Draft 1/12 FINAL CALENDAR ........_. . . . . . . . . . All att~~.!l~S_!!!!!~. tat~e!ld the confirmation hearing . ._ . ____. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (If you have an attorney cover for you, you are responsible to obtain the court results and announcements from the attorney appearing on your behalf and that attorney appearing on your behalf must be fully informed and authoriied to negotiate/argue your cases) ALL Objection to Exemptions will be heard at 1:30 with confirmation even if noticed for 9:00 am • New Income Verification Language is available at www.ch13herkert.com/planlanguage.pdf o If you agreed with the recommendation, you were not required to pre-call or "check in" with the Trustee. OIfyou did not agree with the Trustee's recommendation, including the documents to be provided 15 days before the next calendar, you must have called the Trustee on the day before confirmation between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm to seek a resolution. o Documents that were not timely filed or received by the trustee (15 days before confirmation hearing) may not be considered in the recommendation and will not be reviewed until next months calendar. A cont~nuance for late documents should NOT be presumed. The motion calendar is posted at www.chI3herkert.comhnotioncalendar.pdf Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1435475 VESTED 1435472 ~ ,01 1: 30 PM NIVALDO HERNANDEZ ALINA CECILIA HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) profit/loss and balance sheet, b) amend plan to correct attorney fees, c) amend plan to include stripped creditor Regions in cram down box MARISELA ROCA ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 1435459 6pmlhf - ar.e " CLAUDIA MARIA CHAVEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VESTED / Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) explain debit on 11114 $1337.94 & 10/14 $1329.94 VESTED 1435465 ) flSO ON AMo SEE PAGE / :Jf;J Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of$3839.93 (correct valu\: uf 10 Tuyula) MARIA DEL CARMEN CASTRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMc SeE PAGE ~ I;rV ~ q?ft! .3 L{ Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) bank stmts #4175 (1111-11118) & #7045 (10/23-11118), b) amend plan to pay disposable income, c) LF90, d) provide life ins policy \rFSTED pg: 0..-001 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1435391 1:30 PM JESSICA M BENADIA ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ,_/00,,_, Aty called for preheanrlu ,;;;J Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 1Bi200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) 2012 tax retulUs, b) WDO or motion to waive, e) LF90, d) LF67, e) affidavit of support, f) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: g) No bank aeet, How does debtor pay bills?, h) provide proof of Seh J #12 VESTED 1435284 ~ MANUEL MARTINEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) file motion to value and set for hearing VESTED 1435272 ~ IIp n , O~ TINA L BOSTIC ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE ---, /~ ) (GINA HARRIS, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) WDO or motion to waive 1435268 GABRIELA DEL RIO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP I::""TI1D .., 'V' JL."i) pg: 0-00:2 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1435201 1:30 PM ALEXANDER CRUZ .AlSO ON AM. SEE PAGE J YANILI S CRUZ crI (DAYREN L. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23 : a) payoff of real estate (2nd mtg), b) address feasibility issue, c) LF90 (page 3), d) amend plan to provide monthly plan months (s/b 60), e) amend plan to provide regular payment to Select Portfolio & start secured payment in month 1 VESTED 1435068 IVAN MARTINEZ . ~ IdO) , 00") (ALEJANDRO +p~ rnt J~ltAcJ cu( S IXTO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to pay disposable income, b) explain move withdrawal on 11/6 $1001.00, 9/25 $1001.00 & 9114 $1001.00, c) explain share withdrawal on 10/23 $1700.00, d) amend plan to remove payment to student loans (can not be paid in plan) VESTED V _f . . 1434936 VESTED RAMON ROSA RIVERA PAZ DANELlA HERMINIA RIVERA (VANESSA GONZALEZ-VINAS, ESQ. ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE fa:) Continue to 2110 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) copy/explain check #1339 $1575.00 & #1332 $1575.00, b) reg ofvehic1es, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) provide proof of Sch J line # 14 & 15c, e) address feasibility issue, t) affidavit of rent, g) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Seh n &. G r.rr.oitor, h) amend Sch I to include rental income, i) How is non homestead being paid? No provisions on Sch's 1434653 NATACHA EMILIA MANRESA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMf SEE PJ\GE I d'S ) If objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED pg: C-003 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1434651 1:30 PM JAIME VALENCIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED ~ " SEE PAGE /'YtZ ALSO ON AM, ~. ~ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ) r;r ~s if ~ocs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono apm 1434584 ~ INNA S TRAKHTENBERG . r remains unresolved: a) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts (Med Prime LLC & Wellness Plus), b) provide info re: SOFA #10 (value and mortgage on property), c) DL, d) LF67, e) amend plan to include IVL, f) amend plan to pay CH7 of $57,236.00, g) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30, h) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $241,951.20 NEW ISSUES: i) bank stmts #4413 (10/16-1114) & #5492 (8/4-1114), j) copy/explain check #5606 $1000.00, $5611 $2150.00, #5612 $1400.00 & 814 $1715.96, k) explain Delta Air purchase $11753.53 on 10/8, I) explain cash withdrawal on 7/21 $1700.00, m) explain Nationstar Mtg on bank stmts, n) file TBE motion, 0) explain repayment to Gary $200k, p) amend CMI to provide husbands income correctly, q) provide clo,sing stmt for property @ Collins Ave VESTED 1434565 FRANCISCO GONZALEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. VESTED 1434557 Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) copy/explain check #98 $5758.00, b) BDQ, c) address feasibility issue, d) Amend Sch J to correct rental incume, e) nu plUvisiullS on Seh J for mortgage payment (H/S & non), how are they to be paid ADOLFO J PERLAZA SANDRA PERLAZA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 211 0 motion to value set for 211 0 VESTED pg: C~ (:0--1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1434509 1:30 PM ANGEL OSCAR CABALLERO CURET NIOVYS ROSALES REYES (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) explain Mary Kay purchase on 11/26 $1435.46 & 11110 $1322.42, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) BDQ (Mary Kay Sales), d) CMIISch I do not match-amend, e) explain withdrawal on 12/15 $1140.00, t) Does debtor have inventory for Mary Kay products, if so provide VESTED 1434479 "if5 qOt! , 0 (p ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE .~. ELDORA CAMERON (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days ~$200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) FMV/payoff of vehicle, b) DL, c) LF90, d) affidavit of support, e) provide life ins policy & retirement stmt, t) amend plan to include IVL, lawsuit language & MMM language, g) amend plan to fund properly (m. 30), h) amend plan to correct improper months, i) file LMM motion, j) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditor NEW ISSUES: k) bank stmts #4151 (8/3-11/3) & #2030 70/01 (8/3-11/3), 1) provide proof of Sch J expenses line #4b, 6a & 6d, m) address feasibility issue, n) amend plan to pay CH7 of$4520.00 VESTED 1434475 Jt;X5'~d .61 MERILIEN MAY YOLIANE ELIABE (DAVID B. JAVITS, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 1i1 $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #2257 (1111-1113) & #2944 (10117-1113), b) amend plan to pay CH7 of $2940.00 NEW ISSUES: c) affidavit of rent (only rcvd $350.00, Sch I $600.00), d) explain withdrawal on 10/16 $1000.00 & 9/2 $1000.00 VESTED 1434445 ~ 116 7 d-< JOAN IVELISSE MEDINA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE /;};)) If objection sustained (2), Confirm lAP VESTED pg: c- C05 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1434386 1:30 PM SILVERIA YOLANDA SALAZAR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing /----~, Docs/amendmen{by 5 pm'Uriday or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono ~~~)emains unresolved: a) bank stmts #3706 (10128-10/31), b) non homestead VESTED 1434346 info sheet NEW ISSUES: c) provide proofofSch J line #6a, 9, 10 & 17a FELIPE M LEMA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1434284 ~ JUAN P GARCIA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm Plan VFSTED 1434281 (~ . I'd ') VESTED JUSTO RIVERA FIDELA AVILA (PATRICK L. CORDERO I ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) obj/conform to cl#1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1434259 1:30 PM SOLEDAD LA TORRE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1434254 ~ YUNAILYN DEL PINO ~lSO ON AM~ SeE PAGE I ;)1~~~ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23 : a) provide proof of Sch J line #6a, 6c & 15b, b) amend plan to include IVL, c) objlconform to cl#ll VESTED 1434209 MIRTHA ESPERANZA DOCE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) /;)-1 --. ALSO ON AMi SeE PAGE ... If motion to waive granted, Confirm 1AP VESTED 1434151 JONATHAN MARIO PRIETO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE L~ Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 10 $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono 'vllIalll~ unresolved: a) payotfofreal estate, b) file LMM motion, c) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, d)~arrrend-plan-to-pa~CHtof$-153-:00 NEW ISSUES: e) {'}9jleenf{,}Hn-{{'}.el#z-·-rftn\QX)(~ylCL{) TO te:r<rf 1D \)i:'C;# :J. pg: C.-OO1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1434063 ~ 1:30 PM LISSETTE LLORCA I ()() ALSO ON .AM. SEe PAGE (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE YESTED 1434044 ry Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #7868 (7/30-10/30), b) payoff of 14 Honda, c) obj/conform to cl#2, d) ifno payoffrcvd, amend plan to pay CH7 of$30,234.26, e) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #13, 27a, 29 &39 EDUARDO JAVIER PAIZ ANA MATILDE PAIZ (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE =! df) Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #4207 (9/27-10/30), #6153 (9/1-10/30), #2335/1075 (9/19-10/30), #1854 (9/18-10/30), #1075 (7/30-10/30) & #2044 (9/13-10/30), b) amend Sch B #2 to disclose bank acct #1854 & #2044, c) file fee application, d) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC, e) amend Sch A to disclose Timeshare, f) CMI issues line #30 is $11,001.92, need evidence of#32 (is a 403b annuity not life ins) & need evidence of#34, 35, 39, 40 & 45, g) provide proof of SOFA #10 (tradc-in vchicle) VESTED 1433953 CQ CARLOS MANUEL PINA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMc SEE PAGE _II Cj ) it' objection sustained, Confirm Plan VES1'PD V .~\..~ . Jc.~. ~ 1433951 ERNESTO HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VI~\STFD Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) file motion to value and set for hearing, b) amend plan to start secured creditor in month 1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433949 DUILIO OCTAVIO TORRESE . .... .......... I~ MAIRIA DE LOS ANGELES VERMgSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ,_1 c (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ~ ~ 2 Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #7753 (10111-10/29) & #0064 (7/29-7/31 & 1011-10/29), b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$17,764.71 'Vl::"S'l"E""!) . ...f"'. ." 1433934 1: 30 PM ISAIAS ISIDORO SANCHEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 'VL'sr['T,:;'I') .L:")." . L,-" 1433931 MARIA C NAVARRO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1433925 DUVERSANT JOSEPH (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE /' Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/WIP 180 days '\/L' S'-["f:;I~ J[~/k. ~) ~o to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a)-fti~M4HGt.wH,.bJ.am~~pl.af1..t01'aytH/ offl-352.00 NEW ISSUES: c) amend plan to pay disposable income pg: c~OOq Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433894 1:30 PM JESUS ENRIQUE ARGOTA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to pay disposable income, b) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed POC VESTED 1433774 ELIAS QUISPE AIDA M MORALES (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM§ SEE PAGE I (~ Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) business bank stmts #2104/8482 (7/27-7/31), b) obj/conform to cl#3, c) how is vehicle being paid? no provisions on Sch J, d) copylexplain check #1350 $1000.00 & #1346 $1000.00 from business bank acct, e) explain purchase @ Brandsmart on 8/28 $1465.51 from business account 1433771 DORIS MARIA HERNANDEZ VERGARA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1433770 LINDA ELLIS BEASLEY TRUS'n~I~:~S Oli.U< TO; .~KXEtViF'·nOt\lr:, Aty called (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ for prehearing Dismiss OA)~r~ remains unresolved: a) FMV (NADA/Carmax only) of vehicle, b) WDO or motion to waive, c) address feasibility issue, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$20,419.18, e) what did debtor do with $27,911.07 in Bank of America acct #1593 closed on 4114? provide closing stmt & explain what was done with money NEW ISSUES: f) bank stmts #4139 (9/11-10/27), #3642 (1011-10/27) & #4727 (1011-10/27), g) amend Sch J to remove line #17c (can not pay Brandsmart directly (unsecured creditor), h) provide proof of expenses on Sch J, i) explain line #19, j) provide proof withdrawal on 8/27 $2083.08 was to pay homeowners ins VESTED pg: c..-OIO Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433765 LAZARO LUIS MARTINEZ NIURKA M MARTINEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) business bank stmts #2211 (7/27-10/27) VESTED 1433764 1:30 PM JAIME ENRIQUE KCOMT (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) WDO or motion to waive VESTED 1433763 ~ WILLIAM TORRES Iv (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM. SEe PAGE _/ 0 _ ltmotion to value granted, Confirm lAP VESTED 1433726 (<It 160. (PI;) YOANDY GONZALEZ (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE )ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE / /1 ~O VESTED Continue to 2/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) explain eash withdrawal on 8/15 $4000.00 pg: C-Oll Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433657 1:30 PM DANAIZE HUERA GALVAN (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #7102/8366 (9/20-10/24), b) payoff of non homestead (1530), c) non homestead info sheet, d) address feasibility issue, e) DL 1433533 (ij; ~ 6~ . <6' 3) ARIAN ALCALA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #3018 (10/11-10/23), b) copy/explain check #470 $2500.00, c) payoff of all real estate, d) non homestead info sheet (correct), e) WDO or motion to waive, f) proof of household size/ income of all adults, g) explain/proof of Sch J line #15c & 17a (no vehicle listed on sch's), h) address feasibility issue, i) amend plan to fund properly, j) amend plan to correct attorney fees, k) obj/conform to cl #1, 1) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income, m) amend Sch A to disclose 2 investment properties (1661 & 14455), provide FMV/payoff VESTED 1433424 FRANCISCO CABRERA (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE /1 7 --.~"'''''=" At\! (;8l!ed ehearing /#,/ Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days [J$200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) payoff of real estate, b) profit/loss and balance sheet, c)-f:j1e-bMMmotien, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$980.00, e) provide proof cash withdrawals were used to pay utilities NEW ISSUES: t) copy/explain check # 104 $1100.00, g) amend plan to pay disposable income VESTED 1433369 RAFAEL C ROMERO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP V'f:<'S1'r:iD V JJ... Ji..-, Jk pg: C~OIQ. Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433352 1:30 PM RENE CARMONA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE VE01'I~'J) 1-' .~, Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to correct attorney fees, b) amend plan to pay CH7 of $6418.19, c) How did debtor payoff property purchased 2009 'N 1433348 ~ IICD, 00 DAVID SHERMAN JR THIBODEAU (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #1028 (10115-10/21), b) amend plan to include IVL, c) amend plan to fund properly (m. 7-15), d) file LMM motion, e) obj/ conform to cl#2, f) IRS can not be paid outside plan VESTED 1433339 VFSTFD 1433321 .1$)1?; .<50 MIGUEL ROMEU MAYLIN MITJANS (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE JL!!_ Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) bank stmts #5049/0610 (10/16-10/21) & #7881 (9/24-10121), b) LF90, c) preference payment to Capital One on 917 $2500.00, need information HAYDEE IZQUIERDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMIl SEE PAGE. IQ..-L Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) bank stmts #3834 (10/1-10/21) & #9172 (9/24-10/21 ), b) amend plan to pay CH7 of$10,095.63 pg: 0-0\3 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433306 1:30 PM NETTA SHAKED ALSO ON AM g SEE PAGE (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days REYNALDO ARIAS EUCEDA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALEXANDER ALMIRA ELIANNE ALMIRA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMi SEE ~AGE 1L(Q , ) ) ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE~, If motion to waive granted & objection sustained, Confirm Plan VESTED 1433255 eP Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to pay CH7 of $2250.34 (per attorney Itr) '~1DS'I"E'I) 't: .[.J~.. . 1433276 lo If..objectjou sustained, Confirm 2AP VESTED 1433280 JJ WILMO ANDOLLO MARTHA GARCIA ANDOLLO (MARTIN HANNAN, ESQUIRE . ?S< D lsmlSS remains unresolved: a) copy of check #322 $1190.00 & #313 $1100.00, b) reg/payoff of 13 Honda, c) payoff of non homestead 10152, d) non homestead info sheet, e) DL, f) LF90, g) LF67, h) provide 2016(b), i) amend plan to include IVL,j) reaffirm, redeem, or surrender Sch D creditor, k) obj/conform to cl#l, 1) provide recent retirement stmt & IRA stmt (2), m) evidence/calculation of CMI line #45 & 47 NEW ISSUES: n) bank stmts #0008 S lIS5 (7/20-7/31), 0) preference payment to Capital One $2500.00 10/3, $4000.00 9/3 & $3000.00 8/4, p) amend plan to provide correct 100% language, q) amend plan to remove direct payment amount & full satisfaction language, r) amend plan to pay CH7 of $223,426.66, s) amend plan to CMIIDI of$150,190.00, t) Trustee objects to keeping investmentfroDerty w/ no income, amend CMI to remove expense "V'1::{sr .L.lI, '}:r _,.~ pg: C-O)h( Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433249 Jd> 0 I 1:30 PM CARLOS ALBERTO BASTO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1433232 d$ 12.00 JOSE ROBERT ACEVEDO (JUAN F. ALBAN, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM, see PAGE // 5 ) Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) received Residential Eviction Summons re: Penenori & Camet-please explain, b) payoff of vehicles, c) amend plan to fund properly, d) amend plan to correct improper months & attorney fees, e) CMI issues line #30 $2948.04 per paystub, #31 provide spreadsheet calculation, #28 $220.78 per pay slip & provide payoff of vehicle & #40 provide specific checks & receipts of expense for 6months prior to filing, e) amend plan to remove full satisfaction language, f) 20 l6(b) & plan do not match-amend, g) preference payment to Credit Cards, need information VESTED 1433188 IRENE GONZALEZ ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE /16' (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to waive granted & objection suslaineu, Cuufirm Plan '\iV,1-::S1"Q"1) ... /\.. . L, . 1433182 ~ HAYMEL DE LA VEGA ) ALSO ON AMo see PAGE (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE .Lt. V'L! S',cI"C"[) /I V If motion to waive granted & objection sustained, Confirm lAP l~.Jk pg: C. . OIS Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433165 ~ 1:30 PM ROSAURA TORRES (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend plan to pay disposable income VESTED 1433139 it 1(6,01 BERENICE POLITO (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) affidavit of support, b) file motion to value and set for hearing, c) obj/conform to cl#2 ,/DsrI'l::"I) ,K:JI.LJ ~ 1433124 ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ BEATRIZ DELGADO (MERCY SALADRIGAS,ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) WDO or II1uliulllu waive, b) DSO (needed Sch J line #18) VESTED 1433066 0tt .6/ ') ENRIQUE GORGAL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ONAM~ SEE PAGE 1/ tj If motion to value granted, Confirm lAP "l\l'~'sr'I'r)'D \ .L-II.r::'. . . pg: C-OILP Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1433059 1:30 PM JESUS AMADOR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1433046 1P 3~ ,0 L( MANUEL DE JESUS MONCION MARIBEL MONCION (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or hefore 5PM on 1/23: a) copy/explain check #1397 $2000.00, b) explain withdrawal on 10115 $1200.00 VESTED 1432991 CHARLES DAVID EGUES ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE II 3 = (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If objel:lioll suslained, Confirm Plan \fE" S"f'[7]") • .....(1. • .. .1.- 1432981 SONIA C ZAPATA 'HU1S'fEil("S OlfU, 'fO )i<Xff::IVHYnOrl:;J~:; (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days nt$200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) copy of check #8149 $1650.00, b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) WDO or motion to waive, e) proof of SSI, f) amend plan to correct calculation errors for attorney fees, g) file LMM motion, h) explainlproofofwithdrawal9/3 $2000.00 & $1500.00,9/12 $1115.00 & 812 $1255.00, i) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30 NEW ISSUES: j) file motion to value and set for hearing, k) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $12,411,00 • 'E"S"FI:1I) IlL, V .-JI, • . pg: C-011 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1432964 ~ VESTED 1432962 t; d. Lf1; 1:30 PM DIGNA OVIEDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) amend plan to fund properly (m. 31-60), c) objlconform to cl#5 IDALIA VELASQUEZ ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 1/.:3 ) If objection sustained & motion to waive granted, Confirm Plan VESTED 1432884 (~ 3-( '. 04) VESTED 1432836 LUIS EDUARDO MUGICA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) business bank stmts #3868 (7/14-10114) & #2Y72 U/14-1O/14), b) expenses objectionable transportation deducled [rom income on P&L and again on Sch J GIL A ESTEVEZ YOLANDA ARMAS HERNADEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMQ SEE PJ,\GE _11~«<., ) If objection sustained & motion to waive granted, Confirm Plan pg: C.-O\ '6. Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1432737 1:30 PM JOHN FELIX SKLAVOUNOS (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan VESTED 1432700 JOSUE RAMON RODRI GUEZ TRUSTEE,vEl O[~3, T() Jji;XEiVH-:.'nfJi\i:- (MERCY ~~I~~~~B~~~U~~~U~~~ITfLZSO ON AM. SEE PAGE I/;) Aty called for prehearing "\/ .[...tk. q S'·I'J~.·rr) -r. .. 1432571 Cpr() -1v- Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) file 2016(b) with court, b) amend plan to fund properly, c) obj/conform to cl#9, d) amend plan to pay DI of$466.51 to unsecured creditors $27,990.60 (increased by HOA line #47) MARVIN A NARVAEZ TERESA PEREZ (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE 4LSO ON AMD SEE PAGE 11 J ~ lJ!LPD, or-:J Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #7494 (8/15-10/9) & #8096 (7/9-10/9), b) WDO or motion to waive, c) affidavit of support, d) objlconform to cl#4, e) amend Sch B to disduse uuuk acct #0880/2266 1432551 v:ns'rED NEHEMI D VINCENT MARIE F VINCENT (STAN L. RISKIN, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) copy/explain check #135 $2450.00, b) provide retirement stmt, c) file amended Sch I/J to correct calculation errors. (per Itr), d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $7285.00 OYl. C'A!~u..QC'i'-¥.01I ~i- Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1432357 it'joo. 00 VESTED 1432243 1:30 PM JULIO CESAR QUIROZ ALSO ON AM SeE PAGE / IQ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) obj/conform to cl#4, b) amend CMI line #39 to $42.39 per atty calculation, c) provide P&L with detailed income & expenses (provided does not list what monthly expenses are) IMMACULEE SANON (TERESA M. ALVAREZ, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days g! $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #0703 (9/1-10/3), b) provide prootot ~~1, c) amend plan to include IVL, d) amend plan to fund properly, e) amend plan to pay CH7 $3500.00, f) good faith to unsecured, g) provide proof how withdrawal was spent 7114 $2GOO.00 VESTED 1432090 ~ ~ I~ ,4 L{ NERISSA HOPE (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Aty cal/ed for prehearing ~ !;lIfO VESTED 1431983 $ ')A c;::11. 0-' Q remains unresolved: a) FMV of non homestead, b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months prepetition business bank stmts, c) DL, d) LF90, e) amend plan to include IVL, f1..f~n4e-valtte-afld '"S"et"ftrrireafl1'lg NEW ISSUES; g) bank stmts #3482 (7112-8/11), h) payoff of all real estate, i) affidavit ofrent,j) amend plan to correct overlapping months DAYRON VIGIL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP pg: C- oao Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 14 !t. I~·l 1:30 PM 73 .~. D (PATRI CK L. CORDERO, ESQUI RE Confirm Plan VESTED 1431935 ELIUD LUNA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm Plan VESTED 1431926 (~ .0/) JUAN C AVILA AIDA YESENIA AVILA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP VESTED 1431793 EDWARD S MURRAY ALSO ON AM~ SEE ['AGE {t171B.71 IOCf (MICHAEL A. FRANK ~SOUIRE ) Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days CZl $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remaInS unreSOlvea: a) t'lVl v IpaYUll or velllcles, b) non homestead info sheet, c) WDO or motion to waive, d) proof of household sizelincome of all adults, e) provide Sch B attachment & life ins, f) file motion to value and set for hearing, g) creditor on plan not listed in sch's or filed POC, h) amend plan to pay CH7 of $331 ,375.00 NEW ISSUES: i) bank stmts #8621/0607 (9/3-9/30), #2989 (711-9/30) & #9199 (711-9/30), j) copy/explain check #5913 $3160.00 & #5905 $1296.45, k) payoff of all non homestead #1 & #9, 1) evidence/calculation of CMI line #39, m) amend CMI #30 to $1921.71 per DE#45, n) Trustee objects to keeping investment property with no rental income, 0) amend Sch B to disclose bank acct #0607, p) explain FL Peninsula payment $1568.19 on 6/3 'VrJ(~'\;""l"'L'D I,) ..L.) .. 'l1 J pg: C~O!2 \ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431792" 1: 30 PM ROBERTO MACHADO ZAIDA M RIVERA MACHADO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE /Qf If objection sustained, Confirm lAP VESTED 1431747 ALSO ONAM 0 SEE PAGE IVON OLMO (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE VESTED 1431739 Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #0556 (9117-9129) & #0043 (6/29-9129), b) FMV of vehicle, c) payoff of real estate, d) non homestead info sheet, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) affidavit of suppurt, h) amend plan to include IVL, i) evidence!calculation of CMI linc #3, 27u, 30 & 39, j) amend Sch B #25 to disclose vehicle RANDY DEVERICK BIGGINS (CAROLINA A. LOMBARDI, ESQUIRE \IES'I'ED 1431731 Continue to 2110 /' (\o.~(\'l*3 due on or before 5PM on 1/23 : a) payoff of real estate, a)-adffr"8Ss fGasibilit)l ismle, c) amend plan to fund (missing month), d) amend plan to correct improper months, e) amend plan to provide monthly plan paymcnt month, f) nccd order grunting motion to waive WDO (12/9) DULCE MARIA LEON (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If 2AP filed correcting Miami Dade to Green Tax Funding 4 and math ok, Confirm 2AP VESTED pg: C. - Oh)bL Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431718 Ji; J-~'d . LIFO 1:30 PM ROBERTO DE JESUS RAVELO SANCHEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan ·VT.~'S1'['D .r..J).... . .i-J. 1431585 6fm --Pr ~ JESSE MADRIGAL ALSO ON AM. SEE PAGE, /O? ) (MARY REYES, ESQ. -- ~ 30)'6.00 Continue to 2/1 0 Jue on or before 5PM on 1/23 : a) payoff of real estate, b) file LMM motion, c) proof vehicle has no engine VESTED 1431541 d$ BCD. 00 VESTED 1431392 d$ '120'3 " '60 "liSTED RICARDO CARBALLO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123 : a) WDO or motion to waive, b) provide life ins stmt, c) reaffirm, redeem or surrender Sch D creditors, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of$6l92.00, e) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30 & 47 MONICA POSADA ALSO ON AMe SEE PAGE ~ ) (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 2/1 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) file LMM motion, b) CH7 $4233.31 + $11,813.00, business valuation provided @ $11,827.00 debtor's interest is $3942.33, c) explain $11,813.00 deposited day after filing (was debtor holding funds) pg:C-06?5 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431234 J!,~" .l i~. V'PS"FDD 1431221 Jt; I S& ,lJ 1 VES'fED 1430964 ~ RAFAEL MONTE DE OCA MIRLEYDIS VIERA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE 1:30 PM ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE. 10 1 Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) copy/explain check #50117 $3000.00, b) profit/ loss and balance sheet & business bank stmts #1650 (6123-6/30), c) file motion to value and set for hearing GLORIA C ARANGO (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. ) ALSO ON AM@ SEE PAGE L0 &J " Continue to 211 0 due on or hefore 5PM on 1123: a) copy/explain check #393 $1200.00, b) obj/conform to cl#l, c) explain withdrawal on 8/18 $1000.00 MARTHA B GONZALEZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE VESTEI) 1430760 ~ V'ESTED Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM un 1123: a) WDO Ulllluliun tu waive, b) file LMM motion FELIX R GALAN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) file LMM motion Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1$ 1:30 PM ARLENE FERRO 1430434 1.P d66.oLI (IKECHI REID, ESQUIRE /MOo ) ALSO ON AMv SEE PAGE M_ Dismiss remains unresolved: a) 2012 tax returns, b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, c) spouse's pay advices/wages not disclosed, d) proof of household size/income of all adults, e) LF67, f) 20 16(b), g) amend plan to include IVL, h) amend plan to fund properly, i) amend Sch J to correct calculation errors, j) obj/conform to cl#l, k) amend plan to pay CH7 of $3135.00, 1) good faith to unsecured creditors, m) evidence/calculation of all non IRS deductions, n) amend CMI to complete entire form & includes husbands income NEW ISSUES: 0) bank stmts #6723 (9/11), p) preference payment to American Express, need information, q) explain cash withdrawal on 9/9 $1500.00, r) explain check #494, s) address feasibility issue VESTED 1430248 ,t:f)y ~~ ,7~ JAMES T FUOG EDITH M FUOG (MICHAEL H. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE Docs/amendn:~~!.~Y 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200 to unsecured ~ $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) provide life ins & retirement stmt, c) amend plan to include IVL & lawsuit language, d) objlconform to cl#2, e) evidence/calculation ofCMI line #30, 36, 37, 39 & 55 NEW ISSUES: f) bank stmts #9540 (9/5-9/9) & #8950 (6/9-9/9), g) FMV (NADA/Carmax only) of vehicle, h) amend plan to provide DE#37 MTV in cramdown box, i) infor on SOFA #10 (FMV @ time of transfer) & tolling waiver, j) amend plan to pay CMIIDI of $60,920.40 VESTED 1429183 tb Jo I '} , 7 (p DONNA DENISE GRIFFIN (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE ~~""_'" '~~~~'_-<=_A==n.·=~~",a=~=",,=",,--=-~_.~ Docs/amendmenG;~ Fridi:lyg(O/W/P L~2ftays 0 ""j'C,' ,.Il..,1-..S""I'l::.'r) 1 ...I.L 1428844 $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) provide FERS stmt, c) file motion to value and set for hearing, d) file LMM motion, e) evidence/ calculation of eMI line #30, 31 & 39 NEW ISSUES: f) obj/conform to cl#2 MARIA A CORDOVA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE '\ /1::.' (1 'T' L,' l',) .II...J,,} 1 L .... v pg: e-0:2.:5 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1428816 1: 30 PM IRMA MANTILLA OGDEN (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #2042 (5121-8121) VESTED 1428096 Jj; Ltd 3 , C(1 GASTON NUNEZ ) (TOMAS A. PILA q ..-- ALSO ON AM0 SeE PAGE _~_ Dismiss remains unresolved: a) FMV of vehicle, b) DL, c) LF90, d) LF67, e) 2016(b), f) amend plan to provide complete LMM language, g) amend plan to correct attorney fees, h) file LMM motion, i) provide proof of SSI, j) amend plan to pay CH7 of$2695.00 NEW ISSUES: k) bank stmts #6324 (5112-5/27 & 5128-8112 missing pages), 1) address feasibility issue, m) amend Sch J to remove mortgage payment (LMM in plan) VESTED 1428089 0ryY) !fey---- ERNESTO ESPINOSA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ~ 0166 , Cf ~ Continue to 7,(10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) file LMM motion, b) objlconform to cl#2 VFSTFD 1428079 6~(Yl-V RALPH Z AARON MARIA J RICO AARON (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. ,~ BOOI, LfO I S"l'li':"T) Vf.v ···n.. . lC...IJ...J Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) copy/explain check #106 $2335.00 & #111 $2100.00, b) provide legible payoff of 09 Honda, c) file motion to value and set for hearing pg: C-ORv Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALE~DAR Jan 13, 2015 1427939 1:30 PM MARIELA ZAPATA , " (VERNA POPO, ESQUIRE Aty (>"/!vi for prehearing !/~---"--"''"'"''~"''' , Docs/amendment bY~J:>!E:FI!~~i'.(~E12L:W!P,180 day§D $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono remains unresolved: a) WDO or motion to waive, b) LF90, c) LF67, d) file LMM motion NEW ISSUES: e) bank stmts #1812 (5/8-8/8), #7589 (5/8-8/8) & #1299 (5/8-8/8), f) payoff of real estate \/1::" sr['DI') . -Ik . .l~. 1427826 MARC A PETIT (MARY REYES, ESQ. Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1/23: a) copy/explain check #157 $1300.00 & #161 $1350.00, b) payoff of real estate, c) non homestead address (need address), d) CMI issues, plan payment should be $393.74, e) explain withdrawal on 5/9 $4000.00 (#5923),5/8 $4000.00 (#9324) & 8127 $1000.00 (#361) VESTED 1425911 6~m~f GONZALO COPELLO (PRO-SE ~ <601 , O{( 3W I VA6bl-fD I (rrq ~ 3 >36 CA1 af*J -lo :XIO ~ /',50 VESTED 1425221 6fm 1v' MARCUS FELIPE RAVELO JANET RAVELO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. jj 6d7.~'J, )ALSO ON AM® SEE PAGE ~ Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) bank stmts #7961 (711-7/2), b) copy/explain check #3130 $1000.00, c) FMV of real estate, d) according to P&L debtor is leasing space @ $275.00/month, but BDQ says working out of home. Thus lease payments are income to debtor, e) obj/conform to cl#1 & #8, f) CMI line #30 is amount withheld not incurred( IRS website calculator-no dependants but 6 on CMI) per calculation of CMI line #31, retirement is deducted twice on 31 & 55, g) proof of business expenses & does debtor have inventory for Mary Kay products VESTED pg: c.-oa1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1424433 1:30 PM FERNANDO JR SUAREZ SOLIS ALSO ON AM0 SEe PAGE ~<_< (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) obj/conform cl #2 & #4 VESTED 1424251 It J& , l{ :} ADELINE JEAN TOUSSAINT (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Dismiss remains unresolved: a) bank stmts #5494 (3/23-6/23), b) FMV of vehicle, c) calculation of income, d) amend plan to pay disposable income, e) DL, f) LF90, g) provide 401k stmt, h) amend plan to provide correct IVL, i) obj/conform to cl#4, j) provide payment advices 90 days pre-petition NEW ISSUES: k) file LMM motion, 1) obj/conform to cl#2, #6 & DE#50, m) amend plan to pay CH7 of $9803.00 "'ll,:J.S'l'''EI)' 1. ~ JLJI~. ~ 1422635 FATINA SALEM (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) obj/conform cl #4 VESTED 1420884 TOMMY L OTIS (EDUARDO E. DIEPPA III, ESQUIRE) Vl:<;STED Continue to 211 0 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) obj/conform to cl#2 & #4 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1420530 1:30 PM ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE Aty (::aliecl for prellearing Dismiss CQL~ remains unresolved: a) payoff ofreal estate, b}£BQ,-pf4titA.Qss.-and-ba:laneesheet &3monthspre-petit'ion -business bank s"tIDts, c) address feasibility issue, d) DL, e) LF90, f) file LMM motion, g) obj/conform to cl#3 NEW ISSUES: h) bank stmts #1883 (4124-5/17) & #2263 (4/15-5/7), i) provide proof ofSch J line #19, j) DSO, k) amend plan to provide correct IVL, 1) file motion to value and set for hearing, m) amend Sch I to disclose debtor's income, n) attorney fees can not be stepped-amend plan VESTED 1415249 * IOQ {)-J < '-' to \j"D Jr.~1-S'" 'T"f:';'D .t. _.I A. 1336308 ,6~m ~)y J:j; ddJ - 00 '\II:i\YI"O'[) jL:',,) .. JLJ. , ADRIAN BARZOLA (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 due on or before 5PM on 1123: a) amend Sch J to remove student loan payment $2000.00, b) LF90, c) CMI issues, line #30 need calculation, #40 need evidence & /~mend plan to DI of$1084.90, d) preference payment to AMEX, need info OR \provide credit card stmt ~howing is company card S> ~t1_ \ noot? p \O\,.K~ XOCHILT MAYORGA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Atv called for f,.irehearing Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 143252? 1: 35 PM DONALD RAY HATLEY MARGARET ANN HATLEY (HENRY HERNANDEZ, w=, ~lSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE __ ESQUIRE If obi to elm #1 sustained, Confirm lAP, flnot 1432523 Cont to 2/10 GISMY ARIAS Aty called (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ .n ~1))\;;iC 1"1,' '" for prehearing ,--ro "RJ1LU k,LlJ ('./n () q. (~5T -f!yoc~ld JL} " Remains Unresolved: a) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $4,201.33 (includes car value), 1432040 -\$ \ \ \ . I \ :;,#- YENEY CO TO (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Dismiss: NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE FILED Debtor failed to: a) payoff of vehicle, b) affidavit of support, c) amend plan to include IVL NEW ISSUES: d) address feasibility issue, e) obj/conform to cl#5 & #6, f) provide proof how muney was spent from withdrawal on 4/17 $2700.00 1431981 NOEL GOMEZ ACOSTA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ALSO ONAM~ p'AGEJ_IO_'~ Confirm lAP pg: 0.--080 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431956 1:35 PM JUAN CARLOS VIGIL PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 Due by 5pm on 112312015: Payoff of 2001 Camry provided by debtor is dated 2008 with a lien balance of $1,120. Provide a date of filing payoff for the vehicle, if it is PIF remove expense from CMI #28 and lien from debtor's chp 7 calculation test. 1431903 FERNANDO J RODRIGUEZ MILAGROS RONDON (MARY REYES, ESQ. ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ) . 110 ~-" If obi to elm #5 sustained, Confirm Plan, Ifnot 1431810 BEATRIZ HAYDEE ASTENCIO Cont to 2/10 ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ,J~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A pIan 1431573 $ {6S1 01'6 ELVIS PADRON ELIZABETH M PADRON (YOLI A. SUAREZ, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days <-~ A\f\v.t,ol (' H \..Su<'vl .\I fJ'i • < Debtor filed amended CM] ECF#42 andfailed to provide proof of: ,/ a) Amended CMI lowers joint debtor's income without proof or calculation of income; b) Debtor provided pay stubs as proof of CMI #37- telecommunication expenses; c) CMI #44 additional clothing expense: Provide proof of expense as well as why it is reasonable and necessary; d) CMI #47; Remove expense for Jose R Horta as this lien is being stripped off in the plan. Why is the debtor's first mortgage not listed in CMI 47?e) CMI 57 claims a homeowner insurance expense, however this expense is already a part ofline # 25- remove;f) Bank statement for Acct# 6215 (5/6 - 6/5) missing pages. I ~<- pg: C-- 08 t \7- .30 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431569 Q 1:35 PM FREEMAN SIDNEY REVELS (ARIEL SAGRE, ESQ. Aty called t~ .J/JD, C~ oP for prehearing /2-?;J: Remains Unresolved: ~MV of 13/Nissan-(-e-AitMi\:XU~¥-), b) Provide bank statement for #0440 (7/22-9/26)(;V~JeJuTIJ(lOCJD 1&/I"l'G~ (f:yA-) New Issues: c) Provide explanation, proof and copy of check #251 lao $1,570 & #132 iao $1,250, cash withdrawal on 6/19 iao $1,767.82, 110m 1431502 -$ <61?-. RODDY ELIEZER GOMEZ TAVERAS BETHANY KAY GOMEZ 2) ~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Contin)le to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #5-2 (IRS underpaid in plan) 1431498 VICTOR P GONZALEZ NORMA LOPEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2AP 1431477 6< MERARIS LEON ALVAREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SeE PAGE JOL If obi to elm #4 & #5 sustained, Confirm Plan,Ij not Cont to 2/1 0 pg: ~-O.EQ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, .2015 1431358 1:35 PM ORESTES 0 RODRIGUEZ ENRIQUETA GERARDO (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/1 0: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Obj/Conform to Clm #6 (IRS over paid in plan) & #13, 1431343 J$ 35q . 0 I ARNOLD SENADOR STA ROSA (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. Confirm 2AP 1431293 LEONIDAS R AHUMADA (MERCY SALADRIGAS,ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Amend plan to start IRS being paitl Secured from month 1, b) Amcnd plan to add 3% interest to IRS being paid Secured, 1431226 AMARILY REYES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: C.. 03.3 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1431169 1:35 PM ERIC WILLIAM RASMUSSEN T1fHJS'n~EiSOYU.TOEJ<J1:MpnON~) --------~~-------------4T~ru~v~1~~11r·4~~Y~m~~~RA~g~~~iU~g~S~E~N~------~-----------AATItync~a~1~Iemdr-------------- U( for prehearing (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ . ~ Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days ~-~ \ ~ 1431124 (X:fjo Debtor failed to provide: '\ 'Pta/f) C P a) Provide proof of schedule J expenses or amend to basic; b) Address feasibility issue; c) Amend plan to provide IVL; d) Amend plan to pay liquidation test of$41,376.09; e) Amend eMI to disclose pension/retirement income. PATRICK RANDALL THOMPSON PATRICIA ANN THOMPSON (OFER SHMUCHER, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 11:1"$200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono ?Iring Remains Unresolved: a) Provide bank statements for account #2543, b) FMV of 98/Pontiac, 05/ Dodge, 98/Chevy CARMAX OR NADA ONLY (provide proof of accident via insurance claim), c) Provide bank statement for #9322 (9/17-9/22-provided incomplete), d) Amend plan to fund properly, e) Amend Sch B to add account #9322 New Issues: f) Provide bank statements for account #1901 & #9341 (listed on paychecks), g) Amend Sch B to add bank account #1901 & #9341, 1431123 <it YO. 00 YUNIEL SOLER (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE /1J!JO If objection sustained, Confirm Plan 1431114 MONA BEAUBRUN (DAVID C. RUBIN, ESQUIRE Aty called for preheating Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) complete bank statements for Acct #3320 (6/22-9/22), #9940 (6/22-9/22) & #7942 (6/22-9/22); b) FMV of vehicle; c) WDO or motion to waive; d) LF90; e) affidavit of support; f) amended plan to provide payment to attorney fees starting month 1; g) amend plan to include monthly payment mont4 (s/b 60) Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1:35 PM DELOIS GRAY 1431097 ~ J41, '6 '6 ') (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ Dismiss, Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) bank stmts #6469 (9/1-9/19) & #8190 (9/1-9/19); b) address feasibility issue; c) amend plan to remove Champion Mortgage from cram-down (cannot cram-down homestead 1 st mtg) ~.t\J-{jJ:),,- rmo-rlJ 1"6<- 1430931 LIGIA TORRES opm !hy. Jt '-J 46. ALSO ONAM~ SEE PAGE_.IQ6 (EDWARD FREIRE, ESQ. ) d() I~ Ifmotions to val granted, plan coriforms, and math OK, Confirm Plan, ffnot Cont to 2/10 1430874 VIRGINIA ALEXANDRE ofm ~Y /" (MICHELE L. HANASH, ESQUIRE ~"-IO~7.q« ConLinut: Lo 2/10: Due on or before Spm on 1123: a) Obj/conform to Clm #3 1430812 AGUSTIN RUBEN CARDERO HORTENSIA LLANES CARDERO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE 1 ••:' Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days cb£oo to unsecured '!,:.",j 0 $150 to pro bono Remains Unresolved: a) Provide affidavit of support (2 iao $1,200), b) Provide proof of Sch J-8 & J-12 expenses New Issues: c) Provide payoff of 11INissan, d) Amend Sch J to add car payment being paid direct, pg: c.-oSS Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1430780 1:35 PM MARIA CECILIA ECHAVARRIA 5uuec1~aJd JOJ "f"'IY)AW ~ :r~J ,LP. Cf (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ~2hi)JduJ ,1 2 3:: Remains Unresolved: a) irovide Affidavit or lease agreement of rent, New Issues: b) Amend Schedules to correct non-homestead address (sib 19900 Country Club Drive, #308), c) Provide property payofffor account #1552 (listed on Sch D), d) Amend plan to redeem, reaffirm or surrender Sch D creditor (Wells Fargo #1552), e) Debtors non-homestead information sheet states they will be surrendering, please clarify or revise, f) Explain with proof of deposits from "Global" in account #5133 (is this additional income?), g) Explain cash withdrawals and provide proof from Account #5133 on 8/13 iao $1,600,8/18 iao $1,630, Account #2395 on 8/28 iao $1,000,8/29 iao $1,000, 9/5 iao $3,000, 9/9 iao $3,000, 9/10 iao $1,000, h) Provide copy of check #379 iao $1,53 L 74 from acct #2395, i) Explain payment iao $3,382.32 to Loan Service, on 9/19 from account #2395 j) Obj/conform to Clm #4, k) Amend plan to pay DII 1430732 DANIEL MORALES CARTAYA ELENA PANT EVA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE .~L32~ If obi to elm #3 sustained, Confirm Plan, flnot 1430686 Cont to 2/10 ELENA DOYLE (MATT BAYARD, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1430649 LUZ A PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan pg: 0-030 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1430637 1:35 PM MARIO 0 GARCIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10 Due by 5pm on 1/23: a) Provide proof that the $5,000 withdrawn on 8/21 belonged to son. The bank statement provided for acct #2239 belongs to Limeyre De La Paz, is this debtor's son? how does transfer prove that money belonged to son? Check made out to Janet Valles form "Braniff paint & body shop". Who is Janet Valles? Why was check not deposited directly into sons bank account? explain the following transfers to Limeyre de la paz: 6/13$2,000; 8126 $1,000, 7/3 $1,000; b) Provide proof of how $5,000 withdrawn on 8125 from Acct#2055 was spent; c) Explain why debtor transferred $25,000 on 8/25 to daughters savings account #7832; d) Debtor is exempting vehicle as "workers comp" provide case law supporting this exemption or remove and add to chapter 7 test; e) Provide Bank statement Acct# 20559/10 to 9/15; 1) Proof of claims bar date is 2/12/15 1430620 MARIA E CASTELLON (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Amend Sch R to add bank account #5691, b) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of $21 ,260 or provide calculation letter 1430579 GUILLERMO RODRIGUEZ (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days '-If'O "~-'~}l~r(>!'rr'[i')lI'I~~ n\}l\ ~ ~1'~"~.·:i'lVn~'ll'~n(~)f~ ~. Jt\\~ .. )""1 1\ Jt . .Ifi:.;. I.Y "i.J. !f .."Q'.UI. R /' ,,<•• /,1. _•• 1 ",.J M l .JJ \"'{ '. ) . ty called ~oo to unsecured 19 0 $150 to pro bono Remains Unresolved: a) FMV of OO/Isuzu(CARMAX OR NADA ONLY), b) P&LI Balance sheet, c) Provide proof and explanation of Sch J-6a, 6c & J-21, d) What is debtor renting? e) Amen d Sch B #2 to include business bank account #2986 (uses for personal), t}-A.mencl--plarrto-add-1-009/0-1anguage..OR..pro.vide-n{)-disehargdanguage, g) Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$21,270.47 or provide calculation letter, New Issues: h) Who is Yoania Medina? 6 tY\143~419 _p.. ~ /,-OL/ r' (YONI DIS ss U 0 0 7 . (17 ROGER VALECILLOS_!,-LS~~PN AM~ S~E PAGE NQ~I~d MARKHOFF, ESQUIRE ) J f-{\d:tLjr.A -* tor preFieanng \:'."j,. !2oo 'l? we'(:;£C'-.ll f«) ,~..':>()(f. ~l)L.~ifJ. , maInS Unresolved: a) Provide explanation and provide proof of withdrawals on 7/3 iao $1,000, 7/10 iao $1,500, 9/5 iao $1,135 & 7/22 iao $1,000, b) Provide copy, explanation and proof of check #163 iao $2,600, #7939 lAO $1,850, #171 iao $1,850 & #172 iao $1,850, c) Provide payoff of all real estate & FMV of 61 08, d) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & 3months pre-petition business bank stmts, e) Provide proof of Sch J #20a (mortgages being paid in plan) & 15c (no car?), 1) address feasibility issue, g) Amend SOFA to include $2,500 to son & provide tolling waiver, h) Obj/conform to c1#3, i) evidence/calculation ofCMl line #30, 47, 48 & 27a (remove no car), j) Amend plan to pay CMIIDI of$56,934, k) amend Sch B to disclose bank accts (#2862, #1277, #8252, #9987, #5933), I) amend Sch l/CMl to disclose rental income New Issues: m) Amend petition to include AKA Roger Carlo Pedraza Valecillos (as per green card provided) n) Does debtor own property in New York? (He pays ConEdison Electric, receives a NY tax refund and has entire bank accounts with NY expenses), 0) Amend plan to pay Secured creditors from month 1, p) Amend plan to remove Nelnet from plan (unsecured student loan), q) Amend Sch D to add creditors on plan (Capital City, Bird Grove, BOA #9999, r) Explain wire transfers from Italy, s) Amend plan to assume or reject Sch G creditors, t) Amend plan to fund pg: C,.- 03 '1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION .HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 }j:, 1430366 MERES PIERRE I--c I ;1 '-.! 06lr.'J() (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE 1:35 PM Dismiss: Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a)WDO or motion to waive; b) amend plan to incluse MMM language; c) amend plan to provide correct months; d) file MMM motion 1430338 ELIECER MUNOZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. ALSO ON AMo SEE PAGE 103 Continue to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Amend plan to correct typo in Secured Creditor (Green Tax Funding-amortization seems to be incorrect) 1430224 ~ 1t/6 \ OD DORIELA C GIRALDO (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE 10 d- If Objection sustained, Confirm Plan 1430171 MARIA JESUS ONTIVERO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Confirm 2AP pg: C~o3'6' Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1430147 6pm ~~ 1:35 PM NORMA RODRIGUEZ (EMMANUEL PEREZ, ESQ. ~ ~ 61lp . '))zJ If objection sustained Confirm lAP ~ 1430085 BLANCA ARROYO 1066 . 3 ( (MICHAEL MARCER,ESQUIRE Dismiss: Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) bank stmts #4279 (6/17-8/7); b) explain proof of withdrawal on 9/8 $2400.00 & $1000.00; c) affidavit of support (incorrect amount & not notarized); d) file LMM motion 1430055 .~ '-If-':2 7 -:J{P fO < 0-0 DAPHNE KINLOCK (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Debtor has failed to provide: a) bank stmts #2575 (6/17-9117), b) amend Sch B #2 to disclose bank acct #2575, c) amend plan to pay disposable income, d) provide tolling waiver, e) copy of pension, f) What is in Mini-Storage, g) provide proof what debtor did with sale of F250 1430021 ~D /)o ~ iYI -Ff -1"$">r'(''-~ c:~ "'\ [lJOO" cY ANAHID GRIGORIAN 'rR~]S'IEf;i:IS{HU,·IOK!(EjiV;ipnONS Aty called for prehearing (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE dl"" Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 1Y"$200 to unsecured D $150 to pro bono a) 2012 taxes (page 2 needed), b) ban1e stmts #4601 (6/27-8/27 missing pages & 8/28-9/17) & #1581 (5/28-8/26 missing pages & 8/27-9/17), c) DL, d) evidence/calculation ofCMI line 30 and remove line #27a as schedules state that Debtor does not own or lease any vehicles, d) explain cash withdrawal on 6/25 $1000.00 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1429960 J:j; 163 ,oJ 1:35 PM BARBARA SALUDES (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. MOO Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 Remove payments to student loans "N e1net" from schedule J #21 and amend plan to pay dispossable income 1429887 ,tt:> DAVID URIBE 31t/l.r" 3 '} (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1429858 ()r~~ ROSILENE LAMElRA (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE aJ, ?}(:1;) . ~)- Confirm lAP 1429809 6frY' 1 yr-0 MARIA ANA LAHORRA (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMw SEE PAGE ) 10 / ------ Ji)Lr10. ~f If motion to waive WOO granted, Confirm Plan Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 c 1429785 ( J{;111 . ~ 7) 1:35 PM MARJORIE DERODEL (MICHAEL A. FR:n.NK k'C!(\TTTtH:''' 'n*U~;,nCRf~S(HU,lluKX~{:jVBl"nON§_ Ifocshimendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days Ifil $200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono t'enamg trom previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) bank stmts #4789/5723 (8/26-9/16), b) affidavit of support, et-am\\md plan to include lawstlit langttage, d) amend plan to pay CH7 of $1,450.00 (schedule C exempts homestead and also uses wild card exemption, calculation of chapter 7 filed at ECF# 43 also exempts homestead and uses wildcard on personal property. 1429774 MARIELA ALEJANDRA LHOMY df> 2<, .:2 (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ oJ 00 .7.J Confirm 3AP 1429746 Ii< ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE NOEL GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE lol ) If obj sustained confirm plan 1429677 ~ RENE MORA .ALSO ON AM t SEE PAGE (MARY REYES, ESQ. = }oJ = If obj to elm #4 & #6 sustained, Confirm lAP, Ifnot Cont to 2/10 pg: C-OLt \ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1429667 (~ ,0/ ') 1:35 PM LEONOR PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123: a) CMI #35: amend child care expenses as proof provided shows an average expense of$600.55 per month. b) CMI #47: remove property tax as this expense is accounted for in line 25. 1429630 5pn1iJ~ ALBERTO ANTONIO ALMANZAR DIAZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. ) .,. }OO ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE _ _ . _~ <f1 6076' . [pC) Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123: a) copy/explain check on 7/20 $2000 & 8/6 $1128.11 b) explain withdrawal on 7/30 $2000 1429522 Ilk. ( 'i-p!PO , D/ l{J[j () ') PAULA INGIO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Obj/confto POC #4 1429518 ANTONIO JOSE JAQUEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1: 35 PM DE LA CARIDAD TERRERO PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm Plan 1429260 HILDA GARANTON 'fJ\UJ§'n~Il~:VS O!:~"l TO KXJ~lVW'nOf'"rS Aty caiied for prehearing (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days (2($200 t .....,w....__ , _ 0 unsecure d 0 $150 to pro bono a) 2012 taxes (need Sch C), l:»-amtmd~-to-,UlO%MO.~pto¥i~BB·' .~ttage 1429215 JUAN MIGUEL HERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Aty called for prahearing 1429188 { 1$ Cl0 1 ---., ,00 ARVINNIA F JOHNSON (CHRI STINE E. BRYCE, ESQUIRE J ) ALSO ON AMw see PAGE ~ // Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 10/$200 to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono a)-Wt:H:ax'1'efttrfl~(nee4~iete), () rflof.\VI\.<.') 11:) called prehearing b) bank stmts City National Bank (5/27-8/27), c) FMV of vehicle, d) non homestead info sheet, e) DL,~avit of re~~"glK!I~~916(b), h) provide Sch B attachment, i) amend plan to correct missing months to-unsecured, ~... ~ value and set for hearing, k) amend plan to pay CH7 of $60,065.00 1) good faith to unsecured, \ m) amend plan to include address/acct #'s for creditor's in cramdown pg: 0.-0'-/3 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1429156 ~ 1:35 PM ARTURO N BAYONA TERESA SANCHEZ-BAYONA (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm lAP 1429127 Jr IJ~,). Uq RAUL MARTIN JR (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) profit/loss and balance sheet b) affidavit of support 1429124 ~ IBAN M IPARRAGUIRRE Aty called for prehearing (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 2)iT) J \ ,.t) C RemaInS Unresolved: f'i\J' '.AJ~ c tv C'-~' ,/...,,:1.. u £".ci;,J <> ft}-P-revitie-eepy-eHife-.itl:Sti~ol.ic:y., New Issues: b) The Chp 7 test provided claims exemptions not uetuully listed on Seh C (ECF #1), Amend Sch B & C to reflect correct amounts or Amend plan to pay Chp 7 of$12,558.23 1429115 GEANNCO R ROJAS FLORES (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to value granted, Confirm lAP Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1429061 1:35 PM LIZETTE ARANGO (MARY REYES, ESQ. Confirm 2 A plan 1429051 EDUARDO E GONZALEZ TAIMY GONZALEZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. ALSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE_LL ) If mtn to value granted Confirm 1 A plan 1429019 MARIA GABRIELA RIESCO (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM t SEE PAGE 97 .' If motion to waive WDO granted, Confirm 3AP 1428969 ~ \0:1 ,O~ DIXIS GONZALEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 Thefollowing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) Obj/conf to POC #7 ; b)Amend plan to pay chapter 7 test of $8178.09 pg: t-O-15 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1428939 5fm~f 1: 35 PM GUMERCINDA A FLORES (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. i( 16dQ ,Lpl{ Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 If debtor is self employed andlor owns a business then provide BDQ. If debtor does not own a business or is otherwise self employed, amend schedule I to disclose employers name and information as the employment information on schedule I has been left blank. 1428918 df -33';)t/ J q cr SANTIAGO JR MARTINEZ (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE L_ hLSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE _9 If motions granted, Confirm I A plan, if not cant to 2/10 1428909 ALVARO FACIO-LINCE (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm 2 AP 1428780 JUAN L HERNANDEZ RAMALLO MARITZA B ALBELO MONTEAGUDO (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ) Confirm Plan pg: C~OYlfl Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1428773 Ik ('9-1'> }crq. 1:35 PM PIERRE TITTLEY ~ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE ?'~ ) Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123: a) Provide proof of the sale of business, including the sales contract and proof that the monies received from the sale went to payoff lease on equipment. 1428772 LUCARNE NORELUS (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE If motion to value granted, Confirm lAP 1428732 6pm .ior IVON CASTILLO ALSO ON AM0 SeE PAGE q/.iJ ) (MARY REYES, ESQ. ~ (;00. orCJ Ifmotion to value granted, Confirm 1 A plan, ifnot cont to 2/10 1428582 YELINA CISNEROS (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123: a) remove expense for second vehicle from CMI Line #27, b) if debtor is not married and partner has left the country why is debtor listing a household of 3 on the CMI form? provide proof of household size and income of all adults. pg: t~0L1'1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1428550 1: 35 PM JOANN SCOTT (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing _____________'- \b""--~c('\ C)'iOd\X-~ ~ 63 42 ~ 84 (MI CHA~: ~y:O:~~I::QUIRE J Unh vrn ~ AP "'~USTEi<:'S OII,I.W ':XilMi'flO~yp~:~~~ring T2>( \CX'J e / D 'j)'Ict/r-) lcln(~.! (jO-DLD}J Tvus ee did not recommend dismIssal last month on tte representation that all documents would be provided or 100% plan would be filed, Debtor still has not provided the following: a) amend plan for correct IVL, b) bad faith, debtor is paying for luxury items, property with no income ($ 180,00/ t)J/ ,S\)(()'W,Jcl..q D:, month), $120.00 for husband's credit cards (debtor refuses to provide proof of balance and interest rate at time of filing, only one credit card bill provided showing a $400 balance in December 2014. Date of filing statements still not provided), $350.00 per month for electric (evidence of past due amount, not monthly), $340.00 for cable, cell phones, $250.00for entertainment (in addition to cable TV), $560.00 for transportation (only 1 working adult). 1428281 if; , l/LI VICTOR ZELAYA +. (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE f~ m1- (j ~ +0 dctG( Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 20 16(b) & plan do not match-Amend 1428158 6 f ~Y" yY\ ~ tfd:5' GISELA ANICETA CASTRO ~rf~ ZJ,;·;·(r~\;·VR f':f.'~f1>j\Ti,~··j. " (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ,q d- u .. , , ' '. Aty called for prehearing ~ debtor failed to: a) copy/explain check #103 $1800.00, b) BDQ, profit/loss and balance sheet & business ank stmts #2866 (5/12-5/31 ), c) fee application, d) DL, e) LF90, f) LF67, g) affidavit of support, h) provide Sch B attachment, i) obj/conform to c1# 1,j) explain debit on 7/14 $1839.65, k) amend Sch I1CMI to provide rental income, 1) Trustee objects to keeping investment properties with no rental income, m) provide all mortgage dQCS re: all properties, n) FMV /payoff of all properties held by Trust. pg: 0..·-0'-1 ~ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1428144 1:35 PM JULIO CESAR DIAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm lAP 1427867 JOSE 0 LLARENA Thefollowing deeuments must be received by 5pm on l/23l20l§ -(1) bank statements #9000 (61l9 8/17); b) FMV ofvehiele 1427860 LUZ MARIA VALDES LAZARITO VALDES (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A plan 1427813 ~<Jd D ,&0-" WENDDY MARQUEZ (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 File WDO (last month motion to waive WDO was withdrawn) pg: (>01.-/0 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1427748 J$ d.-'2s1. :1-.:9.> 1:35 PM NANKISORE DUKHARAN PURANGANI DUKHARAN (PAUL N. CONTESSA, P.A. Confirm 1 A plan 1427727 If I ~ q L/ . L/ (p MADAY CASTRO (PATRI CK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1427692 ~ ~Iql .CP· CARLOS ADRIAN VILLACIS PAOLA JOSEFINA ASSUERO (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE THJJST«.~K~'S OKU . TO KXE!~~~"nol\:!s )Al.SO ON AM~ SEE PA,GE _~, tfJ/JO Confirm 3 A plan 1427630 EDWARD D GUERRA SORAYA GUERRA (ANDREW BELLINSON, ESQ. Confirm 3 A plan pg: c.·-OSO Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1427529 1:35 PM CELESTINO HERNANDEZ EROTIDA HERN D (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Confirm 3 A Plan 1427452 bpm !bf 11 ~61fl7, EMILY JANE GONZALES (IMAN I. ABOUELAZM, ESQUIRE &8- Continue to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Obj/conform to Clm #7 1427432 ,Q MARTHA LUZ CORAL (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3AP 1427413 j$ I ';) 17 " LfJ'S" ABEL PEREZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 Obj or conf to POC pg: d.--OS \ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1427327 ~ 1:35 PM MATEO RAMIREZ MANZANARES JACQUELINE RAMIREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A plan 1427076 ALFREDO CAMPS (SANDRA NAVARRO, ESQ Cont to 2/10 issue of payments to MMM outside plan 1426981 (¥f C£O , Iff) STEFANO SBARAGLIA ANGELA I SBARAGLIA (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE LAJ{JO If motion to value granted, Confirm plan, if not cont to 2/10 1426854 (~ Q/1./0) ELOY GERARDO REYES NORMA GRACIELA HERRERA (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE D~S: CJ)iI:,~ ) l{lSO ON t~M\) SEE PAGE Aty ;J) 10 ~ bt1. 1/1'3: q d- c;3i!.'< for preneanng P nding from previous month, Debtor fai~d to: a)-Fi:le-meti~-te-valu&for-a-l+-erediiofs--in valtlatteft-eox plus issues associated with 2 nd amended plan: amend plan to fund, reaffirm, redeem or surrender schedule E creditors pg: c.~O"=;~ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 13, 2015 1426846 opm EVELIO PEREZ (MARY REYES, ESQ. ~ Lp351 '>'6 < Ifmtn granted confirm 2 A plan, if not cont to 2/10 1426745 ROBERTO MORALES (NICOLE E. FLORIN, ESQUIRE ~ ---)" 1 1c:( 1", LL :-':>T((} N, CU.-L\ 'D.- W Aty called - for prehearing i IVV\/) NI I \)L A'd~ cKzblu:iP ISS: still not resolved from last month did not dismiss on debtor's re resentation uld resolve 15 days prior to this hearing) debtor failed to: a) bank stmts #0704 (7/10 -7124) 1426739 (11) )\ tv . tf)~ ENNIO ZANE MARTHA ZANE (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE t{4J () ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE 1;3- Aty called for prehearing 1426716 Q MARTA A LOPEZ PEDRO E GONZALEZ (RICHARD ADAMS,ESQ. Continue to 211 0: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Obj/conform to Clm #6 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1426701 -tl \'67 . 'rO- 1: 35 PM CARLOS A ARGUELLO (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 Amend plan to conform to order on motion to value ECF #80 1426629 tfm -101 DANIEL CASABONA (JOSE P. FUNCIA, ESQUIRE 1$ [p[£J). OD )AlSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE 9d- Cont to 2/10: on or before Spm on 1123 (Thursday) debtor must: a) provide wife's bank stmts 4123-7123 (debtor uses acct), b) FMV of vehicles, c) BDQ, d) LF67, e) amend 2016(b) to disclose fees, f) amend CMI to disclose wife's income business income), g) Trustee objet:ts to keeping investment property with no rental income 1426446 J:$ dCD. 00 ADOLFO DEL CASTILLO (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE qL ) ALSO ON AM.. SEE PAGE -~-- Continue to 2/10, fee application ECF#39 has been continued by debtors attorney to 2/10, Trustee cannot recommend confirmation until the fee application has been grated by the Court 1426439 ~ KERMIT D AUSTIN )2fifu ,J:5 (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1426392 #:; I tfei3 ,3~ 1:35 PM ZENIA RAQUEL RUBI (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE!iL-~ Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 Proof of household size and income of all adults, (CMI has a household of 5, Schedule J lists no dependents, and the Trustee still has not received proof of who else lives in the home) 1426371 MARIA DEL CARMEN THALHEIMER (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 Address feasibility issue (schedule J shows negative disposable income) 1426330 # /"'367.:1) CELEYNE S PORTAL RAMOS (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan 1426199 EMILSE ORTIZ (MANDY L. MILLS, ESQUIRE Confirm 2 A Plan pg: ~-O::;.s Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1:35 PM 1426137 LUIS MARIA GUTIERREZ ANGELES BADAL GUTIERREZ (JAMES W. SCHWITALLA, ESQUIRE 1426002 RUBEN DARIO PAULA (LUIS A. HUGUET, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 Need 4th Amended Plan to correct plan monthly payments and to un-step attorneys fees (fees must start on month 1) 1425955 ~ CINDY ANN ORTIZ 'IiiUJSTKK'~ (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE OB,l 'H); J{XEM1P'TAONS ) ALSO ON P,M~ SEE PAGE "fL, iq obl-t~i()n 6uer}cc) Il£d 1425865 ~ I Confirm 1 A plan GESTON DESSALINES MARIE L DES SALINES (LUIS A. TORRENS, ESQUIRE ';r5 dO . CJ:) Confirm Plan pg: ~-O:SLo Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1425828 Jt OJ, 7 v~ --".J 1:35 PM EARLY PHILLIP PAGE (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ see Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 a) Obj/conf to Claim #4 (Select Portfolio), b) File fee application, why are attorney's fees $5,500? 1425764 RODOLFO HECHAVARRIA ) ALSO ON AM, SEE PAGE ~.!l.Q_~ (THOMAS WILLIS, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 Thejollowing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 obj/conform to cl#2 & #3 1425727 4$~'iJ67. 77 HENRY GENELUS (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Aty cal/ed for prehearing Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days ill1'200 to unsecured D $150 to pro bono Still pending from previous month: a) provided evidence of household size b) evidence of basic internet line 37 (limited to $50,00) line 40, remove ROA from line 47 already deducted line 25A and amend plan with resulting disposable income 1425626 MARIO J CONCEPCION ~ lq7~ ,q~ (HAVEN DEL PINO, ESQUIRE If objection to claim sustained, Confirm 1 A plan, if not cont to 2/10 pg: t-OS'1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1: 35 PM Jan 13, 2015 1425435 ROBERTO GOUTHMAN (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE 4J;{.oo Confirm 2 A plan 1425370 4t:> AYAZ HAIDER ZAIDI 1735, 3& (DAVID C. RUBIN, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearinoc' Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday orD/W/P 180 days 1\ Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) bankstmts #4093 (414-714), b) amend plan to disclose Ocwen address in cramdown,c)provide proof ofSch J #17c, d) amend plan to pay disposable income,e) LF90, f) LF67, g) affidavit of support, h) affidavit of rent, i) amend plan to include IVL, j) file motion to value and set for hearing, k) creditor on plan not listed in Sch's or filed poe, 1) is Ocwen in cramdown lsl mlg (canllot cram to $0.00), m) amend phm to provide monthly plan payment month (sib 60), n) Is this plan LMM, if so file LMM motion & provide language < 1425319 u . ~ I q<6 ,3 3 ~ I) '!. . (I ~ nip) ro..A THJJS'M'Elf~VSOn1,tT(.H:XmvWTHJNS JULIO RODRIGUEZ JOANA TADIFA TRIGO-RODRIGUEZ (MARK S. STEINBERG ) . < J . ') I / • • Aty called • • /0 for prehearing 13~ ~t('0 Cff\L ~~ L()('({t~ ~ l\() . <:U aj(~" QJ'II'O~'r'd. ? LCur. yo ISS. vxo t?- l-) C~ ~Cl; C~ t~y' cw 1)1.,( jV(n1lcitd('.,rrtt • ebtor failed to: a) did not provide CH 7 Itquidation caiculadon or evidence of valuation and no evidence payoff of non-exempted property is in excess of amount debtor testified to on schedules, 'IS&B-ESitPd-5EB-FReM-I::;A-FE-BeEBM-E-NT-8-: b) include gift of $4700.00 to daughter made on 4/1 to Chapter 7liquidation, c) CMI line 30 is amount withheld not incurred average of$383.67 of refund as over withholding, line 35 $131.95 in extracurricular activity is not necessary child care, D 1425114 4j; )16~ .69 RAUL ENRIQUEZ DIAZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE /.{)/JO If obj sustained confirm 1 A plan pg: 6--05cg Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1425057 1:35 PM SHENIKA TUFF (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm 2 A plan 1425056 ALEXANDER DIAZ DE VILLEGAS (RAYSA I. RODRIGUEZ, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan 1424587 4$ 'd'O') , 7 c( GILBERTO SAMPEDRO (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm 1 A plan 1424511 {~ NORMA FLORIVAL 1<6 1(;63 , (~j(MITCHELL J. NOWACK, Aty called for prehearing ESQ. Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days ~OO to unsecured 0 $150 to pro bono debtor failed to: a) Provide info re: SOFA #3 & Tolling waivers b) Br.ovioo-iR£Q...f..e.:--SOPA-#-lft Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1424443 ~ 1/ 1:35 PM ALEJANDRO RAFAEL GOTERA . -366'1 . (p )--- (DIEGO GERMAN MENDEZ, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearing Continue to 2110115 Thefollowing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) Need to file amended CMI on form 22C-2; b) why does amended CMI DE#89 lower the debtors income?1)(()u:.ci2 \){U:.~'(;t/\ YU:_<1Y\i\Q OA')d P.f L 1424441 Jt 14 [p d 11 l ARTURO CASTILLO MAYRA EGIDO (RICHARD ADAMS, ESQ. Cont to 2/3: on or before 5pm on 1/15 (Thursday) debtor must amend plan to include interest on secured IRS payment 1424414 ELIEZER CRUZ GISELA CRUZ (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE Dismiss, Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to provide: a) bank stmts #425812438 (5/16-6125 missing pages), b) amend plan to fund properly (m. /51), c) file LMM motion 1424352 WESLEY JONAS SAINT J$ )Y.J 0 , 00 (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE Debtor failed to: provide evidence and calculation of CMI line 32 ($42.00) #33 ($525.00 - no court order provided) #37 ($50.00 basic internet) #47 ($208.72 - ROA already on line 25A) ISSUE RAISED FROM LATE DOCUMENTS: calculation ofCMI line 30 is the amount withheld not incurred ($166.17 - 1112 of tax refund not on line 9 or deducted from line 30) Disposable income is $1004.72 per month pg: t-Olo O Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1424317 1:35 PM LUZ MARGOT RINCON (OMAR J. ARCIA, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan 1424203 4? CRISTINA M LOPEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 1 A plan 1423978 ANA CRISTINA MARTINEZ ,)$ )1+3') . 'd'."6 (DAVID S ABRAMS, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan 1423961 NATHALIE D MAASS (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 a) Obj/confto amended claim #1 (IRS) b) Amend plan to pay 1880 Biscayne for 60 months pg: t- 01..0\ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1423849 1:35 PM LIMOR OZ . ~ ',;.;,t JL-' L (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE r .. .... ,.. ~ ) Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 Amend plan to fund months 6-60 1423746 1$ 6'57 / . de! GINA NAVARRO (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Confinn 2 A Plan (Trustee objects to the CMI expenses but will not change amount to unsecured 1423632 it 2> -r J ,~'Y TAYLOR TERENCE (C. MARIE BREVITT- SCHOOP, ESQ. ) }. f~rtf-d ~ {oj CLv( Continue to 2/10: Due on or before 5pm on 1123: a) Obj/conform to Clm #1 (Arrears under paid in plan-sib $67,720.27), b) Amend plan to add back gambling language 1423505 It OUiJ; d ,LjD GERSHWIN BLYDEN DONNA BLYDEN (TREY MILLER, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE ~_ ) Aty c8 11ec1 for prehearing Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 a) Amend plan to correct payments to IRS and add 3% interest as per POC #3 b) Reset or withdraw motion to value ECF #38 pg: C~· Qlp;::L. Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1423426 1:35 PM ROXANA C OCHOA .AlSO ON AM. SEE PAGE," (SADY PICART, ESQ 1d If obj to elm #8 sustained, Confirm 3AP, ffnot Cont to 2/10 1423379 JOSEPHINE JOCELYNE MOISE (DAVID TYBOR, ESQUIRE Confirm 4 A Plan 1423341 6p m -f/ J'OSE LUI S LOPEZ (ROBERT A. STIBERMAN, ESQUIRE li> ~/Lo, (0 L( Confirm 2 A plan 1422976 -1~ d/Yi7 '. q ( WILBERG PEREZ MARIA DEL PILAR PEREZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE L~o If obj sustained confirm 3 A Plan pg: t-OlpS Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1422554 11: I 16~6. 3 L 1: 35 PM LARRY JOSEPH MOSS KATTYOZHKA MORALES MOSS (SAMIR MASRI, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMo SEe PAGE '63 _= Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 If obj sustained Confirm 4 A plan, if not cont to 2/10 1422551 (if, 2, 7 7 Y. I~ ') NARCISO MONTERO (MICHAEL MARCER, ESQUIRE ) ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE ~S Continue to 2110 Due by 5pm on 1123 a) Objlconfto POC #4 Citi Mortgage b) Amend plan to add 3% interest to IRS 1422313 ~ EVARISTO RODRIGUEZ TORRES (ANDRES MONTEJO, ESQUIRE TltUmTM{;JKvSf)iU:U,T«) ~{:XEM}("n(bN;'; ALSO ON AM t SEE PAGE _~_ iq (f(yhon -iP gr c-yl1--€-cJ ) 1422129 ~ ~{P'j ,U d- Wc-lA lt~Z Confirm 2 A Plan FRANCISCA A TELLEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE 0D{\ (UD -~s:-st:ill 2 4rinn /;ty called for prehear . , not resolved from last month (did not dismiss on debtor's representation would resolve 15 days prior to this hearing) debtor failed to: a) Provide affidavit from Yoruba (religious establishment/church/priest), b) Provide proofthat the money was /deposited into the Yoruba bank account or pay Chp 70f$16.237.48. Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1422053 1:35 PM JACQUELINE NICARAGUA ,IS . . .".J _l, .'J.. , "... , I (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. Confirm 2 A plan 1421349 RAYMOND MILFORT OLGA REGINA MILFORT ! , (ROBERT C. MEYER, ESQUIRE ) I2?~~~!~~~_~~ment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days, 01"" If' \ ~,o t5(J(if't 'b'f-~ }tL//,p ,q 1 a) Complete 2013 tax return fL'2 '3G<, ( '" Ii: objects to keeping non-homestead property without income (2158): per ruling the debtor must receive sufficient income to cover the investment property expenses. The plan has not been amended to remove the investment property expenses nor have the schedules been amended to show sufficient inomce to cover the expenses; c) Amend Sch A to include addresses for all properties and secured claim amounts, 'C (TF\ 0. <-\ d) Obj/Conform to Clm #6-2, e) Amend plan to cure andmaintain regular payment to Keys Gate Community, f) Amend plan to add DE56 in the cram down box or file motton to vacate order, g) Need evidence of household size and income of all adults (DL with address) - C... rY\ltnc\ SCh 1 ~Trustee 1421309 JUAN ANTONIO URBANO VERONICA DELGADO-URBANO (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE Dismiss, Debtor has failed to reset objection ECF #32, pending since 8119114 1421110 FRANCISCO JOSE ZAMORA WANA C ALMAGUER ZAMORA (JOHN A. MOFFA, ESQUIRE ~l,SO ON AM~ see PAGE S1 -~-~ cont to 2/10 motion pending pg: C~OG-S Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1420786 ~ "i 11571' ,;:7'0 /') --" 1:35 PM JORGE L VERASTEGUI YANCAN (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A plan 1420513 CARLOS FUENTES (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ Continue to 2110115 Due by 5pm on 112312015 a) Objlconfto POC #10 Oewen b) Obj/confto POC #11 HMF (plan does not pay interest and POC has both secured and a priority claims) 1420444 ~ ~ ?f1 ,15 JEANETTE ROSSELLO (ROBERT SANCHEZ, ESQUIRE Aty calied for prehearing QQYtd 2) )D ~4 ~ /Z2:;/ I > -- ~(\d V~v() 'TV COfrk!(yr1 W Y~:tt:.- Co 1420373 ~ //6" .00 +q MARIA D FUENTES (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Confirm 3 A plan pg: ~-Olplp Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 13, 2015 1420336 $I )1./Lp/ . q'i ALBERTO GONZALEZ TliUJSTK!ti:VS 1JRl, 'f() iEXEiVWT~ON~, CHARMA:NE YVONNE GONZALEZ (MARIA 1. ESCOTO-CASTIELLO, ESQ)t\LSO ON AM0 SEE PAGE~= !f2AP filed paying Chp 7 of$7, 112.39 (value ofJet Ski) and math ok, Confirm 2AP, lfnot Cont to 2110 1420309 6fm~t -t; 0036 Jqo PATRICK G FLEMMINGS (IKECHI REID, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) amend plan to fund properly; b) LF 90 missing signatures 1420008 ~ I 01~ 1411 MARC JOSUE MATHIEU ",1';1,tif',,>:,TU'(n1z,§ fl",,/l. I,.J it ,.-" • ~ (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE (mol, 'TO iKXEMii1"nONS ) ALSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE __ 1.....;,r_ Per judge continue 2110 until mediation concluded: Still need c) Amend plan to pay MMM payments to month 60, d) Amend plan to clarify attorneys fees, 1) Large deposits on bank statements of over $9,000/month but claims $2,000/month income, g) Inventory of business livestock not provided - explain paid to whom and copy of contract for a) and b) a) Provide explanation with prooffor©cash withdrawal on 412 iao $1,000, 417 iao $1,500, 4/8 iao $1;500, 4/23 iao $1,020,.b) Explain large deposit on 3/13 iao $3,000, 3/21 iao $2,350, 3125 iao $2,000, 3/31 iao $5,000, 4117 iao 3,000,4125 iao $4,000 1419346 ~ )63 0 JUAN F RIVERA .0':)) (JORDAN E A.lSO ON AM~ SEe PAGE ~_. BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ) L~o If 5AP filed removing ALL "attorney fee reserve language" and Fee application granted, Confirm SAP, Ifnot Cont to 2110 pg: ~-OlcF7 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 13, 2015 1419341 MARIA P PALACIO DE VILAMARIN (RICARDO A. RODRIGUEZ, ESQ. Cont to 2/10 obj under advisement 1418921 (Jr' 60. 00) MARK E WONDERLY (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE Dismiss (unresolved 3 months) last month agreed to file written response with evidence of payment to Bayview month 1 - 4 or amend plan to pay Bayview month 1 - 4 plan filed (SAP is same as 4AP without language about attorney fees): no fee application filed, removed adequate protection for mortgage months 1-4 without consent of creditor 1418503 (4 /POd- .LP{;?') JAVIER RAUL MARRERO (JANET C. TACORONTE, ESQ Continue to 2110115 Thefollowing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 Amend plan to pay Nationstar Mortgage (MMM Creditor) from month 1 1418464 6fYY1 1)~ WERLAND LOUIS .ALSO ON AI\fI@ SEE PAGE ~L_" (MATISYAHU ABARBANEL, ESQUIRE Aty caIJe rJ for prehe"Cd II /~ tpLP7a6 .7(p (JnIJ .21)0 d)~w lIz: 0', ~ 0' J,\. . J, r,'v \ } ~D iss: "j)fOU.AdD fl'CCJ'f \",,::L'\j'fNl',\,.-::'l. :rvy·,cJ " 13 ,A d;\'{1) '" ! ILA \D ,:t:O - I...~~ ending from previous month, Debtor failed to: a) Amend plan pay LMM from months 1-60 (months 7-9?) ~·\tAl' Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1418431 1:35 PM PASCALE MARRA (LYNDA C. AMADI, ESQUIRE Dismiss: Pending from previous month, Debtor failed to: a) file MMM motion 1417997 JJ ~JO- 00 CLAUDE PETER LAMAR (PETER SPINDEL, ESQUIRE Dismiss: still not resolved from reinstatement (reinstated on debtor's representation would resolve 15 days prior to this hearing) debtor failed to: 1) provide value of Classical Ed interest, m) amend plan to include lawsuit language, 0) calculation of income & supporting docs, p) explain Sch I business income $1000, OOICMI none listed ISSUE RAISED FROM LATE DOCUMENTS: evidence of $87,022.68 in loans against business, debtor claims $24,963.96 in household income but according to profit and loss and BDQ, only employees who are debtor and his wife were paid $191,297.92 in payroll expenses, 1417104 4:J; /6q 6. f;JJ--- KIMBERLY JOANN KOCONIS (HENRY HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 Thefollowing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) Amend plan to remove South Florida Quality Mortgage Corp from cram box (MTV has been withdrawn ECF #64); b) Obj/confto POC #4 1417059 bfm~y RAFAEL GUEVARA LIDIA GONZALEZ GUEVARA (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. ALSO ON AM~ SEE PAGE 1lt ~-~"" #~7C11.«q Continue to 2110115 The folio wing documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 a) Amend plan to correct calculation errors and improper months for unsecured creditors; b) Amend plan to fund; c )Amend plan to correct plan number. Last plan filed DE #112 should have been labeled 4AP not 5AP; d)2016b does not match plan: amend Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1416913 1: 35 PM GILMA E JACOME (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Dismiss: Debtor failed to file amended plan with MMM and failed to file MMM motion 1416686 dg Scr ( ;) . ~ l.A.j{J () AURTHER L POPE SHEILA L POPE (JORDAN E BUBLICK, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMi SEE PAGE1 C/ ) -- Dismiss: Pending from previous month, remains unresolved: a) Trustee was recommending confirmation of 1 A Plan which paid unsecured creditors a total of $16, 970. Debtors amended the plan to reduce amount to unsecured by $8,000 and increase fees by $15,164. At the December 9 th , 2014 confirmation hearing Debtors' counsel informed the Trustee that a 3rd amended plan would be filed paying the unsecured creditors $16, 970. The 3rd amended plan pays $11,750 to unsecured creditors. Additionally, the following issues are associate with the 3rd Amended Plan: a) Amend plan to un-step attorneys fees; b) Amend plan to fund; c) Address feasibility issue. 1416420 ROLANDO FERNANDEZ (PATRICK L. CORDERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 3 A Plan 1415116 $ .2/. 1 r" ::..; '10 . '3~- MARC E HILAIRE MARIE M HILAIRE (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 112312015 Amend plan to fund pg: t-... Or-tO Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1414985 ~ 1:35 PM HEIDY FERNANDEZ (RICARDO R. CORONA, ESQ. Aty called for prehearing c~ !::211 D \ryl\~ ~t\lJ 'ldE'AW ~ 1414001 0'(\ 1/;8 MERCEDES SAN GERMAN ('~}16C). ~O') (LOUIS Aty called for prehearing A. HERNANDEZ, ESQUIRE Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days a) file MMM motion; 'b-)-Ameruli3'lan5~hto]:is-pai4~ah~adAh1l101lths 1413488 6pm-1){ MUSTAPHA MAHMOUD RAHAL RANDA MUSTAPHA RAHAL (JARED J. KULLMAN, ESQUIRE Aty called for prehearln~) 4f 4011'. l/~ Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days 0 $200 to unsecured ~50 to pro bono s: still not resolved from last month did not dismiss on debtor's re res entation would resolve 15 da s prior to this hearing) . debtor failed to: a) objlconform to claim #9, b) amend plan to fund each month ~j :::vl"Jrfu-\ ((c.1:.r tpf0 ffFi'{t5£..:;it % 1413257 ~ \Q'd.6(p ELIONNY BLANCO T]fVlJSTE1I1~~S f.m,LH) KXElVH'TH,'iJN;\ Aty c::"/!p" JULIA BLANCO for piGiiGOllllg (DESIREE CALAS-JOHNSON, ESQ. Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days Remains Unresolved: p I~ v" t + cCllellw~l c~ cJ; c/ml~* 3 a) Payoffof 02/Toyota, b) Amend plan to pay CH7 of$26,393, (chapter 7 test provided by debtor does not include all assets and only 1/2 value oj06lFord)c)-E.ro¥i~f41<iav1.t--ef-r~Qll ·homesteadinfo sheetana·AmendSchlto"inciuderentalincome d)FileTBEmoti0ll, e) Provide bank statements for Suntrust account (11111113-2/11114), ~ncLSclLB.,to-tl:dd·etraS"e~areomrr#'s #Q99£)..(~ib..$.1,5J3.. 7.4)..&Ghase#G996·tsibit;3·5·1:45)·&·SUlltrust2,~. j pg: Q-01/ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1413255 Jj; <J~)O -;::"Q --. I • I 1: 35 PM MANUEL LOUREIRO IDANIA LOUREIRO (JAMES ALAN POEl, ElSQ Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 Amend plan to correct calculation errors on attorneys fees 1413229 ALEX HERRERA (JAMES ALAN POE, ESQ Confirm 3 A plan 1411568 RAFAEL BURGOS '2 _ ' \ (KRISTEN ( ~ ') ~ ~J.?:;U ) PINTO, ESQUIRE J Docs/amendment by 5 pm Friday or D/W/P 180 days Debtor failed to: amend plan to pay attorney fees in equal monthly payments 1411220 4 l'li' OLGA RODRIGUEZ ,\(AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE I~) ~ " 3 ~ ) Confirm 6 A Plan pg: C--07~ Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR 1:35 PM Jan 13, 2015 1340092 ABRAHAM DAVID NAMMUR SARA! NAMMUR (CHRISTIAN PAUL LARRIVIERE, ESQ) Confirm 8 A Plan 1339435 JAMES M III GIBSON (MITCHELL J. NOWACK, ESQ. 'TiUJSTEK'S (P:i!U, "~{J KX.mv~p)'nfJ;l>< Aty called for preheanng (-:'x ..f\ri\llnW p\o...J\"\ pD.A.-S'Y 4 L,')(1S,Q.tu<ecJ ('Ii\.\! d.JI1t}f"" ' (\ .. .Ji. "" c. ,1..L\.6 Ie Iii (, _\ ''''\ >v4 } I od:1,-tn)C1\'10.0 1U I\-~ ~. l) + W()'10U(\..X.< PO-A <"..:1- \ '() j /2" ,,;'\ \J o.~S' r rNLN'('Ob D~s: plan does not pay disposable income of $ 10,973.40 to unsecured creditors (per court order and amended eMI) 1331631 ,1:t ;) 1 01 .~O OLIVEROS C ARADANAS ANNABELLE E ARADANAS (AUBREY G. ROOD, ESQUIRE Continue to 2110115 Due by 5pm on 112312015 a) amend plan to pay MMM starting month 1 1329719 1$ STELLA GONZALEZ (JOHN A. MOFFA, ESQUIRE (" 361D, L('( ") Continue to 2/10 Appeal pending pg: c,·-073 c.£ • ,j> ](1 Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1329476 1:35 PM SARA AZOULAY (MICHAEL A. FRANK, ESQUIRE Cont to 2110 waiting for district court order 1322619 -If' -3<i57~ . O~ ZULMA I ARTEAGA (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: Debter failed to file 4 amended plan payiRg Ferd Meter Credit $10,839 93 1318059 '1$ Loq d . 7 3 ANNELISSE CURRA (ALBERTO CARRERO, ESQUIRE Confirm 8 A Plan 1316805 KIRENIA PADIN YANIOS PADIN (AUBREY G. RUDD, ESQUIRE Confirm 5 A Plan Draft 1/12 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CHAPTER 13 RAM CONFIRMATION HEARING CALENDAR Jan 13, 2015 1310973 1:35 PM DIANA RODRIGUEZ (PRO-SE Dismiss Remains Unresolved: Debtor failed to file 4 amended plan to conform to ruling (evidentiary hearing 11121) 1310164 ~I ,q OdfJ7. Q'5 Ut00 ANGEL VELASCO GLORIA MERCEDES HINCAPIE (JOANN M. HENNESSEY, ESQUIRE ~LSO ON AM t SEE PAGE .(5 q Confirm 9 A Plan 1234323 ~ '+f llP 7 ;}, 77 ROBERTO JOSE PEREZ OLENA A PEREZ (DANIEL M KEIL, ESQUIRE ALSO ON AMn SEE PAGE Q1 ) Continue to 2/10/15 The following documents must be received by 5pm on 1/23/2015 a) Obj/confto POC #7 JP Morgan Chase, POC #5 JP Morgan Chase; b) Amend plan to remove Bank of America from cram down box for the 2008 Saturn as this collateral is listed as surrendered in the other provisions section of the plan.
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