our latest bulletin

Service Times:
Sunday at 9:45 & 11:00 am
Nursery is available
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Our Journey - God's Plan - God's Destination
We welcome our visitors. If you would like to find out more about our church, use this QR Code or the website
Waypoint is proud to be part of the Free Methodist Church. The Free Methodist Church began August 23, 1860, in Pekin,
New York. The church was founded on some basic beliefs: Freedom from Slavery (Early leaders were active in the fight against
slavery), freedom for any person of any ethnic group or economic class to worship freely in any of our churches--(no renting of
pews for the wealthy), and freedom to minister to the poor--especially women and children.
The early Free Methodist Church was known for its “radical optimism”. The theology of the early Free Methodists believed that the Holy Spirit
could radically transform our hearts to love Jesus Christ, serve others, and be free from a lifestyles centered upon the values of our world. The
early Free Methodists believed we could be free to live a lifestyle centered on the values of
Today, we are still "radical optimists," we believe the Holy Spirit continues to radically transform our lives--we believe the Holy Spirit can help us
escape a self-centered culture. We believe as the Holy Spirit transforms us, we begin to be the hands and feet of Jesus to others--we call that
process "discipleship". Discipleship is being like the one we follow--Jesus Christ. We still stand strong against modern issues of slavery. Today
slavery has different forms. Economic slavery, which we fight globally with fair trade initiatives; we stand against sexual slavery that is spreading
world-wide, and we continue to have a special ministry to women and children around the world through International Childcare Ministries. We
also partner and support creation care initiatives.
Please read more about our denomination and partnerships at www.fmcusa.org
If you would prefer to read the words to the worship
songs from your smart phone, scan this QR Code.
Men’s Basketball
Our game is Monday, January 12 at 8:00 pm at
Williams Lake Nazarene Church. If you have
questions, please contact Casey Andrews at
New Women’s Bible Study
Monday, starting January 12, at 9:15 am in the
Point. Please sign up at the Welcome
Center. Breathe by Priscilla Shirer is a 5 week study.
We are in bondage to busyness. We miss the
moments because we rush ahead to the next thing. It
is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives
for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a
gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and
exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.
For more information, call Meredith Lemen at
January 11, 2015
Snow Policy
We will never cancel Sunday
morning worship services - drive
in at your discretion. Wednesday
evening activities will be canceled
if Clarkston Schools cancel their
evening activities.
Connect with us on Social Media:
Follow Waypoint on Twitter: @waypointjourney
You can also follow our staff! @DalePastor
@thehorvath @KGerrild @melaniebigger and
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/
You are welcome to use our wireless internet here at
Network: Waypt1
Password: waypoint
Spring Hill Sign-up
High School - January 1618.
You can still sign up to go to Spring Hill.
The cost is $145.
Blessings in a Backpack Volunteers
Tuesdays: Setting up tables at Waypoint
First Tuesday of the month: Unloading food truck at
10 am
First Wednesday of the month: packing backpacks
at 5:30 pm
Thursdays: Pick up loaded backpacks at Waypoint
and deliver them to a school
Fundraising events volunteer
For more information or to volunteer, contact Terry
Porritt (705-5248) or email
Groups from Waypoint go to My Brother’s
Keeper in Flint on the second Friday each
month to cook and serve dinner and visit
with the residents of the men’s shelter. We
have several opening for 2015. If you or your group
would like to volunteer to take a month, please
contact Hollie West (895-3073) to see what is
available. For more information about this opportunity
or My Brother’s Keeper, call Hollie.
Our Family Life Groups will NOT be meeting this
coming Wednesday (January 14th). You are invited to
come join us for this multi-generational family-style
experience on Wednesdays starting January 21st (6:307:45 pm). We will be working through a 3-week series
based on our "Faith Foundations" (a.k.a. A few of the
fundamentals of our faith.)
We meet in "the Point" room. Hope to see you there!
Family Fun Day at Waypoint!
Jan. 24th 1-4 pm Join us for a fun mix of multigenerational FUN! We are planning an old fashioned
drive-in movie experience. Make and decorate your
own card-board car with your family or team. Then sit
back and relax while a group from Teens for Christ, a
ministry of our East Michigan Conference, helps
coordinate the afternoon’s activities. Snacks and good
times for all! Invite a family you've been wanting to
introduce to Waypoint!
Cardboard boxes of ALL sizes (especially larger
ones). Please bring your boxes to The Starting Point
kids check-in area. Thanks for your help!
Please note: If you must exit the sanctuary during
service, please do so through the rear doors.
Jr. High - February 13-15.
$125 Early Bird rate is available if it is paid in full by
January 11th. Please give your registration fee to
Meredith Lemen. Once you have paid for your
registration, you will receive an email from our
office on how to finalize your registration. Contact
Pastor Chris for details.
Teen Fundraiser Dinner
Wednesday, January 14, 5:00-6:30 pm in The Point.
We will be serving a Sloppy Joe dinner. Teens, if
you can help, contact Pam Radlicki (891-7080). For
more information, contact Pam. The cost is a
Women’s Book Club
Saturday, January 17, at 9:00 am
at the home of Gail Lake
(2556 Red Arrow, Commerce).
We will be discussing
Kisses from Katie by
Katie Davis. The New York Times bestselling
account of a courageous eighteen-year-old from
Nashville who gave up every comfort and
convenience to become the adoptive mother
to thirteen girls in Uganda. Please RSVP for
breakfast to 248-363-6926. All ladies are
Nursery Schedule
Today: Kris Koester, Lisa Hilliard, Leanne & Emily
Moore, Sue Koslosky
Next Sunday (January 18): Ronda Brantley, Terry
Porritt, Pam & Cayla Radlicki, Alisa DiRienzo
Weekly Faith
Last Week’s Giving
Last Week’s
Building Fund
Online giving is available on our website: