III-V-MOS Technology CAD for III-V Semiconductor-based MOSFETs Project number: 619326 Start date: 01/11/2013 Call (part) identifier: FP7-ICT-2013-11 Funding scheme: Collaborative project III-V-MOS Dissemination Plan Authors: Pascale Caulier (SINANO), Enrico Sangiorgi (SINANO), Francis Balestra (SINANO), Luca Selmi (IUNET) Edited by: Pascale Caulier (SINANO) Date: December 1st, 2014 1 Table of Content 1. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Introduction to the III-V-MOS Project and Project objectives .................................................. 3 2.2 Purpose and Scope of “Dissemination” activities and “Dissemination plan” ........................... 4 2.3 III-V-MOS Dissemination in the Description of Work ................................................................ 4 3. Target Groups .................................................................................................................................. 4 4. Dissemination Instruments, Strategies and Objectives Internal & External ................................... 5 4.1. Project Website ........................................................................................................................ 5 4.2 Logos, banners, footers, etc. ..................................................................................................... 6 4.3 Overview of Communication Strategies, Purpose and Target groups ...................................... 7 4.4 Standard Project Presentation and Power Point Template ...................................................... 8 4.5 Promotional materials: Press Releases, Newsletter and Factsheet Leaflets............................. 8 4.6 Linking III-V-MOS ....................................................................................................................... 9 4.7 Events, Seminars, Conferences ................................................................................................. 9 4.8 Scientific publications via open access channels....................................................................... 9 5. Planned Monitoring III-V-MOS Dissemination Activities and related instruments....................... 10 6. Dissemination Carried Out and Major public events planned during the project ........................ 11 6.1 Events, Conferences, Seminars, Demonstrations organized by III-V-MOS partners ............... 11 6.2 Presentations at Conferences and Scheduled So Far (highlighted in blue) ............................ 13 6.3 Press Releases, Newsletters and Articles Published and Scheduled So Far ............................ 18 7. Conclusion and Next Steps ............................................................................................................ 21 2 1.ExecutiveSummary The Dissemination Plan is produced as part of the activities of Task 1.2 “Dissemination” of the III-VMOS project. It is a public rolling document which is made available on the project website for external parties interested to get in contact or participate to dissemination activities for the III-VMOS project. The document is not intended to replace the periodic reports on dissemination activities, although some overlap may exist. The document is intended to serve as an open working instrument for monitoring and planning purposes. 2.Introduction 2.1 Introduction to the III-V-MOS Project and Project objectives The III-V-MOS project is a scientific project funded by the Community programme ICT-2013.3.1, focusing on More Moore Nanoelectronics. The project started on 1 November 2013 and runs for three years. 8 partners from 6 European countries are working towards the following goals: - to develop, validate and calibrate a consistent set of comprehensive “high-level” tools for III-V semiconductor based n-MOSFETs at and beyond the 14 nm node and to generate material parameter data forming the base for TCAD compact model development (WP2, WP3). - to develop, validate and calibrate TCAD compact models for III-V semiconductor based nMOSFETs at and beyond the 14 nm node forming the base for accurate and predictive quantum drift diffusion and Monte Carlo TCAD simulations (WP3, WP4). - to narrow down the technology development options of III-V n-MOSFETs of the III-V/Ge ITRS scenario by exploring via TCAD and more fundamental tools the viable device optimization scenarios and by identifying the most promising configurations (WP5). - to deliver to end users in semiconductor manufacturing industry and nanoelectronics research labs quantum drift diffusion and Monte Carlo TCAD setups for comparison with available hardware (WP6). Project Partners Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per la Nanoelettronica (Italy) Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zurich (Switzerland) Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum VZW (Belgium) IBM Research GMBH (Switzerland) QuantumWise A/S (Denmark) GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden Module One LLC & Co. KG (Germany) Synopsys Switzerland LLC (Switzerland) SiNANO Institute (France) 3 Project Acronym IUNET ETHZ IMEC IBM QW GF SNPS-CH SI 2.2 Purpose and Scope of “Dissemination” activities and “Dissemination plan” The Dissemination Plan is produced as part of the activities of Task 1.2 “Dissemination”. It is a public rolling document which will be made available on the project website for external parties interested to get in contact or participate to dissemination activities for the III-V-MOS project. The current document associates results to be disseminated to different target groups and to the corresponding dissemination means. It provides an overview of what is known and planned at the timing of the document in preparation. The document is intended to serve as an open working instrument for monitoring and planning purposes. As such, it will be subject to periodic reviews and updated according to actual actions. The document is not intended to replace the periodic reports on dissemination activities, although some overlap may exist. The planning of major dissemination activities has been and will be periodically discussed at the Governing board meetings. 2.3 III-V-MOS Dissemination in the Description of Work At the time of production of this document, the Dissemination Task (Task 1.2) has completed all the deliverables listed in the project’s Description of Work: the III-V-MOS project website (D1.2), a standard project presentation (D1.1) as well as this Dissemination plan. By the end of the second project year, as done for the first year in the D1.3, a dissemination report (D1.5) will summarise the efforts made and results achieved with regard to dissemination the project. The website is available at http://www.iii-v-mos-project.eu/, where D1.1, D1.2 and D1.3 are available publicly in the “Public Deliverables” section. As stated in the DoW, the objectives of the III-V-MOS Task 1.2 are also to: - Create consistent and high quality access to III-V-MOS’s own results and related developments for both the project partners and an external professional audience. - Create a network for dissemination purposes; implement concerted actions with ITRS and the individual project partners; make sure all dissemination activities are in line with plans; maximise opportunities for dissemination. - Coordination of all III-V-MOS partners with other EU activities. 3.TargetGroups To be effective, it is essential that the dissemination is tailored to specific target groups. The following groups were identified upfront at the time of writing − − − To the general public and media To the Scientific and Technological Community (including pre-industrials & industrials) To the Students' Community 4 − To policy-makers In the following existing and planned dissemination actions will be reviewed according to target groups and objectives. Members of target groups interested to participate or contribute should contact the III-V-MOS project dissemination manager: Pascale.Caulier@minatec.grenoble-inp.fr. 4.DisseminationInstruments,StrategiesandObjectivesInternal& External In order to spread the word about the project as well as its outcomes, the III-V-MOS project uses different instruments according to different strategies. The most important source for any information about the project is the III-V-MOS project website, which aims to keep both project partners as well as the general public, up-to-date with the project. The first part of this chapter will provide an overview of the project website, while the following part focuses on other tools to communicate about the project to external people. 4.1. Project Website The project website was launched in January 2014 and will continuously be updated along the whole project. It is available at: http://www.iii-v-mos-project.eu/ and aims at providing a comprehensive and easily accessible access point to III-V-MOS related information. The main goals of the project website are: - To provide information on the project’s activities, progress and outcomes (public section) - To offer to project partners access to all documentation and deliverables produced in the course of the project (Consortium area). - To provide a section which is used by all partners for internal communication and for sharing scientific documents. a) Public Area The public area of the website addresses the above listed target groups, mainly those kind of users with an active interest in either activities of III-V or else with a specific interest in More Moore Nanoelectronics in general. All information provided on these publicly accessible pages aim to inform external users about the structure, goals and the current and expected outcomes of the project. Hence, it provides updated information on the following topics: • Homepage (Start page with basic information about the project) • Consortium (List of all project partners, with location and logos, including links to a specific description for each partner, including providing contact information and links to their institutional website) • Work plan 5 (III-V-MOS Work Package structure and interdependences, Short summary of each Work Package) • Background and motivation (Explanation of the context and importance of the project) • Available Technologies (from IMEC and IBM) • Dissemination (News, Workshop & Conferences, List of performed actions, List of publications, press releases, etc...) • Calendar of events (Basic information on internal and external events relevant for either the partners or else the scientific community) • Management structure (detailed organisation chart) • Public Deliverables • Contacts (Contact information to the project coordinator and WP leaders) b) Consortium Area The consortium’s area is password protected and restricted to the III-V-MOS consortium members. It gives access to all documents (Grant Agreement, reporting templates and guidelines, internal agendas, meeting minutes, presentations, dissemination templates, publications, etc.) and Milestones and Deliverables produced in the course of the project. All working or restricted documents in the consortium’s area are made accessible under the WP they were produced in. Specific tasks of the Consortium area useful for efficient project management are: - to serve as repository of the official mailing lists for groups of interest in the consortium. (all, GB members, scientific partners, WP leaders, etc…). - to provide a dedicated area for sharing scientific documents between III-V-MOS partners (per WP or global) The SINANO partner is responsible to develop and maintain the website up-to-date. 4.2 Logos, banners, footers, etc. The III-V-MOS logo (voted during the Kick-off meeting in November 2013) has a colourful appearance aimed at stimulating curiosity for the project. To this end it has been included in well visible positions on all dissemination materials, internal and external documents and webpages, press releases or other publications as well as all deliverables, milestones and reports produced during the lifetime of the project. In compliance with the Grant Agreement, the European Union is always mentioned as funding agency through the updated EC logo. 6 The same purpose of stimulating curiosity and capturing attention toward the project is pursued by thin banners and short footers added by a few of the consortium members at the end of emails, messages, etc. 4.3 Overview of Communication Strategies, Purpose and Target groups Means of communication INTERNAL Main target groups Project Website Consortium area Project partners EXTERNAL Project Website Public area ALL Partners´ institutional websites To the Scientific and Technological Community & To the Students' Community Press releases and Newsletters ALL Professional Social media Scientific and Technological Community, Policy-makers Project presentations at events on national and international level Scientific and Technological Community, Policy-makers III-V-MOS Scientific and Purpose Role of partners Exchange information, collaborate Use the internal pages and provide relevant information Create consistent and high quality access to III-VMOS’s own results and related developments Promote III-VMOS project Provide relevant information and documentation to enrich the project website and to be shared by all Raise awareness, Inform at national and international level Increase visibility, Provide easy redirection to the project website Inform the national press and to diffuse widely Promote, disseminate project results, foster collaboration Inform, give 7 Link to the III-V-MOS website Add materials and links in personal or interest group webpages on, for instance, linkedin and similar social media Present the project on national level Participation of the dissemination events Technological Community Presentations at international conferences, workshops, … Participation at Tutorials, Summer Schools Scientific and Technological Community Participation to ENF Policy makers Publications in Highlevel journals Scientific and Technological Community Scientific and Technological Community Demonstrations Students’ community visibility, disseminate project results Disseminate project results partners, organization Disseminate project results, Stimulate research in the field Create opportunities to meet policy makers at regional, national and international level Disseminate project results Participation of partners Raise awareness, Promote project results Project partners to make demonstrations Partners to participate Participation of partners Partners to write publications In addition to the continuous update of the project website, and to the actions planned at the time of writing of the DoW, III-V-MOS will be disseminated externally via various offline and online channels and in cooperation with the project partners. The SINANO Institute will support the partners in coordinating the external communication on national level by providing the necessary tools, such as fact sheets, standard project presentation, Newsletters, … All partners are requested to further distribute promotional material through their communication channels and networks. 4.4 Standard Project Presentation and Power Point Template A standard project presentation containing information on key figures, objectives, partners, structure of work and technical workflow will be available on the website. A power point template will be created to be used by all project partners for project presentations. 4.5 Promotional materials: Press Releases, Newsletter and Factsheet Leaflets 8 Press releases will be published targeting various media to inform about the start and ongoing achievements of the project. The press release produced can be reused and adjusted by the project partners according to their needs. A press release announcing the start of the project was issued in several countries. The consortium plans to issue at least one additional press release at the end of the project to present the final results to the general public Press releases will be sent out in the different countries by the respective partners of that country. All press releases will be archived on the III-V-MOS project website. A factsheet leaflet will be prepared to be distributed at the first III-V-MOS workshop scheduled for January 2015 in Bologna, Italy. 4.6 Linking III-V-MOS To increase the presence of III-V-MOS and its content in the World Wide Web, relevant websites will be asked to refer to the project in their links sections throughout the project. Currently only a limited number of websites – including some of the partner institutions – are linking to the III-V-MOS project website. Increasing the number of links to III-V-MOS on the WWW will affect the google ranking positively and generally lead to a greater visibility of the III-V-MOS project on the web. To increase the visibility of the project and promote its existence, it has been decided to create a IIIV-MOS group on Linkedin This point will be further develop later, when we will have more than 1 member… 4.7 Events, Seminars, Conferences Other important methods of disseminating the project results are International workshops, seminars and conferences organized by III-V-MOS partners, the European Commission and other relevant organizations. The events will be published on the calendar of the III-V-MOS website. All III-V-MOS project presentations are and will be made available on the project website. As for 2015 the consortium will work on the preparation of the first Workshop at the ULIS-EUROSOI Conference (Bologna, Italy), Invited and tutorial presentations at the INFOS 2015 (Udine, Italy) and a Workshop at the ESSDERC 2015 in Graz (Austria). 4.8 Scientific publications via open access channels The consortium plans to preliminary post on ArXiV papers submitted for publication to regular peer reviewed journals. The actual use of open access channels typically implies publication costs and will be evaluated on a case by case basis. 9 5.PlannedMonitoringIII-V-MOSDisseminationActivitiesand relatedinstruments In order to capture the impact of communication, a combination of criteria or feedback mechanisms will be used to measure the effectiveness of each dissemination activity. Regularly, partners will be asked to provide information on the following aspects: a) Events: Type of activity Place Date Participants Organizer Conference, workshop, presentation, social media , demonstration Which event? Where the dissemination activity took place? Date of the dissemination activity Audience type and number Partner or collaborating organisation /project b) Other Communication: Responsible Partner /Country Title of article / news Name of publication / website Type of publication Link (if online) Date of publication Based on these criteria, which should be short and concise, the SINANO Institute has developed Dissemination Reporting Templates (see Annex II, III and IV). Partners are required to report regularly on their activities. The template may be slightly revised in the course of the project to reflect changes in dissemination requirements. The SINANO Institute is responsible for monitoring the feedback and, if necessary, reminding the partners to report back. 10 6.DisseminationCarriedOutandMajorpubliceventsplannedduringtheproject Dissemination actions carried out so far have been listed in D1.3 and will not be repeated here. The following table contains the major actions planned for execution after November 1st, 2014. At the time of reading, some of these actions might have already taken place. Please consult the project website at http://www.iii-v-mos-project.eu for an up to date list of activities, publications, etc. 6.1 Events, Conferences, Seminars, Demonstrations organized by III-V-MOS partners N ° O. Type of activities Organizer/Partner s involved Title of event Date Place (Main purpose of this activity) organized 1 Workshop 1 SINANO, IUNET, Synopsys, IMEC… Countries addressed Type of audience1 1st III-V-MOS Technical Workshop January 26, 2015 Bologna, Italy Type of public: Scientifics, Students, Civil Society, Policy makers, Medias … 11 Scientific Community Size of audience 60 International 2 Demonstrati on 3 Demonstrati on SYNOPSYS Live demo of the new features of Synopsys TCAD tools for III-V compund semiconductor devices January 26, 2015 Bologna, Italy Scientific Community 60 International SYNOPSYS Live demo of the new features of Synopsys TCAD tools at the IEDM December, 2015 S.Francisco Scientific Community 100 International Researchers in the field of modeling of electronic devices and materials at the nanoscale 65 USA, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Slovakia, Finland, UK, Belgium, Switzerland. PhD students 10 QuantumWise A/S, 4 Conference ETH Zürich, Synopsys. QuantumHagen – Workshop on modeling of electronic devices and materials at the nanoscale. 1-3 July 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark EURODOTS PhD Course 5 PhD Course IUNET-UD Nanoscale MOS Transistors: Semi-Classical Modelling and Applications 26-30 /05/2014 Udine, Italy 12 European 6.2 Presentations at Conferences and Scheduled So Far (highlighted in blue) III-V-MOS- LIST OF DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES Presentations at the Conferences and Workshops N O. Type of activitie s2 Forum Main leader/ author Title of event Partners involved ALL Confere nce IUNET, IBM Summer School ALL Confere nce ALL European Nanoelectronics Forum INFOS 2015 MIGAS 2016 or SINANO Summer School 2016 Type of audience3 Title of paper/presentation/etc. Emphasize if invited Date Participation upon invitation and poster Nov. 2015 Invited and contributed presentations and tutorials Presentations and tutorials ESSDERC workshop 2 Conferences, workshops, exhibitions, thesis, interviews… 3 Type of public: Scientifics, Students, Civil Society, Policy makers, Medias … (Main purpose of this activity) 13 Scientific Countries addressed European 100 Scientific 06/2015 European 100 06/2015 or 08/2015 08/2015 Presentations Place Size of audie nce Scientific / Students Graz, Austria European 60 Scientific 50 Internationa l 1 2 PhD Course Worksh op Luca Selmi, Davis Esseni, IUNET-UD David Esseni IUNET-UD EURODOTS PhD Course Nanoscale MOS Transistors: SemiClassical Modelling and Applications 2014 International Conference on Carrier Transport in Nanoscale in Nanoscale MOSFETs and Tunnel FETs: Fundamental Aspects and Design Implications Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD) 26-30 /05/2014 Udine, Italy PhD students 10 European 08/09/2014 Yokoham a, Japan Researchers, practitioners and students 55 Internationa l 80 Internationa l INVITED EC Workshop on Multi Key Enabling Technologies Pilot lines Project Participation to a consultation 0910/09/2014 Villach, Austria Micro- and nano- electronic stakeholders, Industry, Experts in mKET Simulation and analysis of nMOS transistors with alternative III-V compound semiconductor channel material Poster presentation to industrial stakeholders 26/06/2014 Italy Industrial stakeholders 40 National Efficient Simulation of Nanoscale Electron Devices Poster presentation to industrial stakeholders 26/06/2014 Italy Industrial stakeholders 40 National Advanced modelling of nanowire transistors Poster presentation to industrial stakeholders 26/06/2014 Italy Industrial stakeholders 40 National Luca Selmi 3 Open Worksh op IUNET-UD Enrico Caruso 4 PhD Expo IUNET-UD 5 6 PhD Expo Patrik Osgnach PhD Expo Daniel Lizzit, IUNET-UD IUNET-UD 14 7 Confere nce Enrico Caruso, Daniel Lizzit, Patrik Osgnach IUNET-UD 8 Worksh op 9 Confere nce 10 Confere nce IUNET Modelling/Simulation of advanced MOSFET with III-V-channel; Simulation and design aspects of planar and nanowire transistors; Presentations on research progress within PhD activities 26/06/2014 Italy Students and Scientific Community 18/9/2014 Bologna, Italy Scientific community Copenhag en, Denmark Scientifics Paris, France Scientifics Grenoble, France Scientifics Waikoloa (HI) - USA Scientific / Students 80-90 Internationa l Grenoble, Scientifics 40-50 Internationa 40 Regional/N ational 50 National 65 Internationa l 100 Internationa l 50 Internationa l Advanced and efficient modelling of nanoscale devices Third IUNET Days QuantumHagen QW IWCE QW IUNET activity in the More Moore area Accurate band structures from DFT and simple phonon-limited mobility calculations. (Invited talk) Phonon-limited Mobilities from Landauer transport combined 2/6/2014 5/6/2014 with molecular dynamics (Poster) 11 Confere nce QW CMOS Emerging Technologies Research First-principles Modeling of Novel Semiconductor Materials and Devices 8/6/2014 (Invited talk) 12 Confere nce IUNET-MORE 13 Confere IMEC IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) A new method for extracting interface state and border trap densities in highk/III-V MOSFETs CMOS Emerging Technologies High mobility FinFET Devices 15 June 1-5, 2014 8 July 2014 nce 14 15 Tutorial Worksh op IMEC M. Luisier, A. Szabo, and R. Rhyner, Research Symposium (Invited talk) France ESSDERC – CMOS technology at the nm scale era CMOS scaling to the 10nm technology node and beyond a review of FinFET technology QuantumHagen Workshop (Modeling of Electronic Devices and Materials at the Nanoscale) Advanced electro-thermal simulation of nano electronic devices Seminar at Samsung 22 September 2014 l Venice, Italy Scientifics Scientifics July 2014 Copenhag en, Denmark Atomistic Simulation of Next Generation Nanoelectronic Devices Scientists May 2014 Milpitas, CA, USA Atomistic Simulation of Next Generation Nanoelectronic Devices Santa Clara, CA, USA Scientists May 2014 Scientists May 2014 Mountain View, CA, USA Hong Kong Scientists 40 Internationa l Internationa l 65 ETHZ 16 Seminar M. Luisier, A. Szabo, and R. Rhyner, ETHZ Seminar M. Luisier, A. Szabo, and R. Rhyner, ETHZ Seminar at Intel 17 Seminar at Synopsys Seminar M. Luisier, A. Ziegler, and R. Rhyner, ETHZ Worksh op M. Luisier, R. Rhyner, and A. Szabo Workshop on Simulation and Modeling of Emerging Devices (SMEE) 2014 (Keynote) 18 19 Quantum Transport Simulation of Next Generation Nanoelectronic Devices Atomistic Simulations of Nanoelectronic Devices 16 December 2014 USA/Korea 10-15 USA 10-15 10-15 USA/Switze rland 100 Internationa l 20 Worksh op M. Luisier, A. Szabo, and R. Rhyner 21 Confere nce 22 23 Worksh op CECAM Workshop on High performance models for charge transport in large-scale materials systems Electro-thermal simulations of nanoelectronic devices CSInternational 2014 Co-integration of III-V and Ge for CMOS (Keynote invited) IBM NanoKISS 2014 Co-integration of high mobility materials for CMOS (Invited ) Software release Release notes Software release Newsletter IBM SNPS 24 SNPS 25 26 SNPS SNPS October 2014 March 18th, 2014 July 15th, 2014 Scientists Frankfurt, Germany Industry, engineers 300 attend ees Internationa l with large European attendance Daejeon, Korea Students, engineers 100 attend ees Korea, Japan 50 Internationa l Sept.2014 SNPS customer worldwide SNPS customer and potential customers worldwide Sept.2014 SNPS customer worldwide SNPS customer worldwide Software release Sentaurus Device Monte Carlo User Guide Sept.2014 Software Advanced Calibration for Device Simulation User Guide Sept.2014 17 Bremen, Germany 6.3 Press Releases, Newsletters and Articles Published and Scheduled So Far III-V-MOS LIST OF SCIENTIFIC (PEER REVIEWED) PUBLICATIONS, STARTING WITH THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES – PRESS-RELEASE –NEWSLETTER DEC 2014 N O. Main author, Title Partners involved Title of the periodical or the series Number, date or frequency Publis her Place of publicat ion Year of public ation Relev ant pages Permanent identifiers (if available) DOI 1 2 3 4 Simulation analysis of III-V nMOSFETs: channel materials, Fermi level pinning and biaxial strain Performance benchmarking and Effective Channel Length for nanoscale InAs, In0.53Ga0.47As and sSi nMOSFETs The impact of interface states on the mobility and the drive current of III-V MOSFETs A new method for extracting interface state and border trap Enrico Caruso, Daniel Lizzit, Patrik Osgnach, David Esseni, Pierpaolo Palestri, Luca Selmi International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) December 2014 IEEE Piscata way 2014 pp. 188191. Is/Will open access provided to this publication? No IUNET-UD D. Lizzit, D.Esseni, P.Palestri, P.Osgnach and L.Selmi IUNET-UD P. Osgnach, E. Caruso, D. Lizzit, P. Palestri, D. Esseni and L. Selmi IUNET-UD G.Sereni IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Vol. 61, n. 6 IEEE Proceeding of the International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (ULIS) Apr 2014 IEEE IEEE International Reliability Physics June 2014 IEEE 18 Piscata way Piscata way 2014 2014 2014 2027 2034 DOI: 10.1109/TED.201 4.2315919; Scopus: 2-s2.084901363412 No 21-24 DOI: 10.1109/ULIS.201 4.6813896; Scopus: 2-s2.084901310895 No DOI: 10.1109/IRP No 5 6 6 densities in high-k/III-V MOSFETs IUNET-MORE InGaAs Gate-All-Around Nanowire Devices on 300mm Si Substrates N. Waldron, C. Merckling, L. Teugels, P. Ong, A. Ibrahim, F. Sebaai, K. Barla, N. Collaert and A. Thean IMEC A new formulation for surface roughness limited mobility in bulk and ultra-thin-body metal–oxide–semiconductor transistors Press Release Symposium (IRPS) S.2014.6860590 IEEE EDL To be published; accepted for publication IEEE Journal of Applied Physics December 2014 AIP Publis hing Daniel Lizzit, David Esseni, Pierpaolo Palestri, and Luca Selmi - 2014 2014 IUNET-UD IUNET-SINANO No Journ al of Applie d Physic s 116, 22370 2 Jan. 2014 III-V-MOS LIST OF SCHEDULED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS/ NEWSLETTERS Main author, NO. Title Place of publication Partners involved 19 Date http://dx.doi.org/1 0.1063/1.4903768 No 1 1st III-V-MOS Newsletter SINANO, IUNET, Synopsys, Quantumwise, IMEC 2 Scientific papers IUNET, IBM, SNPS, ETHZ, QW 3 2nd III-V-MOS Newsletter ALL 20 Dec. 2014 EUROSOI-ULIS2015 Jan. 2015 Oct. 2015 7.ConclusionandNextSteps The dissemination plan describes the tools, activities and means of cooperation, which will ensure that the III-V-MOS project results and the content itself will be disseminated widely and effectively to the different target groups. The impact of the different channels on the different user groups as well as the role of the partners in this process will help to streamline the dissemination efforts. Project partners are required to actively support the dissemination efforts coordinated by the SINANO Institute. The dissemination reporting template will help the partners to report on their dissemination activities in a structured way. Task 1.3 leader will monitor and evaluate the overall impact of the dissemination efforts. The dissemination work during the first year was mainly devoted to establishing the tools for internal and external communication, to inform relevant stakeholders about the new project, to create conditions for joint actions, to contact the relevant one’s for cross-linking and, if appropriate for joint dissemination activities. 21
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