Knights of Columbus Council 4442 37 Main St. Salem, NH 03079 Officers 2014-2015 Grand Knight Deputy GK Chaplain Chancellor Recording Sec Warden Advocate Treasurer Financial Sec Lecturer Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Bill Richards Stillman (Butch) Kealey Fr. John Michalowski, SJ Paul St.Amand Enrico Casaletto Jose Moreno Dan Norris, Esq. Bob Fournier Charlie Walsh Ron Bourque Dan Buck Paul David Thomas Campbell Dick Collopy Don Simmons (Editor: Paul St.Amand -ed) Please send articles to the editor: ______________________________ Issue 2015-01, 19 January 2015 _____________________________ Council 4442 Knightly News From the desk of the Grand Knight: (Grand Knight Bill Richards was busy this weekend and not able to give an official update by the time we went to press. Yeah, I am a hardliner when it comes to getting the news deadline. Reminder to all... Newsletter deadline for articles to be published is: High Noon on Sunday after the regular business meeting. If you have information to share, “do not forsake me.” -ed) Bishop Peterson Council #4442 Bishop Peterson Assembly #0641 Colombian Squires Circle #4735 Insurance Agent: Matthew DiCalogero Field Agent 8 Stiles Road, Salem, NH Cell: 508 733 1754; Office: 603 458 6408 Email: Highlights inside this issue: Meeting Review – p2-5 New and Old Business – p3 ..Kids Christmas Party: - p5 Salem Christmas Fund Toys: - p6 Unpack the toys: - p7 What do Knights do? - p 8 Support our advertisers: - p.9 Corporation Board of Directors Election: The election for the board of directors of the corporation for the coming year will be held at the council hall on Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00PM. The election will be the only item on the agenda. See the notice on page 5 for details. Editorial License – A Personal message ed. As some may know, my wife of 43 years, Peggy St.Amand, died on January 3 this year at age 66. On behalf of my family, I want to thank the men and women of “my Knights family” for your prayers and support over this last year of Peggy's life and in response to her passing. I know that Peggy was personally moved by receiving your cards, calls, and well wishes throughout the year. She was loved by many as her warmth and spirit touched many people's hearts. She was also this newsletter's proof reader, mail room manager, content censor, and my sounding board. Thank you again for your expressions of sympathy. We will all miss her greatly. Quickie CALENDAR (And see our web Event calendar!) Council Meeting Notes from Jan 14 UNOFFICIAL from the scratch pad of the editor... 7:29PM: GK Bill Richards opened the meeting with our prayers and pledge. 7:32PM: Rico Casaletto read the minutes. There were some questions and amendments made before approval. The meeting was closed at 9:16PM; 35 members attended. “Bob reviews the budget” at our January meeting First Degree St. Thomas Aquinas Church Saturday, Jan 24, 10:00AM Derry, NH (Bill Richards) Pro-life Mass St. Joseph Church Friday, January 23, 7:00PM (Dennis Groulx) Corporation Election of Board of Directors Tuesday, January 27, 7:00PM Dave Thompson State Quarterly Meeting Sunday, January 25, 1:00-4:30PM Exeter, NH (Dick Collopy) Corporation Election of Officers and business meeting Tuesday, February 3, 7:00PM Dave Thompson CHAPLAIN'S MESSAGE: Fr. John 7:40PM. Fr. John returned to a presentation on Pope Francis “Joy of the Gospel” from Chapter 2, about cultural challenges we face in today's world. These include attacks upon our religion, for we Catholics are seen as “divisive” when we present moral truths that run counter to the secular view that all morality is relative, all truths are OK. The world heads towards a view of self-satisfaction over family commitments, of having no objective norms of right and wrong. In the face of these attitudes, evangilization, bringing the truth to the world, is no easy task. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: GK Bill Richards 7:52PM: Bill mentioned a few of the Thank You notes received, as well as invitations to participate. For example, Catholic Charities welcomes us to attend their Mardi Gras ball. Tickets are $100/pp. See Bill if you wish to go. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Treasurer and Financial Reports read and accepted: 7:56PM: Bob Fournier reviewed the yearly budget for 2014 and presented the 2015 budget for approval. (Copy of the 2015 budget appears as page 10 in last month's newsletter.) His was an excellent report, in good detail, and all the numbers added up! We asked questions about several items and each time Bob had the answer we needed. No changes were made to the proposed budget, which was approved unanimously. Bob and the finance committee deserves our thanks, and Bob received a round of applause from the membership. 8:19PM: Charlie Walsh reviewed the checks written. Our membership grew by one last month to 256. Membership and Admissions: Bill Richards 8:21PM: Bill reported that William Lubeski joined our council. Also, we approved, with the recommendation of the admissions committee, two new potential members. Their 1st degree could be on Jan 24. Bill will email us. There will be a combined 2nd and 3rd degree on January 31 in Nashua, NH. Pro-Life: Dennis Groulx 8:25PM: Dennis Dennis again took to the podium to announce the details for the Pro-Life Mass at our St. Joseph Church, 7:00PM, on Friday, Jan 23. Any 4th degree member attending is asked to be in Tux and social baldric. Scouting Report: Don Gagne 8:30PM: Don mentioned the Blue and Gold Banquet (Feb) and the Pinewood Derby (Mar) events coming up for the scouts. 2 Relay for Life: Mike Banks 8:30PM: The “kick-off” event is January. Mike plans on two breakfasts and one meal for fund-raising. If anyone has suggestions, contact Mike. Tootsie Roll Drive: Gene Bryant Christmas Dinner: Dave Thompson 8:31PM: GK Bill repeated the call... 8:32PM: GK Bill reported some details of Dave Thompson's Christmas We need a chairman! Dinner program. There were 188 people in the hall and 73 This is the largest, most visible meals delivered. Other event of the year for the Knights. members at the meeting It involves the most people. It is a commented also that the great “advertisement” for us in the numbers might be higher, for town, and it is a worthy cause. some guests asked to have “take out” to bring back to their homes for later on. One member has talked to Gene and might step forward. But The council and the Salem Christmas Fund fronted nothing is settled. We need an official chairman. Dave money for the event, but because of donations received from the public, Dave was able to “turn a Gene will guide a new chairman and will be there to help, and profit” and donate $300 to the Parish Food Pantry, there are many perennial volunteers who can be counted on to $100 to the Church, $220 back to the Salem help again; but, the council needs someone to assume the role Christmas Fund, and return $250 to the council. of chairman. Gene says this is a short-term job, mostly over one weekend, and a rewarding job. Dave estimates that people worked 400 service hours for this project. Many thanks to all who helped out in cooking, serving, delivering, organizing, ... Quick Reports: 8:36PM: Wil Boutin thanked all those attending the Adult Christmas Party. Good Job, Wil! 8:37PM: Ken Akerley announced the next blood drive for Jan 15. And he said the next, next blood drive will be on May 15. We all can expect to hear about this May event again at the February, March, April, and May meetings. (Sorry, Ken, I couldn't resist! - ed.) 8:39PM: Alan Phair gave the toy distribution wrap-up (See article below, page 6.) There were 605 people helped, from a newborn to a 100 year old. Toys were given for 307 children; 200 coats for kids given, and 650 service hours worked. Old Business: 8:41PM: We removed the $1000 notice of motion for the Salem High School marching band. The funds will be used to help the families of band members who could not attend the Washington, DC parade without this help. Motion passed. New Business: Trustee recommendations (Tom Campbell and Don Simmons) 8:45PM: We approved the following: • $250 approved to buy a door prize for the Parish Comedy Night raffle. • $200 donated to the AmVets for their charity dinner. • $150 to NH Special Olympics, for the Penguin Plunge of brother Paul Marchand. • $150? $125? $300? (I didn't get the exact details. -ed) Money to pay the music performers for the Pro-Life Mass. - Dennis Groulx 3 Hall Rental Policy For hall rental call George Masciarelli at 603-893-3035. Or, go to the council web site and contact him through email. George will match your needs with available dates and send you a rental agreement for your signature and deposit. You must be a member of Council 4442 and/or Assembly 0641 to rent the Hall and, you must remain at the hall during the rental period. Full details of fees and policies are available on the Web Site: Council Hall Rental. George can also arrange for members to get a key to the council home. Good of the Order Announcements 8:54PM: Dave Wilson wants to organize a “Poker Run” motorcycle event to raise funds. Anyone who has a “bike” and wants to join in, please contact him (603-397-2378) or email Dave Wilson. 8:56PM: Michael Banks has tickets for the Parish Comedy Night, to be held at Castleton Banquet Hall in Windham, on Feb 14. Tickets are $55/pp includes appetizers, meal, comedy act, and hypnotist. 8:57PM: Alan proposed a Super Bowl Party to cheer on the Patriots (if they won on Sunday, Jan 25.) He reminded us that there were three parties held in the past... each time the Patriots won. The two times parties were NOT held, the Patriots lost. This would be a “no organization” event. BYOB and BYOS (Bring your own snacks.) Show up, pull up a chair and a table, sit, enjoy, cheer, clean up. 8:58PM Al Hamel reported on Texas Hold-em. Larry Belair also sent in the following from sunny Florida: “We finished up 2014 with a great night – almost $11,000 on the day after Christmas. Two days after New Years’, we enjoyed another very good night, bringing home a bit over $7,100. My sincere thanks to those Brothers and their wives who interrupted their holiday schedule to work on behalf of the Council. For 2014, the Council derived a net benefit, after all expenses, of $48,500. That's darned good for the amount of work we have to do. My sincere thanks to the 20 or so Brothers and their wives who made this possible.” 8:58: Ron Bourque gave the bingo report. No one has hit the Thursday night “competition” big Carry All prize, so that continues to pull players from our Wednesday and Friday night events. We still beat last year's results and brought in a lot of money to the council. 9:00PM: There will be a corporation board of directors meeting on January 27 at 7:00PM. District Deputy Report – Dick Collopy 9:05PM: Dick brings greetings from our State Deputy. He renewed the goal of one new member per council per month. This is the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of “The Year of the Family.” The Vatican has called a Synod of Bishops on the Family and Supreme is also emphasizing this. We must help those families that are hurting. The NH State Quarterly Meeting will be held in Exeter, Sunday, Jan 25, 1:00PM to 4:30PM. Knight of the Month 9:09PM Bill made three presentations for KOM. Michael Banks – Nov 2014 Paul St.Amand - Dec 2014 Butch Kealey – Jan 2015 4 Attendance Prize: 9:11PM: The attendance Sound System: 9:11PM: Mike Banks prize for $10 would have been won by Greg reported that the portable sound system was Buscanera, who was not present. Next month the purchased. Total cost for both the hall and prize is $20. outdoor systems was $9 over budget. Good job, Mike; the council owes you its thanks! ...and we'll refund the $9 !!! This Knight also was not attending. He could not have won the prize. It pays to attend the meeting! Closing Prayer and Adjournment: 9:16PM: We pray for all those in need, the sick, our soldiers, the Christians persecuted in the Middle East, and those on our prayer line and in our intention book. Amen! CORPORATION ELECTION: The Secretary of the Bishop Peterson Corporation informs all members of the Corporation that the Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 27, 2015, at the Knights of Columbus hall at 37 Main Street, Salem NH, starting at 7:00PM. At this meeting an election will be held for the Corporation Board of Directors. Fourteen Directors will be elected for oneyear terms. This will be the only item on the agenda. (Officers will be elected from the board at the next regular corporation meeting, Tuesday, February 3, at 7:00PM.) All members in good standing of Salem Council 4442 are members of the Bishop Peterson Corporation and eligible for election as a Director. If you wish your name to be on the ballot contact Curt Goulet, Secretary, at 603-898-1411. Although nominations from the floor are accepted, having names in advance allows preparation of ballots ahead of time. All members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in this important election. For more information contact David Thompson, Pres., or Curt Goulet, Sec. The corporation “owns” and maintains the hall and grounds, and it sets policy for its use and rental. The council rents the hall from the corporation. For legal reasons of liability and insurance, Supreme has set rules that councils shall not directly own property; thus a separate corporation was created to buy the property, renovate, and own the hall we use for our events. Children Christmas Party The council hosted “Santa” and a magician for our children and grandchildren on Sunday, December 21. The urchins were enthralled by the magic acts of (..who?) Although some of these kids are too smart... they remember the tricks from last year! Wow! Magic! Big kids watch the show! As the balloons were made into hats and flowers and doggies, Santa entered the room with a jolly “Ho! Ho! Ho!” and all attention was drawn to him. Santa sat down in his big chair. As if by magic, under the tree there was one labeled gift for each child awaiting for Santa to hand out. With food and fun for everyone, this was a frolic for all. 5 Meadow and Lucy got balloon flowers! (But they wanted more front teeth!) “How'd she do THAT?” Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa and Elf hand out toys Salem Christmas Fund - End of 2014 report: Alan Phair First of all, I want to thank all of you who were able to help the Salem Christmas Fund out again this year. When I was asked back in 2002 if the K of C could try and help keep the program going, I had no idea of the scope of work involved but I knew we would not let the needy people in Salem down. Blue Light Special in aisle 3! This Christmas, we provided assistance to 605 people ranging from a newborn to one over 100 years old. We distributed toys to 307 Salem children at our toy distribution center, which many of you know is quite a project in itself. During those hectic two nights we also gave out a little over 200 new coats donated by our Council. Thanks to the Boys & Girls Club, 167 kids got free memberships. Coats for Kids 6 Salem Christmas Fund – continued... I estimated that I had between 90 and 100 people involved in the project in one capacity or another. Whether it be the police picking up toys, people in the Churches and businesses helping with “wish” trees, fire department personnel making deliveries, Town workers unloading the storage container and taking away all our garbage, there was a lot of help. The bulk of it however is handled by this Council family. To give you an example, there were 61 Brother Knights or relatives and friends who helped out. 41 Brothers themselves helped out, many for multiple projects. The Council raised $1,150 at the landfill on a brisk Saturday, which is one of the highest totals we ever raised there. Overall, the Christmas Fund raised just under $38,000, which is a little less than last year but still very good. Thanks to all of you who helped in that regard. Our main expenditures go to the Market Basket Food vouchers and the Target Clothing vouchers along with the several Santa's Shopping Helpers thousand dollars we spend on the elderly at Macy’s for items they wished for. We have a dedicated shopper from there, and they give us a tremendous discount on the items we get. We also were the largest donor towards the Christmas Dinner jointly sponsored by the Parish, K of C and the Christmas Fund. The manpower hours put in by the Council towards Christmas Fund projects were considerable. Not counting mine, I calculated 338 man-hours were put in by our Council family. When added to the approximately 300 plus hours I personally put in during the year, I figure an estimated 650 total hours were expended and will be included in the report I turn in to the State. All I can say further is: Thank you & Vivat Jesus………..Alan Hey, no smooching on duty! And after the Toy Distribution? - photos by Alan Phair This won't fit into my car! What happens to any toys that were not given out this year? What happens to toys that are donated AFTER the distribution event? Those toys become the “seed” starter stock for next year. All Scott, Charlie, and Kevin: “Space Cadets” the toys are packed up and stacked in boxes in a storage unit. And, what about all the tables and chairs that were taken to the distribution center? You guessed it. We have to “untake” them back to the school garage and the council hall. Thank you to all who helped out with this final task of the 2014 campaign. 7 Larry Belair article What do the Knights of Columbus do? ….. We’ve all been asked that question. We usually respond with something like “We’re a Catholic men’s fraternal organization, committed to promoting the Catholic faith through our acts of charity and deeds of good will. We support our parish and the Greater Salem community, helping wherever we can.” Not bad, but, do you really know all that we do? Do you pitch in to help? Are you there as often as you could be, sharing in the good deeds, the sad times, and helping our churches to survive in these times of declining numbers here in Salem? “We are mostly made up of men from Saints Mary and Joseph Parish, but we also have members of other parishes. We give so much time and effort to raise funds to further the work of our parish priests and Catholic leaders”, says Grand Knight Bill Richards. “We put our hearts and souls into every program, whether it’s the Tootsie Roll Drive, the parish picnic, working at bingo and poker nights, the Christmas Parade or the Christmas Fund. Always volunteering, always helping those in need and always promoting the Catholic faith by our deeds and generosity.” Over the past two years alone, our Bishop Peterson Council 4442, has donated $258,000 to parish activities, the homeless and the hungry, young mothers struggling with pregnancy, and community programs such as the Boys and Girls Club and charities like the Kidney Fund, the Jimmy Fund and the Tootsie Roll Drive. To our parish: Saints Mary and Joseph operating fund St. Joseph’s Food Pantry Saints Mary and Joseph Fuel Assistance Parish Gas Conversion project Parish Picnic Honduran Mission St. Joseph’s Regional School Racetrack ministry St. Joseph’s Consolers Group Parish Bulletin Saints Mary and Joseph Parish Needs - Total $26,800 $7,000 $2,000 $21,100 $2,225 $1,011 $17,100 $4,500 $600 $332 $82, 668 And other faith-based causes: Right to Life Programs Catholic Education Assistance Seminarian Support Good Shepherd Parish, Berlin, NH New Hampshire Catholic Charities Other Catholic programs and causes – Total $26,460 $17,000 $5,800 $5,000 $22,500 $76 ,760 Total Council contributions for 2013 & 2014 And to our community: Salem Boys & Girls Club $10,000 Tootsie Roll Drive, benefiting groups in $24,000 support of intellectually challenged adults & children such as Kimi Nichols Center, Camp Fatima, Play Among the Stars and Special Olympics Coats For Kids $17,245 Salem Caregivers $1,400 Relay for life $6,500 Play Among the Stars $4,000 Salem Christmas Fund $2,500 Christmas Dinner $600 State Council Raffle tickets $4,025 Cub Scout Pack 4442 $1,400 Lazarus House $5,000 Kidney Fund $5,000 Vietnam Memorial Wall project $1,500 US Troops $2,200 Salem Bike Corridor project $1,000 Salem Christmas Parade $500 American Red Cross Blood Drives $1,570 Other special requests $9,213 Other Charities and programs – Total $98,153 $257, 581 “Charity, to all those who we can help, is the foundation of the Knights of Columbus fraternity of Catholic men”, reminds GK Bill. “These funds, plus the several thousands of hours given generously by so many of you, gives us great reason to be proud of our Council, our Catholic heritage and of ourselves, as men of faith. We are blessed and grateful for the opportunity to help others. God Bless." Submitted by your Council Finance Committee 8 Be a sponsor for this Newsletter. Paul St.Amand, 603-898-2421; email to advertisements@kofc4442. DIFRUSCIA Spicket River Music Together “Music for you and your toddler!” Suzanne Denu, MT-BC Owner Teacher 45 Redfield Circle Derry, NH 03038 617-960-6936 LAW OFFICES 302 Broadway/Route 28 Methuen, Mass. 01844 MA Tel: 978-687-1777 NH Tel: 603-898-8198 Moore-Kish Chiropractic Your Neighborhood Chiropractors Since 1952 Jim 8 Marblehead St. Broadhurst, No. Andover MA Owner 888-55-EKeys (553-5397) 978-655-3135 Email: Dr. Mary Ellen Moore Dr. Josef J. Kish Get Healthy and Stay Healthy with our affordable programs. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY EMERGENCY SERVICE (978) 682-9639 Goundrey & Dewhirst Cremation and Funeral Care 42 Main Street Salem, New Hampshire 03079 Rick Dewhirst Al Abdallah Phone: (603) 898-2181 Email : Reliable Janitorial Cleaning Services, Inc. Jose Moreno, Owner Cell: (781) 324-0910 FAX: (603) 898-4484 email: Home & Office Services Give us a call! No Job Too Small! TV, Inc. Advertise Here! TV and APPLIANCE One year, twelve issues. Print and Electronic Editions. Only $75.00 for both. SALES and SERVICE Email or Call 603 898-2421 Prototype Printed Circuitry Joseph E. Nasser Jr., President Back Tel. 978 683-9000 276 Broadway, Rte. 28 Methuen, MA, 01844 Dick Dube & Rick Dube Douglas & Johnson Funeral Home & Cremation Services 214 Main St. Salem NH 603 898-8848 37 Manchester St. Lawrence, MA 01841 Tel. 978 682-5800 Susan J. Hopkins Robert S. Carrier J. Tyler Douglas James L. Johnson (1959-2008) JOSEPH NASSAR President 354 North Broadway Salem, NH 03079 Office (603) 893-5021 Nextel (603) 396-3333 Fax (603) 894-9764 Web “Contact Us” Gene Bryant Independent Travel Agent 603-894-7245 x212 Cell: 603-475-9103 39 Main Street Salem, NH 03079 Bishop Peterson Council #4442 Fourth Degree Assembly #0641 Columbian Squires Circle #4735 37 Main Street Salem, NH 03079 _ _ _ _ _
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