FOOD SHUTTLE News Letter ...Bringing food to the hungry since 1989 Volume XXI Number 200 St. Gregory Court Williamsville, New York 14221-2635 HotLine: 688-2527 VII July 2010 Quotations of the Month ‘Then, a companion story from AOL News: ”Record Number of US Kids Facing Summer of Hunger. With the [school] year ending in communities across America, more than 16 million children face a summer of hunger...The children caught in the gap will likely spend the next few months cadging leftovers from their neighbors, chowing down on cheap junk, lining up with their families at food banks that are already overmatched or simply learning to live with a constant headache, growling stomach and chronic fatigue...I think, you know what we’re going to do here, we’re going to start a feature on this program: ”Where to find food. For young demographics, where to find food...And, of course, the first will be: Try your house. It’s a thing called the refrigerator. You probably already know about it. Try looking there. There are also things in what’s called the kitchen of your house called cupboards. And in those cupboards, most likely you’re going to find Ding-Dongs, Twinkies, Lays ridgy potato chips...There’s another place if none of these options work to find food; there’s always the neighborhood dumpster. Now, you might find competition with homeless people there, but there are videos that have been produced to show you how to healthfully dine and how to dumpster dive and survive until school kicks back up in August. Can you imagine the benefit we would provide people?’ Food Shuttle of Western New York, Inc. Amherst Branch Meeting: Sayonara! ue to lack of attendance, the Amherst Branch is no longer having monthly meetings. D All non-permanent drivers should make a note on your calendar to call your branch coordinator the 3rd week of the month. The phone call you make will save your branch coordinator from making many phone calls. Thank you. P.S. If you don’t know what a non-permanent driver is, you are one! Food Shuttle Election Results he slate of candidates for officers and board of directors was elected to office at our June 21 annual meeting. There is an enclosure in this month’s news letter with their titles, names and phone numbers. T 23% of Children in the U.S. are Food Insecure he United States Department of Agriculture reports that 17 million children – 23% of our children – lived in food insecure households in 2008† . Food insecurity can be assessed ...‘Rush Limbaugh attacks school lunches’. Rush Limbaugh’s June 16, 2010 radio program. You can hear him speak those words at from several observations. For example, at some point each 16 million children represent 22.7% of our nation’s children. week, children watched their parents go without food so the children can eat; children having to skip meals due to lack New Members of money; children accompany their parents to food pantries, ohn Boser, and Chris Tirella. Welcome aboard! etc. The USDA’s data collection is done, necessarily, by interviews. And many believe there is much insecurity that goes unmentioned: try telling a representative of the federal govCondolences ernment that your children are not getting food at least one o Ray, Mary and Debbie Arent on the loss of Harry’s day each week. father, Henry on June 18. And to Marie Evans. Marie’s The National School Lunch Program feeds about 30 million husband, Paul, passed away on June 24. school kids each year and 18 million of which received free or reduced-price lunches. The cost of this program was $9.8 Area Coordinator Phone Numbers billion for 2008, or $1.63 per school-day per child. The lunch program’s cost is equivalent to the total financial cost of 13 Ken-Ton Branch Members days of war in Iraq, alone.3 Call Telephone When/For T J T Anne Koberstein Kathy Reinard Judy Tutuska 836 - 6989 681 - 8232 876-7683. Before branch meeting Mon-Fri Runs Sat & Sun Runs Of course, there’s a hiatus in the school lunch program each summer, increasing the food insecurity of those 18 million kids. Hence, Rush Limbaugh’s lame suggestions for kids (see Quotation of the Month). Rush’s current salary is $38 million annually.4 He could well-afford to feed 15 million kids – the South Towns Branch Members United States’ entire secondary school population – for 1 day Call Telephone When/For Debbie Gick or Sharon Hoff 839 - 3539 3rd week of month during the summer, and have $14 million left over to fill his refrigerator. Amherst Branch Members Call Telephone When/For Vince Lema 694 - 3722 3rd week of month Joan Heine 689 - 9537 Sat & Sun Runs † How Improving Federal Nutrition Program Access and Quality Work Together to Reduce Hunger and Promote Healthy Eating. by Heather Hartline-Grafton, Federal Research and Action Center, February 2010. ‡ 3. War Costing $720 Million Each Day, Group Says, by Kari Lydersen, Washington Post, Sept. 22, 2007. 4. Drivers of the Month mherst: Pat Leberer. Pat’s been an active member of Food Shuttle for the past 20 years. She is a permanent driver picking up at Butterwood Bakery and delivering to St. Francis Mother House. Thank you Pat! A en-Ton: Tanny Hollaway. Tanny’s been a driver for us since 2002. Early on, he accepted a permanent Tuesday run – a double run. And when called, he will always take another run, even if this extra run lasts an entire month. That’s the kind of driver we truly appreciate having on our roster. K outhtowns: Matt Kalinowski. Matt recently made a connection for the Food Shuttle with Pumpernick ’n Pastry Bakery. We will be picking up for their 4 locations on Thursdays and Saturdays. Also, Matt has picked up one of the Saturday runs in addition to his permanent Monday run. Thanks, too, to Margaret Kalinowski who assists Matt with his runs. We need new providers, now we have 4 more, thanks!!! S Upcoming Ken-Ton Branch Meeting Tuesday, June 15th at Kenmore Library, 160 Delaware Rd. (near Chapel Road) Kenmore, NY. 7:15 P.M. Charles L. Bowman, Editor Powered by LATEX2e c MMX Food Shuttle of Western New York, Inc. Food Shuttle of Western New York 200 St. Gregory Ct Williamsville NY 14221 Hotline: (716) 688-2527 Organization Chart - 2010/2011 Co-Presidents (D) Dave & Cindy Miller 735-7115 OFFICERS Vice President(D) Exec. Vice President (D) Charles Bowman 688-2374 Treasurer (D) Recording Sec’y (D) Mary Ann Rizzo 636-4510 Kathy Kostek 632-3562 Corres. Sec’y.(D) Attorney (D) Peg Mergenhagen 688-0942 Judith Voit 873-6320 CO-ORDINATORS Providers (D) Recipients (D) Amherst (D) KenTon/N.Bflo.(D) Southtowns (D) Harold Hazen 634-4750 Lucy Volland 833-0494 Vince Lema 694-3722 Anne Koberstein 836-6989 Debbie Gick 839-3539 Dispatchers (D) Barbara Ivancic 681-0962 P.R./Membrs (D) Joyce Paterson 560-3121 ASSISTANT CO-ORDINATORS Ann Marie Bowman 688-2374 Rich Cipolla 632-3446 Joan Heine 689-9537 Kathryn Reinard 681-8232 Amh Calendars Rich Cipolla 632-3446 Judy Tutuska 876-7683 Packets (D) Ann Marie Bowman 688-2374 DISPATCHERS Monday (D) Joan King 688-7238 Tuesday Pat Boje 634-1749 Wednesday Dave & Cindy Miller 735-7115 Thursday Betty Schueckler 632-0458 Friday Roberta McGinty 877-3044 Saturday Winter: Barb Ivancic 681-0962 Summer: Eliane Knopp 688-4778 Sunday (D) Charlotte Piciulo 688-7198 DIRECTORS-At-LARGE Angela Georgi 688-5171 Betty Foti 634-8172 David and Judy Corrigan 633-4596 SUPPORT STAFF: Volunteer Roster: Recipient List: Provider List: Anne Koberstein Rich Cipolla Anne Marie Bowman 836-6989 632-3446 688-2374 Logs/Stats: Historian: Newsletter: "Sunshine" Jim Brown Pat Boje Charles Bowman Louise Seereiter 685-9248 634-1749 688-2374 839-1797 pmm 07/10
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