COMPARE Interdisciplinary explorations of self-organization in practice EINS Conference, Brussels, May 27th 2015 Self-organization Self-organization Ethernet Key questions/objectives ● ● What can we learn from the experiences of self-organization in real life? How can the Internet (and ICTs in general) facilitate selforganization? COMPARE at a glance ● Five highly diverse partners – – – ● Three meetings/workshops (Cagliari, Thessaloniki, Zurich) – – – ● Theory: political/social theory, urban planning, natural sciences Practice: complementary currencies, urban action, cooperatives Interdisciplinarity … Interdisciplinary exchanges on the concept of self-organization Guided visits to local initiatives Documentation and reflection on implications for design Budget: 35560 EUR (EU contribution), Total effort: 2 PMs “A very interesting property of CCs [Complementary Currencies] ... is that without a suitable accountability and governance framework they simply do not work. Hence, from the point of view of social science they could be seen as useful 'laboratories for institutional learning' that enable some level of experimentation of new ideas in a relatively protected environment” Paolo Dini, Community currencies and the quantification of social value in the digital economy, 2012 “Indeed it is the hybrid space of modern neighbourhoods that we propose as the common living laboratory where experimental economics, urban planning, and computer science can interact toward the establishment of a social learning approach for bringing knowledge to action, and vice versa, under the premises of an informed practice” Panayotis Antoniadis and Ileana Apostol, The Neighbourhood Game, 1st EINS conference, 2013 “The 'commons' are used today in a more specific sense that captures mutations in the dominant mode of production and new relations of social self-governance in the management of new and older types of collective goods.” “In this article, we set out from an outline of the particular histories of the commons in Greece and we go on to trace out their re-invention in the present, in response to the current economic crisis.” “The thrust of our analysis is that if we can begin to see alternative activities and dimensions as diffused, viable, and persistent over time, 'we may be encouraged here and now to actively build on them to transform our local economies'.” Alexandros Kioupkiolis and Thedoros Karyotis, The commons in theory and practice: Self-management in contemporary Greece, 2012. International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA) INURA is a network of people involved in action and research in localities and cities. The Network consists of activists and researchers from community and environmental groups, universities, and local administrations, who wish to share experiences and to participate in common research. Examples of the issues that Network members are involved in include: major urban renewal projects, the urban periphery, communityled environmental schemes, urban traffic and transport, inner city labour markets, do-it-yourself culture, and social housing provision. In each case, the research is closely tied to, and is a product of, local action and initiative. INURA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with a self-organizing, nonhierarchical, decentralized structure. SARDEX.NET High-level objectives ● An abstract model of self-organization – to be populated from our case studies ● Lessons for interdisciplinarity ● Bridging theory and practice – Publications, tools, seminars, ... 1., Sardinia Complementary Currencies 1a. Volos, TEM The EcoNauts Project @ The Chiron Centre for Social Tech Working group participants: Giuseppe Littera; Chris Cook; Brett Scott; Christos P. (TEM); Bram Naudts; Jonas Breuer; Marilena Minou; Kyriaki-Maria Salteri; Raimondo Lemma; Laura Sartori, Alexandros Kioupkiolis; George Koutitas. 2. Thessaloniki, Greece Self-organization movements 3. Zurich, Switzerland a) Engineering and automation 3. Zurich, Switzerland Claudio Gisler MAS in Banking & Finance Member of the Senior Management Head of Customer Care / Deputy Head of Sales Department b) Complementary currencies 3. Zurich, Switzerland Jens Martignoni, Founder of Flexibles b) Complementary currencies Brett Scott, Financial activist Luca Fantacci, author of the book “The End of Finance” 3. Zurich, Switzerland c) Cooperative housing, Kraftwerk1 3. Zurich, Switzerland c) Cooperative housing, Kalkbreite 3. Zurich, Switzerland c) Cooperative housing, Kalkbreite Three + two interdisciplinary collaborative publications Three meetings and two symposiums + summary reports Working group on complementary currencies at 3rd EINS summer school From COMPARE project … to COMPARE network! Lessons learned ● Complementarity vs. alterity ● Alternatives as institutional learning experiments ● Community identity vs. openness ● Scaling through replication ● Interdisciplinarity and purposeless information sharing ● The role of inspired individuals … and crisis ● Self-organization requires organization and hard work :-)
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