EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS WEEKDAY MASS 8:30 am 9:00 am Adoration before Mass Tuesday—Friday 1st Saturday of the month 9:00am WEEKEND MASS Saturday Sunday Sunday - Polish Sunday - Korean 5:00 pm 8:30 & 10:00 am 12:30 pm 3:00 pm OTHER KOREAN MASS TIMES: Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:00am 1st Saturday of the month 10:00am RECONCILIATION 4:00 - 4:45 pm Sacraments of Baptism, Anointing and Visiting the Sick and Marriage, contact Fr. Dan. A minimum of six months notice prior to the marriage date is required. Parish Administrator Friar Dan Gurnick, OFM ( ADDRESS & CONTACT INFO Polish Pastor Fr Paul Szczur, SDS SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 4040 Nelthorpe St, Victoria BC, V8X 2A1 Korean Pastor Fr Philip Bae P 250.479.1611 F 250.479.9350 Web E-mail ( Parish Administrative Assistant/Secretary Katherene Newton Coordinator of Religious Education for Children - Miriam Podmoroff ( Office Hours Monday Tuesday - Friday Closed 9:30am—12noon 12:30pm—3:00pm Emergency Hospital Chaplain : 250-889 3761 The Baptism of the Lord 11 January 2015 THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH “You are my Son” Introduction Jesus, the carpenter of Nazareth, travels to the River Jordan and, standing in line with all humankind, is baptized by John. Today’s Readings First Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11 A vision of salvation: listen to the Lord and your soul shall live. Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-9 Faith in Christ Jesus leads us to love all God’s children. Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 The gentle carpenter of Nazareth is empowered as God’s beloved Son. Prayers for those who are ill. June Bowes, Terry Campbell, Alicja Chalecki; Agnes Dummer, Patricia Dziekan, Bill Finlay, Helena Janeda; Edmee Kearney, Mary Mason, Suzanne Medd, Ben Perri, Katrina Reda, Leticia and Nonicio Rivera, Leo Schofield, Heather Sluchinski. Prayers for the deceased. Please remember in prayer those recently deceased: Luis Nera CALENDAR Monday 12th January Exercise with Beryl RCIA Led by the Spirit Parish Hall Pope John Hall Parish Hall 1:00pm-1:45pm 7:00pm 7:15pm Wednesday 14th January K of C Executive meeting Pope John Hall 7:00pm Thursday 15th January 50th Anniversary Planning Committee Pope John Hall 7:00pm Friday 16th January Christian Meditation Spanish Rosary Parish Hall Church 9:30am 12:30pm Saturday 17th January Youth Gathering with Bishop G Gordon Pope John Hall 11:00am LITURGY, THE SACRAMENTS, PRAYER AND THE WORD OF GOD Welcome Bishop Gary Gordon Bishop Gary Gordon will celebrate at all our Masses on Saturday, January, 17th and Sunday, January 18th. Join us for coffee and cookies after the 10:00am Mass on Sunday, Jan 18th. You are invited to bring a dozen cookies to share. —————————————————————————- Ordination of Harrison Ayre Help Make It Happen... Week of Christian Unity You are invited to attend two services to mark the beginning and end of the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The first will be at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Sun, Jan 18 beginning at 3:00pm and will include a reception. Speaker will be Fr. John Steele, pastor of St. Dunstan’s Anglican Church (Bishop Logan’s designate as he will be out of town). The second service will be on Sunday, Jan 25 at 4:30pm. at Christ Church Cathedral with Bishop Gary Gordon as the speaker. ————————————————————————— The Diocese of Victoria celebrates the Ordination of Deacon Harrison Ayre to the Priesthood on Sat, Feb 7, Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition 10:00am at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Langford Reception follows at St Andrew's Elementary Sch Gym. There will be an opening Mass on Wed, Feb 4 at 6:30pm Much help and many hands are required. Individual or group donations of food and/or labor - are followed by the opening of the exhibition. The exhibition runs from Thursday, Feb 5 to Sunday 8 in For specific information, please contact Joan Vezina, the mornings from 9:30am to 3:30pm and in the evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Reception Coordinator, St. Andrew's Cathedral For more info, call 250-478-3482 or email 250-382-2025 or Thank you. needed and very welcome! practical compassion for those in need is at the heart of the Christian mission (Luke 10:30 – 37). When we visit The Trinity the sick, the broken, and the marginalized – in their The course follows the revelation of Trinitarian theology homes, or in hospitals, and long-term care facilities, we from its source in the Old and New Testaments through are living out our baptismal identity nurtured by the love the refinements of early Church Councils and includes and healing ministry of Christ. contemporary contributions to Trinitarian understanding. YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS It proceeds from an awareness that God’s revelation to humanity is God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus. It acknowledges Jesus as Son and bearer of the Spirit St Andrew’s Regional High School and examines the paschal mystery from a Trinitarian There will be a Grade 7 Information Night at St. Andrew’s perspective. on Wed, Jan 14 beginning at 6:30pm. This Information Course is presented by Dr Les McKeown here in Sacred Night is open to all parents of current Grade 7 students Heart Parish, every Thurs from Feb 5 to Mar 5, 7:00pm to who are interested in attending St. Andrew’s Regional High School in September 2015. 9:00pm in the Parish Hall. To register, please write your name on the sheet in the This is an excellent chance to learn about programs, extracurricular activities, and other opportunities. church foyer or email: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND VOCATIONS —————————————————————————- In Febuary, there will be an Open House for potential new students joining in the fall of 2015. Faith Study Series These courses meet you right where you are in your faith journey. STEWARDSHIP, ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Catholic Health Association of BC Join us every Friday for 6 weeks from Jan 30 to Mar 6 CHABC is awarding two bursaries valued at $250 each to from 7:00pm—9:00pm in Pope John Hall two 2015 graduating students enrolled in a Catholic To register: write you name down on the sheet provided secondary school, or who are members of a BC or Yukon on the entrance table of the church For information email parish and enrolled in a public secondary school or are or call Adriana R at 250-704 -0314. home-schooled. PARISH OUTREACH, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ECUMENISM Students are asked to submit a 500 word essay that demonstrates an awareness and understanding of the Anawim significance of Spirituality in Health Care. On behalf of Anawim we thank you for all the wonderful Submissions must be received on or before Feb 28. new clothing we were able to give out on Christmas For details, please check the CHABC website at morning and throughout the week. For many it was their under upcoming events. —————————————————————————only gift at Christmas. Your ongoing financial support is appreciated. We would not be able to give hope and direction to those we serve without it. God bless you all. —————————————————————————- Pastoral Care Outreach Program 4 sessions Who would be interested in attending? The workshops are open to anyone who wants to understand the practical aspects of pastoral care, present hospital and homebound parish visitors who want to become more effective in their ministry, parishioners who look after their own family members, or other caregivers, anyone interested in knowing more about their faith, or consider this program an opportunity for professional development that you can use at home and with others. 2015 Envelopes Reminder: Please complete your full name and address on each envelope for the months of January and February. Thank you. —————————————————————————- 50th Anniversary Celebration Talent Show: Saturday, January 24, 2015 We have extended our 50th Anniversary Talent Show performer's sign-up deadline until Sunday, January 18th. If you wish to perform but have not signed up, the Sign Up form is located in our church foyer. DONATION TOTALS New Year Donation Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. It is recommended that participants attend all four sessions, if possible. Contact the parish office to register: 250-592-7391 or 3rd and 4th January 2015 Session 1 – The Healing Ministry of Christ In the parable of the Good Samaritan is a reminder that $2,016.75 Envelopes/Loose $3,823.55 PAD $ 365.00 Other Revenue $ 350.00 Total $4,538.55 PARISH MINISTRIES PARISH MINISTRIES/GROUPS MISSION STATEMENT Altar Servers Attic Treasures We the people of Sacred Heart Parish are a caring community, linked by the bonds of faith, guidance from the Holy Spirit and the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Bereavement Support Christian Charities Bazaar Christian Meditation Clothing Sale Craft Group C.W.L. Eucharistic Ministers Finance Chairperson Knights of Columbus Led By The Spirit Group Music Coordinator Pastoral Care Ministry Prayer Line Pro-Life Ministry Proclaimers Raffle Coordinators RCIA Responsible Ministry Coord Social Justice/Dev & Peace St. Vincent de Paul Ushers Youth Ministry Mary-Ellen Ross 658-4112 Jim Haffey 389 0440 Pat Tonkin 721-0293 John Tomczak & Claire Holmes 479-4992 Rita Kelly 598 9558 Margie Noonan 388-3173 Mary Bennett 477-5145 Elizabeth Olcen 477-8115 Lidia Moodie 479-6495 Robert / Helen Payne 370-0241 Robert Payne 370 0241 Michael Bourbeau 778 678-4365 David MacIntyre 383-9955 Rafael Oei 383-1523 Parish Office 479-1611 Pamela Blakeslee 477-0579 Rocio King 744-2802 Catherine Minvielle 294-4923 So-Ryang Jackson & 658-3001 Ginnie McGinty 658-3024 Vincenza Cameron 479-6488 Margie Noonan 388-3173 Walt Ryan 658-5044 Zeudy Villar-Vega 920-0220 Sandy Bourbeau 479-4712 (email at We strive to live in the heart of Jesus Christ. We will reach out and serve those who are vulnerable and marginalized, seek social justice for all people, foster spiritual growth in our parish family and educate our children in Christian values. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014 / 2015 Stan Dzbik Chairperson Mike Bourbeau Family Life Marilyn Turner Outreach Fernando De La Torre Stewardship Jim Haffey Yth & Young Adults Catherine Minvielle Adult Religious Ed Richard Byeon Richard Pardo-Figueroa Angela Spencer ADVERTISING ftÇwá YâÇxÜtÄ V{tÑxÄ Éy i|vàÉÜ|t For information on funerals and pre-planning, please contact Knight of Columbus, Nolan Adam 250.388-5155 or ÂVxÄxuÜtà|Çz Ä|yx á|Çvx DLDEÊ These businesses support our Parish through their advertising- Please support them!
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