headteacher recruitment pack CONTENTS Welcome Our School Priorities & Key Challenges Our Trust & Working Together Trust Development Our Focus & What We Offer About Kibworth Job Description Person Specification How to Apply WELCOME Thank you for your interest in the post of Headteacher at Kibworth CE Primary School. This is a rare and exciting opportunity to join a large and thriving semi-rural primary school. Our school is a place of discovery and friendship, where all children develop a genuine love of learning, achieve to the best of their ability, and are prepared for the next stage of their education. Working closely with the Diocese of Leicester and our local church, St Wilfrid’s, our school ethos reflects strongly the Christian ethos and all our stakeholders operate within a culture of equality, respect and consideration for others. We are one of a small group of like-minded Leicestershire academies who are leading the way in a truly self-improving school system. We converted to academy status and formed the beginnings of the multi-academy trust in 2012. Since then, Discovery Schools Academies Trust has grown to six schools, with several more expected to join in 2014/15 and beyond. Our children and staff are starting to really benefit from this collaborative way of delivering primary education. Our six schools form the first cluster within the MAT, Pioneer, and this post is an opportunity for us to recruit a Headteacher who has the ability and ambition to take on a system leader role in the future. Kibworth has seen rapid growth in recent years, with families attracted to the village for the outstanding schools. Our NOR has now reached 520, with numbers rising between 5-10% each year, and we have over 80 staff. We are fast-becoming a three form entry school, with up to 90 children at Foundation stage. Our credentials are impressive and the progress and attainment of our children to date has been outstanding, but we face new challenges, including a changing pupil demographic, inadequate premises for a growing school, embedding the new curriculum, assessment and PRP policies, insufficient narrowing of the gap for some specific groups and a large number of NQTs on staff to support. We now seek a Headteacher who shares our values and ambitions, and has the vision, drive, resilience and experience to build on our success to date and retain our outstanding provision. This person will need to be outward facing, have the ability to share and learn from the best practice whilst knowing when to take the lead across the schools they are partnered with. Exciting times ahead! We look forward to receiving your application. Kate Foster Chair of Governors Kibworth CE Primary School Paul Stone Director of Schools Discovery Schools Academies Trust OUR SCHOOL Kibworth CE Primary School has a clear vision to provide the highest quality of education for all children. All children should achieve their potential, make outstanding progress - with the gaps between groups narrowing - and have the opportunities to explore a rich and varied curriculum. As a Church of England school, we promote a strong Christian ethos, nurturing the social and spiritual wellbeing of our children, and ensuring everyone is treated with equal respect and opportunity. We enjoy close links with Kibworth’s church, St Wilfrid’s, with many on and off-site activities for the children supported by the church each year. Our school ethos is enhanced by our Anglican traditions and raising children’s awareness of faith and values-based learning. In the Autumn 2014 term, we have 520 children on roll. We are fast becoming a three form entry school with a Foundation intake of up to 90 each year, and pupil numbers continue to grow between 5-10% annually. At the age of 11, the majority of children transfer to Kibworth High School. Our partnership with our feeder school needs to improve and the new Headteacher will be instrumental in developing these opportunities. Attendance is very good, usually around 97%, as is the children’s behaviour, with very few exclusions necessary. We have around 40 children on our SEND register with a wide range of individual needs, and in 2014/15 we will receive just over £110,000 Pupil Premium funding. Our Board of Governors is well established, with a new Chair this year (Parent Governor, Kate Foster) and a strong team of professional parents, staff, community and church representatives. We also have a very engaged PTA, Kibworth Parents Association (KPA), who raise around £12,000 a year to support school projects. Find out more about Kibworth CE Primary by visiting our website at http://www.kibprimary.leics.sch.uk and follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Kibprimary. Kibworth CE Primary is a National Teaching School and is the lead school in Affinity Teaching School Alliance (ATSA), a primary alliance of 68 regional primary schools, one of the largest alliances in the UK at present. From the TSA we draw the extensive benefits of shared practice and peer networks, NQT training, talent nurture, leadership development, research and many more staff development opportunities. We would expect our Headteacher and the leadership team at Kibworth to continue to play key roles within the TSA. To find out more, visit the Affinity TSA website at http://www.affinitytsa.co.uk. PRIORITIES KEY CHALLENGES Our current School Education Plan highlights the following priorities: Key challenges for the future will include: Improving performance in writing (all groups). Continue to narrow the gaps in attainment between groups. Develop robust assessment, marking and feedback processes. Developing our buildings to accommodate a three form school, including the need for a much larger hall space. A changing pupil demographic, as well as rising numbers, as the village of Kibworth expands. Teacher recruitment/retention and the nurturing of leadership talent for succession planning. Prepare for the new SIAMs inspection framework. Developing the school’s role within the growing Discovery Schools Academies Trust. Maintaining the school’s ‘outstanding’ rating. our trust In this time of educational change there are many opportunities for outstanding individuals to make a real difference to children, and relish new opportunities to progress in their careers. Working in an academy may be a new experience for some colleagues and we have tried to use the new freedoms to provide the very best working conditions and opportunities to allow the careers of talented individuals to flourish. Discovery Schools Academies Trust (DSAT) was designated as a new sponsor in January 2013, but has been operating as a multi-academy trust since July 2012 when two schools - Kibworth CE Primary and Parkland Primary in Wigston joined to form the trust. We are a primary-focused academy chain working in the East Midlands and our network of schools currently includes Kibworth CE Primary, Parklands Primary, Sileby Redlands Community Primary, Enderby Danemill Primary, Woolden Hill Primary and Mowmacre Hill Primary. WORKING TOGETHER Our schools range in size from 177 to 520 on roll, from rural to city locations, and are at all stages of their development, rated from RI to outstanding. The schools work closely in clusters, sharing practice through network teams in key areas such as Literacy, Numeracy, SEND, Pupil Premium, PE, Assessment and Science. The Headteachers within this group also meet regularly to share best practice and to develop policy and procedures across the Trust. There is an extensive programme of inter school work though sporting competitions, literacy activities, maths conferences and higher attaining pupil activities. There are also opportunities for governors to work together through pooled sub-committees, training/away days and other activities. There are pooled committees for Safeguarding, Audit and Resources. Within these committees, governors from all schools work together to hold each other to account and share good practice. Each school retains it local governing body but feeds back to the Executive Governing Body made up of representatives from across the Trust. trust development Over the next few years we expect to incorporate several new academies into the trust, and there is also the potential to open new schools. These schools will form a second cluster called Vision and will be led by a system leader and a lead school. The schools within each cluster may change due to geographical links but this is at the discretion of the governing body and the system leaders. The Trust aims to develop its capacity to recruit a central team to allow schools to focus on their core task of teaching and learning. Currently the Trust has a: Financial Director. Academy Business Manager, who supports each school office team. Finance Officer, who travels between schools to provide regular support. Network Manager, who supports each schools ICT strategy and manages technical contracts and technicians. Data Analyst, who supports all leadership teams to collate and analyse a wide range of performance and achievement data. SEND School Improvement Adviser, a new post who will line manage all SENCos and provide behaviour and SEND support to schools. This is just the start of a central team which we aim to expand to also include an Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapist as well as potentially other support services such as a Social Worker. We only work with schools that are committed to providing an outstanding education for all children and strive to develop ambitious individuals at all levels, regardless of backgrounds. All schools retain their autonomy for decision making but are held rigorously to account by the Trust for their decisions and outcomes. OUR FOCUS WHAT WE OFFER Our focus needs to be clear and opportunities for children need to ensure that: For Headteachers specifically, Discovery Schools Academies Trust offers: All children develop a genuine love of learning and make great progress. A peer network of like-minded Headteachers. A career structure for talented Headteachers. Achievement gaps are narrowing regardless of children’s starting points. Children are taught what they need to achieve to the best of their abilities. Our pursuit of excellence is unwavering. We learn from each other and create learning communities to share best practice. Recruiting new staff to work with our Trust is a fantastic and exciting opportunity to expand the pool of talent within our organisation. We hope that all our appointments will have a transformational impact on the children and families our academies serve. With the appointment of a Headteacher, we also have the opportunity to identify potential system leaders of the future and actively seek individuals for this post who see this as an aspiration for their career development. The trust is determined to provide inspirational learning opportunities and create learning communities where professionals, children and parents can learn from each other. Our academies promote high aspirations and have high expectations of all their stakeholders, and the trust has built a reputation for delivering high quality school improvement, leadership and teacher professional development. Recognition that all schools are unique, with an approach that encourages local accountability and governance that is responsive to community needs. A commitment to excellence in education, grounded in a shared moral purpose of ensuring high quality provision for all learners. An established track record of high quality education and experience of leading rapid school improvement. An employer committed to offering all staff high quality professional development opportunities, shared resources and expertise. Effective business management systems, ensuring that our academies are able to focus on delivering inspirational teaching and learning. Find out more at: http://www.discoveryschoolstrust.org.uk We also now run our own SCITT (first cohort starts Sept 2015), evolved from our successful Schools Direct teacher training programme, from which we recruit the best students each year to work within the Trust – a real strength in these times of tough teacher recruitment. Find out more at: http://www.inspiringleaderstoday.com/teacher-training ABOUT KIBWORTH Kibworth is a large village located in south Leicestershire between Leicester and Market Harborough. The village is experiencing rapid growth with families attracted by the rural setting and good schools, and new housing continues to be constructed close to the primary school site, yet it retains a strong sense of community spirit. Kibworth has good amenities: shops, post office, two GP practices, dentist, optician, hair and beauty salons, pubs, restaurants and take-aways, community halls, care homes, active sports clubs (including golf, tennis, cricket, bowling and football), many social clubs for all ages and churches. It is in easy reach of Market Harbrrough for supermarkets, leisure centre etc and Leicester for all the major city amenities. Transport links are good and Market Harborough to St Pancras by rail is just over an hour journey. The majority of Kibworth CE Primary children progress to Kibworth High School, rated by Ofsted as Good, currently converting from 11-14 to an 11-16 school. The catchment school post-GCSE is the Robert Smyth Academy in Market Harborough, and there are several other state and private secondary options within 10 miles. If you are new to the county and would like to find out more about potentially relocating to Leicestershire, please see the enclosed Live Leicestershire guide. job description Post title: Headteacher Salary range: L19-L25 (£59,535-£68,962) Responsible to: Governing Body DSAT Director of Schools/System Leader The Headteacher will take overall responsibility for the organisation, management and conduct of the school in accordance with the Academy’s Articles of Association and policies and in consultation with the Governing Body. The Headteacher will work with staff, governors, parents/carers, DSAT networks and wider good practice to build on the strong foundations that are in place in order to maintain and further improve all aspects of the school’s standards and quality. Ensuring equality, safety, respect and a Christian ethos, working in partnership with the local church and the Diocese of Leicester, is central to the aims and ethos of the school and these will be reflected in all aspects of the Headteacher’s work. The Head Teacher will fully understand the current legal requirements, local and national policies and guidance on safeguarding and the promotion of the wellbeing of children and young people, and will ensure that all requirements are met in full. Duties & Responsibilities Strategic Direction & School Improvement 1.1 Drawing on experience and best practice, work together with the Governing Body, Senior Management Team and Director of Schools, to build a strong strategic direction and on-going school development plan. 1.2 Maintain and further develop the school’s ethos and provide educational vision and direction for the school which secures: Effective teaching. Successful learning and outstanding pupil achievement. Sustains high standards in pupil’s spiritual, moral, cultural, social and physical development, preparing them for life’s opportunities and experiences. 1.3 Implement the school’s education plan and business plan which: Identifies priorities and targets that supports high standards enabling pupils to make progress and maximise achievement. Supports continuous improvement in teachers’ effectiveness and secures continuing school improvement. Is underpinned by sound financial planning. 1.4 Ensure all those involved in the school are committed to its aims, are motivated to achieve them and involved in setting and meeting the long, medium and short term objectives and targets which will secure the educational success of the school. 1.5 Ensure the management, finances, organisation and administration of the school support its vision and aims. 1.6 Ensure policies and practices take account of national, local and school data and inspection and research findings and reflect best practice. job description (CONTINUED) Duties & Responsibilities (continued) Strategic Direction & School Improvement (continued) 1.7 Monitor, evaluate and review the effects of the school’s policies, priorities and targets and take action as necessary. 1.8 Ensure that the school plays an active role in the development of DSAT and Affinity TSA, supporting the ongoing growth and impact of both organisations. Learning & Teaching 2.1 Work with the Governing Body and Senior Management Team to sustain effective teaching and learning throughout the school. 2.2 Use benchmarks and evidence based best practice to set targets for service delivery and improvement. 2.3 Create and maintain an environment which promotes and secures outstanding teaching, effective learning, and high standards of achievement, behaviour and a passion for learning. 2.4 Work with the Governing Body and Senior Management Team to determine, organise and implement the curriculum and its assessment; routinely monitoring and evaluating in order to identify and share good practice and act on areas for improvement 2.5 Ensure effective teaching is evidenced across the full curriculum with a comprehensive programme of monitoring in place. 2.6 Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of learning and achievement of ALL pupils across the school, including those with special needs, in order to set and meet challenging, realistic targets for achievement. 2.7 Develop and maintain effective links with the wider educational and local community, including business and industry, to extend the curriculum and enhance teaching and learning. 2.8 Maintain and further develop the school’s effective partnership with parents/carers to support and improve pupil’s achievement, personal development and the closing of attainment gaps in specific groups. Leadership 3.1 Maximise the contribution of staff to improving the quality of education provided and standards achieved and ensure effective working relationships are in place throughout the school. 3.2 Be a spiritual leader and champion the relationship with the local church and the Diocese of Leicester. 3.3 Plan, allocate, support and evaluate the work of teams and individuals, ensuring clear delegation of tasks and devolution of responsibilities. 3.4 Implement and sustain effective systems for management of staff performance, incorporating appraisal and targets for all staff meeting the requirements of the PRP system, ensuring those for classroom staff relate to pupil achievement. 3.5 Motivate and enable ALL staff to develop expertise in their respective roles through high-quality continuing professional development. 3.6 Identify and nuture talent to enable effective leadership development and succession planning. 3.7 Sustain motivation of self and other staff. job description (CONTINUED) Duties & Responsibilities (continued) Leadership (continued) 3.8 Ensure professional duties are fulfilled, as specified in the Terms and Conditions of Service of Teachers, including those for the Head Teacher. 3.9 Lead by example, demonstrate and ensure the continuous commitment by all staff to help keep the children and young people in the care of the school safe. Resource Management 4.1 Work with the Governing Body and Senior Management Team to recruit staff of the highest quality, complying at all times with best and safer recruitment practice. 4.2 Work with the Senior Management Team to deploy all staff effectively in order to ensure the highest quality of education provided. 4.3 Set appropriate priorities for expenditure, allocating funds and ensuring effective administration and control in line with the school’s policies and Standing Financial Instructions. 4.4 Working closely with the Premises Officer manage and organise accommodation efficiently and effectively to ensure the needs of the curriculum and health and safety regulations are met at all times. 4.5 Manage, monitor and review the range, quality, quantity and use of all available resources in order to maximise the quality of education and pupil achievement, ensuring at all times a focus on efficiency and value for money. 4.6 Work with the Director of Schools and colleagues towards a strategic building plan to grow the school and enhance resources in line with the new curriculum, the changing needs of the community, and growing pupil numbers. Accountability 5.1 Provide information, objective advice and support to the Governing Body in meeting its responsibilities for securing effective teaching and learning, and the highest standards of achievement, efficiency and value for money. 5.2 Ensure the school operates as an organisation in which all staff recognise that they are accountable for its success and are clear as to how they contribute to this. 5.3 Present a coherent and accurate account of the school’s performance in a form appropriate to a range of audiences, including the Governing Body, pupils, parents/carers, DSAT, Affinity TSA, the local community, OFSTED and others. 5.4 Ensure pupils and parents/carers are well informed about the curriculum, attainment and progress and about the contribution they make to the schools achievements. 5.5 Ensure accurate and up-to-date records are compiled, maintained and audited to satisfy legal, operational and strategic governance requirements including those relating to safeguarding. job description (CONTINUED) Duties & Responsibilities (continued) Other Duties & Responsibilities 6.1 To work within the framework of national legislation and in accordance with the provisions of the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document. In addition the post is subject to compliance with: School policies and guidelines on the curriculum and school organisation. School policies and procedures on other matters. Discovery Schools Academies Trust policies and procedures. National Professional Standards for Teachers. The Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales and with any locally agreed conditions of employment. Common core of skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce. All teachers have a responsibility for providing and safeguarding the welfare of children and young person’s s/he is responsible for or comes into contact with. The duties and responsibilities detailed within this job description will be supplemented by the accountabilities, roles and responsibilities as set out within the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document. As the Trust grows, and the nature of primary education leadership evolves, it is likely that the postholder’s role will evolve to reflect this and this job description will be reviewed annually by Director of Schools and the Chair of Governors to ensure it reflects the changing role. PERSON SPECIFICATION Appointment Criteria Essential/Desirable Assessed From Qualified Teacher Status Essential 1,3 NPQH (currently undertaking or achieved) Essential 1,3 Further qualification in a related area e.g. MEd, MA, MBA Desirable 1,3 Proven successful experience in a leadership role e.g. as a Headteacher, Interim Headteacher or Deputy/Assistant Headteacher. Essential 1,3 Substantial senior leadership and management experience. Essential 1,3 Evidence of managing or making a substantial contribution to the effective management of change. Essential 1,3 Evidence of successful implementation of strategies to improve teaching and learning to raise the standards of achievement for all pupils. Essential 1,2,3 Evidence of effective teaching, assessment and target setting. Essential 1 2,3 Evidence of successful improvement planning across all sectors of the school. Essential 1,2,3 Evidence of working with parents and the community as partners in learning. Essential 1,2 Evidence of working with pupils across the age range. Essential 1,2 Experience of working in collaboration with other schools to realise improvement and raise standards. Essential 1,2 Experience of working effectively with Governors. Essential 1,2 Experience of leading an academy within a multi-academy trust. Desirable 1,2 Experience of membership of developing and developing CPD or research within teaching school alliance Desirable 1,2 Developing further systems for school self-evaluation, effective monitoring and inspection. Essential 1,2 Developing and implementing strategies for school improvement, including data analysis, target setting and strategies for improving the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils. Essential 1,2 Strategies to motivate and engage pupils to maximise learning opportunities and outcomes. Essential 1,2 Qualifications Experience Knowledge & Understanding PERSON SPECIFICATION (CONTINUED) Appointment Criteria Essential/Desirable Assessed From Performance management and managing effective professional development. Essential 1,2 Managing the Performance Related Pay process Essential 1,2 National and local priorities. Essential 1,2 Effective use of ICT to support teaching and learning. Essential 1,2 How to promote inclusion and implement equal opportunities for all. Essential 1,2 Leading a faith school, working with the Diocese and local church representatives. Desirable 1,2 Management of pupil’s behaviour and attitudes to learning and the ability to put this into practice. Essential 1,2 Successful partnership with the Governing Body. Essential 1,2 Ability to work in partnership with other schools in order to meet pupils’ needs. Essential 1,2 Engaging parents/carers in their children’s learning and the work of the school. Essential 1,2 Strategic curriculum development. Essential 1,2 Effective financial management. Essential 1,2 Demonstrate experience of successful teaching as a Headteacher, Interim Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. Essential 1,3 Create and secure commitment to a convincing vision for the school. Essential 2 Build upon current good practice by supporting and developing effective teamwork across the whole school community. Essential 1,2,3 Initiate and manage change and improvement in pursuit of higher standards and strategic objectives. Essential 1,2,3 Prioritise, plan and organise their own work; direct, coordinate and provide professional direction to the work of others. Essential 1,2,3 Delegate tasks and responsibilities as appropriate. Empower others to carry vision forward. Essential 1,2 Embrace the nurturing aims and inclusive ethos of the school. Essential 1,3 Knowledge & Understanding (continued) Leadership Skills Evidence that can show candidates can: PERSON SPECIFICATION (CONTINUED) Appointment Criteria Essential/Desirable Assessed From Development of professional practice among school staff with evidence of objective assessment of staff performance. Essential 1,3 Provide an inspiring role model for pupils and staff, creating an environment where all can thrive. Essential 1,2 Manage and motivate staff to achieve the highest standards in all aspects of school life within the resources available. Essential 1,2 Sustain and develop good relationships and maintain a happy, supportive working environment. Essential 1,2 Lead the safeguarding of pupils ensuring their welfare is prioritised. Essential 1,3 Play a senior role in the multi-academy trust, contributing to school improvement at other schools with the Trust as well as at own school. Desirable 2 Think creatively and imaginatively to anticipate and solve problems and identify opportunities for the school. Essential 2 Use numerical and financial data with confidence and use it to make decisions based upon analysis and interpretation. Essential 2,3 Listen carefully and seek advice and support when necessary. Essential 1,3 Demonstrate reasoned judgement in difficult circumstances. Essential 1,2 Deal sensitively with people with very different and demanding expectations, demonstrating an ability to avert and resolve conflict. Essential 1,2,3 Communicate, negotiate and secure cooperation of a wide range of people. Essential 1,2 Create a climate of open communication where people feel able to express opinion and know their views will be respected. Essential 1,2,3 Chair meetings effectively, productively and economically. Essential 1,3 Demonstrate an understanding of, and lead the school’s role in a self-improving school system. Essential 1,2 Demonstrate an understanding of, and lead the school’s role in the community. Essential 2 Develop, maintain and use an effective network of contacts across all agencies and communities with whom the school interacts. Essential 1,3 Leadership Skills (continued) Communication & Problem Solving Evidence that shows candidates can: PERSON SPECIFICATION (CONTINUED) Appointment Criteria Essential/Desirable Assessed From Prioritise and manage time appropriately, able to work under pressure and to deadlines. Essential 1,2,3 Sustain and develop good relationships, maintaining a happy and supportive working environment. Essential 2,3 Continue to demonstrate effective performance against the job description when under pressure and/or in challenging circumstances. Essential 1,2,3 Be self motivating and achieve challenging professional goals. Essential 1,3 Take full responsibility for own professional development. Essential 1,3 Create a strong, positive personal impact, conveying authority, confidence, approachability, warmth and humour. Essential 1,2,3 Demonstrate flexibility and an ability to adapt to changing circumstances and new ideas. Essential 2,3 Demonstrate courage, energy and perseverance. Essential 2,3 Demonstrate enthusiasm for, and commitment to, the role; along with reliability, integrity and a passion for education. Essential 1,2,3 Personal Effectiveness Evidence that shows candidates can: Key: Assessed From: 1 = Written Application, 2 = Interview/Tests, 3 = Documentary evidence. HOW TO APPLY Deadline For Applications 5pm on Wednesday 7th January 2015 Start Date September 2015 (or sooner by negotiation) Queries Kate Foster, Chair of Governors email: kfoster@kibprimary.leicsvle.com telephone: 07758 219108 Paul Stone, Director of Schools, DSAT email: pstone@discoveryschoolstrust.org.uk telephone: 07870 194191 We would expect and encourage potential applicants to visit us at school informally. Please contact Kate Foster or Paul Stone, as above, to arrange a visit before the application deadline. Please apply using the Headteacher application form, enclosed with this pack, and enclose any additional information or evidence you may wish to with the application form. Please return your completed application by post to: Anna Mousley, Clerk to Governors, Kibworth CE Primary School, Hillcrest Avenue, Kibworth, Leicestershire LE8 0NH or via email to: amousley@kibprimary.leicsvle.com
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