St. Francis Xavier CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 XAVIER CIRCLE • BIRMINGHAM, AL 35213 205-871-1153 • Fax: 205-871- 9831 January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord Rev. Robert Sullivan, Pastor Rev. John McDonald, Associate Pastor Very Rev. Gregory Bittner, J.C.L., In Residence OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday ............ 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday ................................. 8:00 am to 12 Noon LITURGICAL SCHEDULE MASS TIMES Monday ............................... 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Tuesday ................................................. 8:00 am Wednesday ........... 6:30 am, 8:00 am & 5:30 pm (except Wed/Sept—May/9:00 am) Thursday ............................. 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Friday .................................................... 8:00 am Saturday ................................................ 4:30 pm Sunday................ 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm MISA EN ESPAÑOL Martes ................................................... 7:00 pm Domingo ............................................... 1:00 pm HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Check the bulletin for Mass times. MEMORIAL MASS First Thursday ....................................... 5:30 pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Friday ............................ 8:30 am–6:00 pm First Tuesday ........ 7:30 pm–8:30 pm in Spanish SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday ......... 3:30–4:15 pm or by appointment BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS Contact the parish office to register. MARRIAGE A six month preparation is required. Contact the parish office to speak to the priest to begin the process. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All families and individuals are welcome at St. Francis Xavier Church. Parish registration forms are located in the vestibule of the church, the Parish Office, or on our website. MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith family of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by Prayer, Sacraments and the Word, are pilgrim people striving to become faithful and committed followers of Jesus Christ. In response to our Gospel call, we seek to be a viable and welcoming community which ministers to the People of God through responsible stewardship of our time, talent and treasure. Adopted by the Pastoral Council ~ January 23, 2006 PAGE 2 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA PASTOR’S PAGE A LETTER FROM FATHER This past Sunday evening the young people of our parish presented the “Christmas Story” through the Epiphany Program. It was a wonderful recap as our Christmas season was drawing to a close. It was a great program. If you did not have a chance to attend, you will definitely want to put it on your calendar for next year. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It provides us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. In 2002, Pope John Paul II wrote a letter to all Catholics regarding the Rosary. In this letter, which was entitled The Most Holy Rosary, Pope John Paul II announced the addition of the Luminous Mysteries to the Rosary history in addition to the traditional mysteries of the rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious). The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary or the Mysteries of Light, as they are also called, focus on the public life of Jesus, the years He was preaching spanning the time between His Baptism and His death. They are called the Mysteries of Light because Jesus is the light of the World. Jesus as the light is mentioned several times in St. John's Gospel. "And the light shines in darkness: and the darkness did not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light. That was the true light, which enlightens every man that comes into this world" (John 1:5-9). "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world" (John 9:5). Pope John Paul II felt that it was important to add these mysteries to the history of the rosary because there was a gap between the childhood of Jesus that is meditated upon during the Joyful Mysteries and the suffering and death of Jesus that is meditated upon during the Sorrowful Mysteries. He also added them to revive interest in the Rosary which in his words illustrate an "ocean of joy and of light, of suffering and of glory" in the lives of Jesus and Mary. The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary are: The Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan; The first miracle of Jesus at the wedding in Cana; Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God, his preaching and teaching; Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor when He revealed Himself as God's Son; and The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Just like the other mysteries, you can meditate on the mysteries of the life of Jesus with His mother, Mary, the Mother of God. In Christ’s Love, THIS WEEK Sunday, January 11 PSR/CLW 9:45 am First Eucharist Parent Mtg/PH 9:45 am Adult Education/MR 10:00 am Choir Warm-up/CP 11:00 am Catecismo/JR-SA 2:00 pm Meeting for Immigration/PH 6:00 pm High School Youth/YR Monday, January 12 6:00 pm Middle School Youth/PH 6:00 pm SFX Advisory Board/SL 6:30 pm Bible Study/MR 7:00 pm HM Prayer Group/CP Tuesday, January 13 8:30 am Women’s Fellowship/JR 10:00 am School Choir/CH 3:00 pm Scouts/MPR 3:00 pm Scouts/JR 3:30 pm Children’s Choir/CH 7:00 pm Sacristan Workshop/JR 7:30 pm Holy Hour/CP Wednesday, January 14 7:00 am Men’s Fellowship/JR 5:30 pm Children’s Ministry/PH 7:00 pm Choir Practice/CH 7:00 pm RCIA/JR Thursday, January 15 6:15 pm Bible Study/JR 7:00 pm Xavier Singers/CH Friday, January 16 3:00 pm Scouts/JR 5:00 pm Rehearsal/CH Saturday, January 17 10:00 am Bible Study/MR 12:00 pm Baptism/CH 1:00 pm Baptisms/CH 6:30 pm Wedding/CH Sunday, January 18 NO PSR/CLW 9:45 am Baptism/CH 10:00 am Choir Warm-up/CP 11:00 am Catecismo/JR-SA 2:30 pm Baptisms/CH PAGE 3 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD • JANUARY 11, 2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER PRAYERS FOR THE SICK MASS INTENTIONS LEGACY GIVING Winifred Butler, Jane Byrne, Maggie Carey, Richard Choat, Ann Coley, Emily Cusimano, Bob Doody, John Douglas, Steven Earwood, Jack Garner, Katie Golden, Claudia Guarino, Mary Jo Hamre, Dewey Hardeman, Celeste Hayden, Matt Hebert, Mimi Heebe, Patricia Hefner, Christopher Johnson, Hannah Joyner, Nicolina Koch, Marilyn Left, Joe Mangina, Mary Mangina, Matthew Mangina, Jeanette Martinson, Shay McNamee, Mary Nappi, Mary Rogers Owings, Charles Partridge, Bill Perrell, Pat Perrell, Joann Piazza, Sharla Pittman, Millie Ray, Lourdes Santiago, Debbie Sawyer, Rick Schmid, Sarah Shahid, Annie Smeraglia, Fe Smith, Denise Solsrud, Helene Thacker, Peggy Trechsel, Nick Valencia, Lee Wright, Virginia Zicarelli, Joe Zyne, Mary Zyne Monday, January 12 8:00 am—Louis Mesrano (RIP) 5:30 pm—David Corey (RIP) Ensure the future of St. Francis Xavier Church and School. Please remember the church and school in your will and let us know when you do. For more information on Legacy Giving options, please speak with Fr. Bob Sullivan. PRAYERS FOR OUR BELOVED DECEASED Cecil Coghlan, husband to Mayte Coghlan, father of Leslie, Harold, Michael and Anthony Coghlan and grandfather of Andrew and Gabby Janice Anderton, mother of Michael Anderton, Lynn Massey, and Dianne Agnew, and grandmother of Catherine, Rachel and Paul Redmond Wheeler Flemming, parishioner WEDDING BANNS January 17, 2015 Mary McDaniel & Darryl Sheets Tuesday, January 13 8:00 am—Art Sharbel (RIP) 7:00 pm—Ralph Bertella, Sr. (RIP) Wednesday, January 14 6:30 am—Dana Miller (RIP) 9:00 am—Dr. Rogelio Martinez (RIP) 5:30 pm—Joe Rookis (RIP) Thursday, January 15 8:00 am—Frances Ross (RIP) 5:30 pm—Patricia Skellie (RIP) Friday, January 16 8:00 am—Mulkin Family (INT) Saturday, January 17 4:30 pm—Matt Byrne (RIP) Sunday, January 18 8:30 am—Long Do (RIP) 11:00 am—Art Sharbel (RIP) 1:00 pm—Rick Eaglehouse (RIP) 5:00 pm—For the Parish THE MAGIS FUND In the Spring of 2013, the Magis Fund was established to strengthen the continuance of Catholic education for families at St. Francis Xavier School. The Magis Fund assists those families and students, outside the normal financial aid process, who, due to change in circumstances beyond their control, are presented with an emergency need for financial assistance. The Fund provides financial assistance for students whose circumstances might otherwise force them to leave our school and lose the support of a caring, loving and Christian environment. Interested individuals are encouraged to donate to this important fund by calling the church office at 871-1153. ONLINE GIVING SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please inform Pastoral Care Ministry of anyone homebound, shut-in or hospitalized so that they may receive the Sacraments. Please call Sister Sara at 803-5414. St. Francis Xavier offers Online Giving for parishioners who like to make donations electronically. Online Giving is a secure and personalized way to give to the Parish. Online Giving can stand on its own as a means of donation or can be used in conjunction with your offering envelopes. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at STEWARDSHIP “How shall I repay the Lord for his goodness to me?” —Psalm 116 January 4th ~ $18,057 PAGE 4 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA PARISH EVENTS MASS OFFERINGS SENIOR ADULT ACTIVITY The monthly SFX Senior Activity Day will be held Thursday, January 22, beginning with Mass at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel, followed by lunch and an hour of bingo in the Parish Hall. Reservations are required for lunch (871-1153 no later than Tuesday, Jan. 20). A donation of $7.00 covers the cost of lunch and bingo. MEALS ON WHEELS—NEEDS YOU! Can you give an hour of your time one day each month? We are in need of volunteers to deliver Meals on Wheels. If you can help and volunteer with this important ministry, please call Marlyss Giles at 868-3607 or email at COLD AND FLU SEASON The custom of requesting a priest to offer the Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass, is a longstanding tradition in the Church. This is because the Church considers the Mass the greatest possible prayer of intercession insofar as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the Paschal Mystery of his death and resurrection. Because of the particular role of the priest as mediator between God and man, acting "in persona Christi" when offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass, special graces may be obtained when he applies the Mass to a particular intention. Masses may be offered for any person, living or deceased. Mass Intentions can be requested through the Parish Office. During this cold and flu season, please use your good judgment when deciding whether to receive the Precious Blood or hold hands for the Our Father. SAVE THE DATE February 7, 2015 The SFX Home & School Association will be hosting a Casino Night Gala on February 7, 2015 in the parish hall and gym. The Gala will feature casino style games such as black jack, craps, roulette and poker. There will be food, cocktails, music, and a silent auction. Currently we are looking for businesses or families who would like to help sponsor this event. In addition to sponsorships, we are also seeking items that could be donated to the silent auction. (sports or entertainments tickets, autographs, vacation homes, condos, gift certificates, etc.) If you would like to become a sponsor, or know someone who might be willing to make a silent auction donation, please contact Karin Perrin email: or call: 746-0234, for all the details. PARISH GOOD NEWS Members of the St. Francis Altar Sodalities, Men’s Fellowship and Women’s Fellowship delivered meals from December 21st—25th to the firemen at Station 26 located on Montclair Road. Pictured with the firemen on Christmas Day is the Walter Scott Family. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD • JANUARY 11, 2015 PAGE 5 PARISH EVENTS THE EPIPHANY PROGRAM WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PRAYER Pope Francis has asked all Catholics worldwide to use the months ahead as a time of preparation & prayer for the World Meeting of Families to be held in Philadelphia, September, 2015: “God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us Your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May Your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek Your truth and live in Your love. Through Christ our Lord, Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!” The Family Life Commission would like to say a Huge Thank You to all who helped with all the Costumes and singing, Nancy Grundhoefer & Michael Savela for coordinating the music and all the parents that helped out with practices and especially all the lovely children and youth that participated. Thank you Vickie Battles for the great pictures! PAGE 6 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA EDUCATION NEWS ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL St. Francis Xavier School welcomes your interest! We will begin registration for the 2015-2016 school year on January 27th (New Kindergarten students) and February 9th (New 1st-8th graders). Please contact our office or stop by for a school tour or more information. Upcoming Events: Wednesday, January 14th School Mass at 9:00a Monday, January 19th MLK Jr. NO SCHOOL Tuesday, January 20th Home and School Meeting at 6:00p THE EARLY LEARNING CENTER Registration for the 2015-2016 School year for current students begins Monday, January 12th. Registration for SFX church members and siblings of current students begins Monday, January 26th. Registration forms are available on the ELC website at or by calling the ELC office at 879-5596. We look forward to helping you begin your child's education. Please call 879-5596 or email to set up a tour. January 19th- MLK Day- No School Pre-school Registration Begins Soon PAGE 7 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD • JANUARY 11, 2015 EDUCATION NEWS ADULT EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PSR CATECHIST MEETINGS THIS SUNDAY This Sunday, January 11 in the Parish Hall, PSR catechists will meet at either 8:30 or 11 AM for a short meeting regarding new events and materials this year. Donuts and drinks will be available, and there will be an activity for children who attend with their parents. Join us for Adult fellowship on January 11th, 2015 at 9:45am in the Mary Room. Glenn Waldrop, parishioner, will kick off the New Year with an informative and interesting topic, “Truth & Authority: The Myth of the Cafeteria Catholic”. No Meeting on Sunday January 18th, 2015 ~ MLK Holiday ADULT BIBLE STUDY Join us January – April Saturday mornings @ 10:00 or Monday evenings @ 6:15 in the Mary Room for a bible study based on the Psalms by Jeff Cavins Monday nights and Saturday mornings. "We hear the Psalms read or sung at every Mass between the first and second readings, but do we understand their significance? The Psalms are at the heart of the Bible. They are prayers from God that help us learn to pray. The Holy Spirit inspired them. Israel sang them. Christ himself prayed them, as did our Blessed Mother. These sacred hymns become our heartfelt response to God’s loving and wondrous deeds for us. Their words captivate the imagination and draw us into a deeply personal encounter with God.". Contact Theresa Brown at or 205-640-3944 for more information. Coming in February Part II of the Symbolon series Thursdays @ 6:15pm in the Joseph Room. “Living the Faith” focuses on our encounter with God in the sacraments and moral life. Please watch the bulletin for details. FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS MEETING THIS SUNDAY This Sunday, January 11, at 9:45 AM in the Parish Hall, families of our First Communion candidates will gather for an informational meeting on our upcoming program events and to reflect on this special time in the lives of their children. If you are a parent with a child in our First Communion program, please be sure to join us! CONFIRMATION SERVICE TRIP TO FIRST LIGHT This Wednesday, January 14th, a team of youth volunteers from our Confirmation program will serve dinner to the women and children at the downtown First Light women's shelter. Please continue to pray for our Confirmation candidates as they approach the sacrament and as they find ways to serve the Lord through serving others. Vocation View This is National Vocation Awareness Week. Delight in God’s call to you in baptism. What grace do you need to strengthen your commitment? Remember, God has set you as a covenant to the people. (Isaiah 42:1—4, 6—7)) For those who are discerning God’s call, that they may listen attentively and respond generously, we pray. Sponsored by the St. John Vianney Society PAGE 8 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA YOUTH & CHILDREN’S MINISTRY YOUTH NEWS CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Join Us! Wednesday, January 21st Behold, the Lamb of God at 5:30 p.m. Multi-purpose Room PAGE 9 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD • JANUARY 11, 2015 HISPANIC MINISTRY THREE KINGS DAY UPCOMING EVENTS On Sunday, January 4th during the Spanish Mass, our church was packed full with members of our Hispanic Community who came to celebrate the Epiphany and "El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos" (Three Kings Day). This is one of the many beautiful traditions of our Hispanic community. Three men dress up as "Los Tres Reyes Magos" (Three Kings) and process down the aisle and then kneel in front of the Nativity to pray. After the Mass, it is custom for the priests to give out candy to the children and on Jan. 4th there were at least 350 children who participated in the celebration. Sunday, January 11 11:30 am Catecismo 11:30 am Family Catechist 12:30 pm Rosario 1:00 pm Misa 2:00 pm Meeting for Immigration Monday, January 12th 7:00 pm Prayer Group Tuesday, January 13th 7:00 pm Spanish Mass Saturday, January 17th 1:00 pm Baptisms Sunday, January 18th 11:30 am Hispanic PSR 11:30 am Catechesis Workshop 12:30 pm Rosary 1:00 pm Spanish Mass 2:30 pm Baptisms This Sunday Martes 7:00 p.m. Domingo 1:00 p.m. 2:00 to 5:00pm Parish Hall PAGE 10 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH • BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA LITURGY HELPFUL INFORMATION Change of Name/Address/ Phone: Please notify the Parish Office at 871-1153 with any change in your membership information. New Parishioners: Welcome! Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the Church or on our website at: Drop them by the reception desk located in the Parish Office or in the collection basket at Mass. Baptismal Preparation Class: Required and held the second Sunday of each month at 6:00pm. Preregistration is required. Contact Molly Knerl at 803-5417 to register for the class. Sacrament of First Eucharist: Preparation is a two-year process. Enrollment in Catholic school or Parish School of Religion is required the year prior to receiving the Sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage: A six month preparation is required. Call the Parish Office at 871-1153 for information and to register for the preparation process. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Held on Saturdays from 3:30—4:15pm or by appointment. Contact the Parish Office 871-1153. JANUARY 17—JANUARY 18: 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Date Extraordinary Ministers Lector Ushers C. Aycock L. Byrne January 17 P. Rookis 4:30 pm C. Sellers M. Sellers M. Thornton* K. Tucker M. Thornton M. Varagona S. Anthony A. Brown January 18 R. Carmody 8:30 am J. Garrett P. Landry A. Naughton M. Raczynski B. Tatarek* D. White M. Brown B. Moore J. J. Antonio J. Antonio January 18 P. Deinlein M. Rohling 11:00 am A. Rohling S. Rookis* M. Shows P. Sparks L. Sparks D. Haviland R. Ippolito P. Galloway M. Giles January 18 A. Linder* 5:00 pm V. Linder D. Nanos Y. Peterson J. Walston L. Barber C. Elder Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday J. Coleman III P. Scalici A. Perry Greeters Altar Servers M. Anderton K. Collier M. Bacher S. Mangina I. Bacher J. Coleman Jr. J. O’Hagan C. Sellers Volunteer M. G. Lorino-SS A. Griffin-CB M. Jackson-AS M. Lorino-AS C. Anthony J. Buckley W. Garrett A. Leesa C. Romei H. Williams Volunteers J. Miree T. Scalici W. Williams-SS M:. Brown Jr.-AS Mc. Brown-AS L. Reich-AS D. Deinlein A. Falletta G. Gumina J. Hinnegan M. Keely B. Parish D. Schmalz S. Williams M. Balch A. Martinez-SS Z. Shunnarah-CB J. Bridges-AS A. Courtenay-AS Volunteers Volunteer Sacristans P. Perri C. Beadlecomb M. Glitz J. Duprat-SS P. Elder-CB R. Elder-AS M. M. Elder-AS B. Peterson HAVE YOU RECENTLY MOVED? Please help keep our parish records current (PLEASE PRINT) NAME:______________________________________________TEL. #________________ OLD ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ NEW ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL:___________________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: SFX · 2 XAVIER · CIRCLE · BIRMINGHAM · AL 35213 or drop in our parish office. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD • JANUARY 11, 2015 PAGE 11 DIOCESAN NEWS MAGNIFICAT PRAYER LUNCHEON On Saturday, January 24 at St. Elias Parish Hall, 836 8th Street South, Birmingham from 11:30am to 2:30pm will be our Magnificat Prayer Luncheon. Join us along with our guest speaker, Melinda McNamee. Tickets are $10.00 and are available from our Ticket Chairwoman, Catherine Patton 680-6007. Tickets are also available from any Service Team Member and from Alpha Church Supply and Gifts, 121 West Valley Ave. Birmingham. Ticket sales end on Wednesday, January 21st at 5:00pm. NO tickets are sold at the door! BIRMINGHAM-STATEWIDE MARCH FOR LIFE Saturday, January 17, 10:45am, at Brother Bryan Park, 22nd St. and 10th Ave., Respect Life Mass 9:00am, at the Cathedral of St. Paul, 2120 3rd Ave. N. Birmingham. Visit our website for more information: HELPFUL CONTACTS Parish Office: 871-1153 Fax: 871-9831 Pastoral Care: 803-5414 Hispanic Ministry: 803-5421 Finance: 803-5418 Secretary: 803-5426 Music Ministry: 803-5415 Religious Education: 803-5422 Liturgy: 803-5417 Family Life Ministry: 803-5411 Bulletin Editor: 803-5426 Youth Ministry: 803-5402 Children’s Ministry: 803-5425 St. Francis Xavier School: 871-1687 Early Learning Center: 879-5596 Catholic Center of Concern: 786-4388
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