Winterfest 2015 Leaders’ Guide February 6 - 8, 2015 Gatlinburg, Tennessee We’re back with another fun-filled weekend. Winterfest 2015 will be the biggest, most exciting event in its 41 year history! Included in this packet is much of the information you will need for your unit to have a great experience at the largest Venturing/Exploring event in the United States. In addition to this material, you will want to reference two other guides: 1. 2015 Hotel Guide 2. 2015 Competitive Events Guide The most current versions of these documents are available at If you are unable to download a copy, feel free to give us a call and we’ll mail one directly to you. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Gatlinburg and celebrating our 41th year! 1 Table of Contents Key Winterfest Information ............................................................................................... 3 Highlights for 2015? ........................................................................................................... 3 Where Does Winterfest Take Place? .................................................................................. 4 Pocket Guide ....................................................................................................................... 5 Sponsors ............................................................................................................................. 5 Where Can We Park? .......................................................................................................... 5 Staying in Gatlinburg ......................................................................................................... 6 Check-in - “When you get to Gatlinburg” .......................................................................... 6 Register for the Conference ................................................................................................ 7 Traveling to Gatlinburg ...................................................................................................... 7 Skiing Information ............................................................................................................. 8 Ripley’s Late Night Registration Form .............................................................................. 9 Late Night Zip Gatlinburg Release and Waiver ................................................................ 11 Items of Note .................................................................................................................... 13 Vendor Space Available .................................................................................................... 14 Vendor Registration Form ............................................................................................... 15 Box Lunch Program .......................................................................................................... 16 Concessions Stand ............................................................................................................ 16 Develop a Budget .............................................................................................................. 16 Sunday Services .................................................................................................................17 Winterfest Registration Form .......................................................................................... 18 Winterfest Code of Conduct ............................................................................................. 19 Winterfest Draft Agenda .................................................................................................. 20 Winterfest Parent/Guardian Release ............................................................................... 21 Emergency Contact Information...................................................................................... 22 I Want To Help! ................................................................................................................ 23 2 Key Winterfest Information Date: February 6-8, 2015 Location: Gatlinburg, Tennessee Most events take place at the Gatlinburg Convention Center, with a few held at the Gatlinburg Sportsman Club, and Gatlinburg Recreation Center/ Gatlinburg Pittman High School Gym. There are a variety of hotels located near the Convention Center which we have negotiated special rates; be sure to check the 2015 Hotel Guide to get the best rates. Who Can Attend? Winterfest is open to all currently registered Venturers, Explorers, Sea Scouts, and Boy Scouts of Venturing age (14 or completed the eighth grade) coming as a unit or with a Troop, Crew, Ship, or Post, and registered adults working with a Troop, Crew, Ship, or Post. Youth not meeting the aforementioned age requirement will be registered as a visitor and NOT allowed to participate. All youth and adults are issued wristbands which are required for entry to all events and activities or to ride the shuttle. What is Winterfest? Winterfest is an exciting, fun-filled, and competitive event that has taken place for 41 years, and is the largest national event for Explorers and Venturers. Events cover a wide area of interests and all youth are sure to find multiple activities they will enjoy. In a word, FUN. Because there is so much to do at Winterfest, no youth can possibly participate in everything. There are competitive team events like volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, and 4X4 basketball. There are competitions related to various career fields, like fire service, law enforcement, and emergency medical services. There will be climbing, an engineering event, talent competitions, and a dance. There are region-wide Roundtable meetings for Venturing, and Exploring - a great time to share ideas and make new friends. And there is Gatlinburg, a great Smoky Mountain destination in itself. Additionally, participants enjoy snow skiing, ziplining, shopping, and site seeing in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee. Where can I get more information? All information is posted at as it becomes available. Susie Ryan, Admin Executive Chief: or 770.962.2105 Amy Garrett, Registration: 706.693.2446 Highlights for 2015? Please use our on-line registration for units and events; if you have difficulty accessing we can send you all the forms via US mail. 3 If you are paying your registration fee with a credit card please note there will be a convenience fee of $2 per transaction. According to BSA and Learning for Life National Guidelines anyone participating in Winterfest OVER THE AGE 18 MUST HAVE COMPLETED YOUTH PROTECTION WITHIN THE PAST 24 MONTHS A $5 activity fee will be assessed for shooting sports, excluding archery and air rifle, participants to help off-set the cost of ammunition. Activities include buckskin games, cardboard boat regatta, shotgun, rifle and pistol shooting, and a variety of other events. Be sure to download the 2015 Competitive Events Guide to see all the information on events offered this year. This guide has been updated and improved as well. You can search by individual event at the table of contents, click on it and you will go to that specific event or you can pull up events by category; i.e. Law Enforcement, Fire Service, EMS, Aquatics, etc. Law Enforcement added 3 new events, Fire Service added 2, EMS is offering the Patient Team Challenge, and Venturing is adding the Ranger Challenge. Shuttle Service - busses provide transportation for Winterfest youth and adults throughout Saturday (7:30AM-5:30PM). It will stop at all Winterfest site locations, including the Convention Center, Gatlinburg Recreation Center/Gatlinburg Pittman High School, and Gatlinburg Sportsman Club. With direct routes to the Gatlinburg Recreation Center/Gatlinburg Pittman High School and Gatlinburg Sportsman Club, where there is no parking available and only accessible via shuttle. A fire fighting and a law enforcement event will be open to all participants. Parking passes are available on a limited basis. The parking lot is located approximately 200 yards from the Convention Center. Passes are good for Friday through Sunday and cost $15 each. They are available through pre-order ONLY (no passes are sold on-site). Vehicles with more than 15 person capacity will not be allowed in the parking lot (no school buses, charter buses, etc.). Dodge Ball, 4x4 Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee tournaments will have pick-up teams so smaller units or individuals can participant! Talent Show tryouts are open to the public - come watch your friends perform! Winterfest has an active Facebook page. Make sure you and everyone in your unit “likes” bsawinterfest. We use Facebook as our primary communication to update attendees prior to and during the event. Where Does Winterfest Take Place? Most events will take place in the Gatlinburg Convention Center. Like previous years some activities will take place at the Gatlinburg Recreation Center/Gatlinburg Pittman High School Gym as well as activities at the Gatlinburg Sportsman Club. 4 Shuttle Service 3 shuttles run direct routes to the Gatlinburg Recreation Center and Gatlinburg Sportsman Club from 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday. Each location, if used, will have a “bus stop.” Riders will be required to show their wristbands to gain entry. Gatlinburg Convention Center - 234 Historic Nature Trail, Gatlinburg, TN Check-in Opening Program Closing Program Dance Most competitive events Gatlinburg Sportsman Club - 649 King Branch Rd, Gatlinburg, TN From Convention Center, follow US-441 north (away from the park) 4.6 miles. Turn right on Gnatty Branch Rd; travel 0.2 miles. Gnatty Branch becomes King Branch Rd; travel 1.0 mile. Gatlinburg Sportsman Club will be on your left. A variety of shooting sports and buckskin games will take place here. There is no parking available at the Gatlinburg Sportsman Club and is only accessible via shuttle. Gatlinburg Recreation Center/Gatlinburg Pittman High School - 159 Proffitt Rd, Gatlinburg, TN 37738 From Convention Center, follow US-441 north (away from the park). While in downtown Gatlinburg, turn right US-321 north. Travel 4.2 miles. Turn left onto Proffitt Rd. The Recreation Center is to the right of the high school. Bowling, volleyball. Basketball Ultimate Frisbee, Disc Golf, Dodge Ball and water-based activities will take place here. Pocket Guide The Winterfest Pocket Guide contains all the information you need to enjoy Winterfest. A detailed schedule of events, map of Gatlinburg, and other pertinent information are included and will be handed out during check-in. We will also post the pocket guide at by February 1, 2015. Feel free to print as many copies as you like. Sponsors Winterfest 2015 is again sponsored by Trails End Popcorn. We appreciate Trails End helping to make this Winterfest the best ever! Be sure to visit for information on how your Crew, Ship, or Post can fund its ideal year of program. Where Can We Park? Parking is always a challenge in Gatlinburg. Parking near the Convention Center is severely limited. We have also reserved a parking lot that is just a short walk from the Convention Center. Parking passes to this lot are available for $15 and are good for the entire weekend. Be 5 sure to order your parking pass when you register for Winterfest! A limited number of passes are available (no buses allowed), so be sure to order yours soon. (See Online registration Form for how to order) Staying in Gatlinburg It is each unit’s responsibility to make their own hotel reservations. With more than 3,600 participants expected, hotels will fill up fast. Winterfest does not make lodging arrangements for any unit. Be sure to download the 2015 Hotel Guide to assist you in making your plans. Check-in - “When you get to Gatlinburg” Once you arrive in Gatlinburg you will need to check-in to receive your materials, wristbands, schedules, Zip Gatlinburg and/or Ripley’s tickets, etc. Friday 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM List of items to bring to Check-in: Your copy of Registration Materials Emergency Contact Information (form included in this packet and on-line) Check-in takes place in the Gatlinburg Convention Center. Use the newer entrance on Airport Road/Historic Nature Trail which leads you into the area near the Tennessee Ballroom. You will receive a packet of information containing: Wristbands for all pre-registered youth and adults Pocket schedules Maps of Gatlinburg Parking Passes (if pre-ordered) Ripley’s and/or Zip Gatlinburg tickets (if pre-ordered) Other miscellaneous helpful information There is limited space in the registration area, please send ONLY the Advisor and Youth President to check your unit in. There is very limited parking at the Convention Center. Additional wristbands will be available for sale (along with any available t-shirts), but note that they will be at the higher walk-up price. Wristbands are required for all youth, adults, and visitors to obtain entry into all events and areas and to use the shuttle service. 6 Register for the Conference Venturers/Explorers/Troops (all persons 14-20) Adults & Visitors (Age 14 and above) Visitors (Age 8-13) Visitors (Age 7- Under) Before 1/09/15 $45 After 1/09/15 $55 At Winterfest $60 $10 $15 $20 $10 $10 $10 FREE FREE FREE Registration for the conference is now on-line at under the registration tab. You must register your unit before you can sign-up for any competitive, individual or team events. If individuals or teams from our unit are also participating in any event(s) you need to register on-line using the form under the appropriate tab for those events. All Adults and Youth must register for the conference. To avoid late registration fees, payment must be received by Friday, January 9, 2015. Payment may be made via Visa, MasterCard, or Discover, or check made payable to “Northeast Georgia Council.” If you are paying your registration fee with a credit card please note there will be a convenience fee of $2 per transaction. Keep in mind that pre-registering for competitive events does not register you for Winterfest. You must register for the conference separate from the competitive events registration. A $5 activity fee will be assessed for shooting sports, excluding archery and air rifle, participants to help off-set the cost of ammunition. According to BSA and Learning for Life National Guidelines anyone participating in Winterfest OVER THE AGE 18 MUST HAVE COMPLETED YOUTH PROTECTION WITHIN THE PAST 24 MONTHS. If you need to update or complete the course click on the links below: Troop, Crew, or Ship Youth Protection Explorer Youth Protection Traveling to Gatlinburg Gatlinburg is a great town to visit – your youth will have a blast! Most units will travel by personal vehicle to Winterfest, but be sure to check into alternative means of transportation. You may be able to save money by working with other units in your area to charter a bus. Several units fly to Gatlinburg every year too. Regardless of your method of transportation, you will want to be sure that you file a Trip 7 Plan with your BSA Council Office. If you will be traveling more than 500 miles you will need a Tour and Activity Permit which must be approved by your local BSA Council Office - allow plenty of time! Troop, Crew, or Ship forms: Internet link to download a Tour and Activity Permit: Explorer forms: Internet link to download the Local Outing Permit Application: Internet link to download the National Outing Permit Application: Skiing Information Skiing is offered through Ober Gatlinburg, which is independent of Winterfest. Ober Gatlinburg offers Winterfest participants a variety of special ski packages on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please direct all ski questions to Ober Gatlinburg at 800.251.9202. If you plan to ski on Friday, be sure to send someone to check-in and the Winterfest Leaders Meetings. Each Post/Crew/Ship/Troop is responsible for making their own ski package reservations. Important Safety Information! BSA now requires the use of helmets for downhill skiing and snowboarding. Helmets are encouraged for tubing and sledding. Because Ober Gatlinburg does not require helmet use, they have a limited supply available for check-out. You are encouraged to bring helmets with you if you will be skiing or snowboarding. 8 Ripley’s Late Night Registration Form Ripley’s Believe It or Night has partnered with Winterfest to provide late night fun to your youth and leaders this year! For Friday night only, from 7 PM to 12 AM (midnight). Ripley’s will keep 3 attractions open solely for Winterfest participants. For just $12 your youth and adults can go through the Ripley’s Haunted House, Believe It or Not, and/or Aquarium! Tickets must be ordered in advance (and must be received by the Northeast Georgia Council by Friday, January 23, 2015) Use this order form to order your tickets to Late Night Ripley’s Fun or go to to order on-line: Name of Unit Leader: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________________ Evening Phone: _________________________________ Unit: Crew: Ship: Post: Troop _____ _____ _____ _____ Number of Tickets for Ripley’s Late Night: _____ x $12.00 = _____ Payment by: Check (Number: ______) check must be attached to this form Credit Card: _____ Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover A convenience fee of $2 per transaction is added to credit card payments. Please print clearly: Name on Card: _________________________________ Account Number: _________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________________________ 3 digit Security Code: ______ Signature of Card Holder: _________________________________ If you did not register on-line mail this form (with check enclosed) to Winterfest/Late Night Ripley’s Event, PO Box 399, Jefferson, GA 30549. OR fax this form (credit card information must be included and legible) to Amy Garrett (706-693-4849). 9 Late Night Zip Gatlinburg Adventure Registration Form Zip Gatlinburg is partnering with Winterfest to provide some exciting late night fun to your youth and leaders! For Friday night only, from 8 PM to 12 AM (midnight). Zip Gatlinburg will open their 9 line course which overlooks downtown Gatlinburg solely for Winterfest participants. For just $26 your youth and adults get to experience a 1 hour treetop aerial experience! Tickets must be ordered in advance (and must be received by the Northeast Georgia Council by Friday, January 23, 2015). A wavier is required; see attached and must be signed by a parent if under 18. Use this order form to order your tickets to Gatlinburg Zip line Adventure or go to to order on-line: Name of Unit Leader: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________________ Evening Phone: _________________________________ Unit: Crew: _____ Ship: _____ Post: _____ Troop _____ Number of Tickets for Zip Gatlinburg Adventure: _____ x $26 _____ Payment by: Check (Number: ______) check must be attached to this form Credit Card: _____ Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover A convenience fee of $2 per transaction is added to credit card payments. Please print clearly: Name on Card: _________________________________ Account Number: _________________________________ Expiration Date: _________________________________ 3 digit Security Code: ______ Signature of Card Holder: _________________________________ If you did not register on-line mail this form (with check enclosed) to Winterfest/Late Night Zip Gatlinburg Adventure, PO Box 399, Jefferson, GA 30549. OR fax this form (credit card information must be included and legible) to Amy Garrett (706-693-4849). 10 Late Night Zip Gatlinburg Release and Waiver GATLINBURG ZIPLINES TREETOP AERIAL ADVENTURES, LLC 125 Historic Nature Trail (main office); 222 Savage Garden (zipline/ropes course) Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738 CUSTOMER NAME: __________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH _____________ NAME OF GUARDIAN (IF CUSTOMER IS UNDER 18) ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: (_______) ____________ WEIGHT (lbs.): ______ ARE YOU PREGNANT? _____ DO YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF (IF SO, WHAT ARE THEY?) ________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE: THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. PLEASE READ IT VERY CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE YOU SIGN. Gatlinburg Ziplines Treetop Aerial Adventures, LLC is referred to herein as “COMPANY”. In consideration of the services that Company will provide to me, I hereby promise and agree on behalf of myself (and, if I am signing this document on behalf of a person who is under the age of eighteen, on their behalf as Legal Guardian), and my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and estate (or those of the minor if I am Legal Guardian) as follows: 1. I recognize and acknowledge that there are risks inherent in any activity. The same factors that contribute to enjoying an activity may also result in damages, injury, and illness or, in certain cases, serious injury or death. Having acknowledged that these risks, while extremely rare, do exist in these activities, I hereby specifically accept and assume all risks, including the following specific risks, that may possibly arise by participating in the Gatlinburg Ziplines Treetop Aerial Adventures, LLC zipline or ropes tour or ride (the “Activity”) and including any transportation to and from the course: (a) my participation in the Activity may result in accidents, injury, serious injury and/or death; (b) such injuries or accidents, though rare, may occur where there are no immediately available medical facilities; (c) during the Activity, I may experience fatigue, extreme heat, chill and/or dizziness which may diminish my reaction time and that of others and may therefore increase the risk of accident; (d) changing weather, fog, rain, sleet, snow, lightning, falling branches, wild animals, and/or other conditions, slippery trails and/or roads ,including course terrain, conditions of the treetop platforms, falling rocks, falling limbs or debris from trees and erosive cliff edges through or near which I will be walking and/or traveling, my own inability to properly participate in the Activity or to follow rules and directions concerning the Activity and unforeseeable events may all contribute to the chances of accident and/or injury including negligence, actions or errors by guides and/or staff members. INITIAL (________) 2. I hereby confirm that I am at least eighteen years of age or my legal guardian has read this Release and has taken all responsibility for my participation in the Activity, that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the Activity, that I will comply with all of the instructions and safety requirements for participating in the Activity, that I am capable of using the equipment provided to me by the Company, and that I am participating in the Activity voluntarily and of my own free will. I acknowledge that I will be required to listen to and follow rules and guidelines for participating in the Activity, including but not limited to the following: 11 I will abide by all instructions provided to me by the Company, and the Company’s designated guides I will not make any adjustments to my equipment and I agree that all adjustments will be made only by or with the assistance of a Company tour guide; I will notify a guide of any concerns about fit or adjustment of equipment. I will not intentionally flip myself over or invert myself while on the zipline or Activity. I will hold on with at least one hand at all times while zipping or involved in the Activity. INITIAL (________) 3. I understand and agree that Company reserves the right to refuse to permit me to participate in the Activity, and that the Company may terminate my participation in the Activity if it believes me to be incapable of following the instructions or meeting the safety requirements or the rigors of participating in the Activity. I hereby release Company, its members, and its employees from any liability if I am prevented from participating in the Activity for any reason. INITIAL (________) 4. I agree that if anything in this Release cannot be enforced, then whatever is found to be unenforceable shall be severed from the Release and the rest of the Release shall be enforced without the severed section. I release Company from any liability, to the full extent allowed by law. INITIAL (________) 5. RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I hereby agree to assume full responsibility for myself and anyone else over whom I am legal guardian, for bodily injury, death, or damages incurred as a result of my participation in the Activity including transportation to and from the course. I further agree to defend, indemnify, release, and hold harmless Gatlinburg Ziplines Treetop Aerial Adventures, LLC and their affiliates, agents, employees, officers, members, and owners from any liability WHATSOEVER, including injury, death, loss of property, expenses, Company’s costs of defense and Company’s attorney fees, resulting from my participation in the Activity including transportation to and from the course or resulting from any negligence committed by the Company, any employee or agent of the Company, or any customers of the Company and/or any lawsuit or litigation resulting from my participation in the Activity including transportation to and from the course. INITIAL (________) 6. I hereby agree and confirm that the venue of any claim, action, or dispute arising under this agreement and Release, or as a result of my participation in the Activity, shall be Sevier County, Tennessee. INITIAL (________) 7. I further agree to allow Gatlinburg Ziplines Treetop Aerial Adventures, LLC to use any photos or videos for marketing purposes. INITIAL (________) Tours cancelled by the operator due to weather will be given a voucher up to a year. I acknowledge I must reschedule or cancel exceeding 72 hours of my scheduled tour or I am responsible for payment in full. I READ, I UNDERSTAND AND I ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER. Customer Signature: _______________________________________________ Print Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________ Legal Guardian Signature if Customer under 18____________________________ 12 Items of Note 1. Two-deep adult leadership is required. Co-ed leadership is required if you have a coed group. Adult leadership is responsible for the conduct of their youth during the conference, including, compliance with the designated curfews. 2. According to BSA and Learning for Life National Guidelines anyone participating in Winterfest OVER THE AGE 18 MUST HAVE COMPLETED YOUTH PROTECTION WITHIN THE PAST 24 MONTHS. If you need to update or complete the course click on the links below: Troop, Crew, or Ship Youth Protection Explorer Youth Protection 3. Transportation, meals, hotels, and the ski package are your responsibility. 4. Your conference fee includes all competitive events, shuttle transportation, dance, and the opening and closing shows. 5. The payment due dates for fees are strictly enforced. All payments can be made online by using the Registration Tab at, via US mail or fax we accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. 6. If you are not registering on-line remember, do not send anything to your local BSA Council Service Center. All registration information, forms, payments, etc., should be sent directly to the Northeast Georgia Council, BSA, and P.O. Box 399, Jefferson, GA 30549 or faxed to 706.693.4849attention Amy Garrett. 7. It is important to note that adults and visitors will not be allowed to participate in any events. Their conference fee allows entry only to watch events. 8. Backdate your participants’ payment schedule to ensure your success. For example, If registrations are due to Northeast Georgia Council by 1/09/15 (for the early-bird rate), set your unit’s payment date 10 days prior to that to give you time to collect stragglers’ fees and have it sent to Northeast Georgia Council on-time. 9. The conference is staffed with trained medical personnel to assist your unit as needed. If medical assistance is needed, please ask for assistance from any Conference Staff member with a walkie-talkie and help will be summoned. Our medical personnel are first responders and coordinate with Gatlinburg EMS as needed. If you need immediate assistance, dial 911. 10. Please be sure all your youth review and sign the “Code of Conduct” form. Behavior and discipline are the responsibilities of the Unit Leaders. Serious discipline breaches are subject to review by the Winterfest Executive Staff, and in appropriate cases, the youth involved may be asked to leave the conference. 11. Damages to hotel rooms or any conference facilities are the responsibility of the Explorer/Venturer/Sea Scout/Scout and their Post/Crew/Ship/Troop. 13 12. Winterfest has an active Facebook page. Make sure you “like” bsawinterfest. We will be using Facebook as our primary communication to update attendees prior to and during the event. 13. If you need to get a Tennessee Tax-Exempt Status Certificate to avoid the State Sales Tax go to or see the 2015 Hotel Guide for the form and instructions. 14. The Winterfest conference fee is non-refundable. 15. Due to past issues, the judging panel for the Talent Competition will be asked to work with all involved youth and adults to ensure that each act is conducted with appropriate taste. 16. Contingent leaders for each Unit are responsible for checking in their units into the selected hotel. 17. Please make sure that the Conference Staff knows the location of the hotel your Unit is staying at. In the event of emergency, it is necessary to be able to track down your unit. An emergency contact card should be filled out by each adult in a contingent with hotel and cell number contact information. Vendor Space Available If your company or organization is interested in having a vendor booth at Winterfest, please contact Susie Ryan: Spaces this year are in the Convention Center and are approximately 10 ft. X 10 ft. The cost per vendor space is $250, which includes 1 table and 2 chairs if requested. No Electricity will be available. We will issue three passes for each vendor. Also, a parking pass is provided to each vendor. Please return the attached form with your payment by January 31, 2015 to: All vendor applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and must be accompanied by check, money order or credit card information (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). No open flame, heat source or similar items may be brought into the Convention Center. All setup can be done Friday between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM or Saturday between 7:30 AM and 8:30 PM. Vehicles will be allowed in the Convention Center during these times to allow for loading/unloading. All booths must remain setup through 5:00 PM Saturday afternoon. Tear down will take place from 5:00 to 6:00 PM on Saturday. The Convention Center will be secure overnight Friday. No T-shirts may be sold during Winterfest. Items for sale must be appropriate to Scouting functions. Inappropriate items will be removed from the Convention Center. Contact Susie Ryan ( or Tom French ( for more information on this. 14 Vendor Registration Form The following information is needed to ensure no details are overlooked during planning Winterfest 2015. Name: __________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City __________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________ Daytime Phone: ___/_____________ Cell Phone: ___/______________ Email: _________________________________________ Name of Organization/Company purchasing vendor space: _______________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: $250 Payment by: Check (check #____________) Visa MasterCard Discover Credit Card Number: _________________________________________ Expiration Date: __________________ Security Code: _____________ Authorizing Signature to charge above card $250 _______________________________________________________ I have read, understand and agree to the information on the attached Vendor Information Sheet. ____________________________ ______________________________ (Signature) Name (Print) Northeast Georgia Council, BSA Attn: Susie Ryan/Winterfest Vendor P.O. Box 399 Jefferson, GA 30549 Alternatively, you may FAX (with credit card payment information) this form to Amy Garrett at (706) 693-4849 or email: Susie Ryan at: Make your check payable to “BSA Winterfest” 15 Box Lunch Program All meals at Winterfest are “on your own.” At the request of many leaders over the years, several of the hotels, the Convention Center, and Subway offer a Box Lunch Program for Saturday. Basically you will order lunches through the source of your choice, and be able to pick them up Saturday morning to distribute to your youth as it suits their needs. This way they can eat when they get hungry at whichever location they’re at. Suppliers: The Edgewater Hotel (865.436.4151 or 800.423.9582) Garden Plaza (800.435.9201) Glenstone Lodge (865.436.9361 or 800.362.9522) Sidney James Mountain Lodge (865-436-7851) Subway (865.436.6792) Convention Center (865.436.0531 or Concessions Stand At the request of many leaders and youth, the Convention Center operates a Concessions Stand Friday evening and throughout the day Saturday. A variety of food and beverages will be available for purchase. The concessions stand is be located downstairs in the Exhibit Hall; see the Pocket Guide for exact location. Develop a Budget Key items to consider as you budget include: 1. Winterfest Conference fee: The conference fees can be remitted on-line, mailed in of faxed to Northeast Georgia Council and can be paid by check, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover. Be mindful of the payment due date, as the higher fees are strictly enforced. A $5 activity fee will be assessed for shooting sports, excluding archery and air rifle, participants to help off-set the cost of ammunition. 2. Lodging costs: There are several hotels located nearby the Gatlinburg Convention Center. You will want to reserve your block of rooms soon, as the hotels tend to fill quickly. Our Winterfest block expires several weeks before Winterfest. You can place 4 youth in each hotel room which can help you save money on lodging. Most adults will want to share a room with only one other adult. Be mindful of youth protection guidelines as you plan your rooms. When you budget for lodging, anticipate having a room or two that are not full (only 1-3 residents) as you may not have a number of youth boys/youth girls that is evenly divisible by four. 16 3. 4. 5. 6. Information on specific hotel amenities and room rates are available in 2015 Hotel Guide Travel costs (private car, rented van, air, bus, etc.) Food costs (most units leave this up to the individual) Parking pass - $15 per vehicle. You might be able to save money on lodging with a Tennessee Tax Exempt Certificate if your chartered partner (for Crews, Ships or Troops) or sponsoring organization (for Explorer Posts) is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Sunday Services There are a variety of religious options available for you and your youth. Be sure to use the Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce to find the church/synagogue of your choice. 17 Winterfest Registration Form For on-line registration go to Council Name: ________________________________ Unit Number: Post: ___ Crew: ___ Ship: ___ Troop: ___ Charter Organization: ________________________________ Unit Special Interest: ________________________________ Group Leader Name: ________________________________ Group Leader Daytime Phone: ______/_________________________ Group Leader Evening Phone: ______/_________________________ Group Leader Cell Phone: ______/_________________________ Group Leader Email: ________________________________ (EMS, High Adventure, Law Enforcement, etc.) Participant Fees: _____ youth x $45 (if received by 1/09/15) = _____ _____ youth x $55 (if received after 1/09/15) = _____ _____ adults x $10 (if received by 1/09/15) = _____ _____ adults x $15 (if received after 1/09/15) = _____ _____ youth Shooting Activity Fee x $5 = _____ Total Participant Fees Submitted: _____ Parking Passes x $15 each = _____ _____ Total Enclosed: _____ A convenience fee of $2 per transaction is added to credit card payments. Payment by: ___ Check (Check Number: _____) ___ Visa Name on Credit Card: ___ MasterCard ___ Discover __________________________ Account Number: __________________________ Expiration Date: ________/__________ Registration can be faxed (w/ credit card info) to: Amy Garrett / Northeast Georgia Council, BSA / 706.693.4849 (fax) Don’t fax this form unless you are including credit card information. Otherwise, mail with payment to: Attn: Amy Garrett / Northeast Georgia Council, BSA P. O. Box 399 / Jefferson, GA 30549 18 Winterfest Code of Conduct The general welfare of any group depends on the conduct of its individual members. This Code of Conduct is designed to ensure the success of the conference and provide maximum enjoyment and safety of all participants. 1. The group leader (adult advisor) shall, with the full cooperation of the Explorers, Venturers, Ship or Troops, be responsible for maintaining discipline, security, and the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct. 2. All participants are expected to set a good example by being properly dressed and presentable at all times. 3. All Explorers, Venturers, Ship, or Troops are expected to participate in ALL scheduled sessions and activities. 4. In consideration of others, all youth are expected to be in their own rooms and quiet by 1 AM. They are not to leave their rooms again before 6 AM. 5. Each Unit or Participant is personally responsible for breakage, damage, or loss of property. Explorer Posts, Venture Crews or Scout Troop will be charged for damage not covered by individual members. Loss of personal articles is not the responsibility of the hotel, conference staff, or the Boy Scouts of America, or their agents or representatives. 6. Each Explorer, Venturer, Sea Scout or Scout will allow no unregistered person to occupy their room, or visit in same (including local area residents.) 7. All participants will respect the rule prohibiting use of private automobiles during the conference, unless you have permission from an advisor or area adult leadership. 8. Each Explorer, Venturer, Sea Scout or Scout understands that the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at the conference will not be allowed. This standard shall apply to all participants--youth and adults. 9. Hotel Bills: Charge of extra meals, TV movies, and phone calls from your room is not permitted. Use public phones in the hotel lobby. 10. Fireworks of any type are strictly prohibited. 11. The Gatlinburg Winterfest youth chairs, in conjunction with the Winterfest Volunteer Chair shall serve as a review panel with regards to any serious violation of the Code of Conduct. Conference staff reserves the right to send any youth home for violation of this Code of Conduct. Any decision of the review panel is final. 12. Everyone is expected to act appropriately at all times, including appropriate dance behavior during both dances. I have read the above rules and agree to observe them fully. Signed __________________________________ Date _________________ Print Name: ______________________________ *Each Post, Crew, Ship, or Troop needs to keep these sheets with them. Don’t submit to Council Office. 19 Winterfest Draft Agenda (subject to change - the final agenda will be posted on prior to Winterfest. Your Winterfest Pocket Guide will contain locations for all events.) Friday PM 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM Check-in (1 youth/1 adult per unit) Event Sign-up 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM Skiing 9:00 PM Opening Program 9:30 PM Advisor’s Briefing 9:30 PM – Midnight Dance 10:00 PM Law Enforcement Events Briefing (1 adult/1 youth only per Post) Fire Service Events Briefing (1 adult/1 youth only per Post) 10:00 PM Talent Show Qualifying Round 10:00 PM Late Night Ripley’s Fun Zip Gatlinburg Adventure 1:00 AM Everyone in own room - curfew Saturday 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Late Check-in 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Winterfest Events 8:00 PM Venturing Roundtable Exploring Roundtable 8:15 PM – Midnight V.I.P. Reception at Convention Center (for adult leaders & staff) 9:00 PM Awards Presentations, Talent Show final round, and Closing Ceremony 1:00 AM Everyone in own room-Curfew 20 Winterfest Parent/Guardian Release PARENT PERMISSION For Explorers, Venturers, Sea Scouts, or Scout, under 21 years of age, participating in Winterfest. ________________________ has my permission to participate in (Print Explorer, Venturer, Sea Scout, or Scout Name) Winterfest on February 6-8, 2015. I know of no health or fitness restriction(s) that preclude participation. In the event of illness or injury occurring to my son or daughter while involved in this activity, I consent to X-ray examination, anesthesia, medical, or surgical diagnostic procedures or treatment that is considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital furnishing medical services. (It is understood that in the event of serious illness or injury, reasonable efforts to reach me will be attempted.) Signature _____________________________ Date _______________ Print name: ____________________________ Phone numbers where I can be reached during the time of this activity: Home ( ) _________________ or Work ( ) ___________________ *Each Post, Crew, Ship, or Troop needs to keep these sheets with them. Do not submit to Council Office. 21 Emergency Contact Information (Please turn this in upon Winterfest Check-in) Unit Leader #1: ________________________________ Post/Crew/Ship/Troop #: ________________________________ Home Council: ________________________________ Hotel: ________________________________ Hotel Phone: ______/__________________________ Cell Phone: ______/__________________________ Email: _________________________________ Unit Leader #2: ________________________________ Post/Crew/Ship/Troop #: ________________________________ Home Council: ________________________________ Hotel: ________________________________ Hotel Phone: ______/__________________________ Cell Phone: ______/__________________________ Email: _________________________________ Unit Leader #3: ________________________________ Post/Crew/Ship/Troop #: ________________________________ Home Council: ________________________________ Hotel: ________________________________ Hotel Phone: ______/__________________________ Cell Phone: ______/__________________________ Email: _________________________________ 22 I Want To Help! Put me on the Winterfest Staff Name: ___________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Daytime Phone: ___________________________________ Evening Phone: ___________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________ City, State Zip: ___________________________________ Council: ___________________________________ Your Home Unit: ___________________________________ I am interested in: Hosting an event - Description/Idea: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ General Help: ___________________________________ Other: ___________________________________ Return this form to: Amy Garrett FAX: 706.693.4849 Northeast Georgia Council, BSA PO Box 399, Jefferson, GA 30549 23
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