Your Geistlich Regeneration Support Team Presents: Geistlich Supported Education and Training Directory 2015 LEADING REGENERATION Geistlich Supported Education and Training Directory 2015 Your Geistlich Regeneration Support Team and pleased to bring you details and booking information for a range of Geistlich supported education and training courses, in 2015. We are proud to co-operate with some of the most eminent trainers and educators in the field of dental bone and soft tissue regeneration. Geistlich’s expertise in biomaterial technology and the running of hands-on workshops, complements the knowledge and experience of the course leaders, ensuring that attendees maximise learning from the training provided. This Education and Training Directory provides details relating to the topics, course leaders, dates, locations and booking information for a range of courses throughout 2015. The information provided can be used to reserve places at the following courses and ultimatley assist in the development clinical skills. Partner with the No.1 Worldwide Supplier of Dental Biomaterials To make the courses a practical learning experience, market leading biomaterials are supplied by the Geistlich Regeneration Support Team. Full access to the support network offered by Geistlich will be made available to all course attendees. Practical support for users who are new to undertaking regenerative procedures for the first time can be invaluable and our team of local Product Specialists are on hand to assist with questions relating to the use of Geistlich biomaterials. The Courses The courses included in this directory cover: • Hard tissue management • Perio defect management • Soft tissue management • Sec 63 Perio • Extraction socket management / Ridge Preservation • Cadaver courses • Annual Conferences / +44 (0) 161 490 2038 / Course Details PerioCourses Module 5 Surgery for the Diseased Patient Course leaders: Dr Phil Ower, Dr Ian Dunn & Dr Sarovi Drone 15th Jan 2015 – Worcester 5th Feb 2015 – Slough 30th Apr 2015 – Belfast 17th Sep 2015 – Bath Contact: Geistlich Educational Forum @ ADI Team Congress Techniques for the prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis A breakfast and bruch seminar with: Professor Daniel Buser and Dr Charlie Maran 14th May 2015, SECC Glasgow Contact: / 0161 4902038 PerioCourses Module 6 Pre-restorative and Mucogingival Surgery Live surgery and hands-on practical Course Leaders: Dr Phil Ower, Dr Ian Dunn & procedures - Maxillary anterior defect Dr Sarovi Drone management 16th Jan 2015 – Worcester 6th Feb 2015 – Bedford 19th Mar – Aberystwyth 1st May – Belfast 18th Sep – Bath 24th Sep – Chichester Contact: Sinus Bone Augmentation for Dental Implant Rehabilitation ‘A comprehensive programme including anatomy, physiology, cadaveric dissection - with implant and graft placement and live surgery’ Course Leaders - Dr Philip Friel and Dr Stephen Jacobs Location: Philip Friel Advanced Dentistry Clinic and Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre, University of Glasgow and RCPSG 19th – 20th June 2015 Contact: Advanced Bone and Soft Tissue Regeneration in Implant Dentistry A 3-day theoretical, hands-on & live surgery course: ‘join this revolutionary course on bone regeneration, it will change your clinical practice’. Course Leader: Professor Istvan Urban. Urban Implant Clinic, Budapest, Hungary 19th – 21st November 2015 Contact: Course Leader: Dr Steve Larcombe 3rd July & 23rd October 2015 – Winchester Contact: 01962 853 489 £445 – Limited to 6 delegates Sinus augmentation - Live surgery and hands-on practical procedures. Course Leader: Dr Steve Larcombe 1st May 2015 – Winchester Contact: 01962 853 489 £495 – Limited to 6 delegates Hands on Oral Surgery Course Course Leader: Dr Nadir Khan 29th January 2015 – Colchester Dental Referral Centre £195 – Limited to 6 delegates – 3 hours CPD Implants - a basic view in placing and restoring 27th February 2015 – Colchester Dental Referral Centre £400 Contact: 01206 756 813 LEADING REGENERATION Course Details The Campbell Academy Course Dates 2015 Main Course Leaders: Dr Colin Campbell and Dr Andrew Legg Contact: Cerec – Integrating digital dentistry into your practice 5th February, 2015 Online via Dental Tubules – free to join CBCT – Current concepts in 3D dental imaging 19th February, 2015 Online via Dental Tubules – free to join Live Skills – Implant Surgery 19th – 21st March, 2015 The Campbell Clinic / The Riverbank, Nottingham £2500 – Limited to 8 delegates Live Skills - Sinus Graft Surgery (Cadaver Course) 7th – 9th May, 2015 The Campbell Clinic, Nottingham / Surgical Skills Centre, Coventry £2500 – Limited to 20 delegates CBCT Essentials - with Michael Bornstein (3 day course) 21st – 22nd May, 2015 (part 1) 17th – 18th September, 2015 (part 2) The Campbell Clinic / The Riverbank, Nottingham £2500 – 20+ delegates The Cambell Academy Materclass with Jim Ruskin 1st July (tbc) The Riverbank, Nottingham £350 – 20+ delegates Live Skills – Cerec 15th – 17th October, 2015 The Campbell Clinic, Nottingham £2500 – Limited to 8 delegates Live Skills – Implant Surgery 5th – 7th November, 2015 The Campbell Clinic / The Riverbank, Nottingham £2500 – Limited to 8 delegates Live Skills – Aesthetic Implant Surgery (Advanced) 26th – 28th November, 2015 The Campbell Clinic / The Riverbank, Nottingham £2500 – Limited to 8 delegates Snow and ICE International Congress on Human Factors in Implant Dentistry March 13th – 17th 2015 Contact: Scottish Implant Year Course Course leaders: Dr Clive Schmulian & Dr Stephen Jacobs 9th January 2015, Glasgow 70 CPD Points Contact: susie@dentalfx 0141 931 5533 The Parade Specialist Dental Conference Course Leader: Dr Adrian Binney 17th April, Cardiff 8 CPD Points Contact: Esthetic Alliance Full Arch Restoration Course Leader: Dr Philip Pettemerides Jan / Feb 2015 – tbc, Bath 6 CPD points Contact: Course Details Tipton Training Courses Live Surgery CADE Implant Courses - 8th January 2015 - Senova Dental Studios, Watford Centre for Advanced Dental Education 9th January 2015 - London Restorative Course 13th February 2015 - London 4th March 2015 - Senova Dental Studios, Watford 6th March 2015 - London 17th April 2015 - London Implant Surgical Demo 8th May 2015 - London 3rd June 2015 - Senova Dental Studios, Watford June, July tbc Implant Surgical Demo 16th January 2015 - Manchester 27th February 2015 - Manchester 27th March 2015 - Manchester 24th April 2015 - Manchester 22nd May 2015 - Manchester 19th June 2015 - Manchester 10th July 2015 - Manchester September tbc 9th July 2015 - Archways, Manchester Contact: Tel: 0161 348 7848 Year Course in Implantology ‘This interactive surgery and prosthetics implantology year course offers full training in all aspects of placement and restoration of dental implants’. Course Leaders: Dr Mark Diamond and Dr Pearse Stinson Belfast 11th January 2015 £5995 + vat / 72 hours of CPD Contact: / The British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry Contact: Course leaders: Dr Hassan Maghaireh & Dr Amit Patel University of Bristol: Sinus Bone Graft Master Course. With guest speaker, Dr Alice Robert. Module 3: Basic implant surgical and restorative skills. Leeds, 13th December 2014 Course leaders: Prof Dominic O’Sullivan, Dr Jonathon Schofield, Dr Chong Lim & Dr Rebecca Davies. Module 4: Evidence based implant dentistry. Leeds, 16th January 2015 15th - 17th April 2015, University of Bristol £2,950 - Placed are limited. Module 5: Advanced implant surgical and restorative techniques: Leeds, 6th February 2015 Contact: Contact: LEADING REGENERATION Conferences and Congresses British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry Scientific Meeting 2015 ‘Inspire to Aspire’ 20th Anniversary Meeting Stoke Park Club, Bucks 30th – 31st January 2015 Contact: ITI Congress UK and Ireland ‘Evolving Your Practice Through Evidence’ Kings Palace, London 6th – 7th March 2015 Contact: The British Society of Prosthodontics Annual Conference ‘Confronting the grey areas’ British Library, London 27th – 28th March 2015 Contact: Irish Dental Association: Annual Conference 2015 Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork 16th – 18th April 2015 Contact: / The Dentistry Show NEC Birmingham 17th – 18th April Contact: ADI Team Congress Implant Dentistry Moving Forward: Experience – Evidence – Excellence SECC, Glasgow 14th – 16th May 2015 Contact: Scottish Dental Show Braehead Arena, Glasgow 29th – 30th May 2015 contact: Europerio ExCel, London 3rd – 6th June 2015 Contact: British Society for Oral and Dental Research Annual Conference Cardiff 14th – 16th September 2015 contact: British Association of Oral Surgeons Annual Conference Great Hall, Manchester Town Hall 23rd September 2015 contact: Course Leader Biographies Colin Campbell Colin is a GDC registered Specialist in Oral Surgery who qualified from the University of Glasgow in 1994. Colin has worked previously in oral and maxillofacial surgery units in Glasgow, Nottingham and Derby, before entering practice as a vocational trainee and then becoming a vocational trainer. Colin became involved in implant dentistry as a clinician in 1998 and began lecturing in 2000. He was awarded Fellowship of the International Team for Implantology in 2006 and was the Communications Officer for the UK and Ireland section sitting on the Leadership Team of the organisation from 2011 – 2014. Colin is the Clinical Director at The Campbell Clinic, which is a multidisciplinary private specialist practice in Nottingham and also the Clinical Director of Refine Specialist Dental Care in Derbyshire. Ian Dunn Ian qualified from Leeds in 1998. In 2001 he was awarded Membership of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners. In 2002 he joined the teaching staff at Liverpool Dental Hospital in the periodontology department where he is currently a Senior Clinical Teacher and Undergraduate Teaching Lead in periodontology. In 2010 he completed his MSc in periodontology and in 2013 he was admitted to the GDC specialist list in periodontics. Ian spends three days a week in private practice in the North West of England and takes referrals for all aspects of periodontology. He is the British Society of Periodontology regional representative for Merseyside and Cheshire. Phil Friel Philip graduated from Glasgow University with degrees in anatomy (1998) and dental surgery (2000). In 2010, after working in a number of private practices, Philip opened his own clinic, ‘Philip Friel Advanced Dentistry’ in Glasgow, heading an 18-strong team. Philip concentrates on restorative and cosmetic dentistry with particular focus on dental implantology, including bone grafting, immediate implant placement and loading together with soft tissue surgery. In naming Philip in Dentistry Magazine’s 2010 list of the UK’s Top 50 Most Influential Dentists, the publication said he is “regarded as one of Scotland’s finest implant surgeons”. Philip is a member of a number of key professional organisations including; the British and American Academies of Cosmetic Dentistry, the ADI, the ITI, the PEERS group and the American Academy of Osseointegration. He is currently President of, the ADI. Stephen Jacobs Stephen qualified from Birmingham University in 1985 and went into general dental practice. He started in implant dentistry in 1992 and since then has placed / restored over 5000 implants, and carried out over 900 sinus grafts. He now lectures extensively on all aspects of dental implantology throughout Europe and the UK. Stephen runs his implant referral practice in Glasgow, UK, where all aspects of implant and reconstructive dentistry are carried out. Phil Ower Phil qualified from King’s London in 1978. He joined the RAF after qualifying and was a general dental practitioner until taking an MSc in periodontology in 1992, after which he was RAF Adviser in periodontology and ran the RAF School of Dental Hygiene. For 10 years he worked alongside the renowned Bernie Kieser at the Periodontal Practice in London and now practices exclusively at the Briars Dental Centre in Newbury. He has been an examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons of England (MGDS) and has served two terms on the Council of the British Society of Periodontology (BSP). He is serving a third term on the BSP Council prior to his Presidency of the BSP in 2015-16. He is responsible for the perio component of the FGDP(UK) Diploma in Restorative Dentistry in both London and Manchester. Istvan Urban Stephen is the Immediate Past President of the ADI and a committee member of the American Academy of Osseointegration. He is a founding Board member of PEERS UK. He is on the editorial board of three journals and runs a variety of courses at his practice, including a comprehensive year course for those willing to get started in the field of implantology, sinus grafting and restorative programmes. Professor. Urban received his DMD degree and subsequently his MD degree from Semmelweis University School of Medicine and Dentistry (Budapest, Hungary) in 1991 and 1996. Andrew Legg He graduated from the Fellowship Program (1999-2000) in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University, California, and was appointed Assistant Professor the following year. Prof. Urban teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University. He is licensed in the state of California (USA) and has a private practice in Budapest, Hungary. Andrew Legg graduated from the University of Manchester in 2001. Extensive experience in general practice has given Andrew grounding in all aspects of dental care allowing a fully comprehensive approach to patient care. Andrew has undertaken countless hours of training, including an 18-month Clinical Certificate in Implantology at the University of Sheffield and Advanced Surgical Training at the Royal College of Surgeons. More recently, Andrew passed his Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. Andrew also works as a Clinical Teaching Fellow in Oral Surgery at the University of Manchester. He completed a residency program in oral surgery at St. Istvan Hospital in Budapest, Hungary (19921996). He completed his internship program in periodontics at UCLA. Prof. Urban received his PhD degree in 2012 and he is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of periodontology at the University of Szeged. Prof. Urban has published scientific articles and text book chapers on bone regeneration and soft tissue reconstructive surgery around dental implants. He is an invited speaker internationally in the field of implant dentistry LEADING REGENERATION Amit Patel Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Amit is registered with the General Dental Council as a Specialist in periodontics. His special interests are dental implants, regenerative and aesthetic periodontics. Pearse Stinson Amit graduated from the University of Liverpool and completed a 4 year specialist training programme in periodontics at Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’ Dental Institute. Amit obtained his Membership in Restorative Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and became a registered Specialist in periodontics. He has worked with several different implant systems, lectured both nationally and internationally and published in the field of dental implantology and periodontics. Amit is also an Associate Specialist in periodontics at the Birmingham Dental School. He has recently invited to become a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Amit is also the Principal Specialist and director at Birmingham Dental Specialists. Charlie Maran Charlie Maran qualified in 1988 from the University of Dundee and immediately left for the Eastman Dental Center in New York for a 2 year postgraduate training program. On his return to the UK, Charlie worked at the Dental school at Newcastle University and completed a Masters degree in Restorative Dentistry. Charlie is a GDC registered specialist in periodontics and is the periodontist to the department of restorative dentistry at the Edinburgh Dental Institute where he teaches twice weekly. Philip Pettemerides Philip graduated from the Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, University of Sheffield in 1976 and is the Practice Principal at Edgar Buildings Dental Care in Bath. He has undertaken the Certificate and Advanced Certificates at the Eastman Dental Institute and achieved the Diploma in Implant Dentistry at UCL. He is an active member of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, the British Society of Restorative Dentistry, the Association of Dental Implantology and an affiliate member of the European Pearse Stinson practises implant and surgical dentistry alongside general practice in his Belfast surgery. 1996. He holds the Diploma in Implant Dentistry (Advanced cert.) from the RCS (Eng) and has been working in this field since Pearse is currently a vice Dean of the FGDP, and has also chaired their education and external affairs committees. He teaches implantology alongside Mark Diamond at the Fortwilliam Clinic, and tutors on the Belfast programme for the DSA course in Conscious Sedation. Along with his clinical commitments, Pearse is also active on the N.I. BDA Dental Practice Committee. Simon Wright Dr Wright has been a principal partner of Glencairn Dental group of practices since 2002. He is a Founding Director of both Dental Implant Resource Ltd and Implant Centres of Excellence Ltd. He is a Senior Lecturer in Implantology at the University of Edge Hill and is the Academic lead for the MSc in Dental Implantology. He lectures nationally and internationally for Astra Tech, Straumann, the ITI, Mersey Deanery, and on the MSc courses at Salford, Manchester, Cardiff and Sheffield. Dr Wright has also a keen interest in teaching and is a trainer for young foundation dentists and nurses. He has written many courses for nurses and dentists, and has been gained his Postgraduate Teaching Certificate and Fellowship to the Higher Education Academy. He has personally trained and mentored over 500 dentists and nurses. He was awarded with Best Young Dentist of the Year (NW) in 2010-11 and Best Independent Contractor on the Wirral in 2009-10 (this was against all providers of NHS care including Medical Doctors). Dr Wright is the Education Director for ICE Ltd (Implant Centres of Excellence). This consists of an educational academy; the ICE institute, a network of clinics; the referral centres, and ICE Association; support and interaction. Daniel Buser Professor. Daniel Buser is Professor and Chairman at the Department of Oral Surgery at the University of Bern in Switzerland. He spent 3-times a sabbatical at Harvard University in Boston, at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, and at the University of Melbourne. He served as President of various academic associations including the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) in 1996/97, the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology (SSOI) in 1999-2002, the Swiss Society of Oral Surgery and Stomatology (SSOS) in 2002-07. Most recently, he was President of the ITI (2009-13), the world’s largest association in the field of implant dentistry. He received several scientific awards by professional organizations such as the ITI, the AO, the AAP and the AAOMS. Recently, he was honored by an Honorary Professorship by the University of Buenos Aires (2011) and the Brånemark Osseointegration Award by the Osseointegration Foundation in the USA (2013). His main research areas are in tissue regeneration around dental implants, surface technology and guided bone regeneration. He has authored and coauthored more than 300 publications and several text books including two GBR books and two ITI Treatment Guides. He widely lectures at national and international conferences. Prof. Paul Tipton is an internationally acclaimed Prosthodontist who has worked in private practice for more than 30 years. President of the British Academy of Restorative Dentistry, Professor Tipton now divides his time between operating private referral clinics in Manchester, Chester and London and teaching other dentists the skills and techniques needed for a successful career. A passionate and charismatic speaker, Paul has been teaching for over 20 years, both in the UK and internationally. Over 2,500 delegates have attended his courses to boost their skills, knowledge and income. 1 The Original remains unique. L o n g -te r m re s ult s of 1 s r a e y 4 1 – 2 1 Geistlich Bio-Gide® – The Original Jung RE et al., Clin. Oral Implants Res. 2012; Jun 15 (Epub ahead of print) 1
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