ST. PATRICK Roman Catholic Church 6455 Brook Park Drive ! Colorado Springs, CO 80918 W^dKZ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϯϬʹϰ͗ϯϬWD ;ŽƌďLJĂƉƉŽŝŶƚŵĞŶƚͿ KE^ ZK^Zz&KZZ>/'/Kh^ &ZKD ! ŝĐŬƌŽǁŶ Rick Annora :ŝŵĂĐŚƚĂ Ma Kasper ! ZK^Zz DŽŶĚĂLJʹ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϲ͗ϯϬD ! January 11, 2015 ZKE/>/d/KE ZĞǀ͘>ĂƌƌLJ^ŽůĂŶ ϱϵϴͲϯϱϵϱĞdžƚ͘ϭϬϮ ^ZDEdK&EK/Ed/E' K&d,^/< !" ϭ Tuesday aer 7:00 AM Mass ! h,Z/^d/KZd/KE dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJƐ͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘͘ϴ͗ϬϬDͶϳ͗ϬϬWD ! dƵĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϬϬWD ! /s/EDZzsKd/KE^ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϯ͗ϬϬWD ! 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Schooley, Jr. by: Divine Mercy Prayer Group Friday, January 16 7:00 am for:+Nicholas Forsette by: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruddy, Jr. Saturday, January 17 5:00 pm for:+Justin Shumate by: Carrie Sunday, January 18 7:45 am for:+ Colette Kelley by: Rudy & Nora Gonzales 9:30 am for:+ Pat Case by: Pat & Rudy Rau for: Missa pro populo (Mass for the People of God) 11:30 am for:+ Regina Bauer by: Nancy Cooke-Zdeb 5:00 pm for:+ Edward Russo by: The Pagano Family Center for Formation and Mission 6455 Brook Park Drive - Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00PM Center Hours 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM Telephone (719) 598-3595 Fax (719) 599-5741 Email Web Site Staff email address = 1st initial & Pastor Fr. Larry Solan 102 Deacons Dick Brown 103 Rick Antinora 118 Jim Bachta 107 Matt Kasper 144 Business Administrator Scarlett Tubridy 116 Assistant Business Administrator Janet Gagnon 110 Suzanne Olipane 139 Director of Children’s Formation Assistant to Children’s Formation Irene Knudsen 140 Director of Adult Faith Formation Eric Siverts 106 Director of Youth/YA Ministries Steve Schindler 101 Jackie Lon 105 Asst. Dir. of Youth/YA Ministries Project Coordinator Mary Ann Lamecker 108 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sr. Marlou Ricke 109 Director of Liturgy/Music Jolita Frank 115 Asst. to Director of Liturgy/Music Andrew Moulds 146 Admin. Asst./Facilities Scheduler Marie Baughman 104 Receptionist Carla Neal 100 Stephen Ministry Peg Shannon 113 St. Vincent de Paul Outreach 117 Mission Statement We are a Roman Catholic community united by faith in God, nourished by Jesus through both the Word & the Eucharist, & empowered by the Holy Spirit. We strive to meet the spiritual & physical needs of our growing parish family & community through prayer, faith formation, evangelization, stewardship, fellowship, & social justice. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: “Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God & the one most helpful to us.”- For Mass intentions, please call the Parish office. Pray for Our Sisters and Brothers Saint. Alphonsus Liguori Come spend one hour with Our Lord. Adoration is held Thursdays from 8 am to 7 pm. William Gray, Larry Lynch, Joe Zanini, Irene Tokodi, Gil Johnson, Michelle Blackner, Sue Walker, Vincent Lujan, Aaron Williams, Harry Peabody, Betty Barker, Anthony Sullivan, Robert Thompson, Larry Berube, Leigh Yorgason, Rosemary La Croix, Yvonne Ross, Toby Espinosa & Family, Joe Hawkes, The Kelley Family, Michael Ragsdale, Beverly Martin, Rick Losey, Alex Karzon, Rosie LeBlanc, Bill Barbier, Dick Todd, Mark Zarkovacki, Tom & Sylvia Pinello, Sima Selman, Bob Sivers, Mary Jane Siracusa, Ron Litteral. God’s will be done. Eucharistic Adoration Understood simply, Eucharistic Adoration is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. In a deeper sense, it involves “the contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us”. By worshipping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, the Lord draws us to Himself & gently transforms us. In its fullest essence…Eucharistic Adoration is “God & Man reaching out for each other, at the same time”. Names may also be placed in our intention jar in the back of the Sanctuary. Submit bulletin blurbs & bulletin inserts to Marie Baughman at or to the Parish Office. Deadline for the bulletin is Monday at 10 am. Bulletin inserts need to be submitted 1week in advance of the weekend to be inserted in the bulletin for approval. Thank you! 2 Calendar of Events Saturday, January 10 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast—Bonzel Hall 8:00 am Spanish Men’s Breakfast—McGivney Hall 9:00 am CPR/First Aid Training—Bishops Rooms 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library 5:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:15 pm FUSION—Bonzel Hall Sunday, January 11 Coffee & Doughnuts—Bonzel Hall Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate—Fitzpatrick Hall 8:45am—12:45pm Library Ministry—Library 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall 11:30 am RCIA Dismissal—Bishops Rooms 12:45pm Nursery Available during Faith Formation 1:00 pm Faith Formation K-5th Grades 3:15 pm Faith Formation K-5th Grades 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library Cub Scout Meeting—Pastors Room 5:00 pm Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate—Fitzpatrick Hall 6:00 pm Environment—Christmas Take down—Sanctuary, Narthex, Fitzpatrick & Bonzel Halls & Church lawn 6:15 pm Life Teen—Bishops & Deacons Rooms Monday, January 12 6:00 pm Love to Learn—Bonzel Hall Young Adults—Church Rectory 6:30 pm American Heritage Girls—McGivney Hall & Classrooms Great Adventure Bible Timeline—Seton Jewish Roots of the Eucharist—Fitzpatrick Hall Spanish Bible Study—Duchesne Tuesday, January 13 7:30 am Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group—Bonzel Hall 9:00 am Timeline Exodus—McGivney Hall 9:30 am SYMBOLON—Fitzpatrick Hall 11:30 am English as a Second Language—Classrooms & Nursery 1:30 pm Vocations Committee—Tekakwitha 3:00 pm Rosary for Religious Freedom—Sanctuary 5:45 pm Nursery for Faith Formation Parent Orientation 6:00 pm Parent Orientation for First Eucharist—Sanctuary Boy Scouts PLC—Baker 6:30 pm RCIA—Fitzpatrick, Bishops Rooms, Library & Nursery Homeless Outreach—Duchesne 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal—St. Cecilia/Martyrs Boy Scouts—Bonzel & McGivney Halls & Toussaint Wednesday, January 14 9:30 am Kids & Company—Nursery Share the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall Great Adventure Matthew—Seton 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions—Sanctuary 4:00 pm Celtic Cherubs—St. Cecilia 4:30 pm Emerald Singers—St. Cecilia 4:45pm Nursery for Faith Formation 5:00 pm Faith Formation 1-5th Grades Faith Formation Grade 4—Bonzel Hall 5:15 pm Trinity Singers—St. Cecilia 6:30 pm Confirmation 1A—Bishops Rooms Confirmation—Deacons Rooms EDGE—Fitzpatrick Hall Knights of Columbus—McGivney Hall Thursday, January 15 6:00 am TMIY—Bonzel Hall 8:00 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Sanctuary 9:00 am Senior Social Ministry—Bonzel Hall 9:30 am Great Adventure Acts—Seton Thursday, January 15 continued 11:30 am English as a Second Language—Classrooms & Nursery 3:00 pm Finance Council—Pastors Room 5:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul—Neumann 6:00 pm Family Holy Hour—Sanctuary 6:30 pm Centering Prayer—Tekakwitha Spanish Intercession—Sanctuary Friday, January 16 8:00 am Praying Prodigals Home—Fitzpatrick Hall 9:00 am Bulletin Inserts—Pastors Room 10:00 am Library Ministry—Library 4:00 pm Food Pantry—Blessed Teresa of Calcutta 6:30 pm Girl Scouts—Baker/Cabrini Spanish Prayer Group—McGivney Hall, Tekakwitha & Serra Saturday, January 17 9:00 am Laity Engaging Laity—Fitzpatrick Hall 9:30 am Altar Server Training—Sanctuary 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library 6:00 pm American Heritage Girls Daddy/Daughter Night—Bonzel Hall Sunday, January 18 Coffee & Doughnuts—Bonzel Hall 8:45am—12:45pm Library Ministry—Library 9:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Fitzpatrick Hall 4:30 pm Library Ministry—Library 5:00 pm RCIA Dismissal—Bishops Rooms The calendar is subject to change, please verify your program. Celebrated Sacraments Baptism Matthew Nigro 1/3/15 Sacramental Information Baptism: A Baptism Preparation Class is required for all parents & godparents. Call the Parish at 598-3595 X104 for information about baptisms or to register for a class. Next class is Saturday, February 7th at 3pm. Call to register. Weddings, Annulments, Convalidations—The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Congratulations! You have made the decision to be married in the Catholic Church, please contact Deacon Matt at x144 or Deacon Dick at 598-3595 x103. They will explain & guide you through the process. We look forward to working with you. Funerals: For any assistance at the time of a death of a loved one or friend & to make arrangements for a Funeral Mass or Vigil, please contact the parish office. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the Parish office at the onset of serious illness to request a priest. Anointing immediately after Mass, 1st Tuesday of the month. Sick & Homebound: Call the Parish Office to request home visits or hospital visits &/or for the Eucharist to be brought to the homebound. Because of privacy acts, we need you to let us know when you need assistance, a priest or just a friend. 3 K-5th Grade Formation Youth Formation (6-12th Grades) SUNDAY GOSPEL REFLECTION: Today’s Gospel focus is baptism. The event of Jesus’ baptism with water in the Jordan revealed who he already was: the “beloved Son” with whom God was “well pleased.” Jesus’ baptism did not change his identity, but revealed who he was. John prophesied that Jesus, however, would bring an entirely different baptism, for he would baptize us with the Holy Spirit. The event of our baptism with the Spirit announces who we become: beloved children with whom God is “well pleased.” Our whole Christian life is a journey of taking ownership God has already taken of us. You can find schedules and information about all of our programs on the parish website ( under FAITH FORMATION > YOUTH MINISTRY > the program you are interested in. Spring schedules are now posted. EDGE – MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY We resume EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation on Wednesday, January 14th! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone! We invite all of you who attend our Catholic schools to join our program too! Building the parish community is an important part of faith formation! IMPORTANT! - If your teen will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation next year (2016), they must take part in a faith formation program, such as EDGE, this year. This is according to the bishop’s guidelines for receiving a Sacrament. Jan 14th – EDGE and One Eight resume with our spring semester Confirmation Retreat forms and payment are due this night. The retreat is a requirement of our Confirmation program. Jan 21st – EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation Jan 28th - EDGE and One-Eight Confirmation The spring schedule is now posted on the parish website! ON THE WAY HOME FROM MASS: Every choice we make on our Christian journey either deepens our identity as God’s beloved or weakens it. We either strive to grow in understanding our faith, or remain content with adequate formation. Who we are is God’s beloved, that is, the Body of Christ. Our baptismal call is to become every day more fully who we are. Growing in our identity is our most important lifelong task. LET US PRAY: Lord Jesus, grant me the graces to live out my baptismal promises. I want you to be “well pleased” with my life here on earth. Amen. THIS WEEKS SAINTS: January 11: St. Theodosius of Cenobiarch January 12: St. Arcadius January 13: St. Hilary January 14: St. Felix of Nola January 15: St. Paul the First Hermit January 16: St. Marcellus January 17: St. Anthony the Abbot LIFE TEEN – HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY We resume Life Night tonight, Sunday, January 11th! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone! We invite all St Mary’s High School teens to join our program too! Building the parish community is an important part of faith formation! Please see our parish website for the full spring schedule. Our next meeting is: Jan 11th – Life Night Resumes – Catholic Double Dare Jan 18th – No Life Night – Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend Jan 25th – No Life Night due to Confirmation Retreat Catholic Heart Work Camp pre-registrations deadline is quickly approaching. There are a limited number of slots available and we have lots of interest! Moms, dads, and grandparents this would make a great Christmas present for your teen or grandchild! GREEN ST PATRICK T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE We have them in stock. To get yours, please see Steve or Jackie or stop by the parish office. St Patrick Youth, Colorado Springs stpatsyouthcos St Patrick Young Adult Ministry UP-COMING FAITH FORMATION CLASSES: SUNDAY: January 11 at 1:00 & 3:15pm WEDNESDAY: January 14 at 5:00pm SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: (Required Attendance): FIRST EUCHARIST PARENT ORIENTATION: Tuesday, January 13 at 6:00pm (Sanctuary) PARENT CLASSES: Wednesday, January 21 at 5:00pm (Room #122) Sunday, January 25 at 1:00 & 3:15pm (Room #122) FIRST EUCHARIST RETREAT: Saturday, February 14 at 12:45pm (Sanctuary) FIRST EUCHARIST MASS: Saturday, April 25 at 1:00pm WE ARE NOW ON FACEBOOK: Please like our Facebook Page: St. Patrick Faith Formation K-5 I will be posting information about up-coming classes and events as well as weather closures. It is another way to stay connected and informed. If you have any questions about K-5th Grade Faith Formation, please contact Suzanne Olipane at or 598-3595 ext 137. Our Website Find Us on Twitter and Instagram Follow us on Twitter: @StPatsYouthCOS Follow us on Instagram: stpatsyouthcos Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word: (CLOW) Meets during the 9:30 Mass. All children ages 4 thru 1st grade are invited to participate (no registration required). Listen for the dismissal announcement after the Gloria. Questions? -Please contact Molly at THANK YOU TO OUR PARISHIONERS FOR ALL YOU DO TO SUPPORT OUR TEENS! 4 Young Adults (21-30 yrs.) Did You Know... Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Our next meeting will be on: Date: Monday, January 12th Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Place: In the parish rectory – 6602 Snowbird Dr. God Bless!! ~Jackie FOR INFORMATION ON ANY YOUTH OR YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY PROGRAM, PLEASE CONTACT STEVE SCHINDLER AT OR BY PHONE AT (719) 598-3595 x101 OR JACKIE LON AT OR BY PHONE AT 719-598-3595 X 105. …St. Patrick Catholic Church has many opportunities for the New Year? NEW classes and programs are starting the week of January 11 and others are resuming that week. Check the Faith Formation page in this bulletin for details on classes for ALL ages – elementary to adults. That Man is You! (TMIY) resumes its weekly Men’s programs on Thursday, January 15 at 6:00AM. For more info, contact Sonny at 331-9806 or Eric at 5983595. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Family Holy Hour on Thursday, January 15 from 67pm – ALL ages are welcome to attend. If you can’t make that time, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in the Sanctuary from 7:45am – 7pm. Last month we celebrated two rites of initiation for inquirers in the RCIA process: the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens (for those preparing for their Baptism) and the Rite of Welcoming (for those already baptized in another Christian tradition who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church). Please continue to pray for our catechumens and candidates as they now enter into a period of deeper formation in the RCIA process. Your prayers are critical to their success. Prayer cards are available on the welcome tables in the gathering space inviting you to pray for individuals by name. For more information, contact Sister Marlou: 5105692/599-5392 or Financial Peace University classes are starting Thursday, January 22 at 6:30pm in the Fitzpatrick Hall. You will learn how to get control of your money, stop struggling to make ends meet, tell your money what to do, and change your future. Childcare is available upon request. For more info or to register, visit: http:// class/270710 Adult Faith Formation Mark your calendar for January 24/25 after all the Masses – MINISTRY WEEKEND – stop by and learn more about our ministries and how you can share your talents. Interested in Adult Faith Formation? Contact Eric (5983595 or about any of these topics: NEW classes for ADULTS: Monday, Jan 12 at 6:30pm: “Jewish Roots of the Eucharist” (4 sessions); no charge for this class. Tuesday, Jan 13 at 9am: “Great Adventure – The Exodus” (10 sessions); Required workbook $25 (optional Ignatius Study Bible – Exodus $15). MORE classes are starting soon… Small Church Communities (SCC) are groups of parishioners who gather to reflect on their lives in light of the Gospel and to share their Christian faith through prayer, friendship & service. If you or someone you know is interested in joining or starting a SCC, call Eric. Stop by the Fitzpatrick Hall on Jan 24 or 25 to get more information and/or sign up to join a group before Lent begins. SYMBOLON is a dynamic, state-of-the-art video resource for the evangelization and catechesis of adults. Sessions are shown on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30am—no registration needed. Hispanic Ministry Hispanic Ministry: is an energetic & devoted group of Spanish speaking men & women meeting at St. Patrick. We meet regularly for Scripture studies, Faith Formation & a Charismatic Prayer Meeting. The Charismatic Prayer Group seeks to foster a personal experience of Pentecost for each person by offering opportunities for individuals to encounter Jesus as Savior & Lord & offer opportunities to experience Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We come together to praise, worship & honor God & to build up the Body of Christ as brothers & sisters. Once a month the Spanish men & women gather to share a meal & their faith. Masses in Spanish are offered periodically. Contact Melida at 444-8129 for more information. Come join us! Lighthouse Catholic Media Hispanic Ministry Programs/Events Lighthouse Catholic Media NEW CDs: The Truth by Fr. Larry Richards; In God We Trust by Bishop Malloy and the Hidden Power of Forgiveness. Donations of $4/CD are suggested. Mon. Jan 12: 6:30 pm Spanish Bible Study—Duchesne Tues. Jan 13: 6:30 pm RCIA in Spanish—Fitzpatrick Hall Thurs. Jan 15 7 pm Spanish Intercession—Duchesne Fri. Jan 16: 6:30 pm Spanish Prayer Group—McGivney Hall 5 Stewardship of Time and Talent ~ Volunteers Needed !! Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: (EMHC): share the Precious Body & Precious Blood of Christ during Eucharist (Communion) at Mass & Communion Services. The ministers also share the Precious Body of Christ to the homebound & in hospitals. Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age, a practicing Catholic, have received the Sacrament of Confirmation & if married, had their marriage blessed in the Church. It is one of the most fulfilling ministries you can do. If you would like to be trained as an EMHC, please contact Andy at 638-5805 or email Video Ministers Needed: Complete one-on-one video training provided as long as you need it. Most ministers just sit down at our state-of-the-art equipment & step through slides from a playlist created for you. We provide a cue sheet as your guide. You learn so much more about the Mass! We have ministers of every age so don't let that stop you. Please contact Nancy Korpi, servant leader, at 599-8911 or Altar Linens Ministry: Each week two dedicated volunteers wash, iron, fold & return to church the many linens used during our Eucharistic celebrations. Linen ministers are scheduled 2-3 times in a 6 month period. It is a small commitment with no meetings to attend. Detailed training is provided. A new schedule begins in January & you are invited to join this group of dedicated people in serving our parish. For more info or to join please call the ministry servant leader at 282-0729. Sacristans: minimize distractions from Mass by proper placement of all items required for the Liturgy. They also verify that the required positions for EMHC and Lectors are filled. The Sacristan should arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of Mass, assist during Communion & return everything to its proper place after Mass (10 minutes). The Sacristan is also a trained & mandated Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC). If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Christine at 2827705 or email: Adult Choir: Interested persons may serve as a Choir Member, a Cantor, or an Instrumentalist. Music ministers rehearse at a 90-minute rehearsal during the week. For singers, proper vocal production, breathing techniques, vowel formation, diction, & part-singing are all addressed while preparing to prayerfully support the musical prayer at all Parish liturgies. Instrumentalists are instructed to be part of an ensemble that supports the singing of the Assembly & Music Ministers at the Masses. On the weekend, the musicians arrive to warm up & rehearse before the scheduled Mass at which they serve. Contact Jolita at 598-3595x115. Youth & Children’s choirs: Celtic Cherubs, Emerald Singers & Trinity Singers. Call the parish office for more information. Altar Server Ministry: provides boys & girls with the opportunity to learn more about their faith & to begin to build a foundation of evangelization & stewardship by serving at Mass & other liturgical functions. Some of the goals include: enhancing the servers’ understanding of liturgy & services to the faith community, giving each server opportunities to serve at various liturgical functions, encouraging them to consider a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, instilling in them a life-long desire & commitment of service to the Church Children who are in the 2nd grade & up & who have received First Holy Communion are eligible. Parents who would like their children to serve at the altar may contact Katie at 359-3800. Hospitality Ministers & Greeters: welcome people to the Church & help with the flow of the Mass. Greeters meet you at the door with a smile & offer help to any newcomers; Hospitality Ministers welcome you into the Sanctuary & help you find a seat on a crowded day. They help to make the Mass flow smoothly— assisting with collections, presentation of the Gifts, Communion, & special celebrations—always keeping an eye out for young children. You are offered a parish bulletin as you depart—with a smile & a thank you. Continually welcoming new people is a great way to meet everyone joining in this celebration. If you would like to volunteer, contact Andrew 598-3595 x146 Emergency Action Team (EAT): We are radio’d up & ready to be the focal point for all events that happen before, during or after Mass: medical issues, security concerns, & safety. We keep the nursery in radio contact & we are vigilant about things that are out of the ordinary. The most often asked question is “Do we need this?” & our answer is “We hope not, but we’d rather have it in place if we do.” For more info, contact Andy Berry at 4878917. Sound Ministry: enables the assembly to fully participate in the Mass by hearing the Word of God, both spoken & sung. They assist in setting up & operating the sound equipment, primarily during Masses. There are other instances during weddings, funerals, education sessions & other special occasions that may require or request sound support. Ministers must be of Confirmation age & able to work closely with the music groups to achieve an optimal balance & volume with the various microphones used. No previous experience is necessary; we will train you on everything you need to know. If you would like to learn more, contact Jim at or call 598-9299. Lectors/Commentators: Lectors to proclaim God’s Holy Word at Mass so that those in our assembly will focus on the readings & not let anything distract them from hearing the Words of Scripture being proclaimed. We don’t just read, we “proclaim” the Word of God to the faithful assembled. In the Liturgy of the Word the Holy Spirit “recalls” to the assembly all that Christ has done for us. The Commentator starts the Mass by welcoming the congregation, leading prayers & giving an introduction to the Liturgy. For more information, contact Lisa at 313-9004 or email: Ministry of the Week What is a Servant Leader? A Servant Leader is a person who makes a conscious decision to lead in order to serve others in a ministry or a specific mission. The responsibilities of Servant Leaders include: maintaining a strong, consistent prayer & sacramental life & being open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance; conveying the vision & mission of your particular ministry to your volunteers & other parishioners; working with ministry volunteers to identify annual goals & how they will be met; facilitating the implementation of the ministry’s goals by empowering & engaging volunteers to use & develop their unique gifts & talents for the success of the ministry & the good of the parish; working collaboratively with their Pastoral Council representatives, staff, the pastor & other ministries; providing appropriate training to volunteers & participating in ministry-related enrichment opportunities; & identifying, encouraging & mentoring a successor before the beginning of 6 their third year as Servant Leader. The Cry of a Christian Through the waters of Baptism a mark is placed upon our souls. Placed there by the grace of God, it cannot be removed or undone. No sin or work of evil can erase or diminish its existence. By this mark we are God’s and have become a part of something greater than ourselves. “In all the baptized, from first to last, the sanctifying power of the Spirit is at work, impelling us to evangelization.” Pope Francis Evangelli Gaudium 119 The call of a Christian begins in water, poured forth from above, blessed by God to proclaim His glory, here on earth to all far and near. The grace of God, sent from on high, renews and restores all that was lost. The grace received at Baptism is not confined to that one moment in time. It is lasting and ever present, creating hope amidst despair, illuminating the darkest corner of our lives. Grace is a characteristic essence of God’s eternal love. And as His love is eternal so are the graces we receive from Him. God qualifies the unqualified, so it’s not a matter of “I’m not capable”, or “I’m not good enough”, or “That’s not my thing”. God has made you overqualified by His grace to share in the mission of the Church. The only remaining question is: Are you willing to trust in God’s grace? “Our baptism has changed us, given us a new and glorious hope, and empowered us to bring God’s redeeming love to all, particularly the poor, in whom we see the face of Christ. Our baptism has also given us a share in the Church’s mission of evangelization; as disciples, we are also missionaries.” Pope Francis The cry of a Christian is like the raging waterfall, roaring into existence by the way we live our lives. Untamed is our mercy, our peace is ever flowing. Our love is God’s love. It’s boundless in time, and greater than depth of space or thought. Love is not blind to the world, but rather the world is blind to love. The cry of a Christian can be heard in action, word and thought. Christians cry for those without tears and for those who suffer most. A Christian is wise in humility and bold in love, knowing no limits to adventurous peace. Louder than war and deeper than hate, a roar of love is heard. Soft and fierce our roar is spreading God’s love to all and everyone, both far and near. Peace is waiting to be set free, in the joy born from the love of God’s roar. ld is o conquers the wor at th ry to ic v e th “And ur faith.” 1 John 5: 5 May our love be greater than our sins, stronger than our weakness and wiser than our egos. May we live as Christians echoing the life of Christ, without reserve and without hesitation. With each moment let us say: “Take heed world and hear us roar”! 7 Stewardship of Treasure Community, Mission and Social Outreach Accounting & Finance Office Food Pantry: As we start the New Year let us keep the light of Christmas in our hearts. As we seek to share God’s love, help us to be open to sharing our abundance with those in need. We are in constant need of canned fruits, vegetables, meats, tuna, soups of all kinds, stews as well as peanut butter, jelly/ jams, cereal, spaghetti noodles, and sauce, pasta sides, rice-aroni, boxed potatoes, complete boxed meals, condiments, salad dressings, & tea. Our needs also include toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, diapers & paper grocery bags. Thank you & God bless! Scarlett Tubridy, Business Admin. Janet Gagnon, Asst. Business Admin. Number of Registered Parish Families ........................................ 2224 Number of Registered Parish Members ..................................... 6665 Attendance........................................................................................ 1953 Contribution Number Ordinary Offertory 308 Children 0 Loose 0 Total 308 Operation Renovation Offertory for Christmas Offertory for December 27/28 Offertory for Mary, Mother of God January 3/4, 2015 Total Amount $ 18,077.72 $ .00 $ 1,840.24 $ 19,917.96 $ 3,040.00 $ 29,953.31 $ 19,233.01 $ 6,667.15 Stephen Ministry: I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends. We all need a concerned, caring friend at difficult times in our lives. A Stephen Minister can listen and care for you or for someone you know who is going through a tough time. To request a Stephen Minister, call Peg Shannon at 4603829. Stephen Ministry is confidential and free of charge. Tithe: Women Partnering— a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis of Colorado Springs. Women Partnering is a network of women from diverse backgrounds who respond to the unmet needs of financially vulnerable women & children in Colorado Springs to help them become economically stable. St. Vincent de Paul Society: The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Patrick’s brings Christ’s hope & love into the homes of the needy of Northern Colorado Springs. Two-person Vincentian teams visit the needy in their homes to provide both material & spiritual help & to be instruments of the Holy Spirit to reach out and comfort them. If you know of anyone in need of a St. Vincent de Paul visit, please ask them to call our Contact Line at the parish office 598 -3595, x117. Upcoming Tithes Red Cloud Indian School/Kateri Native Ministry—January 17/18 TLC Pharmacy—January 23/24 St. Patrick Emergency Fund—January 31/February 1 Salvation Army of El Paso County—February 7/8 Online Giving is available for both weekly offertory and Operation Renovation. Visit our website at HELP! OUR KIDS NEED YOU!! Love to Learn tutoring ministry is reaching out to so many children in our parish & community that we need more tutors. It is a once a week commitment on Monday evenings & you will have a forever friend! We help with academic needs & support is available to all our tutors. As always we are here to help any child kindergarten—high school with their studies in any subject area. Call Linette 232-8812. My Estate Manager is shown on the St. Patrick website ( under the parish links. This is a free resource with numerous areas of helpful information to assist with planning for the future. The site is sponsored by Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care. The Catholic Legacy Society honors those who have named their parish, a Catholic school, Catholic Charities, or other ministries of the Diocese of Colorado Springs as a beneficiary in their will or trust, retirement account, charitable gift annuity or charitable trust, life insurance policy, or through the establishment of an endowment fund. Visit for more info or call Peggy at 866-6518. Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse . . . a peer-support group. Are you or someone or do you know a woman who struggles with anger, depression, dissociation, being controlling, panic attacks, or acting like a child when triggered by certain situations & also happened to have suffered some form of sexual abuse as a child? Would you like to change this situation? Call the Parish office for more information about this caring & important support group. Readings for the Week of Jan. 11, 2015 LIBRARY NEWS: Start your New Year with some good spiritual reading. We have lots of new materials ready for check-out. Call the parish any Friday when I’m there & I can give you a list of what is checked out to you & your family. Volunteers Kathryn at or 282-1228. Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 Jn 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/ Jn 1:35-42 O If you have borrowed a Pyx to take communion to the sick or homebound, please return it to the parish office if you are no longer using it. We are running short. Thank you! ©Liturgical Publications Inc 8 Community, Mission and Social Outreach WELCOME FATHER BRIAN MOHAN AS OUR NEW PAROCHAL VICAR FEBRUARY 1, 2015 WINTER CANCELLATION POLICY As winter weather is here, we want to remind you of the St. Patrick Cancellation Policy. If D-11 closes for the day, our Faith Formation classes (K-12) & children’s choir practice will be cancelled for the day. All other programs/events may still meet if they wish. Servant Leaders/Facilitators: will choose to meet or cancel, please notify the parish office (598-3595) no later than 4:30pm if you are cancelling. You may want to contact your participants as well. We will post notices on the website. JANUARY 2015—42 YEARS OF ROE V. WADE January 22nd marks the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision making abortion on demand legal throughout the land. For that reason, we Knights erect crosses on the church lawn to remind passers-by of the continuing holocaust. Since abortion deaths are a hidden statistic, people tend not to take much notice. Death reports from the war in Afghanistan get much more press. But the facts are that in 2009 alone, more children were aborted than there were American casualties in all wars up through 2011. It is the leading cause of death in our country, more than double the next highest – heart disease. We are trying to eliminate heart disease, so why not abortion? We are shocked & upset when terrorists murder school children, but not when an abortionist kills many more. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, abortionist turned pro-life, said he had presided over 60,000 deaths! So it is very important that we as Catholics & as American citizens stand up for human rights for all, including pre-born children & the aged, so that no human beings are labeled as non-persons or disposable. There are many options, from prayer to campaigns like “Silent no more” or “40 Days for Life”. What is not an option is doing nothing, & allowing this evil, like a cancer, to keep growing & killing. Join us in our Respect Life Activities & be on the side of life! CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: The fruits of contemplative prayer include a taste for silence in one’s life & an ability to “let go” in the course of daily activity. Our Contemplative Prayer group practices the Centering Prayer method in which we sit in silence with Godopening our minds, hearts & whole beings. The Thursday evening group meets on the 2nd & 4th weeks of each month—Jan 8 & 22 at 6:30pm in Room 121(Tekakwitha). For more info: Steve (282-1924 or Please join us! Emergency Action Team (EAT) Tip - Eyes and ears EAT members are present at most Masses but with so few members we can’t be everywhere and don’t see everything. If you notice a person in physical distress (e.g., a person falls, loses consciousness or seems to have a medical problem) or see something “that just doesn’t look right,” please notify an EAT member. We train and stand ready to help until emergency response personnel arrive. Called & Gifted Spiritual Gifts Discernment Program: Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.) Find joy and purpose in using your spiritual gifts for others! Learn more about discerning these gifts. Contact Ann 531-6725 Ron Krom, Grand Knight St. Patrick Council 9993 Vocations The Respect Life Crafters knit & crochet baby blankets for expectant mothers that come into Catholic Charities. We are always accepting yarn of any weight & color, all material, batting & thread. The Crafters also make blankets that are taken to the Sick of our parish. We particularly appreciate ½ yard or longer pieces of fleece & flannel. Please drop off any yarn or fabric donations to the church office. Questions? Call Carol at 481-8338. HE HAS A JOB that puts him in touch with dozens of interesting people each week: He smiles over coffee while a 95-year-old woman reminisces about her first date in 1920; he discusses Marxism with a world-class philosopher after a lecture. Each day when he gets out of bed, he knows his work will make a difference. People knock on his door when they learn their spouses are sick, even dying, when they don’t have the money to buy winter coats for their small children. Or when their parents have kicked them out of the house. He does his best to do something for them all, but he gets back even more. This is not a thankless job. Real appreciation is expressed in hugs, smiles & simple thank yous. His co-workers are well-trained and knowledgeable in their fields. And they are supportive, never competitive. They laugh a lot with him. Sometimes they cry with him. But they are always caring. This job has brought out in him all sorts of hidden talents. He hadn’t known what a flair he had for public speaking; now, after every talk, there are pats on the back. He hadn’t known how much he liked children; now hundreds of kids know he’s ticklish behind the knees. This is not a dead-end job. He is learning every day. He is a priest. Does his job sound good to you? Do you feel you may be called to priesthood, sisterhood or brotherhood? For more info about vocations, contact Bishop Sheridan at the Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO at 636-2345. That Man Is You! (TMIY) We meet at 6am in the Bonzel Hall. TMIY Is a weekly men’s program, with breakfast, that seeks to educate, encourage & strengthen men to be real men, not as the world defines it, but as God does. This year’s theme is “The Revelation of the Father” which explores the mystery that touches God. Indeed, men “relive & reveal on earth the very fatherhood of God.“ Come & join us for an opportunity to grow in your faith & experience fellowship with other men seeking to better understand God’s call in their life. TMIY resumes on January 15, 2015. For more info or contact Sonny Cordova, 331-9806 or Eric Siverts, 598-3595. Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate is available in the parish office during regular business hours. 9 Nursery Nursery is available downstairs off the Bonzel Hall. Do your little ones find it hard to sit still during Mass? We offer childcare in our Nursery for children 4 months to 4 years of age? We have toys & activities to keep your children entertained. We are located downstairs just off the Bonzel Hall. All our care providers have been trained & background checked to meet the Bishops requirements for keeping children safe. Our Gathering Space is equipped with speakers so the Mass can be heard even if you have to step out of the Sanctuary. Family Life Cub Scouts Pack 268 is an energetic, boycentered Cub Scout pack meeting at St. Patrick. Boys in 1st- 5th grades interested in developing skills, leadership, & citizenship values in a faithcentered Pack are encouraged to join. Interested? Contact Paul at 393-3663. Come join us! Kids & Co. Playgroup is a fun way for both parents & young children to socialize in a positive & supportive setting. We meet Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 at local parks, attractions or the church nursery. To join our email list, contact Kate at or 659-3267. Our Facebook group is: St. Pat's Kids & Co. The American Heritage Girl (AHG) Come & visit us during one of our regular meetings to find out what our wonderful Pathfinder (Kindergarten) program has to offer you. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30–8pm (except holidays, etc.). Of course we welcome all girls age 5-18. For more info about AHG visit the website at Please contact Leigh Ann for more info about our troop: or 684-3751. St. Patrick Girl Scout Troop: has openings for all girls ages 5-18. We meet Fridays 6:30-8pm in classroom 133. If you are interested in joining girl scouts or have any question, please join us for our meetings or call Deana at 522-1798. Around the Diocese The Diocese of Colorado Springs is partnering with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) to sponsor a Religious Freedom Forum. Jennifer Kraska, Executive Director of the Colorado Catholic Conference, will speak on this timely & important subject at the Mormon Church at 8710 Lexington Dr. (in the Briargate neighborhood) on Fri., Jan. 23rd at 7pm. There will be opportunity for questions. Refreshments will be served following the forum. There is no charge. Bishop Sheridan encourages your attendance. Calling all college students! The Colorado Springs Campus Ministry would like to invite you to join us for special events over the break. We will be having Bible study, service projects, community dinner & other activities. To find out more, search "Catholic Fire" on Facebook. Contact Fr. Kyle Ingels for more details t or 202-270-3519 Laity Engaging Laity (LEL) is a Diocesan lay organization focused on personal transformation & spiritual growth through mini-retreats. The 2015 LEL focus is on spiritual growth in the power of the Holy Spirit. The next retreat will be “Who is the Holy Spirit”, on Sat Jan 17, 9:00-noon, at St Patrick Church, Fitzpatrick Hall. Contact Rhonda Bush at the diocese 636-2345 for more information. The Grief Support Ministry will begin a new grief series on Tuesday afternoons for 8 weeks beginning Jan. 6th. Please join us for an opportunity to share your story, your pain & your journey to peace. The program will incorporate small group format with sharing, topic & prayer. We will meet from 1–3pm on Jan 13, 20, 27 & Feb 3, 10, 17, 14th. All meetings are on Tuesdays. Meetings will be held at Holy Apostles Church & are sponsored by Stephen Ministry of St. Pats & Holy Apostles. Call Mary Ann at 244-1598 or Pat at 439-7683 for information & registration. Know Someone Who Might Be Pregnant? FREE pregnancy tests & education, Know your options. (Confidential & Compassionate support) Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center 591-2724 Mark your calendar! St. Patrick Vacation Bible School (VBS) is scheduled for June 22-26, 2015. Registration & volunteer details coming this Spring! Questions? Contact: Doug & Jennifer Brummel, Directors: Project Rachel is a program sponsored by the Catholic Church, providing free professional, confidential counseling, reconciliation, & spiritual direction with love & compassion for those who have been wounded by abortion. If interested, call 866-6426. Seniors Have you ever felt an attraction to a public ministry in the Church? We invite you to come to one of the information nights to see if the permanent diaconate might be what God is calling you to. What is this evening for? It’s to learn about the diaconate. It’s to learn about discernment. It’s to connect with those involved with deacon formation. It’s to meet others like you, thinking about the diaconate. It’s for your family to find out what this call is all about. What do I need to do? First of all, make sure -- if you are married -- that you have talked about this with your wife & family. Second, make sure that you have a conversation with your pastor, since he will be an important part of the discernment & formation process. And, finally, attend one of the information nights. You & your wife (if you are married) are welcome to come & ask questions regarding the process. St. Paul – Julie Penrose Hall – Tues., Jan. 20, 2015 7–9pm 9 El Pomar Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 St. Francis, Castle Rock – Assisi Hall – Thurs., Jan. 29, 2015 7–9pm 2746 East Fifth Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104 We hope to see you there. Peace and God’s blessing to you. The Young at Heart Luncheon: The Young at Heart Luncheon will be held on Thurs., Jan. 15th at the Rock Bottom Restaurant at 12 noon, located on Powers Blvd. off N. Carefree near JC Penney. For reservations please call Maureen 637-1644. All are welcome. Senior Social Ministry: Guys & Gals over 50, come join us for a morning of fun & games on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month. We meet in the Bonzel Hall at 9am for social time, munchies & games—like Mexican Train Dominoes & Bunko. Please bring a "small amount" of a finger food to share (fruit, pastry, etc.). Beverages will be provided. In case of inclement weather, we’ll cancel if District-11 delays or cancels school. 10 Do you think you might be called to the Permanent Diaconate? St. Felix (January 14) St. Felix lived in the third century. He was a priest and suffered greatly in the Decian persecution. The tomb of St. Felix at Nola, a small town in the south of Italy, was a much frequented place of pilgrimage in Christian antiquity, and in the Middle Ages veneration of him spread throughout the west. In one of the early persecutions of St. Felix, he was tortured on the rack and then thrown in a dungeon and chained lying on broken glass. An angel appeared, loosed his bonds, and led him out to freedom. Later, when the persecution had subsided, he converted many to the Christian faith by his preaching and holy example. However, when he resumed his denunciation of pagan gods and false worship, he was again singled out for arrest and torture; this time he escaped by hiding in a secret recess between two adjacent walls. No sooner had he disappeared into the nook than a thick veil of cobwebs formed over the entrance so that no one suspected he was there. Three months later he died in peace, and is therefore a martyr only in the wider sense of the word. St. Paulinus of Nola, who had a great devotion toward St. Felix, composed fourteen hymns in his honor. In St. Paulinus’ day (fifth century), St. Felix’s tomb was visited by pilgrims from far and wide and was noted for its miraculous cures. Patron: against eye diseases; against false witness; against lies; against perjury; domestic animals Symbols: cobweb; deacon in prison; young priest with an angel removing his chains; young priest with a spider Did you know that our weekly bulletin is now available 24/7 on two websites? And on our church website. All ads now include a free web link and web listing page! New available spots also for web ads! We are seeking new sponsors. We need your help! Our advertisers keep our bulletin available. If you would like to sponsor a spot, or know someone who would, please contact Elizabeth 720-468-9423 for pricing and details. Thank you! Woodmen Valley Dry Cleaners 6974 N. Academy Blvd., Ste. 70 at Woodmen King Sooper Shopping Center James Pang, Owner 719-260-6626 Open M-F 7am-7pm Sat 8am-5pm THE AMBUUL FAMILY For all your insurance or out of pocket repair needs COLLISION REPAIR & PAINTING On the Corner of Garden of the Gods Rd. And North Nevada Customer Shuttle Available 260-0285 Members of The Catholic Community Robert D. Biggers, M.D. PIKES PEAK UROLOGY PAUL T. GEFREH ATTORNEY AT LAW Specializing In Adult & Pediatric Urology New Patients Welcome 2125 N. ACADEMY BLVD. 6071 E. Woodmen Rd., Ste. 300 531-7007 • Parishioner 596-9010 635-3563 121 W. Cucharras EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST SINCE 1917 Specialists in All Types of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Sewer Repairs 6155 N. Academy Blvd • 719-594-4778 111 E. Garden of the Gods Rd. • 719-633-2072 • 24 Hour Service • Replacement or New Installation ~ Residential & Commercial Flintridge Dental Center Calvin D. Utke D.D.S. | Kirsten L. Ziuchkovski, D.D.S. Providing friendly family dental care for people of all ages 5770 Flintridge Drive #210 Located at Vickers & Flintridge 593-8701 Parishioners Contact Elizabeth Crowley to place an ad today! or 1-800-950-9952 x2568 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. FOR AD INFO CALL ELIZABETH CROWLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • ST. PATRICK CHURCH, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO B 2C 05-0397 12-23-201418:09:13 Mount Saint Francis Columbarium BILL’S PLUMBING & DRAIN SERVICE A place of peace, beauty and prayer. 719-598-4775 Located on the grounds of Mt. St. Francis, the columbaria offers a beautiful, always accessible place of peace and prayer. The columbaria is well lit, handicap-accessible and secure. To reserve your niche, please contact Mt. St. Francis Columbarium at Full Range of Plumbing Services icess Email: Colorado Springs’ Plumbing Specialis Spe Specialists lists ts (719) 955-3810 Life does not stand still - Capture that moment mom $25 OFF ANY SESSION OR $50 OFF PLATINUM OR DIAMOND PACKAGE Couples, Families, Children, High School Seniors, Maternity, Babies & Milestones 719-510-1582 • Jerry Tafolla, DDS. 8 Locations To Serve You Parishioner Mark D. George, D.D.S. Braces for all ages! Locally Owned & Family Operated Briargate Location: 7770 N. Union Blvd., Suite B (719) 594-9797 Parishioner GUERRA DENTAL, PC FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 3208 N Academy Blvd Ste 100 • 719-362-0002 5478 Tomah Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Phone - (719) 598-6680 Fax - (719) 598-4037 $99 New Patient Whole House Carpet Clean for $110.00! Exam and X-Rays Local family owned & operated for over 15 years Call 719-310-0900 Orthodontics for Adults and Children (719) 528.7022 H Keyes Townsend Jr, DDS Parishioner 1685 Briargate Boulevard, Colorado Springs Commercial and Residential Heating • Ventilations • Air Conditioning Systems Sales • Installation • Service • Design Build Office: (719) 548-8880 • (719) 548-1853 A & S Cleaning Services 719.432.8619 All types of the highest quality cleaning services Free Estimates !!!"#$%&&'()*++,-."/+& Insured - Licensed - Experienced One Time • Weekly 2x per Month • Monthly 719.492.2050 Contact Elizabeth Crowley to place an ad today! or 1-800-950-9952 x2568 Move In/Outs Real Estate Sale & Management Available 719.246.0884 Jody Heffner J Realtor 719.633.3400 20 years experience Office (719) 495-6838 Cell (719) 331-6240 “Superior Service & Performance with Honesty and Integrity” PARISHIONER “Serving Colorado Since 1971” 10 Year Labor Guarantee FREE ESTIMATES 719-544-1950 2501 FREMONT ST., CANON CITY • 719-269-9911 Kathy Thurman Office: 719.593.1000 Mobile: 719.660.4366 Toll Free: 1.800.888.8208 Fax: 719.548.9357 REAL ESTATE Golden Hill Neighbor for 38 years 5475 Tech Center Dr., Ste. 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Shields ALL SEASONS CARPET CLEANING AND RESTORATION Cliff Bruce–Manager (719) 268-2744 • (719) 331-6962 Pet Stain Removal • Repairs & Restretch Emergency Water Extraction Insured/Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 30% OFF WITH BULLETIN Trent Denman Auto Broker / St. Patrick’s Parishioner H.M. Brown & Associates 1220 Lake Plaza Dr, Colorado Springs Ph: 719-219-4710 • Fax: 719-219-4711 (719) 590-7608 Phone 6650 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Your Friendly Neighbors One Stop Shop for all your car care needs! Great Service, Same Location, for over 20 Years! James A. Mundt, P.L.L.C. Estate Planning From a Catholic Perspective Serving Colorado Springs for over 30 years St. Patrick’s Council #9993 121 E. Vermijo Ave. • Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Office - 719.578.1152 • Fax - 719.632.3755 “We have a great time at whatever we do, And we believe you will too!” For more information, or to join please call: Parishioner of St. Patrick’s • Doug Anderson • 719-282-9025 FOR AD INFO CALL ELIZABETH CROWLEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • ST. PATRICK CHURCH, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO A 4C 05-0397 12-23-201418:09:13
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