34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 34th PIGEON OLYMPIAD (BUDAPEST, 2015) Address by the President of the FCI, Dr José TERESO On the occasion of the 34th Olympiad, which will be held January 2015 in Hungary (Budapest), it is my pleasure to address some words to my fellow pigeon fanciers worldwide. Pigeon Olympiads are a milestone within racing pigeon exhibitions. The evolution of the modern world has been accompanied by the sport that we embrace. Nevertheless, I urge pigeon fanciers all over the world to unite within clubs, associations and federations. Active participation is essential to the promotion of pigeon fancying. We face innumerous difficulties in this sport that can only be overcome by the commitment of all pigeon fanciers. I must stress that the menaces that our sport is facing are various: birds of prey, airplanes, bird flu, etc. Their mitigation implies an additional effort by all of us. I am sure this 34th Pigeon Olympiad will be an organizational success. Last but not least, my warmest season greetings and a happy new year to the pigeon fanciers’ worldwide community. José TERESO President, FCI Dear Guests, dear Racing Pigeon Fanciers, On 15-18 January 2015 Budapest will be hosting the 34th Pigeon Olympiad Flying homing pigeons as a sport or hobby connects people from very different walks of life. In Hungary their ranks include big business men and large farmers, too, but it generally remains a pastime for plain people living in the countryside. The Hungarian Racing Pigeon Sports Federation has 5000 registered members, but pigeon racing attracts peopleon all continents across the globe. Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have one of the largest numbers of fanciers with more than 30,000–40,000 people, in Poland 50,000 to 60,000 people engage in pigeon racing, and in China theirnumber approximates 1 million. The Hungarian Racing Pigeon Sports Federation is honoured to have been selected from the 65 countries of the FCIto stage the Olympiad as the last time Hungary could host this event was 40 years ago, in 1975. The Pigeon Olympiadin 2015 will present Hungary with an opportunity to build amicable, international cultural and economic relationships with people from other countries through the devotees of a unique hobby. We, Hungarians can be proud of a number of Olympiad gold medallists: Péter Ujházy, 1971; József Bagyula, 1975; József Peller, 1997, 2003, 2005. The Olympiad in Hungary is supported by ministries, high representatives of the country and other sport associations. The Pigeon Olympiad is an exhibition and a trade show as well where the world’s best racing pigeons are showcased and compete in the sport and standard categories according to their previous achievements. The exhibition will host product shows and conferences related to pigeon keeping. The Olympiad is expected to pull delegates, guests and tourists from 40 countries all over the world. The event will receive the highest number of visitors from European countries, but guests will also be arriving from China by charter flight. Our guests will include the President of the Banking Association from Thailand, an illustrious politician from the Portuguese health administration, the heads of several multinational companies from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany trading in crops and feedstuff, the managers and representatives of companies manufacturing electronic recording devices and chips in Taiwan, Belgium, Germany and Austria, the Youth and Sports Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and visitors from the United States and the Middle East. We welcome next to the best Hungarian Racing Pigeon Fanciers as well as the following world famous Racing Pigeon Fanciers: mint Etienne Devos, Gaby Vandenabeele, Gerard Koopman, Hans Eijerkamp, Jan Hermans, Julien Vaneenoo, Marcel Sangers, Mark Vandaele, Nicolaas Gyselbrecht, Raymund Hermes, T’Jolin Bruders, Andreas Drapa, Henk de Weerd, Herbots Family, Herman Brinkman, Piet Manders, Erik Vermander, Gino Clique, Sonja Van der Maelen, Emiel Denys, Roger Desmet-Matthys, Pieter Venstra, Jan van de Pasch, Dirk van Dijk, Michel Van Limpt, Machiel Buijk, Martha Vangeele, Frans Hermans, Karl-Heinz Lang, Olteanu Cosmin, Jan Theelen, Anton Ruitenberg, Frans Labeeuw, Taverne Rigole. Looking forward to seeing you in In Budapest, in one of Europe’s and the world’s most beautiful capitals for the programs of the 34th Pigeon Olympiad . István Bárdos President of the Hungarian Racing Pigeon Sports Federation Vice-President of FCI Organiser of the 34th Pigeon Olympiad 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Résztvevő Országok Participating Countries Austria Portugal Belgium Romania Bulgaria Russia Croatia Serbian Czech Republic Slovakia France Slovenia Germany Spain Hungary Switzerland Italy United Kingdom Netherland Ukraine Poland 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „A” Category cl. Cage Owner Country Ring nr. sex coeff. cl. 106041/11 1 10,989 30 Cage Owner Country Ring nr. sex coeff. Witte 43 De Gérard 235 Heinrich Lepper Belgium 9000019/2012 1 51,368 Germany DV 01754-11-3640 0 60,637 32 315 Józsa János Hungary HU 11-D-372237 1 62,687 15,555 33 205 Herman Jo France FR 10-439676 1 65,657 1 17,491 34 Germany DV 03639-11-379 1 69,098 2012-1611519 0 17,761 35 United Kingdom GB 11-N-21971 1 70,279 PT 11-1230070 0 21,464 36 Spain ES 12-183526 0 73,049 743 Dmytro Roman Ukraine UA 11-03241-1118 1 22,028 37 236 Friedrich U. Torsten Schäffer Wolfenden & 643 O'neil Iulian Marius 665 Dinu 547 Alan Karaahmetović Serbia SERB 360171-2012 276 M. Oostenbrink Holland 2009-1694516 0 23,134 38 237 Krouß-Grotzsch Germany DV 03387-11-275 10 & Alena 587 Jozef Jakubčák Slovakia SK 11-02607-1018 1 24,092 39 548 Grujić Ljubomir Serbia SERB 345256-2012 11 277 R. Bergmans Holland 2011-1923239 0 25,396 40 744 Ivan Kozar Ukraine UA 11-051253 12 471 Ionut Strava Romania RO 12- 0280038 1 26,798 41 Mandić 549 Braća NID Serbia SERB 247669-2011 8009313/2012 1 27,950 42 745 Andriy Rudyk Ukraine UA 12-2265058 0 105,542 1 357 Sassi Giovanni 2 438 Joaquim Saraiva Portugal & Filhos Jarosław 391 Sznaucner Poland PT 10-433522 0 14,538 31 PL OL-11-227337 1 15,084 4 469 Veronica Sofron Romania RO 11- 0088860 0 5 470 Ionut Strava Romania RO 12- 0280013 6 275 W.B. De Kruijf Holland 7 439 M G Sad Portugal 8 9 3 13 Italy 41 Thibaut - Boons Belgium 79,582 1 83,860 85,532 1 85,784 92,603 14 313 Takács Gábor Hungary HU 11-D-395451 1 28,032 43 509 Michael Kudin Russia RUS 11-19021 0 114,167 15 392 Wojciech Cygan Morais Filhos 440 & Valentim 358 Sternieri Germano Poland PL 0436-10-9076 1 29,724 44 510 Vladimir Sotskov Russia RUS 10-81841 0 119,900 Portugal PT 12-2277708 0 29,849 45 122 Danijel Belavić Croatia DV 12-0723-574 0 121,201 Italy 10696/10 1 31,215 46 206 Dauchez Michel France FR 11-118913 1 122,191 18 314 Józsa János Hungary HU 11-D-372201 1 33,084 47 79 Vladi & Tsetsi Bulgaria BG 35100-12 0 152,059 19 Novák 157 Josef A Syn 204 Maindrelle Martial Fontanesi - C. 359 - C. Czech Republic CZ 11-0135-88 1 33,125 48 511 Michael Kudin Russia RUS 12-75117 1 163,686 France FR 12-105008 1 33,401 49 703 Fatzer Winfrid Swiss CH 12 - 640 0 196,156 Italy 24852/12 1 33,981 50 80 Vladi & Tsetsi Bulgaria BG 35060-12 0 196,843 22 393 Pałka M.T.M. Poland DV 02906-11-98 1 34,932 51 704 Fatzer Winfrid Swiss DV 01897-12-289 0 256,567 23 588 Ondrej Koprivňanský Slovakia SK 09-0609-1023 0 36,012 52 ES 12-183547 0 261,715 24 589 Roman Nahálka Slovakia SK 12-01704-715 1 36,581 53 CRO 12 40488 0 272,426 25 641 GB 12-Z-81237 1 36,922 54 ES 12-147302 0 280,702 26 158 CZ 11-0193-919 1 37,123 55 124 Danijel Belavić Croatia CRO 12 41122 0 300,042 27 159 CZ 11-0334-9173 1 43,395 56 705 Hunziker Hansruedi Swiss CH 12 - 18954 0 347,711 28 642 GB 12-K-01477 1 49,085 57 Bulgaria BG 35090-12 1 467,910 29 42 United D A Bullock Kingdom Josef Novák Czech A Syn Republic Ladislav Czech Menšík Republic Stopka Brothers United Kingdom Sauvage Belgium Duran Marius 666 Iulian Spain Dinu 123 Marinko Croatia Brataljenović Carmelo Montuega 667 Spain Martinez 1522912/2012 1 49,128 16 17 20 21 81 Vladi & Tsetsi 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „B” Category cl. Cage Owner Country ring nr. sex coeff. cl. Cage 748 1 394 Lazar Grzegorz Poland PL 0145-09-4429 1 6,633 29 2 395 Pacho Marcin BELG 11-6040039 1 9,702 30 3 160 CZ 10-0234-6504 1 11,365 31 4 161 Marek Skrbek CZ 10-0198-3135 1 12,500 5 396 Poland PL 11-197002 0 6 590 Ivan Švárny Slovakia SK 11-0207-842 7 591 Jozef Titko Slovakia 8 9 Lubomír Kubáček Andrzej Piekarczyk 1 Mayer Robert 472 Vasea V. & Procop N. Owner Anatoliy Motytskiy Fernando 442 Rodrigues 54,546 Portugal PT 10-607531 0 56,022 125 Marijan Pavičić Croatia CRO 12 06117 0 57,248 32 318 Scheily Gábor Hungary HU 12-D-473443 1 61,275 15,598 33 512 Russia RUS 12-50535 1 61,740 1 16,949 34 Portugal PT 11-1511194 0 64,722 SK 11-02702-551 0 18,075 35 513 Michael Kudin Russia RUS 12-75456 0 65,423 Austria 334-12-314 1 18,394 36 278 Gebr. Van Toor Holland 2012-1599829 0 77,348 Romania RO 11- 0232498 1 19,566 37 360 Carboni Eros Italy 93285/12 0 79,810 514 Russia RUS-11-22510 0 86,185 Holland 2011-4708562 0 90,384 Holland 2012-1626916 0 94,889 Poland Czech Republic Czech Republic Alexander Leonov Fernando 443 Fernandes Vladimir Sotskov C. & G. 279 Koopman T. Van De 280 Hoogen 1 21,710 38 11 592 Ján Mariňák Slovakia SK 10-0904-29 1 22,316 39 12 238 Hans-Paul Eßer Germany SA 11-0059701 0 23,697 40 13 162 Josef Gavlík Czech Republic CZ 12-0171-458 1 23,941 41 14 441 Portugal PT 10-648842 0 25,193 42 15 239 Germany DV 05162-11-1142 0 25,207 43 16 550 Serbia SERB 208003-2011 25,701 44 126 Pezelj & Toni 17 551 Serbia SERB 247466-2011 27,849 45 362 18 44 Belgium 1510623/2013 0 30,235 46 127 Pezelj & Toni 19 473 Romania RO 11-0607232 1 30,272 47 706 20 474 Sandu Catalin Romania RO 12-0011580 1 30,489 48 3 Lauter Egon 2 Mayer Robert P.L.S. Di Piccinini P. & K. 82 Raponski 361 Moretti G.Battista Sg Bucher / Bühler 21 Geerinckx Bart 45 & Jurgen Belgium 6042332/2012 0 30,914 49 Iulian Marisu 668 Dinu 22 46 Agemans Alois Belgium 6260811/2012 1 38,639 50 83 Vasil Popov 24 Serbia SERB 247456-2011 Germany BELG 12-4.281.419 25 316 Erdei Dúc Hungary HU 12-10-81274 26 207 Margris Pf France FR 12-022646 27 317 Mátyás Dúc Hungary HU 10-D-248880 28 747 Ukraine UA 12-2261811 Bogdan Govirko coeff. 1 UA 10-03241-5025 23 sex UA 11-1000 746 Dmytro Roman Ukraine Mitrović 552 Miodrag Tino 240 Bergemann Ring nr. Ukraine 10 Rui & Rodrigues Johannes Jakobs Mihajlović Goran Mitrović Miodrag Pierre Roger & David Cure J.F. & Kriszte Country 1 1 1 38,945 51 Jose Luis Yuste 669 Ortiz 40,543 52 707 Fatzer Winfrid 43,074 53 45,555 54 48,926 55 52,316 Austria 121,427 Italy 154675/11 1 166,146 Bulgaria BG 17120-11 0 182,800 Croatia CRO 11 08074 0 194,904 Italy 11282/12 0 196,883 Croatia CRO 11 07278 1 202,748 Swiss CH 11 - 21150 0 206,853 Austria A 321-11-183 0 228,152 Spain ES 11-173200 1 230,087 Bulgaria BG 00680-11 0 259,873 Spain ES 11-175834 0 275,869 Swiss CH 11 - 3935 0 323,136 ES 12-183818 0 327,535 CH 10 - 1606 0 330,438 BG 11537-12 1 381,864 Porojan Ballesteros 670 Spain Tandem Sg Bucher 708 Swiss Ermensee Lachezar 84 Bulgaria Lazarov 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „C” Category cl. Cage Owner Country ring nr. sex coeff. cl. Cage 364 1 397 Puto Jan Poland PL 0235-10-867 0 8,239 27 2 749 Ivan Yakymets Ukraine UA 11-2234895 1 8,511 28 3 281 Holland 2011-1162778 1 8,639 29 4 47 Belgium 6042459/2012 0 9,231 5 398 Poland PL 11-85499 1 6 48 Belgium 2177058/2012 7 399 Poland 8 282 Peter Janssen 9 Owner Celli/Padov./ Corregg. Lubomír 165 Kubáček Country ring nr. sex coeff. Italy 115276/10 1 68,845 Czech Republic CZ 10-0234-6533 1 72,569 321 Nagy Ferenc Hungary HU 11-26-29567 H 30 446 José Ameixa Portugal PT 11-1484080 0 78,735 14,880 31 644 Murray & Sons United Kingdom WHU 07-D-13871 1 82,612 0 15,127 32 241 Clemens Fuchs Germany DV 064-11-363 1 98,603 PL 0268-10-9239 0 17,992 33 595 Anton Krajňák Slovakia SK 10-02602-505 1 100,266 Holland 0147-10-634 1 20,363 34 242 Georg Niebisch Germany DV 06569-12-702 1 106,354 444 José Ameixa Portugal PT 11-1485079 0 22,888 35 BG 11947-12 1 117,556 Zdeněk Jochman Dirik Sepers & 475 Ion Nicolae Czech Republic CZ 12-0178-2414 1 23,748 36 RUS 09-00977 0 127,934 Romania RO 11- 2385004 1 26,116 37 62682/11 0 136,698 12 476 Florin Petrache Romania RO 12- 0794089 0 28,113 38 13 283 G. & S. Verkerk Holland 2011-1740985 0 30,250 39 14 593 Slovakia SK 09-VR98-724 0 31,298 40 87 15 363 Stella Rossa Italy 38706/12 1 31,404 41 16 208 Wable Sylvain France FR 11-095613 1 31,544 42 671 17 750 Vasyl Kunka Ukraine UA 09-03265-00991 1 38,239 43 18 751 Ivan Rybiak Ukraine UA 11-03248-1240 0 38,387 19 164 Bří. Uherkovi CZ 10-0254-941 1 20 Constantin 477 Lupsa Czech Republic Romania RO 12- 0395607 1 21 319 Rózsás István Hungary HU 10-14-62751 10 11 D. & P. Soepboer Geerinckx Bart & Jurgen Józef Owczarski Herbots Jo & Raf Kołodziej Tomasz 163 Miloslav Repaský 86 Ilian Bojilov Bulgaria BG 00349-12 0 156,112 Nikolay Deliatanasov Bulgaria BG 25221-11 1 162,210 555 Katai Šandor Serbia SERB 289433-2011 Iulian Marius Dinu Spain ES 12-183620 1 201,746 243 Frank Reisen Germany DV 0773-11-756 0 209,085 44 645 Nigel Laycock United Kingdom GB 12-A-49220 1 219,263 41,681 45 516 Russia RUS 12-120924 0 227,923 42,332 46 Russia RUS 11-00994 0 232,957 42,500 47 Croatia CRO 11 07050 0 254,263 ES 12-184074 1 271,089 ES 12-183550 0 320,926 CH 11 11877 0 377,611 GB 11-Z-89764 1 514,993 CRO 10 05889 0 600,107 6189551/2011 1 43,311 48 23 Portugal PT 10-113970 0 45,742 49 24 594 Juraj Laš Slovakia SK 09-01408-614 0 47,936 50 25 320 Bátor Antal Hungary HU 10-O-5381 H 58,807 51 26 553 Serbia SERB 206042-2011 65,603 52 Čerčević Zvonko I Saša Sergey Russia Stegantsev Saviuc Dumitru 365 Italy Claud. 515 SERB 357008-2012 Belgium 49 Engelen Roger Bulgaria Serbia Centro C F 445 D'horas 22 85 Nikolay Rakov 554 Popović Marko 74,459 Sergey Mergelyan Sergey 517 Mergelyan 128 Rudolf Sekula Pedro L. Sillero 672 Spain Franco Iulian Marius 673 Spain Dinu Marinko 129 Croatia Brataljenović United 646 Dave Fussey Kingdom 130 Danijel Belavić Croatia 144,639 164,267 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „D” Category cl. Cage Owner Country ring nr. sex coeff. cl. Cage Owner Country ring nr. sex coeff. 1 166 Marek Skrbek Czech Republic CZ 12-0198-561 1 11,248 28 322 Soós István Hungary HU 09-D-226278 H 2 400 Jacek Sabat Poland PL OL-11-244722 1 15,902 29 368 Silvestri Loft Italy 105088/12 1 76,991 3 401 Poland PL 0198-09-48 1 18,387 30 2186136/2011 0 79,224 Czech Republic CZ 11-0266-4101 1 20,384 31 Poland PL 11-491023 0 20,422 32 SK 11-02905-338 0 21,007 33 324 Takács Gábor Germany PL 0267-12-6413 1 24,136 34 France FR 11-033321 1 27,946 35 131 Romania RO 12-0121336 0 37,454 36 557 Vadaš - Lazić Romania RO 12-2056007 0 39,571 37 4 Italy 10656/10 1 42,881 Slovakia SK 11-02401-330 1 4 5 Krzysztof Kawaler Michal + Mar167 tin Polášek Białowąs402 Jadam 6 596 Stanislav Ovšák Slovakia 7 244 8 9 10 11 12 Marius U. D. Ortner Maindrelle 209 Martial 478 Tatar & Rogoz Dario Luci & Claudiu Sternieri 366 Germano Ing. Seliga + 597 Seligová 479 13 284 J. Van De Pasch Holland 14 598 15 Ondrej Koprivňanský 2013-1446397 Herbots Jo & Belgium Raf Mihajlović 556 Serbia Goran Földing Norbert 323 Hungary És Apja 52 75,346 SERB 820544-2007 90,460 HU 10-D-312635 1 92,257 Hungary HU 11-11- 56349 1 93,087 754 Vasyl Drekalo Ukraine UA 11-03239-0018 1 102,780 Stiasny Prosenica Croatia CRO 11 06197 0 104,455 Serbia SERB 204090-2011 Königshofer Josef Austria DV 05060 11 80 1 116,604 38 5 Lauter Egon Austria A321-12-424 0 120,818 47,804 39 448 Bessa & Rui Portugal PT 11-1596576 0 125,774 48,657 40 449 Portugal PT 11-1246799 0 135,370 Bulgaria BG 20447-11 0 135,481 Serbia SERB 227819-2011 Croatia CRO 12 04703 0 180,015 José Barros & Filhos 116,540 Slovakia SK 11-0609-369 1 48,945 41 245 Uwe Wendland Germany NL 12-1835.661 1 49,087 42 558 Ćirić Borivoje 16 480 Tatar & Rogoz Romania RO 11-0365851 0 49,117 43 132 17 246 Müller-Sander Germany DV 0100-12-405 0 49,352 44 6 Frank Karl Austria CZ 234 11 80 1 180,470 18 Michal + Mar168 tin Polášek Czech Republic Russia RUS 11-51010 1 193,770 19 285 Tj. & J. Elzinga Holland Russia RUS 11-19212 1 198,008 Croatia CRO 11 13302 0 213,255 Spain ES 11-175830 0 235,360 Spain ES 11-173165 1 271,709 Spain ES 11-173332 1 301,197 Russia RUS 12-14379 0 362,029 20 21 Bogdan 752 Gavirko Pierre Roger & 50 David 22 210 Margris Pf 23 447 24 753 Andriy Rudyk 25 26 27 Grade & Nascimento Van HertemSchuurmans Negrelli 367 Daniele Comb. Kroese/ 286 Helmholt 51 88 J. Nikolov Marinko Brataljenović CZ 10-0266-3072 1 53,463 45 Alexander 518 Leonov 2012-1005204 0 56,666 46 519 Michael Kudin Zdravko Kalamiza Iulian Marius Dinu Iulian Marius Dinu Cristinel Dodea Claudiu Alexander Matiushenko 143,241 Ukraine UA 12-2261854 0 56,850 47 133 Belgium 1500135/2012 0 56,858 48 674 France FR 12-306658 1 59,992 49 675 Portugal PT 09-9056785 0 60,977 50 676 Ukraine UA 11-03256-1239 0 61,892 51 520 Belgium 5047095/2012 0 66,571 52 89 Ilian Bojilov Bulgaria BG 00323-12 1 390,435 Italy 21353/11 1 67,483 53 90 Vasil Popov Bulgaria BG 00725-11 1 423,376 Holland 2011-1091134 1 70,708 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „E” Category cl. Cage Owner 1 287 J. Jellema 2 403 Country ring nr. sex coeff. cl. Holland 2010-1221795 0 3,694 23 E. I D. Marciszewscy Poland PL 0176-09-3001 0 4,966 24 3 404 Mętel Tomasz Poland PL 0154-09- 213 1 6,200 25 4 599 Slovakia SK 10-01303-200 0 11,680 26 Poland PL 047-09- 2973 1 11,780 27 Holland 2009-1477541 1 13,979 28 Czech Republic CZ 11-0277-28 0 14,982 5 6 7 Miroslav Luhový Roman 405 Łabuziński Comb. Gebr. 288 Frenken B. + M. 169 Kohoutek Cage Owner 521 Igor Barbasov Country ring nr. sex coeff. Russia RUS 11-08941 0 44,898 Belgium 3148200/2011 1 46,332 Russia RUS 11-37021 1 54,590 Ukraine UA 11-03435-0067 0 54,684 Germany DV 07505-11-1195 1 55,027 757 Andriy Melnyk Ukraine UA 11-03435-0067 29 326 Páva Zoltán Hungary HU 10-D-318870 0 59,993 Norman Nicolas & Filip Vladimir 522 Pobezhimov Dmytro 756 Bodnarash Lauer U. 248 "Söhne" 55 57,782 8 211 Etuin Gery France BE 09-1008639 1 15,579 30 523 Igor Barbasov Russia RUS 10-39893 0 65,490 9 481 Florin Cioaca Romania RO 10-0143008 1 20,763 31 327 Kovács Vilmos Hungary HU 10-D-280704 0 76,796 10 325 Pintér Zsolt Hungary HU 09-17-18312 1 21,182 32 Ilijan Van Der Zhek Bulgaria BG 1166167-11 1 76,942 11 289 Holland 2010-4175588 0 22,055 33 249 Herbert Speen Germany DV 02171-11-360 1 81,370 12 600 Anton Masaryk Slovakia SK 10-0512-680 0 22,130 34 450 Fernando Fernandes Portugal PT 10-348921 0 103,175 13 170 Italy 93218/12 1 104,994 Voadores Da Farrapa Portugal PT 09-9365196 0 114,437 92 Petar Petrov Bulgaria BG 2012275-11 1 147,145 Mevr. Verhoeven 91 Vlastimil Němec Desbuquois 53 Gebr. Czech Republic CZ 08-023-608 1 24,263 35 369 Carboni Eros Belgium 2155132/2010 1 29,833 36 451 15 482 Sorin Nicola Romania RO 11-0625842 0 30,392 37 16 483 Marian Tudor Romania RO 11-2209332 0 30,956 38 370 Pellacani Sergio Italy 97134/11 1 164,737 Belgium 4096069/2012 1 33,086 39 371 Stella Rossa Italy 156533/11 1 173,093 Ukraine UA 10-2201325 0 36,468 40 Ilijan Van Der Zhek Bulgaria 23353-12 1 193,044 Slovakia SK 10-03004-589 1 36,541 41 452 Firmino Rosa Portugal PT 10-399798 0 215,680 Spain ES 10-42691 0 497,486 Spain ES 10-8204 1 Spain ES 08-283960 0 14 17 18 19 Van Sande Camiel Myhaylo 755 Bordune Ľubomír 601 Bekényi 54 20 Czech 171 Olympia Mácha Republic CZ 10-0153-1287 0 36,876 42 21 247 Detlef Devers Germany DV 06793-12-219 1 38,984 dq 22 212 France FR 10-438183 0 44,434 dq Thullier Magalie 93 Eulalio Reyes 677 Vazquez José Cortés 678 Gimeno Gines Montoya 679 Borrul Magyar Postagalamb Sportszövetség 1076 Budapest, Verseny u. 14. e-mail: info@postagalamb.hu Tel: 00-36-1/3424-522, Fax: 00-36-1/3424-364 web: www.postagalamb.hu Too Little Too Little 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „F” Category cl. Cage Owner Country Ring nr. sex coeff. cl. 1 406 Krzysztof Kawaler Poland PL-027-14-5192 0 0,916 30 2 407 Trzaska Jan Poland PL-0264-14-9078 1 0,989 31 3 408 Glandys Mieczysław Poland PL-408-14- 3049 0 1,018 32 4 484 Liviu Plavitu Romania RO -14- 0799110 0 1,210 5 250 Heinrich U. Siegfried Müller Germany DV 07462-14-432 1 6 290 J. Eskes Holland 2014-1092518 Belgium 6196645/2014 8 291 Tj. & A. Bosma Holland 2014-1391015 9 251 Leiß-Ulrich Germany DV 0617-14-105 10 252 Ronny Ranke Germany 11 Van Toor 292 Gebr. Jr. Looy 57 Van Walter 647 I K Brown 7 12 13 14 56 Menten Henri 58 Menten Henri Cage Owner 561 Lalić Bonaventura Country Ring nr. sex coeff. Serbia SERB 504090-2014 Austria 415-14-515 330 Zsidai- Varga Hungary HU 14-23-59777 Fiatal 10,031 33 174 Karel Kamenář Czech Republic CZ 14-0265-483 10,133 1,920 34 373 Bignardi Mario Italy 142803/14 1 11,181 0 2,474 35 374 Cari E Bartoli Italy 138008/14 1 11,467 1 2,606 36 8 Knoll Franz Austria 415-14-460 0 14,019 2,657 37 Savu 680 Gallemi Tandem Spain ES-14-120831 1 14,428 1 2,735 38 9 Knoll Franz Austria 415-14-415 1 17,864 DV 04499-14-354 1 2,788 39 758 Igor Gordon Ukraine DER-G-14-04000 1 22,345 Holland 2014-1041396 0 2,943 40 Chisalita 681 Ion Ilie Spain ES-14-115801 0 30,321 Belgium 6061313/2014 0 3,121 41 648 J J C Harding United Kingdom NWHU-14-X-7740 0 31,344 United Kingdom GB-14-E-12303 1 3,397 42 759 Andriy Zadorojniy Ukraine DER-G-14-02199 1 31,365 Belgium 6045001/2014 1 3,529 43 649 J J C Harding United Kingdom NWHU-14-X-7744 1 32,191 760 Olexsandr Grygoriev Valery 524 Dovzhenko Vilanova 682 Joan Estrada & K. 94 P. Raponski Ukraine DER-G-14-03199 1 38,760 Russia RUS-14-38685 0 43,986 Spain ES-14-115608 0 45,304 Bulgaria BG 37429-14 7 Knoll Franz 8,758 1 9,559 15 602 Štefan Šuty Slovakia SK-14-03402-433 1 3,910 44 16 372 Yii Fei Italy 42557/14 1 3,982 45 17 485 Marius Dorog Romania RO -14- 0135004 0 4,008 46 18 559 Nenadović Ljubivoje Serbia AU 3016085-2014 4,035 47 19 486 Ionita Gogu Romania RO -14- 00046151 4,072 48 20 560 Otonoga Jon Serbia SERB 572554-2014 4,820 49 95 J. Nikolov Bulgaria BG 11294-14 63,055 21 328 Jónás Róbert Hungary HU 14-D-768218 4,830 50 96 Rosen Rusinov Bulgaria BG 37011-14 68,345 22 603 Juraj Michálek Slovakia SK-14-01307-733 1 5,037 51 135 Danijel Belavić Croatia CRO 14 34844 1 68,404 23 604 Marian Raclavský Mvdr. Slovakia SK-14-0603-456 1 6,234 52 525 Valery Dovzhenko Russia RUS-14-22698 1 69,696 24 329 Cseh Bálint Hungary HU-14-D-809931 7,127 53 136 Franjo Stipić Croatia CRO 14 20208 1 70,304 25 213 Hoflack Serge France FR-14-312625 0 7,483 54 526 Valery Dovzhenko Russia RUS-14-38680 1 74,850 26 214 Hoflack Serge France FR-14-312630 0 7,525 55 709 Oez Sezai Swiss CH 14-11859 1 81,526 27 215 Margris Pf France FR-14-022207 0 7,898 56 710 Oez Sezai Swiss CH 14-11873 1 118,706 28 172 Miloslav Dobrovolný Kozelský 173 Musial + Czech Republic Czech Republic 57 711 Peixoto Alexandre Swiss CH 14-488 1 165,956 29 0 CZ 14-0162-1552 8,371 CZ 14-0228-706 8,707 134 Danijel Belavić Croatia CRO 14 34838 48,821 1 49,005 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „G” Category cl. Cage Owner Country Ring nr. sex coeff. cl. Cage Owner Country PT 13-3246203 0 2,919 31 761 Ivan Vozniy Ukraine DV 03502-13-1229 1 3,874 32 527 Igor Barbasov Poland PL 0408-13-5057 0 4,118 33 Ring nr. sex coeff. UA 13-2275008 0 24,620 Russia RUS 13-36121 0 24,832 762 Andriy Rudyk Ukraine UA 13-2272528 1 25,193 Ukraine UA 13-03248-1432 1 25,310 Serbia SERB 433235-2013 1 453 Os Setas 2 253 Mathias Körber Germany 3 409 4 487 Familia Culda Romania RO 13- 0075037 1 6,868 34 763 Ivan Rybiak 5 254 Schlief-Stiens Germany DV 02114-13-3008 0 6,901 35 562 6 255 Germany DV 01022-13-34 1 7,803 36 97 Zlatko Dimitrov Bulgaria BG 46736-13 1 28,026 Romania RO 13-0010755 1 7,913 37 98 Appaz Tozchala Bulgaria BG 47020-13 1 29,074 Holland 2013-1207816 0 7,926 38 454 Portugal PT 13-3483896 0 30,653 Romania RO 13- 0013428 1 8,154 39 455 Os Setas Portugal PT 13-3232502 0 31,182 2013-1719175 0 8,344 40 563 Serbia SERB 406225-2013 31,283 2013-1255767 0 8,789 41 564 Fetahović Ertan Serbia SERB 421161-2013 32,555 Italy 5958/13 1 9,297 42 683 Italy 12421/13 1 9,376 43 Czech Republic CZ 13-0139-346 1 9,514 44 Poland PL 0315-13-4719 0 9,588 45 528 France FR 13-042468 1 9,853 7 8 9 10 11 Glandys Mieczysław Feldotto U. "Söhne" Cocos P. & 488 Musat R. K. Van Dorp 293 & Zn 489 Ionut Sztanyik Comb. Derksen Holland V/D Keuken A. M. Van Der Holland 295 Rhee 294 12 375 Stella Rossa 13 376 14 175 Miroslav Páral 15 410 16 Portugal Anfossi Alessandro Michał, Piotr Ważydrąg Maindrelle 216 Martial Jasenko Vladimir Melrinitas Rural Lalić Bonaventura Agustin Juan Miralles Ivanschitz 10 Clemens 27,723 Spain ES 13-181445 0 35,587 Austria 106-13-414 0 43,032 11 Frank Karl Austria A 323 13 714 1 44,195 Alexander Leonov Russia RUS 13-55268 1 48,171 46 218 Capon Arnaud France FR 13-084435 1 50,507 ES 13-131502 1 51,862 Croatia CRO 13 06387 1 55,117 Russia RUS 13-55261 0 57,972 Jesús M. Spain Sebastian Hdez. 17 377 Silvestri Loft Italy 9619/13 1 9,950 47 684 18 411 M.T.M. Pałka Poland PL 0436-13-5071 1 10,859 48 137 Boris Živec 19 331 Hungary HU 13- D-668806 14,160 49 529 20 332 Pintér Zsolt Hungary HU 13-D-644440 0 14,502 50 12 Lauter Egon Austria A 321-13-357 1 60,558 21 217 Dupre Philippe France FR 13-481079 1 15,875 51 99 N. Mumun Bulgaria BG 46624-13 1 64,605 Lubomír 176 Kubáček Roodhooft 59 André Czech Republic CZ 13-0234-13 0 15,905 52 138 Danijel Belavić Croatia CRO 13 31434 0 65,525 Belgium 6165132/2013 0 15,907 53 José L. Yuste 685 Ortiz Spain ES 13-163099 1 66,864 605 Jozef Titko Slovakia SK 13-02702-805 1 16,265 54 625 Boris Sovič Slovenia SLO 13-107-594 0 74,812 25 177 Marek Skrbek Czech Republic CZ 13-0198-155 1 16,297 55 139 Vinko Lauš Croatia CRO 13 10431 0 79,731 26 333 Kanyó József Hungary HU 13-D-580473 17,583 56 712 Hunziker Ueli Swiss DV 09659-13-431 1 91,879 Swiss CH 13 - 17441 0 95,719 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 László Endre Antal Stanislav 606 Adámek Stickers60 Donckers Ľubomír 607 Macejko 61 Famille 3d Alexander Leonov Slovakia SK 13-01009-1700 1 19,304 57 Peixoto 713 Alexandre Belgium 6074101/2013 1 19,551 58 626 Boris Sovič Slovenia SLO 13-107-604 1 104,021 Slovakia SK 13-01502-135 1 19,677 59 714 Hunziker Ueli Swiss DV 09474-13-559 1 148,709 Belgium 9085258/2013 0 21,393 60 627 Marjana Sovič Slovenia SLO 13-107-515 0 179,428 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 Sport „H” Category cl. 1 Cage Owner 178 Marek Skrbek Alin Florin Stroe Pawłowski Ryszard Steffen U. Andre Köhler Pawlaczyk Henryk 2 490 3 412 4 256 5 413 6 764 Ivan Vozniy 7 414 8 9 10 11 Marek I Maciej Kołodziej František 179 Slováček 334 Tóth Pál Peter & Lukáš Chytil Michal + Mar180 tin Polášek 608 Country sex coeff. cl. CZ 12-0198-562 0 8,438 30 Romania RO 12- 0691062 1 8,914 31 Poland PL 0329-11-8111 0 10,780 32 Germany DV 0589-12-782 0 11,718 33 Poland PL 0330-12-4840 1 11,737 34 100 Simeon Monev Ukraine UA 13-2250736 1 12,726 35 378 Camplani Luigi Italy Poland PL 0395-11-4180 0 13,619 36 13 Czech Republic CZ 12-0169-568 1 15,236 37 14 Frank Karl Hungary HU 12-19-30111 16,263 38 379 Slovakia SK 11-0203-1370 0 16,404 39 Czech Republic CZ 12-0266-507 1 19,385 Portugal PT 12-2330527 0 Czech Republic Ring nr. Cage Owner Country Ring nr. sex coeff. Ukraine UA 12-03248-0099 1 56,836 Belgium 5060663/2012 0 57,462 Serbia SERB 288679-2011 Russia RUS 12-50560 0 66,373 Bulgaria BG 16954-12 0 66,662 534/11 1 69,009 Austria 101 10 5801 1 70,761 Austria A 323 12 608 1 77,605 Italy 52825/12 1 81,792 297 G. & S. Verkerk Holland 2012-1618921 0 93,105 40 380 Camplani Luigi Italy 112946/13 1 118,750 19,417 41 219 Margris Pf FR 12-029691 1 127,855 ES 12-184017 0 131,672 766 Yaroslav Kharkovskiy 64 Loockx Guido Lalić Bonaventura Alexander 531 Leonov 567 Königshofer Josef Sternieri Germano 58,106 12 456 João Gomes 13 257 LekschaHerchel Germany DV 01100-12-161 1 22,400 42 686 14 457 Asas Do Enxoe Portugal PT 12-2446707 0 25,444 43 140 Andrija Grbeša Croatia CRO 12 01942 0 132,870 15 609 Slovakia SK 12-02607-56 1 25,586 44 298 G. & S. Verkerk Holland 2012-1619001 0 147,613 16 610 Miroslav Jurica Slovakia SK 12-0609-1190 0 27,008 45 628 Boris Sovič Slovenia SLO 12-107-163 1 147,864 17 296 Holland 2012-1586919 0 28,140 46 101 Simeon Monev Bulgaria BG 16961-12 1 157,355 Serbia SERB 315045-2012 31,524 47 141 H. I. Koren Croatia CRO 12 10191 0 183,725 Romania RO 12- 0448948 1 32,295 48 142 Ante Herceg Croatia CRO 12 06255 1 186,156 0 33,071 49 687 Spain ES 12-8364 0 187,094 35,309 50 102 Simeon Monev Bulgaria BG 16967-12 0 187,285 Spain ES 11-141055 1 199,190 18 Jozef & Alena Jakubčák K. Van Dorp & Zn Nedeljković 565 Zlatko 19 491 Relu Socianu 20 258 Holger U. Steffen Otte Germany DV 07530-11-405 21 335 Mátyás Dúc Hungary HU 11-D-349012 22 Alexander 530 Leonov 23 24 25 62 Thibaut-Boons Yaroslav 765 Kharkovskiy Gheorghe 492 Sofron France Pedro L. Sillero Spain Franco Francisco Reyes Vazquez Russia RUS 11-50577 1 38,320 51 Feliu Feliu 688 Tandem Belgium 8009438/2012 0 38,597 52 629 Boris Sovič Slovenia SLO 12-107-162 1 223,939 Ukraine UA 12-03248-0055 1 39,600 53 630 Boris Sovič Slovenia SLO 12-107-139 1 235,618 Romania RO 12- 0112027 1 39,675 54 220 Meiller Sylvain France FR 12-298293 1 247,804 Russia RUS 11-25464 1 274,341 26 63 Thibaut - Boons Belgium 8009373/2012 0 41,510 55 27 Földing Norbert 336 Hungary És Apja Alexander 532 Ovchinnikov HU 12-D-475621 1 47,067 56 715 Burkhard Hans Swiss CH 12 - 226 1 339,443 28 458 Joaquim Sousa Portugal PT 10-164057 0 55,192 57 716 Sg Bucher Ermensee Swiss CH 13 - 657 0 378,999 29 566 Serbia SERB 426491-2013 56,063 58 717 Wyss M.L.M Swiss CH 12 - 19111 1 472,050 Goran Mihajlović 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 „A” csarnok térkép / „A” Hall map Stand Nr. Exhibitor 1. Adrián Arnold és Takács Gábor 2. AIKYU-NO-TOMO 3. Aviform Ltd. 4. Avistar 5. Bajtek Pigeons 6. Beyers 7. Belgica de Weerd 8. BENEFFED 9. Decor 10. Bricon 11. Carboni Racing Pigeons 12. Chevita GmbH 13. Colicao - Only Flay 14. Columbomed 15. COLUMBODROMUL CORABIA 16. DAC + GPS Europe 17. AS Golden Pigeon Race 18. Röhnfried 19. Emiel Denys 20. Szarvaskolbász, Libatepertő 21. Galambpatika.hu 22. Garuda Trade Kft. 23. Geraldy Pigeontransportes 24. Geshifeng 25. Giantel BV 26. Taveirne - Rigole Pigeons 27. Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp 28. Import - Export, Handel Obwozny 29. Jaap Koehoorn Products 30. Klaus Grittsteinwerk 31. Galamb piac 32. Mr ing Stanislaw Czarny 33. Galamb Hungária 34. Mezei Marcipán Kft. 35. Natural Granen 36. Galambékszer 37. Németh György 38. Notaris Kft. 39. Patron 40. Pharma Van der Sluis 41. PIPA Global Promotion 42. Pop Dan 43. Proff Sport - Pieter Kos, Jaap van Alphen - Breeding Center Holland 44. Proff Sport - Pieter Kos, Jaap van Alphen - Breeding Center Holland 45. Robert ten Berge 46. Schlömer - Lofts Stand Nr. Exhibitor 47. STROIK, BROCKAMP, BONY FARMA 48. Studio Röhling 49. TasiPigeons 50. TauRIS 52. WBS Brieftauben 53. Thorsten Daum 54. TIPES Electronic timing systems and electronic rings for pigeons 55. Vanrobaeys 56. Travipharma 57. Van der Maelen Sonia 58. Jef Van Winkel 59. Vanhee Products BVBA 60. Versele-Laga 61. Wonder srl 62. Polmark - Marek Rzepka 63. Varer Trade Bt. 64. ARTUR PAWELEC 65. Derby Arona 66. Benzing 67. Herbots Animal Products 68. Hans-Josef Linzen 69. Vet-Schroeder + Tollisan B.V. 70. P.P.U.H” Zenek” Poland 71. Magyar Turizmus Zrt. 72. Magyar Posta 73. Póker Trófea Kft. 74. Mega System 75. Delta Club 76. Palomagic 77. Sonia Chang 78. Magyar Szövetség - INFO 80. Ásványok 81. Taubensport Steger 82. Peller József 83. Portuguese Federation 84. KBDB 86. FCI Grand Prix 87. Federation Romania FCPR 88. FCI Grand Prix 2015 Hungary 89. RPW China 90. Rexgroup - Barrawood 91. Meixner Zoltán 92. Colombodrom Arad 93. Palyground for children 94. Piet Manders 95. METEORMIX MINERAL 96. Galamb Express 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Parkoló / Parkplatz / Parking Folyosó / Passage Budapest - Hungary 2015 Dózsa György út (Straße / Street) 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015 34. Postagalamb Olimpia 34. Racing Pigeon Olympiad Budapest - Hungary 2015
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