Announcing our Upcoming 17th Annual Senior Expo

Exhibitor and Sponsorship Application
Thursday, May 7, 2015
9:00am – Noon
We are pleased to announce the 17th Annual Senior Expo for 2015 located at The
Gathering Place @ Community Church of Greenwood at 1495 W Main St, Greenwood, IN
46142. This well attended event allows vendors to present their services and resources
to nearly 700 older adults and their family members.
The 17th Annual Senior Expo will be promoted with a full-page color ad in Senior Life
Magazine, a half page ad in Senior Life Newspaper, Daily Journal ads, The Social’s
monthly newsletter, The Social website, Facebook, Twitter, on postcards mailed to
attendees from the last 3 years, and with yard signs the week of the event.
Don’t pass up the opportunity to meet your potential customers at the largest senior
event on the south side.
Please complete the application and return it to The Social of Greenwood. We will
contact you closer to the Senior Expo with information about your booth space and
other details for the day of the event. A Door Prize valued at $25.00 or more will be
appreciated from each vendor at registration.
Please send your applications and payment to:
Fax: (317) 882-5934
Phone: (317) 882-4810
Mail: The Social of Greenwood, 550 Polk Street, Greenwood, IN 46143
For more information, please contact Liz McKinley.
Thank you for supporting The Social of Greenwood in our mission to enhance the
quality of life for those 50 and beyond in our community.
The 17th Social of Greenwood Annual Expo is sponsored by:
The 17th Social of Greenwood Annual Expo is sponsored by:
2015 Senior Expo Exhibitor and Sponsorship Application
Full Business Name to Be Advertised: ____________________________________________
Contact Person:_________________________________Phone:_______________________
Address:_____________________________Email: _________________________________
Facebook:________________________________ Twitter:____________________________
Do you have a screening you will be performing at your booth? If so, please include a
Booth Rental: (Each booth space is 10’x8’ and includes a 6’ table, 2 chairs and table linen.)
( ) For-Profit-Business Booth Fee:
$275 x ______ =
(# of booths)
Need Electricity: Yes:________ No:________
If your company is a not-for-profit and wishes to apply for the reserved NFP Rate,
please contact Liz McKinley at 317-882-4810.
_____Gold Sponsor: $1,250 (Limit of 3)
Your company name will be included in all advertising.
One Exhibitor Booth
Company name on agency website (
Recognition on Facebook and Twitter
One educational seminar at The Social of Greenwood
Reserve your sponsorship
One booth at The Social’s Annual Craft & Gift Fair at
today, to ensure maximum
Greenwood High School (over 1,000 attendees)
advertisement exposure
_____Silver Sponsor: $750 (Limit of 5)
for this event.
Your company name will be included in all advertising
One Exhibitor Booth
Company name on agency website (
Recognition on Facebook and Twitter
One Business Level room rental at The Social of Greenwood
One booth at The Social’s Annual Craft & Gift Fair at Greenwood High School
(over 1,000 attendees)