THE LAMPLIGHTER Presbyterian Church of West Salem Pastor Larry Olson & 625 W. Franklin St., P. O. Box 861 Pastor Stephanie Steiner West Salem, WI 54669 Telephone (608) 786-0910 Fax (608) 786-4910 Email: January 2015 Inside this issue: 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Financial Info 2 Pastor’s Note 3 PW Information 4 Winter Bible Study 4 Missionary Letter 5-6 We are again preparing to send the Annual Report via email to as many of you as possible. However, if you have not given us your email for the Lamplighter and we can send to you the Annual Report by email, please contact the church to provide that email. If you do not have email access, you can pick-up a copy we will have available the week before the Annual Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, January 25th. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 786-0910 or email us at ANNUAL MEETING Each year we gather together to review where we have been as a congregation and chart our course for the new year and the future. You are encouraged to attend our annual meeting on Sunday, January 25, 2015 immediately following the 10:15 AM worship service. We hope to see you there! TAKING DOWN CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Immediately following the service Sunday, January 4th, we need help taking down and stowing away the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary. Many hands make quick work so please consider lending your hands. Thanks! Pancake Breakfast: Sunday, February 1, 2015! Please support the Christian Education Committee's Mission Trip Fundraiser on February 1st! The goal of this and other fund raisers by Christian Education is to raise over $1500.00 to support a July 9-12, 2015 mission trip to Duluth, Minnesota. The trip is organized by Youthworks, a non-profit organization established in 1994, to "provide life changing Christ-centered mission trips." The breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, juice, coffee, and milk. Serving will begin at 9:00 am. Suggested donation: $3.00 for adults, $1.50 for children, children 3 and under free. BELL RINGING A SUCCESS! Thank you to the following persons who rang bells at Hansen's IGA Nov. 29 and 30: Lynda Bahr and granddaughter, Mya; Mike and Jackie Siekert, Becky Byrnes and Garrett and Alyssa; Avis Evenson and granddaughters Lindsey and Ashley; Tiffany LaJeunesse and Josie; Ann and Mariah Terry; Gary and Karen Willinger and Casey and Ryan Pfaff and Dax. We took in $438.29, a good beginning to the Advent season for the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign. ~ Helen Harold Page 2 November 2014 Financial Summary PER CAPITA 2015 Operating Budget Balance November 1st $21,947.41 Receipts 18,103.89 Expenses (19,712.66) Balance November 30, 2014 $20,338.64 _______________________________________________________ Per Capita is a financial responsibility for every adult member of a Presbyterian congregation. For 2015 the per capita is $28.52. When submitting, please write in “per capita” on the memo part of your check or on the outside of your envelope. Thank you! Highlights from Session: • • • • • 2015 Budget approved. Approved Presbyterian Women schedule for 2015. Approve Youth tubing trip to Fort McCoy 1/25/15 and Youth Lock-in 2/19/15. Approved all church ski day and sledding day with dates to be determined. Approved Fat Sunday Breakfast Donation dates of 2/8/15 and 2/15/15. (This is separate from Fat Sunday Mission Trip Pancake Breakfast.) Hats off to: • Sandy Schmidt, Carol Hass, Bob & Sharon Shaw and Helen Harold for the mailing of the December issue of The Lamplighter • our December nursery volunteers: Bohnsack family, Burdick family, Noah Garcia family and Hass family • Our December acolytes: Chase & Willis Jones, Sam & Brynn Kleiner, David & William Silbaugh, Julia Byrnes and Brendon Haverly-Ghelfi • our December liturgists: Helen Harold, Howard Garves, Todd Kleiner and Nick Miller • Becky Auna for three new banners for the sanctuary Elders Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Mike Siekert Charles Engel Lois Sanwick Nick Miller Shawn McAlister Carolyn Lindeman Kelly Crusan Greg Meeuwsen Carol Griffin Tracey Rogers Valerie Olson Becca Bohnsack Deacons Class of 2015 Kris Seeger, Tiffani LaJeunesse, Howard Garves, Joyce Garves & Sharon Cullmann Class of 2016 Jackie Siekert, Nancy Olson, Sue Winterfield, Charlie and Susan Evans Page 3 It’s Always Something Have you ever noticed that people from the warmer southern climates like to rub it in when they are warm and we are cold up here in Wisconsin? Have you noticed that “they” like to tell you their place of living is better than our place of living? Recently we heard from some friends who live in Arizona, of course they had to tell me how nice it is to sit outside, with the temperature in the mid 60’s and watch the sun go down. I don’t know about you but you wouldn’t catch me sitting outside for anything during the cold winter months, let alone to watch the sun go down. If I want to watch the sunset, I’m fine with looking out my window and watching the sun go down, thank you very much. Wait a minute, let’s not short change ourselves, for I heard on the news recently that Phoenix had put out an air quality alert. We might just ask ourselves from Wisconsin what is an air quality alert? Is that what happens after the farmer spreads manure in the heat of the summer? Isn’t it nice to know we don’t have to worry about our air quality! We can walk outside, yes make sure you put on your winter coat, and breathe in wonderfully fresh air. No air quality alert for us. What we might be lacking right now in warmth we certain have Arizona beat in air quality. I like to say it is always something. It really doesn’t matter where we live, what we do for a living, who are our friends and who are not our friends, the truth is there is always something out there better than what we might have at any particular moment and there is always something worse out there than what we currently have. One of our friends sent us a Christmas card in which she spelled out her struggles with cancer in 2014, but then she made this comment: “when I’m sitting in the therapy room having chemo placed in my body, even with no hair on my head, I see I am much better off than most of those receiving their chemo treatments.” There will always be someone or something poking at us to consider a move, be it physical, mental, spiritual or relational. There will always be someone telling us we need more. My thoughts are God has placed us right here, with certain gifts and skills, certain assets and liabilities. True we can look at what seems to be greener grass on the other side of the fence but this is what we have, on this side of the fence. God doesn’t fail, we have enough, in fact we have more than enough if we are willing to use what we have for the glory of God. As we begin 2015 maybe it is time for us to stop looking at what someone else has and focus on what God has offered to us. Maybe it is time to stretch out in faith seeking to use ALL our gifts talents and abilities to the glory of God. Maybe it is time to realize there will always be something seeking to distract us for glorifying God. Let us vow in 2015 to keep our eyes on Jesus for there is always something ready to distract us. Have a blessed 2015. Pastor Larry Page 4 December PW Meeting Twenty-one women enjoyed a delicious finger food buffet at the annual Christmas PW gathering on December 4th at 7:00 PM. Jackie Siekert was hostess for the evening. A table grace was sung, the PW Purpose was read and the Thank Offering was collected. A short business meeting was conducted. It was decided to donate money to the “Chicken” project, the West Salem Food Pantry, and our church budget. Socks are still being collected for the Salvation Army, Bible study will be March 4, 11, and 18th, and a lunch will be served at our church for the State Meeting in September. The next PW meeting will be the annual picnic on June 4th, the place yet to be decided. Vickie Holt presented and installed the officers for 2015. The officers are: Helen Harold, Moderator; Diana Engel, Vice Moderator; Nelda Manter, Treasurer; Joyce Garves, Secretary; Sharon Shaw, Nominating A lovely program entitled “The Light of Love Has Come” was presented in the Sanctuary by Jane Foner, Becky Auna, Marie Merrell and Amy Litwin accompanied by Caroline Sells on the piano. THANK YOU FROM PRESBYTERIAN WORLD MISSION This "thank you" was received form Bruce Wheartly, Church Support Associate (Bruce is the contact person when our money is sent to our missionaries in Malawi, Jim and Jodi McGill): Thank you so much for your support of our mission co-workers. We appreciate your partnership in empowering them to do so many different kinds of ministry within the one great mission of God to the world. SALVATION ARMY NEEDS SOCKS! A recent email from Julie Nelson of the Salvation Army in La Crosse said, "Yes, please!" when I asked her if they needed socks this year. Remember, last year we collected socks, all kinds, all sizes, during the months of January and February. We will do the same this year. A box in the back of the church is provided. Thank you very much for your help with this mission. Winter Bible Study "Culture Shock" by Chip Ingram Where do you stand on issues like: Truth, Sex, Homosexuality, Abortion, the Environment, and the Church and Politics? More importantly, what does God say? If there ever was a time for Christians to understand and communicate God's truth about controversial and polarizing issues, it is now. More than ever before, believers must develop convictions based on research, reason and Biblical truth. But it doesn't stop there. It's equally important that you're able (and willing) to communicate these convictions with love and respect that reflects God's own heart. This series will help you learn how to respond with love, even in the face of controversy. In the process, you'll discover the power of bringing light - not heat - to the core issues at the heart of society today. Please join us for the first half of this study on January 21, 28 and February 4th at 6:30pm in the sanctuary. We will continue with the second half of this study in spring. The book "Culture Shock" will be available for check out from the church library. A letter from Jodi McGill serving in Malawi October 2014 - Teaching sanitation is ministry “Nine weeks before Christmas!” shouted our 10-year-old sons, John and Joseph, this week at breakfast. When we asked why that was so exciting, the answer was of course, they get gifts! Living here does shelter us from some of the advertising used in the U.S.A. to promulgate the commercialism of the Christmas season. However, the new Western-style grocery store that opened in town this year began putting up Christmas decorations in mid-October, and we have obviously enculturated our kids with a bit of the material aspects of the holiday. The older kids interjected that presents were not the real reason for Christmas and chided their younger siblings for being so materialistic—but honestly we all look forward to making, giving, and getting presents. Gift-giving is an important part of Christianity and not just at Christmas; James 1:7 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” Beginning with creation God has shown us how and why to give, and the Magi who gave gifts to Jesus were emulating His example. Not long ago a congregation in the U.S.A. gave money to provide water and benches for a primary school. As can been seen in the photos, the school desperately needed both and it is fulfilling and gratifying for all involved to be able to meet those needs. The enrollment statistics of a primary school recently assisted by a PCUSA congregation with water and desks. Very telling in both the overwhelming task of being one teacher with so many pupils as well the number of children not completing their primary school education. One of the upper level primary grade classrooms that will be getting desks. The school decided the desks are to be used for the higher grade classrooms due to both the lower density of student population and the greater amount of written work required by the upper grade level students. The broken borehole pump at the school The teachers, students, and even community members are grateful and thrilled for the clean water. And we know the students will be relieved to sit on benches instead of the cement floor. Through their gift this congregation symbolically demonstrated a modern-day version of the gifts of the Magi. "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Mathew 25:40). The first water flowing from the repaired pump Jim continues his work with the Development Department of the Synod of Livingstonia to develop the "SMART (Sustainable Marketable Affordable Reliable Technologies) Centre" for training of low-cost water and sanitation options. The SMART Centre is helping to create an environment where small water and sanitation companies can be created, but longer-term support is needed to assist these companies to be able to thrive. The WaSH (Water Sanitation Hygiene) Shop has been created to provide support and is now housed within the Synod of Livingstonia premises. We are looking forward to the arrival of another partner in water and sanitation work from the GZB (Gereformeerde Zendings Bond—Dutch: Reformed Mission League) of the Netherlands to assist the Synod to help with the support of these new companies, as well as to form a curriculum for teaching pastors to promote safe water and sanitation within their congregations. One of our supporting churches recently asked us what makes our vocation a ministry. It is a relevant and challenging question for all involved in church work especially if it is not specifically evangelistic in nature. There are nongovernmental organizations that provide clean water, sanitation, health care, and work to develop communities. We pray daily during our family’s morning devotion time that what we do is long-lasting and touches lives more deeply than just the provision of technical support, aid and succor. We have experienced that our work becomes a ministry when it is done through the Body of Christ, together in partnership with our Malawian church counterparts and with your support both as individuals and through the church. Additionally God calls all of us to share the gift of love and pray for one another, and that is done by all who love God regardless of where we live or what we do for a living. As I mentioned in our previous newsletter, we are homeschooling three of our six children. This term one of the areas of study in the English course is various types of poetry. So, since Christmas was a topic for discussion, we thought we would write a Christmas poem. Here is one of our first attempts at writing one of the forms of short poems called a cinquain: Christmas Baby, Savior Trusting, giving, loving, Greatest gift, angels’ joyful noise Hope We thank you for your gifts of prayer and financial support, and for the encouraging notes and emails. You can read more about our work and see other newsletters as well as give toward our support at Dear God, in this often painful, difficult, sad, and dangerous world help us to remember, sense, see, and share your vast and unending love. Shalom, ]Éw| Page 7 JANUARY VOLUNTEERS FELLOWSHIP (Serve/Clean-up): Membership & Evangelism Committee HEAD USHER: Charlie Evans LITURGIST & GREETER NURSERY CARE ACOLYTES 4—Tracey Rogers 4—Brendan Holt 4—Genevieve Sprain & Dominic Daoust 11—Holly Kleiner 11—Trevor Jones 11—Anna Bohnsack & Aly Cvikota 18—Alanna Wuensch 18—Grady LaJeunesse 18—Connor Brown & Luke Noel 25—Nancy Olson 25—Dylan Noel 25—Chase & Willis Jones GREETERS (Fellowship Hall Doors) January Confirmation Schedule 4—Merlin & Stacey Jones family 7th—Bangor—Meal at 6:15 PM then class until 7:30 PM 11—Todd Kleiner 14th—West Salem—Meal at 6:15 PM then class until 7:30 PM 18—Crystal Wuensch 21st—West Salem—Meal at 6:15 PM then class until 7:30 PM 25—Bob & Marilyn Bahr 28th—West Salem—Community Dinner at 5:00 PM then class until 7:30 PM Fat Sunday Breakfast Donation January Birthdays In preparation for Lent and support of our Food Shelf—we are asking for families to bring a box of cereal on either February 8th or 15th. Watch the cereal stack grow and know we are assisting others in our community. 1—Fred Dodd, Kimberly LaBarre, Larry Olson 18—Jackson Bonsall, Rebecca Byrnes 2—Martha Burdick, Joseph Hauser 19—Katelyn Carlson, Kaitlin Seeger, Matthew Schwier, 3—Howard Garves, Sandra Schmidt, Elayne Erdman Maureen Longcor, Michael Siekert 4—Rebecca Auna, Patricia Ruetten, Lucille Raymer 20—Brian Lusk, Dorothy Schmaltz, Patrick Zalewski 5—Leeann Krall, Kenneth Hauser, Shanna Roe 21—Brian Baker, Elgin Brown, Brooklyn Haverly-Ghelfi 7—Cindy Ashland, Mark Gullickson 22—Michelle Lusk, Luke Noel 8—Dan Trautsch, Kendra Trautsch, Dave Bohnsack 23—Doris Riniker 9—Terry Miller, Aiden Knoll, Ernest Tourville, Debbie Tourville 25—Dixie Fladhammer 10—Glenda Koeneke, Rita Loging, Garrett Byrnes 26—Ethan Sells 12—Taylor Calvetti 27—Kevin Arndt, Nancy Olson 13—Gene Loging 28—Doris Carlson, Edward Lusk, Haylee Meyer, Alexis Shaw 14—Greg Ashland, Sharon Holven, Alex Galbraith, Emily Pickar 29—Delores Torgerson 16—Adam Griffin, Rose Wolbrink, Kent Buehler 30—Diane Rogala, Riley Holte, William Silbaugh 31—James Beebe, Diana Meeuwsen Presbyterian Church of West Salem Non-Profit Org. 625 West Franklin Street PO Box 861 U.S. Postage PAID West Salem Wisconsin 54669 Permit No. 22 West Salem, WI 54669 Change Service Requested Looking Ahead: • Installation/Ordination of Elders/Deacons—January 4th • Annual Meeting—January 25th • Youth Tubing Trip to Fort McCoy—January 25th (Look for more information in upcoming bulletins.) The Lamplighter is published monthly by the Presbyterian Church of West Salem to inform church members and friends about the events, programs, and mission of the congregation. Information for The Lamplighter is to be submitted to the church office by the 15th day of each month. Please inform the church office of any change in your address.
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