ST.VINCENT FOUNDATION SENDS AID TO HAITI The devastation following the January 12 earthquake in Haiti is unimaginable. 300,000 Haitians were killed. What little infrastructure that was there has been demolished. Those who did survive now face hunger, disease, homelessness and humanitarian needs. 8402 Harcourt Road, Suite 210 Indianapolis, IN 46260 Spirit of Giving SPRING 2010 2010 TRILOGY OF EVENTS The St.Vincent Foundation Trilogy of Events are the three cornerstone events that provide critically needed support for three important St.Vincent missions — Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent, St.Vincent New Hope and the Patient Navigation Program at St.Vincent. All event details can be found at Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the St.Vincent New Hope Golf Outing and the Saks Fifth Avenue Key to the Cure event. Contact Ann Hall at (317) 338-5090 or Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Celebration of Caring Fundraising Gala May 21, 2010 | Indiana Roof Ballroom St.Vincent New Hope Golf Outing August 9, 2010 | Crooked Stick Golf Club Saks Fifth Avenue Key to the Cure October, 2010 | Saks Fifth Avenue Keystone at the Crossing Thankfully, St.Vincent Foundation donors and associates have demonstrated incredible generosity and compassion in response to this natural disaster. To date, nearly $110,000 has been raised to support the Seton Institute and Daughters of Charity aid efforts and to purchase necessary medications and medical supplies for mission trips to Haiti by local organizations. In addition to the monetary aid, the St.Vincent Physician Outreach Network (PON) – a group of physicians dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and fulfillment through service of the poor, oppressed and voiceless – is partnering with local medical mission teams in volunteering to support the Haiti relief effort. Several teams of St.Vincent medical professionals have provided their services in Haiti since the quake. To support these medical teams, many associates and volunteers have given their time in helping to organize and pack medication, medical equipment and supplies that will be used on these trips. Thank you to everyone that has given time and resources to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Haiti is still a country in turmoil and in desperate need of continued aid. If you have not yet made a financial donation but would like to, please visit to make an easy online contribution or call (317) 3382338. 100% of every donation will be used directly for the relief efforts. Students from St. Richard School designed cards of well wishes. These cards were hand delivered by our St.Vincent physicians who were deployed to Haiti. DOROTHY WINSTON STILL MAKING AN IMPACT WITH BEQUEST Dorothy Winston and her husband Martin were grateful for the wonderful care that they had received at St.Vincent over the years. When St.Vincent was opening its new Cancer Care center, she decided that was the time to give back to the hospital that had cared for her and Martin. Dorothy included a generous bequest in her estate plan to benefit the St.Vincent Foundation and St.Vincent Cancer Care. For her generosity, the main lobby at St.Vincent Cancer Care was named for Dorothy and her late husband, Martin. When choosing the center Dorothy stated, “Facing cancer myself, I saw the need for this wonderful facility and was very pleased to have the opportunity to support this special project.” Dorothy passed away in 2008. The Winston’s legacy, however, will live on through the permanent endowment established by the Foundation with her generous bequest. St.Vincent is blessed with the privilege of having known and cared for Dorothy and Martin Winston. Bequests provide an important source of future support for the programs and services of St.Vincent. We are pleased to provide you with sample language for including the St.Vincent Foundation in your estate plan. I give, devise and bequeath the (sum of percentage of my estate) to the St. Vincent Hospital Foundation, Inc. to be used for the benefit of _____________. If you are interested in including the St.Vincent Foundation in your estate plan, please contact Rob Baker, director of Gift Planning at or (317) 338-5085. You may also find more information on our website at It’s a Bigger, Bolder Weekend in the fight to end ALL women’s cancers! JOIN US TODAY! or 317.879.WALK (9255) 2010 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 15 – Associates Campaign begins April 17 – Festival of Books for Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent May 8 – Iron Knights Motorcycle Ride for Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent May 21 – Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital Gala May 29 – Donnar Memorial Golf Outing to benefit Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent June 26 – Touchdown for Kids Golf Scramble to benefit Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent July 17 – Rays of Hope, St.Vincent Pharmacy Fundraiser to benefit Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent August 9 – St.Vincent New Hope Golf Outing September 25-26 – Weekend to End Breast Cancer October – Saks Fifth Avenue Key to the Cure *For more information, visit or call (317) 338-2338 CHILD PROTECTION CENTER FLOURISHES WITH CROSSER FAMILY FOUNDATION GIFT Every child deserves to be raised in a safe and loving environment and protected from individuals who might seek to harm them. Tragically, this is not always the case. Various forms of child abuse are all too common in today’s society. a multi-disciplined team of experts who are actively engaged in a variety of important activities related to the fight against child abuse. Since its inception, the Center has assessed and treated more than 460 children from more than 31 Indiana counties. In response to this critical issue, Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent established a Child Protection Center in July of 2008. The purpose of this Center is to provide a wide range of services including medical evaluations, expert testimony and various forms of training and education with the overarching goal of helping to reduce the rate of child abuse and neglect in Indiana. The St.Vincent Foundation is extremely grateful for the incredible generosity of the Crosser Family Foundation over the years, and specifically for the support of the Child Protection Center at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent during this past year. The support they have provided is a primary reason for the program’s success and growth in the short time that it has been in existence. The Child Protection Center was originally established with a grant from the Corporate Members of Mission & Ministry, Inc. — a foundation established by the Daughters of Charity. Funding to support a second year of operation was provided in 2009 by the Crosser Family Foundation, a demonstration of the family’s generosity and support of children and St.Vincent Hospital. Child abuse and neglect continue to be a pervasive and complex public health problem that often devastates the lives of children. It takes a coordinated, multidisciplined approach to effectively address the problem. The Child Protection Center plays a vital role in that fight by providing medical expertise, as well as important education and training. The mission of the Child Protection Center at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent is to identify, treat and ultimately reduce the incidence of child maltreatment, and to enhance the well-being of families within the local community in order to nurture safe, healthy and happy children. Danica Patrick shown speaking at the 2009 Saks Fifth Avenue Key to the Cure benefiting St.Vincent Women’s cancer research. Thanks in large part to the funding provided by the Crosser Family Foundation, the Child Protection Center has flourished into St.Vincent was established in Indianapolis nearly 130 years ago by the Daughters of Charity with a mission to care for the poor and vulnerable. The Child Protection Center fulfills that mission through the services provided to help protect some of our community’s most vulnerable citizens –– our children. We express our deepest appreciation for the thoughtfulness, generosity and support the Crosser Family Foundation has provided to children in the state of Indiana. ST.VINCENT CARING ANGELS: SPOTLIGHT ON GRANTS The Caring Angel program invites patients and family members to give back to St.Vincent with a contribution in honor of someone at St.Vincent who provided extraordinary service or care during their stay. Caring Angels receive a certificate of appreciation for their actions and an angel lapel pin to wear proudly around the hospital. Each year, the St.Vincent Foundation awards grants up to $25,000 or less to programs, services and centers throughout the hospital. Two of the recently awarded grants are highlighted here. By saying “thank you” and making a contribution to the Foundation, donors can make a difference and feel really good about “giving back” to St.Vincent. For more information about the Caring Angel Program, visit or call (317) 338-2338. Caring Angel Recipients: Dr. Ruemu Birhiray: Oncology Carmen Bogle: Hospice at Home West Angela Brower: ICU Vicki Doyle: Women’s Surgical Unit Melissa Evans: Med/Surgical Second Floor, Carmel Carol Fletcher: Hospice at Home West Sarah Gregg: ICU Susan Griffiths: NICU at Women’s Janet Harker: ICU Latania Harrington: Seton Specialty Hospital Dr. Brett Hesse: Resident Physician Randall Householder: Orthopedics Rebecca Hubbard: Seton in Lafayette Marian Kussro: 6 South Hemotology/Oncology Nancy McCurdy: Child Life Specialist at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.VIncent Beth Neidlinger: Hospice at Home West Teresa Payne: Orthopedics Lisa Pfettscher: Orthopedics Dr. Ronald Reisman: Seton Specialty Hospital Nan Roberts: ICU Randi Sanders: Orthopedics Cathy Simpson: Hospice at Home West Sarah Surber: Orthopedics Gustavo Baca: 6 South Hemotology/Oncology Dr. Mark Baskin: Resident Physician ICU Dr. Stewart Bick: St.Vincent Physician ANNOUNCING THE 2010 ST.VINCENT FOUNDATION NURSING SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Edy Ballard Jennifer Bara Donna Blake Katherine Davis Lou Ann Deel Amy Foust Kandice Gaines Rhonda Glenn Charlee Hunt Sondra Jones Karen Kautz Gina Leman William Lyons Holly McCoy Scott Netherton Hillary Ogren Kelly Pitcock Erica Seasor Kimberly Shrack Lori Stark Sue Storey Amanda Strawser Rhonda Tabacchi Julie Teague Leslie Walls Charlotte West David Wilhite Elizabeth Wright N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship Santiago A. Lopez Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship N & D Sports Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship Carol B. Hittle Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship St.Vincent Foundation Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship Mary Tuohy Humble Nursing Scholarship Coloring for Kids This project uses funds to provide children visiting St.Vincent with crayons and coloring books. With the grant, crayons and books are distributed to St.Vincent facilities throughout Indianapolis. The project has been very successful. Taste of Culture The 3rd Annual Taste of Culture event and an International Cookbook received grant support from the Foundation. The cookbook contains 200 recipes submitted from associates, patients and visitors. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will benefit future Taste of Culture activities. The Taste of Culture event will be held in May. This interactive, enjoyable event is a way to provide information to associates on the impact of culture on the healthcare needs of our patients. The St.Vincent Foundation Grants and Education Committee congratulate the recipients of the Third Quarter 2010-2011 grants: Relationship Between Cluster B Personality Types and Healthcare Utilization Among Diabetic Patients in Internal Medicine – Tom Barbera, PhD - $1,472 Water Emersion Aids – Krista Collings – St.Vincent Women’s Hospital - $1,500 Pediatric and Neonatal Grand Rounds Presentation by Guest Speaker on “Evaluation and Management of Neonatal and Infant Dysphagia”– Guest Speaker Dr. S. Jadcheria, Asst. Prof. Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus, Ohio – Nancy LaMear, MD – St.Vincent Women’s Hospital - $2,000 St.Vincent Women’s Biofeedback Program – Kathy Ryan – St.Vincent Women’s Hospital - $3,264 Stewards of Children Training Initiative for Pike Township Schools – Sheila Day – Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent - $3,750 St.Vincent Women’s Family-Center Care Kiosk – Jacqueline Thomas – St.Vincent Women’s Hospital - $4,000 Comparison of Two Doses of Candida Antigen for Treatment of Cutaneous Warts – Nathan McLeod, MD - $5,545 Grants are made possible through unrestricted contributions to the Foundation and investment earnings on restricted funds. This year, the Foundation will return more than $375,000 in grants to various programs and projects at St.Vincent Hospital.
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