St. Martha Parish 8523 Georgiana Avenue, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 Phone: (847) 965-0262 Fax: (847) 965-2535 Website: E-mail: Pastor: Rev. Dennis B. O’Neill Weekend Celebrants: Rev. Ed Udovic, CM Rev. James R. Halstead O.S.A Pastoral Staff Deacon : Joseph (Tony) Valdez Deacon Couples: Peter & Josephine Meehan John & Lori Herbert Business Manager: Dorothy Noel Music Director: Kevin Wood Director of Religious Education: Cathy Phillips Mass Schedule: Daily Masses Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 7:00AM Small Church Wednesday: 7:00AM (Communion Service ) Saturday: 7:30AM Small Church 4:00PM Large Church Sunday: 7:00AM Small Church 9:00AM Large Church 11:00AM Large Church 5:00PM Latin Rite Indian Malayalam Mass Small Church Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 to 3:30PM in the Large Church or by appointment – please call the Rectory. Baptism: Please contact Deacon John Herbert (973-901-2627). Baptisms are held on the first Sunday of each month at 1:00PM in the small church. Baptisms at Mass are held at any Sunday (Baptism prep-class are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Rectory) Marriage: Please call the rectory at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Homebound: Ministers of care will bring Communion to homebound or hospitalized. Call Nancy Arkus (847)966-7380 or Eileen Coursey (847)965-0668 to make arrangements. Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Rosary also on Tuesday afternoon at 3:00pm and Wednesday at 6:00pm. First Friday Adoration: From 7:00am to 4:00pm (3:00 to 4:00pm Divine Mercy Hour and Rosary for Life). 2000 Hail Mary’s: Prayed 3rd Friday of each month after the 7:00am Mass. Welcome! We hope that you have a meaningful worship experience at St. Martha Parish. We invite visitors or unregistered congregants to complete a registration form found in the vestibule of the Large Church, or by the bulletin board in the Small Church. If you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do to make your visit here more pleasant, please do not hesitate to contact an usher, or any Staff member that may be present. You may also call the Parish Office for any additional information (847)965-0262. Enjoy your visit with our parish family! MINISTRY SCHEDULE January 18, 2015 Monday, 7:00am Tuesday, 7:00am Wednesday, 7:00am January 12 Deceased members of the Henry & Mary Heinz Family Elaine Murphy (Murphy Family) January 13 Mary Jane Pink (Mary Ellen Grear) Dorothy Heinz (D. Williams) January 14 Communion Service Marguerite Wendell Thursday, 7:00am January 15 Mary Ann Tan in Thanksgiving (Teresita ) Deceased members of the Wentink Family ( Fr. Bill Wentink) Friday, 7:00am January 16 For the United States (Karappillil Family) Dorothy Heinz (D. Williams) Saturday, 7:30am 4:00pm Sunday, 7:00am January 17 Departed members of the Karlowicz Family (Family) All souls living & deceased Ron Kobeski (Penny & Family) January 18 Mary Boyle (Eddie & Madgie Rogers) Richard Hohs ( Family ) 9:00am Ethel Wentink (Fr. Bill Wentink ) Rosemary La Croix (Morton Grove Sportsman Club) Jane S. Maloney (John Dorgan & Joe Gesicki 11:00am Joseph Tong (Ganglof Family) Dominick Di Gregario (Stella Janisch) Saturday 4:00pm Presider: Fr Ed Udovic Lectors: Cathy Allen & Luke Allen Eucharist Ministers: Eva Adaya, Helen Doering, Marty Fernandez, Peggy Friewer, Mary Jo Uhrik, Jean Hanline & Barbara Faulstick Servers: Shane and Jimmy Tarjan Sunday 7:00am Presider: Fr. Ed Udovic Lectors: John Golata & Dan Henrick Eucharistic Ministers: Dan Gorski, Laure Kosey & Janet Magiera Servers: Laure Kosey 9:00am Presider: Fr. Dennis O’Neill Lectors: Fran Gauer & Joe Sebastian Eucharistic Ministers: Ed Ramos, Steve Rigney, Nancy Sander, Lorraine Smolenski, Lorraine Strybel, Marlene Wildi & Reynaldo Vicencio Servers: Josephine and Daniel Thannert 11:00am Presider: Fr. Dennis O’Neill Lector: Mary Lou Drott & Richard Ave Maria Eucharistic Ministers: Betty Alcaraz, Pam Ave Maria, Rosario Calimag, Mary Lou Drott, Randy Drott, Clem Goldader & Janice Goldader Servers: Mateo and Nathaniel Arroyo AN ANCIENT BAPTISTERY One of the most ancient and enduring sites for baptism in Rome is the church of San Giovanni in Fonte. This church is in fact a baptistery, and houses the font for the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of Rome. The Emperor Constantine sponsored its construction in the year 315, and it is therefore the oldest baptistery in the world. It is the model for nearly all later baptisteries, including perhaps the font in your own parish church. PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA & LOURDES WITH BARCELONA OCTOBERR 16-25,2015 Please join Fr. Dennis as we travel to PortugalFrance & Spain to worship at the Basilicas of Fatima & Lourdes, visit the Cathedral of Burgos and tour Barcelona and celebrate Mass at La Sagrada Familia—Gaudi’s masterpiece. We leave October 16 and return on October 25 after 10 memorable days. Please contact Lorraine Strybel for more information at (847)997-6975 or email at Lorrainestrybel@gmail .com. This will be a once in a life time journey in the footsteps of many miracles-space will be limited so please let us know if you would like to join as soon as possible. Brochures are available in the rectory of the lobby of both churches “TO TEACH WHO CHRIST IS” BONUS To date our total for the “To Teach Who Christ Is “ program is: $670,101.00. Thank you to all who have contributed. One very generous parishioner is so moved that we are so close to the goal the Archdiocese set us of $704,000.00 that he has promised to pledge an additional $10,000.00 in funds to match any other parishioner’s donation, dollar for dollar, up to the full amount. This puts us incredibly close to raising the full amount, after which any money pledged comes entirely to the parish. If you would like to pledge any amount, it’s not too late, and no amount is too small! You will find pledge cards in the back of both churches, or ask an usher and they will gladly assist you. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6. Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION There will be an 8th grade Confirmation parent meeting on January 26th at our regular class time and will be held in the large Church. Please mark your calendar and attend for your student. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In the 1560s, the Council of Trent attempted to standardize the widely variant customs for the pastoral care of the sick and dying. We had inherited a practice called “extreme unction,” from the Latin words meaning anointing at the point of death. The deeper tradition, however, is about the prayer of faith that will heal and restore the sick person, and is straight from the Letter of James. The Fathers went back to the beginning, and while not discarding the “extreme unction” name, made a plea for the proper use of this sacrament. As soon as a person is in danger of death from sickness or old age, they reasoned, the time for the sacrament had already arrived. As a result of this desire, the next ritual text for anointing contained an innovation: a rite for visiting the sick that included readings from scripture, psalms, and prayers. Old customs fade slowly, however, and the quality of pastoral care languished for centuries while people delayed the celebration of a consoling and effective sacrament, sometimes missing the opportunity completely. A priest ministering to a dying and unconscious patient alone in a room has never been the desire of the Church. Our tradition is far too rich for this sacrament to be celebrated in such a diminished and ungenerous manner. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time begins Tuesday: St. Hilary Saturday: St. Anthony DECEMBER DONATIONS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TODAY! Volunteers are needed TODAY Sunday, January 11th, to help take down all of the Christmas decorations in both churches immediately after the 11:00am Mass. Your help will be greatly appreciated. December 7 $9,377.00 December 14 8,979.00 December 21 8,469.00 December 28 9,163.00 Total $35,988.00 Weekly Average: $8,997.00 Some parishioners have chosen to have their weekly/ monthly donations mailed from their banks to St. Martha. St. Agnes: $ 452.00 Bldg Fund : $2,503.00 To do this you would have to give your bank the following information: St. Martha, 8523 Georgiana, M.B. Financial Bank 6201 Dempster, Morton Grove. Routing number 071001737 a/c #107816 and your envelope number if you know it. Religious Retirement: $2,837.00 AUTOMATIC CHURCH DONATIONS Christmas to date: $41,699.00 TTWCI $670,101.00 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: -20 Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14 Tuesday: -28 Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21 Wednesday: 1:29-39 Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 2:13-17 Sunday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 CELEBRATING MARRIAGE You are cordially invited to join us for our annual Mass celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage, which includes a Renewal of Vows. It will be held Friday, February 13th at 7:00pm in the Small Church. A reception will follow. All are invited. If you would like to have your names and the number of years that you’ve been married listed in the worship folder, please let Kevin Wood (music director) know no later than Noon on Sunday, February 8th. Please email Kevin at with your information. PLEASE KEEP THEM IN YOUR PRAYERS Mike Archum, USAF Oliver J. Alcaraz, USAF Cpt. Daryl Baldemor, Army Kevin Beltran Army Jesus Blanco, Army Angel Blanco, Army PVT. Christian Blanco, Army Nash Daoud Cpl. Kieran Dohr, Army Maj. Daniel Dudek Capt. William Durband, Army Jeremy Erjavac USMC Capt. Gary Gallet, USAF Lt. Col. Roger Gallet, USAF Edward Gastel, USN Michael Hammond, Navy Tony Harlson, USAF Adam R. Hayden, USAF Justin Jenkins, Army Sean Kohl, Navy Joseph Koschwanez Airman Steven Laskewich, USAF Lt. Col. Phillip Logan, Army Gabriel Nunez, Army Pfc. Ryan O’Sullivan, Army Spec. 4, Frank Perez Jr, Army Nathan Piwnicki USAF Lt. Jg. Thomas Quill USCG Sgt. Danilo Rauzi, USMC Cody Richert, USAF Cpt. Kenneth Smith WO Mikel Smith ET2 Sean Stieber, USN NSW Lt. Cmdr. John Tutweiler, USN Lt. Cmdr. Susanne M. Connolly Tutweiler, USN Cp. Sean Ward, USMC SSGT Robert A. Weick, Jr. USAF Matthew Wheeler, Army Please contact the rectory when rank changes or when your service member returns home. We want to be sure that our records are updated. Thank you. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Virginia Abraham Michael Anthony Jean Anderson Joseph Boyle Marie Brelin Marcia Bubler Marion Boemmel Cheryl & Family Daniel Cantieri Rose Ciccone Raja Cohn Mary Ann Costello Pete Costello John Doering Maureen Dwyer Gertrude Eder Heather Firca Owen Friewer Maria Giuliano Brenda Glenn Peter Gorman Adriana Zic Groeling Imelda Q. Gumpal Margaret Husar Vivian Hamby Jean Henderson Marge Huber Charlene Jackson Norbert Kwiecinski Michael Karabatsis Shahin Koshaba Lorraine LaVigne Marie De Leonardis Patti Lepri Steve Leverek Veronica Litberg Neila S. Mapi Elba Maisonet Cindy Mathis Matthew McGuire Deacon Peter Meehan Leona Moll Dee Mrozek Larry Mueller Kelsey Munoz Clair Norris Mary Lou O’Brien Kevin O Brien Patrick O’Hara` Amy Olson Jack Price Chito Punzalan Frank Quattroccki Kevin Renderman Angelina Rivera Rosina Rozek Lyn Rutkowski Marty Sagan Pam Schneider Frank Serio Karen Shuey Arlene Sigle Annetta Simonetti Carol Smith Rose Strohe Rachel Swallow Rudy Tarrantion Angie Tarrantion Jim Thompson John Trippi Irene VanderVelpen Arlene Santos Villanueva Jerry Wallenberg Marlene Worthley Rita Wydra Phyllis Weiss Christe Zenner Zivko Zic *Please contact the Rectory when someone’s name should be removed. Thank you. 6251 Dempster St. Morton Grove, IL MARINO REALTORS 847-965-2500 5800 Dempster Bus: 847/967-5500 Res: 847/965-4961 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Newly Renovated JOSEPH MOLL an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA & Expanded Parishioner SINCE 1958 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Expert Full Collision Service Rental & Loaner Cars Available Mechanical Repairs Truck Lettering Glass & Upholstery Repair 847-965-4200 24 HOUR TOWING 5940 W. Oakton St. Morton Grove, IL 60053 MENTION AD, 5% OF INVOICE DONATED TO YOUR PARISH MENTION AD, 5% OF INVOICE DONATED TO YOUR PARISH MENTION AD, 5% OF INVOICE DONATED TO YOUR PARISH MENTION AD, 5% OF INVOICE DONATED TO YOUR PARISH Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. THE LAW FIRM OF Personal Injury Automobile Accidents Wrongful Death Workplace Injury ANTHONY R. HOFELD T UCKPOINTING & R EMODELING C O . CPA, Attorney at Law • BRICK WORK, LINTELS • CHIMNEY, PARAPET WALLS • ROOFING, CONCRETE & MORE • • • • • SAVE 10% FREE ESTIMATES (773) 774-0444 ESTATE PLANNING INCOME TAX RETURNS IRS CONTROVERSIES PROBATE & TRUST MATTERS CLOSELY-HELD BUSINESSES (847) 966-0909 5901 DEMPSTER, STE. 200 Joseph R. Hedrick, Realtor YOUR PARISH REALTOR Call Me When Thinking of Buying or Selling Bus. 847-212-5336 Home 847-965-1774 Marino Realtors®, Inc. ✂ Tony S. Kalogerakos & Associates LLC LAW OFFICES OF MARK’S Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Skilled Nursing & Rehab Outpatient Rehab Memory Care 3901 Glenview Rd Glenview 847-729-0000 Chicago Suburbs 312-929-3807 847-982-9516 8025 W. Golf Rd. Niles (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago (773) 774-0366 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Jesus A to Z LAR'S PLUMBING & SEWER G E N E R A L C O N T R AC TO R Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS “We Really Get Into Our Work” Larry McMurran Est. 1968 A colorful Catholic ABC LIC.#310 book for kids and families! Includes a Chicago (773) 725-0580 Cell (224) 409-3253 Cell (847) 878-8035 glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 15% OFF LABOR ONLY with this ad Immediate Part-Time Work Available 6309 W. Dempster St. Morton Grove 847-967-5540 800-566-6150 Marino Real Estate, Inc. 847-967-5500 “Serving the Community Since 1972” Nicholas J. Marino, Managing Broker 5800 Dempster St Morton Grove MARGARET HAGERTY Ted J. Heinz, D.D.S. PAUL’S HARDWOOD General Dentistry Evening Hours Available • Auto • Home • Life • Health 5901 Dempster St., Suite 202 • Financial Services 5850 W. Dempster St. 847-966-4333 Morton Grove, IL 60053 663-1422 FLOORING Hardwood, Laminate & Ceramic Installation, Sanding, Refinishing Fully Insured, Free Estimates (847) 583-0202 Parishioner NEW PATIENT SPECIAL $79.00 SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME For exam, X-rays & regular cleaning Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 512143 St Martha Church fdc.P.C. General Dentistry • Braces Implants • Root Canals Cosmetic Dentistry 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 5821 W. Dempster Morton Grove, IL 60053 847.581.1942 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 SAVE THE DATES! “To Teach Who Christ Is” If you have not yet made your Pledge Commitment “IT IS NOT TO LATE!’ No amount is too small January 18th. Sunday 9:00am Family Mass (8th Grade) Coffee & after Mass. Come and enjoy meeting St. Martha’s Confirmation class & their families. February 13th. Friday, Nuptial Mass/Renewal of Vows 7:00pm Small Church May 9th. Saturday, First Communion Mass 11:00am Large Church. May 10th , Sunday HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Volunteers are WELCOME! Please consider lending a hand and joining the fun! All dates and times are subject to change. Please watch the Bulletin for additional information & updates. February 18th Ash Wednesday 6:30ma, Noon, and 6:30pm Large Church February 19th 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat Café 5:00pm to 9:00pm Fr. Thomas McCarthy OSA. Large Church March 15th St. Joseph Table Large Church TBA March 21st,22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th Parish Mission Information TBA March 27th Friday Craft Fair and Bake Sale Large Church 9:00am to 3:00pm March 29th Palm/Passion Sunday April 2 thru 4th: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Vigil of Easter April 3rd 10:00am to Noon Adoration 12:00 to 3:00pm Last Words 3:00pm Stations 8:00pm Good Friday Service..Large Church. April 4th Easter Egg Hunt time TBA 8:00pm Service Large Church April 5th A Blessed and Holy Easter to all our Members, Visitors, and families. April 19th 3:00pm Confirmation Mass at St. Isaac Jogues Church Most Rev. Bishop Francis Kane. THE WOMEN’S CENTER January 22nd marks the 42nd anniversary of the legalization of abortion which has resulted in the death of nearly 58 million innocent unborn babies in this country, one every 30 seconds. We can only estimate how many women have undergone tremendous suffering because of their abortions. At the women’s center they offer them a choice other than abortion and provide counseling, material assistance and prayer support. The women’s center has an open position for a part time (20-24 hrs. per week Monday thru Friday). OB Sonographer or RN certified in Limited Ultrasound at their Cicero/Foster Ave. location . Please call Kathleen 708-425-0707. The Women’s Center is also in need of a few new volunteers. A volunteer is needed to work in their print room-copying, cutting and folding. This is a great opportunity for a retired man. Other area of need include lobby reception, cleaning baby bottles used for their fundraising drives and help with occasional mailings. Call Paige at 773-794-1313 or email the center at
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