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Lexington High School
January/February 2015
From the Principal
–Laura Lasa, Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
s I sit down to write the first newsletter that
is accompanied by recent winter weather,
I am reminded how the sparkle and glitter of a
holiday season can lift my spirits amid the cold,
rain, ice and snow. The month of December holds
several cultural events or holidays, such as Bodhi
Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, to name
a few. Yet, no matter what we hold as our beliefs
and/or celebrate at this time of year, the high school
community remains unified in its commitment to
awareness, tolerance and respect. I am grateful for
the ways in which the school and the community
work together to recognize, promote and celebrate
various cultures, and I am equally proud of our
collective efforts to place the human spirit above
all else. On a daily basis, I am astounded by the
capacity of our faculty, staff and students to do their
best to appreciate similarities and differences, and
to continuously grow as we foster relationships
across this large campus. At times, each of us may
stumble in our efforts to immediately recognize
what another person is communicating, but I truly
believe we are aware of the need to actively listen
and understand to the best of our ability.
As we know, teenagers are all about socialization; they live to connect with peers and they are
earnest in their efforts to do so whenever possible. Given the rapid pace of the world today,
and the high expectations we all have for academics and interpersonal conduct, it would be easy
for students to ignore others and/or forget to be
accepting. However, I believe our students get
it right the majority of the time; they understand
the value of relationships, appreciate differences
at a mature level that contributes to a positive
classroom environment and limited disciplinary
situations at LHS, and they respond in a positive
manner to adult intervention that is designed to
promote growth and learning. The myriad of clubs
Continued on page 2
Volume 31, number 5
Wednesday17Seasonal Concert II, aud, 7:30pm, jazz & choral
Chamber Orch. concert, 4-5:15 pm, aud, $5 and one
can/box of food for the Lexington Food Pantry.
Wednesday 24 No School till 1/5
Prof. Dev. half day; 11:15 dismissal
Parent discussion group with Assoc. Prin. Murray,
Library classroom, 7:45-8:30am
PTSA Forum, 7:30pm, Sci.Lec.Hall [p.3]
15 Incoming freshmen Parent Night, 7-8:30pm, aud
16 End of Second Quarter
Jazz Nite II, Commons II, 7:30pm
16 NHS Talent Show, aud, 7 pm
19 No School - Holiday
20 Red Cross blood drive, gym, 8am-2:30pm
Wednesday21All-Town Winter Band Fesitval I; aud; 7:30pm; $5;
LHS, Dia., Estabrook, Hastings, Fiske; Snow date 1/29
All-Town Winter Band Fesitval II; aud; 7:30pm; $5;
LHS, Clarke, Bowman, Harrington; Snow date 1/29
24 SATs (at LHS)
26 Q2 Report Cards open on Portal, 6pm
30-31 Winterfest, Blackbox, 7-9:30pm; $5
All-Town Orch. Concert I, gym, 7:30pm, $5; Gr. 4
(Est. Fiske, Hast.), Gr. 6 Combined
Dia Gr. 7/8, LHS Rep Orch, LHS Chamber Orch
All-Town Orch. Concert II, gym, 7:30pm, $5; Gr. 4
(Bow, Bri, Harr),Gr. 5-all, All-TownEle Orch, Clarke
Gr. 7/8, LHS Symphony Orch [snow2/9]
Parent discussion group with Assoc. Prin. Murray,
Library classroom, 7:45-8:30am
Improv Troupe Show, Blackbox, 7:30pm
Wednesday11LHS Curriculum Night. 7-8:30pm, gym, aud. [Snow:
Mon-Fri 16-20 No School
Wednesday 25 Spring Student-Athlete and Parent Sports Night;
6-7:30pm, aud, Commons I & II
27 Career Day for sophomores, aud
Continued on page 6
The calendar was compiled in mid December, and events are subject
to change. Call the department involved for up-to-date information or
go to < >.
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
From the Principal continued from page 1
that foster acts of kindness generosity and service to others are excellent examples of the ways in which our students and faculty attend
to human needs; these organized activities are enhanced by so many
affirmative personal interactions that occur on a daily basis.
I am currently sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Tennessee, having just
finished attending a conference, waiting to head to the airport; a line of
five and six-year-olds on a school field trip are close by, mesmerized
by the holiday decorations they have come to see; their excitement is
palpable, and I have to admit, contagious. Squeals of laughter, giddy
behavior, and constant smiles remind me how precious our future
generation is. I hope we are always able to help our young children and
young adults sustain a sense of wonder and hope, as well as a belief in
the good that is all around us. On behalf of the high school community,
I wish you the best as you celebrate your holiday season.
Best Wishes,
Principal Laura Lasa......861-2320, ext. 69103
Assoc. Principal John Murray.......................... .......................................861-2320, ext. 69102
Dean Nicole Canniff......861-2320, ext. 69332
Dean Kate Hermon........861-2320, ext. 69530
Dean Scott Kmack......... 861-2320, ext. 69111
Dean Jaffrie Perrotti.......861-2320, ext. 69720
For attendance, call the appropriate
administrator for your child before 9:30 am
on the day of the absence.
Laura Lasa
Delayed Openings
Due to Weather
(all classes begin at 8:45)
Monday........ Begin
Tuesday........ Begin
Wednesday... Begin
Thursday...... Begin
Friday. . ......... Begin
with B1
with B2
with A3
with B3
with C4
(no A1 block)
(no D2 block)
(no X block)
(no C3 block)
(no B4 block)
(all classes begin at 9:45)
Monday........ Begin
Tuesday........ Begin
Wednesday... Begin
Thursday...... Begin
Friday. . ......... Begin
C1 block (no A1 or B1)
HOMEROOM (no D2 or B2 )
C2 block (no X or A3)
HOMEROOM (no C3 or B3)
D4 block (no B4 or C4)
Newsletter Policy
The Newsletter will print items directly related to the
schools and their PTAs. This includes curricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular activities which are PTSA- or
system-supported, and school-sanctioned projects. All
articles are subject to editorial discretion.
LHS homepage..
PTSA website...
School Committee email:
The Lexington High School
Jean Cole
Next deadline:
Friday, February 13, 2015
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Visit our website:
Thanks to ALL
s we approach the half way mark
in the school year, we would like
to take this opportunity to thank the
wonderful LHS community including
teachers, staff, administrators and LHS
families for all your contributions to
our school. Working together, we help
keep LHS a dynamic, caring and successful community.
We wish you a happy and healthy
2015 and look forward to all that the
new year will bring our way!
– Jen Vogelzang & Kara Brandes
LHS/PTSA Co-Presidents
Seeking PTSA
Members for the
Nominating Committee
Vote will take place January 8
at PTSA Forum
The PTSA is currently seeking three
members to serve on our Nominating
Committee to begin in January 2015.
The purpose of this committee is to
develop a diverse slate for the PTSA
(President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer) and to present this slate
to the membership in the spring. In
addition, this committee works to help
fill openings for PTSA Committee
Chairpersons. The PTSA membership
will take a vote to elect the Nominating Committee at our meeting on
January 8 at 7:30 p.m. before the start
of the PTSA Forum, “Life After LHS.”
If you are interested in volunteering
for this committee, please contact Jen
Vogelzang <president@LHSPTSA.
org>. Nominations can be made at
any time before January 8 and we will
take nominations from the floor that
night before the vote.
LHS/PTSA Forum Dates
The LHS/PTSA will sponsor forums on four or five evenings from 7:30-9:00
p.m. over the course of the year for parents of High School students. Please send
suggestions for topics or speakers to the co-chairs <>.
January Forum
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Science Lecture Hall
7:30-9:00 PM
“Life after LHS Graduation”
A Panel of LHS Alumni
Please join us to hear recent LHS alums who have pursued a variety of post-high
school paths (four-year college, community college, gap year, work/vocation,
etc.) as they candidly share their experiences, observations and suggestions. The
panel will be comprised of recent graduates who, not too long ago, were thinking about their options and possibilities. Come meet them to hear first-hand how
it has worked out, how LHS prepared them, and about the many roads that can
lead to post-LHS success.
Earn A+ Rewards with Our
Holiday Grocery Shopping
Are you a Stop & Shop card customer? While doing your holiday grocery shopping, make sure your Stop & Shop card is registered in the A+ Rewards program
to earn cash for LHS! Participating shoppers will see Reward Points listed on
each receipt. Register anytime during the month and all your purchases for that
month will earn points! Points continue to accrue through March.
Go to <> to register your card for the A+ program. New this year: You will NOT have to re-register your Stop & Shop Card
to support the same school or schools as last year. But be sure to check back
when registration opens to verify your school designation. Any relative or friend
who shops at Stop & Shop in any state is eligible to designate LHS as their A+
school. The Stop & Shop Corporation is giving away $2.5 million to schools––
please help us get our share!
To register <www.stopandshop/aplus>:
• First, enter our school ID (09208) or find Lexington in the drop down menu.
• Then enter the 13 digit number on the back of your S&S card and the first
three letters of your name.
It’s that easy! If you run into a problem or want to do it over the phone, CALL 1-877275-2758. This does not affect gas points that you also earn from Stop & Shop.
more PTSA news on page 6
Lexington High School Newsletter
Performing Arts Department
Northeastern District
Senior Music Festival
ighty-six Lexington High School student
musicians were selected to participate in the Massachusetts Northeastern District Senior Music
Festival. After auditions of over 1100 students
from more than 50 public and private schools
held in November, 450 students from grades
nine through 12 were selected to participate in
this prestigious Massachusetts Music Educators
Association event. The program is offered by the
MMEA as an enrichment opportunity providing a
musical experience to talented young people. The
students were selected to perform in the Senior
District Concert Band, Orchestra, Chorus and
Jazz Ensembles. They will rehearse with guest
conductors and then perform in a concert to be
held at Lowell High School in Lowell, MA on
Saturday, January 10, 2015.
Representing Lexington High School in the concert will be:
Arthur Abbate
Joseph Blumberg
Elias Carver
Daniel Cherenson
SungWoo Cho
Minseong Cho
Ben Choi
John Guo
Joshua Kim
Jungwan Kim
Allison Lee
Ryan Lee
Michelle Lim
Harrison Liu
Stephen Mock
Joshua Park
Mitchell Parus
Hugo Phelps
Natalie Ramesh
Matan Silver
Hannah Wang
Rebecca Ye
Sophia Zeng
Rohan Zeng
Victor Zhang
Ada Zhu
Abbie Zhuu
Jeff Buchanan
George Estey
Hersh Gupta
Sean Kim
Brian Nam
Sam Schultz
Michael Wu
Will Blumberg
Katharine Courtemanche
Vivek Gopalakrishnan
Jongtae Jeon
Yooni Park
Mallika Purandare
Peter Rowley
Peter Sifre
Aleesha (Zhiyu) Ye
Emma Atwood
Corinne Auger
Devin Bilge
January/February 2015
12 LHS Musicians to Attend
All Eastern Music Festival
welve LHS students have been accepted to the All-Eastern Festival in Providence, RI this coming spring. The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts is sending 80 students, from
335 towns, and 15% of those students are from the Lexington
Public schools music program. This is the largest representation of any school system in the entire Eastern Division.
All-Eastern is the biennial follow-up to the All-State Festival.
It includes all of the eastern states from Washington D.C. and
north: Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Europe, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.
The students are:
Daniel Katz - Orchestra - Trumpet III
Joshua Kim - Band - Clarinet II
Joseph Blumberg - Orchestra - Trumpet I
Hersh Gupta - Jazz - Alto Saxophone I
Karina Wen - Mixed Chorus - Alto I
Katharine Courtamanche - Mixed Chorus - Alto I
Shai Dinnar - Treble Chorus - Alto II
Meena Chakraborty - Mixed Chorus - Alto I
Jueun Lee - Orchestra - Cello
Emma Atwood - Orchestra - Violin II
Grace Wu - Orchestra - Violin II
Jae Kim - Orchestra - Cello
The Friends of Lexington Music, Art and Drama Students, Inc.
(FOLMADS) will provide 25% support to each of our 12 AllEastern students for the Concert/Conference in April of 2015.
Catherine Cheng
Julia Chiang
Thomas Chin
Jeana Choi
Jeongwon Leah Choi
Olivia Choi
Emily Chuang
Morgan Daciuk
Julian Dong
Angela Gong
Luke He
Valerie Hsieh
Richard Huang
Sophia Hwang
Afareen Jaleel
Daniel Katz
Sam Keilar
Albert Kim
Jae Kim
Richard Kuang
Nick Lanich
Jueun Lee
Andrew Li
Tevin Li
Sarah Oh
Sarah Park
Danny Roh
Minki Seo
Ben Sheehan
Olivia Sheena
Jinyung Suh
Minyung Suh
David Tu
Michael Tu
Charlotte Wong Labow
Grace Wu
Michael Yang
Maggie Zhang
Emily Zhang
Carol Zhu
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Performing Arts Department
Fine Arts Department
Friday, January 16
Focus on the fine arts
Jazz Nite II
New feature: What’s in the Display Cases?
his month the entry-level display cases at LHS
feature artwork by students in Rachel Durocher’s
sculpture class and Damian Barneschi’s visual imaging classes. The colorful, large-scale sculptures, inspired
by the eccentric “sound suits” of renowned visual and
performing artist, Nick Cave, include: Giraffe by Jessica
Wang, Fish by Eric Sirkovich, Dragon by Skylar Levey,
and Octopus, a group project by Megan Lepore, Grace
Murnaghan, Caroline Taylor and Nikita Selvan. The photographs by Colby Yee, Jazi Charbit and Rhiannon Flynn
were created for a documentary photography assignment.
Stop by the glass cases for a closer look!
Commons II, LHS, 7:30 pm
Wednesday, January 21
All-Town Winter Band Festival 1
featuring LHS, Diamond, Estabrook, Fiske & Hastings
LHS Auditorium, 7:30pm
Thursday, January 22
All-Town Winter Band Festival 2
featuring LHS, Clarke, Bridge Bowman & Harrington
LHS Auditorium, 7:30pm,
Help the Lexington Food Pantry during the winter
months and flu season. Bring personal hygiene products
to the All-Town Winter Band Festival. The LFP welcomes
soap, kleenex, hand sanitizer, moisturizer, shampoo and
dental hygiene products. This event is coordinated by the
LHS Concert Band.
Friday-Saturday, January 30-31
presented by LHS Drama Department, Blackbox Theatre,
LHS, 2nd floor, 7 pm, sugg. don. $5
Wednesday, February 4
All-Town Orchestra Concert 1
[snow2/9] $5; Gr. 4 (Est. Fiske, Hast.),Gr. 6 Combined
Dia Gr. 7/8,LHS Rep Orch, LHS Chamber Orch
Ralph Lord Gymnasium LHS, 7:30 pm
Thursday, February 5
All-Town Orchestra Concert 1
January 30 - 31
he Drama Club is
sponsoring WinterFest
on January 30 and 31 in the
BlackBox Theatre (Room 200).
This is an evening of student
directed plays, many of which
are also student written. Each play
runs approximately 15 minutes and is
performed on both nights. Performances begin at 7 p.m.
and cost $5 per night.
[snow2/9] $5; Gr. 4 (Bow, Bri, Harr),Gr. 5-all, AllTownEle Orch Clarke Gr. 7/8, LHS Symphony Orch
Ralph Lord Gymnasium LHS, 7:30 pm
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Calendar Continued
Winter A Cappella Jamboree, 7:30pm, aud,
$10 ($5 students & seniors)
12 Prof. Dev. half day; 11:15 dismissal
12 Parent discussion group with Assoc. Prin.
Murray, Library classroom, 7:45-8:30am
Concerto Concert, aud, 7:30pm
14 SATs (at LHS)
16 Band Festival Concert, aud, 7:30pm
Spring String Celebration, aud, 7:30pm
20 Improv Troupe Show, Blackbox,7:30pm,$5
24 10:40 am-2:25pm; MCAS ELA Long Comp
Sessions A&B-Delayed Opening (9-11-12)
Wednesday 25 10:40 am - 2:25pm; MCAS ELA Reading
Comp Sessions 1&2-Delayed Opening (9-11-12)
26 9:15am- 2:25pm;MCAS ELA Reading
Comp Session 3-Delayed Opening (9-11-12)
Fri-Sun 27-29 MICCA Festival, aud, Comms I&II
Fri 3-10pm; Sat 8am-5pm; Sun 12-5pm
No School- Holiday
Q3 Report Cards open on Portal; 6pm
Parent discussion group with Assoc. Prin.
Murray, Library classroom, 7:45-8:30am
LHS Jazz Festival Concert, aud,7:30pm,
$10 ($5students & seniors)
Mon-Fri 20-24 No School - holiday
Monday Recital-Senior Gala, 7:30 pm
9:30 am-2:25pm MCAS Biology Delayed
Opening (9-11-12)
2 Senior Awards Night, aud, 6:30pm
3 9:30 am-2:25pm MCAS Biology Delayed
Opening (9-11-12)
4 Senior Prom-Danversport Yacht Club
6 SATs (at LHS)
Spring A Cappella Jamboree, aud, 7:30pm,
$10 ($5 for students & seniors)
LHS Graduation
8 Portal open for Senior report cards-June 11
Wednesday 10 Fall Student Athlete & Parent mtg, 6-8pm,
aud, Commons I & II
12 Improv Troupe Show, Blackbox, 7:30pm
16 Planned Final Day Of School;1/2 day for
students Full day for staff.
Weds-Tues17-23 Make up days if needed
For Athletics schedules,
2 SATs (at LHS)
7 Prof. Dev. half day; 11:15 dismissal
7 Bus evacuation drill 10:25-11:15
Musical, aud, 7:30pm; $15 ($10 students
and seniors)
12 5 10:am-2:25pm MCAS Math Session 1-Delayed opening (9-11-12)
Wednesday 13 10:00 am-2:25pm MCAS Math Session
2-Delayed Opening (9-11-12)
15 Junior Prom-Burlington Marriott
15 Improv Troupe Show, Blackbox, 7:30pm
21 Parent discussion group with Assoc. Prin.
Murray, Library classroom, 7:45-8:30am
Thurs-Fri21-22 Spring Pops Concert, gym, 7:30pm, $10
23 Jazz Nite 4 at Discovery Day, noon-3pm;
Town ctr or Commons II if rain
25 No School - Holiday; Memorial Day
26 Last Day of Classes for Seniors
26 Senior Student-Athlete Awards Buffet Dinner, Commons II, 6-8:30pm
Wednesday 27 NHS Induction Ceremony, 7-8pm, aud
28 World Language Awards Night, aud, 6-8pm
29 Improv Troupe Show, Blackbox, 7:30pm
PTSA News Continued
to the LHS/PTSA Listserv
The listserv is simply the electronic mailing list of LHS
parents who want to receive updates about school activities. Parents are not automatically included on the listserv.
To sign up go to the LHS/PTSA website <>. Click on the “LHS PTSA Listerv” tab located
along the top header and follow the directions.
We strongly encourage the parents of all high school students to sign up for this communication service. It’s one of
the best ways to keep informed about what is happening at
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Nursing Office
“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” ~ Aesop
Health Screening
The school nurses engage students in
annual health screenings that include
vision, hearing, body mass index
(BMI), and scoliosis; the nurses follow the Massachusetts Department of
Public Health (DPH) regulations for
all screening activity.
The screenings are not diagnostic but
identify children who need further
evaluation. Vision, hearing, and
growth screenings in the elementary
grades are conducted in October and
early November. The seventh graders are screened in November. The
ninth graders are screened in late
January. This year ninth graders will
be screened January 20, 21 and 22
in their physical education classes.
Please make sure your child wears
his/her glasses on the day they are
screened for vision.
Children in the first–fifth, seventh and
ninth grades are screened for near and
far vision acuity. Stereopsis screening
is done with children in the first–third
grade to identify potential for amblyopia. Kindergartners are screened
if the Primary Care Provider has not
submitted evidence of a recent vision
screening exam.
Elementary schoo-aged children
in kindergarten–third, seventh and
ninth grades are screened for hearing
Growth Exam
The child’s height and weight are
taken to find the child’s BMI. The
height and weight are taken in first,
fouth, seventh and ninth grade.
Measurements are done in a way that
is objective and confidential. Results
are reported to DPH. For more info,
see the Guidelines <>
Postural (Scoliosis) Screenings
Postural screening is done for the fifth
through ninth grades. Postural screenings take place at different times than
the hearing, vision and BMI screenings, except for ninth grade.
Referral Notice
Parents/guardians are only notified if
a screening has abnormal findings. If
you receive a notice, please have your
child evaluated as soon as possible,
and return the completed form to the
school nurse. Children who can see or
hear more clearly are better learners.
Request for waiver
A parent/guardian may request in
writing their child be waived from
the screening. Please notify the
school nurse a week in advance of the
screening program if you want your
child excluded from being screened.
Physicals Needed
This means a healthier community for
Lexington families and a healthier environment for your children in school.
Cold vs. Flu:
What to Look For
In the nursing office we often see
trends in illness due primarily to the
contagion factor of infections. More
often than not several forms of illness
are circulating at any given time.
Sometimes infections present themselves during certain seasons such as
the cold and flu season which is typically anytime between late fall and
early spring.
How can you tell if your child has a
cold or the flu? It’s not always easy to
The chart on the next page gives
some basic guidelines.
Continued on page 8
Thank you to all the parents of freshmen students who have provided the
nurse’s office with physical exams.
If you have not turned in a physical exam completed in the last 12
months, please do so as soon as
possible. Of the 560 students in the
class of 2018, 214 freshmen have not
turned in their physicals. Feel free to
call us if you have any questions or
are uncertain if you passed one in this
Exciting News…
Flu Clinics Were A Success
Nearly 1,200 people have been vaccinated against the seasonal flu this fall
through a joint initiative between The
Town of Lexington Health Department and Lexington Public Schools.
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Nursing Office Continued
Fever.................................. Rare.................................................. Characteristically high (102-104), sudden
onset, lasts 3-4 days.
Headache........................... Rare.................................................. Prominent
General aches and pains.... Slight................................................ Usual; often quite severe
Fatigue and weakness........ Quite mild........................................ Extreme; can last 2-3 weeks
Prostration/ sweats............. Never................................................ Early and prominent
Runny, stuffy nose............. Common........................................... Sometimes
Sneezing............................ Usual................................................ Sometimes
Sore throat......................... Common........................................... Sometimes
Chest discomfort............... Mild to moderate; hacking cough.... Common, can become severe
To avoid the spread of illnesses, remember to practice good personal hygiene, such as hand washing, especially after
sneezing. Carefully dispose of all used tissues and avoid rubbing your eyes and nose. Most importantly, stay home and
rest when these symptoms do occur. ALWAYS STAY HOME WITH A FEVER OF 100 DEGREES OR HIGHER.
Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
As always, we welcome your ideas, questions and comments.
– Janet Foley, RN ext 69913
Susan Kaftan, RN ext. 69919
Kristi Burns, RN ext. 69918
Confidential Fax 781-861-2611
LPS School Committee Information
For information and updates on the LPS School Committee,
please go to their website <>.
For copies of the LPS School Committee Minutes and Agendas, please go to: <
And to view past School Committee meetings, please go to LexMedia <>.
SAT 2014-2015
LHS test dates
January 24, 2015
March 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 6, 2015
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
Science Department
LHS Science
& Engineering Fair
February 10, 2015
4:00 - 7:30 p.m.
LHS Field House
For those of you with science
backgrounds, please consider
volunteering to judge at the fair,
please email:
or call (781 861 2320, ext 69330)
The Science Department Welcomes
New Biology Teacher
Rebecca Chapman
eanne Tzimopoulos has been teaching Biology at
Lexington High School for nearly 20 years. Since
that time, she has worked tirelessly in the classroom and
in her support of students’ independent research projects.
Ms.Tzimopoulos will retire as of December 23 of this
year. We are tremendously grateful for her service and we
wish her good health and happiness in retirement.
We are delighted to welcome Rebecca Chapman who will
join the biology faculty on December 19 and take over
Ms. Tzimopoulos’ classes in the new year. Ms. Chapman
recently graduated from Framingham State University
where she found her passion for both biology and teaching while working as a teaching assistant in the freshmen
introductory biology class. Her favorite topics include the
“blossoming field of genetics,” and the “dynamic field of
ecology.” During her time in college, Ms. Chapman completed several ecological studies, including research on
invasive plants and our important pollinators, bees. In her
spare time she enjoys reading a good book or going for a
walk in the woods with her dog, Holly. She is also an avid
Boston sports fan.
Ms. Chapman is well known to the LHS Science Department, having completed her pre-practicum with Ms. Tzimopoulos in the fall of 2013. We are excited to welcome
her back!
– Jacalyn Crowe, Ph.D.
Science Department Head
2015 LHS Yearbook - Important Info!!
• All Parents - Don’t miss out! Yearbooks have been
selling faster than usual. Buy now to avoid the December 31 price increase. On January 1, the price will
go up to $90.00. Purchase your yearbook today.
• To purchase your 2015 book by credit card, simply
click this link: <
index.cfm/job/4219>. • To purchase your 2015 book by mail or in person,
download this form: <http://lexingtonyearbook.jimdo.
• Share Your Photos - We would love to consider your
photos for the yearbook! Click this link to share any
photos with us that feature your LHS student in action:
• There is still time to purchase your senior tribute ad in
the yearbook! We will accept ads until we run out of
space. You may create your own ad online or download a form for instructions on submitting your senior
congrats ad: <
If you have any questions, please contact Harriet Wallen
in the LHS Library (781-861-2320, ext. 69151) or via
email <>.
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
a r!
• Sign up now for expert, individualized instruction
for the English, math, and writing SATs. Six session
classes run for two hours each and cost $195. Scholarships are available.
• For the March SAT, Writing class starts on Saturday,
January 10 at 8:30 a.m. English class starts on Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Math classes start on Monday, January 12 at 6:30 p.m.
or Wednesday, January 14 at 3:30 p.m. • To sign up, please call Lexington Community Education (781-862-8043) or go online <>.
• Classes for the May SATs start in March.
SAT Prep Classes at LHS in 2015
Lexington Community Education’s Winter 2015 Catalog
exington Community Education’s Winter 2015 catalog is now available online and will soon be mailed
to all Lexington residents. Help warm the cold winter
evenings with a class on cooking, creating art or music,
learning a new language or enjoying an evening of exercise. LCE’s speaker series continues this winter offering
many new, exciting and engaging topics.
This winter’s special events begin with a performance by
Stämbandet, The Scandinavian Vocal Ensemble. They
will present Jul: An Exploration of Nordic Winter Traditions Celebrated Through Folk Music.
Robin D’Antona, Ed.D., Certified National Olweus Bullying Prevention Trainer, will discuss her book, Bullying
Solutions: Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming.
Author and artist Shaun McNiff has been honored for his
pioneering contributions to the creative arts therapy field.
Join him this evening to discuss Accessing the Universal
Creative Process: Removing Blocks and Unleashing Creativity.
Sven Birkerts, author of The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate
of Reading in an Electronic Age will explore the transformation of reading and the impact of the digital age on our
intellectual, contemplative and literary culture.
Join Leora Tec, daughter of Holocaust survivor and
scholar Nechama Tec, for a thought-provoking exploration
of how we remember the Holocaust at: The Persistence
of Memory: What Happens When All the Survivors are
MIT Professor and author Max Tegmark will take us on
a journey through Our Mathematical Universe: The Quest
for the Ultimate Nature of Reality.
Our winter speaker series will close with an evening with
Dr. Kyle Pruett, Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry
at the Yale School of Medicine as he discusses his book:
Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother
In addition to these featured speakers the Fiveash Legacy
Lecture Series continues with a reading and discussion of
The Aeneid and the Art of Translation with National Book
Award Winning Poet and Translator David Ferry.
Classes for LHS Students continue with Driver Education
classes and SAT Prep classes (in both English and Math)
to be held at the High School. For parents there will be
workshops on Finding the Right College Fit, a seminar
on the College Financial Aid Process and a workshop to
help Navigate the Student-Athlete College Search and
Recruiting Process.
Please view the Lexington Community Education winter
catalog for a full listing of classes. A PDF of LCE’s catalog, and a searchable class database, are available online
<>. Questions, or to register by phone, please call Lexington Community Education
(781-862-8043). Pre-registration is required for all classes.
Lexington High School Newsletter
January/February 2015
2014-2015 Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Schedule and Payment Info
s per College Board programming, Advanced
Placement exams are offered at LHS as the culminating exam for students enrolled in AP courses.
Parents of students currently enrolled in an AP course will
receive an email with information about how to register
and pay through our online payment system.
If you are not enrolled in our online payment system,
please click here to register.<>The preferred
method of payment is through our online system. However, if you are unable to process your payment online,
check payments can be made to the “Town of Lexington”
including student’s name and name of exam, and brought to
Ms. Tringale in Rm. 705.
AP fee payments will be made available online beginning on Monday, January 5, 2015, and must be paid
by Friday, February 13, 2015. It is very important that
payment is received by Friday, February 13, 2015. The
cost per exam is $95. Financial assistance is available for
those students who qualify.
AP Exam Fee Refund Policy: A refund is available upon
request until March 1, 2015. Please contact Ms. Tringale
at ext. 69722 or Jane Aronson at ext. 69127 for more
about how to request a refund.
Lexington High School only offers the AP Exams listed
above that correlate with the AP Courses that are currently taught at the High School.
If you have any questions about the AP program at LHS,
please contact the following:
Regarding the AP exam payment process, please contact
Joanne Tringale, ext. 69722.
Regarding AP testing arrangements and registration,
please contact Jane Aronson, ext. 69127.
Regarding general AP program questions, please contact
your child’s guidance counselor.
AP Exam Dates
May 4, 2015 - May 15, 2015
The following AP exams will be offered in the 2014-2015
school year.
Chemistry...........................May 4, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Psychology.........................May 4, 2015..........12 p.m.
Calculus AB.......................May 5, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Calculus BC.......................May 5, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Chinese Lang and Cult.......May 5, 2015..........12 p.m.
Physics 1............................May 6, 2015..........12 p.m.
Computer Science A...........May 7, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Spanish Lang and Cult.......May 7, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Physics 2............................May 7, 2015..........12 p.m.
United States History.........May 8, 2015............ 8 a.m.
Biology...............................May 11, 2015.......... 8 a.m.
Physics C: Mechanics........May 11, 2015........12 p.m.
Physics C: Elec and Mag......May 11, 2015............2 p.m.
French Lang and Cult.........May 12, 2015........12 p.m.
Statistics.............................May 13, 2015........12 p.m.
World History.....................May 14, 2015.......... 8 a.m.
Macroeconomics................May 14, 2015........12 p.m.
Italian Lang and Cult.........May 14, 2015........12 p.m.
Human Geography.............May 15, 2015.......... 8 a.m.
Microeconomics.................May 15, 2015.......... 8 a.m.