rotarizonian PHXROTARY100 friday, january 9, 2014 | volume XC | no. 24 | today’s program John DenBoer, PhD Ken Husband December 29, 1938 to December 19, 2014 Our dear friend Ken Husband passed away Friday, December 19. Ken was born in Columbus, Ohio, and grew up in towns throughout Ohio and Indiana. He earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Miami University in Ohio and worked with Arthur Anderson and Co. for many years. In addition to his love of Rotary, Ken and his wife Nancy were members of Friends of European Art at the Phoenix Art Museum for many years. Ken had previously served at the president of Arizona Society of CPAs. Services will take place Friday, January 23, 10 a.m. Valley Presbyterian Church, 6947 E. McDonald, Paradise Valley PROGRAM INTRODUCTION: Steve Thomas, MD Addiction is a curse for those who suffer from alcohol or drug dependency – and for their family. Yet, it’s difficult to kick being hooked. Psychologist John DenBoer is a specialist in the area of addiction counseling, specifically the neuroscientifiic and psychological aspects of addiction. DenBoer is a leader in the treatment of addiction that involves inserting a pellet in a patient’s rear that lasts for up to a year. It blocks the high and reduces cravings. But the pellet wouldn’t be enough. DenBoer’s treatment also involves PHXROTARY100 as traumatic brain injury and dementia. behaviorial health counseling so the patient can avoid those old habits. Through his practice, DenBoer employs neuropsychological assessments to help detect and aid in the diagnostic classification of brain disorders such DenBoer received his internship training at the VA Boston Healthcare System where he held a dual academic appointment at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. He received his postdoctoral training at Barrow Neurological Institute. DenBoer has published extensively on diverse topics in clinical neuropsychology, as well as speaking world-wide. John DenBoer, MD, can be reached at StartFresh at 855.393.4673 VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED We have lots of slots to fill for a wide array of duties with hours to fit your schedule. January 11 to January 20 Contact Thom Von Hapsburg to help with this really fun event, 602.882.6490 Thank you to Ken Young and Phoenix Flower Shops for the beautiful flowers at our meetings each week. Phoenix Flower Shops: (602) 393-5053 Make a difference in one’s life in just a few hours! Join the MS Service Day to help complete projects for people living with Multiple Sclerosis – light work that is easy for you, but very difficult for someone with MS. Saturday January 24 • 9 a.m. to noon Call Howie Simon, 602.384.8582, or the office, 602.604.8221, to sign up ATTENDANCE REPORT DECEMBER 19, 2014 Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Members Absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Members Present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Guests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Total Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 paul harris corner calendar program previews Each week we feature an excerpt from “Paul Harris, Selections from My Road to Rotary.” January 10 – St. Luke’s at the Mountain Please help distribute food on the second (6 a.m.) and fourth (noon) Saturdays of every month at 848 E. Dobbins Rd., Phoenix. Contact Bob Withers with any questions, 480.607.3348. January 16, 2015 Chris Herstam, Esq. Ch-12 Political Analyst Previewing the New Legislative Session – What to Expect in Arizona Under a new Governor Program Introducer: Anne Cornelius Rotary Begins to Spread The inventor of the first Rotary club was more conscious of its deficiencies than anyone else. He rejoiced to see it expand to helpfulness to others outside the membership of the club, He dreamed of similar clubs in other cities. Rotarians sometimes think that Rotary advanced from city to city and from country to country. That it developed of its own accord and without effort on the part of anyone. No, Rotary has become world wide in its influence because of the untiring effort to extend it. My relations with my friends of the Chicago club constituted a remarkable illustration of the binding power of Rotary. Notwithstanding the fact that Rotary had come to mean to me something very different from what it still meant to some of them. The Doubting Thomas’s were ever present. There’s but one way to convince a Doubting Thomas and that is to do the thing he says can’t be done and on that basis the Doubting Thomas who said it would not be possible to organize Rotary clubs in any city other than Chicago became convinced that it could and should be done. It was disappointing to me but most of my fellow Chicago Rotarians refused to be stampeded into my “Rotary Around the World” phantasy. Nothing is more disconcerting than the blank look of friends to whom one’s hopes are unintelligable. I soon learned that the best way to get things done was to do them myself. PHXROTARY100 January 11 to 20 – R&M Auto Auction We will need more volunteers this year – see the schedule on page 3. The schedule ranges from two volunteers a day to 47 a day. We need your help! Bring friends! Contact Thom Von Hapsburg at 602.882.6490 January 15 – Project C.U.R.E. Your help is needed packing medical supplies on the third Thursday of every month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 2100 W. 14th St. T3, Tempe. Contact Jim Soudriette if you have any questions, 602.544.8587. Janaury 24 – MS Service Day Enjoy hands-on projects and make a difference in a life in one day. Contact Howie Simon at 602.384.8582 or the office, 602.604.8221. February 8 – Grape Arizona Wine Event Irish Cultural Center, 1106 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, from 2 to 5 p.m. Tickets are $60 in advance or $65 at the door. Sign up at April 11 – Second Century Golf Classic The Phoenix Rotary 100–Salvation Army Second Century Golf Classic at Stonecreek Golf Club, 4435 E.Paradise Village Parkway S, Phoenix. January 23, 2015 Diane McCarthy, Citizen Insider Glendale’s Got the Super Bowl, So Why Does She Need Fixing? A Look at Glendale’s Issues Program Introducer: Mike Hosking January 30, 2015 The King’n Trio (like “The Kingston Trio”) Program Introducer: Phil Geiger February 6, 2015 Jos Anshell, PR Professional “Armchair Quarterbacking the 2015 Super Bowl Commercials,” Program Introducer: Steve Bretschneider February 13, 2015 Valentine’s Day: O’Connor Comedy Day February 20, 2015 Phoenix Rotary 100 Foundation March 6, 2015 Club Assembly March 13, 2015 Denis Franklin MD The Demise of the Mental Health Institutions in America Program Introducer: Dick Dunseath March 20, 2015 Tom Ambrose, former CEO, Phoenix Suns Charities My Life with the Suns February 27, 2015 March 27, 2015 Marty Brounstein Sharon Tennison, “Two Among the Righteous Few: Center for Citizen Initiatives, A Story of Inner Faith, Courage Citizen Diplomacy and Compassion during the “From Russia with Love: Holocaust” Another Cold War?” Program Introducer: Program Introducer: Brooks Hilliard Susan O’Neal February 8 • 2-5 p.m. Irish Cultural Center 1106 N. Central Avenue Phoenix $60 in Advance $65 at the Door More than a dozen Arizona wineries will be represented, and wine will be available for purchase at the event. Become a sponsor! Call the office, 602.604.8221 it happened at phoenix rotary 100 friday, december 19, 2014 REPORTED BY DR. PHIL GEIGER • PHOTOS BY DAVE JOHNSON President Carl F. Petersen called the 23rd meeting of the 101st year of Phoenix Rotary 100 to order, the last meeting of 2014. He then introduced Ted Taylor who gave the Invocation, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Rubber Band led the patriotic song and Ted then introduced visitors including the District Governor Elect and past district governors. The 51st year of the Rubber Band – with its longest member, Dr. Bob Lorenzen – and Randy Long as our “Grinch” and even Santa Claus, shared their musical talents playing “Winter Wonderland,” “Living in a Phoenix Wonderland” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” President Clef announced that the Grape Arizona Wine Event will be held Sunday, February 8th from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Irish Cultural Center in Phoenix. For $60 in advance, there will be great eats, wine tasting from Arizona’s top vineyards, and micro-brewed beer. All proceeds go to the Phoenix Rotary 100 Charities and the Phoenix Firefighter’s Association. Please sign up now at Anyone who donated $50 to the Food Bank this month was entered into a wine drawing and PP Dr. Chuck Emerson and Bill Gumbert were the winners. PHXROTARY100 PP Roger Marce thanked this year’s Second Century Golf Tournament sponsors, PE Dr. Tony Kakar of System Solutions $10K, Jesse Curlee for the Supima Cotton Association $5K and the Arizona Community Foundation $2,500. Sgt. at Arms Dr. Greg Pafford fined some of the members for their notoriety as “trend setters” in Uptown Magazine. Stan Levine was fined $50 on behalf of his wife. Lori Cameron, Lori Howard and Annette Petersen had a collective $100 fine levied and Ted Taylor exploited his $50 fine by encouraging everyone to donate to authorized charities (like Family Promise) who provide services to the working poor, especially since Arizona provides a 100 percent tax credit for up to $400 per family. Reminder that you can also donate $400 to any public school for extracurricular activities and $1,056 to school choice organizations; all 100 percent refunded in your state taxes. PP Jos Anshell presented a $5,000 check to Doug Carter for Upward for Children and Families that serves schools for children with special needs. Volunteers are still needed for the RM Car Auction at the Arizona Biltmore every day from January 11th to January 20th. Please call Thom Van Hapsburg to sign up at 602.882.6490. Birthdays were acknowledged including John Rothstein, Barry Patterson, PP Dick Dunseath and Stan Levine. Brooks Hilliard provided fascinating rooster fining fun facts that cost Matt Diethelm $10o and Jesse Curlee and Paul Kennedy $50 each. Today’s chair of the day, Terry Gilberg introduced the director of The Scottsdale Chorus, Lori Michaels who has been serving in this capacity for 21 years. This internationallyrecognized chorus provides four-part harmony a Capella style and are part of the Sweet Adeline’s International. They have won competitions since 1984 and have 120+ members from all over Arizona. The Scottsdale Chorus provided a fabulous holiday program, putting everyone into the Christmas and Chanukah spirit. We heard “A Little Patch of Heaven Way Out West,” a medley from the Beatles, “Silver Bells,” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” (jazz style), “White Christmas,” “Sleigh Bells,” “Zona Wonderland,” “Silent Night” and “Holly Jolly Christmas.” Michaels was given a certificate acknowledging a donation to the Kenya Water Project in the chorus’s name. President Clef then asked the staff of the Phoenix Country Club to come forward and receive a special holiday bonus from Phoenix Rotary 100. The next meeting is January 9, 2015. This concluded the 5,053rd meeting of the Club. it happened at phoenix rotary 100 on friday, december 19 Weekly Programs Disclaimer: We enjoyed wonderful performances by The Rubber Band and The Scottsdale Chorus: RI Manual of Procedures states: The 4-way test of the things we think, say or do Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Editor Beth Baldacchino The Rotarizonian Published weekly by: Phoenix Rotary 100 501 East Osborn Road Phoenix, AZ 85012 602.604.8221 E-mail: Rotary International does not endorse political candidates and prohibits clubs from endorsing political candidates. However, this should not prohibit candidates from speaking at club meetings. It is the responsibility of Rotarians to be informed about the issues affecting their local community, state and nation. Rotary clubs throughout the world include members who have many different religious beliefs and values and yet are united by their service to humanity. Each Rotary club uses its own judgment in conducting its meetings in a manner that Phoenix Rotary 100 Officers 2014-2015 President: Carl F. Petersen Vice President: Rajesh “Tony” Kakar Secretary: Allister Adel Treasurer: Nicole Pudney Sergeant-at-Arms: Greg Pafford Immediate Past President: Jerry A. Oliver, Sr. Executive Director: Beth Baldacchino Directors Lori Cameron, Terry Gilberg, Clay Janson, Randy Long, Ken Mangum, Jay Murphy, Garry Walters, Joe Wolfe PHXROTARY100 reflects Rotary’s principle of tolerance. For Phoenix Rotary 100 Article XII, Community, National and International Affairs, please see page 55 of the roster pertaining to: Section 1 – Proper Subjects; Section 2 – No Endorsements; Section 3 – Non-Political; Section 4 – Recognizing Rotary’s Beginning. Phoenix Rotary 100 is not responsible for any speaker’s final presentation. Members are requested to contact the speaker(s) directly at the information provided in the Rotarizonian. 2014-2015 Governor District 5490 Chuck Fitzgerald Home: 623.229.7674 E-mail: 2014-2015 President Rotary International Gary C.K. Huang Rotary International 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201.3698 Phone 847.866.3000 phoenix rotary 100 corporate sponsors ADELANTE HEALTHCARE ARIZONA BRAKE & CLUTCH ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE BEATITUDES CAMPUS BBVA COMPASS “Sustainable healthcare for all.” “Where customer service ALWAYS comes first.” “The power to make it happen.” “... It’s about living.” “Just a little better.” Avein Saaty-Tafoya CEO Eric Battis COO Mark Johnson President Brinton Johnson Secretary/Treasurer Daniel Froetscher VP, Energy Distribution Tim Coffey Sr. VP, Corporate Banking Rev. David Ragan Sr. VP of Resident Services BSA – GRAND CANYON COUNCIL GOODWILL OF CENTRAL ARIZONA KS STATE BANK ROBERT S. LYNCH & ASSOCIATES MOLINA FINE JEWELERS “Be prepared.” “We put people to work.” “Live for today – bank for tomorrow.” “Water—a property right worth protecting.” “Changing the world one jewel at a time.” Larry Abbott CEO Brett Bybee Field Director ORCUTT | WINSLOW Tim O’Neal COO Frank Coumides Sr. Vice President, Regional Manager PENN & WHARTON CLUB OF AZ Architecture Planning & Interior Design Herman Orcutt Partner Vispi Karanjia Education Studio Director PHXROTARY100 Mike Spector President Steve Bretschneider Robert S. Lynch Attorney Todd Dillard Attorney Alfredo J. Molina Chairman & CEO Connie Wilson Sr. Vice President SW COLLEGE/NATUROPATHIC MED SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION UPWARD FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES “The science of healing, the art of medicine.” “Natural gas, right from the start.” “Serving Arizona for more than 50 years.” Paul Mittman CEO Luis F. Frisby Division Vice President Garry Walters Consumer & Community Affairs Doug Carter CEO
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