Voiture du Virginie, One Day Registration Spring Grande Cheminot - March 22nd, 2015 @ 1300 - 1800 Hosted by Voiture 449 @ Holiday Inn Richmond Airport, 445 International Center Dr., Sandston, Va. 23150 - 804-236-1111 Name(s):______________________________________Voiture:_____Cabane:_______ Street or P.O. Box___________________City:________________State:____Zip:______ Phone: Home (______)_____________Work(______)_____________ Reg. Fee (Voyageurs) @$10.00 ea $__________ Registration includes sandwich platter, non alcoholic drinks and desserts in the back of the meeting room. There will be no Banquet. Make your check for Cheminot Registration payable to: Voiture Locale 449 and mail nlt 30 September 2013 to: Voiture Locale 449, % Harold Englert, P.O. Box 70687, Henrico, VA., 23255, Phone: 804-288-9173, 14 Grande Voiture du Virginie Patrons List Add your name or your affiliation to the Patrons list for only $2.50 per year. (Pay for four years and get your name listed for five in 3 editions of the Loco-Motion News) ! NOTE ! The date at the right of your name is the expiration date. This date is the last issue that your name will appear. Clay Aaron, ................V-86... Alan Amos..................V-1569 Ronald C. Banton.......V-380. William E. Bishop, Jr. ............ George T. Blume .......V-1104 Henry Brabham..........V-1104 William Bradshaw ......V-1184 Crawford Braswell......V-86... Terry Brentlinger ........V-1530 Jim Brock ...................V-1569 Janice Brock ..............C-934. Barbara Burden..................... Jim Burden.................V-976. Gary Claybaugh .........V-1312 Bert C. Cohee ............V-53... Sterling Cummins.......V-1530 Charles L. Davis.........V-934. Paul A. Doucette, Jr. ..V-1312 Michael T. Doyle ........V-976. Edna Eagle ................C-934. Roscoe Eagle.............V-934. Linda Edwards ...........C-977. William D. Englert ......V-976. Bill Feasenmyer .........V-1530 Rita Feasenmyer .................. David N. Fleet ............V-1530 David C. Fogg, Jr. ......V-1312 Frank Fritz..................V-449. Dick George ...............V-1569 Patti George...............C-934. Cleve Hall ..................V–1312 Thomas A. Hamilton ..V-1312 Roger Harner .............V- 86.. Willie T. Harris............V-1530 Hodges Hastings........V-449. Allan C. Heller ............V-1312 Eff Hendrick ...............V-1312 Edgar Hicks................V-934. 08/21 09/17 12/16 03/14 09/16 03/14 09/16 03/28 10/19 11/16 11/15 02/14 02/14 02/17 05/18 03/16 06/14 02/16 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/17 03/21 09/15 09/15 03/15 02/16 02/17 09/16 09/16 10/17 02/16 09/21 03/19 12/16 02/16 02/16 09/16 Steacy Hicks, ............ V-934 . Abe A.. Hildebrand ... V-1184 Cecil R. Hodges ........ V-1312 Wendell R. Hodges ... v-1312 Lennart Holmberg ......V-934. George G. Honts ........V-1530 Robert W. Huffman ....V-1530 Jimmy Jones ..............V-934. W. T. Jones ................V-86... Richard L. Jordan.......V-1530 William Judd...............V-934. Joan Judd...................C-934. W. J. Leonard.............V-380. Bob Lyles Jr. ..............V-934. Dolly Lyles..................C-934. Ronald L. Madden......V829 .. Daniel B. Marafino......V934 .. Craig A. Marsh, Jr. .....V-1530 Samuel T. McNeny.....V53 .... C.E. Chuck Medeiros .V-1530 Richard C. Millard.......V-1312 F.H. Tony Morgan ......V-1530 Dennis E. Morris.........V-1312 Otha Newton ..............V-86... R. C. “Rick” Oertel......V-1530 Chet Parzych..............V-53... Howard Perross .........V-1530 C. David Pinelli, JR. ...V-1530 Vincent C. Post V-1569 Roger A. Puckett ........V-1530 Thomas J. Queck, Sr. V-1312 Brett Reistad ..............V-934. Ann Robins.................V-53... Cliff Robbins...............V-976. James A. Robinson ....V-1312 Brian Rodney ........................ Chris Rodney ........................ Marv Rodney..............V-1569 Sara Rodney ......................... John Ronkartz ............V-1530 Richard Rooney .........V-934. Ruth Rooney ..............C-934. Asa Sawyer ................V-86... Regina Sawyer...........C-977. John M. Schenk .........V-86... Billie G. Grieble-Ser .. V-976 . Joe Ser, III..................V-976. Joyce B. Willis M. Gail Smallwood .... V-1530 Leonard E. Smith, III.. V-1312 Randy Shrader .......... V-1569 Edmund J. Sokoloski. V-934 . Robert A. Stewart ...... V-1184 Robert W. Tatum ...... V-1530 Peter J. Thomas ........ V-1312 Wally Timmons.......... V-86 ... Seline Todt ................ C-977. Dorothy Tucker.......... C-977. Louis M. Vallette........ V-1530 Mike Wood ................ V-977 . Sandra Wood ............ C-977. Garland M. Woods .... V-1184 Harry H. Young.......... V-1184 03/19 02/16 12/14 12/16 09/39 09/19 02/16 03/16 12/19 01/18 03/19 09/19 12/22 06/19 03/16 I have all this extra room to fill with boosters, Can you support? Grande Du Virginie & Locomotion News We salute you 7430 Landsworth Ave. Henrico, VA. 23228 Cell 804804-814814-9682 Voiture Locale 53 2015/10 Proud to call Virginia "home" again and PROUD MEMBER Of La Societe de Femme, Grande de VA, Cabane09/13 977 09/19 06/16 02/16 02/16 09/16 03/15 03/16 03/17 06/15 03/19 09/14 09/14 01/17 11/18 11/18 10/18 10/15 03/19 09/17 10/15 02/16 03/19 02/16 03/19 07/16 06/17 10/29 03/15 07/18 03/15 02/16 12/16 06/17 09/17 02/16 09/16 09/16 09/16 09/16 03/19 12/33 12/33 12/16 12/16 09/19 10/16 10/16 15 PO Box 186 Midlothian, VA 23113-0186 804-502-5233 2015/03 MEMORIAL DAY IN ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY The Forty and Eight Memorial Day Ceremony is an annual event hosted by the 40 & 8 Memorial Day Committee. Planning for the weekend starts in October for the next year’s Memorial Day Ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery. The Sunday evening banquet includes the Calvin Kain Memorial Service. Monday is a solemn occasion when we attend and participate in the National Memorial Day Ceremony at the Amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery. At this event, Voiture Nationale and Cabane Nationale Drapeaux are marched into the Amphitheater. After Memorial Day addresses are given by the President of the United States and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chef de Chemin de Fer and La Presidente Nationale are invited to present a wreath at the tomb of the Unknowns. This is the only time that the 40 & 8 and La Femme leaders are recognized publicly by the US Government. In 2001 we started a tradition of giving a US Flag to everyone entering the amphitheater. Because this requires about 10,000 flags, the committee requests donations. If you can help, please send your contribution to the Committee (as shown on the registration form). All donors will be listed in the Program Book. This is truly a weekend to remember and it is OPEN to everyone who would like to attend. Because of limited space, we recommend you register early. The weekend is largely financed by the Memorial Day Program Book, so even if you are unable to attend, please consider purchasing an ad or being a booster. Alvin R. “Dick” George, President Forty and Eight Memorial Day Com FORTY AND EIGHT MEMORIAL DAY May 23rd – May 25th 2015 PROGRAM REGISTRATION & RESERVATION (Please Print or Type) NAME:_______________________VOITURE: ____TITLE:______________________ ADDRESS: __________________CITY:___________STATE: ____ZIP:__________ PHONE: ____________________________ IF REGISTERING FOR MORE THAN ONE PERSON, PLEASE LIST NAMES BELOW _______________________________ Event Cost Per Registration: $25.00 _______________________________ How Many Total ____ $_____ (Please note registration covers hospitality room and transportation to Cemetery) Banquet: $30.00 Donation for Flags: ____ $_____ $_____ Program Ads: Full Page - $70, ½ Page - $40, ¼ Page - $25 (Please provide copy and size of Ad. Cutoff date May 8, 2015) Boosters - $2.00 per name, or $4.00 For Mr. & Mrs. 1._________________________ 2._________________________ Ads/Boosters: $__________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $__________ Attendees must make their own hotel reservations prior to April 23, 2015. Room rates are $109.00, Gunston Corner Comfort Inn; 8180 Silverbrook Road; Lorton, VA 22079. Call 1-703-643-3100, mention 40&8/American Legion. Make checks payable to: Forty and Eight Memorial Day Committee, and mail to: Alvin R. George, Jr.; 3384 Monarch Lane; Annandale, VA 22003 Phone: 703-403-1972 (Ad copies can be emailed to: in Word Document NLT May 8, 2015). 16 Grande Directeur Carville Star January 2015 Salut, I trust that everyone had a joyous holiday season and am wishing you a healthy and prosperous new year. Hopefully, we will all start this year with renewed vigor and energy in promoting our important 40&8 programs and activities. I certainly am looking forward to a great year working our Carville Star (CS) program with you. As you know, we accepted 150 CS pins at the September 2014 Promenade Nationale and I am pleased to report that all 150 pins have either been purchased or distributed to our various Voiture Locales (VLs) on consignment. To date, we have sent Nationale the money for over half of these pins and I fully anticipate that we will end the year purchasing all of these pins – merci to all for your tremendous support. By now most of our VL CS Directeurs have probably sent correspondence to local fraternal organizations and/or businesses soliciting support for our Buy a Country or Buy a Clinic – some responses have already been received and I expect more in the next couple of months. This aspect of our CS program provides the biggest “bang for the buck” in our campaign to support eradication of Hansen’s Disease (formerly Leprosy). I ask all Grande du Virginie Voyageurs to please consider donating to this cause. There is one other aspect of our CS program that requires more attention and participation and that is buying a subscription to The Star. At only $2.00 per year per subscription, The Star provides you with a great deal of informative articles on Carville history, the 40&8, and Hansen’s Disease treatment. What an inexpensive way to learn about the latest efforts and technology involved in our overall CS program. Your Locale CS Directeur can help you subscribe to this publication if you need assistance. All-in-all, I am very pleased to report that our CS program is alive and well and accomplishing its intended purposes. I attribute this success to the active participation of our Locale CS Directeurs. As always, you can contact me at email address: or via my cell at 703-328-3052 if you have any questions or need any assistance. I close with a huge merci to all who further the goals and objectives of our 40&8 programs! Pour La Societe, Marv Rodney, Grande Carville Star Directeur Voiture Locale 1114 member, Lee Mayberry, was the guest of Grace Design Church’s pre-school classes in honor of Veterans Day. Mr. Mayberry spoke to students about what it means to be a veteran and the students were each given an American flag provided by Locale 1114. Shown are: teacher, Deborah Quinn and Sharon Denny with a class full of energetic students surrounding V/M Mayberry. 17 Salute Grande du Virginia Membership Team: As you work contacting your assigned Locales and their membership officers I know from experience that you will often hear the excuse that they will send the membership in when the get around to it. Well, I am attaching a round tuit with this email and the next time you hear this excuse send them the round tuit and tell them that now you have a round tuit so get the membership in. It may help, you never know. It may at least get a chuckle and open a door of communications for you with your Locales. If you don't care to use it, Yours in Service Mike Wood Chef de Chemin de Fer Newsfund Patrons & Ad Contributors The Loco-Motion News is supported through the generous contributions of Newsfund Patrons and the sale of Ads. A $2.50 contribution is recognized by having the contributor’s names listed in the newsletter for one year. Pay in advance for four years, receive credit for five. $25.00 buys business card size Ad appearing quarterly for one year in the newsletter. Longer or larger Ads are negotiable. Please make your checks payable to ‘Grande Voiture du Virginia” and mail to: The Grand Correspondent. ! NOTE ! The date at the bottom of your ad or to the right of your name is the last printing and the ad is due for renewal. If the date has passed, this is the last issue where your ad will appear! Space to let—$25.00 per year. Proceeds to help offset cost of printing this newsletter. 18 PROMENADE NATIONALE DID WE HAVE FUN AT THE GERMANY PARTY? ^2015 Madame President >^ Madame President ^< BoB Marley & Hells Angie <Dolly Parton, Madonna and Tina Turner showed up? >Hell’s Angie and Grande Correspondant John “Did we really do that last night?” 19 T h e L o c o — M o t i o n N e w s Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Newport News, VA Permit No, 23 Grande Voiture de Virginia La Societé des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux John M. Schenk 406 E. Randall Ave. Norfolk, Virginia 23503 GRAND DU VIRGINIE MEMBERSHIP December 31, 2014 NATL VOIT ZONE LOCATION RENEW NATL 15 GOAL VA VA PLM 2015 % 15 GOAL 15 GOAL % of 15 SHORT 86 EAST NORFOLK 72 61 84.72% 73 83.56% 4 -12 380 EAST BULL RUN 60 54 90.00% 61 88.52% 7 -7 829 EAST ROCKBRIDGE 14 11 78.57% 15 73.33% 6 977 EAST SOUTHSIDE 47 42 89.36% 48 87.50% -4 -6 1088 EAST SMYTH WYTHE WASH 10 2 20.00% 11 18.18% 2 -9 1114 EAST DANVILLE OLD '97 13 12 92.31% 14 85.71% 2 -2 To reach 1184 EAST CHARLOTTESVILLE 52 33 63.46% 53 62.26% 1 -20 National GOAL 1530 EAST COLONIAL HEIGHTS 70 64 91.43% 71 90.14% 4 -7 w e need 53 WEST RICHMOND 34 31 91.18% 35 88.57% 449 WEST RICHMOND 30 5 16.67% 31 16.13% 3 -26 934 WEST NORTHERN VIRGINIA 36 26 72.22% 37 70.27% 5 -11 976 WEST NEWPORT NEWS 36 29 80.56% 37 78.38% 8 -8 1104 WEST ROANOKE 14 12 85.71% 15 80.00% 7 1133 WEST JAMES RIVER 10 10 100.00% 11 90.91% -1 1312 WEST SOUTH HILL 12 13 108.33% 13 100.00% 0 1569 WEST FAIRFAX 77 55 71.43% 78 70.51% 587 460 78.36% 603 76.29% West 286 181 63.29% 257 70.43% -76 East 367 279 76.02% 346 80.64% -67 155 -4 7 -3 -23 To reach Virginia GOAL w e need TOTALS 20 56 -143 171
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