Direct Enterp prise Support | Datasheet CHEC CK POIN NT Check Po oint Enterprise e Based Suppo ort delivers ccomprehensive, expert support d directly to end--user customerrs. Direct S Support Key Features F 2 24 x 7 global technical t a assistance centers S Single compre ehensive ccontract protects all Check s Point products C Critical hot fixe es, service packs and upg grades A Access to online diagnostic ttools and reso ources Priority call routing to d dedicated sup pport teams C Committed res sponse times a and service levels O Optional onsite support and a appliance support Direct S Support Key Benefits B Resolve your support cases s ffaster Maximize the value for all yyour Check Po oint products Proactively pre event threats before they be ecome problem ms S Strategically plan p upgrades a and fixes S Submit, view and a update yo our sservice reques sts online Q Quickly search h thousands of o proven solutio ons G Get unlimited expert supporrt ffrom certified engineers DIR RECTT EN NTER RPRIS SE BA ASED D SUP PPO ORT ((EBS S) You Y already re ely on Check Point to keep p your businesss secure, but even the be est security s produc cts need contin nuous updates and support to o keep pace w with ever-evolvin ng threats. t Viruses, worms, hacckers, and inte ernal threats arre more aggre essive than eve er, determined d to find a way into o your networks to exploit th he latest vulne erabilities. At th he same s time, you ur business is e evolving to tak e advantage o of new technolo ogies. BYOD, file sharing, s the cloud, and oth er apps prom mise cost-effecctive ways of doing busines ss, making m you mo ore productive and competitiive. You need security that kkeeps pace wiith threats—and t yo our business. Y You need auto matic updates and upgrades to stay ahead of threats, t maxim mize your soluttions, and take e advantage of new technolo ogies. You wa ant trusted t and relliable security experts to qu ickly resolve yyour most criticcal issues whe en they t arise—an nytime, anywhe ere. And you need it all in a cost-effectiive solution th hat maximizes m your investment an nd increases yyour total ROI. Overview O Check C Point Enterprise E Bassed Support ((EBS) deliverss comprehensiive support an nd protection p direc ctly from Checck Point experrts to help bussinesses efficie ently use Check Point P solutions. From accesss to the latest ssecurity techno ologies and ma ajor upgrades to personalized p support from en ngineers, we’re e committed to o protecting yo our business an nd your y investmen nt. Check Pointt EBS offers un nlimited covera age and support across all yo our Check C Point prroducts with on ne simple contrract. You’re gu uaranteed acce ess to critical hot h fixes, f major upgrades, and th he latest product enhanceme ents to keep pa ace with evolvin ng threats t and to o take advanta age of new te echnologies. E Extend your vvaluable intern nal support s resourc ces with online e self-service to ools like Secure eTrak and thou usands of prove en solutions s in Se ecureKnowledg ge. Get global, 7x24 support for your missio on-critical issue es from f our experrienced and ce ertified techniccal support staff and choose from our onsiite upgrade u option ns if you need replacement h hardware fast. You can rely o on direct suppo ort from f Check Po oint EBS for fa ast and efficien nt support thatt meets your n needs—anytim me, anywhere. a You Y already have the best security—now w get the best service and ssupport. No on ne knows k more ab bout Check Poiint security than we do. Comprehe C ensive service andd support Check C Point EBS offers you the flexibility to choose the program that best meets your y requireme ents. Just one e contract simp plifies maintenance and delivvers unlimited coverage c and support acros s all your Che eck Point produ ucts. Latest L seccurity andd protectioon Ensure E access s to critical hott fixes, service e packs, and m major product u upgrades for a full f year. Stay secure againsst the latest th reat and prote ect your valuab ble business resources. r Tak ke advantage of new feature es as soon as they’re availa ble, increasing g your y ROI with Check Point ssolutions. ©2015 © Check Point S Software Technologiies Ltd. All rights resserved. [Protected] N Non-confidential content January 2015 | 1 Direct Enterp prise Support Unlim mited support from seecurity experts Get co ontinuous su upport from our experienc ced Check Point certified tech hnical supporrt engineers no matter how m many times you y need it. You Y can rely on o our truste ed teams of security experts to resolve e your urgentt issuess with the best possible solution s for yo our business Mission critical support – anytime, anywhere a Our g global technical assistanc ce centers de eliver 7x24 supp port for your mission-critic m cal issues, giv ving you the help you need wh hen you need d it. Whether you contact us byy web, phone e or email, ou ur committed response timess guarantee you’ll y get rea al-time service anywhere in the e world. | Datasheet ourr dedicated s upport teamss to create a dependable ationship focu used on quallity service. rela Imm mediate acccess to online supporrt Take e control of yyour support w with access tto our online supp port request ssystem, Secu ureTrak. Create, view, or upda ate any servi ce request a nd get up-to--the-minute statu us and historry for a comp plete view into o your supp port. Selff-service annswers andd solutionss Redu uce your solu ution times a and increase internal skills s and productivity w with access tto our self-se ervice know wledge base,, SecureKnow wledge. Searrch thousand ds of so olutions, articcles, and in-d depth techniccal guides writt en by Checkk Point expertts. Onsite hardwarre replacem ment services Our w worldwide ons site upgrade options for Standard S and d Premiium Support contracts offfer onsite serrvices in 150 countries and over 1,000 metro opolitan area as for a Checkk Point certified engineer to deliver, in nstall, conne ect and recon nfigure the ha ardware repla acement. Fast,, effiecient processes and servicce Get ffast, efficientt service and support every time with priorrity routing an nd committed d response tim mes, reducing downtim me and minim mizing the effe ect of issue es. Your nam med support contacts c colla aborate with Perssonalized cconsulatatiive supportt Ente erprise Diamo ond Support extends Ente erprise Prem mium Supporrt to create a personalized d and depe endable supp port relationsship. Your designated Tech hnical Engine eer provides ongoing reviiews, proa active analysiis, consultati on, and onsitte support to delivver worry-free e protection a and satisfacttion. Ente erprise Diamo ond Plus deliivers addition nal focused supp port to enhan nce your IT sttaff including g project plan ning and ope erational assistance. more information about Ch heck Point Su upport please e visit For m http://w x.html CONTACT US Worldwide W Headquarters | 5 Ha’Solelim Street, Tel Aviv 67 7897, Israel | Tel: 9 72-3-753-4555 | F Fax: 972-3-624-1100 | Email: U.S. Headquarters | 959 Skyway Road d, Suite 300, San Ca arlos, CA 94070 | Teel: 800-429-4391; 6 650-628-2000 | Faxx: 650-654-4233 | om ©2015 © Check Point S Software Technologiies Ltd. All rights resserved. [Protected] N Non-confidential content January 2015 | 1
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