AUGUST 2013 Children’s Used Clothing and Toy Sale September 21st Official Opening of Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs Labyrinth Summer Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT AUGUST 2013 3 SSCA Vision Silver Springs Community Association will provide the environment, the facilities, the programs and the leadership to make Silver Springs the community of choice in Calgary. SSCA Mission Statement 5720 Silver Ridge Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta, T3B 5E5 Phone: 403-288-2616 Fax: 403-247-0820 Email: Website: Board of Directors Executive President.................................................................... Jeremy Gukert Vice President..........................................................Cydney Elofson Treasurer...................................................................... Jeff Van Wyk Secretary.....................................................................Bob Eccleston Director, Facilities....................................................... Rick Czapski Director, Public ................................................................................. Relations and Sports................................................Murray Scotton Director, Crowchild Hockey and...................................................... Bowmont Park........................................................... Tania Booth Standing Liaisons Scenic Bow Valley Guides ......Lauren Ostridge/Tammy Robbins Scouts ............................................................................ Chris Stang Crowchild Twin Arena ............................... Roy Moore / Tom Ford Soccer.......................................................................Dino Sorrentino Softball ......................................................................... Wayne Funk Seniors ............................................................................ Jim Green Open Spaces/Natural Areas ................................... Judi Vandenbrink MLA................................................................................Jason Luan Alderman...................................................................... Dale Hodges Friends of the Gardens.............................................Duncan Badger Community Association Office Staff—403-288-2616 Accountant ........................................................................ Deb Hall Administration .............................................. Corrie Mildenberger Building and Outdoor Facilities Coordinator ........ Rita McMillan Program Coordinator ............................................... Sherry Gavlin Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm Summer Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am to 12 noon Closed for all Recognized Holidays Silver Springs Community Association fosters community spirit by providing facilities and services, and by encouraging participation by all residents in vibrant programs and activities. Article Submissions Get Involved with Silver Springs today! The Silver Springs Spirit DEADLINE is the first Friday of every month. Classified Submissions Call 403-288-2616 or e-mail with your ad of 40 words or less. The cost is $10 and you must have a valid Silver Springs Community membership. This publication is published 12 times a year by Suburban Journals Publishing and delivered to residents by volunteers in the community. This publication is also available for pickup from local retail outlets. Please note: the information and opinions in this newsletter are subject to change, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher or editor. Content contained in this publication may not be reproduced without the written consent of Suburban Journals Publishing. The information herein is believed accurate but not warranted so. Any advertisements, home businesses, babysitters & nannies, or other parties listed in the Silver Springs Suburban Journal should not be interpreted as recommendations or endorsements by the editor or the publisher. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 5 Community News Notes from the Office It has been a very challenging summer for many of our nearby neighbors cleaning up after the flooding and we hope that everyone is well on their way to recovery! Many thanks go out to the Silver Springs Pool Staff for their hard work keeping the pool in tip-top shape, teaching swimming lessons and keeping our children safe as they enjoy the pool on these hot summer days! Our thoughts turn now towards organizing activities for our kids for the fall – check out the Dance Foundation Schedule and the many classes it offers to keep the little ones busy as the pool closes and Fall approaches. We still have a few routes that require volunteers to deliver the Silver Springs Spirit. If you and your kids would like to help out, give the office a call. Most routes take a ½ hour or less once a month! Community Website I bet you didn’t realize…. You can read the latest newsletter, get all the information you need and even register for programs on our website at 159th Silver Springs Scouts Fall 2013 Registration Fall Registration for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will take place at the community center Thursday, September 5 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 pm in the Common Room. SOKO: School’s Out Kids Option Out of School Care in Silver Springs Community Center Summer spots still available. Swimming, sports, crafts, themed activities and field trips. Qualified, experienced staff. For more information call Carolyn or Robyn at 403-286-3243. SOKO is looking for the following items for their summer crafts: coffee cans (round), empty cereal boxes, empty Kleenex boxes, paper towel rolls. You can drop off at SSCA Monday – Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (Family $25 / Senior $10/household / Associate $35) "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 7 Community News Community BBQ Thank Yous Over 350 people enjoyed the 2nd Annual Silver Springs Family BBQ despite the rainy weather! Children enjoyed bouncy castles, bubbles, climbing wall, and airbrush tattoo artist! Thank you to all our volunteers! With out you, this event would not have been possible. Thank to you to our Sponsors: •Silver Springs Auto Select, Ph: 403-247-6316 •Murray Scotton Century 21 Realty scotton Ph: 403-861-9196 •Crowfoot Chiropractic Center http:// Ph: 403-239-3000 •Silver Springs M/M Meat Shop Ph: 403-247-9010 •Beverly the Balloon Lady And thanks to Alderman Hodges office for their continued support of our community events. Classifieds Laser let you down? For Permanent Hair Removal, call Silver Springs Electrolysis at 403-286-0330. Free consultation. Face Specialist, 26 years experience. CPE/FCEA/AES, Honor Certificate. Licenced Clinic conveniently located just off Nosehill Drive. By appointment only, Monday-Saturday. Butterfly Dayhome: Experienced, quality love and care in Silver Springs. Age related activities. Group piano lessons. Snacks and hot meals. Call 403-288-3390. Doggone Vacations!! mature, caring adult will take care of your pet canine in home environment while you’re away. 14 years of service, references provided. For info/reservations or to set up profile for your next getaway or emergency, call 403-286-8807. Preserve It Productions: We transfer records, cassette, reel-to-reel, 8-track tapes, Reg 8, super 8 movies, VHS, Beta, Hi8 tapes to CD and DVD. Reasonable rates. Contact Henry at 403-288-2091 or Permanent Hair Removal by New You Electrolysis. Certified Electrologist in Silver Springs, Member of ESA FCEA with 30 years experience. Free consulatation & Flexible hours. Call: 403-286-2299. Sewing & Alterations: very reasonable prices, local, experienced. Call Edith at 403-286-4624. Pet Sitting Services: Retired and reliable. House sitting, cat/dog sitting, dog walking, dog daycare, basic grooming/training. Certified Pet First Aid. References available. Call Elena 403-247-6205 Professional Organizing, Home Decorating and Staging: If clutter or decorating overwhelms you – I can help. As a professional organizer and stager I can organize and decorate your kitchen/bedroom/closet/garage/basement/pantry or office, even coordinate your house move. References. Reasonable rates. Insured/ 403-669-4154. Watkins Quality Products Since 1868: World’s best vanilla, black pepper, cinnamon, pure spices, extracts, soup bases, natural personal care,natural home care, plant-based remedies, natural laundry products and the best insect repellant! Free home delivery. Call Debbie 403-2897740 or First Dance October 4th! Dances are for children in grades 4 – 6. We are always looking for Teen volunteers to help out at the dance and Parent volunteers to supervise. Give us a call at 403-288-2616 2 weeks prior if you can help. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 9 Community News Babysitters Available The following youths have successfully completed the Red Cross Babysitters course and are waiting for your phone calls. • Hannah: 12 yrs, 403-247-9017 • Hayley: 14 yrs, 403-289-7740 • Emma: 10 yrs, 403-274-2332 • Sarah: 12 yrs, 403-274-2332 • Madison: 11½ yrs, 403-366-1547 • Alyson: 14 yrs, 403-870-7523 • Emily: 14 yrs, 403-247-4872 • Carl: 12 yrs, 403-247-3871 • Luna: 11 yrs, 403-286-1118 • Tessa: 14 yrs, 403-288-5133 • Claire: 11 yrs, 403-286-5374 • Abi: 11 yrs, 403-247-6227 • Mariyke: 13 yrs, 403-288-7632 Bowmont Natural Environment Park Photo Contest The Bowmont Natural Environment Park Committee is looking for your best shots taken in Bowmont Natural Environment Park. Photos will be judged by experienced photographers. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: •Scenic Views: Scenic landscape views of the park •Flora: Trees, shrubs, grasses or flowers •Wildlife: Animals in the Park (not including domestic animals) •Environmental Issues: Damage within the park (excluding private property) •Park Users: People enjoying the park (submit their permission using the consent form) •Best of Show: Best photo in the show! Contest Rules 1. Contest is open to all amateur photographers. 2. All photos must be taken within Bowmont Natural Environment Park between January 1, 2013 and October 31, 2013. 3. Entry deadline is November 1, 2013. 4. Photos submitted MUST be accompanied by the contest Photo Release Waiver or will be disqualified. 5. Some restrictions regarding prizes may apply. 6. Only two entries per category may be submitted. 7. Submissions must be good quality 4” x 6” prints (no slides) with entry form attached. Please do not write on the back of your photos. 8. Please email a digital version if possible of photos (JPEG file) to prior to entry deadline. 9. Photos submitted will not be returned to the entrant. They will remain with the committee for reproduction and use as per the Photo Release Waiver form. Entry forms and the contest Photo Release Waiver are available at the following Community Centre Offices: Bowness, Montgomery, Silver Springs and Varsity; or by e-mail request to and pdf format form and release waiver will be forwarded to your e-mail address. For more information, contact: Linda Knight at 403-298-8116 or Offering programs for 3 & 4 year olds •Qualified and accredited teachers and assistants •Field trips and special events •Children learn through play •Allergy awareness •Permanent location with excellent facilities •Children from all communities welcome •Parent volunteering in class is optional A few spots may still be available for the 2013/14 school year. Call 403-455-6474 and leave a message. More details at Calgary Northwest Basketball Do you have children interested in basketball or learning to play basketball? Calgary NorthWest Basketball runs the basketball program for boys and girls in your neighbourhood. We offer a program for children from 5 – 18yrs. Online registration ( for the 2013/2014 season is available now. Register early to ensure a spot in our program. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 11 Community News Children’s Used Clothing and Toy Sale Start cleaning out those closets in preparation for September! Our annual used toy and clothing sale is coming up! Where: Silver Springs Community Centre When: Saturday, September 21, 2013 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Tables rent for $25 members, $35 non-members. Call to book your table today! 403-288-2616 We are able to accommodate almost all your meeting and function needs, whether it is a wedding, party, family reunion, workshop, seminar or meeting. More information and photos on our website or call 403-288-2616 to see how we can accommodate you. Summer Reading Programs •TD Summer Reading Club: For Ages up to 12. •Youth Read: For teens. •Summer. Read: For adults. Fall 2013 Program Guides: Available Aug. 12. •Peggy Lesueur Visit for more information on these programs. Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. •Nexgen Financial Inc. •Duncan & Beverly Badger How to Donate Friends of the Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs Facilities To Rent Silver Springs Community Centre has a wide variety of rooms to rent. Bowness Library Thank you to the following for their generous donations to the “Friends of the Gardens of Silver Springs”! Silver Springs Community Association is a non-profit organization. Tax receipts are issued for all donations. Charitable organization #11915-0225 RR001. The information you provide will be collected and maintained by the SSCA office in order to facilitate communication and assist in our efforts. This information will not be shared with others. Donation Form I am pleased to support the Friends of the Botanical Gardens of Silver $ __________ Springs with a donation in the amount of Cheque ❑ VISA ❑ Mastercard ❑ Credit card # __________________________ Expiry Date ________/_______ Please indicate your preferences by circling your choices: I wish to be recognized in the Silver Springs Spirit. I wish to be listed as a donor on the web site. I wish my donation to remain anonymous. Yes No Yes No Yes No Please send a tax receipt made to: Wanted: Ice Cream Buckets We are looking for four-litre (one gallon) plastic ice cream pails with lids (clean please!). If you have some sitting around that you want to recycle, drop them off at the Community Center office. Name ___________________________________________________________ Address City Email _________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Postal Code __________________ ______________________________@___________________________ Donations can be mailed or brought in person to: Silver Springs Community Association 5720 Silver Ridge Drive NW, Calgary, AB T3B 5E5 Thank you for your support AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 13 Community News Silver Springs Outdoor Pool Online registration begins June 1 at Summer Swim Lessons 2013 Session 1: July 2 – July 12 Session 2: July 15 – July 26 Session 3: July 29 – August 9 Session 4: August 12 – August 23 * no lessons Aug. 5 due to civic holiday. All lesson sessions are 9 days, with the last Friday used as a “rain out” day if needed. Fees (Member (Non-member Preschool (30 min.) $40 ($50 Level 1-4 (30 min.) $40 ($50 Level 5-8 (45 min.) $45 ($55 Level 9,10 (1 hr.) ( $50 ($60 Lesson Times 9:00 9:30 Level 1 9:00-9:30 TBA 9:30-10:00 Level 6 9:00-9:45 Level 8 9:45-10:30 10:00 Croc/Whale 10:00-10:30 10:30 TBA 10:30-11:00 Level 4 10:30-11:00 11:00 Level 2 11:00-11:30 Salamander 11:00-11:30 11:30 Sea Turtle 11:30-12:00 TBA 11:30-12:00 Salamander 9:00-9:30 Level 3 9:30-10:00 Level 9/10 9:00-10:00 TBA 10:00-10:30 Level 1 10:00-10:30 Level 7 10:30-11:15 Level 5 11:15-12:00 Sunfish 10:30-11:00 TBA 11:00-11:30 Level 3/4 11:30-12:00 *see information chart for explanation of levels *TBA – every session we have certain levels fill and waiting lists develop. These time slots have been reserved for those levels that we need to open up another class for. The level will be decided upon prior to the session. Swim Program Levels Please call the office if your child is interested in Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion or Bronze Cross. These will only be offered if there is enough interest. Program Description Sea Turtle This is our only parented level. Child is 30 months or older, able to move forwards or backward assisted, front, back floats and recover assisted, uses buoyant object for support. Salamander Child is 3-5 yrs old, put face in water move and float w/ assistance, transitional level, 30 min. Sunfish Child is 3-5 yrs old, work on strokes and skills progressions; entries and floats in deep water, 30 min. Crocodile Child is 3 - 5 yrs old, independent glides and kicking in deep water; build endurance by distance swims, 30 min. Whale Child is 3 - 5 yrs old, swim independently and participate in team games, improve front and back swim skills, 30 min. Level 1 Child is 6 yrs old; entry level orientation to the water; introduces floats and glides with kicks, 30 min. Level 2 Second orientation level, builds skills in front and back swims; introduction to deep water activities, 30 min. Level 3 Introduction to front crawl; diving is introduced; work on floats and changing direction; 15m swim, 30 min. Level 4 Front crawl, back glide and shoulder roll for back crawl are further developed; 25m swim, 30 min. Level 5 Back crawl is introduced; sculling skills and whip kick on back; safe boating skills, dolphin kick, 50m swim, 45 min. (note new time) Level 6 Elementary backstroke is introduced; safety on ice, throwing assists, treading water, front dive, 75m swim, 45 min. Level 7 Introduces whip kick on the front, builds skills for front crawl, airway & breathing obstructions, 150m swim, 45 min. Level 8 Introduction to breaststroke, foot first surface dives, & rescue entries, dolphin kick endurance, 300m swim, 45 min. Level 9 Refinement of front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke, standing dives, 400m swim, 60 min. Level 10 Introduction of butterfly, refinement of strokes, head-first & feetfirst shallow dives, sun safety, 500m swim, 60 min. If you are interested in signing up for Deep Water Workout, call the Pool – it will only run if there is at least 6 people registered! Deep Water Running/Deep Water Workout: 2X per week T/Th evening 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Public Swimming July and August Weekdays: 9:00 – Noon Lessons Noon – 1:00 pm Adult Lane 1:00 – 5:00 pm Public 5:00 – 6:00 pm Adult Lane 6:00 – 8:00 pm Public Weekends & Holidays: Noon – 1:00 p.m. Adult Lane 1:00 – 5:00 pm Public 5:00 – 6:00 pm Adult Lane 6:00 – 8:00 pm Public *** c losing times are weather dependant. Call the pool recording at 403-221-3897 for daily hours. The Silver Springs Pool is available to groups for rental after public hours. It is available evenings from 8:00 – 10:00 pm (depending on pool programs) and weekends 9:00 am – noon. Call the Pool at 403-221-3897 to book a private rental. Youth Pool Parties July 12 and August 9, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Ages 12-17 Regular Admission fees apply. Call 311 for more details! THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT AUGUST 2013 15 Community News Let's Rock! Adult Community Singers We sing popular songs from 1960's onwards. No experience necessary! Mondays (term time) 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Advent Lutheran Church, Scenic Acres, T3L 1E4. Contact Anne Bell at for details! Community Survey Important survey for Silver Springs community residents regarding the community association, programs and events: (alternately, you can fill out the survey online at http://www.Surveymonkey.Com/s/hn8xspx ) 1. Tell us why you are, or you are not, satisfied with the programs currently offered by the Silver Springs Community Association (“SSCA”), and what additional programs would you like to see offered by the SSCA. 2. Please list any additional community events or functions that you think you and your family would enjoy that SSCA does not currently provide. 3. In what aspect would you be willing to volunteer to make these functions happen? 4. What can SSCA do to encourage more community residents to join our association? 5. From your family’s standpoint, what can the SSCA do to encourage more community involvement in its functions? 6. Please provide us with your general thoughts about SSCA’s current community facilities. 7. Please list any businesses that you know of that may be interested in sponsoring additional SSCA events. 8. Please provide feedback on any other areas where you feel the SSCA should be more involved in the community than we currently are. Each survey completed and submitted with name, email address and phone number will be entered to win one of 2 – $100 gift certificates to Mitillini’s Pizza in Silver Springs. Name: Email: Phone #: AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 17 Community News Official Opening of Botanical Gardens of Silver Springs Labyrinth After a lot of preparation and hard work, our new labyrinth is now complete. Our official opening will be held at 1:00 pm on Sat. Aug. 24th and we invite everyone to drop by and share in the experience of walking the labyrinth. Mitzi Metzger. Later 5 new beds surrounding the labyrinth were added and planted with ornamental grasses by these volunteers. Did you know that labyrinths are a meditation tool? Walking a labyrinth is a form of spiritual practice which helps to clear the mind and create insights. It can also aid in healing, help with decision making, illuminate our purpose in life, and act as a tool of celebration and thanks. In front of the labyrinth are two large planters purchased from the U. of C. and put together by Tom Mayhew. The flowers in these planters are maintained by BGSS volunteers. Walking a labyrinth just naturally causes your attention to start turning inward focus on the present moment. During a labyrinth walk the left and right hemispheres of the brain are balanced, leading to the perfect state for accessing intuition and creativity. Three arbours were constructed by Rick Metzger and provide a lovely entrance way into the labyrinth area. Clematis now adorn the sides of the arbours, ac companied by creeping thyme along the brick pathway. Sixteen Medora junipers are nestled along the pathway between the arbours. Six bridal wreath spirea were also planted on the far outer sides of the labyrinth area. History of Our Labyrinth Duncan Badger began working on the site in 2011 by covering the area with tarp to eliminate the grass. He then added 4 inches of wood chip to prevent any light from penetrating through. Using a tiller generously donated by Tim Barrett, the area was roto-tilled 4 times to chop up the grass roots, which were later raked up. Duncan then began to lay approximately 6000 inter-locking bricks (primarily donated by the U. of C.) in an 11 circuit Chartres labyrinth with a diameter of 60 feet and a total length of about 1200 feet. In the spring of 2013, creeping thyme was planted between the circuits of the labyrinth by Bev Badger, Yoshiko Imahashi, and Watch for more information about the official opening will be posted in the labyrinth area and on our website in the coming weeks. Please mark this date on your calendar as we look forward to all of you joining us at the official opening of our new community labyrinth. Shakespeare Garden Another new area getting a lot of attention recently is a lovely and unique addition to the Botanical Gardens. The area encompasses everything from evergreens, flowering trees and shrubs to a vast variety of perennials, annuals, rose bushes, vines, planters and more. This cultural and floral homage to the Bard can be experienced by taking a stroll along a brick pathway which is flanked by newly planted rose bushes, numerous planters (most of which are handmade) filled with colourful annuals. There is also a peony bed and a variety of iris and more - all leading to the our extensive Shakespeare Herb Garden. Throughout the gardens, you will find some well known quotations from Shakespeare works that are paired with appropriate plants as many of our favourite plants of today can be traced back to his era. So, come and take a literary trip back in time where you can enjoy the long perennial/annual garden, read the famous quotations, walk under the arbours adorned with climbing vines and famous flower quotations, or sit on a dedicated bench flanked by garden statuary. There is something here for everyone to enjoy, so treat yourselves and visiting guests to the wonders of Calgary’s only Shakespeare Garden. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 19 Community News Silver Springs Community Centre Programs Programs Offered at the Silver Springs Community Centre All SSCA programs will take a break for July and August and begin again mid-September Adult Aerobics Classes Mon. - Thurs. at 9:15 a.m. Zumba Mon. at 1:15 pm (Zumba Toning Gold) Wed. at 1:15 pm Fri. at 9:15 a.m. Fitness Bootcamp Tues/Thurs at1:15 p.m. Seniors Yoga Tues. at 8:00 a.m. Fri. at 11:00 a.m. Dance Foundation Mon./Wed./Fri. A variety of children’s dance classes including: Ballet, Jazz, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Tap and Musical Theatre. Gym Tots – Wed. at 9:15 a.m. Play group for 18 month-3yrs. The above classes run September - April +55 Seniors Club Mon. afternoons Girl Guides Contact Lauren Ostridge 403-710-5775 or 159th Silver Springs Scouts (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) Contact Calgary Karate Call 403-338-0558 for more info. Tai Chi Call 403-240-4566 for more info. Karma Kids (Yoga) Call Cindy at 403-464-3491 Musikgarten Ages Babies to 5 years. Call 403-288-1461 or Karate Chop Kids Call 403-232-0228 or for more information Adult Programs Silver Springs offers a variety of fitness classes every day of the week! Choose your day, choose your exercise. See our website for class descriptions. Payment options: $5 drop in fee for classes or purchase a 10x or 20x punch card or payment for full session (see below). Mondays (Sept. 9 – Dec. 16 (no classes Oct 14 and Nov 11); 13 weeks) • Cardio Pump: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Athletic cardio drills and sets using free weights and body weight. $60 members $65 non-members Instructor: Judi Weaver • Zumba Toning Gold: 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. For beginner to older active adults. Join the Zumba craze and get your body moving to the Latin and International dance music incorporated into the dance movements. Instructor: Kim Nowell. Tuesdays (Sep.t 10 – Dec. 17; 15 weeks) • Seniors Yoga: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. The classes will focus on gentle stretching, breathing exercises and meditation. It does not matter how flexible we are as long as we keep moving and do what we can. Please bring your own mat to class: Instructor: Marcy Jespersen *Note: This is a registered class and we need a minimum 8 registrants. Sept 17 – Nov 19; 10 week session $80 Call to register: 403-288-2616. • A Little Bit of Everything: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Strength Training and Core Stability using a variety of equipment- free weights, Resist –A-Bands, exercise ball and Yoga balls. $70 members $75 nonmembers Instructor: Judi Weaver. • Fitness Bootcamp: 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. This Boot Camp inspired “freestyle” class will incorporate a variety of athletic and strength drills to target all the major muscle groups to help you kick start or maintain your fitness goals. Core strength and flexibility will be incorporated in this fun and challenging class. Instructor: Dayna Kereliuk. $5 drop in fee. Wednesdays (Sept. 11 – Dec. 18; 15 weeks) • Combustion: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. This group fitness class brings the best of cardio, strength and explosive power into one workout. Combustion combines steady state cardiovascular training with simple to follow hi/lo moves, high intensity On-Line registration at explosive movement and full body strength exercises. Bring it all together and you get COMBUSTION! $70 members $75 non-members Instructor: Judi Weaver. • Fusion Fitness: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. *Note this is a registered class* • Session 1: Sept. 18 – Oct. 30 (7 weeks) $56 • Session 2: Nov. 6 – Dec. 18 (7 weeks) $56 Get your mind/body in harmony in this class incorporating a selection of Yoga, Pilates and Fitness conditioning. This is a mat based class – please bring your own Yoga mat . Call to find out specific dates for next session. Instructor: Judi Weaver. • Zumba: 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. One hour of body-energizing, calorie-burning, heartracing, muscle-pumping, awe-inspiring movements that will captivate you for life. Instructor: Judi Weaver. Thursdays (Sept. 12 – Dec. 19; 15 weeks) • A Little Bit of Everything: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15am, Strength Training and Core Stability using a variety of equipment and incorporating Yoga, Pilates and lots of abdominal work. $70 members $75 nonmembers Instructor: Judi Weaver • Fitness Bootcamp: 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. This Boot Camp inspired “freestyle” class will incorporate a variety of athletic and strength drills to target all the major muscle groups to help you kick start or maintain your fitness goals. Core strength and flexibility will be incorporated in this fun and challenging class. Instructor: Dayna Kereliuk. $5 drop in fee. Fridays (Sept. 13 – Dec. 20; 15 weeks) • Zumba Toning: 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Put some dance into your day! One hour of body-energizing, calorie-burning, heartracing, muscle-pumping, awe-inspiring movements that will captivate you for life. Instructor: Kim Nowell. • Seniors Yoga: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The classes will focus on gentle stretching, breathing exercises and meditation. It does not matter how flexible we are as long as we keep moving and do what we can. Please bring your own mat to class: Instructor: Marcy Jespersen *Note: This is a registered class and we need a minimum 6 registrants. Sept. 20 – Nov. 22, 10 week session $80 Call to register: 403-288-2616. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 21 Community News Silver Springs Community Centre Programs Children’s Programs Pre Ballet (Ages 3 - 5): Pre Ballet is for any child under 5 who likes to boogie! Based on fun and games, the kids will improve their coordination and motor skills while meeting new friends and learning the basics of dance! NEW Pre Ballet 2 (Ages 3 – 5): Pre Ballet 2 is for any child under 5 who has taken at least one year of Pre Baller or Pre Dance! Based on fun and games, the kids will improve their coordination and motor skills while meeting new friends and learning the basis of dance. Pre Dance (Ages 3 - 5): Pre Dance is for any child under 5 looking to try a little bit of ballet, jazz and tap. A great introduction to dance. NEW Pre Dance 2 (Ages 3 – 5): Pre Dance 2 is for children under 5 who have had at least one year of Pre Ballet or Pre Dance and who would like an alternative to ballet. In this class students will learn about rhythm while improving their coordination skills. Beginner Tap (Ages 5 – 7): Beginner Tap is a class for children who would like an alternative to ballet. In this class students will learn about rhythm while Junior Ballet (Ages 7+): Like Beginner Ballet, Junior Ballet will continue building a strong foundation for all other types of dance. This class will offer higher-level movement with strength building, jumping, flexibility and routines. Beginner Jazz (Ages 5 – 7): Jazz is one of the most energetic and popular forms of dance. Kids in jazz will experience a fast and fun moving pace! Jazz training is recommended for younger kids who are interested in continuing onto Hip Hop. Children with little or no training are welcome in this class. NEW Junior Jazz (Ages 8 – 11): This class will move at a faster pace than Beg Jazz and includes more complicated steps. Great for all those who have enjoyed the fast energetic pace of jazz. MONDAY Beginner Ballet (Ages 5 - 7): Ballet builds the foundation for all other styles of dance. This class will give dancers a little more technique in dance without losing the fun. This class is great for those little ballerinas who had one or more years in Pre Ballet as well as new children interested in dance. SUNSET SUNRISE 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Pre Ballet 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Beg Lyrical Rhythmic Gymnastics BOARD ROOM 4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Pre Dance Beg Tap Pre Ballet 2 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 6 p.m. – 6:45 Beg Beg Hip Hop Ballet 6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Pre Hip Hop 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Jr Ballet Teen Dance 7:30 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Adult Hip Hop SUNSET WEDNESDAY Monday Classes: Sept. 9, 2013 – Apr. 28, 2014 No Class: Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Feb. 17, Apr. 21. Prices: • 30min: $205 mem/$220 non-mem • 45 min: $235 mem/$250 non-mem Wednesday Classes: Sept. 11, 2013 – Apr. 30, 2014 Prices: • 30min: $235 mem/$250 non-mem • 45min: $265 mem/$280 non-mem Friday Classes: Sept. 13, 2013 – May 2, 2014 No Class April 18 Prices: • 45min: $255 mem/$270 non-mem • 60min: $285 mem/$300 non-mem• 90min: $345 mem/$360 non-mem Teen Dance: Mon/Wed - Sept. 9, 2013 – May 2, 2014 No Class: Oct. 10, Nov. 11, Feb. 17, Apr. 21 Prices: • $160 mem/$175 non-mem improving their coordination skills. This is a great class for new students as well as those who have just taken Pre Ballet. SUNRISE 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pre Ballet Pre Dance 2 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Beg Jazz Jr Jazz 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Jr/Int Hip Hop Musical Theatre 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Teen Dance SUNSET FRIDAY Dance Foundation Please note price reflects the full season from September 2013 – May 2014 and includes year-end recital costume! On-Line registration begins August 1 at SUNRISE BOARD ROOM 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Stretching and Beg Musical Theatre Jr. Musical Theatre Conditioning 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Teen Muxical NEW Stretching and Conditioning (Ages 8+): While combining yoga, pilates and other forms of stretching and conditioning, dancers will gain a strong, healthy body while improving their dancing abilities. nation of a variety of different styles for those teens who love to dance. We will be learning hip hop on Mondays and alternative dance styles like jazz and modern on Wednesday. This is a great way to gain the basic skills of dance while enjoying the freedom of hip hop. NEW Pre Hip Hop (Ages 3 – 5): This class is for all of those funky children who want to just dance! They will learn how to move with the beat while having fun with friends. Musical Theatre (Ages 5 - 11+): For all the Drama Kings and Queens, Musical Theatre will teach performers the three basics of show business: Dance, Singing and Acting! Classes will be split into three age groups. The participants get the opportunity to experience performing as a whole! ,Teen Musical Theatre is 90 min. Beginner Hip Hop (Ages 5 – 7): This class is designed for your little dancers who love to move and groove. In this class, they will learn basic hip hop dance moves as well as how to dance to the beat of a song. Junior Hip Hop (Ages 7+): This class is perfect for those high-energy kids. It will combine funk, hip-hop and basic break dancing. This class is a great way to learn style and rhythm with other kids of the same age! Intermediate Hip Hop (Ages 10 - 12): Intermediate Hip Hop is the extension of Junior Hip Hop. In this class Dancers will learn more complicated moves while combining the old moves into new combinations. Dancers must have completed at least two years of Junior Hip Hop prior to entering this class. Teen Dance (Ages 10+): This Class is a great combi- Rhythmic Gymnastics (Ages 6+): This class is great for all the flippers and rollers in your house. The class will combine simple tumbling moves with jazz techniques while moving to music. Dancers will get the opportunity to work with gymnastic balls and ribbons. NEW Beginner Lyrical (Ages 7—11): This class is for those dancers who like the slower, emotional dancing. By combining Jazz and Ballet, dancers will be able to express themselves through movement. NEW Adult Hip Hop (Ages 18+): This class is for those adults who want to get into shape while having a great time. Adult hip hop will allow you to learn a fun active dance style while having a great work out. AUGUST 2013 THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT 23 Community News For Adults +55—Triple A We hope you have having a wonderful summer. As promised in July here is the Fall 2013 Program Preview! Listed by location below are all the Triple A Programs currently being offered starting in September. All programs require you to be a member of one of the six Triple A Communities: Dalhousie, Edgemont, Montgomery, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs or Varsity. Some programs are free for members, some are as low cost as a toonie per session, while others who have professional instructors and cost up to $10 per class. If you have an idea for a program not listed below please contact your nearest Community Association. Varsity (VCA) 403-288-9001 •Seniors Fitness: Everyone works at their own ability and pace. Mondays and Wednesdays 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. $140 yearly. •Seniors Card Club (Canasta and Bridge): Join us to play canasta (we can teach you!) and bridge. Mondays 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.. We always welcome new players. •Ladies Bridge: Wednesdays, 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. $40 yearly. •North Ladies Duplicate Bridge: Tuesdays 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. •Seniors Yoga: New program starting in September. Scenic Acres (SACA) 403-547-9589 •Ladies Social Coffee Craft Club: Mondays 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. starting September 9th. $2 Drop in Fee •Line Dancing: Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. starting September 17th. Register on-line at www. or call the SACA Office. •Single Ladies Get Together: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. starting September 10th. $2 Drop in Fee •Quilting Group: 3rd Tuesday of the Month 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. starting September 17th. Drop in Fee $5. •Book Club: Typically 1st Tuesday of the Month for September the group will meet on September 10th 1:00 p.m. to 3:00p.m.. $2 Drop in Fee •Walking Club: Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. FREE. This group is meeting at SACA throughout the Summer and will continue into the Fall. •Fun & Games: Wednesdays at 12:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. starting September 4th. $2 Drop in Fee •Artist Gathering: 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. starting September 12th. $2 Drop in Fee Silver Springs (SSCA) 403-288-2616 •Zumba Toning Gold: Mondays 1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. starting September 9th. For beginner to older active adults. Instructor: Kim Nowell •Mah Jong: Thursdays 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Begins Sept 12th. Drop- in for a game or two of the age old tile game of Mah Jong. Experienced players and new to the game are all welcome. •Seniors Yoga: Fridays 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Classes begin September 20th. Cost 10 week registered class for $80. Call to register now, space is limited. Instructor: Marcy Jespersen Dalhousie (DCA) 403-286-2555 •Not known at time of going to press Edgemont (ECA) 403-241-9493 Montgomery (MCA) 403-247-3116 •Senior’s Social: Last Monday of the month 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. The most up to date schedule can also be viewed on the Triple A website at Crowchild Hockey We hope everyone is enjoying their summer break. It is hard to believe that July is already behind us and August is coming fast. We would like to remind everyone that hockey registration for the 2013-2014 season closes on August 15. So don’t miss out. Just visit our website ( and click on the registration menu. You will find the link to our online registration. Evaluation schedules can also be found under the Evaluation tab on the Home Page, and they will also be sent out to everyone. As always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@ Get out and soak up the sun!
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