Pomaika’i Elementary School Winterfest 2014 Food Vendor Application Come join the holiday fun at Pomaika’i Elementary School’s Winterfest ---presented by our Students, Teachers, Staff, and PTSA--About Our Event WHEN: Saturday, December 6, 2014 3:00-6:30pm WHERE: Pomaika’i Elementary School 4650 Kamehameha Ave *Each vendor will have an assigned location within our food booth area WHO: Approximately 500+ attendees enjoy this holiday event each year *Free Admission VENDOR FEES: $40.00 fee per 10‘ x 10’ food booth Event Happenings Winterfest has many different areas to enjoy: Delicious local food, beverage, snack, and dessert booths Holiday shopping with local artisans and crafters Photos with Santa Keiki Activities and Games Gingerbread Cookie Decorating Live Student Performances and Caroling We hope you’ll participate in this great event for Pomaika’i Elementary School! For additional information, please contact either Winterfest Food Committee Chair Kyle Kawakami, kawakamik003@hawaii.rr.com or Winterfest Chairperson Sheena Istre at 269-9466 or sistre83@gmail.com Pomaika’i Elementary School Winterfest 2014 Saturday, December 6, 2014 3:00-6:30pm Food Booth Reservation Form (Deadline - November 7th) Business/Group/Individual Name:______________________________________________________________ Contact Person(s):____________________________________Position:________________________________ Home Phone:_____________ ___________________Cell Phone:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________Fax:__________________ Yes, I have a child attending Pomaika’i Elementary ALL FOOD ITEMS WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL BY THE WINTERFEST COMMITTEE All food must be prepared in a certified kitchen approved by the Department of Health, State of Hawaii. No duplication of food items will be allowed. List your menu items and prices:____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to reserve ________ 10’ x 10’ space(s) at $40.00 Total amount enclosed:___________ Qty. Please note the following: 1. Booth space is limited, therefore you are encouraged to submit this form, approved temporary health permit, and fee as early as possible to secure a booth. Booth fees are not refundable after November 7, 2014. Checks will not be cashed until the vendor has been approved and the vendor agreement for the event is signed and submitted. 2. Participants are responsible for providing their own tents, weights/stakes/tie downs, tables, chairs, tablecloths, and signage. Completed booth form, approved temporary health permit, and check payable to: Pomaika’i PTSA must be turned in by Friday, November 7, 2014. Please mail or drop off the completed application to Pomaika’i Elementary School c/o Kyle Kawakami. For additional information/questions please feel free to contact Kyle Kawakami at kawakamik003@hawaii.rr.com or Sheena Istre at 269-9466 or sistre83@gmail.com. Booth approvals will be decided by November 14, 2014. Upon approval and acceptance by the Winterfest Committee, a confirmation package with the vendor agreement and specific instructions will be sent to the vendor via email. Mahalo for your interest in this great fundraising event!
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