The Gazette Official Newsletter of MARQUETTE COUNCIL #588 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Meetings 1st and 3rd Mondays – 8:00PM McKenna Hall Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Sparta, NJ Serving the Parishes of Our Lady of the Lake, Sparta – St. Thomas, Ogdensburg – Immaculate Conception, Franklin “In Service to Our Church and Community since 1901” January 2015 Grand Knights Report Jim Faust Vol. 48 No. 7 Happy New Year to all of our members - I wish you all a wonderful year in your personal lives and I hope that all of your resolutions are attained. I am looking forward to working on our regular programs throughout 2015 and, with your help; I hope we can expand on some of those as well. The beginning of each year should allow us time to reflect on our core values as Knights of Columbus which are Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. I would like 2015 to be a vibrant year of Charity for the Marquette Council 588. I would also like for us to think about more unique ways for us to share our Fraternity; amongst ourselves and amongst our families. More than anything else, I am looking for new ideas in 2015. Along with new ideas, we need new efforts to see those ideas become a reality. Ideas on how we can solidify our Charity like new events or innovative ways to support our traditional benefactors. Ideas on how we can expand our Fraternity by sharing an event amongst our families that we all will love to attend. How about some creative new ways to assist groups and individuals in need? Let’s look into areas and organizations that can use our support in some way. Our success in 2015 is dependent on our ability to work as a team. Your support and selfless contributions are always appreciated. I am not asking any one individual to be the perfect Knight in 2015. Instead, I am asking that we work together as perfectly as we can and contribute a strong effort in 2015 that will benefit all of us as members. Our selfless efforts will then benefit those areas/groups/individuals we support because they need us now as much as they ever needed us before. Vivat Jesus! Jim 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chaplain’s Corner Fr. David McDonnell Our chaplain extends his best wishes for a successful and holy 2015 filled with renewed strength and courage necessary to meet the challenges we face in our world. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ K of C Insurance Guy Mariani Brothers, What is your New year's resolution? Lose weight? Exercise more? Be nicer to your family and friends? These are all good resolutions to have. Here are a few more. Make sure your family is provided for if this is your last New Year's Eve. Make sure if you get sick or injured that your pay check continues to come in. Make sure that you have money saved for retirement. Make sure you don't have to spend everything you worked hard for all your life just to give it to a nursing home. I cannot help you lose weight, exercise more or be nicer to your family and friends, but you and I, working together, can make the other resolutions come true. Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Long Term Disability Insurance and Retirement Fixed Annuities. We have a full circle of protection for our members and families. Please call anytime at 973-586-0098 for more information. Happy New Year! Fraternally, Guy J. Mariani 973-586-0098 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Good of the Order Recorder – James Deacon Brothers: Sal Giacchi, Dominick Bellia, Gary Rocks, also Moire Riley daughter of brother Bill Rudloff, Carol Giacchi wife, Flo Elmo mother in law of brother Sal Giacchi, Albert Buffa, father in law of PGK Henry Zarzycki, Marion and Bill Bartley parents of Br. Bob Bartley, Bernadette Hoffman wife of Br. Ron Hoffman, Anne Hammell sister in-law, Mary Bullard sister-in-law, Margaret Gamache, mother-inlaw, Everett Reichert father and Ellen wife, all of PGK Don Reichert; Ed and Flo Taylor, parents of Br. Robert Taylor; Anna Radcliff daughter of Br. Buddy Hintenach, Agnes Shelton mother of PGK Ed Shelton; Robin Slate, mother of Br. Jeremy Slate, Rita Donahue step-mother of Br. Kevin Donahue, Alessandra Labrum, mother-in-law of Br. David Stock, Brian Bennett friend of Br. Kevin Kavanagh, Jim Hyland friend of Br. Stan Gasior. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BINGO EVERY THURSDAY – MC KENNA HALL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THE NEW AND EXCITING PROGRESSIVE BINGO And the POWER BALL 50/50 MORE CHANCES TO WIN AND WIN BIG! PLAYERS AND WORKERS NEEDED - CALL Don @ 973-729-3599 2 Please remember all of our Servicemen and women serving our Country, especially: Alan Taylor, nephew of Br. Robert Taylor, deployed in Germany; Richard Fox, Michael, David and Daniel Faherty, sons of Br. David Faherty currently serving in the US Navy; Tim Kearns, nephew of Br. Pete Diesso; Br. Morgan McHose; Br. Conor J Brady; and Steven Biggs and Patrick Flynn, dear friends of Fr. Phillip Michael Tangorra, deployed in Afghanistan. January Happy Birthdays RD 3 Christopher J. Bond TH 6 Ronald E. Hoffman John W. Matthes John A. Michelson TH 7 William L. Rudloff Matthew A. Mc Gill TH 8 Paul C. Johnson TH 9 Dennis J. Laury Timothy Callahan TH 11 Edward Smith Michael J. O’Malley TH 12 Michael C. Flaherty 13 TH Dominic P. Zampella Jean Claude Marlin TH 14 Michael T. Lessard Steve V. Oroho TH 15 Gary Kent Michael Blair TH 16 David S. Wamsley TH 17 Harold T. Greenfield, Jeffrey L. Dickenson TH 18 Anthony J. Pallito Dennis J. Muscarelle ST 21 Joseph A. Petrucha 25 TH Patrick J. Shea Thomas D. Corbett John Kelley TH 26 Peter A. Greenwehr Charles J. Hillenbrand Roland Mooney Julius J. Hintenach Paul J. Maccaro TH 27 Dennis F. Harrington Kevin J. Donahue TH 30 Frank Bieganousky ST 31 Gary Di Bona Save the Date Marquette Fish & Chips Dinner scheduled for Friday March 6 Results of the Christmas Present Raffle First Place: Stan Slota Second Place: Paul Maccaro Thanks to all that participated, Don Reichert, PGK 3 Marquette Council Upcoming Events DATE 1st JANUARY 2015 5TH 8TH 15TH 22ND Feast: Solemnity of Mary No Bingo Business Meeting Bingo Team 2 Bingo Team 3 Bingo Team 4 26th 29th Officers Meeting Bingo Team 1 DATE FEBRUARY 2015 2ND Business Meeting 5TH 12TH 15TH 18TH Bingo Team 2 Bingo Team 3 Council Valentines Dinner Ash Wednesday 19TH 23RD 26TH Bingo Team 4 Officers Meeting/Presidents Day Bingo Team 1 Knights of Columbus Marquette Council No. 588 P.O. Box 588 Sparta, N.J. 07871-0588 Please place label here 4
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