nternational olice ssociation INFORMATION GUIDE IPA OFFICIAL ADDRESS: International Administration Centre (IAC) Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 6AJ ENGLAND tel: +44 115 945 5985 email: isg@ipa-iac.org web: www.ipa-iac.org Official Distribution: International Administration Centre Elke Schülpen-Roberts Lesley Hughes & Kerry Gil Office Manager Office Administrators The content of this Guide is confidential and for the use of members of the International Police Association only. IPA Information Guide January 2015 2 CONTENTS: PAGE 5-6 8 9 10-11 11-12 13 13 14 15 16-17 International Executive Board (IEB) International Commission Appointments International Police Association Abbreviations A Friendship Organisation IPA World Congresses International Youth Gatherings IPA World Police Prize Official IPA Emblems IPA Fundamental Principles List of IPA Sections’ ISO Codes IPA SECTIONS (A-Z) Argentina Andorra Page 19 Page 18 Belgium Austria Page 23 Page 22 Bulgaria Brazil Armenia Page 20 Bosnia & Herzegovina Canada Page 27 Page 30 Czech Republic Page 31 Denmark Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia France Finland Page 34 Page 39 Page 38 Iceland Ireland Page 42 Japan Page 43 Kazakhstan Page 46 Page 28 Page 47 IPA Information Guide January 2015 Botswana Page 25 Croatia Page 29 Estonia Page 33 Page 32 Germany Page 37 Page 36 Page 35 Greece Gibraltar Page 21 Page 24 Page 26 Cyprus Australia Hong Kong Hungary Page 40 Page 41 Italy Israel Page 45 Page 44 Kenya Page 48 Latvia Page 49 3 Luxembourg Lithuania Lesotho Mauritius Malta Page 55 Page 54 Monaco Montenegro Page 58 New Zealand Page 71 Page 70 Spain Sweden Switzerland Page 79 Page 65 Russia Page 69 Page 68 Slovenia Slovakia Page 73 Page 72 Page 75 Page 78 Page 61 Page 64 Sri Lanka Page 74 Netherlands Peru Romania Serbia Page 57 Page 60 Page 67 Page 66 South Africa Mozambique Page 63 Portugal San Marino Moldova Page 56 Pakistan Page 62 Poland Mexico Page 59 Norway Page 53 Page 52 Page 51 Page 50 Macau Swaziland Page 77 Page 76 Ukraine Turkey Page 80 Page 81 United Kingdom Page 82 United States of America Page 83 IPA Information Guide January 2015 4 INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD (IEB) International President (IP) Pierre-Martin MOULIN CP 32, 1933 Sembrancher, Switzerland tel: +41 (27) 606 56 06 email: pm.moulin70@gmail.com Int. Secretary General (ISG) Georgios KATSAROPOULOS (IIC Chairman) Anatolikis Romilias 170, GR-132 31 Petroupolis, Greece tel: +30 210 5022 242 (h) +30 6977 903008 (m) email: geokatsar@hotmail.com International Treasurer (IT) Romain MINY B.P. 55, L-7571 Mersch, Luxembourg tel: +352 24490 600 email: it-ipa@pt.lu 1st International Vice President (1VP) Gal SHARON (ISC Chairman) Tarshis 9, 45043 Hod Hasharon, Israel tel: +972 974 522 31 (h) +972 506 274 185 (m) email: galsharon.ipa@gmail.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 5 INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD (IEB) 2nd International Vice-President (2VP) Werner BUSCH (ERC Chairman) Obere Dellstraße 31, 66564 Ottweiler, Germany Tel: +49 6858 60422 (h) +49 176 20833044 (m) email: busch.werner@t-online.de 3rd International Vice President (3VP) Kees SAL (IPC Chairman) Prins Bernhardstraat 7, NL – 1931 CE, Egmond aan Zee. Netherlands +31 6 22 42 37 62 (m) email: cjas@kpnmail.nl Assistant Int. Secretary General (AISG) Stephen CROCKARD (ICC Chairman) 24 Craigboy Road, Donaghadee, County Down, BT21 0LP, United Kingdom tel: +44 28 9188 8191 +44 7725 079390 (m) email: stephencrockard@bytelisp.net Assistant International Treasurer (AIT) Wolfgang GABRUTSCH Buchengasse 3, 9010 Klagenfurt, Austria tel: +43 664 6181041 (m) email: ait@ipa.at IPA Information Guide January 2015 6 WEBMASTER Andrea QUATTRINI email: webmaster@ipa-iac.org Switzerland INTERNAL AUDITORS Demetris DEMETRIOU Cyprus Michael WALSH Ireland IPA Information Guide January 2015 7 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS MEMBERS 2012 - 2015 External Relations Commission (ERC) Chairman: Werner BUSCH James ALBRECHT Philippe ANTOINE Franz BERGER Steve CONNOR Benoît MARTINET Rob OUT Franck STEPHAN Georges THULLIEZ Vacant UN New York, USA EU Brussels, Belgium UN Vienna, Austria Commission Secretary, UK UNESCO Paris, France Europol, The Hague, Netherlands EU Strasbourg, France UN Geneva, Switzerland OAS Washington, USA International Cultural Commission (ICC) Chairman: Stephen CROCKARD Eija ASPHOLM Manel CASTELLVÍ Patric LOUIS Alfred MTHETHWA Paul VISSER Finland Spain Germany Swaziland New Zealand International Internal Commission (IIC) Chairman: Georgios KATSAROPOULOS Humberto GARCÍA GÓMEZ Didier MARTIN Denis NADEAU Marjan PRAH-PODBORŠKI Eugène THOMMES Mexico France Canada Slovenia Luxembourg International Professional Commission (IPC) Chairman: Kees SAL Marie DALY Kevin GORDON Paul KELLY May-Britt RINALDO Arkadiusz SKRZYPCZAK Ireland USA Australia Sweden Poland International Social Commission (ISC) Chairman: Gal SHARON Eran ISRAEL Kyriakos KARAKALIS Israel Greece Billy SAUNDERSON Ireland Silvana SERGI Fatih VURSAVAŞ Italy Turkey IPA Information Guide January 2015 8 INTERNATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION ABBREVIATIONS: AISG Assistant International Secretary General AIT Assistant International Treasurer IAC International Administration Centre ICC International Cultural Commission IEC International Executive Council ERC International Commission For External Relations IIC International Internal Commission IEB International Executive Board IP IPC International President International Professional Commission IR International Rules IS International Statute ISC International Social Commission ISG International Secretary General IT International Treasurer 1 IVP 1st International Vice President 2 IVP 2nd International Vice President 3 IVP 3rd International Vice President IYG International Youth Gathering WC World Congress IPA Information Guide January 2015 9 The International Police Association A Friendship Organisation For Serving or Retired Police Officers The IPA - the largest police organisation in the World was formed on 1st January 1950. Since that time, its Esperanto message “Servo per Amikeco” (Service through Friendship) has reached more people than could have been imagined. The Association was formed in the 1950’s because a police sergeant from Lincolnshire, England, Arthur Troop, wanted to create a channel for friendship and international co-operation amongst police officers. His notion of an Association with the development of social, cultural and professional links amongst its members, in an environment free from discrimination of rank, sex, race, colour, language or religion, became a reality. From small beginnings, the IPA message quickly took hold and the formation of new Sections throughout the World became rapid. Now, membership is in excess of 420,000. National Sections exist in 66 countries throughout the World and we have witnessed the steady growth of what has become the undisputed major police organisation in the World. Arthur Troop’s fundamental ideas still remain today. The IPA is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in Consultative (Special) Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations; in Consultative Status with the Council of Europe, the Organization of American States and UNESCO; International NGO maintaining operational relations within EUROPOL. The Association has a continued commitment to the principles set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by recognising that any form of torture is absolutely inconsistent with these principles. IPA Information Guide January 2015 10 IPA WORLD CONGRESSES AND IEC CONFERENCES: The International Executive Council (IEC) is composed of one delegate from each Section and of the International Executive Board (IEB) who are the elected members responsible for the management of the Association. They meet every year at an IPA World Congress. Within the framework of the working sessions, the Organising Committees for these congresses always include an International IPA Programme for Visitors. Members travel from all parts of the World to participate in these Friendship events. PAST EVENTS: 1955 I WC Paris 1956 1st IEC Essen 1956 2nd IEC London 1958 II WC Antwerp 1959 3rd IEC Naples 1960 4th IEC London 1961 Paris 1961 III WC StuGgart 1962 5th IEC Geneva 1963 6th IEC Oslo 1964 IV WC 1965 7th IEC Blackpool Barcelona 1966 8th IEC Toronto 1967 V WC Amsterdam 1968 9th IEC Netanya 1969 10th IEC Paris Extra-‐ ordinary 1970 VI WC Catania 1971 11th IEC 1972 12th IEC 1973 VII WC Reykjavik Copenhagen Montreux 1974 13th IEC Graz 1975 14th IEC London 1976 VIII WC Calgary 1977 15th IEC 1978 16th IEC Helsinki 1979 IX WC Perugia 1980 17th IEC Dublin Washington 1982 X WC 1983 19th Antwerp 1984 20th IEC Renfrew 1985 XI WC Paris Wiesbaden IPA Information Guide January 2015 Gothenburg 1981 18th IEC 11 1986 21st IEC Adelaide 1987 22nd IEC Zürich 1988 XII WC 1989 23rd IEC RoGerdam Monte Real 1991 XIII WC 1993 25th IEC Nicosia 1994 XIV WC Wellington 1992 24th IEC Rio de Janeiro 1995 26th IEC Vienna 1996 27th IEC Brisbane 1997 XV WC Quebec 1998 28h IEC Athens 1999 29th IEC Menorca 2000 XVI WC Bournemouth 2001 30th IEC Reno 2002 31st IEC Sun City Trondheim 2004 32nd IEC Brno 2005 33rd IEC Dublin 2006 XVIII WC Ljubljana 2007 34 IEC Balaton 2008 35th IEC Moscow 2009 XIX WC Antalya 2010 36th IEC Paris 2011 37th IEC 2012 XX WC Eilat 2013 38th IEC 2014 39th IEC Potsdam 2003 XVII WC Bucharest Copenhagen Luxembourg FUTURE VENUES: 2016 61st IPA WC Auckland 2017 2018 62nd IPA WC Albena 63rd IPA WC Netherlands 2019 2020 2021 64th IPA WC Swaziland 65th IPA WC Spain 66th IPA WC USA 2015 XXI IPA WC Limassol IPA Information Guide January 2015 12 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH GATHERINGS IYG’s are hosted annually by different Sections, inviting 16-17 year olds with around 50 participants over a period of 2 weeks. Sons, daughters and grandchildren of members enjoy a special theme, with activities to encourage an ‘international spirit’. Forthcoming IYG venues will be: 2015 Spain IYG 2015 2016 USA IYG 2016 2017 South Africa Awarded to: 1994 1995 1998 2000 2003 2006 2011 Interpol The Founder of the IPA, Arthur Troop IBZ Gimborn The United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) Dr. Francisco Vicente Badenes (Brazil) Ahuva Tomer, Lior Boker and Yitzchak Melina (Israel) IPA Information Guide January 2015 13 OFFICIAL IPA EMBLEMS: Protected as Registered Trademarks The roundel and crest may be in one colour (not necessarily black). If colours are used they will be:C M Y K - Colour split: star/roundel/words: land mass: sea: circle: yellow red light blue dark blue 80Y 9M 100M 81Y 4K 35C 9M 89C 43M Digital images of the roundel and crest are available from the IAC in jpeg format. IPA Information Guide January 2015 14 At the 37th IEC Conference in 2011, Delegates adopted the following Proclamation of IPA Fundamental Principles • • • • • • • Friendship Hospitality Humanism Solidarity Unity Universality and Volunteerism • • • • • • • Amitié Hospitalité Humanisme Solidarité Unité Universalité et Volontarisme • • • • • • • Freundschaft Gastfreundschaft Menschlichkeit Solidarität Einheit Universalität und Freiwilligendienst • • • • • • • Amistad Hospitalidad Humanismo Solidaridad Unidad Universalidad y Voluntariado IPA Information Guide January 2015 15 LIST OF IPA SECTIONS’ ISO CODES English French German Spanish Code Andorra Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Belgium Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Canada Croatia Cyprus Andorre Argentine L'Arménie Australie Autriche Belgique Bosnie Herzégovine Botswana Brésil Bulgarie Canada Croatie Chypre République tchèque Danemark Estonie Finlande ExRépublique yougoslave de Macédoine France Gabon Allemagne Gibraltar Grèce Hong Kong Hongrie Islande Irlande Israël Italie Japon Kazakhstan Kenya Lettonie Lesotho Lituanie Luxembourg Macao Malte Maurice Andorra Argentinien Armenien Australien Österreich Belgien Bosnien Herzegowina Botswana Brasilien Bulgarien Kanada Kroatien Zypern Tschechische Republik Dänemark Estland Finnland Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien Andorra La Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bélgica Bosnia y Herzegovina Botsuana El Brasil Bulgaria Canadá Croatia Chipre República Checa Dinamarca Estonia Finlandia Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia AD Frankreich Gabun Deutschland Gibraltar Griechenland Hongkong Ungarn Island Irland Israel Italien Japan Kasachstan Kenia Lettland Lesotho Litauen Luxemburg Macau Malta Mauritius Francia Gabón Alemania Gibraltar Grecia Hong Kong Hungría Islandia Irlanda Israel Italia Japón Kazajstán Kenia Latvia Lesotho Lituania Luxemburgo Macao Malta Isla Mauricio FR Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland F.Y.R.O Macedonia France Gabon Germany Gibraltar Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kenya Latvia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Malta Mauritius IPA Information Guide January 2015 AR AM AU AT BE BA BW BR BG CA HR CY CZ DK EE FI MK GA DE GI GR HK HU IS IE IL IT JP KZ KE LV LS LT LU MO MT MU 16 LIST OF IPA SECTIONS’ ISO CODES English French Mexico Monaco Moldova Montenegro Mozambique Netherlands Portugal Romania Russian Federation San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Mexique Monaco Moldau Monténégro Mozambique Pays-Bas Portugal Roumanie Fédération de Russie Saint-Marin Serbie Slovaquie Slovénie Afrique du Sud Spain Espagne Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Swaziland Swaziland Sweden Suède Switzerland Suisse Turkey Turquie Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom Royaume-Uni United States of America Etats-Unis d’Amérique German Spanish Code Mexiko Monaco Moldau Montenegro Mosambik Niederlande Portugal Rumänien Russische Föderation San Marino Serbien Slowakei Slowenien Südafrika México Mónaco Moldova Montenegro Mozambique Países Bajos Portugal Rumania Federación Rusa San Marino Serbia Eslovaquia Eslovenia África Del sur MX Spanien Sri Lanka Swasiland Schweden Schweiz Türkei Ukraine Vereinigtes Königreich Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika España Sri Lanka Swazilandia Suecia Suiza Turquía Ucrania Reino Unido ES Los Estados Unidos de Amárica MC MD ME MZ NL PT RO RU SM RS SK SI ZA LK SZ SE CH TR UA UK US IPA Information Guide January 2015 17 Click here to go back to contents page ANDORRA Official Address: IPA Andorra Aparcament la Closeta Servei de Circulació AD400 La Massana Andorra Tel: Fax: Email: Website Please do not put any names on correspondence +376 736909 +376 736924 josep.surana@gmail.com www.ipa-‐andorra.com Date and place of affiliation: 13th September 2007 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Board Members: Toni PUJOL tonpujol@gmail.com Lluís REÑE lluisrene@gmail.com Lluís SURANA josep.surana@gmail.com Enric BAHILLO enricbahillo@policia.cat Xavier PÉREZ xaperga@gmail.com Jose SANCHEZ js.will@hotmail.fr Xavier TUDÓ: xavinuri@andorra.ad Lluís CAPDEVILA: llcapdevila@andorra.ad Josep RAMOS: jramosmassana@gmail.com 34th IEC Balaton, Hungary IPA Information Guide January 2015 18 Click here to go back to contents page ARGENTINA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Entre Ríos 251 Rosario Santa Fe Argentina Tel/Fax: Email: Date and place of affiliation: +54 341 449 9386 biblioteca_clubpolicialrosario@yahoo.com.ar or clubpolicialderosario@yahoo.com.ar 26th May 1964 IV WC Blackpool, UK NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President/ IPC Liaison Officer: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General/ ICC/ISC/ERC Liaison Officer/ Travel: Treasurer: Jose Luis GIACOMETTI tel: 341 4643762 email: as official or jlgiacometti@hotmail.com Dra. Raquel Elvira HERNANDEZ email: as official Jose Marcelo MONTEODORISIO tel: 341 4439 486 email: as official Carlos L. AGUILERA tel: 341 4931827 (m) email: as official Enrique SARICH IPA Information Guide January 2015 19 Click here to go back to contents page ARMENIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS: 5 Moskovyan Yerevan Armenia Email: Date and place of affiliation: veziryan-‐ando@mail.ru 20th September 2013 38th IEC Copenhagen, Denmark NATIONAL OFFICERS Grigor SARKISYAN mhnjv@yahoo.com tel: 094599900 1st Vice President: Gegham HOVEYAN 2nd Vice President: Mavrik KHACHATRYAN 3rd Vice President: Sayat GRIGORYAN 4th Vice President: Revik LASGYAN Secretary General: Andranik VEZIRYAN President: veziryan-‐ando@mail.ru Treasurer: Aram AKOPYAN zeytuninternet@mail.ru IPA Information Guide January 2015 20 Click here to go back to contents page AUSTRALIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS PO Box 16025 City East Queensland 4002 Australia +61 2 8678 3235 or: +61 450 008 510(m) secretarygeneral@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au www.ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: 29th September 1965 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor: Geoff (Geoff) RODDA president@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Jason BREWER vicepresident@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Ross PENGILLY secretarygeneral@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Manfred (Fred) WOJTASIK assistsecgeneral@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Lorenzo RICATO nationaltrasurer@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au Ray NEWMAN newmanray40@gmail.com Immediate Past President -‐Advisor: Michelle HARRIS ippadvisor@ipa-‐australiapolice.com.au 7th IEC Barcelona, Spain IPA Information Guide January 2015 21 Click here to go back to contents page AUSTRIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Österreichische Sektion Schottenring 16 1010 Wien Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ IPC Liaison Rep: 2nd Vice President/ ICC Liaison Rep: 3rd Vice President/ ISC Liaison Rep: Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor and Press: IEC Delegate: Secretary: +43 699 180 35 975 austria@ipa.at http://www.ipa.at 16th April 1961 Extraordinary WC Paris, France Reinhard MOSER president@ipa.at Herbert STAMMER 1.Vizepraes@ipa.at Willibald ELIAN 2.Vizepraes@ipa.at Friedrich HERZOG 3.Vizepraes@ipa.at Otto KÖNIG as official address Christoph EGLE schatzm@ipa.at Klaus HERBERT presseref@ipa.at Alois KALCHER iecdeleg@ipa.at Robert NEUMANN schriftf@ipa.at IPA Information Guide January 2015 22 Click here to go back to contents page BELGIUM OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Royal Belgian Section Lange Nieuwstraat 16 / 2 BE-‐2000 Antwerpen Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Administrative Director: Financial Director: Treasurer: Editor: +32 3 233 47 71 +32 3 226 48 49 ipabelgiansection@gmail.com www.ipa.be 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Serge KLINGELS email as official address Urbain De Vuyst voorzitter@ipa-‐ovl.be Michel De Mulder demulder@ipa-‐brabant.be Jean Pierre VERHAERT jeanpierre.verhaert@telenet.be Werner Van Bael werner.van.bael@skynet.be IPA Information Guide January 2015 23 Click here to go back to contents page BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section B&H Miro Sučić Gabrijela Jurkica 27 80101 LIVNO Tel: Email: +387 63 944 218 ipabih@gmail.com Date and place of affiliation: 7th September 2012 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Vice President: Vice President: Secretary General: Vice Secretary General: Treasurer: Recording Secretary: Miro SUČIĆ miro.sucic@tel.net.ba Ibrahim LIPIĆ Aleksandar GRČIĆ XX WC Eilat, Israel Nedo SAVIĆ Predrag SIMEUNOVIĆ lavandjela@hs-‐hkb.ba Nikola RAKOVIĆ Mustafa IBRIŠIMOVIĆ Ilija MILIĆ IPA Information Guide January 2015 24 Click here to go back to contents page BOTSWANA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Botswana Police Service Forensic Science Services Private Bag 0400 Gabarone Botswana Southern Africa Tel: Mobile: Fax: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS Acting President: 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Vice Secretary General: Treasurer: Travel Secretary and Acting Secretary General: +267 3918601 +267 71738548 +267 3918615 mjpitso@gov.bw or mojwadi@yahoo.com 13st September 2007 34th IEC Balaton, Hungary Keabetswe MAKGOPHE tel: as official address Joseph MOTLHAGODI email: as official address Mrs. Pelonomi Alice KENNEKAE Chabaesele KESUPETSWE Vacant Zacks MASIKE Charles Alakanani MBENGWA Mrs. Mojwadi KENOSI-‐PITSO email: as official address IPA Information Guide January 2015 25 Click here to go back to contents page BRAZIL OFFICIAL ADDRESS av Casper Libero 390-‐5 andar, sala 503, cep 01033-‐000, Santa Efigenia, São Paulo -‐ SP Brasil Tel/Fax: Email: Website +55 11 33135077 ipa.saopaulo@ipa-‐brasil.org.br http://www.ipa-‐brasil.org.br Date and place of affiliation: 15th May 1962 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Liaison Officer: Editor: Jarim LOPES ROSEIRA jarim_lopes@terra.com.br Haroldo FERREIRA haroldoferreira@ig.com.br 5th IEC Geneva, Switzerland João Hayden KEPLER FONTENELLE iparj242@ig.com.br Rina RICCI CAGNACCI riricca@gmail.com Maria Solange FERREIRA XAVIER msolangexavier@gmail.com Edson Luiz BERTOLUCCI ebertolucci@uol.com.br Antonio ROSSI DOS SANTOS rossi@valoneadv.com.br Nathaniel GONCALVES DE OLIVEIRA nathaniel_adv@hotmail.com Sidney DE ALMEIDA IPA Information Guide January 2015 26 Click here to go back to contents page BULGARIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS 114b “Knyaginya Maria Luiza” Blvd. 1202 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice Presidents: Secretary General: Treasurer: Executive Secretary: Members of the Management Board: +359 888 728 531/+359 2 982 41 45/+359 2 982 36 77 ipa.bulgaria@gmail.com www.ipabg.com 10th June 1994 XIV WC Luxembourg, Luxembourg Ms. Zinaida Lyubenova GANCHEVA Email: as official address Krasimir Asenov GEORGIEV Mitko ANGELOV Mrs. Nadka IVANOVA Krasimir Vasilev DIMOV Ms. Nadka Kircheva IVANOVA Ms. Vyara Vladimirova MOSKOVA Plamen MARKOV Plamen PETROV Ognyan BOGOEV Yuriy DENCHEV Mrs. Mariana GRANCHARSKA IPA Information Guide January 2015 27 Click here to go back to contents page CANADA OFFICIAL ADDRESS I.P.A. Canada Secretary General 179 Great Oak Trail Binbrook, Ontario, L0R 1C0 Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President Central: Vice President East/ National Liaison Rep: Vice President West/Editor: Secretary General: Acting Treasurer and National Supply Officer: +1 (289) 286-‐0141 cop300@rogers.com www.ipa.ca 16th April 1961 Extraordinary WC Paris, France Denis NADEAU tel: (450)619-‐7889 or (514)261-‐2060 (m) denisnado@hotmail.com Allen WELKE allen9104@aol.com Christian PARENT christian.parent@hotmail.com Barry BOS vpwest@mbos.net Larry SHEPPARD as official address tel: as official Larry SHEPPARD As official address IPA Information Guide January 2015 28 Click here to go back to contents page CROATIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Trinajstićeva 2, 51 000 Rijeka Croatia Tel: Fax: Email: Website +385 51 504 810 +385 51 504 811 ipa@ipa.hr www.ipa.hr Date and place of affiliation: 16th May 2003 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Deputy President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: 4th Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: IEC Delegate: Miljenko VIDAK predsjednik@ipa.hr Antun NOVOSELOVIĆ anovoselovic@gmail.com Željko TURK zturk99@gmail.com Mario MEDENJAK mmedenjak@mup.hr Emil LANDHER elandher@mup.hr Darko MINKOVIĆ dminkovic@net.hr XVII WC Trondheim, Norway Vacant Dražen MAGDIĆ dmagdic@mup.hr Tina MUDROVČIĆ tmudrovcic@mup.hr Vlaho LUJO tajnik@ipa-‐dubrovnik.hr IPA Information Guide January 2015 29 Click here to go back to contents page CYPRUS OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Cyprus Section G eorgiou N eofitou A v.61, B lock B 1, F lat 1 03, P.O. Box 57383, Limassol Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ IPC Liaison Representative: 2nd Vice President/ ICC Liaison Representative: 3rd Vice President/ ISC Liaison Representative: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer/Editor/ Webmaster: +357 25819598 +357 25819599 ipa.cyprus@cytanet.com.cy www.ipa-‐cyprus.com.cy 14th September 1983 19th IEC Antwerp, Belgium Michael ODYSSEOS as official address tel: 99 657 206 (m) Zenon PSATHITIS zpsathitis@gmail.com George DEMETRIOU ipafamagusta@yahoo.com Kyriakos PERIKLEOUS Kikis03@cytanet.com.cy Demetris DEMETRIOU tel: 99 618 500 fax: 22 808 597 (w) demetriou.e.d@cytanet.com.cy or ddemetriou@police.gov.cy Katerina VEIZI kvasey@police.gov.cy George ALLAYIOTIS Andreas PALLARIS a.pallaris@cytanet.com.cy IPA Information Guide January 2015 30 Click here to go back to contents page OFFICIAL ADDRESS Krajské ředitelství policie Jmk IPA-‐Section of the Czech Republic Kounicova 24 Brno 611 32 CZECH REPUBLIC Tel: Fax: Email: +420 974 521 233 +420 974 522 045 ipacz@seznam.cz Date and place of affiliation: 10th June 1994 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Travel Secretary: Bureau Members: Josef NERUDA tel/fax and email: as official and 602 161 431 (m) Miloslav KLODNER tel: 602 541 752 (m) mklodner@seznam.cz Petr DVOŘÁK petdvor-‐ipa@volna.cz Pavel FIALA tel: 602 541 754 (m) email: as official Igor BERKA igor.berka@seznam.cz XIV WC Luxembourg, Luxembourg Ivana JEŽKOVÁ tel: 724 153 668 (m) jezkova.ivana@centrum.cz Vladimir MACEK v.macek@volny.cz tel: +420 739 302 057 Pavel CHLÁPEK, Vladimír MACEK, Petr TOMEK Miloslav NOVOZÁMSKÝ, Miroslav POKORNÝ IPA Information Guide January 2015 31 Click here to go back to contents page DENMARK OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Denmark Sektion Caroline Mathildesvej 3, 3150 Hellebaek Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President/ ICC Liaison: 3rd Vice President/ ISC Liaison: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor: Hobbies Secretary: +45 21716619 mail@ipa-‐dk.dk http://www.ipa-‐dk.dk 15th May 1962 5th IEC Geneva, Switzerland Michael BOOLSEN president@ipa-‐dk.dk Jan Richter HENRIKSEN 1.vicepresident@ipa-‐dk.dk Bjarne DAVIDSEN 2.vicepresident@ipa-‐dk.dk Niels Erik JENSEN 3.vicepresident@ipa-‐dk.dk Niels Henrik BAK tel: 21716619 secretary.general@ipa-‐dk.dk Erling KJÆR ass.sec.general@ipa-‐dk.dk Niels Erik Krarup NIELSEN treasurer@ipa-‐dk.dk Svend SANDBERG editor@ipa-‐dk.dk Bjarne DAVIDSEN hobby@ipa-‐dk.dk IPA Information Guide January 2015 32 Click here to go back to contents page ESTONIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Pärnu mnt 139 15060 Tallinn Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Webmaster: Board Member & Travel Co-‐ordinator: Board Member: Board Member: info@ipa-‐estonia.eu http://www.ipa-‐estonia.eu 11th October 1995 26th IEC Vienna, Austria Ain LEPIKULT ain.lepikult@politsei.ee or ain.lepikult@ipa-‐estonia.eu tel: 612 3404 Karl PÕDER karl.poder@politsei.ee or karl.poder@ipa-‐estonia.eu Kaja SUUR kaja.suur@ipa-‐estonia.eu Lauri LÄÄNSOO lauri.laansoo@gmail.com Katri BERGMANN katri.bergmann@ipa-‐estonia.eu Marge VALK marge.valk@ipa-‐estonia.eu Uno LAAS uno.laas@ipa-‐estonia.eu IPA Information Guide January 2015 33 Click here to go back to contents page FINLAND OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Finland Box 240 FIN -‐ 00131 Helsinki Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ ISC Liaison Officer/Editor: 2nd Vice President/ IPC Liaison Officer: 3rd Vice President/ ICC Liaison Officer: Secretary General: Treasurer: Webmaster: ICC Member: ipa.finland@elisanet.fi www.ipafinland.net 16th April 1961 Extraordinary WC Paris, France Jari LIIMATTA jari.p.liimatta@poliisi.fi Kauko KUISMIN kauko.kuismin@poliisi.fi Esko AUTIO esko.autio@suomi24.fi Jari KINNUNEN jari.k.kinnunen@poliisi.fi Miia KESO mobile: +358402171312 sg.ipafinland@gmail.com Carola TIMPER-‐KARHUVIITA ipa.finland@elisanet.fi Jaana SOLA jaana.sola@gmail.com Eija ASPHOLM eija.aspholm@suomi24.fi IPA Information Guide January 2015 34 Click here to go back to contents page FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: IEC Observer: info@ipa.mk or contact@ipa.mk September 2014 5th 39th IEC Potsdam, Germany Ljubcho ANDONOVSKI lj.andonovski@ipa.mk Mitco CHAVKOV Goranche SAVOVSKI g.savovski@ipa.mk Robertino ACESKI r.aceski@ipa.mk Toni JAKIMOVSKI t.jakimovski@ipa.mk IPA Information Guide January 2015 35 Click here to go back to contents page FRANCE Tel: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Française Fort de Charenton rue Pierre Curie 94706 MAISONS ALFORT France +33 1 45 18 00 94 ipafrance@ipafrance.org www.ipafrance.org Date and place o f affiliation: 16th September 1955 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President (CNC): Rose LOURME presidentnational@ipafrance.org Pierre SUSZEK (Cultural Commission) cnc@ipafrance.org 2nd Vice President (CNI & CNCD): 3rd Vice President (CNP): 4th Vice President (CNAS): Secretary General: Assistant Secretary Generals: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Editor: I WC Paris, France Alain MASSOU (Commission Interne & communication et développement)) cncd@ipafrance.org and cni@ipafrance.org Nathalie LUSZCZ (Professional Commission) cnp@ipafrance.org Georges LAKSER (Social Commission) cnas@ipafrance.org Sam DRIDI secretairenational@ipafrance.org Roland MOREAU secretairenationaladj1@ipafrance.org Gilles FILLEUX secreitairenationaladj2@ipafrance.org Michel NOISILLER tresoriernational@ipafrance.org Jean-‐Louis DUBOIS tresoriernationaladj@ipafrance.org Gerard HENQUEL redacteuripa@ipafrance.org IPA Information Guide January 2015 36 Click here to go back to contents page GERMANY OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Deutsche Sektion e.V. Schulze-‐Delitzsch–Straße 4 66450 Bexbach, Saarland Postfach 1243 66443 Bexbach Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary General (Management): Secretary General (Membership): Treasurer (Finances): Treasurer (Social): Editor: +49 6826 51099 0 +49 6826 51099 1 ipa-‐deutschland@t-‐online.de http://www.ipa-‐deutschland.de 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Horst W. BICHL horst.bichl@ipa-‐deutschland.de Hubert VITT hubert.vitt@ipa-‐deutschland.de Oliver HOFFMANN oliver.hoffmann@ipa-‐deutschland.de Patric LOUIS patric.louis@ipa-‐deutschland.de Peter HERWIG peter.herwig@ipa-‐deutschland.de Günter LAMBRECHT guenter.lambrecht@ipa-‐deutschland.de Rolf Dieter SCHUBERT rolf.schubert@ipa-‐deutschland.de Hubert VITT vitt@ish.de IPA Information Guide January 2015 37 Click here to go back to contents page GIBRALTAR OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Gibraltar Section Royal Gibraltar Police Headquarters New Mole House Gibraltar Tel: Fax: Email: +350 72500 +350 50717 ipa-‐gibraltar@hotmail.com Date and place of affiliation: 15th May 1963 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General/ Assistant Treasurer: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Sports and Hobby Secretaries: Maintenance Secretary: Travel Secretary: Committee Members: Roy PEREZ Roy.Perez@royalgib.police.gi Mr H SACRAMENTO Elizabeth GOMEZ email: as official address Mr A WATSON Mr N ROMERO Mr B BENTLEY Mr K CUMBO Mr F ALVAREZ Andy WATSON Mr W PULHAM Mr M MARTINEZ Ms N WINK Mr J YOME 6th IEC Oslo, Norway IPA Information Guide January 2015 38 Click here to go back to contents page GREECE OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Greece Section 2, Iktinou St., 5th Floor GR-‐105 52 Athens Greece Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Public Relations: Head of Int’l Relations – Delegate: Council President: Member: Member: +302 10 5227330 +302 10 5248397 ipa@ipa-‐gr.org http://www.ipa-‐gr.org 29th September 1965 7th IEC Barcelona, Spain Ioannis KARAPATAKIS ipatikis@otenet.gr Nikolaos MAROUNDAS Vlassios VALATSOS Christodoulos CHRISTODOULIS Spiros FOTOGLOU Kyriakos KARKALIS karkaliskyr@gmail.com Vassilios PAPAS Manolis ZACHARIOUDAKS Manolis ZACHARIOUDAKIS Kyriakos KARKALIS Konstantinos LYTRAS Georgios KATSAROPOULOS Pantelis CHRAPAS IPA Information Guide January 2015 39 Click here to go back to contents page HONG KONG OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Hong Kong GPO Box 3244 Central Hong Kong Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President/ Secretary General: Commission Liaison Secretary: Treasurer: Membership Secretary: Travel Secretary 1: Travel Secretary 2: Stores Secretary: Event Secretary: Development Secretary: Project Secretary: ipahksg@gmail.com http://www.ipa-‐hksar.com 16th April 1961 Extraordinary Paris, France HO Ying-‐foo Francis francisho@police.gov.hk TSE Chun-‐chung John johntse@fstb.gov.hk TAM Man-‐hoi Jack secretary@ipa-‐hksar.com or ipahksg@gmail.com mobile: 9465 3945 SO Wai-‐ming Aubrey aubwmso@yahoo.com LOK Shing-‐Cheong WU Shu-‐wing Eddie eddieswwu@hotmail.com CHAN Kim-‐ming Stanley KWAN Ping-‐yun Brian HUNG Ngan Bruce WONG Ping-‐ping Jan TING Sau-‐chi Flora IPA Information Guide January 2015 40 Click here to go back to contents page HUNGARY OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Magyar Szekció H-‐1139 Budapest Teve u. 4-‐6 Hungary Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: 4th Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: IEC Delegate: ipahungary@gmail.com www.ipa-‐hungary.hu 30th November 1991 XIII WC Wellington, New Zealand Tamás DR. SIMON president@ipa-‐hungary.hu Ottó DR. FRANCSICS vicepresident1@ipa-‐hungary.hu Vacant Mária MÉSZÁROS vicepresident3@ipa-‐hungary.hu Attila RIBES vicepresident4@ipa-‐hungary.hu Judit DR. BŐDI secretarygeneral@ipa-‐hungary.hu Péter KEMENES ass.secretarygeneral@ipa-‐hungary.hu Róbert GOTTSCHALK treasurer@ipa-‐hungary.hu József Zoltánne HAVASI iecdelegate@ipa-‐hungary.hu IPA Information Guide January 2015 41 Click here to go back to contents page ICELAND OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Icelandic Section PO Box 5250 IS-‐125 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Editor: +354 8431534 deildin@ipa.is http://www.ipa.is 15th May 1963 6th IEC Oslo, Norway Einar Guðburg JÓNSSON forseti@ipa.is or einar.jonsson@lrh.is Sveinbjorn O RAGNARSSON Baldur ÓLAFSSON ritari@ipa.is Ragnar Svanur ÞORDARSON Gunnar Helgi STEFANSSON gunnar.stefansson@lrh.is Hrannar Þor ARASON Gudmundur FYLKISSON IPA Information Guide January 2015 42 Click here to go back to contents page IRELAND OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Ireland Section IPA House, 13 Iona Drive Glasnevin Dublin 9 Ireland Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Editor: +353 1 830 2907 or +353 1 830 2402 +353 1 830 4612 ipairish@gmail.com www.ipaireland.com 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Denis DUNNE ddpresidentipairl@gmail.com Noel GEARY gearynbg@gmail.com Pat NUNAN pjnunan@eircom.net Conor O’HIGGINS tel: +353 87 9964025 (mobile) conorohiggins@gmail.com Ann LISTON jarbliston@eircom.net Mick WALSH mickindublin@gmail.com John GILLARD jgillard@eircom.net Joe LYNCH joelynchipa@eircom.net IPA Information Guide January 2015 43 Click here to go back to contents page ISRAEL Tel: Fax: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Israel Section 37 Sharit Israel St. Tel Aviv – Yafo 68165 Postbox 8446 61048 Tel-‐Aviv -‐ Yafo Israel +972 3 36833174-‐5-‐6-‐7 or +972 36833556 +972 3 6833442 info@ipa-‐israel.org.il www.ipa-‐israel.org.il Date and place of affiliation: 15th May 1963 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Culture: Travel Secretary: Media Secretary: Hosting: Branches: Projects: Welfare: Administration: Sports: NEC Member: Yacov TERNER email: as official address -‐ tel: 50 533 1368 Adv. Gal SHARON galsharon.ipa@gmail.com Eran ISRAEL ieran100@gmail.com -‐ tel: 50 627 2250 Naser NASERELDIN 6th IEC Oslo, Norway Uri ASAF Alex ZELEKOVITS Chaim SHEMULEVITZ friends.haim@gmail.com -‐ tel: 54 332 3132 Asher MELAMED Samich TAFASH & Adv. Jecky BREY Dr. Suzi BEN BAARUCH Judea SALOMON Faible LAVON Nazih HALABI Kang KABALAN IPA Information Guide January 2015 44 Click here to go back to contents page ITALY OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Italy Segreteria Nazionale IPA -‐ Sezione Italiana Via Venier 32 62012 Civitanova Marche (MC) Italia Tel/Fax: Email: Website +39 733 1996051 segreteria@ipa-‐italia.it www.ipa-‐italia.it Date and place of affiliation: 9th September 1958 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ ISC Liaison: 2nd Vice President/ IPC Liaison: 3rd Vice President/ ICC Liaison: Secretary General: Vice Secretaries: Treasurer: Vice Treasurer: Editor: Diego TROLESE presidente@ipa-‐italia.it Mirco CICCARESE 1vpresidente@ipa-‐italia.it Vito ANTELMI 2vpresidente@ipa-‐italia.it II WC Antwerp, Belgium Aldo CARRIOLA 3vpresidente@ipa-‐italia.it Claudio COLLINA segretario@ipa-‐italia.it Alfredo IASUOZZI 1vsegretario@ipa-‐italia.it Mrs Laura GIACOMINI 2vsegretario@ipa-‐italia.it Salvatore PUGLISI tesoreria@ipa-‐italia.it Francesco SPADARO vtesoriere@ipa-‐italia.it Paolo TERRAGIN redazione@ipa-‐italia.it IPA Information Guide January 2015 45 Click here to go back to contents page JAPAN Tel/Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ ICC Liaison/Travel Secretary: 2nd Vice President/ IPC Liaison Oficer: Secretary General/Editor/ ISC Liaison Officer: Treasurer: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Japan Section (Nihon Kokusai Keisatsu Kyokai) Yokohama Central Post Office Post Box 81 220-‐8799 Japan +81 45625 2543 general@ipa.gr.jp or wari55@nifty.com http://www.ipa.gr.jp 15th May 1962 5th IEC Geneva, Switzerland Koji NAKAMURA president@ipa.gr.jp Ryoji SUZUKI 1-‐vice-‐president@ipa.gr.jp or rsuzuki@rose.plala.or.jp Kiyoshi ONISHI 2-‐vice-‐president@ipa.gr.jp Toru WARIGAYA general@ipa.gr.jp or editor@ipa.gr.jp Kenji KURAMOCHI treasurer@ipa.gr.jp IPA Information Guide January 2015 46 Click here to go back to contents page Tel: Email: Website KAZAKHSTAN Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General: Treasurer: OFFICIAL ADDRESS: 010009 Astana Musrepova Street, 10/2 Republic of Kazakhstan September 2014 5th 39th IEC Potsdam, Germany Marat NURGALIEV marat.ast.kz@gmail.com Alexandr CHAUS al_ast_kz@mail.ru Magin BALYKBAYEV b.magin@mail.ru IPA Information Guide January 2015 47 Click here to go back to contents page KENYA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Kenya Section P.O. Box 21443, 00505 Nairobi Kenya Fax: Email: Website +254 2 2713905/+254 20 2775401 shuaib.adam@gmail.com www.ipakenya.org Date and place of affiliation: 11th September 1961 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: 4th Vice President (Acting): Secretary General: Assistant Secretary Generals: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer (Acting): Editor: Webmaster: Mr Alfred Otieno Osur OCHIEL alfred_otieno@yahoo.com tel: 0722386752 Patrick WANDARE patwand@yahoo.com Levin MWANDI lkmwandi@yahoo.com Peter PAMBA pemupa@yahoo.com Pius Thomas BARASA piusbthomas@yahoo.com Shuaib ADAM shuaib.adam@gmail.com tel: +254 722 524 171 Jerad OJUOK jaredojuok@yahoo.com Ibrahim JILLO ibrajillo@yahoo.com III WC Stuttgart, Germany John MWINZI jnmwinzi@yahoo.com Richard ROTICH ridikiro@yahoo.com Japheth KETER cobrasix2005@yahoo.com Charles MAKORI charles@charlesmakori.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 48 Click here to go back to contents page LATVIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Latvian section: Rīgas str. 50 Valmiera, LV-‐4201 Latvia Tel: Fax: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: (Vidzeme Region) Vice President: (Zemgale Region) Vice President: (Kurzeme Region) Vice President: (Riga Region) Vice President: (Latgale Region) Secretary General: Treasurer: +371 64202911 +371 64202928 valdis.kivkucans@jpd.gov.lv 11th October 1995 26th IEC Vienna, Austria Ilze UNGURE ilze.ungure@vidzeme.vp.gov.lv Sanita BRIEDE sanita.briede@madona.vp.gov.lv Indra LŪSE indra.luse@zemgale.vp.gov.lv Māris BIRZNIEKSJM maris.birznieks@liepaja.vp.gov.lv Aigars EVARDSONS aigars.ev@inbox.lv Inese BOLUŽA koledza@daugavpils.vp.gov.lv Valdis KIVKUCANS valdis.kivkucans@jpd.gov.lv Gundega ĀBOLA gundega.abola@vp.gov.lv IPA Information Guide January 2015 49 Click here to go back to contents page LESOTHO OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Lesotho c/o Lesotho Mounted Police Service Post box 13 Maseru 100 -‐ Lesotho Southern Africa Tel: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: (Administration) 2nd Vice President: (Administration) Vice President (Finance): Vice President: (Travel & Culture) Vice President (Trade): Secretary General: +266 5809 8062 thatomokoteli@gmail.com 8th August 1988 XII WC Rotterdam, Netherlands Mr Khothatso TSÓOANA Ms Thato MATLANYANE matlanyanethato@yahoo.com tel: 58857668 and 62007668 Ms Mailane RAKAIBE rakaibemailane@gmail.com Mr Bereng TUMISANG berengtumisang@yahoo.com Clifford MOLEFE cliffordmolefe@yahoo.com tel: 5809 8062 Mr Mofoka SEKHONYANA jmsekhonyana@gmail.com Mr Thato Francis MOKOTELI thatomokoteli@gmail.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 50 Click here to go back to contents page LITHUANIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS Ausros Vartų g. 16-‐4/M. Dauksos g. 1-‐4 02100 Vilnius Lithuania Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: +370 5 273 36 91 +370 5 271 91 58 ipa@post.omnitel.net or ipa.lithuanian@gmail.com http://www.ipa.lt 11th October 1995 26th IEC Vienna, Austria Vytautas PLIUSKUS email: as official address or plius@post.omnitel.net Ramūnas MATONIS ramunas.matonis@policija.lt Rasa STASIULAITIENĖ rasa.stasiulaitiene@policija.lt Rimas LELECKAS rimas.leleckas@policija.lt Vytautas JASIULEVIČIUS tel: +370 5 2660442 or +370 687 38784 (mobile) vytautas.jasiulevicius@gmail.com Vidas SABONIS vidas.sabonis@policija.lt Mrs Gražina ZEKIENĖ as official address 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: IPA Information Guide January 2015 51 Click here to go back to contents page ADDRESS LUXEMBOURG OFFICIAL IPA Section Luxembourg B.P. 1422 L-‐1014, Luxembourg Tel/Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General & Vice President: Treasurer: Editor: IPA Revue House Manager: Travel Secretary: Webmaster: +352 487435 info@ipa.lu http://www.ipa.lu 11th September 1961 III WC Stuttgart, Germany Fernand GRISIUS Fernand.Grisius@police.etat.lu Nico CRELO Nico.Crelo@police.etat.lu or official email address Steve KAISER Steve.Kaiser@police.etat.lu Romain IMMER Romain.Immer@police.etat.lu Yves SCHMIT Yves.Schmit@police.etat.lu or house@ipa.lu Michel BUSCHMANN Michel.Buschmann@police.etat.lu Steve KAISER steve.kaiser@police.etat.lu IPA Information Guide January 2015 52 Click here to go back to contents page MACAU OFFICIAL ADDRESS Rua de Pequim No. 202A ~ 246 Macau Finance Centre 16 Andar J Macau Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Liaison Secretary of Overseas Affairs: (Speaks Portuguese, English & Chinese – Cantonese) Honorary Liaison Secretary (Overseas Affairs): (Speaks English) ipamacau149@yahoo.cn 23rd September 2011 37th IEC Bucharest, Romania Hong Po LEI ipamacauhplei@gmail.com Miguel Lam Vai Chun ipamiguellam@yahoo.com.hk Fong Chi Kong Ho Kam Tong King Cheng Va Claudino CARDOSO DAS NEVES claudinocneves@gmail.com claudinoneves@icloud.com Wilson WONG Man Lung wilsonmlwong@yahoo.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 53 Click here to go back to contents page MALTA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Malta Section Police Associations Centre Spencer Hill, Marsa – MRS1959 Tel: Email: Website +356 21244182 ipamalta@gmail.com http://www.ipamalta.com Date and place of affiliation: 26th May 1964 IV WC Blackpool, Great Britain NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Other Board Members: Neville MERCIECA president.ipamalta@gmail.com tel: as official Joseph BORDA email & tel: as official address George ATTARD email & tel: as official address Fr. Raymond BONNICI Paul Lino AGIUS Elton BUCKINGHAM Ivan BRINCAT IPA Information Guide January 2015 54 Click here to go back to contents page MAURITIUS OFFICIAL ADDRESS c/o Mardeven YAGAMBRUN, IPA Secretary, Police Headquarters, Line Barracks, Port Louis Tel: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Public Relations Officer/ Travel Coordinator +230 213 4154 or +230 5 421 1717 ipamauritius@govmu.org 16th October 1969 10th IEC Paris, France Mr. Outam Kumar GUNESS okguness@hotmail.com (temporarily absent, contact Vice President) Mr Roshan KOKIL roshanko5330@gmail.com Mardeven YAGAMBRUN poovan@intnet.mu Mr Jaylall BHOOJAWON Karran TAKOORDYAL karran_takoor@hotmail.com Mr Hemant Kumarsingh NOTHOO Ishak Mautbur ishakmautbur@yahoo.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 55 Click here to go back to contents page MEXICO OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Sección de México Dr. ATL 2031 Suite 102-‐A Edificio Mapfre, Zona Río 22320 Tijuana B.C. México Tel: Fax: Email: +52 664 634 6117 or +52 664 634 6267 +52 664 634 6900 ipamexico@yahoo.com or mexicoipa@netscape.net http://ipamexico.wix.com/mexico Website: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Temporary Acting Sec General: Acting Treasurer: Editor/IPA Liaison: ISC Liaison Representative: ICC Liaison Representative: ERC Liaison Representative: 24th June 1982 X WC Wiesbaden, Germany Dr. Humberto GARCÍA GÓMEZ ipamexicopresidente@yahoo.com or mexicoipa@netscape.net Julián DOMINGUEZ ARCE Francisco Javier ARELLANO ORTIZ Ramón ANGÜIS RODRÍGUEZ Cynthia Yadira ÁLVAREZ TRILLO Liliana Garay SERVIN DE LA MORA Héctor MANUEL DIARTE Felipe DE JESÚS ELENA BARRAGÁN José DURAN RUIZ Osvaldo MEDINA OLVERA J Raúl MELÉNDREZ MELÉNDREZ IPA Information Guide January 2015 56 Click here to go back to contents page MOLDOVA Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Int'l Relations Comm Chairman: Legal Commission Chairman: Professional Comm Chairman: Culture, Youth & Sport Commission Chairman: Social Commission Chairman: Internal & Development Commission Chairman: Str. Columna 130 MD – 2012 Chisinau Republic of Moldova +373 69103119 ipa.moldova@gmail.com www.ipa.md 10th September September 2010 36th IEC Paris, France Vasile BATCU Chiril MOTPAN Iurie LARII Mihai Avram avram_mihai_ipa@hotmail.com Ion NICOARA Gheorghe GANDRABUR Igor TROFIMOV Radion COJOCARU Iulian CAT Veaceslav ZAPOROJAN z-‐veaceslav@mail.ru tel: 78710133 Iurie UNTILOV IPA Information Guide January 2015 57 Click here to go back to contents page MONACO Tel/Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President/Secretary General/Editor/Webmaster: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer/ ISC Liaison Officer: ICC Liason Officer: IPC Liaison Officer: OFFICIAL ADDRESS Section Principauté de Monaco BP 303, 98006 MONACO Cedex +377 99 99 90 80 ipa-‐mc@monaco.net http://www.ipa-‐mc.org 10th June 1994 XIV WV Luxembourg, Luxembourg Philippe TURNY philippe.turny@free.fr tel: +33 6 09 59 12 03 Pierre ANGIBAUD p.angibaud@ipa-‐mc.org tel: +33 9 70 46 79 67 Yannick MONTEIRO y.monteiro@ipa-‐mc.org André MALLEA a.mallea@ipa-‐mc.org tel: +33 6 82 88 76 16 Jacky MORET j.moret@ipa-‐mc.org Laurent PONCHON l.ponchon@ipa-‐mc.org Yvon RAVET y.ravet@ipa-‐mc.org IPA Information Guide January 2015 58 Click here to go back to contents page Tel: Email: Website MONTENEGRO Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General: Treasurer: OFFICIAL ADDRESS: ul. II Crnogorskog bataljona bb 81000 Podgorica Crna Gora 5th September 2014 39th IEC Potsdam, Germany Vojislav DRAGOVIĆ ipa.montenegro.predsjednik@gmail.com or vojislavdragovic@yahoo.com Snežana ZEKIĆ ipa.crna.gora.sekretar@gmail.com Miodrag ĐURETIĆ ipa.montenegro.blagajnik@gmail.com or miskototo@t-‐com.me IPA Information Guide January 2015 59 Click here to go back to contents page MOZAMBIQUE Fax: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS 46/48 Olof Palme Av. Maputo Mozambique +258 21 431048 (Please send fax correspondence marked ‘for the attention of Abiba Cassimo or José Marquele Junior’) cassimoabiba@yahoo.com.br 3rd September 2004 32nd IEC Brno, Czech Republic Miguel FRANCISCO DOS SANTOS Jorge HENRIQUE DA COSTA KHÁLAU Justina CUMBE Abílio QUIVE Vacant Abiba CASSIMO ZACARIAS cassimoabiba@yahoo.com.br Álvaro ALVES DE CARVALHO José MARQUELE JUNIOR jose.marquele@gmail.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 60 Click here to go back to contents page Tel: Fax: Email: Website NETHERLANDS OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Nederlandse Afdeling Barnsteendreef 2 7828 CE EMMEN +31 591 673538 (home) or +31 630 463127 (m) +31 84-‐2258647 secretary@ipa-‐nederland.nl or info@ipa-‐nederland.nl http://www.ipa-‐nederland.nl Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Acting Secretary General: Treasurer/Vice President: Editor: Education: Recording Secretary: 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Jaap TAAL president@ipa-‐nederland.nl Jaap TAAL secretary@ipa-‐nederland.nl and info@ipa-‐nederland.nl tel: as official Bert VAN DER WAL treasurer@ipa-‐nederland.nl and vice-‐president@ipa-‐nederland.nl Marcel VAN BEEK editor@ipa-‐nederland.nl Patrick REINERINK education@ipa-‐nederland.nl Mariëlle ROEPER amb2@ipa-‐nederland.nl IPA Information Guide January 2015 61 Click here to go back to contents page Tel: Email: Website NEW ZEALAND Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President/ICC Liaison Officer: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Travel Secretary: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section New Zealand Unit 6/425 West Coast Road Glen Eden Auckland 0602 +64 9 8187738 (evenings) ipa_nz@xtra.co.nz www.ipa.org.nz 27th September 1966 8th IEC Toronto, Canada Paul VISSER president@ipa.org.nz Ross PINKHAM vice-‐president@ipa.org.nz Coleen MEYERS email: as official address Michael LUCAS michael.lucas@xtra.co.nz Jillian [Jill] CRAIG treasurer@ipa.org.nz Marlene MERRIMAN m.merriman@clear.net.nz Kathy GRAHAM editor@ipa.org.nz IPA Information Guide January 2015 62 Click here to go back to contents page NORWAY Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ Travel Secretary: 2nd Vice President/ Webmaster: 3rd Vice President/ Hobby Secretary: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Norwegian Section Salten politidistrikt Postboks 1023 N-‐8001 Bodø Norway +47 75 58 80 48 ipanor@ipa-‐norway.no www.ipa-‐norway.no 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Jan Tore HAGNES president@ipa-‐norway.no Geir E SVENSKERUD 1.vicepresident@ipa-‐norway.no Johnny LANGMO 2.vicepresident@ipa-‐norway.no or webmaster@ipa-‐norway.no Dag Arne GUTTORMSEN 3.vicepresident@ipa-‐norway.no Monica LILLEVIK as official address or secgen@ipa-‐norway.no Inger Grete STÅLESEN ass-‐secgen@ipa-‐norway.no Roald KORSØEN roakor@online.no Thorben WESTGÅRD editor@ipa-‐norway.no IPA Information Guide January 2015 63 Click here to go back to contents page PAKISTAN Tel: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS National HQ 374/A-‐I, Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan +92 42 35875467 mirvaisniaz@gmail.com www.ipa-‐pk.com Date and place of affiliation: September 2001 8th NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Advisor/Ex-‐President: Dr Muhammad Shoaib SUDDLE dsuddle@gmail.com tel: 300 5005021 Rasool Bux SAAND rasoolsaand@gmail.com tel: 321 9250549 Mirvais NIAZ mirvaisniaz@gmail.com tel: 300 8363630 House No. 4G, Street No. 7, Sector G6/3, Islamabad Abdul Khaliq ANSARI khaliq_ansari_2006@hotmail.com tel: 300 2189100 Pervez Hussain BUTT pervez_ipa@yahoo.com tel: 300 9465175 Vacant Ch. Tasadduque HUSSAIN tasadduque@hotmail.com tel: 300 5005629 30th IEC Reno, USA IPA Information Guide January 2015 64 Click here to go back to contents page PERU Tel: Email: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Peruana Avenida Las Camelias N°855 Departamento 303, San Isidro Lima-‐27 Perú +51 1 980121014 or +51 1 979742165 ipa.seccionperuana.2013.2015@gmail.com Date and place of affiliation: 19th June 1985 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: IPC Liaison/Professional Issues: ICC/ISC Liaison/Cultural Issues: Editor: Public Relations Representative: Carlos Fernando VELÁSQUEZ SALAZAR email: as official address XI WC Paris, France Sergio Luis Antonio MONAR MOYOLI email: as official address Alejandro Manuel ISMODES MEZZANO email: as official address Luis Miguel ROMERO ECHEVARRÍA email: as official address Héctor Fernando ARENAS PINEDA email: as official address Carlos Adolfo GERRERO MANRIQUE email: as official address Andy Williams Javier PHILIPPS MOROCHO email: as official address Luis Enrique SAENZ CRUZ email: as official address Karla Geraldine GASTULO SAAVEDRA email: as official address Elías Armando DA SILVA FEIJOO email: as official address IPA Information Guide January 2015 65 Click here to go back to contents page POLAND OFFICIAL ADDRESS Arkadiusz Skrzypczak Biuro Krajowe SP IPA Komenda Wojewodzka Policji ul. Kochanowskiego 2a 60-‐844 Poznan Poland Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Editor: PEB/ICC/IPC/ISC Liaison Representative: ipapolska@ipapolska.pl http://www.ipapolska.pl November 1992 6th 24th IEC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Fryderyk OREPUK fryore@wp.pl Witold DRZAZDZYNSKI witold.ipa@wp.pl Mrs Aneta SOBIERAJ anetasobieraj@gmail.com Krzysztof SKOWRON kaskopol@gmail.com Arkadiusz SKRZYPCZAK sekretarz@ipapolska.pl Mrs. Wiesława MISTERKA miswie@op.pl Piotr WÓJCIK wpiotrek5@wp.pl Mrs Justyna STACHNIEWICZ justyna.stachniewicz@gmail.com Jacek MICHALKOWSKI jacekmichalkowski@wp.pl IPA Information Guide January 2015 66 Click here to go back to contents page PORTUGAL Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Travel Secretary: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Seccão Portuguesa Rua Professor José Sebastião e Silva no.1 1500-‐500 Lisboa Portugal +351 217157206 +351 217157205 ipa.portugal@netcabo.pt www.ipa-‐portugal.org 3rd September 1981 18th IEC Washington, USA Anabela ESTEVES ALFERES anabela.alferes@hotmail.com Manuel Luis FONTES VITORINO Manuel RODRIGUES MORAIS José Maria RODRIGUES joserodrigues84@gmail.com Américo ANTÓNIO PEREIRA Maria EDUARDA GUTIERRES and Carlos ALBERTO RODRIGUES Rosa Maria JOSÉ PARREIRA Augusto FERNANDES Matias DAVID IPA Information Guide January 2015 67 Click here to go back to contents page ROMANIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Romanian Section 4th district, Soseaua Oltenitei, Number 158-‐160 , O.P. 61, Postal Code 041323 Bucharest Romania Tel/Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: 4th Vice President: Secretary General: Treasurer: +40 21 332 17 54 secretariat@iparomania.ro www.iparomania.ro 25th October 1996 27th IEC Brisbane, Australia Costică VOICU c.voicu@iparomania.ro tel: 731 036 854 Gheorghe BUNEA g.bunea@iparomania.ro tel: 740 103 000 (m) Gheorghe MOLDOVAN g.moldovan@iparomania.ro tel: 722 362 430 Florin OLARU f.olaru@iparomania.ro tel: 722 751 817 Marcel OSTAFI m.ostafi@iparomania.ro tel: 742 175 263 Mircea Ion GHERGHITA m.gherghita@iparomania.ro tel: 744 356 746 Florian SAFTA f.safta@iparomania.ro tel: 744 353 424 IPA Information Guide January 2015 68 Click here to go back to contents page RUSSIA OFFICIAL ADDRESS International Police Association Russian Section Novinsky Bld, 11, Moscow Russia, 121099 Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: Vice President/National Internal Commission: Vice President/National Professional Commission: Vice President/National Social Commission: Vice President/National Cultural Commission: Vice President/Public Relations Commission: Secretary General: Treasurer: rusipacenter@yandex.ru or vpacenter@mail.ru www.rusipa.org 10th June 1994 XIV WC Luxembourg, Luxembourg Alexey K GANKIN email: as official address Foat K ZINNUROV kuitatarstan@mail.ru Vasily V VASILISHIN rusipacenter@yandex.ru Igor B BOGORODITSKI antonova@tula.net Valentin MIKHAILOVSKY mvn_pkm@mail.ru Igor V MIKHALEVICH mihalevich@inbox.ru Anatoly A FROLOV ipa18@udm.net Alevtina A BELOUSOVA ipa-‐russia@yandex.ru Alexander M TULSKY prynik2004@mail.ru IPA Information Guide January 2015 69 Click here to go back to contents page SAN MARINO Tel/Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President/ ERC Representative: Secretary General: Treasurer: ISC Representative: ICC Representative: IPC Representative: Sport and Hobby Secretary: OFFICIAL ADDRESS PO Box 138 San Marino 47890 +378 0549 992404 info@ipa-‐sanmarino.org www.ipa-‐sanmarino.org 28th May 1973 VII WC Montreux, Switzerland Mirko TOMASSONI Ipa.president.rsm@gmail.com Sabrina PAOLETTI tel: 0039 335 7340681 (m) Davide GHIOTTI segretariogenerale@ipa-‐sanmarino.org Valter BARTOLINI Giuseppe VAGLIO tel: 999525 (h) Peter MARINO GUERRA Renè ROSTI Nathalie GALBUCCI nathiswe@hotmail.it IPA Information Guide January 2015 70 Click here to go back to contents page SERBIA Tel: Tel/Fax: Email: OFFICIAL ADDRESS Secretary General Mr Borivoje Pantovic street Drinska number 2 post office 12000, Pozarevac Republic Serbia +381 64 810 51 66 +381 12 225 178 ipa@ipa-‐serbia.org or petkovic.po@gmail.com http://www.ipa-‐serbia.org Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Public Relations: 13th September 2007 34th IEC Balaton, Hungary Dragan PETKOVIĆ petkovic.po@gmail.com Stole FILIPOVIC Djordje GRACANIN Dragisa PILIPOVIC ipasrbadmin@gmail.com Borivoje PANTOVIC tel/fax: as official Milan MITROVIC Sanela JOVANOVIC-‐STEVANOVIC treasurer@ipa-‐serbia.org Miroslav PANTELIC assttres@ipa-‐serbia.org Zdravko SKAKAVAC IPA Information Guide January 2015 71 Click here to go back to contents page SLOVAKIA Tel: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS Viedenská cesta 7 851 01 Bratislava Slovakia +421 915 784 959 ipa@ipa-‐slovakia.sk or secretarygeneral@ipa-‐slovakia.sk www.ipa-‐slovakia.sk Date and place o f affiliation: 10th June 1994 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Ján IGNATÁK president@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 915 784 960 Roman ZAN Vicepresident1@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 905 811 884 Jozef VACIK vicepresident2@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 905 811 884 Ján WELNITZ secretarygeneral@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 915 784 959 Pavol CSENKEY assistsecretary@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 904 268 221 Arnold POPLUHÁR assisttreasurer@ipa-‐slovakia.sk tel: 905 211 091 Vacant XIV WC Luxembourg, Luxembourg Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: IPA Information Guide January 2015 72 Click here to go back to contents page SLOVENIA Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President (IPC): Vice President (ISC): Vice President(ICC): Secretary General: Minutes Secretary: Treasurer: IEC Delegate: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Sekcija Slovenije Ljubljanska 12 3000 Celje Slovenia +386 354 81 826 or +386 265 13 841 ipa_slovenia_lipnik@siol.net www.ipaslovenija.org November 1992 6th 24th IEC Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Stanislav FICKO ficko.stane@siol.net Tommislav HABULIN tommislav.habulin@policija.si tommx@habulin.si Mihael BURILOV mihael.burilov@gmail.com Vinko OTOVIC vinko.otovic@policija.si Istvan LIPNIK as official address Bruno IPAVEC bruno.ipavec@policija.si ipavec.bruno@siol.net Alojz HRNČIČ alojz.hrncic@triera.net Marjan PRAH-‐PODBORŠKI mrpulvis@gmail.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 73 Click here to go back to contents page Tel: Fax: Email: Website SOUTH AFRICA Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: (IPC/lCC Liaison) 2nd Vice President: (Internal & IPA Marketing) 3rd Vice President: (ISC Liaison) Secretary General: Treasurer: Advisor: Administrative Officer and Travel: Chief Administrative Officer/ Finance: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA South African Section Postbox 11608 Queenswood Pretoria 0121 South Africa +27 12 3330085 +27 12 3330748 ipasa@lantic.net http://ipasafrica.co.za/ 24th June 1982 X WC Wiesbaden, Germany H. (Vossie) VOS vossie.ipa@gmail.com Jakkie VAN LITSENBORGH jvlits@telkomsa.net Johan VAN DER MERWE vandermerwejj100@gmail.com Lizèl PRETORIUS lizel.pretorius@gmail.com Tessa DEYZEL deyzeltessa@saps.gov.za André DE BRUIN as official address J (Pilot) LOOTS as official address Chris SNYMAN ipasa@lantic.net Dirkie VOS ipasa1@lantic.net House aspects are addressed by the President Note on IPA (SA) Guest Houses – IPA Guest IPA Information Guide January 2015 74 Click here to go back to contents page SPAIN Tel: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Seccion Espanola Calle de la Guardia Urbana, 3-‐5 08004 -‐ Barcelona España +34 93 291 50 64 ipaespana@ipaespana.org www.ipaespana.org Date and place o f affiliation: 11th September 1961 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ ICC Liaison: 2nd Vice President/ ISC Liaison: 3rd Vice President/ IPC Liaison: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Webmaster: IEC Delegate/ Arturo SALINAS MARIN asalinas@bcn.cat Antonio Montejano JESUS GOMEZ comisioncultural@ipaespana.org International Relations: IPA House Manager III WC Stuttgart, Germany José Antonio GARCÍA SOLANA comisionsocial@ipaespana.org José Antonio VARELA GONZALEZ comisionprofesional@ipaespana.org Juan Albert BIGORRA PAEZ secretariogeneral@ipaespana.org Jesús CASARES BLÁZQUEZ email: as official José Guillermo RUBIO CHINCHURRETA rubi_chin@hotmail.com Antoni SANCHO GONZÁLEZ asanchog@bcn.cat Gerard POO webmaster@ipaespana.org Manel CASTELLVÍ I DEL PERAL delegadointernacional@ipaespana.org Josep de Blas jbsecretari@hotmail.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 75 Click here to go back to contents page SRI LANKA Tel: Email: Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: 4th Vice President: 5th Vice President: Advisors: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Travel Secretary: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS Police Field Force H.Q. Havelock Road, Colombo 5 Tel: 11 2552228 (Office) MAILING ADDRESS IPA Sri Lanka Section 211/22 Old Kottawa Road Mirihana, Nugegoda +94 11 2810788 (h) ipasrilanka@gmail.com September 1974 3rd 13th IEC Graz, Austria Mr.N.K.ILLANGAKOON igp@police.lk Mr. Gamini NAWARATHNA nawait@police.lk Mr. S. M. WICKRAMASINGHE digpsd@presidentsoffice.lk Mr.G.D.A.de FONSEKA dadefonseka@yahoo.com Mr. Nihal SAMARAKOON tikirisam@gmail.com Mr. D.W.R.B SENEVIRANTE Gayasene77@hotmail.com Mr.I.T.CANAGARETNAM, Mr C R ABEYGOONAWARDENA Mr. H.M.G.B KOTAKADENIYA, Mr Srijah SENANAYAKE Hemachandra DIAS hemadias@gmail.com Ms.Sunethra SENEVIRATNA sunethsenevi@hotmail.com Mr Gamini WICKRAMAARCHCHI gamini04@gmail.com Mr.Nuwan VEDASINGHE nuwanccd@yahoo.com Mr.Tilak SELVIAH tilaks@lolcleisure.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 76 Click here to go back to contents page SWAZILAND OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Swaziland Royal Swaziland Police Headquarters PO Box 49 Mbabane, H100, Swaziland, Southern Africa Tel: Fax: Email: +268 40 42501/5 +268 40 44545 ipaswaziland@gmail.com Date and place of a ffiliation: 11th October 1995 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President/ ISC Liaison Officer: 1st Vice Presidents: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice Presidents: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: National Cultural Liaison Officer: Editor: Travel Secretary: Mr Isaac M MAGAGULA nationalcommissionerofpolice@gmail.com or isaacmmagagula@gmail.com Mr William W DLAMINI dlaminiw@gov.sz 26th IEC Vienna, Austria K S NDLOVU Mr Mr S M Q DLAMINI Mrs L.S DLAMINI Mr A.M VILAKATI Mr B.M NGWENYA Mr Alfred K MTHETHWA email: as official address or khethabahle10@gmail.com Doreen TSABEDZE Ms Mr Mazwi MNGOMETULU Mr Mduduzi VILANE Hezekiel T MOTSA Mr Thulani MAGAGULA TerrorMags@yahoo.com IPA Information Guide January 2015 77 Click here to go back to contents page SWEDEN Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Sweden PO Box 429 SE 401 26 Gothenburg Sweden ipasweden@hotmail.se http://www.ipa-‐sweden.se Date and place of affiliation: September 1958 9th NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President/IPC/IIC Liaison: Vice President/ICC Liaison: Vice President/ISC Liaison: Secretary General: Assistant Secretary General: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Communication: Travel Secretary: Mrs May-‐Britt RINALDO president_ipa_se@hotmail.se tel: 10 565 28 51 (w) Anders GARPENHAG vp_pc_ipa_se@hotmail.se II WC Antwerp, Belgium Bengt SJÖBERG vp_cc_ipa_se@hotmail.se Per EKDÉN vp_sc_ipa_se@hotmail.se Kjell ANDERSSON email: official address Staffan EGERVALL egervall45@gmail.com Peter TALLINGER peter.tallinger@telia.com Thomas PETERSSON thomas.petersson@polisen.se Roger ZETTERBERG communication_ipa_se@hotmail.se Anders BYWALL anders.bywall@comhem.se IPA Information Guide January 2015 78 Click here to go back to contents page SWITZERLAND Tel: Fax: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Section Switzerland CP 121 CH-‐6505 Bellinzona Ticino Switzerland +41 91 829 05 35 +41 91 829 04 47 national@ipa.ch www.ipa.ch Date and place of affiliation: 16th September 1955 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President & Secretary: (French) Vice President: (Italian) Secretary General/Webmaster: Assistant Secretary General/ Editor: Treasurer (interim): ICC/ISC/IPC Liaison Officer: Travel Secretary: Secretary: Ronald WÜTHRICH ronald.wuethrich@ipa.ch Pierre-‐André ZAMPIERON pierre-‐andre.zampieron@ipa.ch Andrea WEHRMÜLLER andrea.wehrmueller@ipa.ch Andrea QUATTRINI sec.general@ipa.ch and webmaster@ipa.ch Willi MOESCH willi.moesch@ipa.ch Andreas NIEDERHAUSER andreas.niederhauser@ipa.ch Monika BADER monika.bader@ipa.ch Jean-‐Claude GILLIAND jean-‐claude.gilliand@ipa.ch Tiziana QUATTRINI tiziana.quattrini@ipa.ch I WC Paris, France IPA Information Guide January 2015 79 Click here to go back to contents page TURKEY Tel: Fax: Email: Website OFFICIAL ADDRESS Uluslararasi Polis Birligi Türkiye Baskanligi Ayranci mahallesi Selimiye caddesi No:17 C Blok Cankaya Ankara +90 312 4621060 or +90 312 4621061 +90 312 4621063 info@ipa.org.tr http://www.ipa.org.tr Date and place of affiliation: 11th May 2000 NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Vice President: Vice President: Vice President: Secretary General: (External Relations) Secretary General: (Internal Relations) Treasurers: Board Members: Erkan GÜLER erkan.guler@ipa.org.tr Ercan TAŞTEKİN ercan.tastekin@ipa.org.tr Hüseyin ÇETİN huseyin.cetin@ipa.org.tr Sinan TUNA sinan.tuna@ipa.org.tr Fatih VURSAVAŞ fatih.vursavas@ipa.org.tr Murat FIRAT murat.firat@ipa.org.tr Alper ACAR alper.acar@ipa.org.tr Halil İbrahim KORKMAZ hibrahim.korkmaz@ipa.org.tr Ramazan İMAL ramazan.imal@ipa.org.tr Oğuzhan BAŞIBÜYÜK XVI WC Bournemouth, United Kingdom oguzhan.basıbuyuk@ipa.org.tr IPA Information Guide January 2015 80 Click here to go back to contents page UKRAINE Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Acting 1st Vice President: Vice Presidents: Secretary General: Treasurer: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA Ukraine Section 15 Lukashevycha Str. 03049 Kyiv +380 44 520 18 45 +380 44 245 59 62 admincentr@ipa-‐ua.org www.ipa-‐ua.org 6th June 1997 XV WC Quebec, Canada Andrii VASYLISHYN email: as official address Oleksandr GIDA Victor OVSYNNIKOV Mykola ZAMASHNIUK Victor OVSYNNIKOV Anatolii BABENKO Zarubytskyy OLEKSANDR as official address IPA Information Guide January 2015 81 Click here to go back to contents page UNITED KINGDOM OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA HQ – Section UK Arthur Troop House 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 6AJ England Tel: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Secretary General: Treasurer: Vice Presidents: Editor: +44 (115) 981 3638 mail@ipa-‐uk.org www.ipa-‐uk.org 16th September 1955 I WC Paris, France Mick LUKE president@ipa-‐uk.org Dave TAYLOR secretary-‐general@ipa-‐uk.org Fred BOYD treasurer@ipa-‐uk.org Mark KERNOHAN vpKernohan@ipa-‐uk.org Ronnie DUKES vpDukes@ipa-‐uk.org Sean HANNIGAN vpHannigan@ipa-‐uk.org Lee HEMMINGS lee.hemmings@ipa-‐uk.org IPA Information Guide January 2015 82 Click here to go back to contents page UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Tel: Fax: Email: Website Date and place of affiliation: NATIONAL OFFICERS President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 3rd Vice President: Secretary General/ ISC/ICC Liaison: Travel/Membership Secretary: Editor: OFFICIAL ADDRESS IPA USA Section 1127 Bramble Lane Folsom CA 95630-‐7646 +1 916-‐983-‐0373 (h) +1 916-‐983-‐0358 SG@ipa-‐usa.org www.ipa-‐usa.org 15th May 1962 5th IEC Geneva, Switzerland Kevin GORDON president@ipa-‐usa.org tel: 618-‐566-‐2993 or 618-‐960-‐9672 (m) fax: 618-‐566-‐8844 Calvin CHOW 1VP@ipa-‐usa.org Cory FREADLING 2VP@ipa-‐usa.org Joe JOHNSON 3VP@ipa-‐usa.org Richard NEVAREZ email: as official Viola POWRIE treasurer@ipa-‐usa.org membership@ipa-‐usa.org Jim POLA editor@ipa-‐usa.org IPA Information Guide January 2015 83
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