Announcements We welcome all of those who are visiting with us this morning at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Please join us following the Divine Liturgy for coffee hour. We pray that your experience here this morning was uplifting. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Resurrection Tone 3 October 26, 2014 Holy Greatmartyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki 1. Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about our parish feast day, St. Nicholas Day. While the feast itself falls on December 6, we will observe it on the following Sunday, December 7. If anyone would like to step in and coordinate the festivities, please tell Fr. James. 2. If you have not made a pledge yet for next year, please consider doing so. Not only does it give us an idea how much money we will have to budget with for the coming year, but under the new bylaws one of the qualifications to be a member at St. Nicholas is that a person or family helps support the Church. Bear in mind that the pledge is not binding, and if it becomes necessary for a person to contribute less than his or her pledge there are no consequences to that. Please consider this prayerfully, and deliver your pledge card to Fr. James, who will also answer any questions that you may have. 3. Upcoming at St. Nicholas: Wednesday, 5:45 p.m. – Inquirers Class October 29 7:00 p.m. – Small Compline Saturday , 5:00 p.m. – Vespers November 1 21st Sunday After Pentecost (Divine Sunday, November 2 Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, 10:00 am) Church: 731 Andrews Rd. Rev. Fr. James Blomeley Murphy, NC 28906 Mail: 217A Peachtree St. Murphy, NC 28906 Cell 828-361-1464 Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom “Blessed Is the Kingdom” .......................................................... 2 The Great Litany of Peace (Romanian responses) ................... 2 First Antiphon (Greek chant) ............................................... supp Little Litany………………………………………………………… Second Antiphon………………………………………………….. Hymn of the Incarnation .......................................................... 10 Little Litany………………………………………………………… The Beatitudes (Mironositsky)...……………………….….......14 Hymn of the Little Entrance .................................................... 16 Resurrection Tropar (Tone 3)……………...………….………..87 Tropar for St. Nicholas…………….….…………………...…supp Resurrection Kondak (Tone 3)……………………...............…87 Kondak for St. Nicholas……………………………………..supp Unashamed Intercessor (Tone 6)………………………………… Trisagion Hymn (Zynamenny Chant) ..................................... 18 Prokimenon (Tone 3)................................................................. 89 Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! (Ps. 46:7) v. Clap your hands, all ye people, shout to God with loud songs of joy! (Ps. 46:1) Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! Epistle ................................................................ Galatians 1:11-19 Alleluia (#2).................................................................................... Verses .......................................................................................... 89 v: You have made the earth to tremble, You have broken it; heal its breaches, for it has been shaken! (Ps 58/59:4) v: The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. (Ps 91/92:12) Glory to You, O Lord ................................................................. 24 Gospel ...................................................................... Luke 10:25-37 Glory to You, O Lord ................................................................. 24 Verse At the Sermon ................................................................. 25 Homily ............................................................................ Fr. James The Triple Litany ....................................................................... 25 Litany of the Catechumens…………………….……………supp Cherubic Hymn (Bortniansky) ................................................ 27 The Litany of Supplication…………..………….…………..supp The Creed ................................................................. sung by choir The Anaphora ............................................................................. 39 Holy, Holy, Holy (#2)………………………………….…….. …41 The Praise ................................................................................... 45 The Epiklesis .............................................................................. 46 Hymn to the Theotokos ............................................................ 47 The Litany Before the Lord’s Prayer ........................................ 50 The Lord’s Prayer ............................................. spoken by people Communion Prayer .................................................................... 58 Communion Hymn (“I will receive the cup of salvation…”) Reception of Communion (Alaskan) .................................. supp Response No. 1 ........................................................................... 63 Thanksgiving Hymn.................................................................. 65 Thanksgiving Litany ................................................................. 67 Amvon Prayer ............................................................................. 69 Response ..................................................................................... 69 The Dismissal Blessing ............................................................. 71 Post Communion Prayers +++++ While Holy Communion is reserved for Orthodox Christians who prepare themselves by prayer and fasting, non-Orthodox visitors are welcome to come forward to venerate the cross and receive the Antidoron (blessed bread) at the conclusion of the service. +++++ Forget for at least this space of time the bustle and concerns of everyday life. Be like an angel, filled only with thoughts of God and of serving Him. After all, He is present now, and is blessing you. Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), Bishop of Dmitrov (1883c.1937) +++++ St. Nicholas Orthodox Church is a mission parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese, under His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
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