November 23, 2014 november/december 2014 at a glance... DATE MASS INTENTIONS EVENTS Saturday November 22 8:00 4:30 Sunday November 23 7:00 am Miriam Reagan 9:00 am John Rei 10:30 am Corey Raymond 8:45 5:00 6:00 am pm pm Blestways - School Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH Monday November 24 8:00 am Sylvia Butz 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm RCIA - MR Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH Tuesday November 25 8:00 am George Schwind III 7:00 pm Hispanic Ministers Council - MR Wednesday November 26 8:00 am For the people 6:30 pm Spanish Choir - C 9:30 No 8:00 am Mass am Peck Bastida Thursday November 27 am Kathryn Ferger pm Sember & Jaycox Families Office Closed Happy Thanksgiving! Bi-lingual Thanksgiving Liturgy Friday November 28 8:00 am Aju Janis Saturday November 29 8:00 4:30 am Christina Eva Cummings pm Cecilia Falcone Sunday November 30 First Sunday of Advent 7:00 am Philip Marquard 9:00 am Natalie Morrissey 10:30 am The Timmins & Merket Families Monday December 01 8:00 am MaryLou Pollard Tuesday December 02 8:00 am Barbara Murray Wednesday December 03 8:00 Thursday December 04 Office Closed No Faith Formation 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm RCIA - MR Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH am For the people 6:30 6:30 pm pm Spanish Choir - C Welcome Committee - MR 9:30 am Howard Stein 4:00 6:30 pm pm Music Ministry - C Christian Service Committee - MR Friday December 05 8:00 am MaryLou Pollard Saturday December 06 8:00 4:30 am David & Colleen Paap pm Joseph Falcone Saint Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up Sunday 7:00 am Robert A. Maurice December 07 9:00 am Fran Harper Second Sunday 10:30 am The Lindemann Family of Advent 8:45 5:00 6:00 Building Codes: C -Church PH– Parish Hall G- Gymnasium MR –Meeting Room S/C—Sacristy in Church CC -Children’s Chapel PC - Parish Center am pm pm Saint Vincent de Paul Van Pick-Up Blestways - School Faithways - PH Discipleway - PH O– Office Our Nation is preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving. Gratitude is an attitude. It asks of us the humility and honesty to claim that everything is a gift from a generous and loving God. Our ancestors realized this radical dependence. The people of the Old Testament understood that God’s providential love delivered them from harm. We come to the table of the Lord to celebrate the Eucharist; the word means to give thanks. What are we grateful for? What do we bring to the table? Our Parish Family has responded in gratitude in the sharing of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Our sharing of our talents and our financial resource shapes the energy that, by the grace of God advances the message of the Kingdom. We offer our gifts by returning a share of what the Lord has done for us. We make these offerings with generous spirit, it is our sacrifice with a thankful heart. Our prayer of Thanksgiving engages the presence of the Lord Jesus in a unique way. The Lord blesses our sacrifices and they are multiplied so that we may become what we receive; the body of Christ. ~ Father Dennis Make your choice This will be the last Sunday of the Church year. Next week we will begin the new year, starting with Advent—our waiting time for the birth of Jesus. The Responsorial Psalm, “The Lord is My Shepherd,” is used here simply as a reply to the First Reading. If I may paraphrase it: “We sheep understand that God is shepherding us as he promised. Goodness and kindness are all around us. God lets us walk beside restful waters, through green pastures. We are filled with thanks.” People of different generations sometimes call God’s love to mind and sometimes simply ignore it. The ones who ignore it fill their lives with other gods—whichever seem most attractive. Idols, these are called. So, in the Second Reading, St. Paul tells us about Christ, who is God made flesh as shepherd. Although death and sorrow and sin had been on the rampage, Christ brought the First Reading’s light and peace and wholeness. Then, in a parable, the Gospel tells us who will receive this light and peace. Not everyone. Some people have acted as perfect goats instead. Which are you? The standard is extremely clear. Have you cared for the hungry? Have you given water to the thirsty? What about welcoming the stranger, giving clothes to those who have none, and what about visiting people in prison? This is what God did in the First Reading. It is what Jesus did in his life on earth. It is the loving duty he has entrusted to us who are his body, his band of shepherds. If you have acted in this way, then you are one of the sheep who have received Christ's love and who are very grateful. But maybe you or I have never taken time to care for Christ’s least brother or sister. Maybe we are the goats. If we continue that way, we should not be surprised when God says at the end of time, “You never did pass on to others the care I gave to you. You did not let me into your life. If you had, your gratitude would have led you to others! I desire to shepherd you even now, but all I can do is affirm the choice you have made with your life. You have chosen to live without me, your God, and I will respect that choice.” This action of God shows the way a real king acts. He respects and honors his subjects’ needs and desires. We have to ask ourselves in freedom whether we are letting God’s love into us now. ~ John Foley S. J. our lord jesus christ, king of the universe Dear Friends: The Fair was a great success this year. Our parish community folks are extremely generous with their time, talent and treasure. It was great catching up with our seasonal friends as they return to us. A special thank-you to our Committee Chair people for sharing their time this weekend. Your dedication and trust in what the Lord is guiding you to do was evident this weekend. The upcoming months are filled with many events - these are just a few to put on your calendars: Our Christmas Dinner and Concert on December 17, 2014 featuring Tony Kenny and George Casey Seton Family Barbecue on January 4, 2015. We will be welcoming back Father Michael Sullivan that same week for a Parish Renewal. Our Christian Service Committee will again sponsor the Advent Giving Tree beginning the weekend of November 29/30. Please be sure to watch the bulletin for upcoming events and feel free to contact any of the committee chair people if you would like to help with any of the events. Many hands - make light work. There is an old Yiddish saying: “If you want to hear God laugh, just tell Him your plans.” Think about the apostles during the time of Pentecost – in the upper room – unsure what was going happen… The upper room – a place of uncertainty, a place where you hope no one will find you… The message to the Apostles – TRUST. Trust God’s promises will be kept. When we flee to our own upper room – that is when God often makes Himself known. He does not want us to spend our lives in the upper room. He wants us to open the windows. Let the light in, have faith, trust. Look for it, listen closely – hear the beautiful and unmistakable sound of God’s laughter. The Church and our parish community needs each of us to participate in its life or it has no life. CHURCH PHYSICAL ADDRESS 5225 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida 34116 MAILING ADDRESS & OFFICE LOCATION 5260 28th Avenue SW Naples, FL 34116 PASTOR Rev. Dennis J. Harten, O.S.A. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil........................................... 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish........ 6:30pm Sunday Liturgies ................... 7:30am, 9:00am ................................................................. & 10:30am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) .... 8:00am RECONCILIATION SATURDAY CONTACT US E-MAIL Marrie McLaughlin, Principal (239) 455-2262 WEBSITE: Telephone ............................. (239) 455-3900 Fax ............................................ (239) 455-6895 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Christian Davis (239) 370.1408 Prayer Line .................................extension 301 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL MINISTRY MARRIAGES Joan Hayden..........................extension 203 Arrangements must be made six months in advance by calling the Parish Office. BUSINESS MANAGER BAPTISM David Mowery .......................extension 202 OFFICE MANAGER Denine Cascio-Snyder .......extension 201 Baptism classes for parents who are registered participating members of the Parish will be held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for further information. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco......extension 207 English ................................................... 4:00pm Spanish ................................................. 6:00pm MUSIC MINISTRY PARISH OFFICE HOURS FAITH FORMATION FACILITATOR Monday - Friday ............. 8:30am - 4:00pm ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL Carl Granieri ...........................extension 204 Susan Reagan .......................extension 208 The Safe Environment Program As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at Attention Lectors 239.455.3900 The new Lector books are in. Please pick up your copy in the Minister’s Room. 24 hours|7 days extension 301 All are welcome on Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Children’s Chapel for an hour of praise, prayer, music and healing Thanksgiving Day Mass Bi-lingual November 27th 9:30 am There will be no 8:00 am Daily Mass Prayer Group Today the young children of the Blestways classes created paper cornucopias that will be displayed on the back wall of the church. On most of the food there is a word or phrase expressing what the children are thankful for. Please browse and enjoy. The Faithways and Discipleways youth were introduced to a new prayer last week. It seems quite appropriate for the age groups. Our intention is to begin each session reciting THE DYNAMIC CATHOLIC PRAYER... Faith Formation Parish office will be closed Thursday, November 27th Friday, November 28th What’s New in the Friary? Visit the Friary after mass to see our assortment of Fall items: Placemats | Napkins | Wreaths Flower Arrangements | “The Potato Bag” A Celtic Christmas Dinner Wednesday, December 17th at 5:00pm Dinner will be served at the Parish Center. A Cash Bar will be available. Tickets are $20 per person Christmastime In Ireland Concert Wednesday, December 17th at 7:00pm Starring: Tony Kenny with George Casey, Kathy Durkin, Dublin Trinity Band and The Dublin City Dancers. Concert will be viewed in the Gymnasium. Tickets are $40 for Preferred Seating & $30 for Regular Seating To purchase tickets please contact Sharon Kaylor at 239.961.2155 bienvenido a nuestra iglesia ... HORARIO DE MISAS ESTA SEMANA EN LA IGLESIA Lunes, 24 de Noviembre 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres Miércoles, 26 de Noviembre 6:30 pm Coro - Español Lunes, 01 de Diciembre 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres Miércoles, 03 de Diciembre 6:30 pm Coro - Español C G O PH S/C Iglesia Gimnasio Oficina Salón Parroquial Sacristía en Iglesia CC MR PC S PH C PH C Capilla de Niños Cuarto de Conferencia Centro Parroquial Escuela Día de Acción de Gracias Misa Bilingüe 27 de noviembre 9:30 am No habrá 8 a.m. Misa diaria Llamados a Servir Donde puedas invertir tus dones, hazlo y ganarás un tesoro en el Cielo. Si quieres estar más cerca de Dios, aquí tienes los diferentes ministerios donde puedes invertir tus talentos, tus dones y tu tiempo. Coordinador General de la Comunidad Hispana Padre Luis H. Pacheco ........................ 239-455-3900 ext. 207 Ministros Extraodinarios de la Eucaristía Jesús Delgado ......................................................... 239-784-5503 Ministerio de Música Ministerio de Ujieres Miguel Martínez ...................................................... 239-821-5891 Ministerio del Rosario Vicente Saavedra ................................................... 239-348-3693 Leonel Torres ........................................................... 239-293-1482 Ministerio del Grupo de Oración Juan Gorrostieta ..................................................... 239-285-7948 Ministerio de Lectores Erika Pérez ................................................................ 239-234-7036 Ministerio de Emaús Hombres Ernesto Rubio........................................................... 239-290-0213 Ministerio de Emaús Mujeres Misas en Inglés Lunes a Sábado ......................................... 8:00 am Sábado ........................................................ 4:30 pm Domingo................ 7:30 am, 9:00 am y 10:30 am Misa en español Sábado ........................... 6:30pm Padre Luis H. Pacheco: 455-3900 ext. 207 Horas de Oficinas: Martes y Miércoles Ana María Andrade................................................ 239-537-6792 Hoy en día los niños pequeños de las clases B l e s t w a y s cornucopias de papel creados que se mostrarán en la pared trasera de la iglesia. En la mayor parte de la comida allí es una palabra o frase expresando lo que los niños son agradecidos. Le invitamos a navegar y disfrutar. La juventud y Faithways Discipleways se introdujeron a una nueva oración la semana pasada. Parece muy apropiado para los grupos de edad. Nuestra intención es comenzar cada sesión de rezar la oración DINÁMICO CATÓLICA ... Faith Formation Gracias Emaús Mujeres Un gran agradecimiento a las mujeres de Emaús por su generosa donación, 50 # 's de pollo, a la Casa del San Mateo en el nombre de Santa Isabel Seton Iglesia. La energía del amor de Dios es impulsado por la bondad de los que son como ustedes que han hecho una generosa donación a la obra de Dios. La energía del amor se está transformando de una manera poderosa, cerca de casa. Que Dios siga bendiciendo a los sacrificios que ha hecho para que otros puedan conocer el amor de Dios. Estamos muy agradecidos! Special thanks to Bill and Lean Lorenz who led our Music Ministry on several weekends this Fall. Like so many others in our Parish Family, their love of God and humble commitment to serve s an inspiration. Thinking of our Ministry Fair last weekend, it was exciting to see so many people and activities alive in our Parish - 84 Ministries! Our Choir at SES is one of these beautiful Ministries and you are invited to be part of it. There are many aspects to Choir, but perhaps the most important is that we believe that our signing should always be prayer and everyone should be signing at every Mass. In fact, we like to say that at Saint Elizabeth Seton, our entire Church is a Choir. It is a blessing to our congregation when hearts that love God are willing to help lead the signing, and so please know that you are needed and wanted in this Ministry. You do not need to be able to read music and you do not have to have a great voice, you just need a heart that wants to praise God. Our rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We are looking for teenage signers for our 10:30am Sunday morning liturgies. Please say a prayer and ask God if you are called to join the Music Ministry. Music is so important to our worship, filled with joy by hearts dedicated to the Holy Spirit. At SES our WHOLE CHURCH is our CHOIR, so together let’s Praise the Lord in song! Carl and the Music Ministry Thank you Emmaus Women A big thank you to the Emmaus women for their generous donation, 50#’s of chicken, to the Saint Matthew’s House in the name of Saint Elizabeth Seton Church. The energy of God’s love is propelled by the kindness of those like you who have made a generous donation to God’s work. The energy of love is transforming in a powerful way near to home. May God continue to bless you for sacrifices you have made so that others may know God’s love. We are truly grateful! STEWARDSHIP MAXIMIZING GOD’S BLESSING FOR HIS GLORY THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY! The offertory collection totals for the weekend of November 16, 2014 Collection: $15,663 | # of Envelopes: 789 | Last Year’s Collection: $14,865 Debt Reduction Report September 30, 2014 Original Loan: $1,350,000 | September Principal Reduction : $9,597 | Principal Balance : $549,667
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