Newsletter – 11th January 2015 - St Peter-in

The Parish of St Peter-in-Chains
Parish Priest: Fr. Sean Carroll
Parish Secretary: Jennifer Graham-Dillon
Address: 12 Womersley Road, London N8 9AE.
Tel: 020 8340 3394.
Sunday Masses
Weekday Masses
6.30pm (Sat) Mass
9.45am Sung Mass
11.15am Family Mass
7.00pm Evening Mass
9.00am (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
9.00am (Saturday)
Saturday 9.30am-10.00am
Saturday 6.00pm-6.20pm
Prayer of the Church
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament & Benediction
Morning Prayer will take place
15 minutes before the appropriate Masses
Friday - 7:30pm - 8:30pm - in Lower Parish Rooms
Saturday - 9.30am-10.00am
Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) Crib Appeal 2014 - This is the last Sunday that the crib will be
in the church. We thank all those who have generously donated to this appeal. Your support makes a positive
difference to the lives of vulnerable children and adults in our Diocese. The Society reaches out to families who
are homeless or where there is poverty, debt, unemployment, long-term illness or family breakdown. If you
haven’t yet made a donation today is the last day.
First Holy Communion Celebration Mass – We welcome our first Holy Communion children and their
families to the First Holy Communion Celebration Mass today at 11.15am.
First Holy Communion Classes - The FHC Monday sessions resume on 12th January 5.30pm-6.30pm,
The next Saturday session is on 17th January 9.30am-10.30am in the lower parish rooms, please arrive on
Confirmation 2015 – Our Confirmation candidates will be running a gifts stall and serving
teas/coffees/cakes today Sunday, 11th January after the morning Masses, to raise funds for their chosen
charity, Alzheimer’s.
Sessions resume on Monday, 12th January at 7pm in the lower parish rooms.
SPEC Day Retreat - Saturday, 17th January 2015 at SPEC, Waxwell House, Pinner, Middlesex, 10-4pm
Priest General Surgery and Signing School Forms – Fr Sean will be available for a general surgery/signing
of forms on Tuesday, 13th January from 5.00pm-7.00pm (no appointment needed).
RCIA - The next meeting is on Wednesday, 14th January in the lower parish rooms at 7.30pm.
St. Peter-in-Chains R.C. Infant School. If you wish to apply for a Reception place for your child for
September 2015, please contact Mrs Gaudiano (School office) on 020 8340 6789. Please note the Haringey
closing date for primary school application is 15th January 2015.
Do you know someone who is learning disabled? Would you like to help us? On Saturday, 17th January
we are starting a Saturday club from 2-4pm at St Peter in chains RC infant school hall, Elm Grove N8 9AJ.
For people (all ages) with learning disabilities, their families and friends. Activities include dance, music, art and
sport - refreshments provided. Volunteers very welcome, all welcome. Sue Hessel, Mary Halliday, Kayte
Brimacombe 0777 939 4424. A flyer with further information will be handed out after all Masses today.
Date for your Diary – The St Gildas’ Centenary launch will take place at St Gildas’ School on Thursday, 29th
January. Time to be confirmed.
St Gildas’ School 1915-2015, celebrating 100 years of Catholic Education. As we approach our
centenary year, we want to look back and celebrate the work of the Sisters of St. Gildas’, the school they
founded, and the gift of our Catholic Faith. But we have virtually no written history of St. Gildas’. Can you help
us recreate life at St. Gildas’ over the last ten decades? Your memories may not be complete or clear, but we
would prefer dimly to glimpse St. Gildas’, rather than have no sight of it at all. Copies of mementoes, such as
report cards, photographs, letters, and newspaper articles would also be very welcome. If you have any
information, please contact, For further details of Centenary Celebrations:
Parish Draw Results – 1st 520
, 2nd 587 &
3rd 526
(Pink - AB185107)
Pax Christi Peace Sunday – 18th January 2015. Pax Christi – The Peace of Christ - The work of Pax Christi
is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Our Vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without
fear of violence in all its forms. Rooted in Catholic Christianity, we work with all who share our values to
abolish war and create communities of peace and justice. Envelopes are available at the back of the church for
those who wish to make a donation, please return in next week’s collection, you may also place your donation
in the wall safe at the back of the church marked PAX Christi.
Winter Warmers - A series of 4 free concerts (retiring collection) on Thursday evenings, 8 - 9pm at Holy
Trinity Church, Granville Road N4. First concert 22nd January 'Sacred songs and Solos' with Nicola Hooke
(soprano) and David Hooke (piano). Please see poster in the porch for further details.
Looking for something new in 2015? CAFOD needs your help in ending poverty and injustice overseas.
Find out how you can live your faith and put your skills to good use at Understanding CAFOD Day on Saturday,
24 January, in London SE1, from 10am to 4pm. Book online at, or call
0208 449 6970.
Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony - Westminster Cathedral, Saturday
23rd May 2015 at 3pm. The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are
celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th & 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of
Catholic marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following
details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no
Joint Pilgrimage to Italy with Holy Trinity Church - We have organised a week-long pilgrimage to
Ravenna, Padua and Bologna from 24th - 30th October 2015. The cost (based on a shared room) will be £919
per person, including flights from Stansted, half board accommodation, entrance fees and coach travel in Italy.
Further details are available from Jennifer in the office, to whom initial bookings should be returned. F Patrick
Soup Run - The New Soup Run rota is available at the back of the church on the newsletter stand and in the
lower parish rooms for volunteers.
Free plastic storage trays! – Every week the Soup Run gets plastic trays from Dunns which we cannot return
and so they pile up in the parish rooms. As they can be really useful for storing or tidying things in the home or
garden, we are going to start leaving the surplus in the inner porch each week for parishioners to take. Please
help yourself.
The Sick and Departed – among the sick please pray for Marie Antoniewicz, Christian Overall, Antonio Neto,
Zintra Sansom, Maria Graham, Brenda Buzec, Patrick Garry, Amy Gordon, Ann Tomlinson, Annette Donivar,
Margaret Bradley, Patsy Bradley, Caroline Hilton, Karin Summers, Graham Summers, Joan Summers, Alex
Robertson, Helen Kozlowski, Lena Cavaciuti, Margaret Sibanda, Eileen Mac Avock, Margaret Whelan, Don
Brewis, Errol Curran, Roman Cholij, Adeline Oyekoya Erline Prescott, Francesco Nazzini, Maria Kuczwalski & Jim
Newsletter deadline - please submit items for the Newsletter before midday on Thursday.
Thank you for contributing to the Sunday offering.
11th Jan
12th Jan
13th Jan
14th Jan
16th Jan
17th Jan
LINEN: Nena Whitehead (11th January)
PLANNED GIVING TEAM B meets in the presbytery 6.45pm
COUNTING TEAM B meet in lower parish rooms after the morning Mass
ASCENT GROUP meets in lower parish rooms at 10am
presbytery - 5.00pm-7.00pm
RCIA GROUP meets at the presbytery at 7.30pm
LEGION OF MARY meets in Parish Lower Rooms at 7.30pm
HOLY HOUR - 7.30pm-8.30pm (lower parish rooms)
FHC CATECHISM CLASS meets in lower parish rooms at 12noon (Claire’s Class)
SOUP RUN TEAM D meets in lower parish rooms at 4.00pm
Readers: 17 /18 Jan - 6.30pm Gillian Spry
9.45am 1st Reading - Margaret Forkan
2nd Reading - Errol Curran
7.00pm - Paul Stone
Readings: 17th/18th Jan - 1st Reading Samuel 3:3-10. 19
Gospel John 1:35-42
2nd Reading Corinthians 6:13-15. 17-20
Ministers of the Eucharist: 17th /18th Jan - 6.30pm (Sat) Sara Fleming, Sean Buckley, Steve Bethell
9.45am Gabriella Olaniran, Gertrude Jones, Isaac Phillips, Jim Donoghue, Josephine Bobb, 11.15am Michael
Buchanan, Sandra Fluin, William Carson, Anna Maria Fernandez, Gianni Gagnier 7.00pm Una Buckley, Daniel
Lloyd-Morgan, Fiona Stone