Beverly Hills Regular Village Council Meeting Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Municipal Building 18500 W. 13 Mile Rd. 7:30 p.m. AGENDA Roll Call/Call to order Pledge of Allegiance Amendments to Agenda/Approve Agenda Community Announcements Public comments on items not on the published agenda Consent Agenda a. Review and consider approval of minutes of a regular Council meeting held January 6, 2015. b. Review and file bills recapped as of Monday, January 12, 2015. c. Set public hearing date of February 17, 2015 to review and confirm 2014 Special Assessment Roll for the Southfield Road Business Assessment District. d. Review and consider seeking bids to hire a professional interior designer for the Village Municipal Building. e. Review and consider seeking bids for FY 2015/16 road projects. f. Review and consider Fiscal Year 2014/15 budget transfer. Business Agenda a. Review and consider Our Lady Queen of Martyrs request to use Village streets and sidewalks for their Oktoberfest 5K Race on October 3, 2015. b. Review and consider subcommittee’s recommendation to fill full member vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals. c. Second announcement of two alternate member vacancies on the Zoning Board of Appeals. d. Review and consider establishing subcommittee of Council members Kelly, Mueller and Peddie to review water and sewer rates. Public comments Manager’s report Council comments The Village of Beverly Hills will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities attending the meeting upon three working days notice to the Village. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Village by writing or calling Ellen Marshall, 18500 W. Thirteen Mile, Beverly Hills, MI48025 (248) 646-6404. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – JANUARY 6, 2015 - PAGE 1 Present: President Mooney; President Pro-Tem Peddie; Members: Abboud, Delaney, Kelly, Mueller and Oen Absent: None Also Present: Manager, Wilson Assistant Manager/Clerk, Marshall Public Safety Director, Torongeau Village Attorney, Ryan Council President Mooney called the regular Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Village of Beverly Hills municipal building at 18500 W. Thirteen Mile Road. Two scouts from Troop 1699 led those present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance ADDITIONS TO AGENDA/APPROVE AGENDA Motion by Oen, second by Peddie, to approve the agenda as published. Motion passed. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Oakland County Commissioner Bill Dwyer said that he looked forward to working with the Council and residents of Beverly Hills again this year. He will continue to keep the Village updated on matters of interest and programs offered by Oakland County. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Oen, second by Kelly, to approve the consent agenda as follows: a. Consider approval of minutes of a regular Council meeting held December 16, 2014. b. Review and file bills recapped as of Monday, December 29, 2014. Motion passed. BUSINESS AGENDA REFER CLUSTER CONCEPT QUALIFICATION FOR 19600 W. 13 MILE ROAD TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Manager Wilson reviewed that Council approved a Planning Commission recommendation at its December 2, 2014 meeting for the conditional rezoning of property at 19600 W. 13 Mile Road. One of the conditions for rezoning the land from R-1 to R-3 is that it would be developed under the Village’s cluster option. In accordance with ordinance guidelines to qualify for construction under the cluster option, the developer has submitted a qualification and development plan to Village Administration for review. Wilson asked that Council forward the qualification statement and development plan to the Planning Commission and planning consultant for review and recommendation. If the qualifications for cluster and development plan are approved by the Planning Commission and Council, a full site plan review process will follow. Questions from Council were addressed by REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – JANUARY 6, 2015 - PAGE 2 Wilson. There will be public hearings on the cluster development plan at the Planning Commission and Council levels. In response to an inquiry, developer Patrick O’Leary stated that the property would revert to its original zoning designation if the cluster option is not approved for this parcel. This is a stipulation of the conditional rezoning request. Motion by Kelly, second by Oen, to refer the qualification statement and development plan for Tremont Lane submitted by Timothy Patrick Homes LLC to the Planning Commission for the purpose of determining whether the standards for use of the Cluster Option of the Zoning Ordinance have been met. Motion passed (7 – 0). ACCEPT ANDREW DRUMMOND’S RESIGNATION FROM THE ZONING BOARD AND MAKE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF TWO ALTERNATE VACANCIES Due to Andrew Drummond’s appointment to the Planning Commission and Chris Crossen’s appointment as a full member of the Zoning Board, there are two vacancies for alternate members on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Abboud made the first announcement of both vacancies, which have expiration dates of June 30, 2015. Motion by Abboud, second by Oen, that the Beverly Hills Council accept the resignation of Andrew Drummond from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion passed. Applications will be accepted for two vacancies for the position of alternate Zoning Board members until January 28, 2015 at 4:30 pm. A subcommittee of Abboud as chairperson, Mueller and Oen will meet on February 3, 2015 at 7:15 pm to review applications and make a recommendation for appointment to the Village Council. THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT OF A FULL MEMBER VACANCY ON THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Due to Phil Mueller’s appointment to Council, there is a full member vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mooney made the third announcement of a position on the Board with a term to expire on June 30, 2016. The application deadline for this position is Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. A subcommittee of Abboud as chairperson, Oen, and Peddie will meet on January 20, 2015 at 7:15 pm to review applications and recommend an appointment to Council. REVIEW AND APPROVE HUBBELL, ROTH & CLARK INVOICES FOR PAYMENT Motion by Oen, second by Delaney, to allow Council member Kelly to abstain from voting on the invoices received from Hubbell, Roth & Clark based on the financial relationship of her employer with the vendor. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – JANUARY 6, 2015 - PAGE 3 Motion passed. Motion by Oen, second by Peddie, that the Village of Beverly Hills Council approve the invoices submitted by Hubbell, Roth & Clark Inc. for professional services in the amount of $18,082.18 for the period ending December 11, 2014. Oen noted that one of the invoices is for expenses related to a Detroit Country Day School water main extension project in the amount of $3,045.34. He related that Detroit Country Day School has reimbursed the Village for this amount as well as time spent by the Village Engineer in conjunction with that project. Other questions from Council on the HRC invoices were addressed by Wilson. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abboud, Delaney, Mooney, Mueller, Oen, Peddie Nays - None Abstain - Kelly Motion passed (5 yes – 0 no – 1 abstention). PUBLIC COMMENTS None MANAGER’S REPORT January 10 Organizational Meeting – An Organizational meeting of the Village Council has been called for Saturday, January 10 from 9:00 – 12:00 at the Village Hall. All members of Council and chairs of the Village’s boards and commissions have been invited to attend. Village Administration will also be in attendance. A draft copy of the agenda has been provided to all invitees. If there are any items that Council, Administration or chairpersons would like to be included, they should contact the Manager or Village President. Passport Inspection – The Village received an inspection in December from the Department of State for its Passport Acceptance Facility. The Village office passed this inspection with a perfect score. For 2014, the Village processed 987 passport applications. Wilson thanked the office staff for their continued efforts. Christmas Tree Chipping – The Village will conduct the annual Christmas tree chipping during the first two weeks of January, weather permitting. Residents may place their old, natural Christmas trees at the curb for collection and shredding beginning January 5. Trees should have all of their ornaments removed and should not be placed in plastic bags. Office Closed – Village offices will be closed on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Wilson addressed questions from Council on the processing of passport applications by Village staff. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – JANUARY 6, 2015 - PAGE 4 COUNCIL COMMENTS Abboud encouraged residents to apply for vacant positions on Village boards and commissions. He related that serving their community is an interesting and gratifying experience. Delaney commented that he is the new Council liaison to the Birmingham Area Cable Board. He has reviewed information on the operation of the Cable Board and will be meeting with the Village Manager and Finance Director regarding financial aspects of the BACB. Delaney may be bringing Cable Board matters to the Council table for discussion. President Mooney talked about the upcoming organizational meeting of Council scheduled for Saturday, January 10 at 9 am. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the direction of the Village Council over the next year and beyond. Current and important topics will be discussed, but decisions will not be made on key issues at the meeting. The idea is to provide Council with a general sense of Administration on a number of issues and to consider the future direction and strategies for the Village going forward. Everyone who is interested in the direction of the Village over the next 10 years is invited to attend this meeting. On behalf of the entire Council, Mooney wished everyone in the community a Happy New Year. Motion by Delaney, second by Oen, to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 pm. Motion passed. John Mooney Council President Ellen E. Marshall Village Clerk Susan Bernard Recording Secretary THESE MINUTES ARE NOT OFFICIAL. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. MEMO To: Chris Wilson, Village Manager Village Council From: Ellen Marshall Re: Public Hearing date for Southfield Road Business Assessment District Date: January 13, 2015 The Village maintains the public right-of-way along the Southfield Road business district and assesses the cost of landscape maintenance and water for the sprinkling system to the property owners on the west side of Southfield Road. At this time, a public hearing needs to be scheduled for Tuesday, February 17, 2015 to review and confirm the 2014 Special Assessment Roll for the Southfield Road Business Assessment District. Memorandum To: Honorable President Mooney; Village Council CC: From: Chris D. Wilson, Village Manager Date: 1/15/2015 Re: Village Hall Redesign At the Council planning session of Jan 10th there was discussion of the need to make improvements to the appearance and functionality of the Village Hall. Village Administration has been taking inventory on updates that are needed to improve operations for Village residents and staff. Administration and Council thought it appropriate to seek input from a professional interior designer or someone with expertise in ergonomics. Village Administration is asking permission to seek bids for professional services related to the redesign and rehabilitation of Village Hall. 1 MEMO To: Chris Wilson, Village Manager From: Thomas Meszler, Director of Public Services Date: January 14, 2015 Re: Request for early bid on Asphalt Resurfacing I recommend the Village resurface the following streets in the 2015/16 fiscal year, listed in priority order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Beverly Road; Sheridan to Greenfield Sheridan; Beverly to Amherst Riverside; Evergreen to Faircrest Riverside; Beverly to Norchester Riverside; Norchester to Faircrest Beverly Road; Southfield to Pierce The total estimated cost for this work is $455,000. I am also requesting permission from Village Council to take bids prior to the 2015/16 budget year and set a bid date for early March which would allow a bid recommendation to Council at the March 17th regular Council meeting. THM/eew MEMO To: Chris Wilson, Village Manager Members of Village Council From: Ellen Marshall, Assistant Manager/Clerk Re: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs – Oktoberfest 5K 2015 Date: January 14, 2015 Background We received a request from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs to use Village sidewalks and streets on Saturday, October 3, 2015 for their third annual Oktoberfest 5K Race. They understand that a certificate of insurance naming the Village of Beverly Hills as an additional insured is required upon approval of the Race by the Village Council. Their route includes portions of Pierce, Kirkshire, Edgewood, Birwood, Madison, Verona, Fairfax, Amherst, Sheridan, Beechwood, and Birmingham. A map of the route and their letter of request is attached to this memo indicating what streets in the Village will be involved. Suggested Motion The Beverly Hills Village Council approves the request from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School to hold their second annual Oktoberfest 5K Race and use Village streets and sidewalks Saturday, October 3, 2015. Upon approval of the Run, they will submit the required Certificate of Insurance naming the Village of Beverly Hills as an additional insured with at least $1,000,000 of liability coverage. Attachment Request for Charity Race Approval: OLQM Oktoberfest 5k Run/Walk 2015 January 14, 2015 Ellen Marshall Village of Beverly Hills 18550 W.13 Mile Road Beverly Hills, MI 48025 Dear Ellen Marshall, T h i s l e tte r i s r e ga r d i n g a r e q u e s t f o r a p p ro va l i n r e g a r d t o t h e s t r e e t s a n d s i d e w ay s to b e u s e d f o r O u r L a d y Q u e e n o f M a r t y r s 3 r d a n n u a l O k t o b e r fe s t 5 k ra c e t o r a i s e m o n e y f o r o u r s c h o o l . O u r 1 s t a n d 2 n d a n n u a l r a c e s w e r e w e l l r e c e i v e d b y t h e c o m m u n i t y a s a p p ro v e d b y t h e Village of Beverly Hills. I w o u l d l i ke to r e q u e s t t o h o l d t h e s t a r t a n d f i n i s h o f t h i s e v e n t a t O LQ M S c h o o l , i n t h e we l l - r e s p e c te d c o m m u n i t y o f B e v e r l y H i l l s . I wo u l d l i ke to h o l d t h e e v e n t o n S a t u r d a y O c t o b e r 3 r d a t 1 1 : 3 0 a m t h i s y e a r. We h a v e a l s o a d d e d a . 2 5 m i l e T i n i V i k i n g Tro t a t 1 1 : 1 5 a m . T h e e v e n t t y p i c a l l y w i l l t a ke u p t o a n h o u r l o n g . I h av e a l s o c r e a te d t h e c o u r s e a n d a tta c h e d t h e m a p o f t h e e v e n t f o r y o u t o l o o k o v e r. I fe e l t h a t t h i s 3 r d a n n u a l e v e n t w i l l h e l p s u p p o r t o u r s c h o o l a n d c o m m u n i t y b y b r i n g i n g g o o d , l o v i n g a n d h e a l t hy p e o p l e t o g e t h e r to r u n for a great cause; Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School. I l o o k f o r wa r d t o m e e t i n g w i t h y o u a n d V i l l a g e C o u n c i l m e m b e r s t o a n s w e r a ny q u e s t i o n s y o u m ay h a v e a n d t o t e l l y o u m o r e a b o u t w hy t h i s e v e n t wo u l d b e g r e a t f o r b o t h O LQ M a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y o f t h e V i l l a g e o f B e v e r l y H i l l s . I wo u l d l i ke t o t h a n k y o u , E l l e n , f o r a l l y o u r s u p p o r t a n d h e l p i n g u i d i n g m e w i t h t h e p r o p e r i n f o r m a t i o n to g o f o r t h w i t h a p p ro va l for this event. P l e a s e fe e l f r e e to c o n ta c t m e d i r e c t l y a t 2 4 8 - 7 9 0 - 6 2 5 0 o r v i a e m a i l a t I t h a n k y o u f o r y o u r t i m e a n d c o n s i d e ra t i o n . Respectfully, Nareman Dietz MEMO To: Council members Abboud, Oen and Peddie Village Manager Wilson From: Ellen Marshall Re: Zoning Board Vacancy Date: December 29, 2014 You were appointed as the committee to make a recommendation to fill a full member vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals. The term for this vacancy expires June 30, 2016. We have received one application, Karen Mitchell. Your committee will be meeting in the Council Chamber at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, January 20th prior to the Council meeting. eem MEMO To: Chris Wilson, Village Manager Members of Village Council From: Ellen Marshall Re: Zoning Board Vacancies Date: January 20, 2015 Due to Andrew Drummond’s appointment to the Planning Commission and Chris Crossen’s appointment as a full member on the Zoning Board, we have two vacancies for alternate members on the ZBA. Tonight is the second announcement of both vacancies and both have an expiration date of June 30, 2015. Application deadline: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Terms expire: June 30, 2015 Zoning Subcommittee: Chairperson: Abboud Members: Mueller and Oen February 3, 2015 7:15 p.m. Applications of interested persons will be delivered to subcommittee members with the February 3rd Council packet. VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT CHRIS D. WILSON JANUARY 16, 2015 Office Closed – Village Offices will be closed on Monday, January 19th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Trash collection will not be interrupted this week. Joint Meeting with Planning Commission – The Annual Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission will occur on Wednesday, Feb. 11th at 7:30 PM. The Planning Commission is working on items for this agenda. If any members of Council have items that they would like included on this agenda please get them to me. Snow Emergency – As a reminder, in instances where there is a significant snowfall the Village may declare a Snow Emergency. In such instances, residents must refrain from parking vehicles on Village streets until the street has been cleared of snow. Even without a declaration of a snow emergency it is very helpful to the Village and your neighbors if residents remove vehicles from the roadway during snow plowing. In addition, please be aware of plow trucks as you are driving and remember that plow trucks, like other emergency vehicles, have the right of way at all times. Winter Family Fun Day – The Annual Winter Family Fun Day will be held on Sunday, January 25th from 1-4 PM, weather permitting. Events this year will include, but are not limited to, sledding, skating, snow golf, a snow cave and a warming fire. Village of Beverly Hills Municipal Building Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, January 20, 2015 18500 W. 13 Mile Road 7:30 p.m. INFORMATION ITEMS a. Beverly Hills Public Safety Activity Report for period of December 11, 2014 through January 15, 2015, and Fire Prevention Bureau bi-weekly report for December 22, 2014 through January 4, 2015. b. Fund balance report for period ending December 31, 2014 for General, Public Safety, Library, Major Road, Local Street, and Water & Sewer Operating Funds. c. Southfield Township Board of Trustees agenda for meeting held January 13, 2015 and minutes of meeting held December 9, 2014. d. Minutes of regular Cable Board meeting held December 17, 2014 (unapproved). Beverly Hills Public Safety Activity Report December 11, 2014 - January 15, 2015 The Beverly Hills Public Safety Department responded to a possible home invasion in progress at the 17000 block of Buckingham (Dec. 12, 2014). As Officers responded to the scene they observed a red minivan at the residence. The Officers attempted to stop the minivan which took off and fled. The driver pulled into another driveway and bailed out of the car. The minivan continued to roll down the driveway without a driver and it stopped at the garage door. The driver fled on foot and the passenger attempted to run but was arrested. At this time, the homeowner told Officers that another suspect just left his house running. Officer continued to chase the driver of the minivan, but lost him in the neighborhood. Officers secured a perimeter in the area and called for assistance from other police agencies as well as a K-9 from the Troy Police Department. As the man hunt was on it was also learned that a gun was stolen from a prior breaking and entering in Bloomfield Hills earlier that day. It was also discovered the suspect's vehicle matched the vehicle used in the prior crime. Officers posted themselves at the nearby school and searched the area for the unknown and possibly armed suspects. After some time the K-9 tracked one suspect to a back yard shed where officers found suspect number two (driver). After some more investigation, it was learned the third suspect’s name and a detective from Birmingham chased and captured the third suspect at 14 Mile and Southfield. The K-9 then tracked some of the stolen property, evidence and tools which were used in the breaking and entering. Officers through more investigation learned of another breaking and entering in the Village and discovered the house and the stolen property (after a search warrant) inside the van. Officers discovered a third breaking and entering in the Village through their investigation and returned property to the homeowners. After a long period of time, officers were able to secure evidence to all three B & Es as well as sharing information with other police agencies. It is believed that these suspects were responsible for over 40 home invasions. All three suspects were interviewed and it was learned that one of the suspects is an absconder (parolee) and a possible heroin addict. The other suspects also had possible heroin addiction and warrants. The incident, the crime, the search warrants, collection of evidence, booking process, the interviews, setting up the two perimeters, the chase and capture, were long, but successful. The Birmingham Police, Troy Police, Bloomfield Hills Police, Bloomfield Twp. Police, Berkley Public Safety and the Royal Oak Police were also very helpful in the capture of these dangerous criminals. It took the 1 2 Detective Bureau and Officers several days to collect enough information for formal charges on all three suspects. Public Safety Officers were called to a possible road rage which allegedly happened on Southfield between 13 and 14 Mile Roads. The victim claims that a suspect driving a gray car was following her after she was attempting to get through the heavy traffic. The victim advised that a man pointed a gun at her and fled the scene in a gray car. Several days went by and Officers believed that the suspect lived in the Village so after watching the house Officers contacted the homeowner as he got out to his gray car. Officers were able to talk with the suspect and he had a gun on him along with two police badges. The gun and the two badges were turned over to the Detective. Further investigation will continue. Public Safety Officers arrested a subject for drunk driving for the 3rd time on 14 Mile. Subject was involved in an accident and through the officer’s investigation the suspect was arrested. Officers were called to investigate a sudden death on Cedar Hollow. Public Safety Officers were called to a car assist on Southfield Road. Officers responded to a sick call on Birwood. Officers were called to an alarm on Southfield. Officers were called to a parking complaint at Huntley Square. Officers were called to a motorist assist at Huntley Square. Officers responded to found property on Birwood and Pierce. Officers responded to an accident (car/bike) on Elizabeth. Officers responded to a sick call on 13 Mile. Officers were called to an alarm on Bellvine Trail and to another on Auburn. Officers responded to an animal complaint on Greenfield. Officers responded to a sick call on Elizabeth. Officers were called to a noise complaint on Buckingham. Officers assisted with Greenfield Elementary School drill. Officers responded to a citizen assist on Stellamar. Officers responded to a citizen a assist on McKenzie Court. Officers were dispatched to a personal injury accident at 13 Mile and Lahser. Officers were called to assist Franklin Police on a possible armed robbery at 13 Mile and Telegraph. Officers responded to a hospice death. Officers arrested a subject on 13 Mile Road for possession of marijuana and issued a citation for equipment violation. Officers were called to a property damage accident at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church. Officers performed a car assist on Marimoor. Officers made a welfare check on Amherst. Officers investigated an accident on Southfield and Beverly. Citizens came into the station to use operation medicine cabinet. 3 Officers performed crossing guard duty. Officers investigated a private property accident at 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were dispatched to an alarm on Robinhood. Officers stopped a vehicle for defective equipment and then arrested the driver for a misdemeanor violation at 13 Mile and Churchill. Officers responded to a fire alarm at Gala & Associates. Officers responded to a sick call at T.J. Maxx. Officers arrested a subject for domestic disturbance at Huntley Square Apartments. Officer investigated an alarm on Crossbow. Officers found an open garage door and checked out the residence on Buckingham. Officers investigated an accident at Southfield and 13 Mile. Officers responded to an animal complaint on Kirkshire. Officers responded to a reckless driver on 14 Mile and Lahser. Officers investigated a property damage accident at Lahser and Turnberry. Officers responded to an alarm on Kirkshire. Officers responded to a fire alarm on 13 Mile. Officers were called to a citizen assist on Mayfair. Officers performed a lift assist on Chelton. Officers transported prisoners to the 46th District Court. Officers responded to a fire investigation on Chelton. Officers investigated a property damage accident on 13 Mile. Officers are investigating a forged check on Turnberry. Officers responded to an animal pick up on Evergreen and Waltham. Officers were called to a property damage accident on Southfield. Officers responded to a sick call on Evergreen. Officers responded to an alarm on Birwood. Officers were called to an animal complaint on Coryell. Officers were called for citizen assist on 13 Mile. Officers responded to an alarm on Old Post. Officers responded to a citizen assist on 13 Mile. Officers were called to a lift assist on Marimoor. Officers were called to a medical on Lincolnshire. Officers were called to a missing person on Buckingham and that person was located the following day. Officers responded to a medical run on Chelton and 13 Mile. Officers investigated a property damage accident on Nottingham and Robinhood. Officers were called to a medical on Mayfair and Sheridan. Officers responded to a lift assist on Beverly. Officers were called to an injured person on 14 Mile. Officers performed a car assist on 13 Mile and Greenfield. 4 Officers also performed another car assist on 13 Mile and Evergreen. Officers performed a car assist on Sheridan. Officers responded to an alarm on Pickwick. Officers were called to a parking complaint at Huntley. Officers responded to a property damage accident on 14 Mile and Greenfield. Officers were called to a medical at Huntley and on Bedford. Officers were called to a fire alarm at Huntley Square, cooking accident. Officers responded to a car assist on Dunblaine. Officers were called to a medical on Marimoor. Officers took a larceny from a car complaint on Riverview. Officers responded to a medical on Beverly. Officers were called to a reckless driver on 13 Mile and Lahser. Officers investigated a property damage accident at Southfield and Beverly. Officers responded to a car assist on 14 Mile and Pierce. Officers were called to a loud party complaint on Chelton. Officers were called to an animal complaint on Stellamar. Officer responded to an alarm on 14 Mile and on Wendbrook Lane. Officers assisted Royal Oak Police at 13 Mile and Greenfield on a retail fraud case. Officers were called to a parking complaint on Birwood. Officers were called to a 911 hang up call on Riverside. Officers responded to an alarm on Southfield. Officers were called to a medical on Beechwood. Officer responded to a dog complaint on Lahser. Officers responded to an alarm on Valley Oaks. Officers were called to a dog complaint on Kirkshire. Officers assisted Franklin Police at 13 Mile and Telegraph on a Domestic. Officers were called to a medical on Bellvine Trail. Officer responded to a fire alarm on Kennoway, stove. Officers were called to a car assist on Mayfair. Officers responded to a medical on Devonshire. Officers responded to citizen assist on Charrington. Officers took an information complaint for threats and harassment at the work place. Officers were called to a reckless driver on Beverly and Greenfield. Officers responded to an animal complaint on Riverside and Evergreen Officers responded to a credit card fraud on Topper. Officers were called to a sick call on Southfield. Officers were also called to an alarm on Southfield. Officers were called to investigate another credit card fraud on Buckingham. Officers were called to an alarm on Southfield. 5 Officer responded to packages being stolen off a porch on Beechwood. Officers were called to a car assist on Nixon. Officers responded to an injured animal on Bellvine Trail. Officers assisted Birmingham Police on 13 Mile. Officers performed a car assist on Southfield. Officers investigated an abandoned vehicle on Kirkshire. Officers were called to a fraud complaint on Plantation. Officers responded to a loud noise complaint at Huntley Square. Officers responded to an animal complaint on Kinross. Officers were called to an alarm on Chelton. Officers stopped a subject for defective equipment at 13 Mile and Fairfax. The driver was arrested for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Officers were called to a medical on Auburn. Officers were called to Mutual Aid Fire in the 2200 block of Rosemont in the City of Berkley. Officers responded to an alarm on Southfield. Officers responded to a hospice death on 13 Mile. Officers responded to a medical on Kirkshire. Officers were called to a civil matter on Mayfair. Officers responded to a medical on Lahser. Officers were called to a car assist on 13 Mile. Officers responded to an alarm on Meadow Lane. Officers responded to a property damage accident at 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were called to an alarm on Bellvine Trail. Officers were called to a citizen assist on 13 Mile. Officers responded to Riverside and Evergreen where the caller was concerned of the boys skating on the ice. Officers responded to an alarm on Fairfax. Officers were called to a property damage accident at 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were contacted at the front desk by an alleged victim of a purse snatching. After a short investigation it was learned there was no crime committed. Subject at this time is facing filing false police report. Officers responded to a medical on Downing. Officers responded to another medical on Robinhood. Officers were called to a property damage accident on Beverly. Officers were called to another property damage accident on 13 Mile and Vernon. Officers performed a citizen assist on Village Pines. Officers were called to a lift assist on Beverly. Officers were called to citizen assist on 13 Mile. Officers responded to a noise complaint at Huntley Square. 6 Officers responded to a medical on 13 Mile, subject fell in the parking lot. Officers were called to water main break on 14 Mile. Officers responded to a car assist on 13 Mile and Lincolnshire. Officers responded to an alarm on Camelot. Officers responded to a property damage accident at 14 Mile and Greenfield. Officers were called to a medical on Southfield and 14 Mile. Officers were called to another medical on Cobblestone. Officers were called to a car assist on Southfield. Officers responded to an alarm on Arlington. Officers responded to a road hazard on Beverly. Officers were called to an alarm on Riverside. Officers were called to an animal complaint on Kinross. Officers responded to an alarm on Cline. Officers responded to a medical on Evergreen. Officers at the front desk took a stolen or lost iPhone complaint and were able to locate the phone back to the owner. Officers responded to an alarm on Lincolnshire. Officers were called to Huntley Square for a citizen assist. Officers responded to an animal complaint on Buckingham. Officers were dispatched to a rollover accident on Beverly Road no injuries. Officers were called to a medical on Birwood. Officers were called to a lift assist on Madoline. Officers responded to a fire alarm on Beverly. Officers were dispatched to a carbon monoxide alarm on Huntley Ct. Officers were called to an alarm on Cline. Officers responded to a medical on Southfield. Officers were dispatched to an alarm on Southfield. Officers were called to a medical on 14 Mile. Officers were dispatched to a lift assist on Marimoor. Officers responded to an alarm on Southfield. Officers were called to a medical on Southfield. Officers responded to an alarm on Dunblaine. Officers were dispatched to a property damage accident at 14 Mile and Lahser. Officers responded to a citizen assist on 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers responded to a citizen assist at 13 Mile and Greenfield. Officers were dispatched to a medical on Bellvine Trail, student hit his head. Officers responded to an alarm on Village Pines. Officers were dispatched to an animal complaint on Crossbow. Officers responded to a medical on Wilshire Blvd. Officers were dispatched to an alarm on Lincolnshire. 7 Officers were called to Bloomfield Twp. Police to pick up a wanted person from the 46th District Court (misdemeanor). Officers were called to a road hazard on Stellamar and Marimoor. Officers were dispatched to a welfare check on Fox Run. Officers were called to a car assist on Beverly. Officers were dispatched to noise complaint on Locherbie. Operation medicine cabinet was used at the front desk. Officers discovered a stop sign down at Auburn and Madison. Officers called to a car assist on 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were called to a private property accident at 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were dispatched to a family threats complaint on Orchard Way. Officers responded to a medical at Huntley Square. Officers performed a car assist on 14 Mile and Lahser. Officers responded to a medical on McKenzie Court. Officers were dispatched to an alarm on Dunblaine. Officers responded to an alarm on Virmar. Officers were dispatched to an animal complaint on Dunblaine. Officers were called to an alarm on Old Stage. Officers were called to a 911 hang up involving family trouble on Birwood. Officers answered an alarm on Auburn. Officers performed a car assist on 13 Mile. Officers assisted Franklin Police Department on a domestic trouble complaint. Officers performed a warrant arrest from Southfield Police Department. Subject was being held for warrants out of the 46th District. Subject was arrested and transported back to the station for processing. Officers were dispatched to medical on Mayfair. Officers went to a false alarm on Pines. Officers assisted another police agency by contacting someone on Old Stage for a police matter. Officers took a report of someone stealing a package off a porch on Weston. Officers were dispatched to a dead dog on Dunblaine. Officers went to a false alarm on Sheridan. Officers while on patrol stopped a subject for improper lane use and arrested the driver for drunk driving. The driver also had misdemeanor warrants and a suspended license for the same thing. Suspect did not want to take a preliminary breath test but did take the data master test and it registered a .11 Bac. Officers responded to a medical on Bellvine. Officers assisted Southfield Police with an accident at 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers were called to a hospice death on Marimoor. Officers responded to an alarm on Nottingham. Officers assisted Southfield Police on a hit and run driver. Car assist on Rutland. Officers responded to property damage accident on Friar Tuck. Officers were called to a credit card fraud complaint on Birwood. Officers responded personal injury accident on 13 Mile and Lahser. Officers were called to a larceny at Berkshire School. Officers responded to a welfare check on Southfield. Officers were called to a property damage accident on Lahser and 14 Mile. Officers responded to another property damage accident on 13 Mile and Southfield. Officers responded to an alarm on Valley Oaks. Officers responded to a hit and run at Huntley Square. Detective Activity and School Liaison 8 Detectives were in court to testify against a subject who took a plea for two counts of domestic violence and one count of interfering with a 911 call. Detectives and Officers were in court for evidentiary hearing for spoofing complaint from last year. Followed up on a road rage involving a possible gun. Suspect was identified, made some admissions and the investigation continues. Followed up on retail fraud at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Investigation revealed no crime. Followed up on larceny in building. Followed up on last month’s home invasion involving all three arrested suspects and also met with prosecutor and held pre exam conference. Followed up on larceny of mail where a check was stolen. Followed up US Customs case. Followed up with hit and run case. Followed up with drunk driving involving a motorized bike. Followed up with LARA death investigation at Cambridge. Closed out Birwood and Beverly home invasions. Followed up with missing person complaint, found. Closed out stalking complaint for DCD. Presented warrant on in custody domestic violence case. Followed up with larceny from building on Fairfax. Swore to warrant for receiving stolen property warrant from Beverly Park. Warrant arraignments. Prisoner transport four times. Closed out malicious destruction of property. Victim does not want to prosecute. Closed out larceny from car and attempted to identify suspect from Apple store video. Followed up on drunk driving with high BAC. Followed up with review harassing phone complaint. Arranged for writ on suspect involved in stolen car at 14 Mile and Evergreen. Identify suspect from larceny from an auto case back in July 2014, stolen lap top recovered from Motor City Pawn in Ferndale. Closed out 2009 and 2010 Woodside Athletic Club breaking and entering, evidence established, waiting for match. Property management. Arranged with Village Attorney Tom Ryan for subpoena and conferences. Worked front desk and detective bureau during the holidays. Worked with probationary officers and their Training Officers to complete the cycle. Legal update. Drug and alcohol presentation at Detroit Country Day. School vests. Dropped off evidence to Michigan State Police lab. Reviewed cases. Field Training Officer work. Prepared for upcoming trial involving aggravated stalking. Followed up on credit card fraud. Obtained video and still pictures which is connected to three other police agency complaints. Followed up on stolen car from last year, contact possible witness. Followed up with Proffer agreement and interviews with suspects and prosecutor. Followed up with larceny from a building, suspect took a plea deal. Followed up with threats complaint made to CPS worker. Submitted a warrant request on larceny in a building, confession obtained. Followed up with other larceny cases. Followed up with ID theft. Recorded calls for service listed 9 665 Service calls. 185 citations were issued. Aggravated Stalking. Felony arrest 3. Arrests made 11. Unarmed robbery. Strong armed robbery. Possession of cocaine/narcotic 2. Violation of parole/probation 1. Domestic disturbance 1. 10 Personal Protection Order arrest (PPO). Assault. Drunk driving 2. Leaving the scene of an accident arrest. Operating while in the presence of drugs. Threats complaint. Damage to private property. House party. Fleeing or eluding police. Extradition felony warrant. Trespassing. License/title/registration. Driving while license suspended 2. No operator's license acquired. Retail fraud arrest. Arrest Warrants 3. UDAA (stolen car) attempt (recovered). Civil Friend of Court. Intimidation complaint 1. Reported home/business invasion 3. Concealed pistol permit violation. Minor in possession. Entering School without permission. Larceny from a vehicle/building/other 3. Larceny from person. Obstruct police. Uttering and Publishing bad check 1. Embezzlement. Retail fraud, theft 3rd degree. Retail Fraud. Computer crime. Marijuana arrest 2. Repo (assist) vehicle. Called for K-9 dog 1. Harassing communications. Malicious destruction of private property. Family trouble 1. Juvenile malicious mischief/recovered. Reckless driving 1. Public peace 1. Carrying weapon in prohibited zone. Misdemeanor traffic. Disturbing the peace. Personal injury traffic crash/death 1. 11 Death investigation. Property damage traffic crash 20. Private property traffic crash 7. Private/Public property hit and run 1. Sudden death 3. Accidental property damage. Attempt suicide. Medical alarm. Sick care for medical 46. Mental 1. Occupational injury 1. Fraud 2. I.D. theft 2. Found property 3. Lost property. Missing person/found 1. Hospice death 3. Welfare check 5. Customer trouble 1. Liquor inspection. Neighborhood trouble. Employee trouble. Confiscated property. Open building 2. Suspicious circumstances 23. Suspicious vehicles 20. Telephone harassment. Suspicious persons 6. Intelligence information 4. Assist other law enforcement agency 17. Assist medical. Assist motorist 17. Assist other govt agency 3. Assist citizen 26. Sex offender home verification check. Civil matter 1. Miscellaneous other 1. Traffic complaint road hazard 3. Traffic complaint abandoned auto/impound 1. Traffic complaint parking complaint 5. Traffic complaint commercial vehicle inspection. Traffic complaint miscellaneous 8. Animal complaint 15. Animal alive pickup 2. 12 Barking dog 2. Animal bite. Burglary alarm/robbery alarms 50. Handicapped parking citation. Gun permit. Public relations 2. Operation Medicine Cabinet 9. Adopt a Senior. Loud party complaint 2. Fingerprint check. Housing other department prisoners. Housing prisoner 11. PBT test 113. Ordinance violation/calls 7. 911 Hang up 2. Phone nuisance calls. Scene supervision 1. Traffic direction. Motor carrier traffic stop 2. Fire truck maintenance/Radio 2. Multiple dwelling fire 1. Fire dwelling single family. Miscellaneous outside fires. Fire alarm 4. Vehicle fire. Smoke investigation. Wires down 2. Fuel spill. Outside fires garbage dumpster. Hazardous materials. Odor investigations 1. Carbon monoxide detector 1. Solicitor complaint. Natural gas leak. Fire inspection 1. Lift assist 9. Knox box. Mutual aid to other department 1. Follow-up inspection. Radar enforcement 21. Crossing Guard 1. Parks and Recreation Area. Crime prevention extra patrol 135. Follow up/death message/criminal complaint. 13 Service request Road Commission 2. Miscellaneous details 1. Prisoner transport 14. Police training/fire training 4. School Liaison activity 1. Selective enforcement. Beverly Hills Public Safety Department Fire Prevention Bureau 18600 West Thirteen Mile Road – Beverly Hills – MI – 48025 Phone: 248-540-3400 – Fax: 248-540-3437 Bi-Weekly Report Time Period: 12/22/2014 – 1/4/2015 Prevention/Inspection/Plan Review: An inspection of an active construction site in the 17000 block of Thirteen Mile occurred. Concerns of fire safety conditions while the building is undergoing the demolition process were addressed and complied with by the contractor. Additional Information: Beverly Hills Public Safety responding to a Residential Kitchen Fire in the 31000 block of Huntley Square East in the Huntley Square Apartment Complex. The cause and origin of the fire was an oil fryer that had overheated. Beverly Hills Public Safety responded to a Residential Structure Fire in the 2200 block of Rosemont in the City of Berkley on a Full Alarm request of Mutual Aid. The cause and origin of the fire is still under investigation by Berkley Public Safety. AGENDA SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING TOWNSHIP HALL TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 AT 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order –Schmitt 2. Roll Call- Tischler 3. Study Session of Proposed Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Budget- Schmitt 4. Administrative Reports (A) Supervisor’s Report (B) Clerk’s Report (C) Treasurer’s Report 5. Public Comments on Items Not Contained on Published Agenda 6. Approval of Agenda 7. Discussion and Possible Approval of December 9, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes- Schmitt 8. Discussion and Possible Motion to Receive and File Compensation Committee Report-Schmitt 9. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution Setting Salary of Township Supervisor beginning April 1, 2015- Schmitt 10. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution Setting Salary of Township Clerk beginning April 1, 2015- Schmitt 11. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution Setting Salary of Township Treasurer beginning April 1, 2015 - Schmitt 12. Discussion and Approval of Poverty Income Guidelines- Schmitt 13. Report, Discussion, and Possible Action on Animal Control Bids- Schmitt 14. Discussion and Possible Approval of December Expenditures- Walsh 15. Comments from the Audience 16. Comments from the Board This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCL 41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). The Southfield Township Board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon 5 days notice to the Southfield Township Board. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Southfield Township Board by writing or calling Sharon Tischler, Clerk, 18550 W. 13 Mile Rd., Southfield Township, MI 48025-5262, (248) 540-3420. MINUTES OF THE SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 9, 2014 Supervisor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Supervisor Schmitt, Clerk Tischler, Treasurer Mooney, Trustees, Koss, Nelson and Walsh Trustee Holloway Others Present: Sandra J. LaJoie, Deputy Clerk ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Supervisor’s Report Supervisor Schmitt commented the Board of Review met today for December Board of Review and it was uneventful. Supervisor Schmitt mentioned Animal Control proposals were sent to venders that requested a copy, to our current vender and our current Animal Control Officer. Supervisor Schmitt added an ad was placed on the MAACO- Michigan Association of Animal Control Officers’ site as well as in the Observer and Eccentric Newspaper. Clerk’s Report Clerk Tischler mentioned a General Election results summary and Planning Commission meeting date schedule were included with the information items sent on November 19th. Clerk Tischler stated the Township Office Holiday closure schedule is December 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st and January 1st. The Office will be open on December 22nd, 23rd, 29th, and 30th and the New Year begins on January 2nd. Clerk Tischler commented the sale of 2015 Dog and Cat Licenses has begun. Clerk Tischler noted 909 dog tags were issued for 2014 which includes some duplicate tags and 33 cat tags were issued to Beverly Hills residents. Page 2- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Mooney noted to date, 96.3% of the summer taxes and 10.9% of the winter taxes have been collected. Treasurer Mooney commented at the last meeting the issue of golf carts on public roads was questioned. Treasurer Mooney noted to date, the law has passed in the House and has not gone to the Senate. Treasurer Mooney addedadditional information will be passed along when it becomes available. The age is 16;however theOakland CountyCommissioners by Resolution can nix this for any Township, for certain specific reasons. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT CONTAINED ON PUBLISHED AGENDA: No one wished to be heard. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Supervisor Schmitt requested item 10a- Discussion and Possible Resolution to AcceptGift from the Daughters of the American Revolution and 10b-Discussion and Possible Resolution Approving Payment of Rummell Drain Assessment. Motion by Mooney, supported byKoss, the agenda be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER11, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: Motion by Walsh, supported by Nelson, to approve theNovember11, 2014 Board meeting minutes aspresented. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIONTO SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR TOWNSHIP BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015/2016: RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE Motion by Walsh, seconded by Koss, the following Resolution be adopted: The Southfield Township Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing with regard to the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Township Budget on February 10, 2015 at 7:45 p.m. The Public Hearing will be held at the Township Hall located at 18550 W. Thirteen Mile Road, Southfield Township, Michigan. Page 3- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT ROLL CALL: Ayes: Tischler, Mooney, Koss, Nelson, Walsh, Schmitt Nays: None Absent: Holloway DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SETTING 2015 MEETING DATES: After general discussion, the Board decided to eliminate the months of July and November as regularly scheduled meeting dates. Motion by Koss, supported by Nelson, to approve the meeting dates Resolution but remove the July and November meeting dates and any special meetings will be posted and noticed as required by law. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SETTING BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2015 MEETING DATES BE IT RESOLVED the Southfield Township Board of Trustees will meet on the second Tuesday of the months listed below at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall located at 18550 West Thirteen Mile Road, Southfield Township, Michigan. The dates are as follows: January February March April 13 10 10 14 May 12 June 9 July (no meeting) August 11 8 September October 13 November (no meeting) December 8 ROLL CALL: Ayes: Mooney, Koss, Nelson Walsh, Schmitt, Tischler Nays: None Absent: Holloway *Any special meetings will be posted and noticed as required by law. Additionally, the January 13th meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. Page 4- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL TO PREPARE PROPOSALS FOR BIDS FOR HANDICAP ENTRANCE TO TOWNSHIP BUILDING: Clerk Tischler noted a periodic review of facilities used as a polling location has been required by the State Bureau of Election. This year a member of the State’s staff visited all of the locations that are used as polling locations in the Township to verify that they meet the Handicap Accessibility Requirements. All of the locations passed however, several have easy fix issues; examples would be re-striping in the parking lot for handicap accessibility. Clerk Tischler stated Tracy Smith, who conducted the site inspections, suggested the Township consider improvements to the entrance to the Township Hall; specifically Handicap door access. There is funding for such improvements through the Help American Vote Act. An application to apply for the grant funding and quotes to make the improvements would be necessary for the project to move forward. Clerk Tischler added Ms. Smith has provided a partially completed application for submission. Quotes will be needed to complete the process. Once submitted the State will advise us as to how much funding would be granted through HAVA. If at that point, the Township decides to move forward with the project, the Township would agree to the grant funds and fund any additional cost in excess of the grant. If grant funding is unavailable, then the Townships options are to either fund the project from Township funds or decline doing the improvements. Clerk Tischler commented at this point, the grant document is prepared but quotes have not been sought for submission to the State. Clerk Tischler stated Administration is seeking Township Board consensus to move forward with this project and acquire the necessary quotes to make the Township Hall accessible for individuals with disabilities. Trustee Koss suggested additional grant funding might be available through the Village of Beverly Community Block Grant Funds if all of the funds available have not been allocated for community projects. Motion by Tischler, supported by Koss, to move forward with the necessary quotes to make the Township Hall accessible for individuals with disabilities. Motion carried unanimously. Page 5- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION OF REAPPOINTMENT OF JOSEPH HLAVATY, LUKE JOHNSON AND RAYMOND JONES, JR. TO THE BOARD OF REVIEW AND INITIAL APPOINTMENT OF MICHAEL HEISEL TO THE BOARD OF REVIEW: Board of Review members are appointed for two-year terms which begin at noon on January 1 of each odd-numbered year. All current Township Board ofReview members' terms expire on January 1, 2015, and all four have agreed to accept reappointment/appoint through January 1, 2017. PROPOSED MOTION TO REAPPOINT JOSEPH HLAVATY: Motion by Mooney, supported by Walsh, to reappoint Joseph Hlavaty, of the Village of Bingham Farms, Michigan, to the Southfield Township Board of Review for a two-year term, beginning at noon January 1, 2015 until noon on January 1, 2017. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Koss, Nelson, Walsh, Schmitt, Tischler, Mooney Nays: None Absent: Holloway PROPOSED MOTION TO REAPPOINT LUKE JOHNSON: Motion by Walsh, supported by Koss, to reappoint Luke Johnson, of the Village of Beverly Hills, Michigan, to the Southfield Township Board of Review for a two-year term, beginning at noon January 1, 2015 until noon on January 1, 2017. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Nelson, Walsh, Schmitt, Tischler, Mooney, Koss Nays: None Absent: Holloway PROPOSED MOTION TO REAPPOINT RAYMOND JONES, JR.: Motion by Nelson, supported by Tischler, to reappoint Raymond Jones, Jr. of the Village of Beverly Hills, Michigan, to the Southfield Township Board of Review as an alternate for a twoyear term, beginning at noon January 1, 2015 until noon on January 1, 2017. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Walsh, Schmitt, Tischler, Mooney, Koss, Nelson Nays: None Absent: Holloway Page 6- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT PROPOSED MOTION TO APPOINT MICHAEL HEISEL; Motion by Schmitt, supported by Tischler, to appointMichael Heisel, of the Village of Franklin, Michigan, to the Southfield Township Board of Review for a two-year term, beginning at noon January 1, 2015 until noon on January 1, 2017. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Schmitt, Tischler, Mooney, Koss, Nelson, Walsh Nays: None Absent: Holloway DISCUSSION AND ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT FROM THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: Supervisor Schmitt stated the Daughters of the American Revolution gave the Township a donation of $75.00 in appreciation for the use of the Township’s meeting room. By policy, acceptance of the donation requires Township Board approval. Motion by Schmitt, seconded by Tischler, to accept the gracious donation of $75.00 from the Daughters of the American Revolution to be used for landscaping at the Township Hall. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Tischler, Mooney, Koss, Nelson, Walsh, Schmitt Nays: None Absent: Holloway DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT PAYMENT FOR REPAIR PROJECT OF RUMMELL DRAIN: Supervisor Schmitt reviewed the memo regarding the proposed Rummell Drain Assessment. Supervisor Schmitt mentioned the repairs necessary to maintain the drain and the assessment being proposed at this time will pay for those repair costs. Supervisor Schmitt added the assessment to the Township is $797.61. Supervisor Schmitt added funding to pay the assessment are available in the surplus construction funds held in escrow for the Township by the County Water Resources Commissioner’s Office. Motion by Walsh, supported by Mooney, to use the Townships surplus construction funds to pay the assessment of $797.61 for the Rummell Drain Assessment. Page 7- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT ROLL CALL: Ayes: Mooney, Koss, Nelson, Walsh, Schmitt, Tischler Nays: None Absent: Holloway DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF NOVEMBEREXPENDITURES: Motion byWalsh, supported byKoss, to approve the November expenditures as follows: 101 General Fund 703 Tax Fund $50,263.52 $179,248.27 $229,511.79 Clerk Tischler answered all questions. Motion carried unanimously. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE: No one wished to be heard. COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD: Trustee Koss questioned the current Health Care rates provided by D.R.S. Services. Trustee Koss requested a review of the dollar amount of deductibles used by the participants to determine if we should move to a higher deductible, in order to reduce the monthly premium. This would reduce the amount the employee is contributing towards the monthly premium. Trustee Koss stated the Board should consider a higher deductible vs. lower premium. After general discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to review last year’s minutes before making any comments or decisions. Trustee Walsh commented Southeastern Oakland County Water Authority will meet on Wednesday, Decembers 10th at the Pleasant Ridge Recreation Center at 8:30 a.m. A representative from Oakland County will be there and discuss what is going on downtown. All the Trustees wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Page 8- Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes- December 9, 2014- DRAFT DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION UNDER § 15.268 SEC (h) OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT- CEMETERY DISTRICT FROM SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION § 151.074: Motion by Mooney, supported by Schmitt, to move into closed session at 8:13 p.m. Under §15.268 Sec. 8 (h) regarding Cemetery District Southfield Township Zoning Ordinance Section §151.074. Motion by Mooney, supported by Walsh, to reconvene to open session of the December 9th Regular Southfield Township Board of Trustees meeting at 8:33 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Tischler, supported by Nelson, to approve the minutes of the closed session held on December 9th under §15.268 Sec. 8 (h) of the Open Meeting Act- regarding Cemetery District Southfield Township Zoning Ordinance Section §151.074. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mooney,supported by Walsh, to authorize the Township Attorney to send letter to Acacia Park Cemetery regarding maintenance. Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor Schmitt adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m. _____________________ Phillip Schmitt, Supervisor __________________ Sharon Tischler, Clerk These minutes are not official. The Southfield Township Board of Trustees has not formally approved them. BIRMINGHAM AREA CABLE BOARD MEETING MINUTES – DECEMBER 17, 2014 – PAGE 1 Present: Heldt, Kelly, McLain - Birmingham Borgon, Heyman, Schneider, Verdi-Hus – Beverly Hills Ettenson – Bingham Farms Absent: McAlear - Birmingham Stakhiv – Franklin Also Present: White - Executive Director Currier - Attorney for Cable Board Kowalski - Bloomfield Community Television Galbraith – Birmingham Schools representative Thomas – Birmingham staff representative McLain called the meeting to order at 7:45 a.m. in the Village of Beverly Hills municipal building at 18500 W. Thirteen Mile Road. APPROVE MINUTES OF CABLE BOARD MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 19, 2014 A change was made to correct the spelling of Michael Willner’s name on page 3. Motion by Heldt, second by Ettenson, that the minutes of a regular Cable Board meeting held on November 19, 2014 be approved as amended. Motion passed. PUBLIC COMMENTS Hildreth Buterbaugh on Dunblaine in Beverly Hills had comments and questions on the pending transfer of Comcast to new cable supplier. He hoped that subscriber services received under the current Comcast franchise agreement would not be lost with a new cable company. Kathleen Berwick on Kennoway Court in Beverly Hills related chronic problems she has experienced with Comcast cable and phone service over a number of years. She thanked Elaine McLain for taking her call and escalating issues to the correct Comcast representatives, which led to the resolution of her problems. MULTI-BANK SECURITIES, INC. PRESENTATION McLain welcomed Charles Kipp, Vice President of Multi-Bank Securities Inc., an institutional fixed-income securities broker-dealer headquartered in Southfield, Michigan. Mr. Kipp presented an overview of MBS and how it serves the Cable Board to maximize the safety, liquidity and yield of its investments. Under Michigan Public Act 20, Multi-Bank Securities has provided FDIC insured CDs to keep all of the Cable Board funds insured at all times including the interest. Multi-Bank uses a ladder strategy, which means that they buy CDs with varying maturities to maximize interest rate earnings and ensure liquidity. Kipp distributed a Corporate Fact Sheet for Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. Kipp informed the Board that the National Association of Counties (NACo) announced that the NACo Financial Services Center (FSC) has launched a new, exclusive partnership with BIRMINGHAM AREA CABLE BOARD MEETING MINUTES – DECEMBER 17, 2014 – PAGE 2 Multi‐Bank Securities, Inc. to help its members manage their fixed‐income investment needs through a robust online platform, eConnectDirect Designed by MBS. McLain thanked Charles Kipp for his presentation. APPROVAL OF BCTV TO FILM SEVEN SPORTING EVENTS Heldt stated that Birmingham Public Schools has asked that seven winter sporting events be taped and broadcast by Bloomfield Community Television. UPCOMING WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULE Wrestling - December 17 Boys Swim & Dive - January 22 Girls Basketball - January 27 and February 19 Boys Basketball - February 3 & February 27 Hockey - February 21 Motion by Ettenson, second by Borgon, that the Birmingham Area Cable Board authorize seven broadcasts of area High School sporting events by Bloomfield Community Television at a cost of $2,500 per broadcast. Roll Call Vote: Motion passed (8 – 0). COMMITTEE REPORTS Cable Action Committee Verdi-Hus reported that the Cable Action Committee met on December 4. The Committee discussed Chairman McLain’s visits to the member municipalities to discuss the Transfer of Control Resolution. There was a follow up on the annual audit, the fund balance policy, and calculation of administrative grants to the municipalities. The next Cable Action Committee meeting will be on January 8, 2015 at 5:30 pm at Baldwin Public Library. PEG Committee The PEG Committee will meet following the regular Cable Board meeting. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Executive Director White stated that four complaints were received since the date of her last report. All of the complaints involved service issues, three with Comcast and one with AT&T. All but one has been resolved. A complaint from a Franklin resident with Comcast Internet problems is pending. Financial information has been provided to Board members by email and is also included in the packet. White noted that the date of the February Cable Board meeting has been changed from February 18, 2015 to February 25 since the earlier date fell on Ash Wednesday. Pursuant to City Ordinance, Birmingham has no meetings on that date. The City of Birmingham has provided the Board with a breakdown of the grant request approved by the Board in the 2013-14 fiscal year for cable and Internet related services and the amounts BIRMINGHAM AREA CABLE BOARD MEETING MINUTES – DECEMBER 17, 2014 – PAGE 3 actually spent for these services. This grant reconciliation information is included in the meeting packet. The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) has forwarded a dues notice for 2015. Based on the population of the four member communities, the dues will be $645.00; funds are available for this purpose in the 2014-15 Cable Board budget. Motion by Heldt, second by Ettenson, that the Cable Board authorize the Executive Director to make a payment of $645.00 to NATOA for its 2015 Cable Board dues. McLain related that the Cable Board authorized an expenditure for the Board chairman to attend the 2014 NATOA Conference. Due to costs related to attending and the topics proposed for that conference, McLain did not attend. She conducted online research on the conference content. McLain would not recommend attending the 2015 NATOA conference unless they post an appropriate local agenda. She affirmed that membership to NATOA is valuable in terms of taking advantage of its resources, online programs, and contacts. Roll Call Vote: Motion passed (8 – 0). Chairman Elaine McLain was interviewed by a reporter from Downtown Birmingham Bloomfield news regarding what to expect from the Comcast Time Warner merger and the impact on PEG access fees. The article is included in the meeting packet. Questions from Borgon on the City of Birmingham grant request breakdown were addressed by Amanda Thomas. An inquiry on the Birmingham Ordinance that resulted in changing the February Cable Board meeting date was answered by Tim Currier. PROVIDER RELATED ITEMS Comcast McLain reported that she attended Council and Commission meetings of all four communities to talk about the FCC Form 394 Transfer of Control process. Each of the consortium communities have adopted the Resolution Granting Consent to the Transfer of Control of the Cable Television System. Fred Eaton, Senior Manager for External Affairs for Comcast, attended the Franklin and Birmingham meetings with McLain. McLain thanked Tim Currier for his due diligence in addressing comments and questions on this topic. Greg Kowalski commented that Bloomfield Township franchise renewal negotiations with Comcast are continuing. AT&T The representative was not present. WOW The representative was not present. BIRMINGHAM AREA CABLE BOARD MEETING MINUTES – DECEMBER 17, 2014 – PAGE 4 Borgon related that he had a discussion with Birmingham Commissioner Dilgard who asked if Aljazeera network news coverage is available through any of the cable providers in the consortium. Borgon asked Executive Director White to follow up on this. BAPA/BAMA REPORT Greg Kowalski highlighted programming outlined in the written report from Bloomfield Community Television on programming taped for Municipal Channel 15 (BAMA), PA Channel 18 (BAPA), and programming from BACB area organizations during the last month (information included in BCTV monthly report for November 20, 2014 through December 17, 2014). The next camera workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from 10:00 am to noon or 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Call 248-433-7790 to sign up. The upcoming winter sports schedule was discussed earlier in the meeting. Borgon requested that holiday music be played when the billboards are running on PEG channels. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS McLain reported on her recent meeting with the Cris Braun, the new Executive Director of the Birmingham Area Seniors Coordinating Council. BASCC President Bob Borgon commented that the Senior Center will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights beginning in January. Hours have been extended to 55 hours per week including Saturday hours and three evenings. Events include lectures, pickle ball, and exercise classes and more. PUBLIC COMMENTS Hildreth Buterbaugh from Beverly Hills talked about how residents do not have to subscribe to any of the cable services to receive digital television. BOARD COMMENTS Heyman responded to Borgon’s query about Aljazeera network. It is available on the Comcast Digital Preferred Plan and up. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
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