St Joseph’s Parish News Diary for this week: Second Sunday Sunday 18th January Latch Cake Sale today after all morning Masses 10.30 am Baptism Prep. Session 3—UR Monday 19th January 5.30 pm Brownies—Hall 7.45 for 8.00pm Journey in Faith—UR Tuesday 20th January 10.30 am Coffee in Club Room Wednesday 21st January 7.30pm FHC Parents Meeting—Hall 8.00 pm Meditation Group—UR 8.00 pm Jubilee Prayer Group—HTC Thursday 22nd January 10.30 am Mums, Dads & Tots— Club Room 5.15 pm Beavers—Hall 6.30 pm Cubs—Hall Friday 23rd January 7.00 pm Scouts—Hall 7.00pm Explorer Scouts—Club Room Saturday 24th January 9.00 am Catholic Youth Ministry Review Meeting 3.30 pm Confirmation Session 6—HTC Sunday 25th January 10.30 am Baptism Preparation Session 4—UR Rosary: Daily at 10.30am Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First three Fridays of each month from 7.30-8.30pm. Malayalam Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Last Friday of each month from 7-8.30pm Benediction on Saturday 10.30-11.00am Baptism: Parents & Expectant Parents—please contact a Priest during Surgery. One month preparation required. Wedding: Please contact a Priest during Surgery. Six months notice required. Presbytery & Parish Office Presbytery: 1 Orchard Road, Bromley, BR1 2PR Parish Pastoral Team Fr. Tom Fr. Saju Fr. Cyriac Palakudy Mary Crosby Deacon Barry Deacon Aidan Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 020 8402 0459 Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Tel: 07946 996759 Tel.: 07445 417335 Tel: 07747 036253 e: e: e: e: e: e: Parish Secretary: Susan Allatt 9.00 am-1.00pm Monday-Friday Tel.: 020 8402 0459 Surgeries (at Presbytery: no appointment needed) Monday: Fr. Saju 6-8pm Wednesday: Deacon Barry 5-7pm St. Joseph’s School: Tel: 020 8460 1976 | Website: St. Joseph’s Playgroup Ltd: Monday to Friday in Church Hall. Enquiries please ring 07961 413694 Year B 18th January 2015 Readings are on page 127 of the Parish Mass Book 020 8402 0459 | | Twitter: @ParishStJosephs Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 11 am-12 noon & 5.00-5.45 pm or on request. Desk of the Parish Priest: Praying Families : Praying Parish MASS TIMES AND INTENTION Psalter Week 2 Just nine months from now the Synod on THE FAMILY will begin in Rome. In the meantime the entire family of the church is asked by Pope Francis to do three things: Reflect on our own experience of family life and discern what is life giving and what militates against family life in our society. Study and learn from our experience and the wisdom of the Christian tradition. Resources will be made available. Pray for openness to and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Saturday 17th January 6.00 pm Marianna Caltagirone RIP So today I invite every family and individual to use daily the prayer for the success of the Synod. Copies available at the back of the church. Tuesday 20th January 8.45 am Thomas & Mary Narnely RIP 10.00 am Stan Scorer RIP I invite a group of 4 to 5 people to come forward to plan a rota of people who will spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the church, if possible for one hour each day. Every Family a Praying Family Today we will distribute to families a helpful resource on family prayer. I invite them to develop the habit of praying for 3 minutes before they go to school, pray at meal times and in the evening. The resource will be helpful. Also today, I ask all the First Holy Communion families to sign up to take the Icon of the Holy Family home for a week where it can be used as a focal point for your prayer. An explanation of the symbolic meaning of the Icon is to be found on the back cover of the Holy Family Prayer Book. Let us encourage one another in this endeavour. May the Lord bless us and our Parish Family. Fr. Tom Sunday 18th January Second Sunday 8.00 am People of the Parish 9.15 am John Vincent & Rozaria Fernandes RIP Baptism Rite of Welcome 11.00 am Margaret Mulville (Doran) 2.00 pm Baptisms: Samuel & Noah Lindsey 5.00 pm Gerald & Margaret Cronin RIP Monday 19th January 7.30 am* Frank O’Brien RIP 10.00 am Holy Family Sisters (Sheahan) Wednesday 21st January St. Agnes 10.00 am Sr. Agnes RIP Thursday 22nd January 7.30 am* Arthur Munitiz RIP 10.00 am Int. Eileen Collins (Sayer) Friday 23rd January 10.00 am Departed Relatives Kelly Family 11.00 am St. Raphael’s: Holy Souls 7.30 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday 24th January St. Francis de Sales 10.00 am Anthony Meier RIP 6.00 pm Maria Alessio RIP Sunday 25th January Third Sunday 8.00 am People of the Parish 9.15 am UCM 11.00 am Aidan & Kathy McPartlan (Regan) 5.00 pm Maisie Barnes RIP (Cheesman) *7.30am Masses will be held in Holy Trinity Chapel We welcome Fr. Pat Kelleher from the St. Patrick’s Missionary Society who will be giving a Mission Appeal at all Masses this weekend. He has worked in Kenya for many years. Fr. Pat will also be promoting their magazine Africa. There will be a second collection. Funeral: The funeral of Mrs. Maureen McClure RIP will be held on Monday 19th January at 10.30am at St. John the Evangelist in Gravesend. Our Parish Faith Formation Your Child’s Baptism. Baptism preparation helps parents prepare for the day their child will be baptised and enriches their understanding of the importance of this sacrament. Parents and Expectant Parents are invited to contact Fr. Tom, Fr. Saju or Fr. Cyriac during surgery hours or call the parish office to make an appointment and enrol on our next 4 week course. Baptism Preparation Session 3 will be held today following the 9.15am Mass in the Upper Room. Baptism Rite of Welcome will take place during the 9.15am Mass this morning. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers and offer them a warm welcome. First Holy Communion 2015 Parents Meeting Wednesday 21st January at 7.30-8.45pm in the Hall. Please keep this date free in your diary. First Holy Communion Preparation Session 1 Tuesday Group 27th January in Upper Room, Saturday Group 31st January, in Upper Room , Sunday Groups 1st February in Upper Room and Convent. Confirmation Session 6 will be held on Saturday 24th January at 3.30pm in Holy Trinity Convent. The Journey in Faith Group will meet on Monday 19th January 2015 at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the Upper Room. Journey in Faith Social Saturday 24 January after 6pm Mass in Upper Room. All are welcome. We would especially like to see past members of Journey in Faith. Disciples of Jesus : Journeying with Mark. A Retreat for all involved in chaplaincy, catechetical or liturgical ministry. To be held from Friday 23rd-24th January at High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon. For further details or to book a place on this Retreat please contact the parish office. Support towards the cost of the Retreat for those not able to afford it is available from the parish. Contact Fr. Tom Pax Christi today Sunday 18 January is Peace Sunday. Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters. Pope Francis World Peace Message 2015. Please commit to praying for peace in our hearts, homes and world this New Year. The work of Pax Christi is based on the gospel and inspired by faith. Their vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in all its forms. Please use the envelope attached to this Newsletter if you would like to make a donation to Pax Christi and/or collect their prayer card from the back of the church. Parish News Volunteers Required: Do you have the time to help out occasionally in the Parish? Even if you can spare 30 minutes a month—this would benefit the whole parish community. We are currently looking for volunteers to help with hospitality, cleaning the upper room, taking food to the Foodbank and admin. duties for example: tidying up the benches after Mass, help count the collection once a month, emptying money boxes around the church with another person and helping with odd jobs like changing light bulbs. If you can help in any way please contact the parish office. Thank you. Medjugorje 2015. There will be two small pilgrimage groups next year, so please book early to avoid disappointment: 20th-27th May with Fr. Cyriac 29th August—5th September with Fr. Tom The cost is £534 half board. There is an early booking discount of £30 if a deposit of £100 is paid before 14th February 2015. Please contact Angela Callan on 020 8460 7789 for further details. Church Car Park Rota. Following an incident last week the gates to the church car park will be locked during school drop off and collection unless we can set up a rota to supervise the gates during these periods. If you are able to help please contact or the parish office. Bromley Winter Night Shelter and Housing Justice are extremely grateful for your donations at the Masses last week-end. Your donations on the day totalled £607, which will cover the costs of feeding and housing all our guests for 10 nights. Additional pledged donations are expected, and the final sum will be announced soon. Thank you all very much. Gran Canaria 2nd-16th February. The parish holiday group is fully booked. Gina is happy to try and arrange for extra places if anyone is interested. Please ring her on 020 8464 3742 as soon as possible. Cost approx. £1460 for 2 weeks. 2 priests offering daily Mass. Next Seniors’ Lunch to be held at Buddha Belly Restaurant, Widmore Road on Monday 26th January at 12.30pm. £8.95 for meal plus drinks. Mission & Outreach MARRIAGE MATTERS ( 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 1720 John 1:35-42) Welcome in His name. When Andrew and Simon Peter met Jesus, they asked Him: “Rabbi, where do you live?” He said “Come and see.” They went, and stayed for the rest of the day. Did Mary, His mother, return to find strangers in her house and welcome and serve them in her Son’s name? Homeless Sunday: 18th January 2015 The Latch Group will be holding a Cake Sale TODAY. They will be selling delicious cakes after the 8.00am, 9.15am and 11.00am Masses. Please come to buy cakes and raise money for the homeless. Donations of cakes are very welcome. Please see: and posters in foyer. Dementia Awareness: Invitation to those in need of companionship and those living with Dementia from St Edmund’s Church, Beckenham Thursdays 2pm – 4pm. For programme of events please see notice board outside the church or call the parish office for further details. Coffee Morning to be held at St. Raphael’s 32 Orchard Road, on Tuesday 27th January at 10.30am. All welcome. See poster in foyer. Youth Ministry Catholic Youth Ministry Review Meeting will be held on Saturday 24th January from 9.00am in the hall. Miscellaneous Daytime Childminding Vacancies available. Ofsted registered . Accepts childcare vouchers. Please ring Vicci Davis on 07572 581959. Virgo Prep School, 147 Central Hill, London SE19 1RS have vacancies for an Early Years Teacher and a Key Stage 2 Teacher. Apply by Monday 26th January. See poster in outside cabinet Virgo Prep School Open Day on Wednesday 4th February from 9.30am-3.00pm. Scholarship Testing on Friday 13th February. For full details on the above ring 020 8653 2169 or email The new Cleaning Rota is on display in the foyer. Question of the Week Adult: What qualities do you have that would cause others to recognise you as a disciple of Jesus? Child: What does it take to be a follower of Jesus? PARISH FINANCES We are the Parish and we all belong to God Last Week: Total offering: £ 1301.77 This Sunday there will be a second collection for The St. Patrick’s Missionary Society. When making your will you may wish to remember your Parish.
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