6th International Conducting Masterclass DAVID ZINMAN with the

6th International Conducting Masterclass
with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich
May 28th until 30th, 2015
Tonhalle Zurich, Gotthardstrasse 5, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland
Course literature:
Béla Bartók
Franz Schubert
Claude Debussy
Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky
Divertimento 3. Satz
Sinfonie Nr. 2 B-Dur D 125
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune
Brief-Szene der Tatjana (Onegin)
Participants: Swiss Francs 600.–
Auditors: Swiss Francs 100.–
Age limit: 45
Closing date: January 15th, 2015
David Zinman will choose eight participants out of the applications. Notification regarding
participants takes place in the end of February.
Application documents:
Curriculum vitae (incl. date of birth, nationality and complete address incl. e-mail and phone
number); letter of recommendation, evidence of conducting experience, DVD showing a
front view of the conductor and ideally demonstrates a varied selection of repertoire (please
include your name, a repertoire list with counter numbers and the performance dates on the
DVD, Youtube links not accepted).
There is the possibility to apply for a scholarship. For more information contact the TonhalleGesellschaft Zurich.
Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zurich, Artistic administration, Gotthardstrasse 5, 8002 Zurich,
Switzerland, Tel.: +41.44.206 34 67, carolin.bauer@tonhalle.ch