SessionLord Release Notes

SessionLord Release Notes
0.1.2496 (Jan 07, 2015)
New supported PokerStars clients
Global (COM) 9276
0.1.2494 (Jan 07, 2014)
Sometimes Abort button on SngAutoColoring tab does nothing when clicked and
there are 1-2 stucked pending queries; fixed
(pending queries still can stuck, but now you can always abort them)
Selected player's statistics on SngAutoColoring tab are not refreshed automatically
when coloring settings are changed on Settings tab; fixed
0.1.2492 (Jan 06, 2015)
New supported PokerStars clients
ES 9236
FR 9237
UK 9243
EU 9270
0.1.2488 (Jan 03, 2015)
Windows XP compatibility
The SessionLord updater and installer is also modified, so if you want to install
SessionLord on Windows XP, please download the new setup from our website and install
it. You can download it with the red “Download now” button on the right upper corner of
the website as usual.
If you use Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, then it's only a normal update for you and no
need any special action.
0.1.2487 (Jan 03, 2015)
Internal structural changes
0.1.2486 (Dec 24, 2014)
SharkScope filters are reseted sometimes; fixed
Freemium search count is decreased even if a player statistic query was unsuccessful;
SharkScope player statistic requests are very stable and a little bit faster
Selected SharkScope filter is shown on the SngAutoColoring tab too, so easier to track its
Now there is an “Init filters” button instead of the old “Connect” button on the
“SngAutoColoring – Basic” view and the related status texts are also adjusted to the new
initialization technique (SharkScope connection is changed a lot under the hood)
A more clear user message if there is no valid SharkScope account
0.1.2469 (Dec 22, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
IT 9214
FR 9216
BG 9224
BE 9230
0.1.2468 (Dec 22, 2014)
Internal structural changes
0.1.2463 (Dec 21, 2014)
Supported PokerStars version list is ordered from newest to oldest on the login window,
so now it's more convenient
Old “Features video” link is renamed to “NEW Tutorial Videos” and it is updated on the
login window and on the main window's title too, so now it points to the new SessionLord
Video Store
The link got a tooltip for better understanding and the link is blinking for 15 sec at
SessionLord startup if it isn't viewed yet, if it's viewed once then doesn't blink next time
New information tab
This is the 4th main tab and it contains a lot of useful links:
Official Website
▪ Tutorial Videos
▪ Features & Pricing
▪ Release Notes
Social links
▪ Two Plus Two Forum Thread
▪ Facebook Page
▪ Google+ Page
Support information
▪ Support mail:
▪ Send feedback to the developers
(this link uses your default e-mail client if it's available and automatically fill in the
mailing address with
 The selected main tab is highlighted better, so now more noticeable between the others
 All links are hoverable on the login window (Not a member yet?, Forgot Password?, NEW
Video Tutorials, Release notes)
 Version info text contained a very old “(SNGopener)” part on the login window and on the
about window, these are removed and now only a “version” text stands before the version
0.1.2452 (Dec 17, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
EU 9203
Global (COM) 9204
BG 9207
Unsaved color notes are stored until next SessionLord execution, and it can be restored
using the button “Load unsaved players” under the player color list view on the
SngAutoColoring tab
SngAutoColoring configuration settings are more sophisticated, divided into two groups,
basic settings and color rule settings;
SngAutoColoring – Basic and SngAutoColoring – Color rules views on the Settings tab
Color rules can be prioritized in the SngAutoColoring – Color rules on the Settings tab
Player name can be added manually to searched player list on the SngAutoColoring tab
Color notes save into PokerStars function can add a SessionLord specific text note with
date and SharkScope statistical values. It can be enabled with “Add stat as note” checkbox
on SngAutoColoring – Basic view on the Settings tab. Color notes saving is handled by
“Save to PS” button on the SngAutoColoring tab as usual.
The color note text in PokerStars looks like this:
*** Added by SessionLord AutoColoring ***
Date: …
Stats …
New tooltips are added
On SngAutoColoring tab
▪ “Run multiple queries at the same time” for “Run” button
▪ “Abort all the pending SharkScope queries” for “Abort” button
▪ “Save colored players (by SngAutoColoring) to PokerStars” for “Save to PS” button
▪ “Add player to list” for “+” button on the player list header
▪ “Order players in list by name” for up-down button on the player list header
▪ “If there were unsaved (to PokerStars) player color notes during last execution of
SessionLord, you can load them back to your player list with this button” for “Load
unsaved players” button
On Settings tab
▪ On SngAutoColoring – Basic view
“If enabled, SharkScope statistics will be appended to player note text also
with timestamps when Save to PS button clicked” for “Add stat as note”
“Check the values to display. Use drag&drop to define the display order of
statistical values.” for “Displayable Statistics” list header
▪ On SngAutoColoring – Color rules view
“Use drag&drop to define rule evaluation order. Select a color to edit assigned
rule.” for “Color rule priority” list header
New messages are added
“+” button on the SngAutoColoring tab:
▪ “Please enter valid PokerStars username! (min 4 max 12 characters)” message in
case of invalid username
▪ “PokerStars username already in the list!” message in case of duplication
Color notes synchronization had a problem when several color notes are deleted with
the same color; fixed
0.1.2429 (Dec 15, 2014)
Network connection is more stable
Internal structural changes for better bug investigation
0.1.2411 (Dec 13, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
UK 9159
BE 9199
0.1.2409 (Dec 11, 2014)
Internal structure changes
0.1.2397 (Dec 08, 2014)
An update specific bug around application.dat is fixed
The underscore character was missing from SharkScope player names that actually
contains underscore; fixed
SnGOpener normal mode speed up with 150-200 ms (25% faster scan time)
0.1.2395 (Dec 03, 2014)
It is a forced version, so previous versions are not supported anymore
PokerStars 7 login problem is handled,
if you are not logged in PokerStars 6 or you use PokerStars 7
you just get a clearer error message:
“Need to log in to PokerStars before log in to SessionLord!
Please make sure you are using PokerStars 6!”
Occasional freemium text flickering is fixed
Handle the new subscription features (stay tuned)
Remember the Pro mode was enabled or disabled in the previous run
SnGOpener Pro switch does not start pro mode session, only if you start session with the
main session On/Off button
User interface improvements
The whole UI is cleaner and more compact
Freemium texts, subscription texts and buy buttons are adjusted on all tabs
Detailed subscription texts aren't shown anymore on the views, we don't want any
unnecessary info and want to save space,
so only the important limit and search count are visible and if you want to check more
details you can check it with tooltips right near the important info
SnGOpener and SnGOpener Pro is handled separately,
so when SnGOpener is active then you see only SnGOpener specific “Buy Now” or
“Upgrade” buttons, freemium or subscription texts, etc, and when SnGOpener Pro is
active then you see SnGOpener Pro specific stuff
Lightning speed's tooltip font size is increased
Freemium texts are smaller
A little application speed boost (we aren't proud yet, but better than nothing)
login tooks 10-15 secs, now it's 7-8 secs
session starting with freemium starting tooks 2-3 secs, now it's 0.5-1 sec
New supported PokerStars clients
EU 9077
0.1.2349 (Nov 27, 2014)
User interface improvements
▪ it got a nice SnGOpener logo for normal and pro mode too
▪ a cool animation for switch between normal and pro mode
▪ “Lightning mode” is changed to “Ligthning speed” and it has a space-saving tooltip
instead of a static text on the main window
▪ it got a nice SngAutoColoring logo
New supported PokerStars clients
BE 8900
0.1.2345 (Nov 27, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
FR 9068
0.1.2343 (Nov 27, 2014)
Sometimes SessionLord has been closing mid-session; fixed
supported PokerStars versions view on the Login window shows maximum 3 versions
and the first 2 was clickable normally, but the 3rd one wasn't; fixed
SessionLord is aware only to the currently connected PokerStars, so don't react to closing
of any other PokerStars instances
example: If you start a PokerStars EU version and SessionLord is connected to it then
while you playing and for some reason just starting another PokerStars eg.: a PokerStars
IT version when you exit from that IT version SessionLord is still connected to the EU
version, so you can keep on playing without any interruption
We are introducing SnGOpener Normal and Pro mode
0.1.2333 (Nov 26, 2014)
Bet slider is added to color weights settings panel on the Settings/SnGOpener view,
so now we can handle more than 14 color weights
New supported PokerStars clients
ES 9025
IT 9043
0.1.2331 (Nov 25, 2014)
Sng registration went sometimes idle and cannot register anymore till restart;
probably fixed
Sng registration is faster and more stable
Color weights are can be negative
New supported PokerStars clients
Global (COM) 8983 & 9041
BG 8915
0.1.2314 (Nov 25, 2014)
“Need to log into PokerStars” even if user is logged in bug is affected some players;
probably fixed
0.1.2306 (Nov 24, 2014)
2 update specific bug is fixed that is caused update fail
A PokerStars update specific bug is fixed that is occured sometimes when PokerStars
is exiting right before update
Updating mechanism is improved
more direct and tolerant pending updates handling
update availability check is more tolerant against network problems
0.1.2298 (Nov 22, 2014)
 Internal structural changes for investigation after a login related bug.
Some users are affected and get "Need to log into Pokerstars before log in to Sessionlord"
message even if they are already logged in.
If you try this version to help us in our investigation is really appreciated.
If this version or the previous 0.1.2297 doesn't allow you to login then please downgrade
back to 0.1.2270.
0.1.2297 (Nov 21, 2014)
SessionLord crashed before login if the language of PokerStars wasn't English; fixed
Now you can use addition, subtraction and division in SharkScope rules
WinningDays + LosingDays > 100
LosingDays / 2 > WinningDays
LosingDays - 10 > WinningDays
0.1.2270 (Nov 13, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
EU 8978
0.1.2265 (Nov 12, 2014)
SnGOpener & SngAutoColoring functionalities are available separately from each other
• SnGOpener's registration starting doesn't start auto coloring anymore
and of course registration stopping doesn't stop auto coloring
(SnGOpener's session starting also start registration automatically as before)
• There is a new On/Off button on the SngAutoColoring tab and that starts or stops
only the auto coloring
• notes for the above-mentioned redesign
▪ Auto coloring does table scans like the registration,
so we can see its table selection jumps in the PokerStars Lobby
and some refreshing on “See What SnGOpener is doing”on the SnGOpener tab
even if SnGOpener's session or registration are turned off
▪ We don't need any session starting trick for unknown player collecting,
like “keep 0 tournaments open” session option with session start if we want only
auto coloring
▪ We can use auto coloring even if SnGOpener is on freemium recharge
0.1.2263 (Nov 10, 2014)
Refreshing the remaining search count and filters can rarely get stuck for 1 min after
an unsuccessful SharkScope access; fixed
Settings tab SngAutoColoring view changes
Password box shows only hidden password
(We initially set the passwordbox to empty, so you need to fill in the password after
this update)
SharkScope connection is handled by a "Connect" button
SharkScope connection status is clearly shown via status text
SessionLord establishes SharkScope connection automatically at startup if correct email
and password are given
0.1.2259 (Nov 07, 2014)
internal structural changes
0.1.2255 (Nov 05, 2014)
Updating mechanism is improved:
Supported PokerStars version list for all SessionLord versions on the version selection
Important note: SLUpdater related updates are finalized only after the first login to
SessionLord, so basically for the next run.
0.1.2254 (Nov 04, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
UK 8926
0.1.2253 (Nov 02, 2014)
If you unregister an sng manually after registration stop SessionLord get stuck and
cannot register anymore; fixed
Sometimes player notes synchronization did not work for some users; fixed
New supported PokerStars clients
EU 8874, COM 8892
We support only these two currently.
Old, not supported PokerStars clients
In current SessionLord version we do not support any ES, FR, IT or NET PokerStars
versions or older EU & COM versions than EU 8874 or COM 8892,
but if you still want to use older PS versions for a while you can use previous
SessionLord versions
Important note: SLUpdater related updates are finalized only after the first login to
SessionLord, so basically for the next run.
0.1.2245 (Nov 02, 2014)
Updating mechanism is improved
• If PokerStars cannot be closed automatically for update an interactive message box is
shown and the user after close PokerStars manually (of course we wait for it) can
continue the update without interruption or if something still goes wrong just cancel
the update
• "SL " prefix before SessionLord version numbers. It's more clear representation.
Important note: SLUpdater related updates are finalized only after the first login to
SessionLord, so basically for the next run.
0.1.2244 (Nov 01 , 2014)
Updating mechanism is improved
• Now you can choose the 3 last versions of SessionLord
If you have any problem with the most recent version you can downgrade to previous
• Release notes link is available at version selection before updating (or downgrading)
Important note: SLUpdater related updates are finalized only after the first login to
SessionLord, so basically for the next run.
0.1.2241 (Oct 30 , 2014)
After the SharkScope search limit is reached SessionLord shows pop-up message
about that sometimes and it feels like infinite times during the session; fixed
After the SharkScope search limit is reached info message is shown when a player is
selected on the SngAutoColoring tab even if that player's stats are already queried;
Now we can check the number of table scans and the average duration of a scan in
milliseconds on the SnGOpener tab in the “See What SnGOpener is doing” expandable
0.1.2236 (Oct 27 , 2014)
Batch query on the SngAutoColoring tab often didn't run through the whole batch;
SharkScope filter refresh wasn't working sometimes; fixed
“Not saved player notes” counter on the SngAutoColoring tab was incorrect when you
colored a player from x color to another y color; fixed
More SharkScope query is available
Now you can multiply stats like 1.1 * LosingDays <= WinningDays
“Session Rules” & “See What SnGOpener is doing” expandable views are realigned on the
SnGOpener tab
Sick mode is renamed to lightning mode and related notes are changed
0.1.2222 (Oct 26 , 2014)
updating mechanism is improved
SLUpdater update: SessionLord starting is handled on a more tolerant way
0.1.2221 (Oct 24 , 2014)
Sick scanning mode :)
0.1.2214 (Oct 19, 2014)
registration isn't working for some players; fixed
0.1.2212 (Oct 15 , 2014)
an internal bug is fixed
0.1.2210 (Oct 8, 2014)
internal structural changes for better investigation of a possible bug
0.1.2206 (Oct 8 , 2014)
registration was way too slow; fixed
0.1.2205 (Oct 2, 2014)
• registration issue is fixed
0.1.2203 (Sept 30, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
Old, not supported PokerStars clients
FR 8670, IT 8682, EU 8689, COM 8693
IT 8375, NET 8395, FR 8403, ES 8414, EU 8415, Global 8420, FR 8539, NET 8540,
EU 8562, IT 8575, ES 8576
hotfix for some network errors
0.1.2195 (Sept 14, 2014)
• 2 critical bugs are fixed
0.1.2193 (Sept 03, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
FR 8539, NET 8540, EU 8562, IT 8575, ES 8576
0.1.2192 (Aug 24, 2014)
Subscription handling for SnGOpener
• A subscription specific bug is fixed
0.1.2186 (Aug 14, 2014)
Subscription handling for SngAutoColoring
Direct sales links
• More stable SessionLord and PokerStars privilege handling
• More tolerant of PokerStars starting and closing
• More precise & stable PokerStars version detection
0.1.2149 (Aug 8, 2014)
• SessionLord recognize if tournament ended again.
0.1.2136 (Aug 7, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients
IT 8375, NET 8395, FR 8403, ES 8414, EU 8415, Global 8420
Old, not supported PokerStars clients are removed
ES 8136, EU 8137, FR 8139, NET 8141, IT 8150, Global 8158
0.1.2130 (Jul 31, 2014)
The program works only in smart mode, there is no light mode for a while
ZoomAutoColoring; it is in progress...
• Some application start error is handled properly
• Some false invalid PokerStars login case is handled properly
0.1.2096 (Jul 15, 2014)
• Improper “Need to log in to PokerStars with your associated PokerStars account!”
message is showed in case of correct accounts; fixed
0.1.2095 (Jul 04, 2014)
New SharkScope statistic: versus me
You get user message window with more information:
• If you click on an unknown SharkScope player and your SharkScope account isn't set
• If your SharkScope search count is run out
• If your Freemium search count is run out
Custom PokerStars Player Notes file location is supported
Vertical scrollbar is always visible on the table on SnGOpener tab/See What SnGOpener
is doing
Some improvements against application crashes
• SLUpdater and/or SessionLord cannot start on some computers (instant crash); fixed
• Sometimes PokerStars Player Notes window didn't open on synchronization; fixed
• Sometimes if PokerStars notes xml isn't found cause settings problem; fixed
• Special characters in PokerStars usernames caused problem in notes xml detection
('<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '\\', '|', ';', ',', '.', '*', '?', ' '); fixed
• If you run PokerStars as administrator and SessionLord as normal user caused
SessionLord crash; fixed – now you get a user message window with more
information and SessionLord exits properly
New SLUpdater: 1.0.11
• It uses the new server completely
• Some improvements against application crashes
• The design is adjusted to the new SessionLord design (banner, icon)
0.1.2064 (Jun 23, 2014)
UI design
• More polished overall design
• More compact application window
• Vertical tabs
• Tab icons
• Icons for the SharkScope query states
• New table style
• New combo box style
Synchronization works on manually colorized SharkScope players too
Old, not supported PokerStars clients are removed
• EU 8083, 8068, 8030, 7964
• Global (COM) 8107, 8066, 8049, 7970
• FR 8093, 8056, 7974
• IT 8091, 8044, 7966
• ES 7975
0.1.2003 (Jun 16, 2014)
SngAutoColoring improvements/changes
Visual feedback for SharkScope query states (completed, pending, etc)
State column in the left panel
Batch query is a new feature
we can query the first x not yet queried players
only 1 batch query is allowed at the same time
(manual query is not allowed during batch query, but we can select players with
completed state to watch)
Visual feedback for pending queries
there is a pending queries counter
All pending queries can be aborted by user any time
Color synchronization with PokerStars is allowed only if there is no pending query
Color synchronization works only on players with completed state
SngAutoColoring is working independently from freemium time limit, only depends
on freemium search count
The unknown player list is never cleared
The freemium search limit is 30
Query timeout is increased to 60 sec from 40
New ui design (still in progress)
New splash screen for loading and logging
New color theme
New application icon
More fancy SnGOpener start and pause buttons
All expanders work in exclusive mode
Redesigned SngAutoColoring settings panel
Language switch feature is removed
0.1.1957 (Jun 11, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients: IT 8150, Global 8158
0.1.1954 (Jun 10, 2014)
Login gui changes: note for the PokerStars details panel & unsupported PokerStars
version message is more detailed
Smart SnGOpener tab is merged into SnGOpener tab and there is a smart mode switch to
Session Options tab is also merged into SnGOpener tab
SngAutoColoring tab: it gives visual feedbacks to the user about the SharkScope player
queries; there is a State column on the left panel and it shows the state of the given query
(pending, completed, etc)
Settings tab: the settings are grouped by feature modules: SnGOpener and
SnGOpener setting contains the old Sng Types and partially the Color Weights
(without rules)
SngAutoColoring setting contains the old SharkScopeSettings and the Color Weigths
SnGOpener setting: color weight input boxes are without spinners
There is an improvement on the SngAutoColoring setting: Displayed stats and Available
stats are merged into Select Displayable Statistics and it uses checkboxes instead of drag
and drop
(The whole application gui is still in development, but we release snapshots from time to
0.1.1926 (Jun 06, 2014)
New supported PokerStars clients: ES 8136, EU 8137, FR 8139, NET 8141
an occasional color synchronization problem between SessionLord and PokerStars is
an occasional PokerStars detection problem is fixed
0.1.1917 (Jun 05, 2014)
another session stop problem is fixed
Windows 8 fix
0.1.1913 (Jun 05, 2014)
Release notes are available in pdf format and there is a release notes link on the login
window right above the version number.
New supported PokerStars clients: EU 8083, IT 8091, FR 8093, Global 8107, NET 8109
Daily SharkScope search limit is 100 in Freemium mode.
SnGOpener did not work if PokerStars was started after SessionLord (session could
not start); fixed
an occasional session stop problem is fixed
an occasional shutdown problem is fixed
0.1.1875 (Jun 01, 2014)
bugfix: floating-point SharkScope values are not appeared with the background solution