Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Quantile Treatment Effect (Cont’d) Duration outcome and dynamic treatment Pauline Givord INSEE-DMS 2014/2015 Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile treatment effect - introduction I Previous lecture : quick introduction to quantile regression I Estimation relies on the check function : ρτ X βτ = arg minβ ρτ (Yi − Xi β) I Definition of the quantile treatment effect δτ = Qτ (Y1 ) − Qτ (Y0 ) Horizontal “distance” between distributions of potential outcomes FY0 and FY1 Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Observed and Counterfactual Distributions of Potential Outcomes (Treatment Group) Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile Treatment Effect for the Treated Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Interpretation I without further assumption on the joint distribution of potential outcomes, we estimate the difference of the quantiles and not the quantile of the difference (i.e. the treatment effect) Y1 − Y0 → no individual interpretation : a finding of a treatment effect of δ at the τ th quantile says nothing about the treatment effect for the person at the τ th quantile of the untreated outcome distribution I In many (or most) applications, this is sufficient to answer economically meaningful questions Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Identification I Extension of the classical identification methods to estimate counterfactual distributions. I Last lecture we have seen extension on the case of conditional independance assumption : Firpo (2007), “Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effects,” Econometrica, vol. 75(1). Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile Treatment Effect under CIA I (two stages) semi-parametric direct estimation of unconditional quantile treatment effect I under Conditional independence assumption (CIA) : Y0 , Y1 ⊥ T |X with X observable characteristics and commun support assumption we have T τ =E 1(Y ≤ QY1 (τ )) p(X ) and similarly for other counterfactual distribution Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile Treatment Effect under CIA I meaning that the τ th quantile of the distribution of potential outcome Y1 is an implicit function of the observed (Y , T , X ) I Can be extimated using quantile regression on the sample of 1 treated (T = 1) using weights corresponding to p(X ) Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Estimation Two-stage procedure : 1. (non parametric) estimation of p(X ) 2. Estimates of QY1 and QY0 are obtained by a reweighted version of the standard quantile regression procedure: ˆ consistent Pestimators of QYt (τ ) (t = 0, 1) are given by: argminb ω ˆ t,i ρτ (Yi − b) i with ω ˆ 1,i = N pˆT(X ) (i.e. sample analogue of T /p(X )) and ω ˆ 0,i = 1−Ti N(1−ˆ p (Xi )) . ˆ Y (τ ) − Q ˆ Y (τ ) QTE = Q 1 0 Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Instrumental Variable Estimate of the Quantile Treatment Effect Abadie, Angrist et Imbens (2002), “Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Effect of Subsidized training on the quantiles of Trainee Earnings”, Econometrica I extension of AIR framework to quantile regression I estimation of the QTE with an instrument I as Firpo, AAI show that it can be obtained as a weighted version of the standard quantile regression I application to a randomized experiment evaluation Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Notation I Random affectation to treatment : Z = 0, 1 I treatment T = 0, 1, depends on instrument (denoted by T0 and T1 ) I outcome Y depends on treatment Yt (ie Y0 and Y1 ) I observable characteristics X Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Assumptions 1. independence: (Y1 , Y0 , T1 , T0 ) indep of Z cond. X 2. non trivial assignment : 0 < P(Z = 1|X ) < 1 3. first stage E [T1 |X ] 6= E [T0 |X ] 4. monotonicity : P(T1 ≥ T0 |X ) = 1 (no defiers) compliers still defined as individuals who change their treatment status with instrument : T1 > T0 independence of the potential outcome with treatment for compliers: (Y1 , Y0 ) ⊥ T |X , T1 > T0 Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Estimation of QTEc Identifiable parameter: Qτ (Y |X , T , T1 > T0 ) = δτ T + X βτ i.e. estimation of the QTE for compliers estimation of (ˆ ατ , δˆτ ) = argminE (ρτ (Y − δT − X β)|T1 > T0 ) Pb: population of compliers is not identified Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model I AAD show that for all function h(Y , T , X ): E [h(Y , T , X )|T1 > T0 ] = I 1 E [κh(Y , T , X )] P(T1 > T0 ) with the weight function: κ(T , Z , X ) = 1 − T (1 − Z ) (1 − T )Z − (1 − π0 (X )) π0 (X ) with π0 (X ) = P(Z = 1|X ). I note that κ equals 1 if T = Z (Compliers). Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model I definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE the QTET can be estimated using (ˆ ατ , δˆτ ) = argminE [κρτ (Y − δT − X β)] I in practice, pb as κ can be negative, so they use instead the nonnegative weight κν = E [κ|Y , T , X ] = P(T1 > T0 |Y , T , X ) Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Application : JTPA I experimental data I Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) : offer services for individuals facing “barriers to employment” I random assignment (20 000 individuals), but only about 60% of those offered training actually received JTPA I note that very few individuals in the control group received JTPA services: less than 2% Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Application I outcome : 30-months earnings I random affectation to treatment gives a valid instrument also control for individual characteristics : race, education, age, recent job, marital status... I I I not theoretically required as the treatment was randomized, but can improve precision the drawback is that we will obtained conditional quantile estimator : see Froelich et Melly (2008) for unconditional quantile estimator in this context Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Results Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Extension of classical evaluation methods to quantile treatment effect estimation : I Lamarche (2007) : fixed effects to deal with endogeneity bias in a evaluation of the vouchers experiment (Milwaukee). I Froelich and Melly (2008) extension to discontinuity regression design I application to duration models : Koenker and Bilias (2002), evaluation of the “Bonus Experiment” Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Extension of classical evaluation methods to quantile treatment effect estimation : I Lamarche (2007) : fixed effects to deal with endogeneity bias in a evaluation of the vouchers experiment (Milwaukee). I Froelich and Melly (2008) extension to discontinuity regression design I application to duration models : Koenker and Bilias (2002), evaluation of the “Bonus Experiment” Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model definition QTE under CIA QTE estimation with IV Summary on QTE Quantile Treatment Effect - Summary I We define new parameters, the Quantile Treatment Effect: and the Quantile Treatment Effect on the treated that compare the quantiles of the distributions of potential outcomes I They compare distributions (no individual interpretation without further assumption); no reason to be similar to the quantiles of the distribution of Y1 − Y0 (the impact of the treatment): Qτ (Y1 ) − Qτ (Y0 ) 6= Qτ (Y1 − Y0 ) I We have to deal as usual with selection effects I We have seen two common identification strategies (under CIA or when IV is available) : simple estimation procedure by using the common quantile regression methods with an appropriate weighting scheme Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Motivation I In many context, time is a dimension that we want to take into account in the evaluation I The outcome of interest may be a duration : spell of unemployment or employment, price-adjustment, “survival” of a firm,... Example: evaluation of the causal impact of a policy that occurred at a specific date Illustration I Other (related) case: the treatment or policy has a specific dynamic that we want to analyze Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Illustration Policy was implemented a date τ ∗ τ : calendar date, t elapsed duration (for instance in unemployment) back Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Motivation (2) Example: evaluation of a training program for unemployed individuals, that may begin at any time tp after the beginning of the unemployment spell I We may want to address several different questions: 1. What is the impact of being treated on the duration of unemployment? 2. Is the timing of the treatment important? Is it the same to be trained at the beginning of the spell of unemployment than later? 3. What is the impact of the duration of the treatment? Short-term training vs long term training 4. How does the impact of the treatment evolve over the time? I that requires to use specific methods Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Very brief description of duration model analysis I The variable of interest is T , the duration before an event occurred (for instance, getting a job for an unemployed person) I Issue: Given that this event has not yet happened, what are the chances it will happen subsequently? I Definition survival function: The probability that “up until now” the event has not yet occurred. S(t) = P(T > t) = 1 − F (T ), with F cdf of the duration T I Definition hazard function : probability that the event occurred at t, conditional on survival until this date ) f (t) Hazard function : h(t) = limdt→0 P(t<T ≤t+dt|t≤T = S(t) dt Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Observed and unobserved heterogeneity I As usual, we are interested in the causal impact of a policy, program... D on duration T once controlled unobserved and observed heterogeneity (observables covariables X and unobservable ones v ) I We model the hazard function and survival conditional to ,X ,v ) these covariates: h(t, X , v ) = limdt→0 P(t<T ≤t+dt|t≤T dt Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Why not performing OLS? I We can think of using classic linear regression I Assume data obtained from an “ideal” randomized experiment (full compliance, no contamination effect...) : a training program has been provided to some (randomly chosen) unemployment individuals I We observe a duration in unemployment of a cohort of unemployed individuals, at a date t I We can think of using : Ti = X 0 β + D∆ + u with D the fact of being treated, X observable covariates. Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Why not performing OLS? I OLS raises two main issues : 1. censoring problem : at the end of the observation period, some may have not find a job; what to do these observations? we can think of treating censored spell as completed → will result in biased estimates we can think of excluding them → at the best inefficient estimates 2. Time-varying covariates : some of the covariates change over time (for instance, unemployment benefits, the training program that may occur at different times for different unemployed) : how to introduce them in the model - at the beginning, the end, average? No natural way I This requires to use methods that take into account the specific nature of duration outcomes Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Remarks Remarks: 1. framework can be extended to multiple-exit models (multistates) : competing risks models 2. several other practical issues have to be considered, that we will not discuss today (for details, see for instance Lancaster, 1990) I I stock sampling vs inflows sampling discrete vs continuous survival data our emphasis : estimation of causal impact How to deal with selection effects due to individual heterogeneity Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary state dependance, selectivity I I Issue of selectivity : usually re-employment hazard decreases with unemployment duration can be due to 1. state dependance : the unemployment reduces human capital (“employability”) 2. dynamic sorting : those with the highest propensity to find a job are the first to disappear I can we identify both separately? Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Illustration I Assume that we observe a sample of individuals who begun at unemployment spell at period t = 0 I We have two types of individuals, with respectively high and low employability I For the sake of illustration, assume that both types the hazards are constant (no state dependance) : we have hL (t) = hL ≤ hH (t) = hH ∀t Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Illustration I We observe the marginal (aggregate) hazard that corresponds to h(t) = pt hL + (1 − pt )hH with pt proportion of sample with hL I At the first period : we observe h(t = 1) = p1 hL + (1 − p1 )hH I At the second period : in the remaining sample of unemployed individuals, the proportion p2 with hL is higher than in the first period (formally : Proof ) I we thus observe h(t = 2) ≤ h(t = 1) meaning a spurious state dependance Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Mixed proportional hazard I Most popular duration model : mixed proportional hazard (MPH) h(t, X , v ) = λ(t)φ(x)v t duration, x observable covariates, v unobservables I λ(t) baseline function; φ(x) function of observables (usually exp(X 0 β), Cox specification) I Assumption : normalization condition E (v ) = 1; v is assumed independent of x I Very commonly used because of its simplicity, interpretability and results on identification Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Identification I seminal paper by Elbers and Ridders (82) : when there is some time-varying regressors x, the MPH model is identified (meaning there are no two combinations of heterogeneity and time dependance function giving the same duration distribution) under mild assumption on G (v ) I Remark : without x, we cannot distinguish the case with no state dependance (λ(t) = 1, any g (v )) from a case with no unobserved heterogeneity (g (v ) = 1, any λ(t)), as illustrated in the sample example before Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Estimation of duration models I Estimation usually relies on likelihood maximization methods I Using specification for the distribution of the duration (for instance MPH, explicit function for λ and φ), we may define the likelihood of observing each observations (including those censuring), that depends on X , t, unobservable v I That requires to specify a functional form for the baseline hazard rate λ(t), but also on the unobservable distribution G (v ) I by definition v is unobservable, we “integrate out” over the distribution G (v ): we observe R in data the average survival function given by S(t, x) = v h(t, x, v )dG (v ) Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Summary I duration outcomes cannot be modelized by OLS (censoring, time-varying covariate) I common modelisation relies on the specification of the hazard rates and survival function I identification of the time dependance is blurred by selectivity (dynamic sorting) I identification results : popular mixed proportional hazard h(t, X , v ) = λ(t)φ(x)v is identified provided that it includes time-varying covariates I Estimation usually relies on parametric specifications (for the baseline hazard and the distribution of the unobservables) Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies Quantile Treatment Effect Duration outcome and dynamic treatment - introduction Duration model Basics - definitions State dependance, selectivity Identification Estimation Summary Formal calculations: p2 = = p1 (1 − hL ) p1 (1 − hL ) + (1 − p1 )(1 − hH ) p1 1+ < p1 (1−p1 )(hH −hL ) (1−hL ) As surviving population of type L at date t = 2 corresponds to p1 (1 − hL ), of the whole population : p1 (1 − hL ) + (1 − p1 )(1 − hH ) back Pauline Givord Evaluation of Public Policies
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