T.H. ROGERS VANGUARD EIGHTH GRADE COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 8 Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First MI Student I.D. _________________ Phone_____________________________ Email _______________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ The T.H. Rogers Vanguard program is an advanced academic course of study in which the curriculum is expanded and enriched beyond the basic district proficiencies. The middle school schedule includes a 47 minute eight-period instructional day on Mondays; students will meet with all of their classes. On Tuesdays through Fridays, students will have four 85 minute ‘block’ periods; they will meet with four block teachers on Tuesday/Thursday (A-day), and the other four block teachers on Wednesday/Friday (B-day). Block periods will followed by a 55 minute Homeroom/Study Lab on Tuesday/Thursday and a 55 minute TPSP period on Wednesday/Friday. SUBJECT UNIT Pre-AP/GT English 8 1.0 Foreign Language* 1.0 Pre-AP/GT Math 8 or 1.0 Pre-AP/GT Algebra* Pre-AP/GT U.S. History 1.0 To the right is the required course list for 8th grade. A unit (1.0) is a full- year course; 1/2 unit (.5) is a one-semester course. Pre-AP/GT Science 8/IPC 1.0 Important Notes: -A forthcoming matrix will be used to determine Algebra students. -Only Algebra students are eligible to enroll in IPC. Physical Education 1.0 Electives 2.0 The TPSP (Texas Performance Standards Project) is an initiative designed to challenge the ability of gifted/talented students. The goal of TPSP is to guide gifted/talented students to create a professional quality product that reflects the use of research-based standards. All students will be assigned to a TPSP class during Period 9B on the “B” Day block for 55 minutes in the 2014-15 school years. The majority of the TPSP project will be done at school and in a collaborative group. For the 2014-15 school year, all students will be assigned to a structured study-hall/lab during Period 9A on the “A” Day block for 55 minutes. This is designed to allow students to have a structured period at the end of the school day to begin their homework or, when needed, assignment to labs to further strengthen their skills in areas where they need additional assistance. FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR NEW INCOMING 8TH GRADERS: Please check the language you have completed at your pervious campus. ___ Spanish ___ French ___ Mandarin Chinese ___Other: _____________________ ELECTIVES: Placement in electives is dependent upon a sufficient number of students enrolled and on our ability to achieve a conflict-free academic schedule. Courses in bold Italics indicate teacher approval required. You will be contacted if there is a need to change your selections.* Course with an asterisk and bold denotes high school credit. Class Rank Choices Teacher Teacher Signature (Rank choices 1-13) Important Note: Please select only one level of Orchestra class. Advance Orchestra (Full Year) L. Anderson (Required) Chamber Orchestra (Full Year)* L. Anderson (Audition Required) Intermediate Theatre 8 (1 Semester) A. Cleveland (Not required) Advanced Theatre 8* UIL One Act Play (1 Semester) A. (Audition Required) Art 8 (1 Semester) T. Tata (Not required) High School Credit Art I (Full Year)* T. Tata (Required) Broadcast Media (1 Semester) E. Agustin (Required) Public Speaking 8 (1 Semester) A. Cleveland (Not Required) Chess (1 Semester) E. Agustin (Not Required) Name That Book (1 Semester) S. Hatley (Not Required) Photography 8 (1 Semester) T. Tata (Required) Robotics S. Martin (Required) Introduction to Latin (Not a Foreign Language Credit) S. Cruz (Not Required) Ceramics 8 (Spring Semester Only) L. McClusky (Not Required) Cleveland 8th Grade Texas Performance Standard Project Selection All 8th grade students are required to complete a (Texas Performance Standard Project) TPSP project. You will need to choose from the choices listed below. List your choices 1-5, with 1 your first choice, 2 your second, and so on. You may not be assigned to your first choice. Time to complete your project will be provided during the 9B period the first semester. ____Science Fair Science Fair TPSP will spend the semester investigating a science topic using the scientific method. After collecting and analyzing data to arrive at conclusions based on their particular experiment, students will create a tri-fold board display to document their experiment as well as present their experiment to fellow students. ____History Fair History Fair TPSP will choose a historical topic related to the National History Day annual theme, and then conduct primary and secondary research. Students will research through libraries, archives and museums, conduct oral history interviews, and visit historic sites. After analyzing and interpreting sources, and drawing a conclusion about the significance of your topic, students will then be able to present their work in one of five ways: as a paper, an exhibit, a performance, a documentary, or a web site ____Social Justice and Activism Students will build background knowledge about social justice and will hone critical thinking skills. The class will lead to understanding that people experience injustices, why and how people take action to address injustice, recognizing how experiences are shaped by membership in groups defined by race, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, ethnicity, ability, recognizing how the historical moment and the social context shape experience, developing empathy for people whose experiences differ from their own, and learning to take action. ____Creative Writing Creative Writing TPSP will focus on the analysis of at least 3 fiction writers and their style, and the development of the student’s’ own novel (1st 50 pages) or short story (Flash, SciFi/Fantasy, or Fiction) for Rogers’ annual Scholastic Writing competition. Participation in this class will provide guidance for, but is not a guarantee of, entry into the competition. NOTE: students interested in Scholastic should visit the website, artandwriting.org, this summer and read some sample stories. Students interested in the novel category should start this summer! ____TPSP Film and Documentary-Making Students will create fictionalized retelling of historical events or documentaries on a teacher-approved subject of the student’s choice. Films will be based on extensive research and must have a clear thesis statement. It should cover a relevant topic with a purpose, which deals with conflicting data, attempts to solve societal problems, and/or offers multiple perspectives on the topic. Students will learn filming and editing techniques, creation of storyboards, interview techniques, plagiarism avoidance, and movie-editing software (Magix).
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