1. COMPULSORY FIRST INSTALMENT OF STUDY AND ACCOMMODATION FEES FOR 2015 The following amounts are payable: COMPULSORY FIRST INSTALMENT OF STUDY FEES Undergraduate Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate COMPULSORY FIRST INSTALMENT OF RESIDENCE FEES COMPULSORY FIRST INSTALMENT FOR STUDENT IN RESIDENCE (Total amount) Undergraduate student in residence (R10 512 + R9 625) Postgraduate student in residence (R7 665 + R9 625) R10 512 R7 665 R7 665 R9 625 R20 137 R17 290 2. NO OUTSTANDING FEES AT REGISTRATION (CURRENT STUDENTS) Kindly note that all outstanding amounts must be settled before a student will be allowed to register for 2015. 3. MODES OF PAYMENT OF STUDENT ACCOUNTS Student accounts can be settled within the following two modes of payment: Option1: Payment in three instalments AT REGISTRATION 31 MAY 30 SEPTEMBER Compulsory first instalment of Study and Accommodation Fees At least 75% of total account, taking into consideration the fees that has been paid at registration. The outstanding balance of student account. Option 2: Debit order that consists of the following instalments AT REGISTRATION 1 APRIL UP TO AND UNTIL 1 NOVEMBER Compulsory first instalment of Study and Accommodation Fees A further eight instalments of the debit order are payable on the first day of the month. Applications for the debit order option close on 10 March. The necessary forms can be obtained from the web or at seand@sun.ac.za If study fees are paid in full on or before 31 March, a request for a 3% rebate on the tuition fees (subject to conditions as stipulated in Calendar) can be submitted at Student Fees . The prescribed form can be obtained from the web or studentegelde@sun.ac.za International students, including Namibians, are liable for the full tuition fees on the day of registration. 4. ACTIVATION OF STUDENT CARD FOR 2015 Student cards can only be issued / re-activated once the 2014 student account is settled in full and the first instalment for study and housing fees reflects on the student account. Blocks may only be lifted for the activation of a student card if the 2014 student account is settled in full and the student can provide proof of the following: 1. An External bursary (not SU) indicating the costs that will be covered by the funder on the letterhead of the funder with their e-mail address and contact details. SU bursary students do not need to provide a letter and can activate their cards directly after registration. 2. An official policy that will be paid out in the 2015 academic year and that will cover at least the first compulsory instalment. 3. A loan (e.g. Bank loan, Eduloan or Helpmekaar study loan) where the loan amount is sufficient to cover at least first compulsory instalment, also indicating the date of payment. 4. If the bursary, loan or policy of a student is not sufficient to cover the full first compulsory instalment and a student can provide proof that they did apply for a study loan, then the following down payment arrangement can be made: a. The first compulsory instalment (study and housing fees) can be settled in equal instalments by no later than 31 March. b. The first instalment is payable immediately. The block will only be lifted once the first instalment reflects on the student account and the completed form is processed by Student fees. c. If a payment arrangement is made in January the equal instalments are: Undergraduate student R3 504 x 3 (January to March) Postgraduate student R2 555 x 3 (January to March) Undergraduate residence student R6 713 x 3 (January to March) Postgraduate residence student R5 764 x 3 (January to March) d. If a payment arrangement is made in February the equal instalments are: Undergraduate student R5 256 x 2 (February to March) Postgraduate student R3 833 x 2 (February to March) Undergraduate residence student R10 069 x 2 (February to March) Postgraduate residence student R 8 645 x 2 (February to March) The payment arrangement form will only be available on request in January 2015 at Student Fees and is subjected to approval from the division. DIVISION: STUDENT FEES Office hours: Office hours for payment at cashiers: Telephone numbers Fax number: E-mails (student fees): Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 16:30 Mondays to Fridays, 08:00 to 15:30 021 808 4521/4913 021 808 3739 studentegelde@sun.ac.za ES STIMATED F FEES FOR 2015 2 (Sept 20 014) TUITION FEES PER PROGRA AMME FOR R THE 1st YEA AR OF STUDY (unless stated otherwise) Programme e BA BA (Law) BSc BSc Food Scie ence BSc Forestry BSc Agric BComm BComm (Actua arial Science) BComm (Law)) BAcc I - II, perr year BAcc III BAccLLB BSc in Physiottherapy Amou unt R 32 5 534 R 39 5 544 R 40 7 746 R 33 0 079 R 38 5 579 R 37 8 880 R 32 1 64 R 46 3 338 R 40 9 999 R 37 7 794 R 41 0 063 R 42 8 856 R 38 8 803 Pro ogramme (BTh am mount R 33 882 2); BDiv BA Dram ma and Theatre e Studies BMus BA Visu ual Arts BEd (Gen Educ)(Inter/S Senior) / (Founddation) BEng LLB (Undergraduate) nd LLB (Post graduate, as 2 Bachelor’ss degree) MB ChB BI MB ChB B II – VI, per yea ar B of Oc ccupational Therrapy B in Spe eech-Language e and Hearing T Therapy BSc in Dietetics D Amount R 36 085 R 31 947 R 36 532 R 32 411 R 32 198 R 45 070 R 39 606 R 37 459 R 51 326 R 53 335 R 39 185 R 37 118 R 40 419 Estimated fees ab bove apply only to South S African citizens and those studeents with valid perm manent residence pe ermits. Other internnational students, in ncluding Namibians, must ccontact the PGIO and a are liable for the e full tuition fees bbefore or on the day of registration. Please note that studdy related additiona al costs as for materials and labo oratory fees and tra avelling expenses, as a well as membersship fees for acade emic related societie es, calculated accoording to the amoun nts of 2014, with the annual increasse, are included in the t amounts listed above; departmennts may alter these based on academic need. Estimates for text books (refe er to the academic departments and book dealers), PSO O fees for private sttudents (±R275) annd all parking fees for f parking on Unive ersity premises are excluded. Residence fees for residence studentts (±R485) and all parking p fees for parrking on University ppremises are also not n included in the amounts a below: RE ESIDENCE ACCOMMOD A DATION PER R STUDENT T PER YEAR R (excludes cost of mea als) Stellenbosc ch Campus Reside ences Erica Nemesia Serruria Harmonie Heemstede h Huis ten Bosch Irene Lydia Minerva Monica Nerina Sonop WOMEN W Single R 35 520 MEN Double e R 29 26 60 Residences Dagbreek g Eendrag Helderb berg Helshoo ogte Huis Ma arais Huis Vis sser Majuba Simonsberg Wilgenh hof WO OMEN AND ME EN Double e Houses Studenttehuise Reside ences Metanoia New Generatio on Residence, New LLL-housses, HUB House Committtees Goldfields, Hu uis Neethling Fla ats Huis de Villierss Huis MacDona ald Concordia (locaal students) Single R 36 360 Tygerberg g Campus Resid dence Huis Francie vvan Zijl WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Y Single Double e R 30 190 R 22 74 40 WO OMEN AND ME EN Single Double e Residences R 30 770 R 23 21 10 Huis Ub buntu House Reside ences Hippokrates Kerkenberg: M Minimum Kerkenberg: M Maximum Siingle Double R 336 360 R 29 880 Siingle R 331 760 Double R 25 230 R 36 360 R 36 360 R 29 88 80 Single Double e R 33 480 R 27 17 70 R 28 02 20 – R 41 370 R 35 000 Flats Lobelia Bothma ashoogte Nooitge edacht (electricity excl.) e Siingle Double R 335 190 R 36 970 – R 41 900 R 339 470 R 36 460 Siingle R 336 090 Meerhof : sing gle due et Meal quota (N Not included R 29 160 R 22 54 40 Kerkenb berg Annex R 28 03 30 R 35 510 R 38 820 Meerho of extension R 40 640 Package for 3 standard mea ls per day, 7 da ays a week in residence fe ees) NB: Only meals taken will be deducteed & more expensive meal options can de eplete quota prematuurely Double R 336 210 R 335 790 R 28 650 R 13 500 AMOU UNT PAYAB BLE BEFOR RE OR ON DAY D OF REG GISTRATION N 2015 All amounts in arrears on the student fees ac ccount for a speccific w be allowed to o year have to be paid in full before a student will e following year. register for the sst Compulsory 1 instalment: tuition fees sst Compulsory 1 instalment: ressidence fees (paayable on reservationn) Diplom mas & certificates – un ndergraduate & postgraduate R 7 665 Underrgraduate Postgraduate P R 110 512 R 7 665 R 9 6255 Above figuress are given forr budgeting pu urposes only annd therefore not n binding the e University off Stellenbosch h thereto.
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