January 18, 2015 Church Bulletin - St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic

737 Bannerman Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R2X 1J9
ph. 204.582.6695, fax. 204.582.1068, hall: 204.589.5513
Parish Administered by:
The Order of St. Basil the Great (Basilian Fathers)
Fr. Zachary Shwaluk, OSBM
Fr. Thomas Kobak, OSBM
Fr. Isidore Dziadyk, OSBM
Fr. Gabriel Haber, OSBM
Fr. Eugene Richlark, OSBM
Assistant Pastor
Assistant Pastor
Provincial Superior
Provincial Secretary
Parish Bulletin: Sunday January 18, 2015 Volume 51/03
Zacchaeus Sunday
Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Shirley Lisowski
Parish Secretary
Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
Liturgical Schedule:
8:40am Rosary
6:55am (Ukrainian)
9:00am (Ukrainian)
Holy Days of Obligation & First Fridays of the Month
6:55am & 7:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
15 minutes before Divine Liturgy on Sundays & First Fridays
Sacrament of Baptism & Chrismation (Confirmation)
by appointment with the Pastor
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (Marriage)
by appointment with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance
Sacrament of Holy Anointing (Sacrament of the Sick)
by appointment
by appointment with the Pastor
Icon for Zacchaeus Sunday
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Bulletin - January 18, 2015 vol 51/03
We extend a joyous welcome to all our parishioners and guests that have come to join us this Sunday in offering praise to God. May
the refrain “God is with us” truly resonate with us this Christmas season and all the days of our lives. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
parish community...
Divine Liturgy Intentions: jan. 18 - jan. 29, 2015
Sunday, January 18 - Zacchaeus Sunday
9:00 am
Parish & Parishioners
12:00 pm
Mary’s Christmas Angels
Monday, January 19
6:55 am
+ Matthew Schentag
Tuesday, January 20
6:55 am
Birthday Blessings for Vera Oszust
Wednesday, January 21
6:55 am
Health of Gerry Stinson
Thursday, January 22
6:55 am + Michaela Matwe
Friday, January 23
6:55 am
+ Katherine Matwe
Saturday, January 24
6:55 am
Health of Phyllis Shwaluke
Sunday, January 25 - Sunday of
the Publican and the Pharisee
9:00 am
Parish & Parishioners
12:00 pm
+ Helen Krawec
Monday, January 26
6:55 am
Health of Basil Matwe
Tuesday, January 27
6:55 am
+ Helen Slobodian
Wednesday, January 28
6:55 am
Thursday, January 29
6:55 am
+ Levia (Lee) Markewitz
LAST SUNDAY’S offering
Envelopes (142): $2,520.00
Loose: $66.85
Roof 2014 Appeal: $50 - Mikolaj Pograniczny
liturgical volunteer schedule
The Liturgical Volunteer Schedule for the first half of 2015
is now available in the vestibule of the church. Please note
that the Epistle Reader is also responsible for reading the
announcements at the beginning of the 12 noon Liturgy.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
9:00 am
Walter Melnyk
Rosary (8:40am) Doreen Procopchuk
UshersAlbert Turkula
Ted Shwaluke
12:00 pm
Dennis Kowalchuk
Rosary (11:45am) Christopher Robinson
Epistle Reader
Mary Melnyk
UshersRay Trush
Bob Wiwchar
Sunday, January 25, 2015
9:00 am
Peter Skrinski
Rosary (8:40am) Doreen Procopchuk
UshersAlbert Turkula
Ted Shwaluke
12:00 pm
Larry Gambrel
Rosary (11:45am) Zonia Patson
Epistle Reader
Tammie Sainsbury
UshersRay Trush
Bob Wiwchar
prayers @ Snc
Please remember in your prayers those who are in hospitals,
care homes and those who are not able to join us actively in our
community. Feel free to submit to the Parish Office the name of
anyone who is ill and in need of our prayers.
Please pray for the health of Marilyn Sawka, Mary Sumka, Agnes
Wodzicki, and Michelle Moore.
first communion catechism classes
First Communion Classes begin today at 10:30am in the Parish
Hall with Fr. Thomas Kobak, OSBM.
marriage preparation course
For those couples wishing to receive the Sacrament of Holy
Matrimony at St. Nicholas Church in 2015, please confirm your
interest with Fr. Zachary (zachary@osbm.ca) AND the Parish
Office as soon as possible. All couples will be required to attend
this Marriage Preparation Course. The first class will be held on
Wednesday February 4, 2015 at 7:00pm, during which the
dates of future classes will be discussed.
adult catechism classes
Adult Catechism Classes resumes today, Sunday January 18th
at 10:30 am in church. Topic: “Walking Toward Eternity II:
Session 4: Engaging Your Envy.”
Next Week’s Topic: Session 5: Engaging Your Anger
bible study
Bible Study Classes, facilitated by Fr. Thomas Kobak, OSBM, will
resume on Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00 pm. New members
are always welcome.
un-decorate 2015
Volunteers are needed to help “un-decorate” the church after our
Christmas celebrations. If you can make it, please meet at the
church on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 9:00am. For more
information, please contact the Parish Office.
2014 annual parish meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting for 2014 is scheduled for Sunday,
March 8, 2015 at 1:00 pm in the parish hall. All members of
the parish are invited to take part in this meeting. This is your
opportunity to voice your concerns and ask questions about
our parish as well as nominating members-at-large for Parish
All Parish organization Chairs/Presidents please have your
reports into the Parish Office by February 9th for publication in
the 2014 Parish Annual Report.
Traditional jordan blessing of houses
For those parishioners wishing to have their house blessed
this January, please fill out the yellow form that is located in
the vestibule of the church and return it either in the Sunday
Collection Plate, or directly to the Parish Office.
Thanks and appreciation
A big thank you to the members of the St. Nicholas UCWLC who
prepared and served the Annual Parish Christmas Dinner last
Sunday, as well as those who assisted with the clean-up.
2015 donation envelopes
Thank you to everyone who made the effort to verify their
contact information and pick up their 2015 Donation Envelopes.
If you haven’t yet picked up yours, they may be picked up in the
Parish Office. In the Sunday Bulletin of January 25, 2015, a list
of all parishioners who have yet to pick up their boxes will be
2014 income tax donation receipts
The 2014 Income Tax Donation Receipts will be issued in late
January, and will be available in the vestibule of the church for
pick-up. All unclaimed receipts will be mailed out on February
27, 2015. Save the parish the postage costs, and please pick
yours up promptly.
The envelopes for the Sorokousty Services for the Deceased
are available in your envelope boxes and at the back of the
Church. Please fill out the front of the envelope and place it in
the Sunday collection basket with your offering. Please make
cheques payable to the Basilian Fathers.
Suggested Donation is $20.
The first Sorokousty Service and Divine Liturgy for the Deceased
will be held Monday, February 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm, and on
every Monday at 7:00pm during the Great Fast (Lent). Please
submit your offering and the names to be remembered to the
office before then so your loved ones can benefit from all 7
parish community...
sick & in the hospital or care facility?
Please notify the Parish Office if you or your loved one is sick and
in the hospital or other care facility and wish to have one of the
priests administer the Sacrament of the Sick (Annointing). Do
not assume that “the Fathers should already know.”
Next Montly Meeting (St. Nicholas Branch):
Thursday, February 5, 7:00 pm
UCWLC Archeparchy of Winnipeg Fundraising Breakfast
for the Home of Hope
Saturday, January 24, 2015 10:00 am at Holy Eucharist
Parish Centre, 460 Munroe Avenue. Tickets: $25.00 available
from UCWLC Members or by calling Doreen Procopchuk
(204.582.2187). The Home of Hope is a safe‐house in Lviv,
Ukraine for teenage girls at risk. Everyone Welcome.
St. Nicholas UCWLC will be holding a Lenten Retreat on
Saturday, February 28, 2015. The theme is “Our Journey to
Emmaus” presented by Sr. Theresa Matwe, SSMI.
Registration is 9:00 – 9:20am, $5.00 per person, bring lunch,
coffee provided.
Divine Liturgy will be at 3:30 pm. Contact Marlene Skrinski
for more info 204-632-0484.
knights of Columbus
Puschenia (Pre-Lenten Dance) - CANCELLED.
Movie Night: Knights of Columbus Father Filipow Council
invites all Knights, parishioners and their families & friends to
a Free Movie Night at our Parish Hall on Friday, February 13,
2015 at 7:00pm.
We have a separate kids movie and a sneak preview is the
movie is FROZEN. Free treats. Join us and please confirm your
attendance by email to merlyno@mymts.net or phone Merlyn at
st. nicholas men’s club
Next Meeting: Sunday January 18 at 7:00pm.
apostleship of prayer group
Please remember that the Apostleship of Prayer will host a
Moleben to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Sunday February 6, at
4:00pm in the church.
The Holy Father’s Intentions for January 2015:
Universal Intention: That those from diverse religious
traditions and all people of good will work together for peace.
Evangelization Intention: That in this year dedicated to
consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the
joy of following Christ and striving to serve the poor with zeal.
beyond our parish community...
A Ladies’ night out
Holy Family Home Ladies’ Auxiliary will be hosting its Annual
Fundraising Dinner “A Ladies’ Night Out” at Holy Eucharist
Parish Centre on Friday, February 6, 2015 . Tickets are
$70 per person. For tickets please contact Marlene Skrinski
(204.632.0484) before January 21, 2015.
Cheques should be made payable to Holy Family Home Auxiliary.
Postdated cheques cannot be dated later than January 31. The
theme this year is “ Sisters of the Round Table”. This year the
profits will be dedicated to the expansion & renovation of the
Residents’ Chapel. Medieval Attire encouraged.
Unusual Hat and Tie Dance
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church, 590 Alverstone St.,
invites you to their Unusual Hat and Tie Dance on Saturday,
February 7, 2015. Doors open at 7:00 pm with Dancing
starting at 8:00 pm. Music provided by The Female Beat.
Although optional, we encourage everyone to wear their favorite
hat and/or tie in order to participate in the Prizes.
Admission is $15 and includes Lunch. Some tickets are available
at St. Nicholas Parish Office or call Gail 204.885.2389 or Patricia
beyond our parish community...
2015 bishop’s levee
The Ukrainian Catholic Council (Centralia) invites you to attend
the 2015 Bishop’s Levee that will be held Sunday,
January 25, 2015, at 2PM, at St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic
Church, 100 Yale Ave E., Winnipeg, MB. Everybody is welcome.
Come and Celebrate the New Year with His Grace Most Rev.
Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, Archbishop of the Winnipeg
Archeparchy & Metropolitan for Ukrainian Catholics in Canada.
ihms annual tea
Immaculate Heart of Mary School will be hosting their Annual
Tea on Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 650 Flora Avenue,
between the hours of 1:30 and 4:00pm.
This year’s Tea Theme: ‘Honouring Our Youth’
The Tea will be officially opened by Alex Pankiw, UCY President
& Dayna Konopelny, UCY Vice President.
An invitation is extended to all … come and visit the school!
While attending the Tea, enjoy the Bake Room and Raffles.
valentine luncheon
UCWLC St. Joseph Branch 250 Jefferson Avenue invite you to
their Valentine Luncheon on Sunday, February 8 from 12:30
pm- 3:00 pm. Luncheon menu : Chicken soup or Borscht, Delistyle Sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Dessert, & Beverage.
Bake Sale Silent Auction Entertainment: Sych
Advance Tickets only. Adults $12, Youth 6-12 $6, children 5 &
under Free.
For Tickets call: Marlene 204.663.4523 or Phyllis 204.589.7668
table of two
The Redemptorists Young Adult Ministry presents Table of Two
Saturday, February 14 6:00 pm, St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic
Church, 250 Jefferson Avenue.
Guest Speakers: Nancy & Ted Wood. $40 per couple.
Reserve your table by February 10th
Contact Michelle at 204-799-1060 or rymcssr@gmail.com
Life’s Vision 2015 Annual luncheon
Winnipeg’s Life’s Vision presents their 2015 Annual Luncheon
Saturday, February 7, 2015 at Holy Eucharist Parish Centre
460 Munroe Avenue. Doors open at 11am.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Larry Rados, MD. Tickets are $20 each and
can be purchased by contacting Life’s Vision Manitoba at
204.233.8047 or by email lifesvision@shaw.ca
MP Steven Fletcher has recently introduced two Private
Members’ Bills that support physician-assisted suicide for
all competent adults over the age of 18. This is an excellent
opportunity to become better educated on the important and
pressing issues surrounding the current and future status of
physician-assisted suicide in Canada.
Ukrainian park camp
Volunteers are needed to assist at Bingo at McPhillips Street
Station as a Fund Raising Project for Ukrainian Park. Dates are
February 6 from 4:30 pm to 6:45 pm and March 9 from 9 pm to
11:45 pm. If you are able to help out please contact Ken Zulyniak
at kzulyniak@gmail.com
perogy supper
St. Anne Perogy Supper Friday, January 16, 2015 from 57pm in the church hall at 35 Marcie Avenue. 6 perogies $6,12
perogies $10. Borscht & Sausage also available for purchase.
All dinners include a beverage & dessert.
attention young adults (18-35yrs)
What does it mean to be a Missionary today?
Join us and other young adults (18-35yrs) for a special evening
with guest speakers (via Skype) Edward Nelling and Michelle
Fedorowich, former Welcome Home community members. They
will share with us their current work with the Redemptorists,
serving the “poor and most abandoned” in the USA and Thailand.
Saturday, January 24th, 7pm at The Welcome Home, 188
Euclid Avenue. RSVP to Michelle at rymcssr@gmail.com or
call/text 204-799-1060.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
To mark the opening of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
and the 2015 Festival of Prayer, the Christian faithful are
cordially invited to gather with church leaders for a city-wide
ecumenical worship service to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday,
January 18, 2015 at St. John’s Anglican Cathedral, 135
Anderson Avenue, Winnipeg. A reception will follow the worship
Legacy of Care, Courage and Compassion
Did you know that nearly 50 Catholic Women Religious
congregations have been of service to Manitobans since 1844?
Do you have a wonderful testimonial to share about a sister that
you know or congregation? In 2015-2016 the Catholic Health
Association of Manitoba is leading a project entitled ‘Legacy
of Care, Courage and Compassion’ to render homage,
commemorate and celebrate these humble and courageous
pioneering women.
Manitoba’s communities have been blessed by the work
accomplished by the devoted Catholic women religious. While
surmounting numerous obstacles and challenges to respond
to the needs of the oppressed, poor, sick, underprivileged,
and uneducated, the Sisters have contributed greatly to the
foundation of Manitoba’s health, education, and social service
systems, as well as played an integral role in our
parishes and communities. Pamphlets with further information
are available in the Church Vestibule.
Media reporting on the Holodomor
Canadian Museum for Human Rights and the Ukrainian
Canadian Congress- Manitoba Provincial Council, Holodomor
Awareness and Education Committee invites you to attend this
event which includes a screening of the CMHR film, ”Covering
the Holodomor: Memory Eternal” ,a panel discussion, and the
first Canadian showing of a new travelling exhibit from the
national Holodomor Memorial Museum in Ukraine, courtesy of
Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Manitoba Provincial Council.
Join us for this free public event on February 4th, 2015
7:00 to 8:30 pm at Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Bonnie & John Buhler Hall.
Parish information & contacts...
Baptism & Chrismation - for infants and adults; by
arrangement in advance with the Pastor. For infants- the parents
of the child to be baptized must personally meet with the Pastor
on Sunday after one of the Divine Liturgies prior to making
arrangements with the Parish Office.
Holy Matrimony (Marriage) - please make an appointment
with the Pastor at least six months in advance. All couples are
required to attend the Marriage Preparation Program held
usually during the Lenten season and are expected to be active
members of the church community.
Annointing of the Sick - for healing and recovery, in all cases
of surgery and grave illness (spiritual or physical), please call
the Parish Office at 204.582.6695. For emergencies outside of
Parish Office Hours, please press 3 when prompted by the phone
parish contact info
Pastoral Council
Chair: Peter Muzyka
204.334.6677 pmuzyka@mymts.net
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League (UCWLC)
President: Marlene Skrinski 204.632.0484 pmskrinski@shaw.ca
St. Nicholas Men’s Club
President: Willie Korchynski
Apostleship of Prayer
Leader: Sophie Manulak 204.633-8783
Knights of Columbus- Fr. Filipow Council
Grand Knight: George Ehr 204.955.8480
Choir (Ukrainian)
President: Helen Goshlak 204.582.6298
Adult Bible Study & Sacramental Prep
Facilitator: Fr. Thomas Kobak, OSBM kobak_77@yahoo.ca
Adult Faith Program
Facilitator: Fr. Zachary Shwaluk, OSBM
Perogy Crew
Theresa Antoniuk