St. Matthew Catholic Church “A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC TRADITION” 2140 W. Ontario Avenue Corona CA 92882-5651 Phone: (951) 737-1621 FAX: (951) 737-9715 Webpage: Pastoral Staff available by appointment E-mail: See phone directory/email inside Pastor: Rev. Neil Fuller, S.V.D Parochial Vicar: Rev. Alex Sila, S.V.D. Pastoral Associate: Lou Ann Tannaz Director of Religious Education: Isaura Cera Associate Coordinator of Religious Education: Moira Fisher Director of Youth Ministry: Mary Anne Multer Assistant Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Rosie Gomez MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am & 5:30pm (English) 12:30 P.M. (Spanish) Weekday: Wed., Thurs, & Friday @ 8:30am. CHAPEL HOURS: 9am-5pm (Monday-Friday) RECONCILIATION (Penance) Confession Saturdays from 3:30pm-5:00pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am-5pm (Monday-Friday) COMMUNION CALLS, HOSPITAL VISITS, ANOINTING OF THE SICK, Please notify Parish Office so a visit can be arranged. The Pastoral Staff depends on you to notify us as to the need. SACRAMENTAL OPPORTUNITIES: Baptism, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, Call Parish Office for details. MARRIAGE: Appointment with Pastoral Associate at least NINE months in advance. ST. MATTHEW COOPERATES WITH OUR LOCAL CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: St. Edward Elementary School 500 Merrill St. Corona CA 92882 (951) 737-2530 Webpage: Notre Dame High School 7085 Brockton Ave. Riverside CA 92506 Webpage: February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time Reflecting on God’s Word These first days of Jesus’ ministry present him preaching, teaching, and healing to bring people to know that God is near. His message and his deeds bring people back to full life in the community. By casting out demons and curing the sick he restores to full humanity those suffering from possession and illness. Today we find Jesus confronting a condition that must have been even more excruciating—leprosy. To be a leper was to be cut off from others in all ways. You were cast out of the community, isolated, doomed to live in deserted places, no longer part of the human family, unable to participate in any social events, and considered unfit to worship God. It was assumed that if you had leprosy, you had sinned in some way. Your life was summed up in the words the Law of Moses told you to cry out whenever anyone came near, “Unclean, unclean!” For Jesus to touch a leper meant that in the eyes of others he also became unclean and unfit to associate and worship with others. Even so, when a leper asked for healing, Jesus was unequivocal in his reply: “I do will it. Be made clean” (Mark 1:41). It is easy to hear in his response the authority of the Son of God, set on giving glory to his Father. Yet Jesus, ever respectful of the law, sent the man to the priest, as commanded in the book of Leviticus. In Jesus, pity took precedence over the law, but did not abolish it. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God’s Word Jesus, you came to bring us into deeper communion with the Father and one another. Give us the courage to reach out, as you did, to those in need of our compassion and help. Let us not be afraid of the opinions of others when we see that good can be done. Amen. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SATURDAY, February 14 5:30 p.m. Gabriella Cera - Especial Intentions by The Cera Family SUNDAY, February 15 8:00 a.m. Benedicto Domantay - † by Rosalina Domantay & Alob Family 9:30 a.m. Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Julius Umali - Birthday by His mom Lita Umali 12:30 p.m. Luis Castro - † by The Castro-Enriquez Family 5:30 p.m. Ava Jean Smith - † by Gene & Elaine Harsma WEDNESDAY, February 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. Romeo Tindoy - † by The Tindoy Family 12:00 noon Bilingual Prayer Service 4:45 p.m. English Prayer Service 6:15 p.m. English Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Spanish Prayer Service THURSDAY, February 19 8:30 a.m. Judy Redline - Health by Parish Office FRIDAY, February 20 8:30 a.m. Deb Szul – Health by Parish Office No Adoration On Fridays Ministers to the homebound Please check for any Pyx you may have forgotten to return to the parish office. Also, please remember to sign in the Ministry Book. Thank you for your dedication to this very special ministry. NEXT WEEK’S SCRIPTURE READINGS To help you prepare for the next week’s Masses, we encourage you to read the Scriptures ahead of time. Genesis 9:8-15 1Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15 Food Drive Results Thank you for your food donations for the month of January to the Settlement House, as a parish we donated 1,015 lbs for the needy in our community. The Parish Office will be closed Monday, February 16th in observation of President’s Day. Sunday Catholic TV Mass 9:00am on KDOC Channel 56 Also on cable/satellite TV. Check listing for “KDOC”. Please pray for those names in this list, and remember to call the office when the intention can be removed. [A] Shannon Adams, Judy (Simon) Ackel [C] Paula Caff, Ron & Ceil Chathan, Aunt Chong, Amador Larry Corona Jr. [F] Kassi Flores [G] Luis Alberto Gonzalez-Orbegozo [J] Karen & Scott Jones [K] Monica Kent [L] Sun Lee, Robert Luna [M] Jennifer Martinez, Bob McGinnis [N] Chad Nelson, Irene Novak [S] Barbara Saldana, Gloria Sanchez, Daniel Shea, Victoria Smitherman, Fabrizzio Sobrino, Aunt Mary Stevenson [T] Bette Thielen [V] Leticia Velasquez [W] Jesse Welker, [Y] Nancy Young Please make sure your family is registered in our parish. We need registration paperwork for your enrollment in our programs. Registration forms can be found on the credenzas in the Church, on line, and in the parish office. Thank you BIBLE STUDY NEWS: There's still time to attend our Bible Study on Spirituality of the Gospels. We meet every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. For more information, call Pam Fischer at 951-205-3353. ESL Classes continue on Wednesdays in the Parish Center from 6-8:00pm. Prayer Journal If you have a prayer request for the Sunday Liturgy, include your request in the Prayer Journal which is available as you enter the church. ANOINTING OF THE SICK It is not necessary to wait until the last moment before asking for anointing: a serious illness, any major operation, or simply the onset of old age, are reason enough to receive it in faith. Please notify the Parish Office so a visit can be arranged. When a person has been anointed within a few months of becoming gravely ill, it is not necessary to be anointed again as the person is dying. Non-Discrimination Policy All Catholic Schools within the diocese shall adhere strictly to a policy of non discrimination which states: The schools of the Diocese of San Bernardino admit students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at respective schools. These schools do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national and ethnic educational policies, admission policies, financial assistance, and athletic and other school administered programs. Lenten Reconciliation Service Monday, March 19 at 7:00pm LENT The word Lent comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word (lencten) meaning spring or springtime (lenctentid). The word also is the root of the word lengthen. Spring came in March when the days became longer. The forty days before Easter (the feast of the Resurrection) was called the Great Fast in the Church. It was originally established as a retreat for catechumens, those who were preparing themselves for Baptism into the Church. The Great Fast was a time for penance and conversion. The catechumens and also those known as great sinners abstained from eating meat and fasted for forty days. Eventually the Church called all Catholics to participate in the conversion process of the catechumens and renamed the Great Fast as Lent. In the course of history the fasting during Lent became modified and changed a great deal. Fasting means eating only one full meal and two smaller portions of food a day. Abstinence means abstaining from meat. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the only two days of fast and abstinence in Lent today. Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence. Some elderly and those who are dealing with illness are not required to fast or abstain. Catholics should use their own reasoning as to what they can and want to do regarding the Lenten practice of fasting and abstinence. It is good that it be done with prayer. Fasting and abstinence is a practice. One is not bound under sin to do so. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Millions of Catholics throughout the world will go to church and be marked with ashes. There are two prayers that are used – “Repent and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember you are dust and to dust you will return.” Putting them together we could ask, “What am I doing with the time I have in my life? Am I following the call of Christ in whom I was baptized? Where do I need to change and be more faithful to the Gospel?” There are three themes I would like to put forth this Lent – The Rice Bowl, the Corporal Works of Mercy, and the action of doing random acts of kindness. “May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the word and the spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all.” Fr. Neil There will be a meeting for all new Eucharistic Ministers and those needed updating on Saturday, February 28th at 10am in the Church. We are in need of Eucharistic Minister especially for Saturday and Sunday 5:30pm Masses BULLETIN UPDATE • There won’t be adoration on Fridays. • Station of the cross in English will be at 7:00pm. YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULE FIRST WEEK OF CLASS Jr. High - 7th and 8th Monday 7:00-8:30pm No Class Feb. 16, 2015 High School Confirmation Class 9th thru 12th Monday 7:00-8:30pm No Class Feb. 16, 2015 Wednesday 7:00-8:30pm No Class Feb. 18, 2015 Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7:00pm in English, 7:30pm in Spanish, in the Church. Healing with Hope Grief Survival Series All Sessions are from 6:30-8:30pm Held on Tuesday Nights at Riverside Community Hospital In the Administrative Conference Room This requires an eight weeks commitment. To R.S.V.P. or for more information call: (951)788-3590 Fish Fry every Friday during Lent from 5-8 pm in the Parish Center. Fish fry or spaghetti dinner, Pizza and desserts. If you need your 2014 Envelope Contributions Letter, please call the parish office or email Susie Chocek to have one prepared for you to pick up or have mailed or call 272-3522 We invite all youth (7th and Up) to be part of the Youth Choir. Please call the Youth Ministry office for more information. 951-272-3520. Religious Education The registration for children grades preschool-6th continues Mon-Fri in the Parish Office. Please continue making payments on your registration balances from the 2014-2015 Religious Education year. Tuition Balances for: Religious Ed. $2,634.00 Youth ministry $2,060.00 Total: $2,694.00 We are in special need for Commentators to read the Prayer Intercessions and Announcements at all Masses. Please call the Parish Office to help this ministry. Classes, Retreats and Workshops are offered at Old Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside. For more info check out Social Concerns Ministry You are invited to join us – the commitment is only one night a month Come once and try us!! Next meeting February 17 at 7:00 PM in St. Matthew’s Parish Center We invite you to get involved!! Many events are planned for the coming months. For more information call 951-279-0078 or contact the parish office. USING YOUR ENVELOPE REALLY HELPS! It’s much easier for our volunteer counters to count your church contributions if you use the envelopes mailed to you every two months. They have your complete information—name, address, amount of contribution for you to fill in—to help us keep accurate records for your end-of-year statement. We appreciate your help. February 7-8 Attendance …………………………………………...2,215 Families receiving envelopes……………………...2640 Plate collection………………………………....$2,561.06 Weekly envelopes collection………………...$9,547.50 Weekly envelopes received………………………….382 Average per envelope……………………………..$25.00 Online giving this week………………………..$2,137.00 * Please use your envelopes CRS Rice Bowl for Lent for Life Through CRS Rice Bowl, you are helping those in need both around the world and in your community. R.E. children will be taking the rice bowl home, you may help them by paying them for their chores so they can make a donation. HOUSE e Date! Save Th Education OPEN s Religiou Masses ARCH 1 0am YM SUNDA , 9:30. and 11:0 0 :0 m. After 8 e 12:30p Before th PARISH STAFF– PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY ♦Parish Office General and Bereavement Needs Phone 951-737-1621 Evelyn Sobrino Email ♦Rev. Neil Fuller (Pastor) Phone 951-272-3523 Email ♦Rev. Alex Sila, S.V.D. Phone 951-737-1858 Email ♦Lou Ann Tannaz (Pastoral Associate) Phone 951-737-1004 Email ♦Susie Chocek (Financial Records) Phone 951-272-3522 Email ♦Isaura Cera (Religious Education) Phone 951-272-3521 Email ♦Moira Fisher (Religious Education) Phone 951-272-3521 Email ♦Jonathan Machado (Office, Baptism) Phone 951-272-3524 Email ♦Mary Anne Multer (Youth Ministry/ Confirmation) ♦Rosie Gomez (Youth Ministry - Jr. High) Phone 951-272-3520 Email Parish website is: Youth Mass is Celebrated On the First Saturday of every month at 5:30 pm. Please come and join us! FIRST RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) PARENT MEETING There will be a meeting for parents only wishing to prepare their children or teenagers for First Reconciliation (Confession) on Thursday Feb. 19 from 6:45-9:00pm in the Parish Center. This meeting is for parents only. Childcare will be available for $5.00 for the first child and $1 for each additional child. Please be prepared to pay $35.00 for the preparation process. To begin the preparation process for first sacraments, parents must be registered in the parish and children must be enrolled in at least the second continuous year of religious education or Catholic school. This meeting will be repeated in the winter as well. If you have attended a previous meeting for another child in the past you must still attend this meeting for the child/youth currently preparing. If you need more information please call the Religious Education office at 272-3521. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT Our parish is experiencing tremendous growth and we are inviting you to join us in providing services and ministries to those who need them. If you are interested or would like more information regarding any ministry please call the Parish Office at 737-1621. The following is a list of the many ministries we offer: ♦ Altar Linen Care ♦ Altar Server ♦ Baptismal Ministry ♦ Bereavement Ministry ♦ Children’s Liturgy of the Word ♦ Children’s Sacramental Programs ♦ Church Environment/Flowers ♦ Commentators (at Mass) ♦ Communion To The Sick & Homebound ♦ Corona Norco Interfaith Association ♦ Eucharistic Minister ♦ Gardening ♦ Hispanic Ministry ♦ Readers (at Mass) ♦ Men’s Club ♦ Music Ministry-Singer, Play Instrument ♦ Office Volunteer ♦ RCIA—Support Team and/or Sponsor ♦ Religious Education-teach, aide, baby sit ♦ Repairs/Maintenance ♦ Settlement House-Monthly Food Drive ♦ Social Concerns ♦ Fund Raising Organizing Committee ♦ Train Altar Servers ♦ Ushers ♦ Corona Seniors Center ♦ Weekly Communion—Vista Cove Care ♦ WINGS (Women’s Spiritual Group) ♦ Women’s Club ♦ Young At Heart (Senior Group) ♦ Youth Ministry—teach, teachers aide • PRAYER REQUESTS FORM If you have anyone that you would like to add to our prayer column please complete the following form. Then the form can then be placed into the collection basket. You may also call the Parish office at 737-1621 with your prayer request. Date Person requesting prayer phone# _____________________________________ Pray for Prayer request or intention ______________________________________ Please remember to call the office when the prayer intention can be removed from the list.
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