ZIHP Special Seminar - Zurich Center for Integrative Human

Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)
ZIHP Special Seminar
Thursday, February 26, 2015, 16:15 h
University of Zurich, Irchel
Seminar room Y23 K52
Dr. Thomas A. Gorr
Institute of Veterinary Physiology,
University of Zurich
Why “less is more”: biology and application of
the stress tolerance in hypometabolic critters
Stress-tolerant cells and organisms exhibit a coordinated and energy conserving down-regulation of O2
uptake and ATP consuming processes during severe challenges (i.e. deep hypoxia/anoxia, ischemia,
freezing, dehydration). This serves to acquire a new ATP supply which is equivalent to ATP demand
steady state called hypometabolism. This defense is recruited once survival benefits through the
energy compensating stimulation of glycolysis, circulatory O2 transport and angiogenesis have become
insignificant or associate even with detrimental consequences – including the depletion of substrates
or building blocks and of widespread tissue acidosis. The talk will elucidate the concept of
hypometabolism and see this ultimate stress response “at work” in adaptations ranging from
quiescent stem cells, to dormant parasites, to hibernating mammals, to recurrent malignant diseases.
Common signal transductions, and thus candidate molecular targets, underlying the different ways
into hypometabolic stages will be highlighted. Potential medical translations of this strategy to – for
example – aid patients in critical care or re-sensitize aggressive cancers to radio- and chemotherapy
will also be discussed.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Max Gassmann
maxg@access.uzh.ch, +44 635 88 01
Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich
http://www.zihp.uzh.ch, info@zihp.uzh.ch, Tel. +41 44 635 50 88/47, Fax +41 44 635 68 14