ONEIDA INDIAN HIGH STAKES SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY MAY 3 TRIPLE YOUR PACK BINGO BOTH SESSIONS 10 ALL MOTHERS RECEIVE $10 OFF ORIGINAL PURCHASE BOTH SESSIONS 17 DOUBLE PAYOUT AM MYSTERY BINGO 18 19 MATCH YOUR DAY PACK BOTH SESSIONS NEIGHBOR BINGO BOTH SESSIONS 31 25th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Level 3 Jackpot pays $5,000! 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL BOOKS 26 SENIOR’S DAY BOTH SESSIONS MATCH YOUR PACK BOTH SESSIONS 2 SECOND PAYDAY AM 1/2 FAST FRIDAYS FOLLOWING MAIN EVENING SESSION 6 7 8 MATCH BOTH SESSIONS BOTH SESSIONS SATURDAY BOTH SESSIONS BOTH SESSIONS PACK SENIOR’S PACK BINGO YOUR BOTH SESSIONS YOUR BINGO MATCH FRIDAY 1 MATCH PACK 12 DAY THURSDAY 1/2 BOTH SESSIONS SENIOR’S 25 GOOD PM 11 WEDNESDAY MATCH YOUR BOTH SESSIONS 24 AM SENIOR’S 1/2 PRICE PM 5 DAY AM PM 4 BINGO PRICE 13 1/2 PRICE GOOD NEIGHBOR 14 7-11 BINGO BINGO BOTH SESSIONS BOTH SESSIONS 20 1/2 PRICE BINGO BOTH SESSIONS 27 WINNER’S CIRCLE BOTH SESSIONS 25TH ANNIVERSARY Saturday, May 30th (matinee session): One level buy-in - $45 pays $2,500 Sunday, May 31st (matinee session): Level 1 - $28 pays $1,000, Level 2 - $48 pays $2,500 plus $25 in BINGO BUCKS, Level 3 - $70 pays $4,000 plus $50 in BINGO BUCKS, LEVEL 3 JACKPOT PAYS $5,000! SECOND PAYDAY: On each Regular game we will play until there is a winner/ winners confirmed. We will then continue with the same game until there is another winner/winners found. Full prizes will be paid out for each of these portions. Prizes will be subject to ”Buy-in” level and multiple payout rules. It’s like playing 24 regular games rather than 12. YOUR CHANCES DOUBLE! WINNER’S CIRCLE: All Bingo winners each month will receive a receipt authenticating their win. PLEASE RETAIN THIS ITEM AND BRING IT WITH YOU ON THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. Then when you make your purchase at Regular pricing we will issue as many extra sheets of 6-ons for regular games that you can reasonably play. If the Jackpot goes to a previous winner, the prize will double. 21 WITH EVERY ADMISSION PURCHASE, RECEIVE A FREE WARM UP! BOTH SESSIONS 28 GOOD NEIGHBOR BINGO BOTH SESSIONS YOUR PACK PRICE 9 BINGO BUY 1 BINGO PACKAGE FAST FRIDAYS 15 MATCH YOUR PACK BOTH SESSIONS FAST FRIDAYS FOR 2 AM BOTH SESSIONS FOLLOWING MAIN EVENING SESSION BINGO PM GET 2nd FOR PM 1/2 PRICE 16 ARMED FORCES DAY SHOW MILITARY ID AND RECEIVE $10 OFF ADMISSION FOLLOWING MAIN EVENING SESSION BOTH SESSIONS 22 MATCH 23 LEVEL 3 YOUR PACK BOTH SESSIONS BONUS FAST FRIDAYS FOLLOWING MAIN EVENING SESSION 29 MATCH YOUR PACK BINGO PM 25th 30ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL AM BOTH SESSIONS $45 Buy-In Pays $2,500 per game! LEVEL 3 PAYS FAST FRIDAYS FOLLOWING MAIN EVENING SESSION 10 $ AM PM $1,199 BONUS BINGO: Play level 3 for $18. All level 3 regular games pay $1,199. There will be a 2nd Payday on the full card portion of the jackpot game. After the winner/winners are verified, we will continue until another winner/winners are verified. Multiple winner rules apply. At intermission, “10” names will be selected and they will receive everything paid on their admission receipt. ALL LEVELS WIN: On each Regular game we will play until there is a winner found for each level of play. Each winner will be paid the full amount. In case of more than one winner on the same level of play, “Multiple Winner” rules will apply. Every regular game will pay a total of $250 on level 1, $500 on level 2, and $1,000 on level 3. Example: On Game 25 (Letter X) we have one winner on level 1, one winner on level 2 and two winners on level 3 (these 2 bingo at the same time). The level 1 winner willl be paid $250. The level 2 winner will be paid $500 and the two level 3 winners will each be paid $500. 7 - 11 BINGO Level 2 regular games pay $700. Level 3 regular games pay $1,100.
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