The First United Methodist Church of Germantown
Sunday • January 11, 2015 • 11:00 am • Order of Worship
This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke
when he said,
Everyone, including children of all ages, is invited to full
participation in the engaging worship and
outreaching mission and ministry of the church.
“The voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
make his paths straight. ’”
We strongly encourage all persons to sing the gender
nouns and pronouns they prefer in referring to God.
Opening Hymn
Standing with body and spirit
UMH 384 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
The congregation’s responses are printed in bold type.
Opening Prayer
Holy God, creator of light and giver of goodness,
your voice moves over the waters.
Immerse us in your grace, and transform us by
your Spirit, that we may follow after your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.
Large-Print Bulletins and Personal Listening Devices
are available from the ushers.
UMH - United Methodist Hymnal
TFWS - The Faith We Sing Hymnal
SEEDS - Seeds Upon The Wind
Enter the sanctuary quietly, respecting the meditation
of others and opening to the presence of God.
We cannot love God unless we love each other, and to love
we must know each other. We know Him in the breaking
of bread, and we know each other in the breaking of bread,
and we are not alone anymore. Heaven is a banquet and life
is a banquet, too, even with a crust, where there is companionship.We have all known the long loneliness and we have
learned that the only solution is love and that love comes
with community. Dorothy Day
J.S. Bach
Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, BWV 684
Call to Worship
Let us repeat the Baptist’s cry:
Standing as able
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
has come near.”
The Peace
God who calms the waters calls us from our
restlessness to peace through the promise of Christ
in baptism. Let us therefore share a sign of peace
with one another
May the peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Everyone is invited to exchange a greeting or word of peace as a sign of reconciliation and community.
Welcome and Announcements
Please pass the maroon folders.
Invitation to Mission
First Lesson
FUMCOG’s response to Ebola
Isaiah 60:1–6
Chancel Choir
Wade in the Water -trad. Spiritual
Second Lessons
Ephesians 3:1–12
Matthew 3:1–6, 13–17
Miles Hopgood
Hymn of Response
Standing with body and spirit
UMH 252 “When Jesus Came to Jordan”
Closing Hymn
Standing with body and spirit
UMH 156 “I Love to Tell the Story”
Gathered Prayer Alan Symonette Benediction
L: The Lord be with you.
P: And also with you.
L: Let us pray.
1 1
Beginning in silence; persons are invited
to participate in the Gathered Prayer
Liturgist: Robert Bauer
by kneeling at the altar rail.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Mother-Father, who art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory forever. Amen.
Dedication of Books
Commemorating Fred Clark’s legacy gift to
FUMCOG of his extensive collection of books on Haiti
Offering /Offertory
Chancel Choir
Christ, unser Herr, sum Jordan kam
(When Jesus went to Jordan’s stream)
choral, with interpolations by Bach
Doxology UMH 94
Standing as able
“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
We give you thanks, almighty and merciful God,
that just as you proclaimed Jesus Christ your
beloved Son through the waters of the Jordan,
so you also proclaim us your children through
your gift of grace in baptism. Help us to be
stewards of your many gifts, that we might help
those of your children who are in need,
whomever they might be. We pray this in the
name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
1 1 1
Audio: Tim Shannon
Ushers: Lyle Rosenberger, Rodney Chonka, Wayne
Varnadore, Deb Clarke, Ruth Thornton, Bernard Rhodan
Linger Lunch: The Shannon Family
CDs: Forms and instructions for ordering are
available at the display by the elevator in Pilling Hall.
1 1 1 1 1
Adult Academy
Sunday, February 1st at 9:45
A special presentation about
the Kofa Foundation and its
Ebola relief work in Liberia
FUMCOG Mission Statement
The First United Methodist Church of Germantown
(FUMCOG) is a diverse, urban community of faith that seeks
to experience and worship God through Jesus’ message of love
and inclusion and the mystery of grace expressed through his life.
We affirm our commitment by working together, taking risks
for social justice and peace in our community, our city,
our nation and our world.
We l c o m e Vi s i t o r s ! ! !
Thanks for finding your way to FUMCOG! We are
glad you have come! Take the opportunity to register your
attendance in the maroon folders passed along the pews.
Your sharing of contact information will allow us to be in
touch. A variety of church information is available on the
church website. Also, members of the staff and congregation are eager to greet you at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service. You are cordially invited
to join us for Meet & Mingle in Pilling Hall.
ADULTS AT FUMCOG: Various small groups and work
areas function for participants to get to know one another,
to work toward a goal they are passionate about, or to learn
more about themselves and their journeys of faith. These
groups meet at various times during the week. For more
detailed information, speak to the church staff.
Children and youth are welcome in worship at FUMCOG. Periodic “family-friendly” worship services are
scheduled and are geared to the worship needs of all ages.
DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, September to midJune: classes are available for each age group, from nursery through senior high. Classes for infants through 9th
graders meet in the Loder Education Building.
A professionally staffed nursery is open each Sunday
morning in Room 106 from 9:30 am through the end of
the worship service. From 9:30-11:00 the nursery serves
all children through grade 2 so that older siblings and
parents can attend morning education programs. During
worship, a room at the top of the balcony stairs is available
for parents who wish to attend to their children’s needs
while still hearing the service. Just ask an usher or greeter
for assistance in finding your way.
PreK – 12th Grade Educational Program: Classes meet
at 9:45 am. Classes from PreK through 6th grade follow the
“Grow, Promise, Serve” curriculum which integrates Bible
stories with worship and social justice issues. Grades 7-9 take
part in a confirmation class, a structured, two-year program
including classes, trips, retreats, community service, and worship. Grades 10-12 [the Senior High Group] meet on Sunday
mornings for discussion, informal fellowship, and reflection.
FUMCOG’s youth also take part in special activities and
events, including trips, parties, cultural events, and retreats.
Classes meet in the following locations: Infants-2 year olds in
room 106, 3-4 year olds in room 102, K-2nd grade in room
207, 3rd-4th grade in room 214, 5th-6th- grade in room
207A, 7th-9th grade in room 201, and 10th-12th grades in
the “old choir robing room” –ask the ushers for directions.
During the Worship Service: Older children and youth
[3rd grade and older] are invited to attend church with their
families. Younger children, pre-K through 2nd grade, have
two options. For children who wish to remain in worship
service with their families, Busy Bags are available from the
ushers. Or, young children may participate in professionally
supervised child care which is available in room 102.
FUMCOG Staff and Email Addresses
Senior Pastor Lorelei Toombs
Pastoral Associate Miles Hopgood
Director of Music Kevin O’Malia
Office Administrator Wanda Fuller
Lay Leaders
Facility Caretakers Shamir Radcliffe & Raphael Zappala
Tidings/Bulletin Bruce McNeel
Website Announcements
Altar Flowers - call the church office @215-438-3677
First United Methodist Church of Germantown
6001 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
telephone - 215.438.3677; fax - 215.438.3077
email: web address:
• Senior Pastor: Lorelei Toombs
Pastoral Associate: Miles Hopgood • Director of Music: Kevin O’Malia • Office Administrator: Wanda Fuller
• Director of Publications: Bruce McNeel • Facility Caretakers: Shamir Radcliffe & Raphael Zappala
MLK Day of Action, Resistance & Empowerment
JAN 19
1:30 PM Rally at 440 N. Broad Street
2:00 PM March begins
Philomusica Chorale’s first concert of the season will be held
on Saturday, Jan 24 and Sunday, Jan 25th. SHADOWS explores
all the human experiences of light, dark, meaning, the soul’s journey, and healing. Traditional and modern choral music with a variety of instrumental accompaniment and a collaboration with
a local dance troupe promise an inspiring and entertaining concert. Contact Mark Smith for advance ticket sales.
Sign Up For
Renewable Energy
and Support FUMCOG
If you currently receive a Peco electricity bill,
you can support clean air and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing your
electricity from a renewable source. Just like
the WindPower program several years ago,
FUMCOG stands to benefit financially by
individuals switching to renewable. Simply
go to to enroll. Be sure to reference FUMCOG in the “How did you hear...?” section.
Contact Mark Smith for more information.
MLK. D.A.R.E Coalition DEMANDS:
End Stop & Frisk + empowered PD review board
$15/hour minimum wage & right to form unions
Fairly funded democratically controlled schools
Join us as we take to the streets of Philly from 440 N Broad
Street through City Hall to Independence Mall as we walk in
the legacy of Dr. King & the movement that raised him.
Donations of gift cards will be collected for the homeless
1:30 P
End S
Join us as w
Street throug
the legacy
Fair TradeBazaar
Fair Trade and Respecting Cultural Identity
FUMCOG’s bazaar stands beside other
fair trade organizations in celebrating
the cultural diversity of communities
while seeking to create positive and equitable change. We are mindful of products, practices, and organizational models based on indigenous traditions and
techniques to sustain cultures and revitalize traditions. As fair trade
consumers, you can feel good that market needs are balanced with
producers’ cultural heritage.
Bazaar volunteers would like to thank you once again for shopping with us during the holiday season and beyond. We hope you’ve
enjoyed some of the new products, including jewelry, housewares,
and consumables. Please remember to stop by before and after service for shopping and conversation! You can also check out our poster
in Pilling Hall outlining all the principles of fair trade.
January 11, 2015
Please Keep in Prayer...
Jack Snite, who has been diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer and
is currently receiving hospitalized care at HUP to alleviate immediate symptoms. Jack hopes to be released soon and begin his cancer
treatment. Julie and Jack have set up a blog at CaringBridge (name
Jacksnite) to update folks on his status. Jack is not up for calls or
visitors currently but messages on his CaringBridge blog and cards
would be very much appreciated. Their new address is:
Jack Snite & Julie Conover
2101 Market Street, Unit 3403
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Amanda Scott (mother of Russell) who is recovering at Caring Heart
Nursing Home following a prolonged illness and hospitalization late
this fall. Cards can be sent to: Amanda Scott, c/o Caring Heart Rehab, 6445 Germantown Ave, Rm. 355, Philadelphia, PA 19119...The
Orbach-Onema family on the passing of Stephanie Orbach on
12/25, aged 61, sister to Frank and sister-in-law to Annette Onema
following a brief battle with cancer. Prayers are welcome and appreciated. Condolences can be mailed to: 242 Mercer Street, Trenton, NJ 08611... Sharon Owens on the sudden death of her brother,
Tom Sarbach, on 12/23, who with his family lived in Ohio. Condolences can be mailed to Sharon at: 9 Evergreen Court, West Chester, PA 19382... Myrliss Demastus on the death of her mother Ruth
Esh (92) on 12/14/14... Laura Rainey, mother of Deb Kirby, who is
hospitalized with multiple injuries...John O’Malia, father of Music
Director Kevin O’Malia, who is facing a recurrance of cancer...Suzanne Moller, who is now at Wesley Enhanced Living at Stapeley...
Phone calls and visits are welcome. Suzanne’s phone number is 267350-2551...Michael Mahan, who is recovering from succesful spinal
surgery on 12/29...Bob Kaplan, friend of Michael Mahan, who has
entered hospice...Tom Drupp, friend of Michael Mahan, who is holding family together following recent illnesses and deaths.
What’s happening at
Sunday, January 11
9:45 am Sunday School Classes
9:45 am Adult Academy - Chloe Tomlinson
11 am Worship
Rev. Lorelei Toombs, preaching
Dedication of Fred Clark’s Haiti Library
Meet & Mingle • Linger Lunch
Tuesday 7:30 pm Admin. Council
Pilling Hall
Wednesday 7:15 pm Boy Scouts FUMCOG Gym
Thursday 7:45 pm
Chancel Choir
Music Rm.
January 17 & 18 • MLK Weekend
Saturday, January 17, 7:00 pm
Guest Speaker Dr. Willie J. Jennings
“The Risk of Being Church in America”
Sunday, January 18, 11:00 am
Dr. Jennings will preach
“To Dream Again”
2015 FUMCOG Social and Racial Justice Award
Meet & Mingle • Linger Lunch
Wednesday 7:15 pm Boy Scouts FUMCOG Gym
Wednesday 7:30 pm
Cassel Parlor
Thursday 7:45 pm
Chancel Choir
Music Rm.
Kevin and Kenny • Sunday 2/1
First Sundays:
Music & Meditation
Tuesday, Jan. 13, Administrative Council 7:30 pm
Adult Academy on Sunday, Feb. 1 at 9:45 am
A special presentation about the Kofa Foundation
and its Ebola relief work in Liberia
Our gender neutral/unisex bathroom is easily located.
Start from the right front corner of the sanctuary, go up a few
steps and walk straight ahead, to the end of the long corridor.
5 pm
Chapel1, 5 pm
Kevin O’Malia, organ, Ken Ulansey, saxophone
A Taizé-style worship service, with silence, short readings in an intimate
Congratulations to
Ruth Thornton and
Barbara Mitchell
on their recent wedding (12/28) held
at 10 am at the Germantown Mennonite Church, following a processional
from FUMCOG. After the wedding
FUMCOG and GMC joined together
in worship, with over 200 in attendance! Please forward your favorite
wedding photos to Ruth and Barb
via email or facebook.
Adult Academy
January 11, 9:45 am
Julia Morgan Fund recipient
Chloe Tomlinson will share
her African adventure with
her FUMCOG friends!
Community Needs
Christmas Offering
To date over $5,500 has been collected
in support of the Lingelbach Elementary School, Janes Memorial UMC Smart
Start Program, and Women of Faith
and Hope. If you would still like to contribute to this offering, please do so
by clearly marking your envelop and
check and putting it in the offering
plate - or mailing to the church office.
Dedication of Fred Clark’s
Haiti Books to FUMCOG Library,
Sunday, January 11, 2015
All are invited to Pilling Hall after the church service on January 11 as we
dedicate Fred Clark’s legacy gift to FUMCOG in the form of the extensive
collection of books on Haiti that he acquired over the years. As most of
you know, Fred was passionate about Haiti and was the driving force in
creating the bond between FUMCOG and Fondwa realized through the
Twinning Parish project which has been in effect for over 20 years. Fred
amassed an amazing array of hard-to-find or (now) out-of-print books
that tell the story of Haiti, its culture and unique relationship to the US,
Europe and Africa. The books will be on display for browsing, and we
will have an invocation by Pastor Lorelei and brief remarks Karen Clark,
as well as coffee and cake. Please join us for this special event.
- Haiti Committee
Mindfulness Class
David Dimmack, who has been a
mindfulness student with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh for 25 years is
offering a 6 week class titled Mindfulness Practice: The Foundation
of Healing, Tuesday mornings, 9:3011:00, February 3-March 10 at Center
on the Hill in the Presbyterian Church
of Chestnut Hill. All are welcome!
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend
Guest Lecturer and Preacher
Willie J. Jennings, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology
and Black Church Studies,
Duke Divinity School
There’s still an
to recycle your
Christmas tree
($5 donation requested):
January 11
1-4 pm
(take it after church)
Community Garden
Chew Avenue
at Mt. Airy Avenue
January 17
7:00 pm
The Risk of Being
Church in America
There is a need to overturn the racial architecture of our lives and our
common life together. What does it mean to form community that disrupts the normal deadening geographic patterns of racial life? Drawing
on the research and development of Dr. Jennings’ recent book entitled:
The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race, come explore the what it means to risk being Church.
Sunday, January 18 • 11:00 am
To Dream Again
Dr. Jennings will serve as the morning’s guest preacher, offering an
inspiring and challenging message on the Pentecost text of Acts 2.
FUMCOG’s Social & Racial Justice Award will be presented!
Both events will be held at
First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG)
6001 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA,19144
215-438-3677 •